Identical Twins Share the Greatest Thing They Got Away With by Swapping Places

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identical twins of reddit what's the greatest thing you've achieved by swapping places without anyone noticing didn't really swap places but we both worked as bus boys in a restaurant when we worked at the same time customers thought we were one person the hardest working person there had ever seen the tips were great i have a twin not identical who when we were young third grade-ish looked like me well one day somebody was mad at me i think i don't remember and he was like are you dual vision i looked at my brother and we knew what to do we had never rehearsed this and it was flawless i said to my brother am i do all vision today no i think i am oh yay no i'm dual vision on even days oh right yeah you sure etc etc the guy wasn't even mad anymore just surprised that we switched names daily pretty funny quadruple vision is your new name got caught skipping school gave police officer my twins information he had already graduated a year early due to skipping a grade officer let me go since i wasn't a student identical triplet here my brothers and i did the trifecta switch in high school it was for no particular reason i didn't need my mathematically inclined brother to take my calc exam or anything we just wanted to see if all three of us could do switch with no insiders involved we would recruit help of friends to warn others that we are switching in case someone recognized something is up we also wanted to see if we could not get caught we ended up switching classes the whole day six periods worth of lies and we freaking did it fellow students knew but they did an amazing job with playing along it was a touching moment and our triplet superpowers only got stronger after that my twin brother and i went to different colleges and didn't generally reveal to the friends we made that we each had a twin one day a group of people approached me in the street calling me by my brother's name and asking me if i would like to join them in the pub i knew that my twin brother was already at the pub so i said i'd bet them free drinks if i beat them to the pub in a foot race even if i gave them a head start they agreed and ran off at top speed while i stood there casually checking my watch and buffing my fingernails on my lapel only for them to arrive exhausted and find me standing at the bar drink already in hand i know it's not exactly an achievement but it was a fond fun twin moment only for them to arrive exhausted and find me standing at the bar drink already in hand wearing different clothes my biology teacher told me her and her twin trade jobs for a day and no one noticed they both majored in and have jobs in biology one of the girls i dated in high school had an older sister who was engaged to an identical twin a few months later she broke the engagement and within a few months married the other twin i always thought this was totally bizarre on so many levels it also struck me as being totally selfish on her part knowing she would almost certainly destroy the twins relationship for good my best man at my wedding was my cousin who has an identical twin brother halfway through the ceremony my best man started feeling faint so he had to go sit down as it neared the time for exchanging of rings i noticed he had made his way back up but as i turned to get the ring it wasn't him thankfully i had made his twin brother an usher so they were wearing the same tux and decided to make the switch nobody noticed except for close family members i wish i had planned it that way i did the opposite for a while to a friend in high school i convinced him i had an identical twin brother lasted for a good few months as request the whole story i was sitting next to him in class we were talking i said i have an identical twin brother he is all like okay true story my twin and i aren't identical but we look a lot alike on april fool's day in eighth grade we switched classes for the entire day we had to have a handful of friends in on the switch so they could guide us to the right classrooms it was difficult for me because he was in a higher math class than i was during the last class one idiot tried to snitch to the teacher the teacher looked at me a good long time and then said to the snitch you almost had me and left me alone i feel like the teacher realized when the kid snitched but was just being cool about it and letting it slide not my story but here's the tl dr of the best one i ever heard my best friend had twin brothers they were about 27 at the time brother a gets dumped bad brother b feels terrible so he and friends take brother a out to get [ __ ] nozzled brother a was terribly shy and not great with the ladies hence why he got dumped by a sea hag with ambiguous morality brother b is gregarious and charming and also very committed to his long-term gal brother a spends the majority of the evening drowning his sorrows in tequila shots while brother b spends his laying down some serious groundwork while a baby in the bar cue closing time brother b escorts lady outside and hails a cab runs inside to grab his coat and quickly changes shirts with brother a as he walks him to the cab he is furiously mumbling trivia in bullet points as fast as possible diana 24 sick major three cass love skiing one sister etc that's a good brother i never said they hooked up the cab was going to ihop geez back in college i was hanging out at a friend's house when her mother comes home and notices i was there she then yells at me for seeing a picture of me at a party naked with her daughter i thought i was being slick when i explained to her that it must have been my twin brother in the picture she responded by telling me that both me and my twin brother were in the picture naked i wasn't as slick as i thought my twin and i are different around people so our public social situation is very different i am generally more outgoing and he is more reserved i go out with friends a lot and most of them have never seen my twin i tend not to mention him until a while later so basically a bunch of my friends think he is a complete conspiracy pl for principal but i don't know if that is considered an achievement my brother's achievement would be delaying the inevitable by impersonating me he kicked a girl on the playground in first grade and told the teacher he was me i got in trouble for something i didn't do but later when the facts were pieced together my parents exacted some corporal punishment the time we pee the principal off was in fifth grade i believe when we traded classes the principal called my mom after finding out and wanted us punished my mom asked so they are both in school and neither was a disciplinary problem what is the problem here and left my paternal grandfather was an identical twin he was married to my grandmother for over 50 years before he passed away his twin is still alive my grandmother can't even look at her late husband's twin without crying because it's so painful for her it's a terrible situation for both of them her brother-in-law loves her like a sister and can't comfort her because his face reminds her of who he isn't my twin and i would swap girls back in the day at first we were grossed out by it but the girls were always wanting to try the other flavor if you know what i mean never any three ways or four ways just trades none of the girls were girlfriends of any significance just fun times when we were young another time we dated a set of twins just for the heck of it no swapping with those two though when we were younger i decided i wanted to quit my job at mcdonald's so i had my brother grow a beard and run into the mcdonald's claiming to be me from the future it was hilarious he ran in and yelled i need to speak with redditer and i acted confused and said who are you and he said i am you form the future we have to get underground asap ill explain on the way then i threw my apron on the counter and ran out with him i was sitting with a teacher after school doing calculus in high school when one of my identical twin sisters teachers walks in and starts flipping out at me calling me her name saying how dare you skip detention with me being really angry the look on his face when my teacher said i was her identical twin was priceless i don't think anything will beat the fact that scenes in harry potter had to be ray shot because the twins playing fred and george had switched places this isn't exactly in line with the topic but a boss told me this story about his youth and his twin cars back in the 60s or 70s he and his brother liked to drag race some serious money exchanged hands over these races the way the races were set up the contenders met somewhere with the cars looked over each other's cars agreed on a bet then at a later time met up at the actual race location what my boss never told anyone was that he and his brother had twin corvettes same year same color same interior and even the same options except for one his show car had the base engine while his race car had a highly upgraded version enough to almost double the power the trick was between the times of setting the terms of the race and meeting at the actual race spot he'd drive back to the house pull the show car in the garage and close the door then he'd pull the race car out of the same door close the shop back up the head off to the race and win every single time they never once had both of the cars outside at the same time he said if anyone ever saw a long stay in a hospital bed would have been a best-case scenario my dad and uncle are identical twins and they tell stories about how they'd chase friends up and downstairs in their school and always win and the like there's another story though that i just love college my dad is in mathematics he's very good at lots of subjects but absolutely sucks in physics so he's pulling an all-nighter studying for a test the next day with a friend of theirs sees how freaked they are they just won't make it so he goes dude forget it we're freaked his friend's face lights up he goes well i'm definitely freaked but you can still make it cole's my uncle which is in engineering top of the class went on to get a phd in freaking nuclear physics and ask him if he'd do the test for my dad my uncle goes for it the next day takes the test forging my dad's signature hey uncle sorry if you get arrested now they check the result in a few days and he got a 9.5 brazilian here we don't do the a b c thing for test scores we you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you you well the ending is not that awesome my dad just convinced my uncle not to do anything about it and went on to graduate in mathematics but still love that story though thanks for this thread op it's made me laugh my uncle and his twin set the world record for a mile run they both ran track in college and one time at a local race that was in a wooded area my uncle swapped places with his brother who was hiding in the woods they ended up beating everyone else by over a minute and breaking the world record they eventually told officials and reporters what they did before it put in the paper i think it's his proudest achievement he tells it at every family gathering at school me and my sister were in separate classes for a couple of years the teachers could not tell us apart so mum put me in black shoes and my sister in brown so that they could tell us apart now i wasn't very good at english and she at maths and those classes were at the same time so we swapped shoes and went to each other's respective class we only got caught out because mum came to pick my sister up for an appointment and walked into the class and was very startled to find me in it my grandfather was an identical twin when gramps and our family walked into his brother's funeral it became very clear very quickly that not all of the friends of the deceased knew this my boss is an identical twin he said in high school they took each other's place on graduation day and nobody even noticed also when he was a child his mom would have to put offer and colours of clothes on the twins to tell them apart [Music] in college one of my grad student teachers was an identical twin his brother was in the same department and taught a class in the same building at the same time both of the classes were liberal arts classes open to all majors so they had a lot of people who weren't overly familiar with the teachers in the department one day they dressed similarly and arranged to go grab something from their office at the same time only to swap classrooms one girl was so freaked out by it that she started to cry needless to say the new twin had a definite deer in the headlights look my sister and i are not twins but frequently mistaken as twins or mistaken for one another when we visited each other at our out of state colleges there would always be some case of mistaken identity mishap two occasions stick in my mind first time this was the first time my sister visited me at my school in dc she was maybe 17 still in high school while i was in class she went to the campus starbucks by herself a casual acquaintance of mine who was really just a programming party shot's friend thought that she was me didn't say hi or anything but just went in for the bear hug he's a really loud large presence endearingly inappropriate kind of guy she thought she was being fricked with by a dc vagrant of sorts and told me that a mentally challenged person tried to frick with her in starbucks it took me like two weeks to find out at this till the next time i saw my friend and he was like why were you so horrified and psychotic the other day second time i visited my sister a year later at college she was big time sorority girl with the choice of rhaegar being your run-of-the-mill huge basement throbbing edm dimly lit raunchy cesspool of co-ed gyrating all people that were friends with my sister i was wasted and dancing with a guy for a long time when he started making out with me casual dance floor makiat i see out of the corner of my eye my sister dancing and cheering around us then the guy aggressively jumps back like four feet looking back and forth at us in hysterics and he thought i was my sister the whole time and he was so freaking confused that it really messed with his head he was wasted and just like couldn't comprehend the scenario one time my brother had just gotten out of work and made his hour-long commute it was night shift so he was dead but tired he forgot to get cigarettes and really wanted one before going to sleep he asked if i would go buy him cigarettes i obliged because i wasn't busy at all and he was nice enough to give me money and let me use his car and he was very particular that i got him mulboro red 47s i go to the nearest convenience store in this little town nearby when i say small i mean like a dozen houses i roll up blaring some heavy metal on his nice speakers and go inside the guy at the counter smiles and holds up some mulberry red 47s i asked him how he knew what i wanted he says that he heard me coming but i say i don't even smoke he looks confused and says but this is what you always get i started understanding the situation and said no i don't dude i don't even smoke he says kyle my brother's name quit messing around i have a laugh for a second and tell him that kyle is my brother and we're about three years apart in age not really twins but totally faked the guy out nonetheless in high school my ap psych teacher told me about an ingenious plan of a twin student he had let's name one ally and the other aj for the sake of this story he has a student named ally in his first period psychology class who would on test days ask him if she could have the rest of the day to study and just take the test after school sure no problem with him true to her word she would arrive at 305 promptly after school ended take her test and leave the teacher had no issue with this routine because she passed every test and if a couple extra hours was what she needed so be it after a semester of this routine he is revealed to the scheme he is lounging around in the titches break room when he catches a couple words of gossip concerning his student ally curious he asks the teacher what she is talking about she's slightly bewildered didn't you know the two twins ally and aj have been asking teachers to take their tests after school whoever is best at the subject would take the test for the other now my teacher is a pretty nice guy and knows almost all the students of the senior class those were the kids that would tend to take ap psych he was actually surprised that ally had a twin and described to me how weird it was to not even know his student had a sister let alone a twin anyhow after hearing this news he decides to put it to the test the next exam they had he told ally that she had to take the quiz that day in class because he wouldn't be available after school and needed to grade them as soon as possible sure enough she fails the test he never really finished the story after that he just laughed it off and congratulated them on the devious plan but told them that this was no longer going to be the arrangement as a side note i think he actually made allyra take all the tests over the course of the next semester and she passed with a bee my choreographer has a twin brother in the 80s one was an olympic class diver the other went into dancing and became a director choreographer during a national dive meet the diver sprained his ankle and couldn't climb the tower but had already scored enough to get him and his group into the next round so the other brother pretended to be him and bella flopped into the water the audience thought he was making an astonishing joke about how awesome he was and roared with laughter no one was the wiser the diving brother went on to the olympics but didn't place the choreographer went on to be one of the biggest s in the theater world i have ever encountered they're both pretty happy with their lives when my dad was younger he had a girlfriend he wanted to break up with so he got his twin to go on a date with her in his place halfway through then making out he walks in and said i see you've met my brother hilarity ensued she later claimed my dad's twin was the better kisser my brother and i would constantly bother our mum she never knew who did what and who to get in trouble it was brilliant anyways we ended up running a pretty successful joke shop i came here to laugh not to feel my friend has an identical twin and they did the talent show his twin doesn't go to our school so no one was aware he had a twin except a few of us he proceeded to do a magic trick on in which he would escape being tied up completely and put into a black box the lovely assistant tied him up with ropes chains and padlocks to the point where he couldn't move at all he was then placed in the box and given five minutes to escape after five minutes his twin appeared on the balcony above and everyone lost their crap took him 30 minutes with help to actually get out of the chains afterwards my identical twin and i live in the same city we both have worked at the same bar he took my spot after i left whenever i am out with my family i always get weird looks from randoms turns out this whole group of bar rats that are my boss good friends think i'm him and that he is running around town with a whole other secret family i also know of a set of twins not us ahem where one of the brothers took a drug screen for the other so he could take a job again not ask off my twin sister amy always bullied me since we were kids hit me called me names took stuff to me lied about me and made people think i was a bad person we're identical but she's a lot more aggressive than me i don't know why she doesn't like me either i'm really shy and i never did anything to her well i signed up for this game show to try to get away from her a lame ripper for survivor for teens she found my audition tape and sent in her own bad mouthing me in it the producers liked the sibling rivalry angle so they accepted us both when we got there she immediately started bullying me as usual she told the host and other contestants to call me saying why instead of sammy so we rhyming because i'm the same as her get it and they did i have a hard time standing up for myself she also convinced everyone that i was a bad person a liar and they shouldn't trust me and they believed her like people always do we were on the same team and after a few episodes we had a water ballon challenge well everyone else on our team got eliminated and we were the last two left she ran out of balloons and tried to take mine breaking it and eliminating us both so then she liked our team and told them it was my fault well i decided to finally get her back i tricked her into eating some local poison ivy type stuff and she had a reaction and couldn't talk then i pretended to be her and said sami must be sick and since i was eliminated anyway she was taken away and sent to medical i stayed in the game as her for a few more days until the ruse was discovered and we were both sent home but it was so fun not having her around for a few days and getting treated like a normal person x had her sister take her sats for her indian fraternal twins but i guess they looked close enough that a texan teacher can't tell not a twin but have a sister who is one year and two mo older than i am and looks exactly like my twin my mom even did the stupid dressing identical crap when we were children i graduated early and went off to college my sister gave me her it so i could be 18. she just reported it lost at dnv and got a replacement the same thing happened when she turned 21 it was pretty freaking cool everyone had their crappy fakes and shutted at the sight of the swipe machine but not i genetics were on my side those times my girlfriend's grandma was married to an identical twin during world war ii they lived in poland and the nazis came to take her husband away to her concentration camp he was not home but his identical twin was there his brother faked his identity and switched places her husband came home later that day and found out what happened he never saw his brother again she took my driver's test i took her sat we both got cars we both went to college i passed a drug test for her job two years later she passed a drug test for my job we both got jobs mum got just mixed up in the bath on day two had to go back to the ward and compare footprints and what if they weren't sure my entire life could be the greatest twin swap the world has ever seen if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 10,389
Rating: 4.8928571 out of 5
Keywords: identical twins, identical triplets, identical, identical twins switch places, identical twins prank, swapping places, twins, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: kdMoFCWipn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 17 2020
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