LUCKIEST STORAGE UNIT FINDS I Bought An Abandoned Storage Locker / Opening Mystery Boxes

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no but it does have gold gold we've struck gold back with the 1800 and the $1700 unit we've got tons of totes we're totes in my goats in right here tons of totes I think today let's focus on all the totes and if you want to know what the Hales we find inside make sure you subscribe hit the bell all notifications [Music] totes mcgoats number one what do you think down on the ground today christa please no sir pretty much I pretty much did kill my knee today I got nothing left do i all right the table will hit the table let's see what we have inside we have well this is good we've got reveal where okay so Paul Revere do you remember the famous saying from Paul Revere I don't remember how it guys would take to it by the lane what if I see or the way around all right in the comments below like Christian know what was Paul Revere's famous saying what was it what was it let him to what do we have we've got we've got it is it is a brand new pot it's a one and a half quart covered saucepan whoo look at that copper right there nice yeah that's what it is it is a brand-new pot usually the older ones just scrap this value okay well we got some stuff here I don't know what but we definitely have some stuff with old brushes oh you know what you know what this would be hmm this is this is what you used to like whitewash the fence with or the button you get a big ol monster brush oh that's that's a masonary brush okay so water paints paste and cement so this one isn't marked except what they paid for it that one the hairs are lower I wonder what the hairs are on that and we got a little bit of a roller okay oh we got another brush just Best Buy I didn't know they had Best Buy back then apparently apparently they had Best Buy back then steel wool that'll go home I'll use that that's how I clean the shower out hard water stains and floor finish adhesive non-skid floor finish it easy this is like putting sand in your paint so you put sand in your paint and maybe if you paint your steps or something like that that way you don't slip this looks like a bunch of hardware stuff which we have found Christian what do you think how many thousands of dollars of tools and brand new things like Sears shears grass shears how much thousands of dollars can you think we found so I have no idea there's a lot give me a go ten thousand ten thousand yeah that's that's a really good different stuff in here definitely a bunch of different stuff wait wait this is antique this is the I don't know what it does but it's the Eclipse any idea what it does he's like a grinder clamp it all you know you're probably right you would clamp it down on a table like this right clamp it down and then run the grinding wheel oh my goodness I've never seen a manual grinding wheel like that that is insane and awesome all at the same time that's really cool okay and then let's see what's in here do you think what I'm thinking hidden money I wasn't thinking that but I'm thinking more hidden money these people hid so much money no it is a super cool like it's not a fishbowl it's it's like that and then you put I don't cookies crackers that is a cool cool piece right you thinking this one should we stay down the road jump around let's go down the road down the road yes all right Christian says down the road he knows okay here we go this was kind of like got me a little bit scared but then again paper money is like - right okay oh here we go okay remember your surgeon general's warning right there okay we got the Montecristo have you ever eaten the Monte Cristo sandwich from I think it's been against Bennigan's Monte Cristo sandwich fried turkey ham cheese powdered sugar best sandwich in the world empty cigar boxes are still worth money we've got we know she had a thing for rabbits right big time had a thing for rabbits there was definitely something in there got a little bit extra right there I dare you to eat it Christian I'm good okay got flour - so it looks like miscellaneous was in it there's the kind of technical tins are collectible - believe it or not we'll set down over here what do you think that is mold the little chef what do you think it was for I have no idea Rembrandt's looks like I might have been like added on to something they had tool the placement of this thing is a little awkward don't you think yeah yeah okay let's see what's in here oh this crazy yeah this was supposed to look like you know like antler so there's utterly utterly cut free there is the hotel Holland in Cleveland Ohio it's a spoon and a bottle opener huh let's go have some Clara bility something in here you know what it is dude that's for cracking nuts I don't like that thing anywhere near me get that thing out of here as fast as possible okay this is heavy let's set it aside for a man look at this look at this this is like this is like old school school oh is this a shoehorn bullying brothers shoes yes look at that so here's an old antique shoehorn hung up here but this is like for sewing kids there's the this is wild there's all the needles are still in there can you see them all that's really wild needles are in there it's this yet more needles this is the coolest thing right there that's true that has got to be worth something right there I wonder what I wonder what that part is for maybe for pulling lasers I don't know that's it's unusual nothing in there oh my goodness Christian I'm scared of nutcrackers there's a whole nother Nutcracker set right now I mean yeah yours now alright Christians not scared and by the way did you notice the new gloves there no don't have holes in them by tomorrow they will though another cigar box this foot form you would put this in your foot and it would keep the leather stretched out or you know and keep the form of the actual shoe there's another shoehorn and then look we got some there's another few one there's an old old JCPenney shoehorn in there oh you think it's silver see this one it's a number 10 and it does not appear to be silver this one does not appear to be silver alright let's see what's in this box this is heavy whatever it is it's heavy and we're about to find out what the Hales is inside it is a Montecristo what is it did you know it's like an ashtray I don't know oh yeah yeah yeah there it is there it is it's an ashtray man that's some serious ash that would go in there right maybe for cigars Oh number three it's a light one Christian do you know what that means I don't know I don't know all right let's do this oh it's Santa Santa baby do you think we're gonna find a Christmas present in here hopefully something that's wrapped up you're crazy what is this seeing this you smell it now to the pillows oh there's a nasty old down feather pillow this is the ones oh man it reeks oh it smells so bad it reminds me of all my pillows now the old pillows oh look that's a bummer the old pill see right there you see that that's a feather the old pillows actually covers oh yeah that's what we're smelling you see it right there dude we have to get in here we have to check it come on let's go over here by the door I hate feathers but what if they hid money in here too okay oh this is so alright even you know what even if there's a million dollars in there anything worth it alright let's get that one just set down right there all the nasty feathers all right that smells so stinking bad let's see what else do we have we've got woo The Plain Dealer The Plain Dealer that's the Cleveland Cleveland newspaper yes nice we're all set up now look at that garage sale for The Plain Dealer do you think all of this there's price tags even this must be like a garage sale sales ledger so The Plain Dealer must have set a garage cool alright so apparently there was a garage sale kit that's the playing deal dealer didn't so you give patients want to use this garage sale hmm no no garage no garage I want to talk to the landlord about that hey there's no garage all right let's see what's got purses versus for me and purses for you the ladies love the purses we have so many purses in there I was I was thinking I was gonna talk to George about doing an actual person the Sunday night auction but I forgot to talk to her about it I just wanted to hear another funny story Monday morning my neighbor came to check up on us because things were so loud Sunday night it was screaming because of the auction so they wanted to make sure everybody was alive that's pretty funny those options are so much fun what is this compliments of Tim or wark oh it's probably like a bonnet for your hair and the purse okay if we get the right person could be looking at hundreds if not thousands of dollars I am not seeing the right purse yet nothing in there Christian would you believe I put my hand down in a wallet once and there was a there was a drug razor blade in there and I sliced my entire finger open I wouldn't believe it on camera it's on YouTube forever so you got to be careful that's why we always wear gloves I broke my own rule that day and I sliced my whole finger open on the drug addicts razor blade okay nothing in there either I don't see any names on this here's some more purses though this one's in the plastic I know the ladies love these purses this one saws the tag on it $49 Kohl's right there so that one's brand-new I doubt anything is in it except for the stuffing we'll just we'll just not open that one and then we also a couple lamps don't go anywhere without your lamps know how they love to wrap everything up in paper you know what this paper for packaging is this is valuable with some other things that we find inside well we found some of those glasses in an earlier episode so apparently there's matching you know what that is Christian it's plate that looks like Egyptian hieroglyphics I should take this home to George she could probably read it all right I'm gonna take this home to George and see if she can read this plate for me my guess is it says I'm Egyptian I am hangry feed me now or die hey that's my guess but I'm gonna have George read it that did look like hieroglyphics and we've got some kind of plate with a handle this is definitely old without a doubt handles broken it is Japanese as well hand-painted in Japan that's a good sign right there it's a really good sign that is another one you see all the hieroglyphics right there you know what this one says I've had my meal my stomach is full but if I don't get dessert take that one home for George to read as well and it's like oh good good we don't have to read this one oh look at all the decorative design on that see all got it for a steal wow these people loved antiques and there's no doubt they were garage sales donkeys and I can't blame on damn one I love a good garage sale too tough there who doesn't love a good garage oh there's a matching plate I wonder if that one was $0.50 it's got like a blue tint I'm colorblind but I'm do you see like a blue tint yeah it's a blue on it oh look at that you know what I was just singing earlier there's a turkey platter the UN patients have a turkey platter yet no yeah I would give this to you if it wasn't so hideously ugly and you guys could use it for thanks to him he's just a gift that you don't give somebody I don't think we've had a table if it's it Oh think okay that little pattern there if I'm correct that is the old Corningware which it is nine-inch Corningware so you could bake something in all this stuff is really collectible really desirable right not me I don't get into it but other people love it some Pyrex okay so two Pyrex dishes right there good high-quality stuff whenever you get Pyrex up again good name well there's more pirates right there another Pyrex baking dish who does all the cooking at your location most occasions but sometimes I do what's your favorite thing to cook he personally yo chicken Pyrex can't go wrong and kicking him right there a pirate or anywhere and we got a couple this is this has to be like personal stuff we found so much collectible look at theirs Pyrex as well I guess we could look at it that way either which way is Pyrex and then here's another dish they're collectible dish and it's probably corny where no but it does have gold gold we've struck gold I've been dying to know the entire time what's in this small little tote you got all these huge totes you got this little baby tote I think it's time we find out all right we'll take it down with this big I mean it doesn't I've always heard size matters but I guess we'll find out well we'll do that back then okay all right here we go oh look at that we got the baked King right there for pizza I think quite a few pizzas have actually been baked on that this is a well it's a thing I'm not sure what kind of thing but it's definitely a thing oh you probably hold it and then you know what I have no idea I thought it was a cheese grater but I'm sure there's some way to use it right I don't know mentor on the mentor-on-the-lake Police Department non-slip coaster okay we got a thermos so old thermos products such as this this is actually this is collectible as well so these old things you ever see anything like this Christian no red top that's good you put your soup your coffee your hot chocolate in there that's good all right so this this is actually worth some of them right here this hold towel well I'm gonna put this in the in the warehouse bathroom for when we run out of the toilet paper although one of our fans and one of our viewers actually brought us a package of toilet paper did you see it in there I David that was incredible thank you so much and we appreciate it and we got another slicer here another little thing there you know this is pretty impossible isn't it so it looks like well we have to check cuz they hid money everywhere here's an old flour sifter by folly sit right there so oh this one is oppressed them press the handle one and it would six others you would turn okay just look in the pot here real quick you'll see anything in the pot really what I'm looking for I'm looking for hidden money these people hid money everywhere [Music] this is household so one of the very few household totes that we actually found now it's time to find out what's in this little guy here say hello to money the door and here we go you ready and wouldn't you know it more tools there's a putty knife there's ultra black there's razor scraper ultra black again and stud sensor ultimate dad joke [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 35,284
Rating: 4.9006867 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: nc74nVAcc0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 54sec (1374 seconds)
Published: Wed May 06 2020
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