Rev. Josh Herring - Kingdom Confrontations

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I have felt something in prayer throughout the day I've been studying all day and praying and feeling the Lord this afternoon Acts chapter 13 and we're gonna read verses 6 through 12 Acts chapter 13 verses 6 through 12 I think what Bishop said earlier was a signal from the Lord especially when he talked about getting the new people connected to what's going on - what I'm feeling tonight in the Holy Ghost acts 13 verse 6 and when they had gone through the aisle and to pay FOSE they found a certain sorcerer a false prophet a Jew whose name was Bar hey-zeus which was with the deputy of the country surges Paulus prudent man who called for Barnabas and Saul desired to hear the word of God but Elam as' the sorcerer which is this bar has ooo same guy for so is his name by interpretation was stood them seeking to turn away the deputy from the faith then saul who also is called paul filled with the holy ghost set his eyes on him and said o full of all subtlety and all mischief thou child of the devil thou enemy of all righteousness wilt thou not cease to pervert the right ways of the Lord and now behold the hand of the Lord is upon thee and thou shalt be blind not seeing the Sun for a season and immediately there fell on him a mist and a darkness and he went out about seeking some delete him by the hand then the deputy when he saw what was done believed being astonished at the doctrine of the Lord I want to preach to you tonight kingdom confrontations Kingdom confrontations are you ready to receive what God is about to release in here tonight amen I hope I'm alright in doing this but if you're between the ages of 13 and 25 would you get on the first couple of rows right now but if you're in age the 13:25 would you just joined to me in the front thank you very much I built the Lord about six or seven hours ago tell me to do that he said he would remind me when he just told me to just now praise God amen amen everyone say uh-oh you may be seated praise God I'm moving everybody else I'm sorry they all want the front row somebody shout hallelujah all right every miracle every miracle that God does involves a war of some kind every healing every breakthrough involves a battle every person that gets salvation every time you see someone baptized in Jesus name or fill with the Holy Ghost you understand this there was a war before that baptism have been fighting hell for that soul before they spoke in tongues something happened every time someone is ready to get baptized the devil tries something to keep them from being baptized because it's a battle for the Soul heaven and hell are constantly warring every person on this planet right now there's a battle for every single one of them including every single one of you in this building amen heaven says one thing hell says the other heaven says I'm going to bless you he'll says you're gonna die heaven says I'm gonna come through hell says it's gonna not work out heaven says you're gonna break through hell says you're gonna break down Jesus said the thief cometh but to steal kill and destroy but I am come that you might have life and that you might have it more abundantly amen heaven says you need to be thankful for what I'm doing and hell says get bitter and who hurts you heaven says it's time to consecrate and hell says it's time to kritis heaven says God's gonna make away and Hale says there's no Church don't even pray God doesn't care about what you're going through it's a war for every blessing every breakthrough every miracle the devil wants you to cry and God wants you to smile weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning there's a battle for your family there's a battle for your situation there's a battle for the blessing there's a battle for your mind there's a battle for your help someone else out Jesus help me can I help my family help my kid [Applause] somebody shout there's a war going on and sir just Paul as you can be see we're gonna go deep surges Paulus was this deputy this lost man and Heaven wanted him and hell wanted him and so heaven sent forces and Hale sent forces to the same man at the same time to see what the man would do heaven sent an apostle and hell sent a false prophet heaven sent someone using the gifts of the Spirit and Hale sent a sorcerer heaven sent someone with the power to set free and hell sent someone with the power to enslave let me say something the church right now the person that you're working on the person is trying to bring here there's someone in Hales camp that's working just as hard on them you can pattycake it but they're working just as hard as you are to keep them from this building I felt God tell me that today don't just witness and forget about it follow through on who you're trying to save because Hale has someone they're using just as hard as heavens using you [Applause] sir yes sir it's it's a battle it's a war somebody shout I'm important you people may think nothing about you but you're important to heaven and you're important to hell and so you've got Paul this great powerful apostle that God anoints to go save this guy and you've got Barr hey Zeus or Elemis the sorcerer who hell anoints to keep this guy in loss and going to hell and the problem is a lot of times we're trying to win someone to the Lord we don't know who's working for the other team well I invited him why didn't they come well I knocked on the door they said they'd be here well I text him he said he'd come well I'm just gonna forget about it they didn't mean they're not a man of their word wake up hell has someone resisting the truth that you're releasing it I'm about to bind some demons that are you can't even see that they're trying to resist the family members in your house and the co-workers and the classmates and the friends and the people you've talked to the people that are being used by the devil to block them I'm telling you the Holy Ghost God is about the tie up some enemies that are in the way of the harvest being released in this church well I feel prophetic anointing tonight and so Paul would go talk to this guy about the Lord and then here comes this sorcerer and he would say don't go after that don't don't believe him I remember one time Bishop and I won't say the state I was in a youth camp preaching and it was tight I mean five nights the first four nights I was like meh Tomine a graveyard it was just preaching that took two statues these kids wouldn't move and finally getting the altar all kind of demons on them I pray for him they wouldn't break through I noticed halfway halfway through the youth camp two or three nights and there was a lady in the back that she just only word I can think if I were to describe Jezebel that would be Jesse and I noticed she always worked the altars I thought maybe she just has a heart for God and whatever doesn't know anything but then the fourth night bish I was laying my hands on the kids praying for God to anoint him and God to use him and I walked away I know she would follow me I just happened to turn back and when I turned back I heard this lady say I block everything that preacher's praying over you I've been doing it all this youth camp I'm blocking everything he's saying oh yeah kind of church do you guys have and I said what and I said Lord she's trying to block everything I'm here to do I want you to block her from coming tomorrow night she smirked at me but the next night she wasn't there and we had an explosion and every kid got delivered in one night heaven doesn't want you to be bound Hell wants to stop you you gotta make up your mind who's gonna win the battle in your house in your situation and the Bible said that Paul looked at this sorcerer and set his eyes on him sometimes you need to lock eyes with hell and so I don't know what you're trying to do but I'm not going to be intimidated I'm not gonna sit back and shame and bow my head to the pressures of the adversary I'm gonna speak up in fact I rebuke intimidation at this building right now in the name of the Lord Jesus oh I'm gonna say something I know it no one's gonna like him but when we have outreach every week and you don't show up but you show up for the parade come on I know the cowards are in here because it's easy to walk with a thousand or people in the parade it is a little hard to knock on a door by yourself come on you've got the Holy Ghost stop hiding and asking who you are you're anointed by God to deliver the drug addict you're annoyed by God to save the alcoholic you're anointed by God to change the world sometimes you have to stare the demons down so I know you're going crazy on my kid right now but if you think for us to Plitt second that I'm gonna stop praying guess they're acting crazy you lost your mind hell I'm gonna pray till I die for them to be deliver I will not let a day go by without calling their name because I am here for war for my family somebody shout hallelujah oh let's go into what Paul said hex 13 verse 10 watch this he's gonna get real deep tonight he's gonna get real deep here we go when he locked eyes with that dude working for hell first thing he said Oh full of all subtlety subtlety means deceit and guile he said you couldn't tell the truth stand on a Bible you're lying everything you say to him is a lie you're deceiving him with your words I don't even care about that problem leave that alone and all mischief now Bishop when I read it I thought mischief means like troublemaker stirring the pot Oh No guess what that word means to have a lazy love for an effeminate life he said you're a closeted homosexual he said you you have a lazy love for no words you're not so hardcore against it he said I know what you really are Paul is anointed by God and hell sends a closeted homosexual to bind this man from being set free and if you going to say it plain as day if you get an attitude towards your pastor for what he preached a week and a half ago on Sunday morning I fear for your soul because it takes a man to stand up and say I see a spirit when this entire church should be on their feet right now if you're not something's wrong with you if you're not supporting the man of God when he stands up to demons something's not right somebody say preach pastor preach when you want he will tell you he will fight for you that's a spirit he said I know what you're really doing I know what you're really doing with no one's around and that spirit he said I'm not done you're a child of the devil which means in the Greek you're a pupil of Satan you're a student you're literally being popped by the devil praying you coming to church worshipping God being trained by the enemy when no one's around his name was bar hey Zeus son of Jesus is what it means it's amazing at the right name but he's got the wrong spirit there are people that come to church and act all holy in here oh I wish he would sit tonight I'm ready to preach tonight ready he said you're an enemy of all righteousness which means you oppose everything with integrity everything that's right in the sight of God you opposed it you love fluff but you hate conviction preaching oh it's quiet you love blessings and miracles but you hate it when God says it's time to set your house in order he said will you not cease will you not stop to pervert the right ways of the Lord in the Greek that means to distort to turn away to oppose and to plot against the plans of God he said you are plotting against the will of God in someone's life I had a mother one time with her kids step in the baptistry to get baptized in Palm Bay Florida 15 years old his tears down his face and he steps in the baptistry and when he stepped in she ran up behind the baptistry and grabbed his robe and said you don't deserve to get baptized you know what you do it's wrong get out of that water and yanked him out and they never saw him again I'm not working against the church how about to you how you work against the church when you shout in here and blast your pastor at home I'm in the holy ghost tonight boy when you show we're having revival oh I'm with you I'm in it all the way then you skip two out of every three services that's opposing the plan of God how can I expect my kid to get delivered how can I expect my spouse to get set free when I'm plotting against the will of God somebody shall call it what it is we want miracles with no judgment we want apostolic results with tears Matic methods oh yeah we want the power but not we want the sinner to be comfortable not convicted we always quiet we want the program to overstep and override the power and if you don't believe it you should have been here through part of Easter Sunday morning when half the people that go to this church were afraid to worship because the guests were here oh I wish you would sit there right now either we're Apostolic on Easter or we're not apostolic at all either we believe it with everything or we are faking somebody Allah praise Him right in the devil's face right now I believe it I stand for it I want to live it we wonder why our churches don't have miracles but we program everything you know witness souza a hundred years ago happen and the greatest revival in America took place you know when it ended they said in the books that ended when we started programming our services the Spirit of God that was upon us that visit us every service and field everybody healed all those blinded eyes raised the dead as soon as we started programming when he could move I'm all for having a plan but if the plan overrides the spirit that's a flesh plan we need a plan that God releases that no matter what else happens we will have a move of the holy God somebody shout hallelujah [Applause] the same God that opens blinded eyes blinds open eyes the same God that opens deaf ears can definite same God that can raise up the can the one that walks fine I think we forget his powers sometimes we treat him like Santa here's my list of all the things I was God bless me bless me bless me and we don't fear him he's the Creator of heaven and earth he could take the breath out of our body in a second and we want to sit there and not praise Him oh come on someone David said everything that's got breath better praise him because he's that big he's that powerful he's that amazing he can't do anything he wants to do the same man Elisha that looked at that widow woman said you're gonna have cake in your barrel your meal in your barrel every day was looked at it looked at Jezebel and said dogs are gonna eat you say Moses that came and challenged Pharaoh said let my people go brought plenty our with him delivered three million people in one night walked into a Red Sea they crossed the Red Sea made away with the rod that he had when pray didn't fat manna fell from heaven fed the people every day struck a rock and the water came out wanted people to be so blessed by God he was so loving was the meekest man in the world and then one night he comes down and they're worshiping a golden calf I never do that you'll be shocked at the idols people have in their life right now oh I'm gonna say something right now but some of you are more concerned with the words that people post who you follow on social media than you are with the Word of God let's slice and judgment and power and authority who cares what someone in their living room is trying to tell the world right now we need people that want to care about what does say it the law a same man Peter that looked at the lame man and said such as I have give IV in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk looked at and is a couple chapters later and said you're going to die right now st. Paul though on the shipwreck said hey everyone's gonna make it don't worry about it hang on be of good cheer we're gonna survive looked at this false prophet and said you are going blind now same Jesus that healed everyone in sight loved everyone touched everything and blessed him walked in the house when they were making money and said you have turned my house of prayer and do a den of thieves oh I feel the Holy Ghost right now either we're apostolic oh we're not I say that we're apostolic or we're not either we believe it all our heart young people either you're apostolic here and at school don't you need to be up on your feet homie there's either your apostolic with everyone or your Apostolic with no one don't get up here and don't support your youth pastor if you don't really believe it come on I dare you I'm sick of fraudulent young people that really don't have a backbone to believe the truth you open bar with a price you've been saved by the blood you have the greatest gift on the planet if your apostolic young person would you act like your apostolic would you show the enemy I'm here until God comes why are you preaching so straight the devil's not afraid to preach this way to you you'll give me we got kids that will talk back to their parents but not talk back to their peers oh I wish you would I said will got kids that will back top mom and dad every time they give you an order but every time a friend brings temptation come on they're not your real friends if they dis your God if they dis your holiness they're not your real friend if they dish where you go to church if they diss your pastor they're not your real friend man I feel a Holy Ghost anointing on me right [Applause] we serve a holy God read a Holy Bible have the Holy Ghost want to live a holy knife but don't like holiness you know why you're trying to show off that leg cuz you're trying to get the attention of people and not God God said be holy for i L it's trying right now but I'm here stirred up in the spirit stop being the same of who you are and what you've been taught and what God's bless you someone ought to get with me right now like you never have you're blessed to be holy we are holy people we are sanctified we are purified you think I can't be a witness to the world if I dress holy damn ashamed my wife one the best dressed person of her school and wore skirt every day my wife had the some kind of crazy holiness model agency of Dubai and now Australia following her so impressed with the clothes she's wearing you think the world's not watching they're watching they're wondering why are you different from us you know why you stand out when you're holy you're telling hell I am something that you are not and I am something that this world needs can I get a witness up in here men fellas don't act like a preacher in here and a pervert out there don't act like you love Jesus in here and you check out everything that moves when you're I wish you would get hold your eyesight I wish some don't act all powerful and prays when you can't get yourself in check come on guys it's time for God to control your mind control your vision or your spirit where are the men of war in this building right now you're a man but you're a man of God I said you're a man but you're a man of God you are in this world but you are not of this world oh [Applause] it's a confrontation it's a battle and how can you set someone out there free if you've got chains on your own hands how can I pray someone through if I need to pray through myself how can I be used that God if I'm the one that needs to be delivered by God [Applause] Paul said that's the same anointing that's on me to heal people it's gonna stop you from son keeping someone from this house and he blocked the man with blindness and the guy who was trying to win was so in all at the doctrine of the Lord oh stop being ashamed to carry your Bible well I don't want people to think that's what I'm talking about no we need a here's the problem we've got too many people that want a non-confrontational anointing a non-confrontational gospel a non-confrontational preacher a non-confrontational church and those same people are non-confrontational to hell at their school at their job at their house in the church don't want to upset the devil want all these people to like me listen to me I'd rather have every single one of them hating me out there and standing for the truth than have all of them loving me and on my way to hell either you're gonna believe it and stand up for what's right or you're gonna try to blend in with the world and you just go ask Adam and Eve what blending in will do for you Stephen said stone me go ahead I'm going to heaven you're Paul did when they listen I've got a picture on my phone in the cell Paul was in the night before he died and ever they say every two hours they had to change the guards because he was converting them and the next morning when they went to take him to the execution block several historians say this that Paul did not walk to the block he ran to it was he ran to it you know why because he was so excited about what he had believed Peter said crucify me upside down I'm not even worthy to die like you we are in a soft generation that has no idea what these people suffered through to give us what we have you have the greatest treasure on the planet don't be ashamed [Applause] God baptized this youth drew with fire and authority holiness righteousness fervency it's thick up here you got the rhythm behind it is time to be a light like never before it is time to bring your friends from school to this revival I say it's time to bring your friends to this revival some of you have been here eight weeks and I've not witnessed to one classmate yet and some of you moms and dads are like wow and you know what you ever talked to your coworkers you can't reap a harvest that's not in the building oh I'm feeling it right now you can mad me all you want to experience have been Stern for a reason he'll know something great is in this atmosphere and they're trying to warrant you personally to keep you from moving corporately with what's going on it is time like never before this praise the sword out and say we are going to have this revival in our family in our school at our job I don't know stand your feet I don't know what demon you need to confront might just be flesh it might be laziness might be doubt might be fear might be distraction I don't know said earlier but it might be a weight or sin that does so easily beset you but I'm here to tell you insurance I'm standing here hell's working just as hard for the people we're trying to win as heaven is I had a friend here Sunday morning from the from the apartments Darrell I went to his house yesterday I took him in my car I told him a Bible study for over an hour on baptism in the name of Jesus and the feeling of the Holy Ghost he was critical at first and all of a sudden he started screaming I see it I see it I see it I need that Holy Ghost I need that name of Jesus watch this and I was excited with him he said I'm tomorrow come pick me up I'm ready to get baptized tomorrow night and I drove in the rain early tonight and I knocked on his door he wasn't there and the Lord said they're fighting for him just as hard as you're fighting for him how hard are you fighting for it oh it's cute right now but I'm not here for cute Church if we're gonna have a cute I'm out I want it to be real either we're gonna bring people oh we're not either we're gonna do everything we can to fill it oh we're gonna have a future I don't care about you churches all over this world attitude church we need apostolic holy goes shake the city shake the schoolyard shake the school and everything we're near revival [Applause] I've never taught a Bible study you're about to teach one this week tonight you want to get your phone before you get to the house or when you get home look through there trying to find someone trying to find a friend in text I would say hey we should study the Bible tomorrow guess what you got a Bible study how hard is that Oh STI that six claps and a burp preach blessings preach financial miracles but the word prodigal means we think it means a backslider it means wasteful there are more prodigal in church than out of church people wasting the anointing the services the breakthroughs the altar calls the prayer meetings and they need another one Sunday morning cuz they lose it between Wednesday night Sunday you know why you lose it they should bury it Wednesday night and forget about it how many times has pastor priest write to you or someone preach this pulpit right to you and you couldn't remember the next day what they preached and we wonder why we need another touch another breakthrough and there's a sinner if I've seen it once to survive this is nuts the critique I've seen it wants to survive I've seen it a hundred times where sinners are up here praying and altar workers and Saints are right beside them and have no clue because they're needing another breakthrough the saint is because they forgot what was preached the night before I'm telling you right now if a guest is in this we ought to be on them like white on rice baby and I'm gonna pray this one through but you know why because we get our breakfast Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday in our prayer closets and it's fine to have breakthroughs in revival I want you to I'm preaching to you tonight but what hell is working overtime to stop things from exploding and all I hear in heaven is sound the alarm to my people they are in a fight you can't take it lightly well I'll text them next week and see if they want to know text them every day knock on their door call them wicked I'm gonna say this very boldly Bishop can correct me but this house could be filled Sunday we really wanted to be well I tried will I called one person we could fill this house if we wanted to if we if if five people went on a rampage it would it would take half the section right here I'm in fifth on this building first we now and Sunday went on a rampage like Philip in Samaria against the gates of hell I'm gonna bring people I'm gonna call people I'm gonna blow people's phones up I'm gonna bother people I'm gonna invite my whole class you think it's cute I'm telling you right now that's where real revival stirs up when the church says we want it like we've never wanted it I want us to come up here to this altar right now I feel something specific hello tell em behind I'm confronting I'm doing your wheel God it's not easy preaching because I love you I love everybody in here but I'm telling you the Holy Ghost spirits are looking looking fighting behind the scenes I don't know what you need to wake you up but whatever it is let it happen Jesus right now I don't know what situation needs to happen for you to get connected but whatever it's gotta be let it happen right now but though most of the most know what person's name needs to cross your mind to get you praying horrible it happened right now hiko salam alayka ayyuha i'm a higher i've come to confront the spirits of this city in the name of Jesus something's gonna break in here if it's the last thing we do something's gonna break in here would you lift up your hands right now about to release a prayer and when I'm done releasing it which you get of a war cry so loud and so long that the demons fighting you on that Bible study the demons fighting you at your child it's your house at your school would hear you and back up right now by the authority of the word of God and by the power of the name of Jesus let there be a king of heaven breakthrough that causes revival to break loose in this church right now in Jesus name somebody shine I hear lava she cut where are you bit of war where are you teenager of fire where are you mom we need everyone to engage hell and sound gonna save somebody I'm gonna rage somebody who's your disciple who's your Bible study you've got going right now that's who you're praying for right now if you don't have one it's time to pray for a Bible study right now it's time to pray for God to bring someone in your life [Applause] oh come on confront that devil i bind every spirit hurting every person you're trying to witness to i bind every spirit deception and guile i bind every perverted spirit i bind every enemy of righteousness every child of the devil every pupil of hell working against what you're trying to do for God in Jesus name I tell you in the Holy Ghost several of you are about to have Liberty witnessing like you never have in your entire life several of you are about to have conversations with the unexpected one the one you thought would never be hungry would never be interested would never desire would never come back to holiness would never come back to the church [Applause] everybody praying for a burden right now everybody praying for a Bible study right now everybody praying for a disciple right now who's the person you're gonna win who's the person you're gonna bring who's the person you're gonna talk to you might have to break out of your box I'm gonna have to go on outreach Saturday and find the person you might have to do outreach yourself tomorrow oh I'm in the Holy Ghost you might have to actually go out and do something on your own but he didn't save us to seat us he didn't save us to put us in a seat somewhere take up take up room he said old Peter Satan it desired to have thee but am i 50 as we but I've prayed for thee at that faith fail thee now there's a war going on for every person Heaven and Hell Kingdom war Kingdom confrontation Olo Morocco toyamakk ATL shot I shall a Matar [Music] hallelujah you know something I want you to look up here I'm against the bishop he can do the ones and I'm not trying to sing anybody yeah but you know brother that my friend Darrell that I'm working on he told me said Josh every time I get so low and so depressed let me Felipe knocks on my door he said every time I want he I can't get away from that church he said when he said you don't even know how low I was and when I came in here Sunday morning he said I've never felt love in my entire life like I felt from people in that church when I walked in he said even though I'm low right now it lower than anybody he said I felt something lift me up and he said over the last three days I've been telling everybody around me the good news is he's not been telling my friends I've been coming telling people here at the at the apartments I've been going to places and applying I've been telling everybody the good news is the path and I'm thinking to myself this dude has even got the Holy Ghost yet hasn't been baptized in Jesus name and it's out witnessing a lot of us I'm gonna say this right now there are key people if we get them here can't get more people here than we can get here but the brewer there's a lady at willows apartment complexes named Kenyatta she runs that whole complex I meet you when you walk the guys that have done ours you know everybody that lives there answers to her men women boys girls and he and last week was it the week and a half ago he we were doing the outreach and we were about to leave and brother brewer yelled uh I've got to go see her he jumped off the bus we were leaving ran up to her and she looked him in the eye and said last night I tried to commit suicide and he told her God didn't let you do it and you know what she's gotten so many friends and family and if we get her in that complex we get the complex I'm telling you there are people there are key people like that one preacher years ago that preach that six-week revival in Louisiana or Mississippi and only one kid got the Holy Ghost and he was discouraged when he left that one kid was JT Pugh one of the greatest preachers that ever lived on this planet one of the greatest leaders this world ever saw we have the real thing let's use it let's find someone there are key people to this revival they're out there right now they have influence I speak it now more doctors are coming more doctors are going to come more businessmen are going to come politicians are gonna come it's gonna reach in the highest systems of the court in this city in the name of Jesus let this revival flow let the blood of Jesus close to every mountain and every Valley every house and every mention every apartment every trailer in this city every bridge would you welcome the bishop right now would you think the Lord for what you have right now let's have apostolic revival by Yaka hallelujah hallelujah now to hear this kind of preaching you have to respond I didn't say you may I said you have to respond and you're gonna respond only one or a second way there's only one or two ways you will either get closer to God and lay aside the weights and sin and lay it down some of y'all are down here right now faking it some of you are down here right now you have no intention of telling your lover goodbye you have no intention of what you're doing in the dark and no one else knows it you have no intentional but you're down here oh you're down here looking the part but you have no intention of waving goodbye and saying I'm coming out and I'm changing you know what to do because God exposed it tonight through this preacher he don't know I'm come to you right now and you know I know why don't you make up in your mind if I can come down here and I act like why don't I just go the whole way why don't I just go the whole way the Bible said that Jesus spoke these words seek ye first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness and he said and then I'll bless you but the blessings not coming while you still out there playing while you still out there in the dark and now you won't come in the light but you have no intention to go in why don't you say uh-uh I'm out be ye not unequally yoked come on young people let me tell you something young adults in the exchange let me tell you let me tell you single something don't you go out there and marry somebody that don't have the Holy Ghost don't you come down here at the front and act like you're all this and then you're out there flirtin and even datin and some of y'all are committing whoredoms right now you're living in sin and boy you're looking at me right now some of y'all go I can't believe pastor talking that way boy you better thank God that we had an evangelist let me tell you before tomorrow night gets here I ought to get a phone call that's his pastor I told him goodbye I've drawn a line I'm not going out with him no more I'm not gonna date him no more oh yeah that's that little golf clap that's that little just know I ought to get it phone call saying pastor I'm not dating her no more all you're doing is playing come on I'm telling you but but you want to come down here now and act like oh yeah and if you won't get mad at me hey I've said this for 36 plus years since I've been here you can get you get mad at me you can get glad in the same shoes you got mad it ain't gonna affect me it's gonna affect you come on for a preacher to come and preach like this with that kind of anointing and what are we gonna do about it come on young man come on young women come on mamas and daddy come on and pornography come on I'm gonna call it hello won't come around bo why don't you just man up why don't you just warming up and say I'm not doing that I'm but every time I get tempted I'm gonna go pray I'm gonna go read the Bible hello you're gonna let a little cigarette tie you up oh now it got quiet in here you're gonna let a little marijuana little alcohol a little wine that's he cement rule we're getting quiet now oh I'm just gonna drink a little bit preacher oh come on that's like saying well I'm just gonna commit just a little bit of adultery you know I'm just gonna fornicate yeah you know come on where are we hey this is our opportunity this is our chance to reach us today to reach our your family your loved ones but are we gonna be too busy playing get mad at the preacher because even said some about cutting hair get mad at the preacher cuz he said some buck would paint in your face because he said quit wearing all that other and get Mac will go ahead and get mad but I'm saying there's a time that we're gonna be apostolic if we're gonna be apostolic you want to see the dead raised you wanna see deliverance well that's what it takes you're not I shouldn't do this but I'm gonna do it anyway you won't find this in the Baptist Church you won't find this in the Methodist Church you won't find this in the charismatic church you won't find this in the Catholic Church but you are a panic in Apostolic Church you're abandoned in a Pentecostal church if you want Baptists go there if you want we'll just go there but if you won't have a starling then win this advances preachers my god come on break out right through right through get right with God get right with God come on he's coming back we're in a race with the rapture he's coming back we gotta be ready he's gotta quit playing games holding hands with the world and can't turn that loose but yet we try to worship my god you ought to listen to this message that he preached over and over and over until you can quote it see some of you parents gonna get upset with me because I got an evangelist in here and we're playing with your little tea house we're upsetting it you got kids coming home trying to be holy and you're pushing an unholy lifestyle in your house and that confuses your kids they hear the evangelists they hear the pastor say one thing but they don't go home and they come out somebody better wake up somebody better get up some I got mad at me because I said something about lifestyle and how women should dress and men should dress and they said preacher why don't you just leave that alone other churches I said in other churches don't have what we have you won't find this kind of power you won't find this kind of anointing come on somebody you'll know where I stand I'm right here with that evangelist and you know where you ought to be you ought to be right there with disavowed just come on now I told you before he ever got here that he's gonna lead us in this revival that we are putting him there then what are we doing trying to hold him back somebody tell me I just can't come to church that much my god you go to ball games you go here you go there you're playing here you're doing that my god I wish we'd get so on fire for God as we are for everything else who somebody shout yeah come on this is not our time to sit around and let some old spirit get on us this order we ought to be getting in here now I mean that I ought to be getting phone calls tomorrow that said preacher I'm done I am sick of it I want to live for God I want to live holy I want to live righteous and I can't do it going with him or her hello let me tell you you know whose are the two most important people that you'll ever have in your life not necessarily in this order whoever you marry and who is your preacher somebody said well preacher why don't you get off that honor let our kids state let them yeah go out there and date in the world and you won't see them in church they won't worship they won't be in the church they'll be gone and their kids I know it I've seen it I'm telling you you better be careful who you date oh I'm off on it now I mean I I mean I'm holding it now come on somebody you better be careful who you run around with I wouldn't have a close friend that was influencing me away from God hello oh I got friends but I'm not gonna have a friend that's gonna be so close to me he or she is taking me away from God and you better be careful those that come along oh I'm of God yeah uh-huh but they trying to get you too you don't have to live that way that preacher don't know what he's talking about that's not the Word of God you hear me now the majority of our church world does not even go by half of the New Testament they cut it out they throw it away they don't and they ignore it they say it's not for us lord have mercy I'm fired up I love this kind of preaching Alleluia are y'all hearing me or we gonna be Apostolic but then let's be Apostolic let's roll up her now look don't go out here and say I don't love people I'll show you how much I love people I'll come slap you so hard oh but I'll do it in love no I won't you know I have I slapped anybody here don't you raise your hands I'll come slap you some of y'all been slapped my god I'm mad at the devil I'm mad at that stupid spirit that you are allowing to get you all messed up now let me show you a sure sign and I gotta let you go when you can't worship when you just set their church when you don't and when you start going against the preacher you're in trouble now I'm not saying that because I'm the preacher so y'all better shake hands at that evangelist and you better pray for him because he'll can't stand him he'll can't stand his family he'll is upset he'll is angry he'll has dispatched messengers to come against them I prayed for them today and I said Lord I want everything hell has sent their way I don't want them to be met by angels warrior angels of God that will put them on the run I want everything to break open for them are y'all hearing me I need you pray in that way I need you believe in God that way and I wouldn't miss Saturday night for nothing all right someone shout yeah come on shout yeah you ought to have five people you touch Tamar to be in church Saturday or Sunday you're there ought to be five people you touch them on Friday there ought to be five more Saturday there should be five more all you got to do is just say hey let's study the Bible together and I love that wouldn't that awesome you teach a Bible study lord have mercy just say hey I need you come go Church with me well where do you go and I go that apostolic I go that Pentecostal church Oh what kind of church is that oh man that's a church that you need to be in it's that church you've missed hello so come on I'll be waiting on your phone call tomorrow I love it if you called me tonight I'm done I'm out with it I'm gonna be on fire for God I'm putting God first I'm laying aside the weight in the sin and I'm running right oh you guys oh you gals be careful do you give your heart to all right father I pray in the name of Jesus Christ thank you for this evangelist in this mighty message that we heard the night kingdom confrontations help us O God to give our strength to the angel that is fighting to get his message through to us help us O God to be all that you have declared we can be God help us not to abort what you have for us God help us to be strong in the Lord and the power of your might put on the home or a god that we can be strong and the power of the enemy bless now I pray O God I pray for the herring family anoint them with power keep them O Lord open up doors strengthen them O Lord Satan you're a liar you cannot you will not it's over there's victory somebody shout yes I pray for this church right now Lord for these young adults for these young people for momma's and daddies and grandparents and children I pray right now that they would be with fire and a fervency and a hunger for righteousness and truth and Lord a righteousness that where we gotta tell somebody we gotta talk to somebody we gotta live right talk right speak right bring somebody to church in Jesus name somebody shout Amen all right if you walk out here and somebody starts yeah in about you all just say you bet jump back Cracker Jack that's my evangels that's my preacher that's my church that's my god that's my life I don't even want to hear it go in Jesus name I love you you
Channel: Dallas First Church
Views: 25,104
Rating: 4.9428573 out of 5
Id: i1IelOqMhGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 18sec (4038 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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