every big deckerstar moment in s6

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to being right because I solved the case no because I was right about the secret passageways yeah correct me if I'm wrong but I thought I put that in my safe with azrael's blade yeah you did why didn't she oh it's kind of hard to explain after so many years of being a cop and walking around every day armed I just felt weirdly naked had a way to defend myself but you're right I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken it without asking you you can have it back well as much as I enjoy the mental image of you walking around weirdly naked became it especially since we'll be here on Earth a little longer I heard what you said Magnum you are worthy of your father's Legacy this isn't so much an issue of work it's more issue of job description God needs to be selfless and used to care about all of humanity for me I mean what could be more selfless than that I say that's just it I love you Chloe Decker I'll do anything for you except Give You Up give us up really because I claim to know what will happen to me when I become God I don't I'm scared scared of a lot of pain for us well I'm not scared I love you too Lucifer morning stop and I have faith that you'll figure this out you do yeah [Music] um [Music] that was something else oh look at something else oh absolutely I never thought a meadowdale's rods being used in my sex life would be such a great thing and I never thought that your invulnerability would have such extensive benefits if I'd known all I had to do was love you and let the simple Act of loving you would make me feel worthy of you which would then mean that my body would no longer have to tell my unconscious mind to be vulnerable allowing us to have no holds bad sex all night long well then I would have done it much sooner Lucifer your door is an elevator you're still awake they're not in the good way maybe I can help with that so how was your day honey uneventful you feeling Godly yet well I helped Carol but then I was genuinely happy when here miss Lopez worked out that's a bad thing a happy family for them which means somewhere along the way I ended up caring about the stupid man so Mission not accomplished well maybe this just means that you learn to care about all humans I had my positivity if that's the solution then I'm never going to be God I hope so I'm sorry this is taking longer than we thought there's right it doesn't seem to be maybe we should just take our time [Music] wow we will figure this out together okay as partners I may not be certain of a lot right now that one thing is for sure I have never loved anyone the way I love you Chloe Decker [Music] go find her [Music] so we have a daughter we have a daughter yeah it's amazing say get a room but well clearly you did very good truth is uh I don't know how to do this Lucifer this was all my fault you can't blame yourself yes I can because I lied foreign how did you know that was there blade to keep it safe to keep you safe well and now that you know Rory wasn't the one who stole the plate you know I'm sure we can just talk to her and fix this I think there's something else we need to fix first Chloe the blade needs to go back to Heaven what no I told you I was protecting you that's it it's just about me oh yeah Chloe Chloe I am so sorry I I should have seen this before why are you sorry this this is me for you strong I I don't want to give that up and clearly you are too attached to the strength the necklace gives you when the blade is here no I am fine I can control it can you because I'm starting to think the only reason you've been pushing so hard on this case detective is that you didn't want to let it go well you're wrong Chloe you let me believe that my own daughter our daughter wanted to kill me well I think you're being a little dramatic and fine you're not in control Now give me the blade Don't Make Me Hurt you give it to me let's go I could carry are we I certainly did not see things coming to switch up that case this must be how I die no of course not he was just instinctive what's happening there not your fault blade it drives every human to Stampy town I lost control before I took the blade there's no one to blame but me foreign [Music] [Music] don't even know why the doctor's bothering to bring back the rest of the book they're not capable of a real change isn't it at least I don't think it is what I do know is how much you've grown since I've met you but not enough honestly I I don't know if it's what I said back there I was scared you know I am scared I know you don't think you'll disappear and I want to believe that but if you're wrong and I'm gonna be a mom of two girls working at the LAPD anything back to the napd I know I know it wasn't our yeah no I understand I mean it's who you are isn't it my Detective I could never be upset with you about that and well there is a remote possibility that I may idolize you talk too much I do know you're an amazing mother amazing mother to Rory what do you mean just look at her wings Lucifer I mean I just think did I not protect her enough did I not make her feel safe how badly did I screw up that I made our daughter self-actualize as a weapon oh right yes I wonder where Rory got her persecution complex from certainly not from the angel who literally invented teenage rebellion blade Wings devil face it's all the same isn't it you're finally ready to be God I am I am ready to be God but I'm choosing not to be reading the doctor's ridiculous to Newman reliving everything that we've been through here on Earth seeing how certain you are about who you are what you are it's made me realize that I don't want to be God so I'm not going to be I mean I think deep down I've I've always known it wasn't really my calling I have no idea what my calling is but I do know it's not me being gone I hope you're not too disappointed by that no I'm not disappointed I could never be disappointed by Who You Are I told you I trust you I have no idea why you always have so much faith in me [Music] I do I mean my whole life I listen to Mom talk about how much she loved you I kind of felt sorry for her honestly but reading this I get to see things from the other side it's uh good to know that he loved you Loves You Back all right I hope that you know now that feels the exact same way about you yeah I think I do the emotional progress you're all making here is really so beautiful but it almost makes me forget about the whole end of the world situation oh right that let's kill doctor but don't worry I'm sure a menadia will figure it out he always does you said earlier that you didn't want to do this alone well I don't want that either I need you to know that if there is any choice to be had at all I will always choose us none of us can be certain of the future but what we can control is what we do right now so whether this is my last day or not what I do know is I would like to spend it with the people I love most my family hello Jane Denker would you consider spending the rest of the day with me and our daughter [Music] how can I say no to that foreign [Laughter] ironically you look more like an angel than it's me of us oh come on you [Music] yeah I think I'll give it to some time alone nope Rory we still have time after him we all have a let her make hers [Music] [Music] you did it Lucifer it worked oh maybe Rory coming back change things like you said either way the day is over you're here I am I'm here who cares about fakes [Laughter] [Music] nice work partner [Music] I'm fine I'm fine no no no no no I'm sorry you're not fine I'm leaving we both know today isn't the day I die I'm fine you go Lucifer we came here to save her please go please I'm gonna bring it back for you go oh hello Detective I thought you could use a partner [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: nanite
Views: 260,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chloe decker, lucifer morningstar, lucifer and chloe, season 6, deckerstar, lucifer season 6
Id: L4WlVaxYaps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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