Keto Pizza Crust – NO Cauliflower

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what's up quitters okay today I am super excited because we are talking about pizza and I know what you're thinking Kito pizza crust is terrible and I agree with you most keto pizza crusts are cauliflower II and they're soggy and the second you put something on then they just kind of flop down they don't make you feel like you're eating pizza it's diet pizza well I want to give you pizza back I want it to be exactly what you're craving and it is it's nice and brown and crispy on the bottom it's doughy on the inside and it's super super simple come check this out I have three teenagers you guys three of them and all of them love this pizza they do not think it's keto and they were shocked when I told them so let me show you a keto pizza crust recipe that will blow your mind alright so the first thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna mix our dry ingredients into this bowl right here now for dry ingredients we've got 3/4 of a cup of almond flour and that's the superfine almond flour we've got half a teaspoon of baking powder doesn't want to come out of there and then we have about half a teaspoon of each of your desired spices now here's the thing I'm using just Italian seasoning but if you're doing something like a Mexican style pizza or a barbecued pulled pork pizza that's a lot of piece but anyways if you're doing that you probably don't want to add Italian spices you probably just want to put in some salt and pepper so let me throw those in there really quick and then we're just gonna mix that up and then we're gonna add our cheese and this is 1 cup of grated mozzarella super super simple we're gonna mix it up really really nice and good we want it all to be kind of all the dry ingredients to kind of get in there with the cheese so that it's a nice just a nice mix alright now I like to put this into a pie dish just a glass of Polish before I put it into the microwave so we're just gonna lay this out nice and even once you get the hang of this it's just so easy seriously so easy my kids know how to make them they're awesome what I like to do usually as I like to put like do like three or four on a Sunday and put them in like what's it called gallon size freezer bags put them in the freezer and then when the kids get home from school they can like put their toppings on and just kind of throw it in the microwave not the microwave the oven the oven not the microwave all right so check this out this is gonna go in the microwave for about 32 seconds why 32 because it's better than 30 so here we go while that's in the microwave let me show you this next step now we're gonna take room to put your cream cheese this is about three tablespoons you don't want to get it right out of the fridge and use it so let it sit out for a little bit put that in there nice handy dandy food processor and then one egg in there with it now we're not gonna over mix this because it'll get foamy and it won't be what we want we just want to do a couple pulses on here just to kind of get it combined all right [Music] okay so it should be about like that here take a look at the inside see how it's not totally mixed in it's still a little bit chunky but that's fine for what we're gonna be doing with it so dry ingredients out of the microwave that's about how it should look I wish you guys could smell this right now because it's smelled phenomenal it already smells like pizza in here okay so now we're gonna put this back in the bowl it's gonna be not fully melted if you can kind of see that texture on there and what you're gonna be looking for and now we're gonna add in this lovely eggy cream cheesy goodness and this is where we're gonna get our hands a little bit dirty obviously now while I'm mixing this up use your hands get in there while I'm mixing this up I want to give you guys a little bit of a warning when you're going to the store and you're looking for a pizza crust let's say I know that a lot of you have probably gotten fooled by the cauliflower pizza crust thing I've had a lot of clients say oh look what I found at the store turn it around and look at the ingredients I can guarantee you they've added a starch and I can guarantee you that it's probably close to the same amount of carbs as a regular pizza so don't be fooled by that they're gonna advertise that it's cauliflower pizza even if it's not all cauliflower pizza so don't trust labels check the nutrition facts in the back before you get you know mixed up in that all right so that's what it looks like so far it's just a wee gooey ball of yeah just lucky but this is what you're gonna your little end product right here is gonna look like all right so now I'm gonna wash my hands and I'm gonna show you what to do next I think I should probably wash yep the oven is preheating 23.9 be and while we're waiting for that to heat up let's go ahead and shape our dough so we've got that gooey lovely cheese ball here we're gonna drop that down onto parchment paper now I've got a card tray paper on the bottom and I'm gonna use freezer paper on the top wait I messed up hold on before that we gotta put olive oil down okay so let's try this take two all right olive oil down on the parchment paper just spread it around doesn't have to be a lot I'm using parchment paper on the bottom and freezer paper on the top now I'm using freezer paper mostly because I have freezer paper remember that can't go in the oven because ya can't go in the oven so that can only be used on the top half of this so we got our olive oil down we're gonna get this glorious dough go plop that down and then put the freezer paper on now we're going to use the glossy side so it doesn't stick I like freezer paper too cuz it doesn't get quite as like wrinkly we're gonna flatten that down with our hand just until we get like a nice round shape and then I'm gonna catch it with my hip just like the tortilla video and we're gonna roll this out now we can use the weight of the rolling pin for most of it it's really super simple I have painters tape again on this rolling pin as well because I make a lot of these pizzas and it just makes it easier to kind of get the same thickness do what you want here you want a thin pizza big event pizza you want a thicker crust and make a thicker crust this is all you but once you have this recipe down you're going to be using it a lot it's amazing we use it very very often weekend Pizza nights and stuff like that all right we're gonna finish this up let's see where we are looking pretty good kind of came off the parchment paper a little bit but you can kind of see the direction that I'm going here now shaping it is really simple too we're just gonna take a lid just some lid any lid we're gonna put it around the pizza and just start working it into a circle really really really easy now before I go any further with this pizza I want you guys to note to that I am NOT a huge advocate of getting all of your your fat calories for the day from cheese a lot of people lean to that when they're thinking about being a fat field like oh I'm just gonna get all my fat macros and using cheese that is not what I want you to do this is like a special occasion thing like a Friday or a Saturday night thing but I know there's a lot of cheese in it I just want you to know that ahead of time that this isn't a daily thing but it's a great treat to have every now and then I believe she should be more of an accent and not like the staple of your diet all right we're just gonna round that out a little bit see gnarlie have a nice round shape and if you want even at this point you can put the freezer paper back on top all right let's work out all of these thick edges go ahead and pick this back up catch it with your hip this is obviously for a bit of a thinner crust I like that thin crispy crust all right the grand reveal Yahoo we have pizza crusts well not yet to cook it if you went to at this point get your lid back put it back on there work those edges out a little bit I love it it looks perfect it already smells good okay so now we're gonna put this in the oven remember freezer paper does not go in the oven so this is the parchment paper we're gonna put this in the oven for 10 minutes at 390 just 10 minutes remember we have to put it back in the oven when we have the toppings on it so we don't want to crisp it up too much we just want to get it to be done while that's in the oven let's talk about pizza toppings because that's like the most fun that you can have with pizza is what you choose to put on top of it the problem with keto is that you get stuck in a box where you're eating the same things every day I want to encourage you to be creative with your flavors be creative with the fats that you're using to fuel your body use this press for a Thai chicken pizza use it for a Mexican style pizza with cilantro and avocado or a barbecued pulled pork pizza and if you're saying okay well barbecue sauces in Quito check out my barbecue sauce recipe in the link below it's amazing way better than any regular store-bought barbecue sauce I guarantee it but since we're sticking with something super traditional today then let's talk about just regular red sauce now what I used here is a store-bought marinara but the key is is that there's no sugar in the ingredients it says sugar in the label but it's not in the ingredients and that's the difference so there's only three net carbs per half a cup this is naturally occurring sugar all right so you don't need to stress as much about it it's done okay I am really really excited right now like legitimately excited I cannot wait for you guys to see this pizza so I'm gonna get out of the oven and with my Danis gloves did you get it close up okay anyway all right check that out look at that it is gorgeous now it's not completely brown all the way yet because we still have to add the toppings and put it back in all right so let's add the toppings to this this is gonna be fun just really simple I'm not getting fancy right now this is all about the crust so we're gonna add this glorious tomato sauce I just want you guys to see what it looks like when it comes out of the oven I'm not much of a I don't know an edges person I like to take it all the way to the end I am really hungry I wish you guys it was sort of like a scratch-and-sniff button so you guys could smell this alright we're gonna get it all the way to the edges cuz I want every bite to be cheesy saucy goodness I really want pizza right now okay now we're gonna add mozzarella now remember what I said earlier you guys get creative with this this is just traditional this is just you know when you think of pizza what do you think of mozzarella cheese and pizza sauce but do whatever you want with this because this crust just yeah it's just a whole thing it's delicious like I told you before - if it can get past my kids and get past anybody guarantee you your kids will love this alright so what the heck let's just finish it off everybody loves cheese and now for the tomatoes hit that all around look at it's already oh I love this this is amazing perfect perfect perfect glorious and then the basil okay so now we're gonna put it directly on the rack okay you can see what I did here I just slid it off the parchment paper onto the back of this cookie sheet and now we're gonna get this in the oven now the key here like I said before is making sure that it's directly on the rack so we're gonna pull this out a little bit and slide this on to the rack this is probably the hardest part about doing this pizza crust is just getting it on the rack now look closely I made sure that this end is the edges weren't hanging over so they can't go down here and melt them you know what I'm talking about all you moms out there that it made DiGiorno's for your kids you know exactly what you're talking about so we're gonna put this in remember it's already cooked we're just want to melt the cheese and kind of crisp up the bottom a little bit probably like eight minutes max but it's really kind of what you want how crispy with your press so we'll come back to that in a couple of minutes and check it out I can't wait for you to see the finished product it's like it's divine you're gonna love it pizza is done let's pull it out of the oven you guys are good just look just come here just look at that it's gorgeous all right so I just have a cutting board we're just gonna pull this out and slide it onto the cutting board you can use your finger here if you want to just bring it on out BAM we are good to go all right let's cut into it so you can see what it looks like on the inside do you hear that I hope you can hear that that crunch look at this it's so good this right here that's pizza that golden brown on the outside it smells like heaven in my kitchen right now slices up does it get any better than that that is pizza perfection right there and nobody's gonna know that it's keto I would take a big bite right now but it's a little bit too hot for that I want you guys to share in the comments below what you like to put on your pizza share your favorite pizza recipes with me I would love to hear from you and let me just go through the whole thing right now like and subscribe please please please come back and join me for more great recipes and amazing keto tips I've been doing this for 3 years and I know what I'm talking about and of course follow me on social media check out my free grocery swapping ebook it's down below click on the link it's totally free and it's got some amazing tips in it and my website is there anything else no that's it alright I'll see you guys back here really really soon enjoy your pizza talk to you later
Channel: Quitters Lose
Views: 72,327
Rating: 4.9019217 out of 5
Keywords: keto, ketogenic, ketosis, recipe, pizza, crust, cauliflower, almond, flour, fasting, intermittent, intermitent, intermittant, food, fat, low carb, carbohydrate, low, high, jacki taylor, quitters, lose, friendly, coaching, coach, macros
Id: eZEBS8FSnio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 28 2019
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