How to make REAL Keto Pizza 🍕 Low-Carb, Dairy Free

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this is a low carbon keto friendly pizza crust  to achieve it has taken 30 plus iterations of   proofing needing saucing baking blind taste tests  and pizza lots and lots of pizza however this is   a problem worth solving because this is dennis and  he has a pizza problem if it's around i just can't   control myself it's my vice which is why i've been  working on a low carbon keto-friendly pizza crust   because if i don't satisfy those cravings well  bad things happen i'd like to place an order   and this is mr d the man dedicated to making bad  things happen to start the crust we need sugar   yes sure i'll explain in a second traditionally  size containing he adds 12 grams of the white   demon then he adds 50 milliliters of hot filtered  water in this instance he's using a kettle but it   can be heated by any means next he takes the  thermal measurement the sugar water must be   between 100 and 110 degrees american for his  instant yeast to wake up too hot and they die   he adds three eigths of a teaspoon in the single-celled  organisms and although not necessary uses the   jason method to give the buggers a little boost  he sets them aside to bloom and covers them with   a tea towel to prevent leaves and various debris  from falling inside so sugar allow me to explain now you might be wondering why i'm using  sugar a low carbon keto friendly recipe   truth is the carbs in the sugar don't actually  count towards the recipe reason is the yeast   that we just awoke from a deep dark slumber  actually feed on the sugar and produce co2   this is a process better known as fermentation  a process that can i help you hey i got a large cheese pizza for dennis. I didnt order a pizza... well  it was what have been paid for you i even got a   really nice tip! i don't want it! i can't take it  with me. it's yours consider it a gift. I'm allergic to gluten. throw it away. where? fine you know what  thanks have a good one. a good method to enjoy   traditional pizza is to simply eat the cheese or  you could just have a bite although a bite is   not going to ruin his diet, it does in fact lead  down a dangerous road. all right back to the crust as the yeast blooms it's time to  prepare the dry ingredients to the   device with multiple spinning bushido  blades he adds flour of the almonds   by pulverizing the almond flour he decreases  any possibility of graininess in the crust   next thing's next it's time for  the remaining dry ingredients   he adds flour made from the lupine bean and  for the necessary stretchiness in the pizza   vital wheat gluten then the  all-important secret ingredient   gelatin this helps keeps the crust soft as well  as moist just make sure it's of the unflavored   variety afterwards he adds four to five grams  of sodium chloride or if so inclined a few   pinches the greens are making sure they are evenly  distributed before moving on to the wet software using the food scale in a rather accidentary  manner he adds 30 grams of extra virgin olive oil   while he's using mass for this  instead of volume as a valid question   now that his east has feasted in  bloon for at least 10 minutes it's   time for its grand engines to the club  because inside the cup it is in fact a dance party using 170 milliliters  of cold water he adds some of the   water into the yeast swirls it around and  empties it into the vessel the second is   repeated until he has no more water and this  method ensures maximum restoration transfer   the pulverizes the dirt for 45 to 60 seconds  max otherwise the dirt will begin to heat up   and this is not desired to a large bowl or a quart  container he adds some extra virgin olive oil and   spreads it around then onto his cutting board he  places his dough using his hand he begins to knead   the dough until it feels consistent throughout  once the dough feels like a singular blob he   begins to pinch it towards the bottom then he  places it into his pre-oiled vessel however we're   not yet ready last he must cover the container  with a breathable layer be it to paper towel or   tea towel reason being the yeast need to breathe  however we want to keep our pests and annie leaves once the cover is secure he cleans because the door must be placed in a warm dark area  so that it can prove lucky for him he lives   in florida where the garage is a perfectly suited  location the ideal temperature is between 80 and   85 degrees america however if you don't have a  garage another viable solution is the oven or   better yet the trunk of a car just ensure it's  not too hot also attempt to avoid leaves at all   costs back inside the air is still heavy with  the smell of pizza with his lack of full power   he decides to eat a slice a decision that leads  him deeper and deeper into the heart of darkness i can't let this happen again i'd  like to place an order extra cheese   luckily while he was chasing the  dragon the dough proofed for two hours   he fetches it from the garage and  preheats the oven to 450 degrees american   i'll cheese you again i got a large extra cheese  pizza for dennis you know you're here like four   hours ago i was i knew this place looked familiar  i don't want the pizza well it was ordered and   paid for it i even got a really nice tip yeah got  it thanks have a go how do you know about the tip with the demon locked away it's time to  get cooking to large baking tray he cuts   a piece of parchment paper and thinks he's  doing rather he perfectly cuts with the size   to this he dumps his entire dough which  seemingly defies all facets of gravity although this could be split in two  he's going for the whole shebang   using his fingers he presses up from  the center creating a welder and   a wall around the rim be aware if you roll the  dough flat or fold the edges in it will burn me hey get out of here   the cross is made as large as he desires  and placed back into the package none topics it appears that one of his lights has gone out  however he feels not because the light at the   end of the tunnel is the brightest he sets  a timer for 12 minutes for this sized pizza   and while he waits it's time  for questions from the future now there's a few things we need to go over can  we substitute the weak gluten unfortunately no   there's nothing i found that provides the  same level of elasticity and sort of stretch   that wheat gluten provides whether you decide to  eat weak gluten or not is up to you i prefer to   eat it because it's either this pizza or i eat an  entire real pizza traditional style and just feel   like crap for the next 2-3 days up to you some  people like to use xanthan gum but i don't find   that it provides the same stretch that we need for  a good low-carb pizza can we substitute the lupine   or almond flour unfortunately no the original  recipe had coconut flour and since then i've   substituted it for lupin flour and it has made  a world of difference i know some people like   to substitute coconut flour for almond flour  due to nut allergies but coconut flour just   has a very different absorption rate and honestly  the mixes and ratios that i've come up with has   it's over 30 iterations and this is the mix  that works for this combination we can use it   as a baseline but you can't substitute them for  other flowers do you need to let the dough rest   yes at least an hour and a half to two hours  you can let it rest more but at least a minimum   you need to let that yeast burp to create  those sort of air bubbles inside the dough all right little guy rude  can you use a pizza stone   i'm going to say yes now take this with a  grain of salt because i'm not exactly sure   the reason i'm going to say yes is because there's  no cheese or dairy in the dough so nothing's gonna   melt and stick to the pizza stone granted i  tried this with the pizza mesh and there was   a little bit of stickage but i think it's just  a matter of it not crispy well enough you could   also just dust it maybe with some oat fiber  or even flour or cornstarch and that should   solve the problem but which brings a quicker  question of why don't i have a pizza stone can you freeze the dough abso freaking  loot this dough is fantastic frozen just   make a little pan pizzas if you want stick  them in a ziploc bag and freeze them with   your toppings without your toppings it's just  going to take a little bit longer to cook when   you pull it off depends if you're defrosting  roster you're just gonna have to watch it   and make sure it doesn't burn but it works really  really well for the sort of late night cravings or   any sort of quick lunch that you may  want for pizza because it is a good pizza   do you need to add the gelatin no but i  highly highly highly highly highly highly   recommend it it sort of adds the right amount of  moisture in the crust but also allows the crust   to be crispy one of the things i encountered  with maintaining moisture because the flour   doesn't absorb water the same and coconut flour  just absorbs too much you could potentially use   xanthan gum but i think that would get too much in  the realm of trying to provide too much elasticity   but the gelatin works really well you can also use  glucomannan glucoman or cognac powder stuff to use   for miracle noodles i don't know how to pronounce  this stuff but it's a lot harder to come by   gelatin is pretty much anywhere just make sure you  use unflavored and not orange flavor or something   weird like that last but not least this recipe  makes enough for four servings typically i'll eat   half a serve or half a pie which is two servings  and that is more than sufficient trust me it's   incredibly film there's a lot of fiber a lot  of really good stuff in here that's just it's   don't try to eat a whole pizza just don't be  a hero don't ask me how i know just eat half perfect timing this has been  questions from the future the crust is exquisite soft slightly chewy airy  and slightly crispy underneath it is in fact the   best low carb and keto pizza crust he has ever  eaten and with such great power comes great pizza   pizza so amazing that the demons  are no longer a temptation   however if pasta is more of what you are  in the mood for make sure to check out   this amazing keto pasta that actually cooks and  tastes like pasta till then patience patience oh
Channel: Black Tie Kitchen
Views: 59,886
Rating: 4.8986807 out of 5
Keywords: keto, keto pizza, keto pizza crust, pizza, keto pizza dough, low carb, black tie kitchen, blacktiekitchen, low carb pizza, low carb pizza dough
Id: iNlgX2EJeJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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