How to make 1carb keto flatbreads - Vegan | Keto

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This recipe makes 4 flatbreads (less than 1g carb per bread)

1/2 cup almond flour (68g)

2 - 3 Tbsp. psyllium seed husks

1 Tbsp. olive oil

1/2 tsp. baking soda

1 tsp. salt

1 cup warm water

Add it all together and blend.

Then bake it.

👍︎︎ 44 👤︎︎ u/Amrityville 📅︎︎ Nov 03 2018 🗫︎ replies

You might want to make a note that you're using course / kosher style salt and not table salt. The difference between 1 tsp of course salt and 1 tsp of table salt is going to make a huge difference and if someone uses the more common standard salt it's going to ruin their flatbread.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/devilkin 📅︎︎ Nov 05 2018 🗫︎ replies

If the texture is close to a corn tortilla...I just found my Barbacoa hack.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Nov 04 2018 🗫︎ replies

This is great, I don't do so well with carbs due to a family history of blood sugar issues, I find a HFLC vegan diet to be great so kind of went keto without realizing it.

I was eating a lot of high fat almond milk yogurt, eating meat substitutes like beyond meat products and tofu, avocados, lots of nuts, seeds, nut butters, and lots of veggies and hardly any fruit, stevia instead of sugar.

My sweat, and other bodily functions started to smell metallic I got concerned and did some research and realized I was in ketosis which explained the crystal clear feeling of my head (think better), metallic taste in mouth, and metallic smelling sweat.

I don't really miss bread, but I will for sure try this in the future.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/33Luce33 📅︎︎ Nov 10 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi everyone today I'm going to show you how to make quite possibly the best vegan keto flatbread on the planet that was a mouthful since I mentioned in the last video I've been on killer Ginny die for a little while I'm probably about close to three months and so far I'm feeling fantastic so if you know anything about killer genic diet at all it's basically cutting down sugar and carbohydrate that's the main thing and then you take moderate amount of protein and up the fat so this is it my body doesn't crave for sugar or starch per se I mean sugar it's relatively easy for me I never had sweet tooth so I don't particularly but carbohydrate on hand it's not so much my body's creaming for the starch it's more of the kind of in the context of what it is the texture of bread biscuits and generally just the recipes you can create with them so it became my mission to experiment and find recipes that not only can replace them but tastes even better so I've been trying few recipes with keto flat bread the recipes are they I see most often are the ones that may with flaxseed Oh coconut flour so the flashy bread turned out okay but flashy does have a quite pronounced taste and flavor so it's something that either you really enjoy or not so much and for me I'm all-in not so much side and though so the process of making flaxseed bread for me is slightly fiddly because the dough is very sticky and not very easy to handle and I notice I would coconut flour flat bread yeah actually turned out pretty good and tasted pretty decent but a problem is the cop count for me is still too high if you look at a nutritional value of coconut flour and depends on where you get the flour from I've seen cop counts from twenty four hundred grand up to fifty something so for me that's a bit too high I want to be able to enjoy this flat bread without saying King that I'm actually breaking the diet so I've been experimenting with almond flour and lo and behold it turned out beautifully the texture is fantastic and it tastes it wonderful so today I'm going to show you how to make my Ottoman Ultima keto flatbread or vegan and gluten free the ingredients you need so first thing you we need is I'm a flower so this is really important you want to find the finest i'ma flower you can possibly get in terms of how fine its ground and I'm going to a little bit more detail with a flower later on and why it's important and the next thing we need is psyllium husk powder if you're not familiar with it basically is pure fiber it's coming from plant seeds and you can look it up if you're interested in to know what kind of plants here it is it's used quite often for vegan baking and also keto baking as well what it does with baking is that it replaces gluten from regular flour if you mix it with water it turns into quite gooey sticky substance so it kind of functions very similarly to gluten in regular flour I mean you should be able to get this reasonably easily nowadays from health food stores and we need some olive oil and some baking powder and some salt and this is all ingredients you need so I want to explain a little bit on the almond flour because a lot of people get confused they use the wrong type of flour for cooking and it doesn't turn out well so this is actually ground almond and very similar to our milk I think is probably the same thing only this one you can see the colors paler so this one doesn't contain the skin quite a lot of almond meal is a little bit darker because it's basically entire almond being ground into powder form and it's quite cos and this is a great flip for a lot of recipes before the flatbread is to cause so we don't want to use this and the next one I want to show you is what's been labeled as almond flour and so you can see that color is slightly paler and no so its finer I think this one might work okay for our recipe today but it might be a little bit too coarse you can try but what you really want is this extra fine almond flour and this is important for this this recipe because if the flour is to cause that dough might start to crumble so what you want is extra fine I'm a flower I got my from Amazon if we can find that extra fine one you will work fantastically so let's make the dough I'll take a large mixing bowl and the first thing we want to add in is almond flour so we want half a cup of almond flour this should make you for flat breads so that's that I'm flora and then we need three tablespoons of the psyllium husk but we are only going to add in two tablespoons for now and then we reserved one tablespoon to later on to adjust the moisture in the doll so I'm going to add in two tablespoons to and then we're going to add half a teaspoon of the baking soda not this much and then one teaspoon of salt so I've got 1/2 a teaspoon here so I'm gonna add two so that's 1 teaspoon of salt and then we're going to add in 1 tablespoon of olive oil around that much and before we start mixing it we want to add in one cup of warm water and by warm water it simply means let me show you you basically add in half a cup of freshly boiled water out of the kettle you add in that and then you add in half a cup of room temperature water okay so that will make you warm water right here and now waking out of warm water into the mixing bowl okay and now you have a cup of choices you can either start blending it with a pewter or a spatula like this and mix it well or if you're lazy like me and you have a food processor or full mixer you can use it to mix it for you and that's what I'm going to do so I've got my food mixer here I'm gonna just pop this mix mixing bowl here and start mixing it since been in the mixer for about a couple minutes now I want to switch off and just check on the consistency so at this stage the dough would appear to be quite moist and a bit sticky to touch and this is normal so if it feels really wet this is the point we want to add in more psyllium husk it does feel a little bit soft so I'm going to sprinkle a little bit of the psyllium husk so do this cautiously you don't want to overdo it you don't want it to become too foam so take a tablespoon and then sprinkle probably half half of a tablespoon there for now and I'm going to mix it again so here's the doll so in the mixing process I checked a cup of times and then add a bit more of psyllium husk so I ended up adding probably just under three tablespoons in total so you can see the doll here it's still quite sticky but it's not really sticking to my hands so the texture is quite moist and we're going to just quickly turn it into a ball okay now so now we're going to wrap it with cling film and to leave it to rest for 10 minutes so I've got a piece of cling film here and just pop it here and wrap it up and I'm gonna come back in ten minutes so it's really important to leave it to rest for at least 10 minutes and what it does is give all the ingredients some time to all bind together and you'll find that after resting time the doll will be kind of less sticky and those are easier to handle and you get much better results okay so let's have a look it's been resting for about ten minutes and you will find the texture has become less sticky and if that was quite easy to handle so what we want to do now is to cut it in four equal sizes let me try to do that so take a knife or a cutter and just cut it in four and you can measure it and make sure that equal if you want to make sure that the cup count is accurate and now you just roll each one of them into a little ball I mean the texture is quite elastic so you might find that it doesn't kind of just blend into each other completely but that's totally fine just do your best and roll them into poor shape okay so now you want to take two pieces baking sheets so here's the baking sheet the smooth side up I'm going to put my dough here in the middle and press it down slightly and then take another sheet with a smooth side down hello sandwich it okay and then take a rolling pin and just start rolling it out so the dough is actually quite firm so you will have to practice this a couple times and then just turn it around 90 degree and then Road on the other side so you're aiming on this pancake shape and just keep doing this I mean it will take a little bit of getting used to because the the texture is a bit more I say bouncy the normal dough but you will get used to it very quickly I think so be patient and just roll it up evenly so what I find is that in between it helps if you just pull up the paper a couple times and flip it around and do the same this will release the doll from sticking to the paper too much and those are even now the creases as well and if you have like this is kind of uneven you can just take bits of it and then stick it to somewhere that's kind of less around and then roll again I think the temptation is to really very thin but I will recommend their so keeping the reasonable thickness to begin with I mean you will still taste fantastic you just make slightly smaller flatbread as you get better at it you can roll near like thinner let's have a look so that's my flatbread number one well I'm just made I've kept it aside and cover it with a clean film and to keep it moist we're going to continue to roll out the rest of the flatbread and then we're going to cut them okay so this flatbread number two I mean if you're a professional whatever and cut it round but to be honest I this is home cooking and I embrace imperfection so I prefer my bread as it is let's grow rustic this is perfectly good for me okay so we're ready to cook the bread and know what to do is to take a medium-sized frying pan and we're going to just drizzle in a tiny bit of olive oil so just a tiny bit and we're gonna turn the heat on to probably about medium not too strong we don't want the bread to burn and just give it a little roll around like this and then take a piece of kitchen paper so would you use it almost like a brush and we're going to even out the oil slightly so what you want is to coach a frying pan with oil there's a nice coating of oil there and we're gonna take a flap right here and just pop it in the center of the frying pan and leave me to cook so it depends on the the heat and your frying pan it'd probably take a couple minutes before you want to flip around so have a spatula ready and you will know it's ready to be flipped over when they start to kind of bubble up so be patient and leave me to cook slowly okay let me have a little check on the side so our last perfect so I'm going to just flip it around and cook the other side it's perfect golden brown and this is when as important to keep the heat low if you start out and just go straight in with strong heat it would just go black okay I think I'm happy with this one so have a plate ready and just put it on the plate and we can cook the next one okay I think this one is cooked as well so I'm gonna pop that aside I'm gonna just cook the rest of the bread I'll see you in a bit [Music] so here it is a Cheeto flatbread I just want to quickly show you how soft and supple this is this is a proper popper bread it's warm and wonderful and it's got that slight almond fragrance and you can roll it up and do whatever you like with it the perfect texture so what I'm going to do is to put some fillings in there and then make a flat go wrong so I've got some salad leaves and tomatoes avocado here I've also got my favorite vegan Mayo so I'm going to take a piece of flap right here I'm going to spread some mayo on top of it a huge dollop think a little bit messy but that's okay now I'm going to scoop in some avocado a little bit more some Tomatoes and if you salad leaves a bit of salt and here I'm going to drizzle a little bit of a MCT oil if you're not familiar with it it's basically kind of purified coconut oil it's extremely good for you I'm particularly when you're on keto so I'm going to drizzle a tiny bit of it just few drops I'm gonna sprinkle some black Jessie and finally some sliced almond I mean if it doesn't look good I don't know what does so my challenger now is actually roll it up I'm one of those people who just put too much filling in wraps that's my downfall but hey let's give it a go so I'm going to roll it up I was actually not too bad look it's totally fine yeah that's perfect if you're not sure you can always stick it with a cocktail stick but I think we're probably okay okay now we're going to just slice it I'm trying to make it pretty I'm normally if I make it for myself I just cut straight in the middle for hey you know it's YouTube video let's get a bit fancy so that's my flat bit roll done [Music] so there you go that's my Quito flatbed road it was so beautiful now it's time to eat I'm actually really hungry so miss bite into this so soft and moist this is so good if texture is wonderful and it goes really well it goes so well with avocado mmm so good so with the bread you can either make them fresh and just eat them on the spot as you can see it's hardly a major hassle to make but when you can alternatively do is to make a larger batch I tend to make about 10-12 of them eat a cup of them on a spot and then put the rest in a freezer if you're planning to eat them within the next 2-3 days Ryan just wrap them up cover them with cling film or some sort of a food bag and then keep them a fridge or if you want to keep them longer you can put them in the freezer bag and then put them in a freezer you can probably get away with not separating them but I'll recommend that you probably keep a piece of cling film between the flatbread just in case and those are with the flour that we use for this recipe again this is extra fine and this is a lot of cheapest flour you can get grant you I've got this bag as one kilo one kilo here it's about 13 pounds so you can work it out with the currency in dollars or other currencies but considering it's got one kilo with this recipe with four flat breads we only use about half a cup so I did live this is a quick calculation know that I can count but I got my calculator out so with a kilo of the flour you can make up to 64 flat breads so that's not too bad as a deal if you think about it you know 14 pounds for 64 flatbreads I think it is worth an investment so just look it up and it would produce the best results okay so let me know if you have any questions so I'm looking forward to show you another recipe next time I mean I've got a few in the pipeline I'm still planning to show you my cupboard as well and also my shopping trips in terms of what I've done to adapt sort of Akito way of eating and a couple of other things so I'm looking forward to sharing that with you next time so see you next time [Music]
Channel: Heavenly Fan
Views: 2,518,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to make keto naan, keto bread, ketogenic diet, almond flour wraps, gluten free bread, low carb diet, keto wraps recipes, keto wraps almond flour, keto wraps vegan, keto vegan recipes, vegan bread, vegan gluten free, low carb bread recipe, vegan keto, keto flatbread, flourless bread, low carb, ketogenic recipes, low carb recipes, vegan keto diet, vegan flourless bread, how to make keto bread, easy keto bread
Id: 4MfPzlqguho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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