Low Carb CHOCOLATE CAKE Battle - The BEST Keto Chocolate Cake Recipe!

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y'all we're making chocolate cake come on welcome to highfalutin low-carb the random web series where we find and tests the best Locard recipes this crazy Internet has to offer today we're gonna be tackling low carb a choc ilat cake stay tuned alright guys low carb chocolate cake can it be done today we're going to be finding out by making two of the most popular online recipes for low carb chocolate cake the first of those is chocolate keto cake and that's my chocolate-covered Katie calm and the second recipe is keto chocolate cake and that's by the website life made sweeter calm now I just want to start by saying we have divided chocolate cake up into a couple of categories but today we are concentrating on fluffy full-sized chocolate cakes just like you could serve a group of people for a party or a birthday now yes there are definitely flourless chocolate cakes that have lots of eggs there are mug cakes there are lots of different variants but today is just the crumbly possibly stackable possibly frost Abel keto chocolate cakes alright now before we begin I want to give a huge thank you to thrive market for sponsoring this video thrive market is an online marketplace on a mission to make healthy living easy and affordable for everybody you can shop there entire catalog for thousands of name-brand products and what's great is you can sort it all by the values that matter to you most whether that's a vegan non-gmo Fairtrade for us it's going to be keto or low-carb you can sort their entire catalog of thousands of products by the things that matter most to you now like a lot of big-box discount stores there is a membership fee to join thrive market but what's nice is that they also have a gift back for every membership that they sell they also give one away to a teacher to first responder a veteran a family in need someone that can benefit from getting affordable healthy food there are a couple of membership options they've got a min one month membership and that's great but if you choose the one-year membership like I do it gets your membership cost down to about five dollars a month you also get $20 off if you sign up for the year membership fee so if you want to use the link down here on the screen below you can certainly do that what's great is that it is risk free if you don't like it within the first 30 days cancel it and they'll refund everything at the end of the year if you haven't saved as much as the membership fee cost they'll actually refund that membership amount to you so thank you thrive market for sponsoring this video its sponsorships like yours that keep channels like mine on the air so a few guides want to support may be sure to go check out arrived market and support them by using the link down below alright now let's make some chocolate cake alright guys so let's get started on our first recipe and this is chocolate keto cake by the website chocolate-covered Katy calm and this is one of the most popular recipes at least by rating and the number of ratings for low carb chocolate cake online and this is beautiful this is a beautiful cake if you look at the photos and what's interesting is this is oil free a lot of cakes have a lot of oil or eggs and kind of give that eggy flavor and takes that we don't like him in low carb baked goods so I'm hopeful for this so let's get started on this now the big to begin with here we are going to she doesn't say to do this y'all but you know me sift sift y'all go by the t-shirt all right you've got to sift this stuff especially your almond flour so we're going to start with almond flour and I'm gonna throw this into our sifter here and this is just finely ground almond flour from blanched almonds I'm often asked how do you get lighter or whiter or brighter fluffy low-carb baked goods a lot of people are using almond flour from whole ground almonds that contain the husk of the brown husk around the almonds so it makes it look like meal it's kind of course this is blanched almonds right so that's why it's white and fluffy and I get asked that a lot so that's what it is look for almond flour from blanched almonds and so we're gonna sift all this into a bowl here so that's that we've also got our powdered sweetener and you're probably saying Wesley where are the ingredient amounts if you're new here this is what we do here we test recipes these are not my red this is not my work so if you want to know exactly how much ingredients to use be sure to go to the link down here on the screen all the links are going to be down here on the screen and in the video description below like I said I didn't do this work the people that did the hard work they deserve the traffic so be sure to go visit their sites so we know that there's almond flour we know that there is a granulated sweetener I'm gonna use swerve here because she calls for call for granulated erythritol and then let's just sort of get some of this out of the way here by sifting duty to do and we're also gonna add in as we start to sit down I worked oh coke powder and this is probably going to get a little powdery but this is cocoa powder she also called for Dutch and non Dutch or a little bit of extra regular cocoa powder so that's what I've done here I didn't buy two different kinds it's not necessary I've just done what she said and used her ingredients and then lastly is baking powder and this is a fair amount of baking powder for this this is where obviously we're we getting our lift there's not a lot of eggs there's three eggs but not a lot and there's no oil so the only way to get some lift in here apparently it's all of that baking powder and then lastly with the dry ingredients a little bit of salt so just to kind of kick up that chocolate flavor so let's just sift all this down because see what are you gonna do people who don't see if what are you gonna do with all that look at all that mess there you will never get all that out of there you will make a mess on your countertop like here right there but at least you won't have balls of dough in you and your um in your batter so just run this through the sieve and we'd be right back okay so we've done our dry ingredients here let's just give this a nice little whisk to get all of the almond flour combined with our cocoa powder and salt and all that jazz and then this is pretty easy it doesn't require mixer just use a whisk and we're gonna put in our liquid ingredients next and this is obviously three eggs we're gonna beat those I have let these sit at room temperature generally it's baking cakes you're gonna any kind of baked goods it's usually let the good to let a lot of this stuff get to room temperature y'all I'm just gonna tell you right now while I'm talking about it if you say I had the door open earlier because it is beautiful outside and I'm a huge to huge gigantic flies came in so if you see something the size of a house cat fly by this camera and I don't have bugs in the house I just it's got bugs in the house so to this I'm gonna add water or milk of your choice I just decided to go ahead and use almond milk because I said using it in the other recipe water didn't really excite me much I think almond milk might have been a better option and then lastly a little bit of vanilla it's gonna add this here and now let's just mix this up as best we can you don't want to over mix it but you do want to get it combined and then I'll meet you right back here we're gonna put this in a pan and go right in the oven all right so we've got all this mixed and we're ready to put this in the pan and there's a couple of things I need to talk about here y'all every single recipe that I found the popular recipes for a full low-carb full size low carbon chocolate cake called Fort 8-inch pan 8-inch pipe in cake pan well I ain't got an 8-inch cake pan and I can't find an 8 inch cake pan now granted I tried to find some online and ones that were sold out we're sold out and others couldn't be delivered in time y'all yesterday I put on gloves and a mask and went out to three different stores specifically because I had 9 inch pans to find an 8 inch pan because you know that I like to follow the recipes exactly as written that's the only way I think to you know review a recipe is to do it as exactly as written my point is I could not find an 8 inch cake pan with Walmart Whitney Meyer went to Target every single one of them all they had was 9-inch pans and guess what they only had one or two of those everybody right now is baking low-carb full carb no carb all the carbs whatever it is everybody is baking the whole entire baking section was wiped out of pans that there were no chocolate chips the flour aisle is dead and it was just amazing so my point is she calls for an cake pan to bake this for 14 minutes at 350 I'm gonna have to put this in a 9-inch because that's all I got so I'm gonna just watch it and take it out a little bit earlier and we're gonna know what something arise as much now the second thing I wanted to say is this needs to be oiled and aligned with parchment paper and I don't know if you do this but the easiest way for me to get parchment paper is let me just show you with this here's the recipe imagine this is your parchment paper right folded in half right so here's your parchment paper fold it in half fold it in half again and then hold this up to the corner of your pan and cut around the edge like this right you see what I'm saying so I folded it up and you're going to cut along the edge and then when you unfold it magically it fits in the bottom of your pan almost perfectly so that's just a little trick if you didn't know that I'm sure what I did to those twittg Elementary so I'm just gonna oil this with a little bit of avocado oil spray because it's safe for baking and apparently you really have to use some parchment on these because this stuff sticks so you want to do that so that that sticks there and then it'll give it another little spritz and around the sides and hopes that this comes out of here so from here we just have to put this in let me get rid of that and go with the spatula because you want all these ingredients out of here let's pour this right into our supposed to be an 8-inch if you've got an 8-inch pan good for you if you don't good luck finding one right now cuz it's almost like it's a pandemic oh okay I'll see myself out that was a terrible joke Wacka Wacka Wacka okay so spread this out said you may need a second parchment piece to do that with but not gonna need one and then from here we'll get all your stuff off of there my hands are markedly clean I've watched some 500 times today seven this is going in the for 14 minutes at about 350 and I will meet you back here I will show you what this looks like and while this is baking I'm gonna clean up then we're getting ready for our second recipe all right see you in just a bit all right guys so we're back and our first recipe is out of the oven and it looks beautiful have a little bit of cracking on top where it's sank a little bit I put this in for about 12 minutes again this was a larger pan than they call four by an inch and so that will affect some of the baking time but yes they recommended I checked it with a toothpick coming out clean in the center so put this in the back and let this cool and then we'll get started our second recipe all right okay so let's begin our second recipe and this is kedo chocolate cake bye life made sweeter and this contains a few more ingredients most noticeably it has two flours it has coconut flour and almond flour the majority being almond but as we say many times combining flours like that sometimes really helps the texture and end product of a low-carb baked goods so again we're gonna sift all of this out so while we're doing that I'm just gonna let you know here this is almond flour let's throw that in quite a bit more almond flour than the other recipe the other recipe call made one eight inch round this makes two eight inch rounds this recipe but it did say that if you use a nine inch just use one pan so we're gonna bake this in one 9-inch pan just going forward I also wanted to say while I'm sifting here I've got more comments on my last video about this picture back here Flo Florence Jean Castleberry is the characters name this is from the old television show Alice and she was the diner waitress I said kiss my grits I had more people comment about kiss they kiss my grits on my last comment section then I have ever had over anything I've had that painting for about ten years and you if you've noticed my kitchen has changed if your regular here you know I moved so she's been in storage and I finally pulled her out and brought her back here to the kitchen we're gonna add to this while I'm talking some cocoa powder this also has a little tiny bit of espresso powder coffee espresso powder kind of helps bring out the chocolate flavor flavor if you want to know how much ingredients again it's often be on the link here and in the video description below so anyway yeah I've had that painting for a while no it's not something that I did she is a painting done by the folk artist who goes by the name Panhandle slim he's very popular in Savannah and on the Gulf Coast the coastal gulf coast of in pensacola and he does notable people in their sayings and I fell in love with her over 10 years ago and bought her and I love her so anyway that's what that's about and while she's back there so kiss my grits all right this is coconut flour we're gonna add a little coconut flour to this and keep a sifting that's the only way to make sure it'll be getting all these lumps out we're also gonna add in she calls specifically for powdered sweetener powdered monk fruit sweetener so that's what I'm using here or any powdered sweetener as opposed to granulated I tend to like like whoever this is chocolate who is this life made sweeter I tend to like the confectioner's I just think it bakes blends mixes a whole lot better than the granulated you can always run your grandma granulated through a blender too or a food processor and grind it up so to this we're gonna add a little baking powder again a fair amount of baking powder powder they got a good rise on it and lastly of our dry ingredients a little bit of salt now also while this is why we're doing this I should have already added this is our nut milk some almond milk and we're gonna add a splash just a tiny splash if you want to know how much check the ingredient list down below on the link a tiny splash of apple cider vinegar that's gonna curl this meal and sort of give us a buttermilk flavor so let that sits gotta sit for about five minutes and we're just going to finish sifting this out okay so once you've got all this sifted let's just make sure that it's combined well you want to disease it's possible before you start throwing in all your liquid ingredients and this is gonna be a fair amount more batter because like I said this was supposed to make two eight inch rounds but it says if you have nine inch rounds till you make it in one so we're gonna try that that seems like a lot of batter but to this while our egg of all our milk is almond milk is finished curdling we're gonna add in some eggs you just want to make sure these are room temperature and we're gonna beat them a little bit first always best to mix your eggs up before you throw them in your main batter and unlike our other recipe which did not contain oil this actually does have oil this has melted coconut oil so we're gonna add that in and quite a bit of it as well it's gonna give a slight coconut flavor if you're using the unrefined Orkin coconut oil which I tend to use and then a little bit of vanilla extract and let's give this a nice little combine and then mmm making a nice thick batter and then to this let's add our homemade quote-unquote buttermilk it's got a little bit of vinegar into our almond milk and let's just give this a nice quick mix together all right so we're ready to put this in we're gonna do the exact same thing we've got our parchment round that's been cut out these are a little trick we did earlier let's make sure this is nice and sprayed lay this down in it first spray again make sure you're getting the sides because I'll take it the comments on both of these recipes people can claim that the cakes stuck every a lot of the comments say the cake stuck or fell apart the only way to deal with it was to a let it cool completely before you take it out of the pan and try to present it or isit frosted and that you had to use parchment paper and along with oil so that's what I'm doing trying to get myself all the help I can get make sure that's sitting down there and now this is supposed to make 2 8 inch rounds or 1 9-inch round I don't know how one inch can make that big of a difference in in a full recipe needing two pans or one but we gonna find out here because I'm following direction you all know I like to try to do it as honestly as I can now this batter is a whole lot thicker than that other one let's just try to get it spread out as evenly as we can all right now this is gonna supposed to go in the oven for 18 to 25 minutes that's a huge variance there and this is even larger that was for the 8 inch round this is the 9 inch round as we've been talking about so it's gonna take even longer boy this thing's heavy so I'm gonna put this in the oven I'm gonna check it it's gonna be a little bit longer than that I'll let you know how long we're gonna test it and then we will be right back here to test both of these I'll meet you back here in 5 4 3 2 1 alright guys so we are back and now we're gonna taste and check out our cakes and look how beautiful these two guys are all right now our first one here is the chocolate keto cake and this is by chocolate-covered Katie calm and the second one is the keto chocolate take by life made sweeter calm and let's just remember also there's a couple of caveats to this texting first of all both of these cakes are meant to be made with icing or frosting if you've watched my mug cake battle I'm gonna put a link up here which ever side it goes on so you can check that out frosting is a huge huge trigger for me and I'm just gonna be honest with you this quarantine social distancing staying at home order all this has really set off something in me that's difficult to explain and I think a lot of people are going through it so you know I'm you know I'm not a weight-loss guru by any stretch of the imagination and things trigger me and icing is one of those so long story short I didn't make these with icing and icing is the easiest part the frosting is the easiest part of these recipes it's usually just some erythritol or some sweetener and some butter and some cream and you cream those up so it's not going to affect the macros a lot it will in the fat sense and the calorie sense but not in the carb since so the hardest part of making a chocolate cake is the cake part it's not the icing the frosting that's the easiest part of making low carb to me at least it's the texture of that cake how is that cake so we're trying these without frosting having said that let's remember that the chocolate-covered katie kyoto chocolate cake this was mostly supposed to be made in a tent eight inch rounds this is supposed to make one eight inch round and her nutritional information is for eight slices all right this one it's supposed to make two eight inch rounds or one 9-inch round right so this is a whole lot thicker cake but it's supposed to make 16 slices right 16 slices so let's talk about nutritional information while we're going all right our first recipe is keto chocolate cake and this is by chocolate-covered Katie calm if you make eight slices of this without the icing without the frosting one slice of this is a hundred and thirty calories you've got about nine grams of fat you've got six total carb and 3.3 grams of fiber that gives you 2.7 grams of net carbs per slice you've got about six point nine grams of protein all right so our in contrast you get 16 slices right that's a whole lot of difference twice but again remember this is different amounts of batter to begin with but if you have one slice of this without icing one slice is 176 calories you've got 16 grams of fat 7 total carbs you've got 3 grams of fiber which leaves you four for net carbs and about 5 grams of protein so that's a difference here in these and now our goal is to get them out of these pans and to taste them so let's just try to do that here all right so now I'm gonna try to this is the hard part and I will tell you what both of these recipes the comments are filled with people who said this crumbled apart and just it was terrible blah blah blah blah blah so I'm gonna come in here this is the chocolate-covered Katie and I'm gonna use just a little spatula and something to try to loosen this up around the edges because remember we have parchment on the bottom so it should come out of there pretty easily button Oh Who am I to say all right easiest way to do this usually let's put a plate on top flip this booger upside down and try to get it out of there da da da da oh my gosh it came out perfectly it left the parchment paper behind see oh that looks good hold on all right we've looked right side up right now obviously if you're gonna be icing this frosting it things are gonna be different you're gonna be using smaller sizes but that looks beautiful y'all look at that can I show it to you had my face so it'll focus on it yeah oh that is beautiful and remember this was supposed to go on an 8 inch cake pan this isn't a 9 inch pan and it's gonna be thicker than that so it's not like you're gonna cut this in half I guess you could but it actually calls for you to double this recipe if you want to make a two-tiered beautiful cake like the photos that you see okay let's try this second one this one's not as cool as the first one but it definitely is thicker and we need to go around it and just make sure Lord please the worst thing you can do learn it's for all this to stick and you don't spend all this money on ingredients and in there you are so let's put this on top alright step it over oh no oh no that looks gorgeous look it also kept the look they kept the parchment in the bottom it did beautifully hold on y'all that it's gorgeous alright I'm gonna flip it over because actually if you were probably gonna put this on a cake plate look at that it's gonna slide and that is thick and gorgeous and again this was supposed to be in two 18 transducers 1 9-inch round and I baked you for about 3 minutes longer this is about 28 minutes instead of 25 okay I'm gonna flip it is this stupid okay here we go oh my gosh that is gorgeous now if you were you were icing this I made a mess look at that if you were icing this you probably would have left this upside down so you're flat right so you're flat side is at the top and you can ice that you look a big beautiful birthday cake or celebration cake or chocolate cake or whatever you're making so let's taste it which of these is the best cake option you can make whatever low carb frosting you want it's what does it taste like so I'm gonna come in here and cut this in half and then get me a slice oh it's beautiful look at that oh it looks really flaky okay let's put it here and then this guy is beautiful - I'm gonna cut him in half y'all oh the texture of this one is really pretty and again this wasn't gonna be in 1/16 instead of 1/8 but it was Oh y'all look at that okay the question is which of these beautiful guys is the most flavorful and like traditional chocolate cake all right do you see that okay this is the very first one I can never think of the name of it what is it called this is chocolate keto cake by chocolate-covered Katie okay and then the second one is keto chocolate cake exactly the opposite name by life made sweeter let's taste the first one we made again with icing all these are gonna be great but to me the best part of cake is the cake and icing and I'm more concerned about the texture of that okay looks beautiful good chocolate flavor tastes a little wet I don't know how to explain that it's not a ghee but it definitely tastes wetter than a real chocolate cake that has a lot of good strong chocolate flavor this one that is freaking gorgeous all right uh-huh but Tyson's gonna to look because that looks like double plates cake this looks like a real cake much tastier okay I'm blowing on it like it's hot it's not high I'm just a little bit it's not hard at all that's good hold on hold on okay I got to tell you both of these are fantastic this is half the recipe that this is basically because this makes one-eighth inch this makes to 80 inches so by the time you stack it all up and ice it they're probably going to be close to the same servings this the second one what is it life made sweeter Kito chocolate cake this thing tastes like a devil's food cake brownie this tastes look at that it tastes as good as it looks y'all I think a lot there you have it folks low-carb chocolate cake can it be done you better believe it both of these are fantastic the second recipe the life made sweeter keto chocolate cake had a few more ingredients it had a little bit of that it had coconut oil in it you can also substitute butter it just just tastes like a real cake this tastes like a real low or tamati I wish I had some icing on it beats a frosting on it that would be so good as I say every time these recipes are a way for me to maintain my low-carb way of eating and having you on the end of that camera every as often as I can helps keep me honest and I need that honesty right now more than ever I'll be very honest and say that I am struggling in this time of social distancing and staying at home it has been very challenging for me and has it been for you I mean I hope that's okay for me to say I'm upset adieu earlier I'm not a weight-loss guru I just like to cook and I know that I need to cook low-carb and I feel better when I do but I don't always practice what I preach as often as I should and your accountability helps keep me accountable so sound off down below in the comments let me know are you struggling are you is this like easy for you I don't handle boredom and being cooped up very well so I I'm struggling and I hope I hope that's okay to say all right guys I love you so much be sure to check out my sponsor to thrive market I'm gonna put a link down here I do the the one-year membership because it gets down to five bucks a month but I'll be very honest with you regardless of the price I wouldn't have been able to do this recipe battle if it weren't for thrive market where I was able to order the ingredients it seems like locally here things that are odd or help conscious like almond flour and coconut oil and things that aren't odd to us and you've me and you but to the general market those have been kind of hard for me to find even in a city like mine a fairly large city in the Annapolis so thrive market has really come through they have sent me this I've been able to order all the things that I need and then they have concentrated on sending healthy food across the nation so I really appreciate you if you want to support me please go support them again I'm gonna put the link down below without sponsorships like theirs general Beckman would not be able to survive so thank you so much I really appreciate it if you don't know what patreon is be sure to check out my patreon account think of it as the tip jar for the internet it lets people like you who enjoy whether people like me do here on YouTube and you can give us a dollar to a month to sort of keep the Train on the tracks I'm at least all my patreon sponsors here on the screen to be able to see all of them I really appreciate all of their support they are the ones who truly keep the channel going you get some other content over there as well so otherwise I love you guys I will see you here very soon stay strong give me some help down below in the comments what are you doing during this quarantine that is helping you stay on track because boy I sure need the help and I think that we can all help each other I love you guys I will see you very soon for another recipe battle [Music] [Music]
Channel: Highfalutin' Low Carb
Views: 352,444
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: highfalutin low carb, wes shoemaker, low carb chocolate cake, keto chocolate cake, low carb chocolate cake recipe, keto chocolate cake recipe, how to make low carb chocolate cake, how to make keto chocolate cake, low carb chocolate birthday cake, keto chocolate birthday cake, chocolate cake, chocolate birthday cake, sugar free chocolate cake, gluten free chocolate cake, sugar free chocolate cake recipe, gluten free chocolate cake recipe, keto chocolate, low carb chocolate, keto
Id: IfOjLCu9WLc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Mon May 04 2020
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