JUICY KETO CHICKEN TENDERS! Easy, Simple, Low Carb Chicken Recipe for Air Fryer or Pan! 3g Net Carbs

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel i'm myra from low carb love and today we're going to be making a super simple chicken tender recipe so it's going to be super crispy super delicious i'm going to show you two versions one in the airfryer and one stovetop that's going to be like a shallow fry and i'm also going to show you my favorite is usually with pork rinds because it's like what makes everything super super crispy but i'm also going to be showing you that it can be done with protein powder so for those of you that don't eat pork or just you know you're not into the whole pork rind deal you can actually make it with protein powder as well so i'm going to show you both versions as we go along so let's get started with the pork frying version and i will show you how to do it okay so we're going to get started with our egg so we're going to do you probably only need um depending on how much you're making but if you're making about four good sized chicken tenders you'll need um two eggs just so that you're not short on it because then you'll have to basically crack it you know while your hands are all messy and stuff so you're just gonna give it a really quick twist you can use a little whisker or a fork okay and that's gonna be fine and now we're going to season our mixture so again we are using uh pork rinds and parmesan cheese so we'll just put it over here we're gonna do half cup of pork rinds to half cup of parmesan cheese and this is the parmesan parmesan cheese that comes in a can so it's nothing fancy at all this is really just like the you know the green can that you use for spaghetti or whatever or at least what i did growing up um now you know i'm about that fancy life so i get it from traders but we are going to use it for this because there's really no it's a waste of good parmesan cheese to actually use it for um for this recipe like you're not going to be able to to taste the difference but if that's all you have then of course use that so we have half cup of parmesan half cup of um the pork rinds and now we have a quarter teaspoon of cumin half teaspoon of black pepper this is some garlic powder which is also a half teaspoon and then this is a like occasion seasoning and also a half teaspoon okay but you of course can use your seasonings of choice you want to go a little easy on the salt with the pork rind mixture if that's what you're using because the pork rinds are naturally salty and so are not naturally salty but they already have salt so you want to um just not go crazy on the salt and then of course the parmesan cheese also has salt so you just don't want like a a super salty um breading okay so now that this is all mixed together now let's go ahead and start dipping so we are going to use just chicken tender like so dip it into our egg okay and now dip it right onto our breading okay and typically you'd want to mix like use the other hand to bread it so that you know this hand doesn't get all what will start to happen is it'll build up and you'll get like doughy fingers okay so now we just place it here and do the next one and we're gonna do four chicken tenders just um you know so that i can show you the both recipes but um this recipe would be enough for about six or seven chicken tenders okay not listening to my own directions okay there we go so here and you can double coat it if you guys you know really want to be all about the crispy life you can double coat it for sure you'd have enough um enough of the [Music] the breading okay so i will show you right before we put it into the airfryer okay so now we are going to do a little double coat so we put it back into the egg and then right onto our seasoning if you don't want the double coat you definitely don't need to do it [Music] there we are well we're gonna put this one right into the airfryer okay so we will do oh my god these are huge so i might just be able to put two of the pork rind and then we'll squeeze a little protein powder in here and we're gonna cook the rest in stove top okay so let me do it okay so we have these two left that we will cook stove top but now we are going to quickly make our um protein powder version okay so we're going to use this is a quarter cup protein powder this is unflavored protein powder and this will be linked in the description below half cup of protein a quarter cup of protein powder a quarter cup of parmesan cheese and it's the same one the grated in the green can we have a little bit of cumin we have some of the cajun seasoning this is all a quarter teaspoon okay and since the protein powder is unflavored you do want to add a little salt so we will also add a quarter teaspoon of salt okay there we are now we're just gonna mix this up a little dirty fork okay so you just mix it make sure the seasoning parmesan and protein powder is all well incorporated and you're gonna crack your egg because this is for a smaller batch this is like you're making a single serving maybe three or four um little strips of whether i use the chicken tenders but you could use a thigh you can use a bread you know buy better than breath because the thigh is more juicy okay so our stuff is nice and mixed together so now let's go ahead and dip okay so we have our chicken tender we're gonna put it into our egg wash like so and then right onto our protein powder use the other hand to make sure it is well coated you could also do a double coat on these if you'd like [Music] um just make sure it's all coated and we'll do the next ones and i will show you once it is when they're ready to cook um i'm just gonna squeeze one into the the airfryer right there um so that we can see a protein powder version in the airfryer as well as stovetop okay so these are super quick i mean from start to finish at the moment i've been with both i'm pretty much almost done it's been less than for sure less than 10 minutes so these are simple and the air fryer just makes some you know makes everything uh faster and like a little bit more um less messy but stove top is where you will definitely i must even get more crunch um but we will verify that once they are done so let's go ahead we're doing the double coat on these and let's start cooking here is our protein powder version we're gonna scoot these little guys and try to get him in here now we're just gonna get some avocado oil and spray them on top to get that nice um get them nice and crispy okay we are going to set this for 10 minutes at 400 degrees actually like at 375 and the last um the last few minutes we'll put it at 400 to get the crispy you know the crispy crust so now let's go ahead and move over to the stove and we're gonna cook the uh two pork rinds and the two protein powder and see which one ends up crispier and crunchier all right guys so we are going to turn on the flame to a medium heat okay and we are going to place our pan and i'm gonna use you can use avocado oil you can even use olive oil you can use coconut oil whatever you have on hand and we're just going to coat the bottom of the pan so we're just going to like shallow fry not like a deep fry okay so i would say that was about i don't know a few tablespoons maybe even a little less than like a quarter cup and we're gonna let that heat up and then we are going to test our two chicken tenders so we have our pork rind and our protein powder so here we are with our chicken tender our oil is bolt we're doing both at the same time and you will see how beautifully these crisp right now okay so these are out 10 minutes okay we are just spraying a little bit more oil on top which is just the avocado oil and we are going to put it back in for a for another 10 minutes at 400. okay and while we put another 10 minutes on our chicken tenders in the air fryer we're going to go ahead and flip our chicken tenders stove top these have been cooking for a good three minutes on medium high heat okay i lowered the flame a tiny bit and now we're gonna leave them here for another three minutes until the bottom gets super crispy as well okay so we're gonna throw in a little bit more oil since our pork our pork rind mixes all our chicken tenders almost done we're gonna go ahead and throw in our protein powder um little [Music] little guy let's go ahead and [Music] so see if we can get this together all right okay so we have a clean plate we put our little napkin on there and now let's go ahead and pull off our little chicken tender looks beautiful we're just gonna put on there to drain the excess grease and this has been cooking for a good three minutes on each side so let's go ahead and flip over our protein powder [Music] okay so let's go ahead and get our little protein look at that you can see that nice little golden crisp put it here to drain the excess on a little paper towel oh yeah beauty let's put that little guy here let's go check on our airfryer okay guys so here is our protein powder i'm actually surprised at how crispy this is and then these two are the pork rinds okay so let's go ahead and pull them out we're going to place them onto our little napkin where we had our other little guys and now that we're all done i'm going to show you the fine okay guys so now for my favorite part of this entire video is the taste test and my little nutty's not here to taste test with me but i'm going to take an extra bite for her so first we're going to do the protein powder this is the protein powder version stovetop okay so these were actually shallow fried and we are going to see how this one turned out we're judging the taste the texture and the crunch so [Music] um not much of a crunch at all but very good here is the other stovetop version this is the pork rind okay and got nice and crispy and i made a little homemade keto thousand islands here are low carb okay so now let's see the [Music] um mhm okay so the pork rind for me personally has more of that crunch that you're looking for but the protein powder is very good as well it's just me personally i'm all about the crunch and i eat pork and you know so i'm okay with that now we have the protein powder air fryer version should i do a little bit of ketchup and barbecue sauce and that just cause we savage okay so now this is the protein powder airfryer version wow it came out a lot crispier than the stovetop okay and now this one here is the airfryer but this is the pork rind version and i actually like that little combo some sugar-free barbie sauce sugar-free ketchup and then a little dunk in the thousand islands and it's like wow okay so they might not look as pretty as they do on the stovetop but i might say that i prefer the ones from the airfryer do you believe that i would have never thought but honestly it's like a little bit more crispy like the outside is really crispy and it just gives you that bite like that you're looking for with like a chicken tender now i'm telling you any way you make them you're going to be satisfied because they're all good but let's go over it the protein powder stovetop didn't have much of a crunch but it was still really good almost like if you're talking about kfc it's kind of like they're like they're traditional and then the pork rind stovetop definitely has more of that crunch um so it's like more crispy and i like both of them but the stove top the pork rind was you know my fave and then on the airfryer the protein powder yeah it looks kind of ugly but it's really crispy so i thought that was surprising but this is the protein powder airfryer crispy and then you have the pork rind air fryer i would say was probably my favorite of all weird but yeah there you go guys that's the review and the recipe on the two different versions protein powder and pork rind as the coating for our chicken tenders as well as an airfryer version and a stovetop version so i hope you guys really enjoyed this video i hope you guys make them because you're really going to enjoy them if you have kiddos i'm sure they will like them too i can't wait for nappy to test this out and give us her review on this but um if you guys make them of course tag me on instagram so that i can re-share your recreations and if you guys want to see more videos like this please make sure that you are subscribed to the channel and you turn on your post notifications so that you don't miss any of my future videos and recipes and of course give this video a big thumbs up if you guys appreciate what i do for you guys and you love me so much i love you guys so much and i will see you on my next video
Channel: Low Carb Love
Views: 148,700
Rating: 4.9447193 out of 5
Keywords: keto chicken tenders, low carb chicken tenders, keto chicken, low carb chicken, keto chicken tenders recipe, low carb chicken tender battle recipe, keto chicken nuggets, chicken, chicken tenders, tenders, low carb chicken nuggets, air fryer, keto air fryer, low carb air fryer, keto air fryer recipes, low carb love, low carb love mayra, low carb love recipes, low carb chicken recipes, low carb chicken tender recipe, chicken tenders air fryer, air fryer chicken, easy keto
Id: tPQbzld7Ivg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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