Must Try Before You Die!! USA's TOP 50 INSANE Fair Foods!!!

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[Music] state fairs they're the perfect place to locate and consume insane over the top and wild food creations you'll never find anywhere else in this extended video we're taking you to the two biggest most iconic state fairs in the usa the minnesota state fair and the state fair of texas [Music] i'm on a mission to show you the 50 most unique crave worthy foods you must try in this lifetime it all starts here in minnesota where some mega food factories are churning out tasty treats on a massive scale sir yeah put her there this is our first stop first day there are hundreds of vendors here but we're looking for the vendors who are putting out thousands and thousands of pounds of food and i notice you guys are doing just that [Music] welcome to fresh french fries founded in 1973 they slowly grew from a small stand to the french fry factory you see today leading this massive operation bill wozniak tell me about what you're serving here this is our chipper potatoes chipper potato chippers a potato that has an ideal mix of starch and sugar that according to this stand make a perfect french fry how much product you're putting out in a good year good year for us which 2019 was a wonderful year we did about 460 000 pounds of potatoes 460 000 pounds that's more than like a shipping container oh yeah yeah typically we're selling around about a hundred thousand units in the whole fair yeah or more first a sack of potatoes is dumped into a receptacle what is that this machine behind me then they're conveyor belted up until they plop into the peeler it's a belt conveyor system that has a very particular amount of potatoes that it feeds for our drum peeler behind you the peeler is lined with sandpaper a powerful stream of water tumbles the potatoes about until the skins are all removed does it turn them into fries too yeah right here now they're manually moved to the cutter what is the perfect width for a french fryer taking this big bulbous beauty and instantly smashing it into uniform starch rods we're looking for crispier exterior and kind of a baked potato inside so we're kind of looking for that centimeter fish range centimeter very european the raw fries are loaded into the frying basket first they get fried in hot oil that cooks them through evenly [Music] then they're moved to even hotter oil which gives the fries a crispy crunchy exterior finally the hottest oil of them all ensures the crunch lasts as long as possible we end up having them drained and then they're dumped right behind you and then lightly dusted with salt or vinegar or ketchup amazingly these chippers go from a whole potato to salty crunchy french fries in just a few minutes all right so the fair it's bustling it's wild it's crazy the best part about the fair is there are hundreds of food locations and everybody is taking turns going to this doll and that stall you don't want to blow your whole empty stomach at one place now even though i've said that i have purchased the largest french fry that you can get here at this particular vendor this behemoth of a bucket right here costs 14 good thing i memorized that earlier they're hot they're steamy it's like i have a nebulizer full of french fry scent hold on pull up a picture of a nebulizer no not that one pull up a nebulizer on a horse yes like that i feel like a horse with a nebulizer that's full of french fry scent it's very specific i know the moment of truth beautiful french frying it's greasy it's hot it's burning my fingers a little bit let's try it out [Music] oh that's very satisfying so just a little bit of crunch on the outside there's just a little bit of salt on there and it's just so much different from like a mcdonald's french fry that would be much thinner more crunchy but it wouldn't have this really satisfying mashy steamy starchy center like this has i gotta try some cut shot i'm gonna get a triple fry it's more surface area it's going to really grab onto this ketchup look at that it's like a torch in the night let's try it out [Music] now i would recommend don't start with the ketchup because then you're going to be giving your palette a little too much razzle dazzle start plain just a potato just the salt and then when your padlet grows weary you can add some ketchup this today is my breakfast we're just getting started we have a lot more to see let's keep moving every year just 300 food vendors feed millions of state fair attendees with a total of 500 carefully curated menu items all approved by the fair board competition to get into the fair is fierce potential vendors know that in just 12 days here you could make a small fortune next up we're meeting a state fair food boss with a menu item so outrageous it took five years to be approved brad give me a handshake i'm very excited this interview is going to be ready to see because it's about to get chornographic are you into cornography [Music] brad riebart grew up with the minnesota state fair where his family ran a sanitation business for over 68 years brad got the idea for selling corn from another fair in nearby wisconsin i tried it for the first time i've never seen where else recording my life i took a bite turn around bought another one so good but before we could turn this idea into a dream business he had a lot of convincing to do everybody told me nobody's gonna buy sweet corn it won't sell but it took five years for the fair to approve the idea wow to approve corn they're like listen guys this guy has a radical idea corn and that took five years to approve there are twelve thousand different species of corn in the world and that's not counting deep sea underwater corn but minnesota is well known for its sweet corn very tender very sweet this seed actually comes from japan oh really yeah although the seeds flew in from japan this corn was grown here in minnesota specifically for this event i'm curious how much you sell in a goodyear you can measure it however you want like bathtub pools is what i usually use for measurements you want to put it that way we're probably doing 600 bathtubs a night wow that's a lot of bathtubs of course first they take the refrigerated sweet corn and slide it down to the soaking tub try to keep the corn refrigerated first to keep the starch from building up here it soaks for 10 to 15 minutes before it moves to the grill we get real busy it might not hit the water very long this custom-made gas grill was built specifically for this operation ensuring a nice even heat and pinpoint caramelization i don't think i've ever had a well-roasted really like caramelized piece of sweet corn so i definitely want to try that today add water to steam the corn or maybe they're just doing that for the cameras i'm not sure once cooked husk it and dip it in a vat of melted butter is it salted or unsalted salted butter salted butter the seasoning is up to you brad thank you so much i'm so pumped to tried your corn i've tried a lot of different corn but i've never had this type of sweet corn in minnesota from japan okay let's see enough the interview enough of the story i finally have this big thick piece of corn in my hands right now on one side it's kind of rare on the other side it's a more medium well so you have a variety of textures and flavors here and he said it actually caramelizes the sugars inside so that should create a really new unique type of taste i'm going to go for it i don't where do you start do you start corn in the middle on this side dude do you eat it like this yeah you eat like that i don't think she's giving me the right advice all right let's give it a shot oh that's some good corn it's so delicious it's salty it's peppery and it's just buttery enough the thing with sweet corn is it has a lot of flavor already you don't want to overdo the butter i've seen people who have destroyed their palates through years of junk food abuse it needs to be literally half butter for them to enjoy it but here they just give it a little bit of a dip not a lot of bit of a dip just a little bit of a dip brad not bradley inside he told me i was going to have a corngasm and i think he's right this video is now demonetized [Laughter] [Music] the minnesota state fair started in 1854 with a mission to promote the state's agriculture at first the fair's location changed every year but in 1885 it found its permanent location right here where we are today it wasn't until 1989 when the fair got its first giant bird leg vendor meet cheryl cheryl can i have a handshake cheryl and her husband have sold turkey legs all over the usa we do this fair we do the south carolina state fair the florida state fair and the florida strawberry that's a lot of traveling but in order to roast up this beautiful turkey leg bounty they had to go mobile this turkey mobile drives from here to florida when it's parked up and ready this roaming rotisserie can roast up to 700 legs at once that's my kind of food truck how much does it cost for one cost fifteen dollars that seems very reasonable it's huge it's protein packed it's a lot of food do you see people trying to go at this by themselves are they sharing it among a small community of people a lot of times a family will come up with five and they might order three to five if you look at them out there there's nothing left on the bone usually the only time you'll see a turkey leg whole is thanksgiving how many of these are you selling during the whole minnesota state fair and in that case you gotta share it with your already buzzed-up uncle sonny we usually bring a semi-load in what is it mike eight or nine hundred here it's just you and this flintstone sized bird leg a fair snack that became popular at disney we use the same turkey leg that disney world does this is the exact same turkey leg from the exact same company in tampa florida so it's already cooked when you get it exactly why do you choose to do it that way and have you always done it that way i've just not found that the raw turkey leg is as good of a tasty turkey you're talking about eating a turkey like raw the process starts with their pre-smoked turkey legs these plus-sized thighs roast in the turkey trailer for one to two hours you go through 200 cases in a day you don't have time to cook from all then they're moved to the grill to crisp up the skin and the raw does not taste like ham these taste more like ham finally wrap it in tin foil to keep it hot and serve today i've basically been eating like a vegetarian french fries corn but now it's time for some meat here look at this a big beautiful turkey leg all nestled up in swaddling clothes like the baby turkey jesus i think they put tin foil on there to help preserve the heat we're gonna totally peel that back like a beautiful meaty banana yes this is a giant leg this must have been one beast of a bird it smells good it smells smoky fatty greasy let's go for it [Music] it's so hot it's so juicy it just slides right down it's oily it's fatty but it actually has more of a hammy taste to it than a turkey taste i'm not sure why a hammy flavor is so desired but i think that's what happens when you smoke the meat it just gives it more of a cured kind of flavor to it oh yes now this is just a pure skin shot right here i'm gonna pop that back [Music] it's just a whole different texture a whole different flavor very desirable that's what you want all right so right here guys this part of the turkey leg is like a release valve i'm going to pull that back yes bingo look at the inside of this that looks so good i feel like i've been eating for 10 minutes now i'm not even halfway done with it this is a great value and to imagine they're selling a literal truckload of this every year here at the state fair incredible [Music] every new vendor at this fair hopes to become the next martha a minnesota state fair icon who turned a simple recipe into a million dollar business just by selling cookies [Music] martha yes put her there okay meet the queen of this cookie dough kingdom sweet martha she and her business partners started with a tiny cookie stand over 40 years she built it into a cookie empire it's all just one thing on the menu right that's right and that's genius about what you do here because a lot of people might think oh i should have six or seven really good things or you take one thing and really perfect it and make a lot of it absolutely so for you in a really good year like 2019. do you know about how many cookies you sold in 2019 we probably sold at least about three million cookies a day their super secret cookie recipe is an amalgam of several mother's recipes they've got the same great taste from day one but over time small adjustments were made to the recipe so it's better suited to cooking at such a large scale let's talk about the recipe can you write it down exactly for me well i would not do that no okay that's fine [Music] martha's cookies start with their secret dry mix what is more secret the ingredients or the ratio then add shortening and water probably both probably both okay i'm going to guess when the mixture is combined it's time for the chocolate chips flour yeah there's flour pickle juice no i don't think i'm already messing it up all this goes into a dollopping machine which portions this giant glob of cookie dough into perfect cookie sized chunks and spreads them on a baking tray the chunks are manually spread out to create enough space for each cookie when the tray is ready it's placed on a cooking rack this whole rack goes into the oven for 10 to 12 minutes depending on the weather basically we have all open windows around here so we're sort of working outside so the humidity could affect the cooking exactly [Music] when the cookies come out of the oven they're still too gooey to eat they need a quick rest before they're served in a cone or a bucket is it still gonna be warm when i bite into it yes that's what we time piled high and served to eager crowds who might only get to try this treat once a year all over the fair you can see people walking around with these buckets and alas it is my turn to try it out martha thank you so much so nice to talk to you our final meal of the day you have to end with something sweet even though you eat a bunch of savory rich foods you always have room for dessert this is a lot of dessert this whole thing is four dozen cookies and you're like cool thanks for the math problem so that's approximately four forty eight boom nailed it take that mr johnson oh they're so nice when you grab on to it you can feel that the edges are just more crispy they've bubbled up more and it's doughy in the middle oh the edge the edge is going to be crispy oh it's so satisfying great texture great crunchiness on the outside then as you get to the inside doughy soft and the middle just melts on your tongue the only thing i'm missing right now is some milk let me get some milk hi now i have milk take the cookie give it a little bit of a dip oh my god santa claus would murder a child for this it's that good i love it [Music] calvin sunny welcome to the minnesota state fair thank you [Music] today it's all about the bizarre strange food combinations that sound insane i'm talking weird unique flavor combinations that should not exist and in fact some of them are an abomination to our lord and savior i didn't sign up for that but what if i told you it's all free i'm down really yeah of course i mean freeze by middle name let's do it let's do it bizarre foods at the minnesota state fair let's go and then you walk that way classic comedy duo the blue barn it was first established in 2014 the menu food that adds a twist to minnesota classics stephanie and co-owner stephanie has been here from the beginning people think i don't have friends but i take i mean calvin hangs out with me voluntarily paid friends are good this barn boasts a huge kitchen and staffed with great-looking headwear how hard is it to find a spot here at the state fair okay so i tried for nine years and get financing for a building that you own but you really can't take with you yeah you can't do anything with it except for two weeks a year they're all about comfort food that's shareable easy to eat and addictive but just because they have a great food invention doesn't always mean they get to add it to their menu you have to put everything goes through a review process with the fair once they approve it it's embargoed until food release day this year you have a brand new item we're here for what is the full name the buffalo chicken dough skin okay now what the heck is a dough skin it's this recipe starts with buttermilk biscuit mix it has buffalo chicken it has dough it has skin no buffaloes were harmed in this oh no none i got him a vegan he doesn't eat buffalo but he will eat chicken i will then add buffalo sauce diced chicken and mix scoop that make sure to form balls then deep fry the dough this ingredient mixed with this shape it's not a donut it's not a biscuit it's a dough skin we take a vanilla icing lace it with frank's red hot to give it that buffalo sweet frosting mixed with buffalo wing sauce sassy finish it off with sprinkled bacon bits panko bread crumbs and chopped parsley this is a frankenstein of a concoction i was expecting a donut that looked like a donut but here it's almost like they pre-chewed it for you here's just some little bites you don't even have to chew that cheers [Music] well hey man i like the texture of the biscuit because it's nice and kind of hard and crunchy on the outside a little bit softer on the inside then i'm eating the sauce over here and i'm like wait is this a frosting sauce with buffalo or a buffalo sauce with a little bit of frosting it is more on the sweeter side the chicken is folded inside but i don't really see much of the chicken in the dish i mean if you put a gun to my head or an ak-47 rocket launcher i mean even a big machete what about a water gun what a good one to it okay if you put any kind of lethal device next to my head and said hey do you taste chicken i would say can you not put that by my head and then i would say no i don't taste chicken i love her creativity i love that she took something that no one else is going to do no it's really interesting that this has to be approved by a board it's a buffalo chicken biscandwich bistona bit um don't don't don't don't skid is this going to make it to next year we'll have to wait around to find out i'm going to ask her pos and her accountants like blue barn other adventurous vendors attempt to push the envelope with twisted food innovations michelle hey nice to see you guys this includes michelle from andy's grill quick question andy's grill how do i know when to add an e to the word grill and when not to we just thought we'd get creative because it kind of covered more of the sign oh yeah it's very symmetrical now this place goes back to 1987 a family business that's famous for food that's everything philly so i've noticed the strategy around the fair is different for everybody i saw a guy selling corn and only corn how many different menu items do you have here no we have probably about 12. 12 is already a lot this year we added our waffle burger that's kind of a new toilet oh to a hamburger imagine how you make a normal bacon cheeseburger well this is kind of like that on the flat top they cook up beef patties cheese and bacon together here's where it gets wild instead of buns and stay with me here they use waffles waffles infused with maple syrup and crunchy pearl candy this year it's all about the waffle burger but we need something to wash it down with i've heard that people travel from near and far but mostly from near to get the special beer you have can you tell me about this beer the chocolate chip cookie beer to die for it's an amber beer that's infused with chocolate vanilla and it's rimmed with 100 chocolate is it like drinking a cookie it has a little bit of a taste like that this old yeah i love beer but we can pretend it's a cookie for the show yes absolutely it is still before morning 11 59. if we drink the beers right now it'll be breakfast beers it's really more of a dessert beer but let's go for it [Music] what i've never had chocolate sprinkles on my beer before in my life yeah how do you feel about it i feel like it's a nice thought i think it's cool to have chocolate and sugar with your beers it's a nice thought like when someone gets you a pecan pie for your birthday but you're allergic to nuts we've got syrup on the side but i think first we should just try to dig in with a bite it's gonna be tough to get a big bite i have a small mouth you gotta go even smoother than that [Music] oh the waffle is quite sweet it's candy yeah inside the waffle you can feel a little candied crunchy bits breaking apart this reminds me of a breakfast burger really a meat griddle i'm like riddle never mind do i have to that's good i kind of like it are you starting to throw a route yes yeah let's dip that and see how it is we got some syrup in here the move is going to dip and then you want to pull it up so that it drops right back into the burger this is the whole sweet and savory i'm trying to explain the food right now this is the whole sweet and savory minnesota fair typhoon and it's inventive and it's bizarre are you trying to not take a bite [Music] tell me what you want from me this bizarre breakdown continues at dino zero they specialize in all types of euros a popular street food in greece but this year they've decided to cross over with a taste of italy i just got back from dino zeroes and i got an order of a greek food that you might not expect what is this actually well first of all are you familiar with a gyro do you mean gyro i meant gyro then i yes i am imagine a gyro with all the delicious shaved lamb and fresh cream tomato feta cheese got a cheese take that throw it in a blender and put it in a ravioli but the ravioli isn't greek exactly ravioli it's pasta stuffed with something delicious like meat cheese or hopefully both here these mad food scientists have put all the ingredients from a greek gyro including this delicious roasted and seasoned gyro meat and they've shoved it into this italian ravioli shell with a roasted garlic dressing i've had ravioli many times before but that comes from a can there's also another way to make it which is boiling but there's actually a third way to make it that is actually frying the ravioli now are we at the fair or are we not at the fair we are at the bear we gotta fry some stuff i can't wait to try this out it's a one biter oh you're gonna try to do one bite yeah maybe i'm gonna take two bites because your belt is so small yeah [Music] it's so zesty the first thing you taste is the sauce on the outside it's garlicky it's rich that fried texture of the ravioli is so different because i love a boiled ravioli it's so fun to chew through almost like a doughy al dente ravioli i like how they combine all the ingredients inside it's the whole euro and made into bite-sized walkable pieces oh walkable you could take it on a ride take it in a photo booth you could take it into the little animal area secretly feed it to an alpaca but you can't take it swimming now for a food combination that'll really make you question your existence i just grew up in this state and i assumed everything i ate was pretty normal and then you saw this food and you said you'd never seen this before what is this it's called a pickle dog it comes from the stand right behind us this place is called pickle dog since 1989 this family run business has been bringing smiles to patrons faces this is something you might actually see at a party in minnesota you know people here might make some deviled eggs and bring that to a party i like that like a horter vest or derv is it singular there is an s but the s is silent oh you went to french cooking school right yes tradition has it that a pickle dog should contain cream cheese pickle and ham but here they make it with seasoned smoked pastrami [Music] all right it's so good i love it i want to know why i'm too familiar with it i can't break it down the crunch of the pickle with the creaminess of the cream cheese and then wrapped in pastrami that is better than any hush puppy that is better than any pigs in a blanket that isn't better than any meatloaf on a stick i gotta say the pastrami is a huge level up it has a pepperiness to it they don't make pastrami in asia for this bizarre masterpiece it's eight dollars honestly it's a lot of money pastrami's not cheap though i really like it no honestly this is one of the dishes that we had on the bizarre episode that i really am down with this is food number four we still have two insane locations to go to let's go have you ever heard of tachos it's basically nachos but instead of tortilla chips you're using tater tots and you are happy about it here at snack house they take it a step further with a new bizarre blend in a recipe they call memphis tacho i'm told it's inspired by elvis presley himself he reportedly loved bananas and peanut butter and bacon and now see i think that we do not know for sure oh i did five seconds of research hold on presley's fondness for peanut butter and banana sandwiches is well established however bacon is not mentioned at all in accounts well then these tachos took inspiration from the classic but still weird peanut butter banana bacon sandwich they're skipping the cheese and layering in bacon sliced bananas and finally a peanut butter sauce this is something altogether different also there's a tractor in the background so i mean if that's not production value i don't know what is how much is enough for you guys when will it be enough they don't always have peanut sauce in vietnam but if i get peanut sauce with my spring roll i am like double dunking in there i'm a peanut sauce fiend a peanut sauce lover a peanut you just really emphasize the tea please peanut lover yeah just a banana with some peanut butter sauce warm peanuty banana next the tater tot salty creamy delicious i did not expect the peanut butter to go well with a tater tot but it goes really well and these are great tauts if elvis was here today he would be proud he would shed a tear and maybe even write a song about this very food ain't nothing but a tater dog don't sing it too much i can sing but if i become too melodic we'll get defunded we got everything here the perfect bite are you ready i'm ready let's try it out [Applause] that's delicious there's something about this that is kind of off-putting for me really what would you give an attempt be honest because i like it three out of ten outside wow yeah i would love to have tachos with nacho cheese chili corn carne jalapeno sour cream all that good stuff they're so cliche i know you're a traditionalist no no but this situation yes ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us today it's my good friend calvin hello hello guys meets tina and luis she's the co-founder and he's the corporate chef of nordic waffles their products are being sold across 10 states in the usa it all started here in minnesota about six years ago first of all you come from pretty different places right i mean you're originally from mexico yes from mexico originally from norway and then you met in minnesota yes christina earned herself the title of waffle queen in norway but she decided to move here where she could introduce her traditional heart-shaped waffles waffles in norway is a big tradition and it's also you know how kids in america make lemonade that's what kids in norway do too they start selling their waffles and their little a little waffle stand i love that if you do that here you will be arrested by the police if you do not have a permit eventually she met luis and together they're making waffle magic here they offer waffle toppings you won't find in norway or anywhere else for that matter breakfast waffles a s'mores waffle even a smoked salmon waffle with my vision of creating a revolution with waffles which we in nordic waffles called the waffolution it became a little hard to stay in norway and do this because people wouldn't try it and they wouldn't eat it there is a culture if you stand out or if you do something while you become somebody you should hide you shouldn't really show it well look the usa is pretty much the opposite of that yeah can you talk about some of the standout items on the menu chicken and macaroni allow me to introduce the chicken and macaroni waffle it sounds straightforward but let's go deeper it starts with the bone-in drumstick which hangs out in a 24-hour marinade that contains buttermilk salt pepper and secret rotisserie seasoning how many portions do you sell a day on average we're selling about 300 portions of that one oh that one oh yeah just that one then it's rolled in a mixture of flour cornstarch and deep fried i've had chicken and waffles that has a bone in but i've also had tender styles i think we'll figure it out i can find my way around a waffle or a bone yeah absolutely next the warm soft freshly made waffle is piled with mac and cheese then the chicken drummie a bit of seasoning honey and finally scallions calvin we've reached our final location one of the most delicious things i've seen at the fair so far i think we just go for it i'm gonna just take a bite of chicken chicken and then chase it with a macaroni waffle oh chaser [Music] what a combination it is so crunchy and then it's just a nice medium juicy dark mean i like how you use the bone-in drumstick that gets you more involved in the action and then that glaze that honey it's just when you're at a place like this where you're eating non-stop highly decadent foods you need that extra hit of sweetness to get your brain buzzing usually i'm not a big fan of carbs on carbs right here it's carb protein carbs so the chicken's almost surrounded by this carb heaven this is our final food the only thing left to do now is to decide which one was the most bizarre calvin today we tried six different bizarre fair foods which to you was the most unique the most unique out of all six today had to have been the nordic waffle really yes even though the flavors are common i think how they did it was truly unique calvin i do agree that is an awesome food but for me the most unique food the most ballsy take on a menu item had to be the memphis tacos tater tots peanut butter bananas bacon it seems like it shouldn't work for you it didn't work for me it worked just fine well sunny the minnesota state fair taught me one thing one you can put anything in a boat and it'll be delicious and sell it for 20 today it's all about crazy food creations on a stick [Music] the minnesota state fair is famous for putting food on a stick i don't know when this became a trend but it did this year fenders proudly boast over 80 different foods on a steak they've gone crazy with a stick theme here you can even find a pork chop on a stick cheese on a stick spaghetti on a stick how do you put spaghetti on the stick we will find out soon enough sunny now it's time for calvin and i to hit the streets you ready [Music] what does that do it expands your largest testament smart distance [Music] calvin this is our first location of the day and this is a perfect breakfast because it's bacon the love big fat bacon has built over the last 15 years can all be attributed to one product a big fat quarter pound piece of bacon on a stick during 12 glorious days each year big fat bacon treats its patrons with these specially baked on a stick thick cuts 25 minutes in the oven followed by two minutes on the flat top turns the crispiness to 11.5 [Music] finally a shiny glaze of maple syrup and a sprinkle of peppercorn and sea salt this thing is gigantic yeah i think two people usually split it in half and they eat their way to the center at the same time and it usually ends with a romantic case are you thinking what i'm thinking that we both eat our own exactly that's all that fun that is a thick cut bacon but you still got some crispy bits in there it has a nice outer rind of fat but it's not overpowered it has a nice fat to beat ratio hey you have a nice fat to meat ratio too i do don't worry maple flavor goes perfect for breakfast it's oily it's greasy it's sticky there's one thing we're missing reaching offscreen it's chocolate is this the day to be cautious what's happening let's bring it right bring it bring the 11. [Music] yeah good kevin does not have confidence in this concept but i do let's go for it it's a great contrast between the savoriness and the oiliness of the bacon and now this sweet rich chocolate sauce bacon pork goes so well with sugar oh please i don't want to be oh because i'm a pig [Music] the corn dog is inarguably the most iconic food on a stick in the usa and in 1947 it became the first food on a stick introduced to this state fair 365 000 that is the average number of corn dogs consumed here each year but why go for an old school dog when you could have a mega dog [Music] when i first saw this i was wondering where the heck do you get an 18 inch sausage what they actually do multiple dogs one two three on top of each other the dogs are concealed with a thick layer of cornmeal batter then immersed in bubbling oil fry until it's golden [Music] a nice plump wiener inside beautiful bready crispy crunchy corn dog shell on the outside yes the cornmeal is sweet as a nice exterior where it's crunchy and the color on it that is really good golden frying the shop behind us has been serving these since 1954. horndog yummy this one is their longest variation but there's a dilemma coming up the stick what do you keep doing at some point it's going to go through me kelvin i'll be a new co-host i know you're playing now that i die and you take over the show i'm taking you out of my will immediately why did i just say in the event that i die kevin takes over the best ever food review show i'm taking that claws out you get my shoe collection instead the state fair is packed with edible nostalgia but it's also a field for creativity and innovation the blue barn is a sturdy player on that field [Music] for eight years this building has been a reliable destination for good old comfort food and their best seller happens to be on a stick here we have nashville chicken on a stick have you ever had a national hot chicken before it's all the craze right now really yes tell me about it i don't know anything about it okay voiceover nashville hot chicken is fried chicken with a major cake from their cayenne pepper hot sauce at blue barn they start with chicken breast marinated in buttermilk egg hot sauce and some secret spices [Music] once the breasts soak up all those zesty flavors they're coated with crushed corn flakes then on the skewer and in the frying pan [Music] then it's out for a slather of their signature cayenne blend this chicken on a steak was first introduced in 2019. and they sold 37 000 portions at the state fair this year it might be 37 000 and 2. the corn flakes really give a great texture and crunch corn flakes and not just a fine kind of powder on the outside it creates more surface area there's more crisp to crunch on i admire people who choose to work with chicken breast out of all the animal parts it'd be easier to make something delicious and juicy out of pig brain than chicken breast chicken breasts can be so dry if you treat it wrong yeah but it's been treated really well really well oh it bit my mouth the chicken and a little bit of my mouth in one meal coagulate together becomes this new dish that's studying nashville hot chicken not bad midwest's anything on a stick obsession can be traced back to this guy and his invention from 1927 this machine made frying smooth as grease [Music] fenders were free to shove sticks in and fry up all manner of foods including our next minnesota sweetheart hot dish hot dish is a famous minnesota recipe basically green beans in the can corn in a can some ground beef cream of mushroom soup also from a can mix it all up top that with tater tots as tater tot hot dish here hot dish on a stick invented in 2002 a dish on a stick is a fascinating deconstruction of a hot dish a skewer loaded with a meeple a tater tot a meatball and a tater tot and finally another meatball dip that in cornmeal batter [Music] when it's ready you can give it a little bit of a dip in this [Music] this is cream of mushroom soup oh that looks nice it does smell like a traditional corn dog but this has a completely different filling i can't wait let's try it out [Music] your childhood right here on the steps cream of mushroom soup as a dipping sauce it's pretty hilarious usually it's ranch something cool but this is a war the next layer is a tater tot i think i enjoy the tear top with the pretty much soup more more the tater tot with the corn dog coating it's a lot of carb on carb action but it's sweet and delicious i don't mind it no this is food number four honestly we're halfway there let's keep moving you keep doing that i'm gonna pick it up and then i'm gonna grab my other trash let's go picture this spaghetti but now it's on a stick [Music] ten years ago oodles and noodles made up their minds to defy gravity with this fun fair food angel hair pasta and ground beef tie the knot in a ball and settle down on a stick these meat lollipops are coated in breadcrumb batter then they get the sizzling treatment i'm starting to see a trend today everything is dipped fried and it's stuck sticked penetrated like true spaghetti it gets a slather of marinara sauce and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese study what do you call a fake pasta i don't know i did pasta it smells tomatoey fresh we're looking at a tomato layer a bread layer and then the meatball layer which has some noodles inside of it it's like inception the movie it's like inception the meatball [Music] oh man that was really good everything we've had so far that has been that kind of core meal batter i like it but you don't want it 42 times in one day this is a really different type of breading and it's almost like you're eating some kind of crust that you would find on a mozzarella stick with like oregano in their italian seasonings so i like the bread all the flavors here scream italian basil oregano garlic tomato you know for all the dishes we've eaten today this is the most freshest one because they use tomato this is five dollars and you get a real authentic taste of italy maybe not authentic but authentic for the north you can't really tell it has noodles in there but the texture is nice not overly meaty it's kind of a unique filler the noodles create a very airy texture to the meatball it's not having a dense meatball this is quite light it is really good boom italy on a stick an entire spaghetti meal this could feed an entire person for half an hour next there's an animal in this sausage you'd never find an old mcdonald's farm bayou bob's joined the fair in 1997 offering a taste of the bayou that's america's deep south the guy who served this to us his name is dallas because it was bob here their menu is simple alligator [Music] every year 20 000 pounds of alligator meat go through this kitchen to get deep fried sauteed or wrapped up in a sausage unlike chicken or beef most of the meat that comes off a gator comes from its tail that tail meat gets ground up and mixed with cajun seasonings then stuffed in a sausage [Music] i get jimmy dean's breakfast sausage beautifully spiced i love the flavor tons and tons of bayou seasoning here it doesn't go down like a greasy pork or beef dog it does have more of like a slightly drier chicken feeler it is a very flavorful meat it has more protein but less fat or sodium and chicken here's the thing with alligators it looked terrifying if it had a big mouth big tail you could totally eat your head in one bite but when you see them like this it's like oh it's not so scary it's smiling look this next stick food violates the foundational tenets of four religions and seven cults oh my god that's so heavy hold on i need a freaking crane to prop it up so this looks like a corn dog on steroids or illinois this is a dilly dog like a mutated corn dog that's had some surgical enhancements including pickle implants to my potato it all starts with the brat in the center now it's time for the pickle already that is enough i would have been like this is extreme but let's try it and then they fried it after that to make it non-kiddo friendly but in order for this usually wet dill rod to hold the forthcoming batter it must be dried a bit by sweating it out in a pickle warmer now it's time to fry this oblong oddity is one of the state fair's top 10 boots in a good year they sell over 2 000 per day that is a lot of dilly dally you want to cross your arms oh no i don't listen let's see yeah sorry whoa either way uh-oh gravity is not helping me right now it's like this pickle lost too much weight and its clothes don't fit anymore take off the stick then how is that a stick themed episode back on the stick the brat has a nice porky flavor the pickle has a nice briny acidic flavor and then that horn meal batter is sweet this is the perfect minnesota state fair food absolutely perfect it's fun dude you got like a pickle here and it's like oh is that just a pickle it's like no don't forget about me i'm here too i live inside the pickle hey guys what happens if he gets shy oh hey guys i gotta get going i'll talk to you later this one is fun fun with the capital f [Music] finally after seven foods it's time for dessert this is the most decadent over-the-top unhealthy food you'll find here or anywhere else what we're looking at right here is a pinnacle of sweet fried foods on a stick i've heard about them my whole life but i was too poor to drive all the way here and pay for admission even though i grew up an hour away very sad story [Music] this here is a snickers bar wrap it in a pancake batter blanket and deep fry if that's not enough to make you reach for your insulin they also douse it with powdered sugar this is the ultimate guilty pleasure [Music] oh yeah what was i thinking the chocolate the nougat the peanut peanuts and caramel and caramel together encased in a pancake batter this sunny this is true gluttony when you look inside you can see the sticker has just completely melted down all the ingredients are mixing and mingling together and then there's just a little bit of texture too you got the crunch when you bite it oh it's about to poop out the poop hey it was coming out the bottom there's some stuff you see as you walk around the fairway you're like there's no way that's going to be good it's just a gimmick this seems like a gimmick but when you eat it it is delicious this has withstood the test of time i may never eat another stickers the same way again calvin today we ate eight different foods on a stick tell me which one was your favorite my favorite today has to be chocolate bacon on the stick oh the saltiness the cured the chocolate really threw me off but man the best surprise of the day my runner up is the italy meatball spaghetti on a stick very creative very light and very surprising but the one that blew me away the one i've heard about for over a decade the snickers that has been fried it took my heart away it took my breath away and actually my heart rate's going up because of probably the insulin dump and i'm having a pre-diabetic moment this is my final day here but before i can go i need to try my favorite food one does not come to the state fair without trying this food this is something you can't pick up at your grocery store you can't order it on amazon and good luck trying to make it at home it all starts here there's so much action back here how many people do you have working right now in this small space we have probably about 45 people have you ever considered yourself overstaffed always okay it's just a matter of having enough people so that it all runs pretty smooth and most importantly guests are not waiting right if you're overstaffed you can over deliver exactly this is dave cavallaro he could have spent his days voicing trailers or ufc promos but instead exactly 20 years ago he decided to open the mouth trap giving state fair patrons a taste of heaven with his deep fried cheese curds soon after this became minnesota's most irresistible dairy addiction and i'm here to get my fix can we talk about the cheese sure the cheese comes from wisconsin how did you decide which vendor in wisconsin to get your cheese from i think in the last 20 25 years most of us that are in the cheese curd business have been buying our cheese from ellsworth creamery in america's dairyland also known as wisconsin the village of ellsworth is officially wisconsin's cheese curd capital thanks to ellsworth cooperative creamery what began as a humble butter and eggplant now churns out 180 000 pounds of cheese curds every single day but what the flip is a cheese curd cheese curds develop as fresh milk is acidified coagulated and heated these steps separate the liquid known as whey and the solvent which is the curd we're after the next step is cheddaring through which the curds are stacked cut up pressed together and stacked again repeatedly once the desired texture forms the curds are cut salted boxed and shipped here to the mouth trap mere hours later there we go oh my gosh what i love too is the inconsistency of shape because they all create a little bit different texture and a little variation of flavor yes they do oh here's a good one right here all right [Music] sorry anything in a moment there was no fine it's so creamy just such a fresh wonderful taste the texture of it it's like so thick it's fun to chew through yes it is yeah they do a nice job over there at the creamery these cheese curds are so good it's almost impossible to imagine them getting any better but they do and dave's gonna tell me how so you've got the cheese curd it was driven in a refrigerator truck it gets to your door and what do you do well it gets to our door we put it away about 11 o'clock at night our first year i think we probably brought in 3 500 pounds per night now we're bringing in seven to eight thousand pounds we get here bright and early in the morning and seven o'clock we're making the batter what is a batter made out of is it a wheat flour it's got a wheat flour to it right it's got several ingredients that i gotta say it's proprietary it's a batter that we buy locally here we mix it with ice cold water the consistency is very close to a pancake batter the most important is getting that batter right and if it is too thick too thin to whatever then it kind of permeates throughout the course of the whole process i see the people mixing the cheese curds they're not being quick about it they're massaging each single cheese curd how important is that really important we want to make sure that each piece of the cheese is coated we don't want to do the downward motion so to speak is that just mashing it together you want to keep it kind of like this once we make several batches the operator generally has a dowel last step it's coated it needs to go in the fryer i don't see any timers here how do you know when it's done actually by the look of it the oil is at 400 degrees we change the oil nightly we clean the fryers nightly so we're starting off with fresh oil we drop them in you see the little edges kind of brown and that's when you know they're done when i think state fair i think this right here cheese curds eighteen dollars for a bucket of cheese curds this is far too much for one person i gotta share it cheese curd sir you gotta share them i gotta share them thank you thank you thank you for your service cheese curds shareable oh which one do i try here's what i love about picking there's like little ones like this which are gonna be more crunchy and then there's big fat ones like this which are like juicy cheese juice that's my favorite kind of juice screw lemonade screw apple juice orange juice no cheese juice if you're from outside the u.s come to wisconsin try the cheese curds cheese there is unlike cheese from any other place in the world i tried it all and there's nothing that comes close the only way to make it better is with what they've done here it bursts in your mouth it's just a spray of hot cheese goo you look at these they're all kind of stuck together like a big clump that counts as one piece here's what's great about the fair if they mark the calories on every food this is information you don't want to have we're trying to have some comfort food knowing the calories would make you not so comfortable [Music] that being said there are a couple other new cheese creations being flaunted about here at the fair these are cheese items that might deserve a spotlight but don't usually get one cheese curds get all the attention they're like the hot chick in high school except for 18 bucks i can actually hang out with these let's check out some other cheese on state fair day two calvin and i took on bizarre bites strange food combinations like dough skits an unusual spicy mix between a donut and a biscuit we had a pickle surrounded with cream cheese and a cloak of pastrami it's so good and even a nordic waffle filled with mac and cheese topped with a bone-in drumstick what a combination as you can see folks in the midwest are quite fond of comfort food that's designed to send you into a deep postprandial coma but when you wake from your insulin-induced slumber you may reach out for something new that's where hot indian food comes in here they serve authentic indian flavors in formats familiar to locals and since i'm on a cheese roll today i'm gonna keep going with this this is a very interesting international fried cheese sensation this is paneer pakora paneer pakora it's a popular batter fried cheese snack originating in northern india i've been to india many times they love cheese but they eat a really different type of cheese their cheese in this case is called paneer this soft milky cheese is an essential ingredient in many renowned indian dishes like pollock paneer in which the paneer is simmered in a spinach curry oh it's so good wow paneer cheese is made from cow or buffalo milk it's curdled kneaded and cut into yummy nutritious creamy cubes but this isn't even the paneer's final form imagine cottage cheese how that's kind of fun to chew on now imagine that in a cube form they take that cube they put their own signature masala on there they give it a little bit of a dip in the batter they fry it and here it is indian cheese curds what sounds pretty unique to me on the side we've got a sauce we'll talk about that later one step at a time boom bite number one i'm going for it i want it to be good is it gonna be good let's see oh i like that delicious indian spices similar to like a curry cheese curds they melt the paneer it doesn't melt so even though it heats up it doesn't really change its physical state it just becomes like a hotter version of the cube that it is on the outside it's nice and crunchy it really matches the fair theme everything being fried and in oil now the sauce this is a butter chicken sauce but for some reason in minnesota they've decided to call it tomato butter something i'd never heard of when i was in india if i know anything about indian cuisine is that you can never have too much seasoning or too much sauce or too much flavor let's try it out yeah it's like a milky tomato sauce and it's got a little bit of heat on my spice meter it's like a 1.5 but for minnesotans that's like a seven this could kill my grandma and she's already dead that's actually true my mom doesn't watch the show don't worry guys on state fair day three kelvin returned as we took on this fair's infamous stick food from dogs to alligators it's smiling look from a whole fried snickers bar to a spaghetti dinner residing on a stick what do you call a fake pasta an impasta now i'm returning to oodles of noodles what i'm getting this time may not defy gravity but it's still as daring a food feed as any in a pan add cheddar cheese palm oil and macaroni mix well and serve in a bowl but wait isn't that just mac and cheese you ask in a dumb guy voice well yes it is except they also add a load of wisconsin cheese curds this isn't your run-of-the-mill mac and cheese my friends this is a spectacle a creation to die for this is mac and cheese curds our final final state fair food now this looks like mac and cheese but mixed in are those cheese curds now they're not frying cheese curds these are raw naked they're naked cheese curds when i do a nice cheese pull you can see the curds are kind of breaking apart melting they're gooey i don't know how much more cheese a man's heart or body can take but we're putting it to the limits today we're gonna find out oh my god that's over the top this is satisfying on so many levels first of all as i dig around in here i'm finding little bits of cheese curd these are just little flavor pockets i mean the mac and cheese is already cheesy enough it's over the top it's like as melty and cheesy and creamy as it could be then on top of that tons of cheese curds let's try one oh yes it's everything that's good for you it's carbohydrates it's salt it's cheese it's oil butter fat an extra stick of bread on the side i'm not sure what for yeah it's just bread this right here is my jam this makes me very happy can you see this stretchiness would you look at it are you looking at it all about pull well done a lot of people try to do cheese curds don't do that do your own thing or find a way to add cheese curds to your existing food huh you have corn dogs add cheese curds corn on the cob cheese curds everything could use a little bit more cheese curd the state fair of texas opened in 1886 as a livestock exposition after over a century of bringing people together it's now a world-renowned event attracting over 2 million guests from all around the world with fun activities and even more fun food you can say goodbye to your waistline they're known for the classic fair foods you'd expect to see that's very thick oh but this is also the home of wild out of the box food innovations that's why i'm here today we're starting with their stunning but strange sandwiches calvin sunny welcome to the state fair of texas calvin and i are on a mission howdy there you go to uncover the five most bizarre unique inventive sandwiches at the state fair of texas i'm looking for someone to think outside the box may outside the bun from hoagies incorporating breakfast cereal when you take too much melatonin and you have insanely vivid lucid dreams that's what this is to giant red buns that really leave a mark i've never had a sandwich that will literally change your skin color in the end we'll tell you which one gave us the most bang for our bum let's go eat let's go wait wait wait actually for real wait no let's go okay today's sandwich battle starts with the new kids on the state fair block mississippi and your name who has the most essence we do south side steaks and cakes mike tyson would struggle saying that name southside steaks and cakes are making their debut at the state fair of texas this year they've curated a menu full of dishes that don't follow any conventional cookbooks or recipes it has a lot of soul behind the food their food comes from the heart influenced by neighboring cultures as well as what they grew up with they've got hood tacos what part of it is hood the hood stands for the culture so we can reach the people that we reach out to the most there's also steak chose a collab between steak and dorito chips we kind of dance when we're doing it bring passion to it kelvin you make tacos do you dance or do you remain motionless while you're doing it girl you ready [Music] this is a very good dance here we have something called the south side and you know it's actually known yeah come on get to it now for the first sandwich of the day and this one is gonna get messy we're getting the realest cheesesteak this thing is absolutely stacked and packed first saute chicken and steak with onions and bell peppers then mix those two meats together add butter a special homemade seasoning and then three different cheeses on top three cheeses three cheeses we've got yellow american provolone and pepper jack on the side mushrooms and banana peppers stuff all that inside a toasted french roll topped with their secret texas sauce it's not a philly cheese steak it's a cheesesteak done the texas way calvin do you know what it's time for party time you gotta whip it up oh we got a whip yeah now you have to break it down look at this sloppy beautiful mess right here handle ability not there i tried to pick it up and the bottom broke out but delicious ability on a trend well you didn't try it again that's true okay let's find out [Music] wow the mixture between the chicken and the beef they really meld well together and that provolone cheese brings it all together oh i love provolone i love you too there's a secret sauce in this that i'm not really understanding it's kind of like a ranch chipotle mix something like that that really brings in a different contrast to what usually is just a philly cheesesteak this makes it a texas cheesesteak i'm just going to scoop the fillings screw the bread i'm just going for the innards it just seasoned perfectly the steak has a nice texture to it the cheese is kind of ooey and gooey and combining all the other elements together that to me my friend is a damn good sandwich is that something like texans do i saw it on a cartoon once and he had a big texas hat is that still allowed round two a sandwich that leaves a mark literally this is calvin you can uh pitch pump him maybe that's probably good enough okay frutaria cano a family-run mexican food joint that's bringing the flavors of their 26 year old restaurant here to the state fair we got tacos flautas we have a machete i heard machete is like a dice machete is a long quesadilla but why don't you just call it a quesadilla it's shaped as a machete so might as well put it they have no choice you guys have been here since 2013 has the menu been the same the whole time no we saw a need that we wanted a wow factor and uh pambassa is one of them now you grew up in california there's a lot of mexican food in california had you ever heard of a pambazo never first warm the bread up on the grill then read it up with guajillo or dried chili sauce on the side grilled chorizo and potatoes is this something you eat at the breakfast time lunch time dinner time in mexico you can eat it anytime throw that meat mixture onto the bread and add a week's worth of lettuce then to balance out the healthiness sprinkle on a lot of katija cheese it's a very crumbly and salty cheese is it like a parmesan imagined parmesan in mexico finally top it with sour cream [Music] our faces are about to get very red very quickly the chorizo is really savory the potatoes really nice crunch but the star of the show it has to be that bread the bread is just so fluffy it goes so well with these really heavy ingredients inside it has a ton of flavor it's soaked up some of that heat oh and the cheese the cheese is so sharp it's tangy i don't even want to know what my paste looks like right now it probably looks like i was boxing mike tyson i love how this is traditional mexican street food you're walking through mexico city we're hanging out and we're having bambazo i've never had a sandwich that will literally change your skin color definitely a unique experience one of a kind and it will leave you with a mark hopefully for life next a food stall kicking out sandwich innovations that are downright reckless what's it called get fried we've come here to get fried welcome to get fried honestly you'd have to be a bit fried either from heat stroke or some herbal enhancements in order to dream up this menu howdy that's a little regressive howdy oh all right howdy there you go okay enough they've got stuff like deep fried pickles and chicken in a pineapple bowl but that's not even the best part for this year's fare they've created two new sandwiches that literally push the limits of what a sandwich can be i'm talking about their chickeny krispy kreme creation which we'll be trying soon and then there's this the fruity pebbles po boy the po boy is made famous in new orleans and it's kind of like a bun here you have kind of like a personal bag and then you're putting what inside deep fried shrimp that is battered in fruity pebble batter is that legal it's texas everything's bigger in texas and better first they coat wild-caught gulf white shrimpies with their cajun fruity pebbles batter and you guessed it it's time to get fried do they have the tails on yes that's fried honey you'll be all right extra calcium right now stuff the fried shrimpies inside a hoagie roll can we ask for a tail list no can i have extra tails in my sandwich well finally flavor ice with ranch sriracha and fruity pebbles sauce then sprinkle on actual fruity pebbles cereal this is the sweet sugary cereal i ate as a kid colliding with the new orleans style sandwich i'm looking at it i can see it exists for real but should it exist this is like when you take too much melatonin and then pass out and you have insanely vivid lucid dreams that's what this is somebody has brought this sandwich from the depths of their imagination to my hands right now you can smell the sriracha the ranch and then the sweetness of the fruity pebbles it's either gonna be just confusing and baffling to my palate or it'll be just like this new revelation let's try just the shrimp to begin with i thought this would be on the sweeter side it's not that sweet no this shrimp has all the flavors packed into it that's saltiness spiciness i shouldn't like it but i do like it you do i do [Music] i could have sworn your mm was a fake go play it back it seemed so fake i'm serious i'm gonna get that shrimp deep in there you can see it's still kind of cascading out the front let's give it a shot here we go [Music] the fruitiness it almost tastes like it could be lemongrass no yes you don't think so no i don't the shrimp on it by itself it's really flavorful and when i say flavorful i mean chad bit salty but with the bread it kind of balances it out together and that cools the ranch and the sriracha and more fruity pebbles i really didn't think i would care for it but as i eat more and more of it it's growing on me the fruity pebbles aren't even a major part of the experience it's just more than anything that's giving it a little bit of a crunch factor a grease it's really pretty aesthetically i want to dip my wife in fruity pebbles now but she's already pretty so so unnecessary but for me this might win most creative today but i'm not sure we need to go back and check with amanda for one more sandwich wow that was quite an experience but next is the chicken donut sandwich and it is phenomenal calvin can you guess the ingredients doughnut chicken nailed it this sandwich begins with deep fried glazed krispy kreme donuts that's twice this donut has gone through hell for our own gluttonous glory will this sandwich cause cardiac arrest um i plead the fifth on that one deep fry a pickle brined southern battered chicken breasts like chicken and waffles but better way better the bill it's not complicated deep fried donut deep fried chicken deep-fried donut this will either give my taste buds ptsd or put my heart in a state of paralysis let's find out i love the whole sweet and savory combo i wish more cuisines would do it like beef and pancakes bologna and cheese chicken and waffles like um should we take a bite we should oh my god that is amazing the people right now will comment oh this is why americans are fat do you know what we are we're happy this is delicious absolutely phenomenal there's some kind of a beautiful crunch happening is that on the outside of the chicken that is that's a nice outer coating usually a chicken breast i'm always scared that it won't be juicy but this this is juicy right here you can see the donut has completely flattened out hugging up against the chicken breast like a thruffle get what when three people are in a relationship they call it a thruffle i thought polygamy it could be called that too but that's kind of an outlaw and throuple is like a fun la thing hey we're all in a relationship together and i hate my dad this chicken breast has been brine and pickle juice you get this nice acidic brightness every time you take a bite you like feel the sugary glaze squeeze out of the donuts and wrap around the chicken i'm in love [Applause] so far we've had four unforgettable food fantasies come to fruition but now it's time to stop playing our last sandwich contender is a legend at this fair he's the guy who invented fried butter we're gonna try that in a different episode man i wish you guys had fried meth who says we don't meet the fry god himself although he prefers to go by abel gonzalez jr you might have seen him as a judge on deep fry master sometimes you over spice it and it just doesn't work this deity of all things delicious has won awards left and right for the past 19 years for blessing us mere mortals with heaven-level fried innovations like this fried lobster tail drizzled in champagne gravy that is luxury it is luxury at the state fair but today's not about luxury instead we're trying out their cult classic sandwich this is gonna be our fit sandwich today but it'll be the best sandwich today you're having our very first big hit the fried peanut butter jelly and banana sandwich let's make this happen these basic ingredients are all able needs to create an award-winning state fair attraction ready first whip up a regular pb and j spread peanut butter and grape jelly on two slices of white and spread the next step is inspired by the king of rock and roll elvis presley he would get a peanut butter and smash a banana in it and then fry it in butter so we just took that idea fair to fight it if you will and brought it out here mash some fresh bananas and add that to the bread slap the two slices together dip it in frying batter then let it take a plunge in the good stuff does it also have bacon on it of course it has bacon on it the final touches grape jelly powdered sugar and bacon time to die our fifth and final sandwich of the day are you prepared i'm stoked it reminds me of a monte cristo sandwich a monte cristo is basically a sandwich that is buttered and fried buttered or battered buttered buttered is this better it's batter did they better with butter i don't know the butter or batter it would taste butter if they battered it with butter now the butter and the batter there's butter in the batter plus peanut butter it's going to make it taste much better there's butter in the batter with peanut butter in the and now we're done it doesn't even look like a sandwich it looks like a fine work of art here we go you ready i'm ready let's go for it [Music] powdered sugar will choke you every time on the outside it's crispy in the inside it is just soft and pillowy it's fluffy bacon and sweet things they go together like me and calvin would you be bacon or am i bacon i'll be bacon wait them jelly no you're sweet oh is that sweetness it's that savoriness but i like the texture on this one it's really really nice i may never ever eat pb j the same way ever again i think what makes it beautiful is the simplicity of it these are ingredients that everybody in the usa has in their household right now except for the batter and except for maybe an industrial sized fryer but somehow when you take these simple ingredients and slap it together in the way he has here and you coat it with the perfect pattern it just elevates it to a whole new level that is awesome this is gonna be a tough one we have a big lineup today the only thing we have to do from here calvin is decide which one is the most creative and which one was the most delicious let's do that in a different location after a music break the most creative sandwich today had to have been the fruity pebbles hall boy oh i have to agree with you wasn't that crazy how they could take a very basic cereal but make it something completely extraordinary calvin which sandwich did you find to be the most delicious the most delicious sandwich i had was two donuts and the chicken it doesn't make sense how can something that has two ingredients be good it was phenomenal yes i love that one for me i gotta say most delicious the fried peanut butter and jelly with b and b absolutely delicious i love the idea behind it i love abel he's an entrepreneur and that's just day one of the state fair of texas today i'm on the search for the most bizarre strange food you'll find anywhere right here in the state of texas this is the state fair of texas a breeding ground for daring culinary experimentation it's like candy with beef in it am i gonna actually taste the beef of course including america's latest unhealthy high calorie obsession you invented fried butter invented fried butter no one's gonna contest this online i dare them time to see which of these foods will become the next american staple let's go at the state fair of texas when you check out fair food menus you'll sometimes notice these rare badges that means these foods are contest winners recognized as being the most delicious or creative by the big text choice award it works like this each year there are 10 nominees and one winner in the categories of best savory food best sweet food and most creative food here ruth has won four awards including two just this year ruth you ready yes i want to give you a handshake but i don't want to throw you off balance spend your shake all day first of all you're almost 88 years old people who retire at 65. are they losers well i wouldn't say okay i'm sorry no no her shop opened at this fair in 1988 back then she was specializing in tamales over time her menu expanded and so did her accolades we made the finalists for the savory and the sweet brisket brittle it's my sweet crispy crazy corn the savory they both were finalists they were both finalists i want to talk about some of these menu items because i am so excited the first thing i saw on your menu was the brisket brittle yes now i've had peanut brittle and i love peanut brittle but what is a brisket brittle instead of the peanuts add the brisket oh flavorful oh yes can you do that in anything could i do that with a snickers bar take out the peanuts and put in brisket peanut brittle it's a hard candy usually embedded with peanuts here instead of peanut they use texas beef brisket am i gonna actually taste the beef of course [Music] peanut brittle to me it's like a christmas confection i'm here in texas and this brittle is filled with brisket hold on is this brisket mmm it's very brittle did i mention it's in a boot i'm trying to find the most brisket piece you can see little fossilized pieces of brisket inside [Music] it's sweet but crunchy and then it's sticky after that and the briskets release their own flavor crystal filled with smokiness and barbecue-ness i'm like calvin now just adding this to the end of word towards this make any sense this is brilliant i never would have thought to put these two together they took a holiday treat and they texas fight it this year the brisket brittle was nominated for best sweet food they were also nominated for this unusual take on the taco that's so steep they're friendly you can walk with the cone and you have a full meal okay how many bites do you think that will take me it's a pretty good meal i have a pretty big mouth ruth's taco coat starts with two scoops of cilantro rice placed deep inside the cone then a pop of black beans layered on top of that barbacoa a type of slow cooked beef next a scoop of pico de gallo then a sprinkle of cheese a lime wedge and green jalapeno sauce this is about kind of a bizarre food delivery usually a taco is going to be inside of a taco when i was in korea a while ago i had a pizza cone and it was just a very doughy cone that held all the pizza ingredients but here this is a taco cone it's based off a hard shell on top they have a lime brits nice mmm oh the meat is so smoky and rich this is delicious you have to be careful because some of the wet taco ingredients will start rushing down that's why they have that on there but i wanted to show you there's more layers it just keeps going forever you got some nice beans a couple other things to note about the taco cone this costs 18 that's not nothing i might have to put a second mortgage on the house that i don't own at all actually but i gotta say for 18 they're not skimping this is legitimately heavy it's super fun to eat but you got to be quick you wait too long all those beautiful juices are gonna leak out the bottom fair experts here know some of the best food is hiding inside this is our first time being indoors so far and i like it because of the air conditioning here in texas this food court has 27 different vendors all with their own unique venues so competition is fierce you can't start with corn dogs that's been here for 60 years you can't have funnel cakes pizza but true heroes rise up and thrive in the face of adversity over time hidden gems have come to reveal themselves chris put her there hi meet chris owner of scrumptious pie shakes how long have you been here ten years it took him four years of trying to be accepted as a vendor when you apply do you apply with like one food or a whole concept you apply with a concept but the concept has to be anchored in something unique our unique item in our restaurant is pie shakes make a shake out of a piece of pie what do you put it in a blender they put in a blender with ice cream yeah exactly i might need to get that too yeah let's talk about the texas easter egg this is what caught my eye and this is why we're here today this was in the semifinals this year of the big tech's choice award for the savory category that's correct okay the texas easter egg after looking at it you may not be surprised to know this did not plop out of a bird or an easter bunny for that matter texas easter egg is essentially a deep-fried jalapeno popper with a few extra things wow and you fit all that inside that's right instead it's a blend of cream cheese cheddar cheese beef brisket bacon green chilies jalapenos and tex-mex seasoning all that is formed into an oblong egg shape next dip the egg in egg yolk then coat it in a layer of bread crumbs and italian seasonings the marketing is brilliant this could have been anything it could have been a cube it could have been a rhombus you chose the egg shape and then you put kind of a pastel color on top how do you think of that part i'm just a genius okay on the side a drink this is a shake that they put a whole pie into and i was hoping to see the whole pie go into a blender but they blended it off-premises unfortunately oh wow it's so thick like a wendy's frosty but it tastes so much better oh hi there's a little bit of caramel it's creamy it's chocolatey which is odd because the color is like an off-white that set me up perfectly for my savory treat right here the ranch is so bright it's pink yellow blue i mean this is what you would color an easter egg with normally it's kind of like a big meat oval whoa oh i taste cream cheese jalapeno bacon meat then there's just like this little bit of an exterior that's kind of crunchy it's just holding everything together like a thin breading there's some strong ranch flavors in there too even more ranch remedies [Music] i think i overdid the ranch it looked great but that was a lot of ranch it's one of the most unique foods i've ever seen it's incredible that they've done this by hand they take these kind of loose creamy ingredients bread them and fry them while making them pretty much look like eggs i mean it's kind of a messed up thing like if i was a chicken i'd probably lay something like that that'd be my best effort let's go our next strange food science lab came up with a menu item so good it won two out of three categories in the same year another food vendor another food check it out guys check it out it was created by this guy tom grace the owner of pizza and funnel cake fingers a 28 year old business that started exclusively at the fair but now operates as a catering company during the off season their pretzel used to be their hot selling item guys that was until they invented this this is one of the most unique foods i've ever seen the funnel cake bacon queso burger five words one great food it's a burger that contains a freshly grilled beef patty and crispy bacon but instead of a typical bread bar they make their own burger-sized funnel cake buns everybody loves funnel cake funnel cake is like a fair classic it's fried dough and it's a dessert but that's a funny thing this has won an award for best savory food so i don't know how they decided how to distinguish it is it sweet is it savory it's a little bit of both next the funnel cake a burger patty and the bacon are doused with queso a liquid tex-mex cheese dip finally sprinkle the whole thing with powdered sugar [Music] i'm gonna pick it up okay yes we have liftoff [Music] one pro tip from an amateur if you breathe in while you're taking a bite you will choke to death and die and rest in peace i'm gonna squeeze it together so i can try to get my mouth around it i see cheese beef bacon and funnel cake in one bite i'm going for it don't breathe in don't breathe i dropped a little bit oh lordy mmm there's so much happening right now that bacon is juicy right here one side powdered sugar the other side queso how's that make you feel conflicted not me that's delicious no no this costs 13 i've already dropped three dollars of it i need to be careful there's another good bite right here check this out we got beef bacon we have the bun still intact this is why i come to state fairs for experiences like this you're not gonna find this at a mainstream burger chain they're gonna do a bunch of r d they're gonna find out that frank from oklahoma doesn't really like the crunch because it cuts the roof of his mouth then they're going to change everything but here they don't care about frank frank can go back to oklahoma we're in texas our next union food creation is something so unhealthy i can't even believe it exists i'm talking about fried butter abel yes i'm back hey welcome back brother i came here yesterday with calvin and we tried their famous pb and j powdered sugar will choke you every time made and invented by abel gonzalez jr the owner of this year's stand today i'm on the search for the best and most bizarre foods i'm talking fried butter fried butter that's gonna be my main course i heard you also have fried coke from colombia no not that kind of coke coca-cola like coca-cola coke how do you fry a liquid it took me a little bit because you know i'm not the smartest person in the world that you can't put a liquid inside a hot fryer or else you have some sort of an explosion you get burnt a little bit you've tried this revival i've tried it i trial and error here he starts with the dough mixed with coke flavoring and coke syrup that dough gets deep fried and topped with whipped cream finally cinnamon sugar and a wee slice of strawberry for a heavy hit of vitamin c here diet no i almost said diet coke i wish oh my god what if you made this with coke zero it would have zero calories this is not that this is fried coke this has been topped with whipped cream they put a strawberry slice and i dropped it produce is very expensive this time of year abel what i don't know how he's doing this this is some sorcery this is blowing my mind it's basically bready bread but there's something more special than that there are some deep fizzy coca-cola flavors inside how is that possible i don't know i'm trying to deconstruct it and understand it but it's bending my mind i don't know how he did it i mean look inside it just looks like bread i don't even know where coke gets its flavor from i do believe they have coke mines in africa it's very controversial but that's not why we're even here we're here for the unhealthiest food in america i want to know when you started out what was the first menu item that you had that made you stand out i was just trying to do everything that i could to make something stick and pretty much nothing was sticking until fried pb and j and then fried butter i invented fried butter you invented fried butter invented no one's going to contest this online i dare them you are oozing with confidence and a little bit of sweat a little bit it has two ingredients a butter cube and dough the butter is placed in the center of the dough to form a dough ball that gets deep fried for just a few minutes top it with honey and cinnamon sugar and this heart-stopping buttery biscuit is ready to go it's become like a state fair staple you go to any fair they're going to have fried butter so people are just copying what you did you used to bother me but now fried butter is gonna outlive me and that's pretty cool i like it especially if you keep eating fried butter sorry that was too honest i'm sorry that was harsh i know you're not supposed to wait too long they give you four of them it seems like a good deal for about eight bucks fried butter at the state fair of texas here we go oh hot [Music] is the butter completely broken down and melted and like liquefied or is it so when you bite into it you're gonna squirt butter oh there's sugar on top there's honey on top there's a major sweetness factor but inside that butter is bursting out in your mouth well mainly in my mouth wait is it in your mouth too [Music] that was it that was the moment it gushed everywhere that butter you could dip crab legs into that butter it was very hot just hot enough it didn't burn my mouth off i still have all my taste buds intact that is delicious i don't know if you guys are butter fiends like me i love butter and it's gotten me into a little bit of trouble in my life here and there i've gone to weddings where i probably have been judged by how much butter i was putting on my dinner rolls and i thought i was at a wedding and it was all free and i didn't think it was that big of a deal here this invention of his is gonna outlive him and it's gonna outlive basically anybody who eats this type of food for obvious reasons on to the next location [Music] everything today has built up to this moment right here i'm here to talk about your savory balls all right meet greg his parents norma and robert parish earned their booth here in 1985. gourmet royale 99 years after the first fair took place in dallas it all started with popcorn my dad opened a popcorn store and over time we just introduced unique items to the menu but you guys have a lot more accolades than that yeah craig has a long ball history starting with the fried chicken alfredo balls that were nominated for an award but didn't win in 2019 well this year he's bringing home gold twice we've won two awards for uh most creative and best tasting savory for our deep fried seafood gumbo balls two of three awards 66 of the total available awards right gumbo is a heavily seasoned stew famous in new orleans it combines several varieties of meat and seafood i got to see it with the gumbo queen myself where's your recipe book oh it's in there here instead of the stew he takes all the ingredients from the recipe including rice chicken panko bread crumbs a homemade roux shrimp and andouille sausage he mixes it all together and rolls it into a ball how do you keep that bound together with the combination of the rice the roux and the panko bread crumbs it creates an adhesive for the meat and everything to stick together and from that point you just throw it in the fryer well no no coat the bowl with flour then an egg wash then treat it in some panko bread crumbs before frying has it helped you look very busy yes business has been booming are you guys able to keep up we've been prepared for it our goal was to have a hundred thousand gumbo balls made by the opening day so we have been working very hard since july wow finally a miniature cup of gumbo stew is served on the side this is our final meal today a bizarre food indeed a stew that has been turned into a fried ball as we tour the basket we have some actual soup with the crab legs in it tabasco that is not ketchup tabasco saltines because a lot of people like to put saltines in the soup and then over here we have fried okra oh that is delicious i don't know what seasonings they put on there it's not just okra and breaded it's got some delicious flavors coming through here a bit of gumbo i've got a bay leaf still in the soup and i'm going to give this a little bit of a sip oh wow that's so rich oily and savory tastes like a little bit more like a condensed gumbo the first thing i notice about these balls is the heft there's a lot of weight to them these are not filled with air like laced potato chips i'm just gonna take a big bite and see what happens oh my god it's very salty it's very seasoned and there's just so much meat in there this is probably one of the most powerful balls i've ever held in my hands oh yes i love the crust on the outside it just gives it a little bit of a shell and you can crunch through that it's a really interesting good idea i think to be a winner to be a standout at a fair you have to have something that's a little bit familiar but a little bit new so they took something everybody knows and everybody loves gumball and then they just kind of reconstructed it they changed the configuration i'm very proud of craig i love the story from the beginning to the end from selling popcorn to selling over 100 000 of these balls in one month at this state fair that's incredible so that is the most strange most bizarre unique food i could find here at the state fair of texas but for me there can only be one most unique strange lovely creation in my heart in fact it's a creation that nearly stopped my heart and that is fried butter fried butter knows how to take a perfect moment someone making fresh baked bread and putting on nice soft butter that's just barely melted that really specific moment that you only get to experience a few hundred times in your life they've narrowed it down to a special fare bite that you could purchase for only eight dollars today i'm taking on the barbecue meat challenge at the state fair of texas i'm taking down as many beautiful barbecue creations as humanly possible but i'm not alone yo great to finally meet you man for reviewing veteran mike chen is by my side as we choose to eat or accept defeat i don't know how many stomachs you have this will throw you off so who's going to give in first time to find out when it comes to all the different animal parts what is your absolute favorite i love the belly a pork belly pork belly beef belly any belly is that a texas thing no it's i think it's asian pork belly you moved to texas for asian food that was a big part of my consideration but also best barbecue in the u.s absolutely and today we're gonna eat until we drop are you ready that sounds like the most marvelous day everybody let's do it but we yeah we have to keep going until we're not we're not there yet cool the state fair of texas is considered one of the best in america it started way back in 1886 and now it has an attendance that rivals the minnesota state fair i've seen their sandwiches i've eaten their unique food creations now it's time for some barbecue mike location one food number one this is a day of barbecue so i wanted to start with something familiar because later it's gonna get pretty crazy magnolia beer garden a hidden gem at the state fair of texas it's an ideal destination for beer connoisseurs and nothing goes better with beer than food when you're doing your show do you eat all the food i try to eat all the food but i may not always succeed because sometimes you have a 50 pound lobster on the menu here you can find their famous barbacoa tacos or celebrate the spooky season with this deep fried halloween where did you find a fifty pounds in toronto and you get a 50 pound lobster i think they made a lobster centipede and you thought it was one lobster maybe but it looks like something that if it's crawling towards you you should be running and throwing holy water at it all right let's jump into this this is a pulled pork sandwich our breakfast starts with a warmed bun and a mound of juicy pulled pork topped with a tangy barbecue sauce you ready for a big bite this is my first bite with mike chen i'm excited [Music] this is wet it is raining pork oil over here i love that it's heavy but the sweetness from the barbecue gives it a little bit of balance and also find pulled pork that's not dry actually it's difficult this is a good sandwich should we keep going yeah this barbecue train is powering straight ahead now we're headed inside the food court to a booth called simply stuffed wings right here we've got a 10 wing have you ever paid for one wing that cost 10 dollars i have not it's pricey but you can see why look how huge this is this booth was first established at this fair in 2015 after the owner had already built a successful thai restaurant outside the fair would you believe it if i was like yo this was like a tiny rabbit or something like a tiny mouth absolutely here you can order garlic fries or delectable pork pot stickers but the wings these wings are like no wings you've seen before usually you can find something like this coming out of southeast asia maybe thailand they're usually going to stuff it with glass noodles and some other asian spices here they've kind of changed your recipe to suit the audience at the texas state fair first these wings go from bone in to boneless with a few precision steven seagal like arm breaks [Music] i mean i don't know what kind of stuff you have before this is crispy yeah oh it's super crispy on the outside after deboning the wings look like this they're a bit limp but she'll fix that soon if this bird was on steroids and it flexed like this now the stuffing angel feeds the wings a mixture of spices onions cilantro rice and even more chicken after the wings are looking plump and bloated they're deep fried until the skin becomes irresistibly crispy [Music] oh i have a building i was kind of expecting juice to just fill my mouth and burn my tongue which would have been 100 worth it the rice and chicken inside could be its own dish in the skin that is so crunchy but like thin and delicate oh it's still steaming like crazy we have kind of like a vinegar sauce here give it a little bit of a dip i'm really happy with this i mean this will fill you up what i love here is at the texas state fair everybody's doing their best to recreate these common comfort foods of the usa then we have this asian food stall where they just have taken a classic asian recipe they just tweaked it slightly and it's a perfect match people should be eating this on thanksgiving instead of um stovetop can go sit on the back burner and this shoving should take over oh yes fiery statement this is fantastic a big winner for me ferris wheeler's barbecue these guys have been hosting a state fair theme at their own restaurant including a 50-foot operational ferris wheel yeah there's a cruise ship coming through we are on to our next food we're outside and it is hot it's hot but this thing looks hotter their menu has unique items that still manage to hang with other fair food classics like their creamy brisket mac and cheese or their sweet powdered sugar covered funnel fries what kind of fries do you like the most i like a thin crunchy fry but these are crunchy i like these too i love love waffle fries these are no ordinary waffle fries this potato perfection is the foundation for their brisket waffle fried nachos they shake the fries in a mixture of dry spices salt pepper cayenne paprika garlic onion powder and more [Music] okay you know why i love this rash there's so many holes in them there's so much sponge back there in every single bite i just spit out like five things saying that it's all right i'm tasting that too then to match our barbecue theme they top it with a mountain of juicy smoked brisket then the cheese sauce lastly add some fresh toppings and barbecue sauce here's what i found out if you want to make something like a texas a fine you just add brisket to it the other day i had like a peanut brittle but they replaced the peanuts with brisket we have fried nachos with brisket on top yeah all right i'm going bare-handed there we go i got a nice juicy bite here let's go for it that's awesome these briskets are so smoky and rich texas brisket basically people just every day they get up and they research brisket and that's how you make it so amazing the only way you should try brisket in a different state is if they're claiming to do southern style barbecue if they're like we have our own new york style brisket run exactly all right boom french fries brisket this is how you know you're in texas like all right we gotta hurry up and get on board when people say bigger doesn't mean better they're lying and no one does food bigger than diggle smokehouse i think that's too cool where's nicole so you're right can i look at him but just do a quick glance and look like past him testicle i think okay here it is oh no no you can't open since 1980 their menu now features one of this bears no one of this country's most oversized giant wings we'll get back to those in a moment first a meaty morsel to win our appetite here he has a menu item with about 13 words in it called uh you remember this right oh we practice come on lollipop fried bacon wrapped scent sandwich smoked quail breast this is a quail breast here they wrap it in bacon and fry the whole thing when i saw our foods i first had a little panic attack because i saw more tomatoes on mine why do you have three tonight i was like why am i getting more vegetables but we have the same same meat the tomatoes i don't even think they're for eating that might be too healthy for us today yeah today's about the bbq meat challenge what's the challenge you guys have to watch all the way to the end of the video twice and if you could watch all the ads too and then support our sponsor let's go for it now i know why he needs bacon a little bit dried but imagine that is one whole heck of a quail we got some sauce here to lubricate it now let's try it out [Music] the jalapeno inside yeah this is what you find out when you bite it in half there's lots of stuff hidden in there that we didn't even know about this is our appetizer we're just building up well this is an appetizer yeah there's another one [Music] turkey legs are very popular in many fair settings you can get a disneyland disney world the minnesota state fair but this is a different turkey part can you guess which one this pterodactyl ring look alike is less popular than giant turkey legs but for the life of me i couldn't tell you why i don't know why these are more common look at this thing it looks awesome doesn't it look better than a turkey leg it looks better preparation here is straightforward smoke the turkey wings until they turn this rich dark shade of roasted perfection i don't know about the wingspan but i'm about to find out i'm going to see how much effort is that taking yeah it's thick oh are you sure we can eat this good kraken look at that wingspan right there it looks like your elbow oh it's my arm yeah just about look at this skin it's gonna be a little rough [Music] that's very thick you can see the fat in here this is still like big thick chunks of unrendered fat i do like the fat that actually makes this taste more gelatinously textured oh my god this is a workout this upper part of the wing it looks like a leg here i got a nice piece we've got some skin we've got meat a little fat there too oh there is so much fat here i am greasy i can help a cow give birth right now if you're gonna help a cow give birth you need to lube your arms up to your elbow you just gotta slide it up there how do you know this i've seen videos i'll send you links no don't send me links no i don't want those links i don't that's good i think the flavor is much better it tastes like smoked turkey not a ham at the minnesota state fair for some reason it's desirable to them for their turkey to taste like a pig some say turkeys drown when they look up into the ring is that right have you ever helped your turkey give birth should we keep going i'm learning a lot of stuff today our next stop an icon at the state fair of texas this is fernies this place was started 50 years ago by john winter and wanda fernie winter she was later labeled the queen of the state fair these onion rings you wanna try some i do this place built a legacy on funnel cakes but we're here for something different it starts with a side of onion rings made by the queen's daughter miss erpio that's very satisfying it's got really good flavor let's talk about this right here for our main dish the fried burnt and burrito first of all i was like oh burnt ends what so it's not brisket turns out burnt ends is brisket burnt ends these delicious beefy morsels are not actually burnt but they've turned black after smoking and developing a bark asian parents usually tell their kids if the meat is hard or burnt even a little bit you can't eat it because it's poisonous it's to give you cancer right yeah that's my favorite thing to eat though these are the smoky crunchy pieces that come from the ends of the brisket after it's roasted for 12 to 14 hours in korea someone will come by take it off and cut off all the little burnt powders for you you can cut that off in my mouth right i'm keeping it the burnt ends are applied to a tortilla with a cream cheese jalapeno and bacon spread [Music] then two slices of pepper jack now wrap it and make sure it feels secure so it stays in one piece when it hits the deep fryer [Music] let's do the fresh no touch bite okay no socks oh hot that's like the hottest most passionate kiss we had with food today the meat is smoky it's tender and delicious i like the texture i want my alarm clock to be like the crunchy sound the steam makes when i bite into it but then you get hungry every morning they have this cream cheese inside you need to balance it out with a little bit of sweetness here from the barbecue then onion ring oh you are on to something spectacular my friend and then maybe throw a pickle on that you think throw it on that this is the perfect bite let's go for it i think we just helped them create something new also i think the pickle is almost necessary you know that little acid yes silences that cheese out there okay let's wrap it up maybe i'll do a little conclusion we ate this food let's go eat some more food nailed it we've reached our final location and our final bout was some banging barbecue welcome to hunt's mueller sausage they've been here since 1972 cementing their place in the state fair record books and winning some awards along the way oh yeah you better disinfect yeah i touch people appetizer one of the finalists for this year's big tech's choice awards the pork shot i think they mean shot is in like a one-shoter like oh go go go go just shove it down it's like taking a vitamin this cheesy meaty bite of goodness is formed by wrapping smoked bacon around a piece of sausage creating not a meatball but a meat bowl waiting to be filled with creamy mac and cheese then sprinkle with spicy barbecue raw before heading to the oven talk about a party in your friggin mouth that's very salty i don't think this is gonna leave my stomach for a long long time it's gonna just sit there it's solid for me i was like really looking forward to the mac and cheese aspect of this but it just disappeared in a river of oil that sausage is so oily i'm pulling out the sausage for the second one i agree with you oh i like that better the bacon is good as bacon the mac and cheese it's not coming through at all it makes me a little sad i want to praise this for a second that smokey flavor came through yeah this is today's final surprise and i can't wait for mike to see it this ordinary looking ball is something special created by glenn cusack in 2016. these are injectable great balls of barbecue i think it's like a play on great balls of fire great ball fire yeah after its debut it became an instant hit now there is something sticking out the ball itself is made from shredded beef brisket that's formed into a ball shape then deep fried until it looks like this do you know what that is it's a syringe it's a syringe yeah the best part the flavor enhancing technology this is like what i got my covenant shot with i shouldn't be sitting next to you now here we go oh and then here's the thing you can get more suck up more barbecue this is like a fun game now anything about that we could go find a quiet corner where we could eat some balls more drama we're right in the middle of a scene right now and then out there they're playing music you can't see it it's all white but this meat is hot and mike chen is ready time to power through how many syringes are we supposed to pump in i think two all right let's go for it wow it's almost like a mesh brisket i think what they did really well is that the bbq sauce is perfect with it but you know what worked just as well as injecting it what this right here [Music] also very effective you want to do something okay hold on what do you want to do i want to inject like as much as you can into this thing that's hard overflow so we're going to make this thing overdose on barbecue right now your brisket like make it plump up and you're going to go in the same hole give it different holes all right oh it's blooming up yours is cracking don't let it crack down go okay are you ready pop the whole thing pop it [Music] look oh my barbecue and that is how you eat this that was a flavor explosion i think i overdosed myself congratulations ma'am now this is the true texas bear experience thank you well done it's time to figure out which barbecue was our favorite we're going to talk about it next after this mike sonny today we ate so many fun new innovative barbecue creations i want to know right now which was your favorite top of my head stuffed chicken wings first of all skin is crispy that's hard to do secondly it's stuffed with more chicken and rice it's like an asian stuffing put this into your turkey next year are you being biased because you're choosing the only asian thing we tried today maybe i am and that's okay okay for me my favorite today i have to go turkey wing okay i've seen a lot of turkey legs around but seeing a turkey wing the scale of it it was beautiful it was full of meat it was full of it's full of grease and fan yeah we talked about it already yeah i appreciate this awesome day where a lot of new innovative meat dishes were being had so thank you absolutely you're welcome i paid for everything well i offered i didn't hear that no i didn't it must have been very quiet well guys that is the end of our video i want to say a huge thank you to mike chen next to me for sacrificing his body to eat all this food it was not healthy well thank you so much for having me my friend always been so much looking forward to that this moment right here so it happened finally finally just a short 12-hour day at the fair guys you can go follow mike chen on his youtube channel right here strictly dumpling otherwise that is it for this video i will see you next time thank you so much for watching peace a piece and then just put these fingers up oh really all right go i gotta go i gotta go i'm gonna run a 5k [Music]
Channel: Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 24,298,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best ever food review show, befrs team, sonny side, america, north america food, usa, the united state, texas food, where to eat in dallas, BestEverUSATour, State fair of texas, Sandwiches, texans are insane, KRISPY KREME FRIED CHICKEN SANDWICH, Calvin, Minnesota, Mineapolis
Id: jaHd1Fm5zl0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 43sec (6283 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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