Forgotten to Dogma - Hutts Streams Repentance

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forgotten dogma go [Music] when i miss huts nothing good start sleepy too angry to go to bed i can't cotton dog dogma sending it now we'll send ahead captain can i still get a little bone tickle in [Music] there how does that work get out of town i mean i guess maybe the poops could be helpful but [Music] because i don't see nothing wrong okay with the tier one sub thank you for that on top of what you already did i'm still waiting for esau to pop out of the ground name's messing with my head [Music] chief yes five months what's up welcome back i was i did that perfectly i don't know why you would lie like that earthright for half off is this your soul is now unchained and free to move we of course it has no health but first time we've seen that exciting i'm gonna grab that half red heart not spawning those literally no one likes it when you do that you're not you and you're hungry you're a dick all path hell no welcome castlevania 40 months wow finally in my 40s better buy a sports car to handle this mid-life crisis [Music] you buy me a sports car i'll take your midlife crisis for you how about that i'll did i'll take the sacrifice item room we're doing dogma so we're skipping item rooms for for uh planetariums we get the item rooms in the way back up a duh adele [Music] handle from the other side which one would we rather take maybe the book of rev for soul heart generation is kind of lame though i'm thinking maybe book of shadows here could be real spice monster manual let me look a shadow i can still swing while i'm booking shadows ring and just like is it this guy you got to get up and close up close and personal i literally just read the item off it's birthright sometimes we swing double or double uh bones too use the manual yeah i should have used the manual once you're right i forget about the buff i don't honestly feel like going back uh now i don't want dude well now i'm not doing it a little monocle is cute it's not bad definitely a perk perks oh golden bomb get that tinted rock the fancy skeleton that shot up with drugs got his vaccine got the vaccine is there anything else we can bomb speed's gonna be a problem here but [Music] monster manual oh my god chat [Music] bob's brain [Music] that's going away for set to set a timer set a timer for three minutes jack got a timeout for three minutes you know what i can do one better actually we're gonna do that why not have fun with it there's my program um is that it boom suck on that chat now tell me what to do i almost got hit right there this is all wacky too because everything shows up behind me oh god i think i thank god i got the oh why what would i do without it bombing those guys in the middle look at that real trooper i was smart enough to go back for it wow look at the damage [Applause] real american hero real american heroes yo i got that from my stupid poop from my stupid trinket wow everything's coming together look at me and we're gonna go angel here i mean i could take a deal with the devil like with my my ghostly form i'm just thinking defensive better when i gotta get up and close and personal up close and personal up and close and personal and personal close what do you guys think use your words chat judy just flaunting [Music] just a flaunter wrong thing [Music] what's up retro i'm gonna jump down i think a health upgrade too we could have gone hard on it but i got the monster manual i forgot to take the other book back uh chat's going back into emote permanently permanently now there's already an emote only mode i thought i turned it off [Music] well how did how do i turn emote off oh you're stuck now chat [Music] there's nothing i can do took the goddamn wrong book god damn it oh timer went off [Music] what's the command [Music] normal mode monster man you're so good save it chat or should i say spy for ed [Music] icicle baby glad i got this book what would i do without it real american heroes you guys don't remember those commercials trying to think of what they what the dudes were but the most ridiculous jobs was budweiser or something like that gi joe no no well no golden poops with soul mr t shoot cannon launcher guy something like that yeah [Music] you forgot the other book i was going to tell you earlier but your chat was all messed up for some reason that is so odd i have no idea what that was about [Music] boop boop boop boop boop oh that's a new one you can leave your body behind because if your friend can dance and if they ca damn it i've ruined it and if they can't dance in there no friends of mine that's a free curse room oh yeah just teleport back out [Music] zach's on galaxy in three months what's up putts hope the stream has been going well yep no hiccups whatsoever just the best stuff this is this is very interesting [Music] you get the same one double icicle baby my birthday my birthday's coming up you guys may 16th speaking of once again if anyone wanted to send me stuff because i opened a bunch of stuff in my p.o box earlier if that was a thing that you guys wanted to do or my birthday you better get it in like nowish mods can help you find the eo box gonna send you more broncolin remember that when i like couldn't stop coughing ah it's almost worth it just open one of those saving your keys probably better though [Music] free challenge rooms yeah well i mean i had to spend the uh i was it was was there a key to buy [Music] let's do it let's let's give it a shot and see what's up we could also just do the room and get whatever it pays out with at the end like it wouldn't be that bit difficult we're doing well see how it goes [Music] planetarium chance pretty early too oh no i'm dying oh i tried to swing at him of course we're the little soul buddy my bad i'm gonna pop up and then hit him with the ice nope didn't get any keys back i was kind of hoping to get keys back i'm glad we stayed to the ends happy happy we did it [Music] saved what a good pill that could cheer me up that came all wrong it's a good time to get it out of the way i'm not even mad my daughter loves that room not the same one not guaranteed to be the same write that down i bat away the balls kind of it's very unsatisfying to make like a baseball bat noise oh my little familiar start cheering make your move buddy cool what an idiot to make a bonk noise [Music] absolute dingus think about my book though i could use that to farm up a bunch of money that's it chat's going back into emotes only a donation 10 bucks to st jude from centum birthday hi bots hello thank you so much for donating i appreciate it real american heroes mr saint you donation guy oh that was just a rough hit for double damage from that loser let's not do that again i think bombing the beggar i need the help now i don't want to lose a stupid boneheart [Music] we're not going to play him it makes me feel a little bit more comfortable [Music] honestly what we got going on is maybe better i'ma be honest with you [Music] i got pushed back the stupid knockback on the thing i mean where i didn't want to be like let's not do that again does that again same thing same enemy [Music] alabadon i get down to one soul heart in this guy we can go into that boss trap room [Music] oh it's pretty good [Music] it might be worth it to take that hit to go into that boss trap room losing one black card here [Music] [Music] as long as you escape right i could go in grab it and leave immediately i can find it probably not smart too though bad gas should we fart in this boy yeah it could be helpful if there's like health in the angel room or something like that [Music] got oil buddy i keep expecting issa to jump out i know i was waiting for that due in the beginning at least almost got him piece of cake you could hear that doesn't really matter though if we did any better than that [Music] can i take that as this guy that wouldn't i wouldn't and i shouldn't let's come back and get that figured away into that boss trap first jacob with 100 i don't know what to put here but i don't want to leave this blank so uh yeah this is here i guess oh and hi huts and twitch chat okay i'm done i think thanks for the 100 jacob awesome awesome awesome yeah the bad gas yeah you are so smart the eternal heart give one to the soul one of the boney i just don't think that's necessary better trinket i go down to 15. you got till 15 buddy when i use my active it uses another active on top of it it could backfire well luck wow that's the worst i've ever seen that machine [Music] perform [Music] [Music] so great timing with the give up 15 cents that's where i said it stopped [Music] typical fortune machine behavior to me but we don't have luck foot as canes still i tend to have pretty good luck spawned on top of me yeah right gave him a soul heart whatever it's better than nothing [Music] whatever now that is out of the boss pool right i think about things like that literally free night fang five gifted subs thank you for that wonderful very generous and we're doing all of this you guys without getting our item realms which you know that's a win nice night fang bonk your webcam with forgotten bone over here awesome some just hits me in the side of the head what the oh my god jewel bag would have been nice on the first floor fight me dude stutter set me he's like what what what [Music] let's play games like that modem of course hey wow that's nice book of virtues book of virtues is just good [Music] i'd really like to see a uh full health though right now [Music] oh no we just needed all of our health for what for what chat [Music] that's bad that is just bad bad bad uh pick up all that health that i could have spent on that demon beggar first what does birthright do that unchains my soul [Music] little gishy buddy right very cool this is chat no longer bound to your body wealth health up close have we already seen a full health hill i feel like we have but we've done so many failed runs today that they're all blending together i was banned for no reason now i am unbanned from here is your last run who knows probably though what does tri saigon plus lost do a trick question just gives the lost try saigon i might forgot maybe i'd shoot a laser out i think it does nothing but if i switched forms like this i shoot lasers [Music] thank you meat exactly what i'm looking for modem is doing a good job here staggering the enemies just enough for me to beat him up broken modem carry it's this is slow going but we're doing it we have a chance to lose a lot of these bone hearts though that would really set us back anyone see the oh buddy yeah see what i can't era items huh jupiter 2 hp up only half a heart is filled minus speed where our speed is so bad already while not moving your speed rapidly increases to a bonus of point plus sorry plus point five point five point plus point while you have this 0.5 bonus moving will cause isaac to fart around the room spawning poison gas clouds the fart stops spawning once you reach your regular movement speed poison deals damage equal to half your tiers per tick only available inside planetarium how about the farts i gotta try it [Music] though you shoot them out okay oh where is that bone coming from he ain't holding that ball with his arms excuse me what is going on there what is this ladies [Music] and the donation sound effect perfect the nerd 200 bits or 200 dollars i mean to saint jude that puts us to 15 6. i need to talk to hr he's swinging do your chain hang low do it wobble two and fro can you die in a nut can you die look at that don't forget your card yeah i'm saying have we seen the skull terms of service huts can't put up fires with it confirmed outside your challenge room yikes [Music] still the item we go [Music] i'm excited that we got our planetarium i think it was 100 chance though this floor wasn't it 101 chance one run i wouldn't say that and her health back slowly but surely who's bud shirley it's debs xl oh okay it was like something's wrong icicle baby a perma icicle baby very good i like them one of my favorite familiars probably happy birthday to hutz 16th but thank you [Music] coming up [Music] and we're back to full 16th birthday wow yup i'm turning 16. [Music] dude 888 say your fart saying low oh [Music] got too much health i don't know what to do with it did we get there that's sister maggie that we just got i'll take a little spidey buds what else you got um the medium fly it'll fly we haven't found any secret rooms yet it could be anywhere even right here you're like 86 right dude that's insulting i'm 84. how dare you you know like a day over 80. oh cat shut up there it is all right come back for the era am i gonna remember to do that no fun from the fun that we gonna have top secret could be anywhere on an xl floor i don't even think it's worth it to try to find it we have one red heart waiting for us and one bone heart so we can play this guy like twice [Music] doesn't do much for me it's such a stupid item le mans so i have to like sit still long enough for my 0.5 boost to come and then i can start letting them rip a perma-gish not very exciting not very exciting and uh here we go full card intact you drop a trinket i did not drop a trinket because we already have all the painted characters unlocked not gonna fall on that trap again [Music] angel room this is going to be heated immediately so it does not matter am i going to use that um yeah i could see myself using that as [Music] wait it gives us flight too oh forgot about that good super good um i don't think the key piece for any reason flying big boy yeah look at the wings are they're working hard the tinted rock the fool we already have we don't have small rocks shoot we should have done it i saw it as i was leaving classic case where i scanned the room as i've already pressed the button yeah i do it every time yeah every single time but uh i might use this laser as i'm flying around as this guy hey now the the um the ghost is chubby too where it wasn't before it's jupitered drops in jupiter in her farts [Music] guess who farted through the atmosphere [Music] get the horns on i'm wearing the horns in game can walk in with this thing charged would be a smart idea and finish off the stragglers [Music] that doesn't even look right i'm lopsided okay [Music] mom's eye actually is pretty nice to have when i'm flying around in the very last [Music] part [Music] why don't you leave me alone okay look at i'm holding my bone between my butt cheeks when i'm flying up remember seeing that meme about how uh what's here what if i did this wonder woman how she holds the sword when she went to the banquet that's what it reminds me of i just had to run with 0.1 speed [Music] the faster you pay out the faster i get these parts out of your face wonder woman had some serious glutes wonder woman better have some serious glutes imagine if wonder woman skipped leg day angry fly he's violent hit him dude [Music] matchstick nah [Music] [Music] lumpy guppy two total what's up because i can taste all the bad bean flavors like on my breath it's not pleasant not enjoying myself you guys weren't here earlier you guys i was doing the bean boozled challenge literally lost every single one of them [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i forgot to just push the button anything special in here [Music] looks like you might [Music] strength card for the little bit of health and damage on the final fight would make sense to me [Music] more than the arrow would how many rotten eggs did you get just one i think i did almost one of every flavor almost there's one more shop waiting for me somewhere beyonce good shot [Music] mint chocolate slaps their mint shotgun in the bamboo spotted your first band saying mint chocolate slaps anything that we need in here yeah double trinket maybe wouldn't be though yeah good yep we'll tell ya i'll take three if i can really grind up money right now for for what for poops on the floor turn sideways gold in your mouth looking like a fool with your poop on the ground and donate the money give it to a good cause me later a red heart that i can get in that curse room i used to vibe on junior mints man it's not bad mint chocolate chip ice cream is good the dark chocolate is dog says judy you know i used to say that when i had the mouth of a five-year-old i had to think about how i said that i was like that's gonna sound wrong listen here old man just get over it like you hear people saying like oh now i prefer it you're like you're lying i do i actually prefer it [Music] the other stuff is too sweet for me you guys leave all the items to get still oh god that's good got speed up range down fine fine you imagine if i got a speed down pill all the items still yeah and i gotta go a floor two still because once you get a planetarium you just let it rip he's so destructive and disturbed just like his father look at who he has to look up to and you're drunk again aren't you shut up man shut up you just keep pushing me like this i'm leaving good please we'll be fine without you abandon us hot sauce yes or no on my junior mints [Music] get back here a little bit [Music] hot sauce in the junior mints junior mints but spicy i don't know what got me there but i didn't like it let's stop losing health please double fire rates gish with slowing i don't know if the tooth actually does anything but it'll definitely do something as the ghost a chance to fire teeth out or stick with the teeth they're both good could have gone for the uh things that i didn't go for you know the thing with the stuff dark chocolate hot sauce hey i've had dark chocolate with uh like cayenne pepper like chili pepper in it and that's not bad [Music] hot sauce ice cream i don't think i've ever had that philly chocolate is lit this should be where we get item ropes starting now that was just really tough to see not sure what i was supposed to do with that common colds green bone poison on poison give up the good work dad i'm gonna play resident evil have fun imagine playing a video game and not watching a stream during it anyone stream pbf don't hurt me what is love baby don't hurt me he'd be out shot him down [Music] hmm planetarium chance yeah right too little too late has bbf has that been buffed like bob's brain where it does a ton more damage now it kind of seems like it because those upgraded dudes on this dogma path have so much health bombs pierce armor you know and become saved let his light inside you those guys have boss you are armor this they just had high [Music] health okay that enemies have armor yes that was it called tainted enemies it's a slow going but that's what you get with a 0.5 speed run [Music] i guess i'm more precise about my movements here more focused on dodging and stuff so maybe it's not all that bad until i run into something that i literally can't get away from a little delirium little deli meat counterboy come on we did this all without taking items [Music] all the item rooms are just junk just junk dodging the beast fight will be fun i don't think it'll be too bad as long as i stay back i'll i'll i'm thinking i'm going to be using the soul a lot during that for the range of course where are we at basement two oh god we need something big here knockback could be okay extra knockback keeping those big guys back that's nice one succubus get um where are you going wait we need you wide shot does that do anything nope does literally nothing i'm sorry you know what we haven't done yet you guys we never played bumbo the lost after we unlocked them on uh legend of bumbo kind of hope you get hit on dogma is that what we're betting against right now we'll have to take a hit from dog my not beast all right what's in it for me who's gonna buy me off you know most people think i am going to get hit 46 say yes i will get hit so more people think i'm gonna do a perfect run i appreciate the confidence but you're a fool save the charge on this hey it's an interesting one that's a very interesting one what do you have to offer the bastard box i feel like if i could slow him down stopwatch i feel like works every time on the dogma fight the answer is very bad what why do you want to give money to cancer don't take stopwatch why look at procs all the time for one last heart is kind of a a hard hit but master box we can't get that to pay out in time of course stopwatch with soul why not one red heart instead of half of the soul's health i'm going to be using the soul a ton i'm gonna try it we should be able to go up this way it should still count watch it not count give up keys was it key beggar oh it was a keybagger yeah that makes sense to me do we need one for mom's chest [Music] no there's uh a golden chest in my item room i know that but baby plum boy pretty plum fruity plumbers i'll just go ahead and i'll pop my strength card as this character first give him the health up and then i'll swap over to the soul as needed you know what i could also just bomb these guys if i get any money bring it back to that beggar that we were playing [Music] see that guy blow it up to mother yes rotten heart it counts as one solid heart i think i take double damage anyways on the next floor so we got crisscross applesauce bones no i don't i did oh you know what we could have paid we could still pay there's two solar and get half it back got my health back you guys hello i love everything you play and hope you have a good time have fun thanks mate now i can wait till i get hit before i pop the strength card forgotten the beast yeah what did i say [Music] that's what i said duh [Music] oh very good play [Music] i guess we could have gotten the extra life right now that they added that item to get the trinket [Music] who was that was that city and that was saying to do the thing or somebody was saying and i was like you know condescending already detained character bro if the extra life works it just you just respawn automatically on the beast fight that's i heard you got arrested what happened ready for this i might try this guy a little bit as the bone boy i'm not sure if i'm gonna switch to the uh other dude instead well maybe i should switch to the guy because then i can hide behind my my body or not just go slow sometimes that beam is unpredictable and i don't even want to hear it the bone dude got like reverse homing he like sucks in bullets that was just a good shot there was nowhere to go not at my speed [Music] nowhere to go dude easy i'm trying you guys you're not blocking it there we go now he's blocking stuff it's almost like the hitbox is at the bottom of the characters on this mode and it's really odd but i've noticed it more and more bullets go through your head which i mean it makes sense like when you're talking about the top down view your hitbox is on your feet that's where you're standing you just hit me directly my bone pile [Music] fruity plum is like woo have the absolute time was life yeah my buddy's not living his best life though got me there amazing amazing ai somebody tried to toss a battery up to me i didn't get it like that hitbox on my feet scythe went directly through my head [Music] do does it make more sense to be bone boy here just shoot lasers maybe otherwise the bones get stuck at the edge of the map oh i thought it was stopping oh oh can't get up there i'm on the ropes [Music] always fun time with holy brim i needed that w to fall asleep tonight cracked open and a white beam i needed it spirits shackles disappeared in the basement don't know what that is look it up when we find it though thank you guys for coming out to the stream today oh we dropped below 4k subs that is not an accurate number we're down to 3 9 4 7 subs oops how do i do the thing there forgot to open up the program that updates the number yeah 3947 if you're not subbed you're a fake fan says karen who's not subs we all knew this was gonna happen that there was a huge hype right everyone was donating like hundreds of subs at a time now all those subs have reached their month limit get some sweet pots thanks to the good stream still feels super good though about um are we at hundred and 15 dollars raised for st jude awesome stuff thank you guys so much for helping make that happen um have a good night dad i mean nuts thanks people on youtube for watching see in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 72,023
Rating: 4.9299216 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: iEtgLbp4O7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 15sec (4035 seconds)
Published: Sat May 08 2021
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