<b>[projector whirring]</b> <i><b>[dramatic music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <i><b>[water lapping]</b></i> <i><b>[whooshing]</b></i> <i><b>[loon calls]</b></i> <i><b>[upbeat music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[alarm beeps]</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- It's 7:31. I almost filed</b>
<b>a missing persons report.</b> <b>- I'm not that predi ctable.</b> <b>- Oh, says the woman</b>
<b>whose standing order</b> <b>hasn't changed in three years.</b> <b>- I can be flexible.</b> <b>- Oh, good,</b>
<b>because today I made it</b> <b>with our new</b>
<b>light roast espresso.</b> <b>Let me know what you think.</b> <b>- Great.</b> <i><b>[quirky music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>Mmm, mmm!</b>
<b>- Hmm.</b> <b>- Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.</b> <b>- Look at you, taking risks.</b> <b>- It's...</b> <b>tangy.</b> <b>- I can't have the customers</b>
<b>seeing you make that face.</b> <b>I'll remake it.</b>
<b>- [sighs] Thank you.</b> <b>- Okay, those two</b>
<b>close to us.</b> <b>What do you think?</b> <b>- Okay, I'm gonna say</b> <b>they've known each other</b>
<b>for two weeks.</b> <b>- Agreed.</b> <b>No one plays footsie</b>
<b>after dozens of dates.</b> <b>I'm gonna guess...third date.</b> <b>- Concur.</b> <b>How about the couple</b>
<b>by the door?</b> <b>- Hmm, okay,</b>
<b>I'm spying wedding rings,</b> <b>but they're both</b>
<b>in their own world.</b> <b>I'm gonna guess this is def</b>
<b>part of their morning routine.</b> <b>- They've definitely been</b>
<b>married for at least 20 years,</b> <b>and this is probably</b>
<b>their, like, 200th date.</b> <b>[phone chimes]</b> <b>- Somebody's blowing up.</b> <b>- Oh, yeah, it's just my dad.</b> <b>He still hasn't figured out</b>
<b>that you can send</b> <b>more than one sentence</b>
<b>per text.</b> <b>He's just wishing me luck</b>
<b>on the pitch today.</b> <b>- [gasps] It's today?</b>
<b>Get it.</b> <b>- I'm nervous.</b> <b>I've just been waiting</b>
<b>for the perfect time</b> <b>to approach my boss.</b> <b>I have a very carefully</b>
<b>prepared speech.</b> <b>- [gasps]</b>
<b>A surprise to no one.</b> <b>- You know, I think</b>
<b>today I'm just--</b> <b>I'm just gonna go for it.</b> <b>- Remember, you are brave.</b> <b>- I'm brave.</b> <b>- You are strong.</b>
<b>- I'm strong.</b> <b>- You are the scrupulosity</b>
<b>of a brain surgeon</b> <b>and the blind competence</b>
<b>of a tween pop star.</b> <b>- I have--</b> <b>aw, thank you.</b> <b>Oh, I gotta go.</b> <b>Wish me luck.</b>
<b>- Okay.</b> <b>Get that bag, honey.</b> <i><b>[upbeat music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- I am strong. I am brave.</b> <b>I am a scrupulous</b>
<b>pop star surgeon.</b> <b>Whatever.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>Okay, you got this.</b> <b>Reason number one:</b> <b>it's important--nay, historic.</b> <b>Perfect.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>Can I have two minutes</b>
<b>of your time?</b> <b>- Actually, now--</b> <b>- I am the best person</b> <b>to take on the upcoming</b>
<b>First Lady profile piece.</b> <b>In this presentation, I will</b>
<b>map out the 19 1/2 reasons...</b> <b>- 19 1/2?</b> <b>- That I am the most</b>
<b>experienced and knowledgeable</b> <b>writer to take on</b>
<b>this important--nay, historic</b> <b>interview for "Belle Fair."</b> <b>Reason number one--</b> <b>- Kacey...</b>
<b>[clears throat]</b> <b>I actually have</b>
<b>another assignment</b> <b>for you to tackle first.</b> <b>- But I really have--</b> <b>- And if that goes well,</b> <b>I'll consider you</b>
<b>for the First Lady piece.</b> <b>- Okay, okay, sure.</b> <b>What is it?</b>
<b>Toxicity of hustle culture?</b> <b>Double standards</b>
<b>of women in the workplace?</b> <b>Oh, you know, actually,</b>
<b>I would love</b> <b>to cover the increasing</b>
<b>cultural irrelevance</b> <b>of beauty pageants.</b> <b>- Okay, it's</b>
<b>a TokFlix celebrity.</b> <b>- Say more words.</b> <b>- @TheRomancingRyan</b>
<b>is a TokFlix celebrity</b> <b>that's known for his</b>
<b>dating advice for women.</b> <b>He has an upcoming book</b>
<b>that he'd like to promote,</b> <b>so we--you--are going to be</b>
<b>shadowing him for a week,</b> <b>writing a profile piece</b>
<b>on him and his work,</b> <b>and all that will lead up</b>
<b>to our L.A. singles night</b> <b>that "Belle Fair"</b>
<b>is sponsoring next weekend</b> <b>and that Ryan has</b>
<b>generously offered to emcee.</b> <b>- With all due respect,</b> <b>I don't think</b>
<b>that I'm a good fit</b> <b>for some arrogant</b>
<b>TokFlix love doctor.</b> <b>My wheelhouse is more</b>
<b>topics that are actually--</b> <b>- Kacey, I'd like you</b>
<b>to meet Ryan.</b> <b>- The aforementioned arrogant</b>
<b>TokFlix love guru, was it?</b> <b>- "Doctor."</b> <b>Nice to meet you</b>
<b>@TheRomanc--</b> <b>- Ryan, you can</b>
<b>just call me Ryan.</b> <b>Well...</b> <b>This'll be fun.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- [sighs]</b> <b>My gosh.</b>
<b>- Hey, you okay?</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>- [gasps]</b>
<b>Is that The Romancing Ryan?</b> <b>What is he doing here?</b> <b>- I'm profiling him.</b> <b>- Seriously?</b> <b>- Wait, you actually</b>
<b>know who he is?</b> <b>- Everybody knows who he is.</b> <b>He has, like, 8 million</b>
<b>followers on TokFlix.</b> <b>Besides, what kind</b>
<b>of a social media manager</b> <b>would I be</b>
<b>if I didn't know that?</b> <b>- Well, then maybe you should</b>
<b>be the one interviewing him.</b> <b>I'm a terrible fit</b>
<b>for this assignment.</b> <b>I'm not on social media</b>
<b>at all.</b> <b>I hate dating apps.</b> <b>- Hey, don't knock 'em</b>
<b>till you've tried 'em.</b> <b>I mean, it's been</b>
<b>six months since--</b> <b>- Ah! Hard pass.</b> <b>Those apps are too much</b>
<b>like grocery shopping.</b> <b>They reduced people</b>
<b>to commodities.</b> <b>- I don't know, I wouldn't mind</b>
<b>grocery shopping so much</b> <b>if I could pick up</b>
<b>a snack like Ryan.</b> <b>- Maisie, could you just--</b> <b>- Sorry.</b>
<b>Okay, all I'm saying is,</b> <b>this assignment might not be</b>
<b>the worst thing.</b> <b>- [sighs]</b>
<b>- Okay?</b> <b>Sometimes it pays</b>
<b>to try something new...</b> <b>and muscly and...</b> <b>tall.</b>
<b>He's so tall.</b> <b>- Okay, The Romancing Ryan.</b> <b>Who are you?</b> <i><b>- All right, ladies, remember,</b></i>
<i><b>when you're dating someone,</b></i> <i><b>especially if you're</b></i>
<i><b>really into him,</b></i> <i><b>you make sure that you are</b></i>
<i><b>in the talking phase</b></i> <i><b>with at least</b></i>
<i><b>five other guys</b></i> <i><b>on the apps at the same time.</b></i> <i><b>He's gonna sense</b></i>
<i><b>that you have options,</b></i> <i><b>and he's gonna work</b></i>
<i><b>even harder to win you over.</b></i> <i><b>Works every time.</b></i> <b>- Manipulative</b>
<b>and commitment-phobic.</b> <i><b>- Also, ladies,</b></i>
<i><b>do not forget,</b></i> <i><b>always aim to be interesting</b></i>
<i><b>but not too interested--</b></i> <i><b>the fastest way to hook a guy.</b></i> <b>- That doesn't even make sense.</b> <i><b>- DaisyGirl136 commented</b></i>
<i><b>on my last video,</b></i> <i><b>"Ryan, any advice</b></i>
<i><b>for getting over heartbreak?"</b></i> <i><b>[sighs]</b></i> <i><b>DaisyGirl, I'm sorry</b></i>
<i><b>that you've been</b></i> <i><b>going through a tough time.</b></i> <i><b>Bouncing back from heartbreak</b></i>
<i><b>can be brutal.</b></i> <i><b>And my best advice...</b></i> <i><b>is, you gotta get</b></i>
<i><b>back out there</b></i> <i><b>and get on the apps</b></i>
<i><b>as soon as possible, girl.</b></i> <i><b>If you wanna find love again,</b></i> <i><b>make sure to like, subscribe,</b></i>
<i><b>and follow for part two</b></i> <i><b>on this space.</b></i> <i><b>I'll be dropping more tips</b></i>
<i><b>and tricks all week.</b></i> <b>- Ugh, God, unbelievable.</b> <b>- How'd the pitch go?</b> <b>Did you slay?</b> <b>- Oh, yeah, I slayed,</b>
<b>all right.</b> <b>If I by slay, you mean</b>
<b>I somehow managed to not get</b> <b>the profile I wanted, was</b>
<b>assigned to a different piece,</b> <b>and then met and insulted</b>
<b>my new subject</b> <b>all in one meeting.</b> <b>- Screwing up a meeting</b>
<b>that bad is low-key impressive.</b> <b>- Yeah, well, I'm nothing</b>
<b>if not an overachiever.</b> <b>Mm, anyway, I have to go.</b> <b>I have my first interview</b>
<b>with The Romancing Ryan</b> <b>this morning, so...</b> <b>- Ooh, I love him.</b>
<b>Such a snack.</b> <b>- Why do people</b>
<b>keep calling him that?</b> <b>- Because he's got</b>
<b>a totally snatched body</b> <b>and a face to match.</b> <b>- Snatched?</b> <b>Is that, like, a--[scoffs]</b> <b>Like, a TokFlix term</b>
<b>I should know?</b> <b>- Aw, you have so much</b>
<b>to learn.</b> <b>- Well, whatever it is,</b>
<b>I doubt Ryan is gonna be</b> <b>the one to teach it to me.</b> <b>His dating advice</b>
<b>is total garbage,</b> <b>and I need to write</b>
<b>a credible piece on him</b> <b>even if he's a total hack.</b> <b>It's just--</b>
<b>- You got this.</b> <b>Just don't be distracted</b>
<b>by his devil-may-care smile</b> <b>and his artfully tousled hair.</b> <b>- How many of his videos</b>
<b>have you watched?</b> <b>- No comment.</b> <b>By the way,</b>
<b>are we still for tonight?</b> <b>'Cause I don't want you</b>
<b>to be alone on...</b> <b>- Yeah, yeah.</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>Okay.</b> <b>Maisie's cooking.</b>
<b>Bring the wine.</b> <b>- You know it.</b> <b>- Bye.</b> <b>- Bye.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- Hi, I'm Kacey Edwards.</b> <b>I'm here for</b>
<b>the "Belle Fair" interview.</b> <b>- Dope, I'm Chris,</b>
<b>Ryan's brother.</b> <b>Come on in.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>He's doing a live feed</b>
<b>right now.</b> <b>Can I get you something--</b>
<b>kombucha, juice?</b> <b>- Welcome back</b>
<b>to "The Romancing Ryan."</b> <b>I appreciate you all</b>
<b>for tuning in today.</b> <b>Last week,</b>
<b>we touched a little bit</b> <b>on how to reel in</b>
<b>that perfect guy,</b> <b>the guy that's out there</b>
<b>that's just meant for you.</b> <b>Today we're gonna talk</b>
<b>a little bit more</b> <b>about how you can do that</b> <b>through your dating app</b>
<b>profile.</b> <b>When setting up</b>
<b>your dating app profile,</b> <b>don't forget</b>
<b>to use my KISS method.</b> <b>That's K-I-S-S.</b> <b>K: know whom</b>
<b>you're trying to attract.</b> <b>I: interest him with</b>
<b>unique facts about yourself.</b> <b>S: state what you're</b>
<b>looking for in a partner.</b> <b>And S: show your</b>
<b>gorgeous self off</b> <b>with beautiful profile pics.</b> <b>- He sure winks a lot.</b> <b>- Oh, yeah, his fans eat it up.</b> <b>I mean, his practical advice</b>
<b>performs well,</b> <b>but his posts that go viral,</b> <b>they're more thirst trappy.</b> <b>- Thirst trappy?</b> <b>- Yeah, you know,</b>
<b>like no-shirt Toks.</b> <b>- Every single one of us</b>
<b>on this planet...</b> <b>- Anyway, his upcoming book</b>
<b>is gonna be a big test.</b> <b>It's dating advice for men,</b>
<b>you know,</b> <b>'cause his following</b>
<b>is mostly women.</b> <b>- Shocking.</b> <b>- All right, thank you again.</b> <b>Ladies, I appreciate you</b>
<b>tuning in every single week.</b> <b>I will be back next week</b>
<b>for the usual AMA.</b> <b>Thank you so much.</b> <b>- I can send you</b>
<b>an advanced copy of the book.</b> <b>I'm kind of his assistant/</b>
<b>photographer/PR guy.</b> <b>[clicks tongue]</b> <b>- That's a lot of hyphens.</b> <b>He'd be lost without me.</b> <b>- I heard that.</b> <b>- But seriously,</b>
<b>if he gives you any trouble,</b> <b>just let me know.</b> <b>- Oh, thank you, but I think</b>
<b>I can handle Sir Winks-a-Lot.</b> <b>- I can hear you.</b>
<b>I'm literally right here.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- All right, Kaleigh,</b>
<b>what do you wanna know?</b> <b>- It's Kacey, actually.</b> <b>And really, it's more about</b> <b>what the readers</b>
<b>of "Belle Fair" want to know.</b> <b>- Okay, shoot.</b> <b>- Is it all right if I record?</b> <b>- Sure.</b> <b>- Okay, so, Ryan,</b> <b>you have built</b>
<b>a massive following online,</b> <b>sharing dating advice.</b> <b>Now, are you speaking</b>
<b>from personal experience</b> <b>when you create your content?</b> <b>- How do you mean?</b> <b>- Have you had</b>
<b>your own trials and errors</b> <b>in your dating life?</b> <b>- I keep my personal life</b>
<b>private.</b> <b>- Well, sure,</b>
<b>but would you say</b> <b>that your own experiences,</b>
<b>your own dating foibles,</b> <b>if you will, inform your work?</b> <b>- What I mean is, I don't</b>
<b>discuss my dating life</b> <b>or my personal life.</b> <b>I keep that separate.</b> <b>- And your reason</b>
<b>for that being?</b> <b>- Do I need a reason?</b> <b>- No, but I'm sure</b>
<b>you have one.</b> <b>- I'm here to discuss</b>
<b>my content and my book,</b> <b>not my--what did you call them,</b>
<b>my foibles?</b> <b>- Oh, my--</b> <b>- Oh, just pretend</b>
<b>I'm not here.</b> <b>I'm just taking BTS.</b> <b>- [chuckles]</b>
<b>Oh.</b> <b>You know, let's just--</b> <b>Ryan, the readers</b>
<b>of "Belle Fair,"</b> <b>they can log on to social media</b>
<b>for free anytime</b> <b>and see your work,</b>
<b>but the reason</b> <b>they're gonna read</b>
<b>this interview</b> <b>is to get to know you</b>
<b>a little more personally.</b> <b>And my job is to help uncover</b>
<b>a little bit</b> <b>about what makes you you.</b> <b>- Is there a question in there?</b> <b>- Okay, you know what?</b> <b>Let's--[chuckles]</b> <b>Let's just start over.</b> <b>So what inspired you</b>
<b>to go the social media route</b> <b>as a career?</b> <b>- I recognized it as an</b>
<b>opportunity to make a living</b> <b>being creative</b>
<b>and helping people.</b> <b>- Helping people find love?</b> <b>- Well, I mean, sure.</b> <b>- Sure?</b> <b>- People go on dating apps</b>
<b>looking for different things.</b> <b>I mean, sometimes love,</b>
<b>yeah, absolutely.</b> <b>But other times,</b>
<b>it's, you know, for attention,</b> <b>affirmation,</b>
<b>distraction, even.</b> <b>- And what do you</b>
<b>look for on the apps?</b> <b>- [chuckles]</b> <b>You're like a dog on a bone.</b> <b>- Just for clarification,</b> <b>I'm the dog in this scenario?</b> <b>- That's not how I meant.</b> <b>- Are you in the habit</b>
<b>of calling women dogs?</b> <b>- No, don't write that down.</b> <b>No, no, you're taking that</b>
<b>out of context.</b> <b>Chris, get--</b> <b>All I'm saying is, you won't</b>
<b>leave well enough alone.</b> <b>- It's my job to press</b>
<b>for interesting details.</b> <b>- Yeah, and it's my job</b>
<b>to create content.</b> <b>Look, if you wanna talk</b>
<b>about my work, my content,</b> <b>my methods, I'm game.</b> <b>I need that promotion</b>
<b>to help sell my book.</b> <b>But nobody wants to buy</b>
<b>a book from some simp</b> <b>who talks about himself</b>
<b>and his personal dating foibles</b> <b>or whatever.</b> <b>- Respectfully, I disagree.</b> <b>- Well, respectfully, if you</b>
<b>wanna talk about my work,</b> <b>feel free to ask more</b>
<b>questions, but if not,</b> <b>it was nice meeting you.</b> <b>- Oh, excuse me.</b> <b>That's not how this works.</b>
<b>This is my interview.</b> <b>- Are you always</b>
<b>this controlling?</b> <b>- Excuse me?</b>
<b>Okay, you know what?</b> <b>If I seem controlling,</b> <b>it's because my work</b>
<b>is important to me</b> <b>because I care, because</b>
<b>integrity is important to me,</b> <b>unlike you, who thinks that</b>
<b>the more followers and clicks</b> <b>you can squeeze out of every</b>
<b>little hack you share online,</b> <b>the better.</b> <b>Oh, yeah, I have you</b>
<b>all figured out.</b> <b>- Oh, you do?</b>
<b>- Yep.</b> <b>You are so afraid</b>
<b>of being seen.</b> <b>You share videos of yourself</b>
<b>online every single day</b> <b>without sharing anything</b>
<b>remotely personal,</b> <b>because you're terrified</b>
<b>of being known.</b> <b>- Chris, dude, read the room.</b> <b>- Yep, sorry.</b>
<b>Got it.</b> <b>- You know,</b>
<b>that's rich coming from you.</b> <b>- And how is that?</b> <b>- You're the one who's afraid.</b>
<b>- [laughs]</b> <b>- You're terrified of failing,</b>
<b>so you never even take risks.</b> <b>In fact, I bet that you're</b>
<b>single because you refuse</b> <b>to step outside of your</b>
<b>teensy little comfort zone</b> <b>and date anybody.</b> <b>- How do you know</b>
<b>that I'm not in a happy</b> <b>committed relationship?</b> <b>- Are you?</b> <b>- That's besides the point.</b>
<b>- It's exactly the point.</b> <b>- Okay, you know what? Fine.</b> <b>I am single,</b>
<b>but I will have you know</b> <b>that I take risks.</b> <b>Well, I recently...</b>
<b>ate an expired yogurt.</b> <b>Okay, you know, I don't need</b>
<b>to explain my personal life</b> <b>decisions to you,</b>
<b>but I will have you know</b> <b>that I'm thriving</b>
<b>being single.</b> <b>- Oh, yeah, 'cause nothing says</b>
<b>that I'm thriving</b> <b>like eating expired yogurt</b>
<b>alone while wearing a sad-,</b> <b>sad-looking blazer.</b> <b>- This blazer isn't sad.</b> <b>This blazer is yellow,</b>
<b>the color of happiness.</b> <b>- You look like a valet.</b> <b>I feel like I should</b>
<b>be handing you my keys</b> <b>and telling you not to scratch</b>
<b>my car down the street.</b> <b>- [laughs]</b>
<b>Okay, okay, you know what?</b> <b>I do not need this.</b> <b>Oh, oh, oh,</b>
<b>by the way,</b> <b>good luck promoting your book</b> <b>without an interview</b>
<b>in "Belle Fair."</b> <b>- Good luck getting</b>
<b>the First Lady profile</b> <b>from your boss</b>
<b>without doing this piece first.</b> <b>[metallic clatter]</b> <b>- Bro, what are you doing</b>
<b>calling off the interview?</b> <b>Are you insane?</b> <b>If she writes</b>
<b>that you insulted her</b> <b>and called her</b>
<b>a control freak</b> <b>or, worse, called her a dog,</b> <b>that's career suicide, man.</b> <b>- She's not gonna do that.</b> <b>- Well, not to mention</b>
<b>"Belle Fair's" readership</b> <b>is huge.</b> <b>We need that promotion</b>
<b>for your book.</b> <b>You gotta fix it, man.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- [muttering indistinctly]</b> <b>- Kacey, wait.</b> <b>I'm sorry, all right?</b> <b>I can be</b>
<b>a little reactive sometimes</b> <b>when pressed</b>
<b>for personal details.</b> <b>- A little?</b> <b>- Look, maybe</b>
<b>there's a way that we</b> <b>can make this a mutually</b>
<b>beneficial arrangement.</b> <b>Let me set up your</b>
<b>dating app profiles.</b> <b>- What?</b>
<b>Absolutely not.</b> <b>- Let me finish.</b> <b>If I set up your</b>
<b>dating app profiles</b> <b>and if they work--</b>
<b>which they're gonna work--</b> <b>then you have to say</b>
<b>that what I teach</b> <b>is legit in your article.</b> <b>It'll help sell my book.</b> <b>- And why would I do that?</b> <b>- If you agree to give it</b>
<b>a shot, I will--</b> <b>I'll answer</b>
<b>any question you ask.</b> <b>- On the record?</b> <b>- Okay, fine.</b> <b>Yeah, on the record.</b> <b>Deal?</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>I'm sorry, Ryan,</b>
<b>but I'm not willing</b> <b>to make my dating life</b>
<b>your personal guinea pig.</b> <b>Sorry, I just--I can't stop</b>
<b>thinking about how terrible</b> <b>that interview went today.</b> <b>- Like, how bad</b>
<b>are we talking?</b> <b>Like the interview</b>
<b>was cut short bad or...</b> <b>- Like I called him a coward</b>
<b>and he said this blazer</b> <b>makes me look like a valet.</b> <b>- Oh, that's bad.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- I have been meaning</b>
<b>to talk to you</b> <b>about that blazer, though.</b> <b>[doorbell rings]</b> <b>- Hmm, must be Carter.</b> <b>Aah!</b>
<b>- Ooh.</b> <b>- [groaning]</b> <b>- Ooh, you okay?</b> <b>- Yes, I just--</b>
<b>I cannot stand him.</b> <b>- I meant your toe, but...</b> <b>- Hi, Carter.</b> <b>You know what I</b>
<b>don't understand?</b> <b>Why he thinks he's some sort</b>
<b>of sacred gift to women</b> <b>sharing dating advice</b>
<b>like he's some sort of guru.</b> <b>He's just so insufferable.</b> <b>- Interview went well,</b>
<b>I take it.</b> <b>- I'm sorry, he just</b>
<b>really got under my skin.</b> <b>- Well, he can get under mine.</b> <b>- Maisie, can you just--</b>
<b>for a minute?</b> <b>- [laughs]</b>
<b>I'm sorry, I'm sorry.</b> <b>I'll be serious.</b>
<b>I'll be serious.</b> <b>- So we gonna do this?</b> <b>- Do what?</b> <b>- The ceremonial burning</b>
<b>of your wedding invitations.</b> <b>- I lost my lighter.</b> <b>Yeah, and honestly,</b>
<b>I was thinking about it,</b> <b>and the coating on those things</b> <b>is, like, super flammable</b>
<b>anyway,</b> <b>so it's probably</b>
<b>just really bad idea.</b> <b>For safety reasons.</b> <b>- [clears throat]</b> <b>Kacey, if you're</b>
<b>not ready or...</b> <b>- What?</b>
<b>No, I'm fine.</b> <b>- [chuckles]</b>
<b>- I'm fine.</b> <b>Seriously, I'm great.</b> <b>My wedding was supposed to be</b>
<b>today, but it doesn't matter.</b> <b>I'm doing so great.</b> <b>Honestly, I am thriving, so...</b> <b>Oh, God! Ah!</b> <b>- She's thriving.</b> <b>So let me get this straight.</b> <b>All you have to do</b>
<b>is let a hot love expert</b> <b>set up a dating profile</b>
<b>for you</b> <b>so that you can meet</b>
<b>other hot men.</b> <b>And in exchange, he'll answer</b>
<b>any questions you have.</b> <b>- Yes.</b> <b>- Does anyone else see the</b>
<b>downside of this arrangement?</b> <b>- I agree.</b> <b>It's time for you</b>
<b>to get back out there,</b> <b>and this seems like</b>
<b>the perfect way to do that.</b> <b>- No, there's nothing</b>
<b>perfect about it.</b> <b>I'm just not ready, okay?</b> <b>I had to rebuild my entire life</b>
<b>when I broke up with John.</b> <b>And besides,</b>
<b>my dad just retired</b> <b>and it's not really going</b>
<b>the way that he planned,</b> <b>and I'm really busy with work.</b> <b>- Okay, I make time</b>
<b>for dating</b> <b>and I work full-time</b>
<b>at "Belle Fair."</b> <b>- I just don't wanna be</b>
<b>pushed back into dating.</b> <b>I wanna do it when I'm ready,</b>
<b>not because it</b> <b>benefits The Romancing Ryan.</b> <b>- Fair, but wouldn't it</b>
<b>benefit you to prove him wrong?</b> <b>- Meaning?</b> <b>- You say he's a hack,</b>
<b>so try his methods</b> <b>and prove he's a hack.</b> <b>Then you can write</b>
<b>a compelling piece,</b> <b>impress Angela,</b>
<b>and move on,</b> <b>knowing the First Lady profile</b>
<b>is in the bag.</b> <b>- [laughs] Yes.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- I'll think about it.</b> <i><b>[engine revving over TV]</b></i> <b>[phone dings]</b> <b>- Ryan,</b>
<b>Kacey, the magazine girl,</b> <b>she's agreed to your deal,</b> <b>and you better be nice to her.</b> <b>Don't be all salty.</b> <b>- I'm never salty.</b> <b>Who says "salty" anymore?</b> <b>[phone chimes]</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- [sighs]</b> <b>- Good morning, Dad.</b> <b>- Morning, hon.</b> <b>- What's the retirement hobby</b>
<b>du jour?</b> <b>- Bird-watching.</b> <b>Oh, oh, look, look, look.</b>
<b>- Seriously?</b> <b>- Right there, right there.</b>
<b>Yeah.</b> <b>You know, I just</b>
<b>can't putter around</b> <b>the house by myself all day,</b>
<b>you know?</b> <b>- All right, well,</b>
<b>I really took you</b> <b>more for a bowling kind of guy.</b> <b>- Yeah, well, one new thing</b>
<b>at a time, huh?</b> <b>- Mom would be impressed.</b> <b>Are you sleeping okay, Dad?</b> <b>Are you eating well?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b>
<b>Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm good.</b> <b>I just don't think</b>
<b>retirement's for me, you know?</b> <b>- Really? Well, are you ready</b> <b>to get out there</b>
<b>and look for some...</b> <b>- [clears throat]</b> <b>Indigenous bird species</b>
<b>of Southern California.</b> <b>Wow, apparently, the most</b>
<b>common species in this area</b> <b>is the Setophaga palmarum,</b> <b>otherwise known</b>
<b>as the palm warbler.</b> <b>- Dad, you know</b>
<b>that's not what I meant.</b> <b>Hey, I'm not trying</b>
<b>to pressure you.</b> <b>I want you to get out there</b>
<b>whenever you're feeling ready.</b> <b>And know that I support you</b>
<b>no matter what.</b> <b>- Thanks.</b> <b>Well, I could say</b>
<b>the same to you.</b> <b>When are you gonna get out</b>
<b>there and start dating again</b> <b>or go steady or...</b>
<b>- [laughs]</b> <b>Going steady?</b> <b>- Well, I don't know</b>
<b>what you guys call it.</b> <b>- I don't really</b>
<b>know either, but I'm</b> <b>pretty sure it's not that.</b> <b>[phone ringing]</b>
<b>Oh, oh, oh, I'm sorry.</b> <b>It's--it's my boss.</b>
<b>- No, no, no.</b> <b>Take it, take it.</b>
<b>I'm gonna go over here.</b> <b>Yeah.</b>
<b>- Okay.</b> <b>Hi, Angela.</b> <b>Angela? Oh, yes.</b> <b>You know, it's going great.</b> <b>- Now, remember, we are in</b>
<b>a botanical garden,</b> <b>So I ask you, please do not</b>
<b>pick the flowers, okay?</b> <b>Also remember</b>
<b>to tread softly, okay?</b> <b>We're looking for some</b>
<b>lesser-known species today.</b> <b>Commonly in this area,</b>
<b>you're gonna see finches</b> <b>and mourning doves, but what</b>
<b>I'm hoping to spot today</b> <b>are some of the more exotic</b>
<b>species,</b> <b>such as the titmouse.</b> <b>[both snickering]</b> <b>Which people assume is related</b>
<b>to the, you know, bushtit...</b> <b>- [laughs]</b> <b>- But they are,</b>
<b>in fact, unrelated.</b> <b>Now, if you're lucky,</b>
<b>we'll see my personal favorite,</b> <b>the hairy woodpecker.</b> <b>- [laughs]</b>
<b>Ma'am, ma'am, please.</b> <b>Please, out of respect for me</b> <b>and to the wildlife,</b>
<b>I must ask that you please--</b> <b>- Hey.</b>
<b>- Shh!</b> <b>- Look, I just have to--</b> <b>- 1, 2, 3, 4...</b>
<b>- Yeah, yeah, yeah, good, good.</b> <b>Yeah, right.</b> <b>Dinner? Okay.</b> <b>- Sir, did you happen</b>
<b>to even pay for this excursion?</b> <b>- He's with me.</b> <b>Aren't you...</b>
<b>- Ron.</b> <b>- Ron?</b>
<b>Yes, Ron's with me.</b> <b>We're good.</b> <b>- Hey, so when's he coming?</b> <b>- He's supposed</b>
<b>to be here at 3:00,</b> <b>but I think this</b>
<b>is a really bad idea.</b> <b>- Okay, these two.</b> <b>- Okay, they're</b>
<b>not wearing rings,</b> <b>but it doesn't mean</b>
<b>they haven't</b> <b>been together for a while.</b>
<b>- Hmm, yeah,</b> <b>they seem super in love,</b>
<b>but it looks fresh.</b> <b>I'm gonna guess fifth date.</b> <b>- What? No, no.</b>
<b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- Look how comfortable</b>
<b>they are.</b> <b>I think they've been together</b>
<b>for six months at least.</b> <b>- Oh, man.</b> <b>Here comes Wonder Boy.</b>
<b>[exhales sharply]</b> <b>I'm not gonna lie to you.</b> <b>He is pretty dreamy in person.</b> <b>- Dreamy.</b>
<b>Try nightmare.</b> <b>Hello, Ryan.</b>
<b>- Hi.</b> <b>- Oh, this is Carter.</b> <b>He and I--</b> <b>- We go way back, way back.</b> <b>I met Kacey in college.</b>
<b>Met her in the dorms, actually.</b> <b>So if you ever need any...</b> <b>way, what can I get you?</b> <b>- Whatever she got</b>
<b>is totally fine.</b> <b>- A medium half-caf almond milk</b>
<b>no foam with whip mocha?</b> <b>- What? No.</b>
<b>That's--ew, that's so--</b> <b>that's so different.</b> <b>Just surprise me.</b> <b>You seem like a guy</b>
<b>with great taste.</b> <b>- I am.</b> <b>- I've been told</b>
<b>that I'm a pretty good</b> <b>judge of characters, so...</b> <b>- Oh, then settle a debate</b>
<b>for us.</b> <b>How long has this couple</b>
<b>been dating?</b> <b>- Well, he trimmed his beard</b>
<b>this morning.</b> <b>You can see a few tiny hairs</b>
<b>there on his collar.</b> <b>He ordered a no-foam latte,</b>
<b>which is always a good move</b> <b>if you don't wanna end up</b>
<b>with milk in your mustache.</b> <b>Now, her, she's interesting.</b> <b>You see that she's</b>
<b>tilting her head in,</b> <b>which indicates both</b>
<b>being interested</b> <b>but also a little bit</b>
<b>of hesitation.</b> <b>She's picking</b>
<b>at her cuticles, though.</b> <b>So even though she's</b>
<b>pretending to be at ease,</b> <b>you can see her nerves</b>
<b>a little bit.</b> <b>Oh, notice underneath</b>
<b>the table, shoes are touching.</b> <b>Always, always a great sign.</b> <b>So I'm gonna say...</b> <b>fifth date.</b> <b>- That was my guess.</b>
<b>- What?</b> <b>- That was incredible.</b> <b>- Not to brag,</b>
<b>but I am actually</b> <b>a body language expert.</b> <b>- Oh, well, you don't</b>
<b>get to call yourself</b> <b>an expert at something</b>
<b>just because you</b> <b>aggressively Googled it.</b> <b>- Oh, don't be a sore loser.</b>
<b>- [sighs]</b> <b>- Are you two together?</b> <b>both: No.</b> <b>- I mean was the order</b>
<b>together?</b> <b>- Right.</b>
<b>It's on "Belle Fair."</b> <b>- Okay, I will go</b>
<b>get us a table.</b> <b>- I see what you did.</b> <b>- Whatever do you mean?</b> <b>- I am watching you.</b> <b>- Bye, have fun.</b> <b>- [sighs]</b> <b>Okay, Ryan,</b>
<b>let's just dive right in.</b> <b>- Phone?</b>
<b>- Excuse me?</b> <b>- I need your phone to set up</b>
<b>your dating profile.</b> <b>- Oh, I would actually like</b>
<b>to ask a few questions first.</b> <b>- I can multitask.</b> <b>- Fine.</b> <b>Okay, so, Ryan--</b> <b>- Preferences?</b>
<b>- What?</b> <b>- What are your</b>
<b>dating preferences?</b> <b>The first letter</b>
<b>of my method is K:</b> <b>know whom you're trying</b>
<b>to attract.</b> <b>So what are your preferences?</b> <b>Men?</b>
<b>Women?</b> <b>- Men.</b>
<b>Did you just say "whom"?</b> <b>Okay, you know what?</b>
<b>Never mind.</b> <b>Okay, so my first question,</b>
<b>Ryan--</b> <b>- Age?</b>
<b>- No comment.</b> <b>- No, what age of guy</b>
<b>are you trying to date?</b> <b>- You're not even letting me</b>
<b>get a question in.</b> <b>- Okay, fine.</b>
<b>Go, go.</b> <b>- Okay, how does it feel--</b> <b>- Americana</b>
<b>with cold foam for Ryan.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Okay, so, Ryan,</b>
<b>how do you feel</b> <b>knowing you've built</b>
<b>an entire social media empire</b> <b>that profits on other people's</b>
<b>pain and loneliness?</b> <b>- No pain point, no profit.</b> <b>- And what's your pain point?</b> <b>- This interview.</b> <b>Mm. All right, my turn.</b> <b>What kind of qualities</b>
<b>are you looking for in a date?</b> <b>- Is this really necessary?</b> <b>- Like I said,</b>
<b>in my KISS method,</b> <b>it states that you need to--</b> <b>- Okay, never mind.</b> <b>Someone committed.</b> <b>- Like, in a facility?</b> <b>- Yes, somebody</b>
<b>committed in a facility.</b> <b>No, obviously I mean</b> <b>somebody who</b>
<b>isn't commitment-phobic</b> <b>and who could be open</b>
<b>for something long-term.</b> <b>Your turn.</b>
<b>Same question.</b> <b>- What does that have</b>
<b>to do with the article?</b> <b>- Well, you made a deal.</b> <b>There's no questions</b>
<b>off the table.</b> <b>- Fine, I don't know.</b> <b>Somebody who's cool,</b>
<b>stylish, you know, polished.</b> <b>- You sound like you're</b>
<b>describing an iPhone.</b> <b>- Well, I like what I like.</b> <b>All right, my turn again.</b> <b>Do you have any interesting</b>
<b>facts about yourself</b> <b>that I can include on here?</b> <b>Like, have you ever</b>
<b>climbed a fourteener?</b> <b>Have you ever been</b>
<b>to culinary school?</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>I'm kind of a homebody.</b> <b>I-I like my work.</b> <b>I spend a lot of time</b>
<b>with my dad.</b> <b>Family is important to me.</b> <b>- I get that.</b> <b>- Really?</b> <b>- Not the part</b>
<b>about you being a hermit</b> <b>who stays home all the time.</b> <b>- Hey.</b>
<b>- But the family part.</b> <b>Yeah, I get that.</b> <b>- So what else</b>
<b>is important to you?</b> <b>Do you find that living</b>
<b>a public life online</b> <b>has made a shift</b>
<b>in your priorities?</b> <b>- Jeez, there's no easy</b>
<b>questions from you, huh?</b> <b>- Real questions only.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>Right now, my career</b>
<b>is my priority.</b> <b>- Do you think you'll</b>
<b>ever settle down?</b> <b>- Only if the right woman</b>
<b>comes along.</b> <b>- Have you ever been in love?</b> <b>- How is that relevant?</b> <b>- The readers of "Belle Fair"--</b>
<b>- "Belle Fair" wanna know.</b> <b>Yeah, I know.</b> <b>No, don't think I have.</b> <b>You?</b> <b>- Once.</b> <b>It didn't work out,</b>
<b>though, obviously.</b> <b>- I'm sorry.</b> <b>- Thanks.</b> <b>- Oh, here is your phone.</b> <b>I'm done.</b>
<b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Only one more step</b>
<b>left in the method.</b> <b>- Which is?</b> <b>- Show.</b> <b>Gotta upload great photos</b>
<b>of yourself,</b> <b>show yourself off a little bit.</b> <b>You have any good photos,</b> <b>anything cached away</b>
<b>that we could use?</b> <b>- I recently got</b>
<b>my passport renewed.</b> <b>- You're kidding me.</b> <b>- The photo's actually--</b>
<b>it's, like--</b> <b>- That's--yeah,</b>
<b>that won't work.</b> <b>Actually, you know what?</b>
<b>Come over to my house tomorrow.</b> <b>I think Chris and I</b>
<b>can help you out.</b> <b>- That's actually</b>
<b>kind of nice of you.</b> <b>- I don't really appreciate</b>
<b>the tone of your surprise.</b> <b>- I will also have some more</b>
<b>interview questions for you.</b> <b>- Fantastic.</b> <b>Can't wait.</b> <b>On that note, I actually--</b>
<b>I gotta bounce,</b> <b>so I will see you later.</b> <b>- Yep.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- [sighs]</b> <i><b>[soft music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[indistinct chatter]</b> <b>- What you doing?</b> <b>both: Oh.</b>
<b>- Sorry.</b> <b>- It's okay.</b> <b>Just some research.</b> <b>- Are you cyberstalking him?</b> <b>- What? What?</b>
<b>[laughs]</b> <b>No, I'm just--</b> <b>I'm just trying</b>
<b>to figure out who</b> <b>The Romancing Ryan really is.</b> <b>I thought maybe</b>
<b>his dating history</b> <b>might help eliminate that.</b> <b>- That's a pretty thin</b>
<b>excuse for googling</b> <b>his ex-girlfriends.</b> <b>- I'm a thorough researcher.</b> <b>It's one of my many</b>
<b>professional strengths.</b> <b>- Mm-hmm.</b> <b>- He's just...disorienting.</b> <b>He can be fiercely private</b>
<b>and downright mean, but then--</b> <b>- Tell me he has</b>
<b>a hidden romantic side.</b> <b>- No, no, no.</b>
<b>Nothing like that.</b> <b>It's just, for a moment today,</b> <b>he was genuinely nice.</b> <b>- Whoa.</b> <b>- I know, and I thought</b>
<b>I knew which direction</b> <b>I wanted to take this piece,</b>
<b>and now it's--[sighs]</b> <b>- Well, good luck</b>
<b>with your "research."</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- Kacey, we taking</b>
<b>some sweet pics today?</b> <b>- He's hyped.</b> <b>Come on in.</b> <b>Surprised you actually came.</b> <b>- Oh, hey, guys, come on in.</b> <b>We're gonna shoot right here,</b>
<b>so make yourself comfortable.</b> <b>All right, what look</b>
<b>are we gonna go with first?</b> <b>- This is all new to me, so...</b> <b>- Basically, we need</b>
<b>three kinds of photos total</b> <b>for your profile</b>
<b>to be irresistible.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- First need a smiling pic.</b> <b>We're going for a, you know,</b>
<b>could take you home to Mom,</b> <b>also maybe you bake pies</b>
<b>as a hobby.</b> <b>- But I don't bake.</b>
<b>- Well, it's fine.</b> <b>It's not about the baking.</b> <b>- Then what is it about?</b> <b>- It's about that</b>
<b>girl who bakes energy.</b> <b>- What does that even mean?</b> <b>- We're going with</b>
<b>a chill pic with a smile.</b> <b>- Great, you could</b>
<b>have just said that.</b> <b>So just...</b> <b>- Yeah, just have a seat.</b>
<b>- Sit.</b> <b>- Let's see what we can do.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- Tilt your head this way</b>
<b>just a little bit.</b> <b>Chin down.</b>
<b>Little more.</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>It's a good start.</b> <b>I love it.</b> <b>Yes.</b>
<b>- Wait, hang on.</b> <b>hold up, hold up.</b> <b>I wanna make sure</b>
<b>the guys can see her face</b> <b>clearly in the profile pic.</b> <b>- This is great.</b> <b>Nice.</b> <b>Nailed it.</b> <b>Oh, yeah.</b> <b>I'd totes take her home</b>
<b>to Mom.</b> <b>- Wow.</b> <b>- Okay, what's next?</b> <b>- Right, yeah.</b> <b>Secondly, we need a photo</b>
<b>that gives the impression</b> <b>that you're adventurous</b>
<b>and carefree.</b> <b>Do you have any photos of you</b>
<b>maybe, like,</b> <b>riding an elephant in Thailand</b>
<b>or something like that?</b> <b>- No, those elephants spend</b> <b>their entire lives</b>
<b>in captivity.</b> <b>It's really cruel.</b> <b>I actually wrote</b>
<b>a very compelling--</b> <b>- Okay, all right,</b>
<b>I'm sure you did,</b> <b>and I'm sure it's fantastic,</b> <b>but have you ever</b>
<b>skydived, bungee jumped?</b> <b>- Have you ever met me?</b>
<b>- Right.</b> <b>Yeah, I forgot that</b>
<b>your idea of adventure</b> <b>was eating expired yogurt.</b> <b>- Oh, right.</b> <b>When was the last time</b>
<b>that you skydived?</b> <b>- Guys, guys, guys,</b>
<b>I got this, okay?</b> <b>- No.</b> <b>No.</b> <b>Ugh.</b> <b>Yes.</b> <b>Okay, Kacey,</b>
<b>the world is your oyster.</b> <b>- This just--this feels</b>
<b>like cheating.</b> <b>- Oh, it's for</b>
<b>the piece, Kacey.</b> <b>Come on.</b> <b>Hey, all's fair</b>
<b>in love and journalism.</b> <b>- That's not even</b>
<b>remotely true. [sighs]</b> <b>- All right, Kacey,</b>
<b>so you just hiked Machu Picchu.</b> <b>How do you feel?</b> <b>- Good?</b> <b>- Yes.</b> <b>Yep.</b> <b>Very good.</b> <b>- Ahh!</b>
<b>- Yeah, adventurous.</b> <b>Awesome.</b> <b>Love it.</b> <b>Gorgeous, gorgeous.</b> <b>Yes.</b> <b>Nailed it. [laughs]</b> <b>- Good?</b>
<b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- All right.</b> <b>Last pic, we should</b>
<b>just be able to pull</b> <b>from your camera roll.</b>
<b>Super easy.</b> <b>- Oh, look, I told you</b>
<b>I don't have anything.</b> <b>- No, it's super easy.</b> <b>Literally all's we need</b>
<b>is a pic of you and an ex.</b> <b>We'll mostly crop him out,</b>
<b>leaving just enough</b> <b>so when guys are going</b>
<b>through your pics,</b> <b>they'll know that</b>
<b>they're not dealing</b> <b>with a total dating newb.</b> <b>Just indulge me.</b> <b>Let's just take</b>
<b>a look at least, all right?</b> <b>- Don't need to look</b>
<b>over my shoulder.</b> <b>- No. Yes, right there.</b>
<b>That'll work.</b> <b>Yeah, we just need to crop it.</b>
<b>- No. Oh, no, that--</b> <b>- But that's perfect.</b>
<b>- Oh, no, I'm good.</b> <b>- Kacey, that's a perfect pic.</b> <b>Why don't you</b>
<b>wanna use this one?</b> <b>- Look this is my</b>
<b>ex-fiancé, okay?</b> <b>I called off my wedding,</b>
<b>and it's too soon.</b> <b>I feel weird</b>
<b>cropping him out.</b> <b>I would just really rather not,</b>
<b>okay?</b> <b>- Okay, okay.</b>
<b>That's fine.</b> <b>We'll skip it.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Here, tell you what.</b>
<b>I'll be a stand-in.</b> <b>How's that?</b> <b>Chris, hey.</b>
<b>- Yeah.</b> <b>All right.</b> <b>Okay, guys, I'm gonna</b>
<b>need you to get closer.</b> <b>Act like you like each other.</b> <b>I'm just not believing it.</b> <b>Ryan, take your hand and</b>
<b>just put it around her waist.</b> <b>- [sighs]</b>
<b>- Her waist?</b> <b>- Yes, come on, bro.</b>
<b>She's not gonna bite.</b> <b>- Well...</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>I'm gonna</b>
<b>put my hand on your waist.</b> <b>- You offered it.</b> <b>- Okay, Kacey, put your hand</b>
<b>on his chest, please.</b> <b>Please.</b>
<b>- You're the worst, man.</b> <b>- I'm sorry.</b>
<b>- [laughs]</b> <b>- Give him a camera</b>
<b>for Christmas and he does this.</b> <b>He's the worst.</b>
<b>- Right here.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>[both laughing]</b> <i><b>[romantic music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- Well, that--</b>
<b>yeah, that should, I mean,</b> <b>get you set up on the app,</b>
<b>make me look good.</b> <b>You know, maybe we'll even</b>
<b>find you a guy, who knows?</b> <b>Remember you did say that</b>
<b>you will include my methods</b> <b>in your article if it works.</b> <b>- Right.</b>
<b>Of course.</b> <b>We have a deal, and this</b>
<b>is a trade-off after all,</b> <b>though, so I'm gonna need</b>
<b>to see</b> <b>your personal dating profile.</b> <b>- No. What?</b>
<b>No, no, no, no.</b> <b>That was not part of the deal.</b> <b>- Well, nothing's</b>
<b>off-limits, remember?</b> <b>- Oh, that's good.</b> <b>- Okay, fine.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- I still don't see</b>
<b>how this is entirely necessary.</b> <b>- Look, I promise</b>
<b>I will only report</b> <b>what's relevant to the article.</b> <b>- Oh, I'm sure.</b> <b>- Huh.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>- Nothing.</b>
<b>It's just serious.</b> <b>- It's a classic smolder pic.</b>
<b>Women love that.</b> <b>- Ah, I disagree.</b> <b>- Shocking.</b> <b>- No, I don't</b>
<b>mean it like that.</b> <b>It's just, you have</b>
<b>a friendly enough-looking face</b> <b>when you're not grimacing</b>
<b>like I'm torturing you,</b> <b>which is what you're</b>
<b>doing right now.</b> <b>Oh, my God.</b>
<b>[laughs]</b> <b>- All right, that's--</b> <b>- Hey, we have</b>
<b>a mutually beneficial</b> <b>arrangement, remember?</b> <b>- Doesn't feel</b>
<b>very mutually beneficial.</b> <b>- To be fair, I could see</b>
<b>the value in a photo like this.</b> <b>Shows women that you take care</b>
<b>of yourself and your...</b> <b>body,</b>
<b>like, you have the abdominal--</b> <b>- Are you having a stroke?</b> <b>- Okay, let's just move on,</b>
<b>okay?</b> <b>- You're not the only one</b>
<b>with baggage.</b> <b>- What is dating life like?</b> <b>Do you feel like your status</b>
<b>as a social media celebrity</b> <b>complicates it?</b> <b>- I mean, I go on loads</b>
<b>of dates, you know?</b> <b>I try not to make a big deal</b>
<b>out of all of them, but...</b> <b>- But don't you feel pressure</b>
<b>to find love</b> <b>since your job</b>
<b>is helping people do the same?</b> <b>- No, no, I'm perfectly happy</b>
<b>on my own.</b> <b>Besides, honestly,</b>
<b>I mean, most of the time,</b> <b>the women I end up</b>
<b>going on dates with</b> <b>are usually just in it</b>
<b>for the story</b> <b>about the time that they</b>
<b>went out with the TokFlix star.</b> <b>- That could be pretty lonely.</b>
<b>- Sometimes.</b> <b>- Well, do you think</b>
<b>that you'd attract</b> <b>less superficial women if your</b>
<b>profile was less superficial?</b> <b>- Superficial?</b> <b>You know what?</b> <b>I know you don't like</b>
<b>my methods</b> <b>and you think it's all a crock,</b> <b>but don't come</b>
<b>for me personally.</b> <b>- Oh, Ryan,</b>
<b>I didn't mean it like--</b> <b>I just mean there's more</b>
<b>to you--</b> <b>- No, you know what?</b> <b>Let's just--how about you</b>
<b>stick with what you're good at</b> <b>and I'll do the same?</b> <b>- Ryan, I wasn't</b>
<b>even trying to--</b> <b>- Kacey, these picks</b>
<b>turned out so dope.</b> <b>I uploaded them to the app.</b> <b>You're good to go.</b> <b>Thank you, Chris...</b> <b>and Ryan.</b> <b>- Yeah, you're welcome.</b> <b>- This is kind of you.</b> <b>- What's his problem?</b> <b>- Right.</b>
<b>Size 12.</b> <b>All right.</b> <b>- You know, Dad,</b>
<b>when I mentioned bowling,</b> <b>I was kind of making a joke.</b> <b>- This place is charming,</b>
<b>isn't it?</b> <b>- If by charming, you mean</b>
<b>covered in a thin film of grime</b> <b>and even smells</b>
<b>faintly of nacho cheese</b> <b>and feet, then sure.</b>
<b>- Hey.</b> <b>- How many people do we think</b>
<b>have worn this pair of shoes</b> <b>before me?</b> <b>Like, ballpark?</b> <b>- Okay, come on.</b> <b>Gotta get in the spirit, okay?</b>
<b>Huh?</b> <b>Part of the fun. All right.</b> <b>- What's happening right now?</b> <b>- Yeah, Dad, I'm glad</b>
<b>to see you so peppy,</b> <b>but what's going on?</b> <b>- It's too heavy.</b> <b>- I don't think I've</b>
<b>ever seen you look so..</b> <b>- Perfecto.</b> <b>- Jolly.</b> <b>- Maisie, call me Ron.</b> <b>- Okay, Ron.</b> <b>[gasps]</b> <b>Did you meet someone?</b> <b>- Dad, that's so exciting.</b> <b>Wait, wait. Oh, oh.</b>
<b>What's her name?</b> <b>How did you meet?</b>
<b>- Okay.</b> <b>A gentleman never</b>
<b>kisses and tells, so...</b> <b>- Yes, Ron.</b>
<b>Killing the game.</b> <b>- Wait a second.</b>
<b>That's a good thing, right?</b> <b>- Yeah, that's good.</b>
<b>- Okay. Okay.</b> <b>- Oh, you should let me</b>
<b>style you for your next date.</b> <b>A nicely fitted button-up</b>
<b>can work wonders.</b> <b>- I don't know about</b>
<b>all that, but we'll see.</b> <b>- We want details.</b>
<b>- Ah-ah-ah-ah, enough.</b> <b>It's time to bowl.</b> <b>- Can you believe?</b> <b>- Watch and learn.</b> <b>- Oh!</b> <b>- Oh!</b>
<b>- [laughs]</b> <b>- Boom.</b> <i><b>- So do you wanna</b></i>
<i><b>talk about today or...</b></i> <b>- Can you spot me?</b> <b>- Easy.</b>
<b>- I'm fine.</b> <b>- Well, just don't drop it</b>
<b>on the money maker, okay?</b> <b>- You're my spotter;</b>
<b>isn't it kind of your job</b> <b>to make sure</b>
<b>that doesn't happen?</b> <b>- That's right.</b> <b>Why would I let that happen,</b> <b>especially when my brother's</b>
<b>been being so nice to me?</b> <b>Is everything okay with Kacey?</b> <b>You said you'd be nice.</b> <b>- I've been a perfect gentleman</b>
<b>the whole time.</b> <b>- Really?</b> <b>That's why you're 0-2 with</b>
<b>storming out of interviews.</b> <b>- No, that's on her.</b>
<b>I mean, you've seen her.</b> <b>She just pushes and pushes</b>
<b>for details the whole time.</b> <b>- She's really gotten under</b>
<b>your skin, hasn't she?</b> <b>- Why are you smiling?</b> <b>Dude, stop.</b>
<b>It's not funny, man.</b> <b>- I don't know.</b> <b>I mean, I guess</b>
<b>I just never seen you--</b> <b>- This irritated?</b>
<b>- Catching feels, bro.</b> <b>- You're the love expert now?</b> <b>Get out of here.</b> <b>Catching feelings, he said.</b> <b>- It doesn't take</b>
<b>a love expert.</b> <b>- Okay, if this goes badly,</b>
<b>it's because these shoes</b> <b>clash with this outfit.</b> <b>It's throwing off</b>
<b>the whole vibe.</b> <b>- Okay. Okay.</b>
<b>Enough excuses. Let's go.</b> <b>Bam! [laughs]</b> <b>Nice one.</b> <b>- No, really, I'm so glad</b>
<b>you're getting back out there.</b> <b>- He's not the only one</b>
<b>getting back out there.</b> <b>- Oh, yeah?</b> <b>- No, no.</b> <b>That is just some</b>
<b>stupid experiment</b> <b>for a piece I'm writing.</b> <b>I'm working with this</b>
<b>social media dating expert,</b> <b>and he's advising me</b>
<b>on how to use the dating apps</b> <b>while I interview him.</b> <b>Yeah, I just wish</b>
<b>that my subject wasn't so...</b> <b>- Dreamy?</b>
<b>Famous?</b> <b>Handsome in a way</b>
<b>that defies all reason?</b> <b>- I was going</b>
<b>to say infuriating.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- Oh!</b> <b>So does somebody wanna</b>
<b>tell me about this guy?</b> <b>- Our relationship</b>
<b>is strictly professional.</b> <b>- [laughs]</b>
<b>[phone chimes]</b> <b>Oh. God, this app</b>
<b>just keeps pinging me.</b> <b>It's Ryan's profile.</b> <b>He changed his picture</b>
<b>to a smiling one.</b> <b>Did you match with him?</b>
<b>- No, no, no, no.</b> <b>It just popped up</b>
<b>on my profile,</b> <b>and now it's asking me</b>
<b>to swipe up.</b> <b>- What are you gonna do?</b> <b>- What? Nothing, nothing.</b> <b>I--I'm going to maintain</b>
<b>my journalistic integrity</b> <b>and remain unbiased and finish</b>
<b>this piece and delete the app</b> <b>and move on with my life.</b> <b>That is what I'm going to do.</b> <b>Oh, oh, oh.</b> <b>- I'll take two chicken tacos</b>
<b>and a side of beans.</b> <b>- All right.</b>
<b>- Great. Thank you.</b> <b>- How's it going?</b> <b>I will take three</b>
<b>of the chicken tinga tacos,</b> <b>extra spicy,</b>
<b>and a horchata, please.</b> <b>- All right.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Uh...</b>
<b>- Hi.</b> <b>- Are you sure</b>
<b>you're up for that?</b> <b>They're supposed to be,</b>
<b>like, really spicy.</b> <b>- Well, unlike some people,</b>
<b>I can handle the heat.</b> <b>- [laughs] I see.</b> <b>You think that I can't hang.</b> <b>- Oh, I know you can't hang.</b> <b>Remember, I'm an excellent</b>
<b>judge of character.</b> <b>- Hi there, can I get three</b>
<b>of the exact same thing?</b> <b>Extra spicy.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>[sighs] Okay, so where</b>
<b>did we leave off?</b> <b>- I believe you</b>
<b>called me superficial.</b> <b>- I did not;</b>
<b>I was just trying to say</b> <b>that there's more to you</b>
<b>than you're putting out there</b> <b>and it's kind of a shame that</b>
<b>you keep you all to yourself.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Mm.</b> <b>- Ha!</b>
<b>It's working, isn't it?</b> <b>My methods are working.</b> <b>- Okay, don't gloat.</b> <b>I haven't even</b>
<b>responded to anyone yet</b> <b>because I don't--</b>
<b>I don't know what to say.</b> <b>- Well, the key is to be</b>
<b>interesting without being</b> <b>too interested,</b>
<b>if that makes any sense.</b> <b>- Not even a little bit.</b> <b>- What I mean is,</b>
<b>if one of them asks you</b> <b>what you're doing tonight,</b>
<b>you say that you're busy.</b> <b>If he presses you</b>
<b>for further details,</b> <b>you say that you have a date.</b> <b>It just makes you seem</b>
<b>more in demand.</b> <b>- But I'm not in demand.</b> <b>- Okay, well, 3,900 messages</b>
<b>says otherwise.</b> <b>- It just seems</b>
<b>all manipulative,</b> <b>all the hacks and the tips.</b> <b>- No, I don't come up</b>
<b>with these tips</b> <b>to teach people</b>
<b>to manipulate it.</b> <b>It's to empower them.</b> <b>- How's that?</b> <b>- [clears throat]</b> <b>What I mean is, when you have</b>
<b>a step-by-step plan,</b> <b>you don't flail, right?</b> <b>You feel confident.</b> <b>- That is true.</b> <b>- You realize at some point,</b>
<b>you're gonna actually have</b> <b>to go on a date, right?</b> <b>You know what?</b>
<b>You'll be fine.</b> <b>Like, you're smart.</b>
<b>You're only kind of annoying.</b> <b>You're nice-looking,</b>
<b>and you're--</b> <b>- Hot.</b> <b>- I mean, I wasn't gonna</b>
<b>say that exactly, but I mean--</b> <b>- No, no, no, the tacos.</b> <b>Oh, wow, so spicy.</b> <b>- Okay. Yes.</b>
<b>Thank you.</b> <b>I'm so glad you said that.</b>
<b>I'm dying over here.</b> <b>Like, dying.</b> <b>- I can't feel my face.</b> <b>- Have some of my horchata.</b>
<b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- I think that's the only</b>
<b>thing that'll save us.</b> <b>- Mm.</b> <b>Oh, I guess you're right.</b> <b>I can't hang.</b>
<b>- [laughs]</b> <b>Well, to be fair, I don't</b>
<b>feel like I can either.</b> <b>I mean, I feel like my mouth</b>
<b>just took a trip</b> <b>to the surface of the sun.</b> <b>[both laugh]</b> <b>Hoo!</b> <b>- Anyway...[clears throat]</b> <b>The idea of just going</b>
<b>on a fully fledged date</b> <b>with a stranger is just--</b>
<b>[sighs]</b> <b>Just overwhelming.</b> <b>- I know just the thing.</b> <b>- Speed dating?</b> <b>- He thinks it</b>
<b>would be a great way</b> <b>to ease back into the scene</b>
<b>with several short dates</b> <b>rather than one long date.</b> <b>- Let me style you.</b> <b>Please, please,</b>
<b>please, please, Kacey.</b> <b>Please, please, please.</b> <b>And...start with this.</b> <b>Shoo, shoo.</b> <b>- Mm.</b>
<b>- [squeals]</b> <b>Ooh, interesting.</b> <b>That's not the vibe, you know?</b> <b>- Not the vibe?</b>
<b>- It's giving cougar.</b> <b>- Uh-huh.</b> <b>- Cougar as rrr.</b> <b>- Not the cat cougar.</b> <b>- Right.</b> <b>- Okay, I love</b>
<b>the color on you,</b> <b>but I think</b>
<b>it's too saccharin.</b> <b>- It's giving Glinda</b>
<b>the good witch.</b> <b>- Mm-hmm.</b> <b>- And, no, not in a coquettish</b>
<b>Ariana Grande kind of way.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>[gasps]</b> <b>This--this is my</b>
<b>Sistine Chapel.</b> <b>- Gosh, it's giving</b>
<b>main character energy.</b> <b>It's giving "Pretty Woman"</b>
<b>modern-day realness.</b> <b>It's--it's--it's perfect.</b> <b>- [squeals]</b> <i><b>[dance music playing]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- Thanks, man.</b>
<b>Appreciate it.</b> <b>Whoa.</b> <b>Hi, you look...amazing.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Hello, lovely singles.</b> <b>Welcome to speed dating.</b> <b>Tonight's event</b>
<b>will go like this.</b> <b>You each have two minutes</b>
<b>to chat up your date,</b> <b>but when I ding the bell...</b> <b>[bell dings]</b> <b>Gentlemen,</b>
<b>you move down one seat.</b> <b>Are you singles</b>
<b>ready to mingle?</b> <b>all: Yeah.</b> <b>- Yeah!</b>
<b>- Here we go.</b> <b>- Hey, you got this.</b> <b>- Mm-hmm.</b> <b>[bell dings]</b> <i><b>[upbeat jazzy music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[bell dings]</b> <b>Hi.</b>
<b>- Hi.</b> <b>- Lance, do you have</b>
<b>any interesting hobbies?</b> <b>- I garden.</b> <b>- That's nice.</b> <b>- Yeah, I grow my own mushrooms</b>
<b>in my basement.</b> <b>Blue oyster mushrooms,</b>
<b>pink oyster mushrooms,</b> <b>golden oyster mushrooms.</b> <b>Pretty much just, like,</b>
<b>lots of oyster mushrooms.</b> <b>- Cool.</b> <b>[bell dings]</b> <b>- Hey, can I cut</b>
<b>to the chase here?</b> <b>- Um...</b> <b>- I'm looking for a wife.</b> <b>How do you feel about that?</b> <b>- [chuckles nervously]</b> <b>[bell dings]</b> <b>- Do you have a $20 bill?</b> <b>It's for a magic trick.</b> <b>It's gonna blow your mind.</b> <b>[bell dings]</b> <b>- Hi.</b> <b>So, Hunter, what</b>
<b>do you do for a living?</b> <b>- I work in finance.</b>
<b>- Oh, that's great.</b> <b>- Yeah, I had to get a job</b>
<b>to get my old man off my back.</b> <b>I'm just biding my time</b>
<b>until he croaks.</b> <b>Hey, do you know how to swim?</b> <b>- Yes.</b>
<b>- Mm-hmm.</b> <b>I'm set to inherit</b>
<b>his 30-foot yacht.</b> <b>It's sick.</b> <b>His cholesterol's pretty high,</b>
<b>so I'll have the boat</b> <b>in, like, three years max.</b> <b>- Congratulations.</b> <b>[bell dings]</b> <b>- So how's it going?</b> <b>- Oh, fine.</b> <b>I mean, yeah, it's okay.</b> <b>- I'm sure you're doing great.</b> <b>- Well, you look like you're</b>
<b>just having a grand time.</b> <b>- What's that supposed to mean?</b> <b>- Nothing.</b> <b>- Just keep the conversation</b>
<b>light, and you'll be fine.</b> <b>- Yeah, you should tell that</b>
<b>to Trust Fund McGee over here</b> <b>who asked if I knew how to swim</b>
<b>so we could take me</b> <b>on his soon-to-be-deceased</b>
<b>father's yacht.</b> <b>- What?</b>
<b>That guy?</b> <b>- Yes.</b>
<b>- You kidding me.</b> <b>What is wrong with people?</b> <b>[both laugh]</b> <b>- Yeah, gosh, it feels</b>
<b>so good to talk</b> <b>to somebody fairly normal.</b> <b>- Well, I'm glad</b>
<b>I qualify as normal.</b> <b>[bell dings]</b> <b>- Okay, everyone.</b> <b>Now, that's it for tonight.</b> <b>Make sure you stay</b>
<b>and mingle with anyone</b> <b>you've found</b>
<b>interesting tonight.</b> <b>- Oh, no.</b>
<b>- What?</b> <b>- Trust fund boat guy,</b>
<b>ten o'clock.</b> <b>- Oh, yeah.</b>
<b>That's not good.</b> <b>You wanna get out of here?</b>
<b>Actually--</b> <b>- Please, please, please.</b>
<b>- Come on, come on, come on.</b> <b>Hey, Bridget.</b> <b>- Shouldn't we wait</b>
<b>to be seated?</b> <b>- They know me here.</b> <b>Do you like big servings?</b> <b>- Depends on what's</b>
<b>being served.</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>- The usual?</b>
<b>- Um...</b> <b>- Or have you forgotten</b>
<b>what we serve here?</b> <b>It's been a while</b>
<b>since you've been in.</b> <b>- The usual is fine.</b> <b>- I'll bring extra.</b> <b>You're looking skinny.</b> <b>- I do not.</b> <b>- Yes, you do.</b> <b>You think you know everything</b>
<b>about everything, don't you?</b> <b>Mr. King of the Socials Media</b>
<b>has it all figured out.</b> <b>- Kacey, this is my mom, Des.</b> <b>Mom, this is Kacey.</b> <b>- Oh, hi.</b> <b>- Hello, dear.</b> <b>- Oh, my,</b>
<b>aren't you pretty?</b> <b>Do you know what you'd like,</b>
<b>or do you need a minute?</b> <b>- I-I guess I'll just--I'll</b>
<b>have whatever he's having.</b> <b>- Alan, two usuals.</b> <b>- [chuckles]</b> <b>Ryan?</b> <b>- Oh.</b>
<b>- [laughs]</b> <b>- Hi, Dad.</b> <b>- You look skinny, son.</b> <b>I'll make extra.</b> <b>- Nice to see you too, Dad.</b> <b>[sighs]</b> <b>- I'm no body language expert,</b>
<b>but I think they might</b> <b>be a little upset with you.</b> <b>- We had a little bit</b>
<b>of a falling-out recently.</b> <b>- I'm sorry.</b>
<b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Here you are, my dear.</b>
<b>- Thank you.</b> <b>Oh, two.</b> <b>- Th--thank you.</b> <b>- I guess we each get one.</b> <b>- I think they're both</b>
<b>meant for you, actually,</b> <b>but hope you like bread.</b> <b>- [laughs]</b> <b>I'm not kidding.</b> <b>And then--and this one guy</b>
<b>asked for a $20 bill</b> <b>and proceeded to create</b>
<b>an origami flower.</b> <b>- Oh, that's--</b> <b>- And then that's not</b>
<b>the worst part.</b> <b>Then he wanted to bring it home</b> <b>so that he could paint it...</b> <b>- No way.</b> <b>- With his mother's</b>
<b>nail polish.</b> <b>- I'm sorry speed dating</b>
<b>was a total bust.</b> <b>That was--</b>
<b>- No, it's okay.</b> <b>I have to thank you</b>
<b>for rescuing me</b> <b>from the psycho boat guy.</b> <b>- Oh, of course, Kay.</b> <b>Sorry, is it weird</b>
<b>if I call you Kay?</b> <b>- No.</b>
<b>Oh, no, no.</b> <b>It's fine.</b> <b>It's just what my mom</b>
<b>used to call me.</b> <b>- Oh, is she--</b> <b>- Yeah, yeah.</b> <b>She--she passed</b>
<b>a couple years ago.</b> <b>- I'm sorry.</b> <b>- Thank you.</b> <b>- Yeah, she was--</b>
<b>she was really special.</b> <b>She used to--</b> <b>she used to try to get</b>
<b>my dad and I to go</b> <b>on these, like,</b>
<b>crazy adventures with her,</b> <b>like whale watching</b>
<b>and ice climbing.</b> <b>- You?</b> <b>- She was really...brave.</b> <b>- Sounds amazing.</b> <b>You know, I bet she would've</b>
<b>been pretty proud of you</b> <b>for putting yourself</b>
<b>out there this week.</b> <b>- I hope so.</b> <b>This dress was a big one</b>
<b>for me, so--</b> <b>- Yeah, that was</b>
<b>a huge jump for you.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- It's a beautiful</b>
<b>dress, though.</b> <b>Really is.</b> <b>- I hope that you can make good</b>
<b>with your parents.</b> <b>- I know, it's just</b>
<b>so complicated.</b> <b>They're always telling me</b>
<b>that they want me</b> <b>to quit my</b>
<b>silly social medias,</b> <b>and they tell me that,</b>
<b>you know,</b> <b>my place is here</b>
<b>at the restaurant.</b> <b>They want me to run it</b>
<b>with them, but, you know,</b> <b>I don't know how to, you know,</b>
<b>get it across to them</b> <b>that I already have</b>
<b>a very successful business</b> <b>that I'm running,</b>
<b>but they don't even wanna come</b> <b>to my house to check it out</b>
<b>or see for themselves.</b> <b>They just--</b> <b>they're always just</b>
<b>so stubborn all the time.</b> <b>All right,</b>
<b>it might be a family trait.</b> <b>- You don't say.</b> <b>- I knew you wanted</b>
<b>to say something.</b> <b>I could tell.</b> <b>- No, still, though, I hope</b>
<b>you work things out with them.</b> <b>You only get one set</b>
<b>of parents, you know.</b> <b>- Well, thanks for humoring me</b> <b>with the whole</b>
<b>speed dating thing.</b> <b>I hope dinner</b>
<b>redeemed it a little bit.</b> <b>- It did.</b>
<b>I'll give you that.</b> <b>I'm sure you bring</b>
<b>all kinds of women</b> <b>to your parents' restaurant</b>
<b>to impress them.</b> <b>- Actually, just you.</b> <b>[phone chimes]</b> <b>- God, this thing</b>
<b>is so annoying.</b> <b>This app just keeps dinging.</b> <b>- I'm sorry. You can get rid</b>
<b>of it as soon as you're done</b> <b>with the article.</b>
<b>I promise.</b> <b>I know that guy.</b> <b>- Yeah, it keeps trying</b>
<b>to remind me to swipe.</b> <b>- Nah, it's okay.</b> <b>He looks like</b>
<b>a total poser anyway.</b> <b>- Yeah, he kind of does.</b> <b>- Probably--yeah, yeah, yeah.</b> <b>Probably wouldn't</b>
<b>swipe up on that guy.</b> <b>[phone chimes]</b> <b>We matched.</b> <b>- Well, thank you for tonight.</b> <b>- Kay, let me take you</b>
<b>to dinner tomorrow night.</b> <b>- Like--like a real date?</b> <b>- Yeah, like a real date.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- Tomorrow.</b> <b>- Pick you up at 7:00.</b> <b>- All right, then.</b> <b>- Good night.</b> <i><b>[soft music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- Oh, "The Right Way to Woo."</b> <b>My three-step method.</b> <b>Step one, hook.</b> <b>Pique her interests</b>
<b>by not revealing much</b> <b>personal information early on.</b> <i><b>[touch tones beeping]</b></i> <b>- Hey.</b> <b>Hey, let's reschedule</b>
<b>that live stream</b> <b>we have planned for tomorrow.</b> <b>I--yeah, I actually have</b>
<b>a date.</b> <b>- Step two, line.</b> <b>Tell her you're</b>
<b>ready to settle down</b> <b>if you meet the right woman.</b> <b>Step three,</b> <b>sink her.</b> <b>Call her by a nickname</b> <b>to foster trust</b>
<b>and familiarity.</b> <b>Oh, my gosh.</b> <b>Oh, my</b> <b>- Wait, you sent what</b>
<b>to her house?</b> <b>When?</b> <b>[doorbell rings]</b>
<b>- [gasps]</b> <b>- Kay, let me in.</b> <b>- Kay, Kay?</b> <b>Are you kidding me?</b> <b>You're unbelievable, Ryan.</b>
<b>Just go home, okay?</b> <b>- Kacey, Kacey, please,</b>
<b>just let me explain.</b> <b>- Hook, line, and sink her?</b> <b>You told me that your methods</b>
<b>weren't manipulative.</b> <b>-They're not,</b>
<b>they're not, I promise.</b> <b>I know how it looks.</b> <b>But please, you have</b>
<b>to let me explain.</b> <b>Kacey.</b> <b>- This whole time,</b>
<b>this whole time,</b> <b>I was just some sort</b>
<b>of case study for your book?</b> <b>- No.</b>
<b>No, Kacey.</b> <b>- You wouldn't share personal</b>
<b>information early on.</b> <b>- No, I know, but--</b>
<b>- You told me</b> <b>that you</b>
<b>would only settle down--</b> <b>- If I found the right woman.</b>
<b>Yes, I know, but--</b> <b>- And the nickname.</b> <b>- That was real.</b>
<b>It was real.</b> <b>- It is right there</b>
<b>in your book, Ryan.</b> <b>It is literally right there.</b> <b>- It is.</b>
<b>It is.</b> <b>And I know what it says</b>
<b>in the book.</b> <b>I know. But--</b>
<b>- But what, hmm?</b> <b>- I only used those moves</b>
<b>because I was falling for you.</b> <b>- [scoffs]</b>
<b>- And I--</b> <b>Kacey, I only did that</b>
<b>because it was--</b> <b>it was tried and true,</b>
<b>and I fell back</b> <b>on what I already knew.</b> <b>But I never meant</b>
<b>to manipulate you.</b> <b>I was never trying</b>
<b>to manipulate you.</b> <b>I was crazy about you.</b> <b>I am crazy about you.</b> <b>So yes.</b> <b>You know, I hoped you felt</b>
<b>the same way, so I leaned</b> <b>on what was familiar,</b>
<b>you know, formulas and hacks,</b> <b>but I would never</b>
<b>try to manipulate anybody,</b> <b>especially not you.</b> <b>- I was just starting</b>
<b>to put myself back out there.</b> <b>I was just learning</b>
<b>to trust again.</b> <b>And you used me.</b>
<b>- Used you?</b> <b>Hey, you used me.</b>
<b>- Excuse me?</b> <b>- You only took</b>
<b>those risks because it</b> <b>was good for your career</b>
<b>and for the article.</b> <b>Don't act like</b>
<b>you were being brave.</b> <b>That was a means</b>
<b>to an end for you.</b> <b>- I just want you to leave.</b> <b>Now.</b> <b>[crying]</b> <i><b>[somber music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[alarm beeping]</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[door clicks open]</b> <b>- Oh, honey, what happened?</b> <b>- Well, let's just say that</b>
<b>Ryan was exactly the type</b> <b>of person I thought he was.</b> <b>- Ugh, men.</b> <b>How dare he break your heart</b>
<b>in that perfect dress?</b> <b>Anyway, now--</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>Now I need to go</b>
<b>write this puff piece</b> <b>and promote his bogus book,</b>
<b>and I really don't know</b> <b>how I'm gonna do it.</b> <b>- Hmm, well,</b>
<b>you know what they say.</b> <b>"The keyboard is mightier</b>
<b>than the sword."</b> <b>- I don't think they do</b>
<b>say that, but tell me more.</b> <b>- I think that</b>
<b>you should go home</b> <b>and write the piece</b>
<b>you wanna write.</b> <b>Tell the truth,</b> <b>all of it.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- And then I read his method</b>
<b>is hook, line, and sink her.</b> <b>- Unbelievable.</b>
<b>- I know.</b> <b>And then he tells me</b>
<b>he's crazy about me</b> <b>like it somehow fixes the fact</b>
<b>that he was playing me</b> <b>this entire time.</b> <b>- You know, I can always</b>
<b>call my uncle Billy</b> <b>and have him talk</b>
<b>some sense into Ryan.</b> <b>- What? [laughs]</b> <b>I appreciate the moral support,</b>
<b>but I do not--</b> <b>- Okay, I'm just saying</b>
<b>I can have the situation</b> <b>taken care of.</b> <b>Wink.</b> <b>- Really, I'm good.</b> <b>- Okay.</b> <b>- Just to be clear,</b>
<b>under no circumstance</b> <b>do I want a hit</b>
<b>taken out on Ryan.</b> <b>- Of course.</b> <b>[phone chimes]</b> <b>- Oh, no.</b> <b>- What?</b> <b>[gasps]</b> <b>- She used all caps.</b> <b>- [breathes deeply]</b> <b>- Gird your loins.</b> <b>- Oh, shoot.</b> <b>- What's this?</b> <b>- My piece.</b> <b>- We can't publish this.</b> <b>We agreed to write</b>
<b>a nice piece on Ryan.</b> <b>This paints him out</b>
<b>to be some sort</b> <b>of womanizing villain.</b> <b>- Well, my job is to write the</b>
<b>truth, and that's what I did.</b> <b>- No, honey.</b> <b>Your job is to remain unbiased,</b>
<b>which clearly you didn't.</b> <b>Just because you</b>
<b>were unprofessional</b> <b>and you got your heart broken--</b> <b>- I didn't get my heart--</b> <b>- Let me finish.</b> <b>That does not mean</b>
<b>that you get</b> <b>to air your personal grievances</b> <b>all over the pages</b>
<b>of "Belle Fair."</b> <b>This is a fireable offense,</b>
<b>Kacey.</b> <b>- You are right.</b> <b>I am so sorry.</b> <b>- Well, you can forget</b>
<b>about being considered</b> <b>for the First Lady profile.</b> <b>- Of course.</b> <b>I understand.</b> <b>I'm sorry, really.</b> <b>Let me--let me make good.</b> <b>I will do a rewrite ASAP.</b> <b>- You'd better.</b> <b>And I also expect</b>
<b>glowing coverage</b> <b>of him hosting</b>
<b>the LA Singles Night</b> <b>in your revised piece.</b> <b>- I have to go to that?</b> <b>- If you value your job.</b> <b>- Of course.</b> <b>Right. I will fix it.</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>- Thank you guys</b>
<b>for joining my live AMA.</b> <b>I think I have time for one</b>
<b>more question before I go.</b> <b>Okay, AnitaLeah86 says,</b>
<b>"Hey Ryan, big fan."</b> <b>Thanks, Anita.</b> <b>"I want to know how you know</b>
<b>when you found the one."</b> <b>Well, AnitaLeah,</b>
<b>I think that's gonna</b> <b>look different for everybody.</b> <b>You know, it's hard to find</b>
<b>a one-size-fits-all answer,</b> <b>but I will say this.</b> <b>I think the one is somebody</b> <b>that you can be</b>
<b>entirely yourself around,</b> <b>you know, somebody that...</b>
<b>really sees you,</b> <b>knows you, the good</b>
<b>and the bad parts of you,</b> <b>but they accept you</b>
<b>and love you for who you are,</b> <b>who you really are.</b> <b>Anyway, thank you guys</b>
<b>so much for joining,</b> <b>and I will be back again</b>
<b>the same time next week</b> <b>for my live on Friday.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <i><b>[quirky music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[sighs]</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[gasps]</b> <b>[sighs]</b> <b>[gasps]</b>
<b>Oh, oh, oh!</b> <b>Shoot, shoot, shoot,</b>
<b>shoot, shoot.</b> <b>Ow!</b> <b>Okay. Okay.</b> <b>Hi, hi.</b> <b>- Hey.</b>
<b>- Sorry.</b> <b>- Hey, slow down.</b> <b>Are you okay?</b>
<b>- Yeah. No, no, no. I'm fine.</b> <b>I was just--ooh, I was up late</b>
<b>finishing a deadline and--</b> <b>- It's just--well, you're late.</b> <b>You're never late.</b>
<b>- Oh, yeah.</b> <b>It's been a long week.</b>
<b>Nice hat.</b> <b>- Thanks.</b> <b>Look, today's maybe not</b>
<b>a good day to do this.</b> <b>- For what? For golfing.</b>
<b>Today is a great day.</b> <b>- Yeah.</b>
<b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- Just call me Ball Lady.</b>
<b>[laughs]</b> <b>- Helen...</b> <b>- Oh, you must be Kacey.</b>
<b>- Kacey.</b> <b>Kacey. Kacey, Helen.</b>
<b>- Hi.</b> <b>- So good to meet you.</b> <b>Oh, dear, you have</b>
<b>a little bit of...</b> <b>- What? Is it--</b>
<b>- Something--</b> <b>Oh, yeah.</b> <b>Occupational hazard</b>
<b>when you're a writer.</b> <b>- How did you know?</b> <b>- Ronnie is so proud of his</b>
<b>amazing journalist daughter.</b> <b>He talks about you</b>
<b>all the time.</b> <b>Well, I'm gonna get started.</b>
<b>- Yeah.</b> <b>Yeah, I'll be over in a sec.</b> <b>- Okay.</b>
<b>- Okay.</b> <b>Yeah, those are--</b> <b>You okay?</b>
<b>- Oh, yeah.</b> <b>No, I'm great.</b> <b>- What happened?</b> <b>- I just--I thought--I thought</b>
<b>I was ready to put myself</b> <b>out there, I guess,</b>
<b>like you, and I--</b> <b>and I met somebody, and</b>
<b>it just--it all fell apart.</b> <b>And now my job is</b>
<b>in the wedding stuff box--</b> <b>- Calm down. Calm down.</b>
<b>Calm down. Calm down.</b> <b>I'm sorry.</b> <b>- It's okay.</b> <b>Really.</b> <b>I just can't believe</b>
<b>I miss him and his...</b> <b>stupid face.</b> <b>- I know you've had a tough</b>
<b>go at it, but listen to me.</b> <b>You have got a big heart,</b>
<b>and it'd be a shame for you</b> <b>to hold that all to yourself.</b> <b>So when you're ready to make</b>
<b>that leap, you go for it.</b> <b>- Thanks, Dad.</b>
<b>- Whoo!</b> <b>Hole in one.</b>
<b>Look out, Tiger Woods.</b> <b>Gotta be on your game, Ronnie.</b> <b>- Get over there.</b> <b>- You gonna be okay?</b> <b>- Good to meet you.</b> <b>Come on, Tiger.</b>
<b>Rawr!</b> <b>Oh, my gosh,</b>
<b>your daughter's so lovely.</b> <b>- She's...</b> <b>- Hey, did we get</b>
<b>the shipment of gelato?</b> <b>- No, I called about that.</b> <b>We're having shipping delays</b>
<b>all over the place.</b> <b>- Hi.</b> <b>- Huh, prodigal son,</b>
<b>come to do some work?</b> <b>- Not exactly.</b>
<b>I just wanted to come say hi.</b> <b>- That's...not like you.</b> <b>You look pale.</b>
<b>Are you sick?</b> <b>- I'm not sick. Why do you guys</b>
<b>keep saying that I'm sick?</b> <b>- Hey, don't sass</b>
<b>your mom, okay?</b> <b>- I'm not sassing.</b>
<b>- He's been grumpy all weekend.</b> <b>- Thanks, Chris.</b>
<b>- Well, you have.</b> <b>- You look happy there.</b> <b>- I was happy.</b> <b>Think I totally</b>
<b>blew it, though.</b> <b>I think I'm starting to realize</b>
<b>that I...distance myself</b> <b>from the people</b>
<b>who care for me the most,</b> <b>and I'm sorry that I</b>
<b>haven't been around much.</b> <b>- Much?</b> <b>Yeah, you don't come around</b>
<b>at all except on your date.</b> <b>- Dad, you're right.</b> <b>I came here to say</b>
<b>that I'm sorry</b> <b>for how distant</b>
<b>that I've been.</b> <b>Also, working at this</b>
<b>restaurant,</b> <b>it's just--it's</b>
<b>not what I want.</b> <b>- Well, I may not know much</b>
<b>about your TokTiks,</b> <b>but I do understand what it is</b>
<b>to build something important.</b> <b>- I know the business is--</b> <b>- No, not the business, family.</b> <b>And our family is more</b>
<b>important than any of this.</b> <b>- We just want our boys to</b>
<b>be happy, more than anything.</b> <b>And if that means doing</b>
<b>your silly little dances</b> <b>online for a living, so be it.</b> <b>- Wait, is that--</b>
<b>is that really what you guys</b> <b>think I do for a living?</b> <b>- It's okay, dear.</b> <b>We've made peace with it.</b> <b>In fact, your father</b>
<b>even learned one.</b> <b>Show him, honey.</b> <b>- Oh, no.</b> <b>Oh, Dad, that's the worst.</b> <b>All right, nobody ever</b>
<b>needs to see that ever.</b> <b>Oh, my--</b>
<b>- Ow.</b> <b>- Did you know about this?</b> <b>- No.</b>
<b>- Terrible. Yikes.</b> <b>I love you guys, seriously.</b> <b>Even you, Chris.</b> <b>- Good.</b> <b>That means you can</b>
<b>get back to work.</b> <b>- Oh, thank you so much.</b> <b>Thanks.</b> <i><b>[light music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <i><b>[somber music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[indistinct chatter]</b> <b>- [sighs]</b> <b>- Come on.</b> <i><b>[dance music playing]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- So I told them</b>
<b>to do one more song</b> <b>and we'll have you get up there</b>
<b>and work your magic.</b> <b>- Sure thing, yeah.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>Will you excuse me real quick?</b> <b>- Right, but we'll need you</b>
<b>onstage in just a minute.</b> <b>- Yeah, yeah, yeah.</b>
<b>Of course, of course.</b> <b>- Hi,</b>
<b>Ryan, is it?</b> <b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- I just need you to know</b>
<b>that I know a guy</b> <b>who knows a guy</b>
<b>who knows a guy,</b> <b>and that's all</b>
<b>you need to know.</b> <b>Okay?</b>
<b>- Yeah.</b> <b>- Okay, it's okay.</b> <b>You two just let him</b>
<b>say his piece.</b> <b>- I'll go get us some drinks.</b> <b>- Oh.</b> <b>Hi.</b>
<b>- Hi.</b> <b>- Look, Kacey, I just need to</b>
<b>say that I am so sorry about--</b> <b>- Okay, let's get</b>
<b>this show on the road.</b> <b>This way.</b>
<b>- Okay, yeah.</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- Oh, thank you.</b> <b>- Hello, LA singles.</b> <b>[cheers and applause]</b> <b>First off, I just wanna</b>
<b>thank our wonderful</b> <b>event sponsor, "Belle Fair,"</b>
<b>for putting this together.</b> <b>Let's everybody give them</b>
<b>a hand real quick.</b> <b>[cheers and applause]</b> <b>So tonight,</b>
<b>tonight is about mixing</b> <b>and mingling</b>
<b>with other singles,</b> <b>and my job</b>
<b>is to help you do that.</b> <b>With that in mind, I actually</b>
<b>have some exciting news.</b> <b>As many of you know,</b>
<b>I was supposed</b> <b>to promote my</b>
<b>upcoming book tonight,</b> <b>but now I don't think</b>
<b>that that's a book</b> <b>that I wanna</b>
<b>be known for anymore.</b> <b>You see, I met</b>
<b>somebody recently,</b> <b>and she taught me</b>
<b>that finding love</b> <b>isn't something</b>
<b>that you do by</b> <b>playing games,</b>
<b>following formulas.</b> <b>Sometimes love finds you</b>
<b>in the quiet moments</b> <b>when you're being your most</b>
<b>true and honest self</b> <b>with someone who...</b> <b>really sees you</b> <b>and they love you</b>
<b>for who you are.</b> <b>So tonight I won't</b>
<b>be promoting my book.</b> <b>I don't have any hacks.</b> <b>I don't have any formulas</b>
<b>for you to follow.</b> <b>My hope is that you'll mingle</b>
<b>and be real with one another.</b> <b>Be your true selves.</b> <b>Because when you</b>
<b>find someone that you</b> <b>can be your true self with,</b>
<b>man, that's--</b> <b>it's something special.</b> <b>If you're lucky enough</b>
<b>to find it,</b> <b>I hope you're smarter</b>
<b>than I am.</b> <b>You hold on to it.</b> <b>[chuckles]</b> <b>Anyway, sorry.</b> <b>If you're feeling like</b>
<b>being brave tonight,</b> <b>I invite you to try a simple</b>
<b>but effective icebreaker.</b> <b>It's actually--it's inspired by</b>
<b>somebody that I met recently.</b> <b>I call it easy question,</b>
<b>hard question.</b> <b>Is there a brave soul</b>
<b>in the crowd tonight</b> <b>that wants to come up here</b>
<b>and help me demonstrate?</b> <b>[crowd murmuring]</b> <b>- Yeah. Over here.</b>
<b>Over here. Yes.</b> <b>- No, no, no, no, no.</b>
<b>- Yes. This lady right here.</b> <b>- Yes, pretty lady down there.</b> <b>Come on up.</b> <b>- Yes, you got this. Go.</b> <b>[squeals]</b> <b>- Hi.</b> <b>- Hi.</b> <b>- Thank you</b>
<b>to my lovely volunteer.</b> <b>Let's introduce you.</b>
<b>What's your name?</b> <b>- Kacey.</b>
<b>- Whoo!</b> <b>- All right, Kacey.</b> <b>So let me explain</b>
<b>the icebreaker.</b> <b>We're each gonna take a turn</b>
<b>asking one easy question</b> <b>followed by a hard question.</b> <b>I'll demonstrate.</b> <b>Easy question first.</b> <b>What's your coffee order?</b> <b>- Medium half-caf almond milk</b>
<b>no foam with whip mocha.</b> <b>[laughter]</b> <b>- Okay, there's nothing</b>
<b>easy about that, but...</b> <b>now for the hard question.</b> <b>Kacey, will you</b>
<b>take a chance on me?</b> <i><b>[tender music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- I could never take a chance</b> <b>on an arrogant TokFlix</b>
<b>love doctor.</b> <b>[crowd murmuring]</b> <b>And when I met you,</b>
<b>that's all I thought you were.</b> <b>And I was so wrong.</b> <b>Now I know that you're--</b> <b>you're kind and funny</b> <b>and smart and confident.</b> <b>You know, maybe a little</b>
<b>too confident at times.</b> <b>And you love your family.</b> <b>And you say that you</b>
<b>like spicy foods,</b> <b>but really, you're no match</b>
<b>for chicken tinga tacos.</b> <b>[laughter]</b> <b>And you're brave,</b> <b>and you helped me</b>
<b>become brave too.</b> <b>So...</b> <b>yes.</b> <b>[cheers and applause]</b> <b>Ryan, I will</b>
<b>take a chance on you.</b> <b>Oh, let's jump</b>
<b>to a hard question.</b> <b>Will you go to dinner</b>
<b>with me sometime?</b> <b>- Kacey,</b>
<b>that's an easy question.</b> <b>[cheers and applause]</b> <b>- Yeah!</b> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>- Hey, Chris, wherever</b>
<b>you are out there,</b> <b>can you come and take over</b>
<b>on the microphone?</b> <b>I've got a hot date to get to.</b> <b>- You got it, bro.</b> <b>- Wanna get out of here?</b> <b>- I actually know</b>
<b>a good little place.</b> <i><b>[upbeat music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <b>[projector whirring]</b> <i><b>[dramatic music]</b></i> <i><b>♪ ♪</b></i> <i><b>[water lapping]</b></i> <i><b>[whooshing]</b></i> <i><b>[loon calls]</b></i>