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(film reel clicking) How do you know when you've met "The One"? That's the question we'll be addressing this week. I'm Serena Shephard. Thank you for making Love's Listening the number one romance podcast in America. We have Charlie on the line. Hello? I can't believe I'm actually on the show! I listen to you every week, your advice has changed my life. I'm honored! So, Charlie, do you think you've met "The One"? I don't know. How could you tell? The simplest way to know is if that person makes you feel like the best version of yourself. What do you think, Charlie? Is love on the line for you? (cell phone buzzing) Serena, I'm here. Have you seen this? I go through one breakup and they question my entire brand? It's just one tabloid. It's lighting up socials, too! A complete nightmare, I can't believe Brandon would do this. We agreed we would stay together for the Podcast Awards, then tastefully break the news on each other's platforms. Absolutely disrespectful! I don't think that Brandon would-- You think it was his sister? She never liked me, that monster. I'm America's number one authority on relationships, for crying out loud! I can't afford to go through a public breakup right now. I know you're single and you wouldn't understand what the heartache is like. Well, I've had relationships before. I'm hemorrhaging followers! You can bet that this is gonna affect appearances and brand partnerships, too! It's only a matter of time before I'm completely finished. You'll get through it. I'll help. You want to talk about the new segment? Yes. Take off your assistant cap and put on your writer's beret and thrill me! So for the Spring Fever segment, I have a breakdown of all the symbolism of different types of flowers and... um, okay. Best places to get caught in the rain? (groaning) Uh, hmm. How about redefining spring romance, as in "more than a spring fling"? With a feature on picking the perfect time for a first kiss? Yes. That's it. That's the one. Write that up tonight. We need fresh material ASAP. First we'll get everyone's mind off of this breakup nonsense, and then we'll finally get our recognition at the National Podcast Awards. Sounds like a plan. Once we win, I'll be crediting you as co-writer and producer. Don't think I've forgotten. Thank you, Serena. (grumbling) (chuckling humorlessly) Finally. Producer and writer, Abby Roig. (telephone ringing) Good morning! Love's Listening Production Offices, this is Abby. This is Jack Whitman with The Times Daily in New York. Jack Whitman? Yes. I'm calling to confirm my 10 a.m. tomorrow with Serena Shephard. We set this time several weeks ago, but I haven't heard any follow-up since. Um, I'm so sorry. Tomorrow, 10 a.m. you said. Correct, at Verde. Please confirm with her, I'm set to fly out tonight and I don't want to waste any more of my time on this. Yes, uh, I'll go confirm with her. Please hold. I'm creating content! What is it? I'm sorry, Jack Whitman is calling to confirm a meeting tomorrow at 10 a.m. Jack Whitman, he's a journalist at The Times Daily. In New York? Is he hot? I guess so. I don't know. Wait, it's coming back to me. Yes, I definitely told you about this. Uh, no. I would have put this in your calendar immediately. No, you're mistaken. Anyway, it doesn't matter. Go ahead and confirm. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting. Yes, are we confirmed or not? Yes, we're confirmed. Ms. Shephard is so looking forward-- (phone beeping) Hello? Hello? Who hangs up on someone? You totally broke my creative flow. I'm sorry. Oh, is that him? Mm-hm! Ah, he is attractive! Why is he wasting a face like that on newspaper journalism? Although I could ask the same of myself. Who would've thought this face would be hiding behind sound waves 90% of the time? (chuckling) (gasping) He would be the perfect arm candy to escort me to the Podcast Awards! Smart and handsome? Picture this, "Serena Shephard, Single No More." It's perfect! Hm? Yes, it's perfect. Yeah. A relationship guru? Really? I am not even sold on relationships, and you want me to profile a guru? It's humiliating. Maybe she can help you unpack some of that baggage you've been dragging around since your breakup. Not likely. I've known you long enough to expect healthy skepticism when it comes to matters of the heart, but I also expect you to bring that dogged curiosity that makes you such a brilliant writer! I know, but-- Don't let your bad experience with love make you think that this is beneath you. Love comes for us all, Jack. You sound like a fortune cookie. Embrace the challenge. Enjoy a few days by the beach, tour the studio. And get insight into her production style and POV. I know you're less than thrilled, but this is a scoop. So go. Scoop! Oh, Aunt Abby, can I take Bentley to the tree house? Sure, Lucy, just don't drop him, okay? Or Serena will kill me. (chuckling) She's such a cool kid. I know. I mean, almost too cool. I'm glad she got our genes and not Matt's. Aw, be nice! I love my brother-in-law, but I'm glad that she didn't inherit his sense of humor. I thank the universe every day. (chuckling) Abs, it's not really a break if you spend it walking Serena's dog. Well, I get to take a longer lunch break, because I'm multitasking. What? I don't know why you're always defending her. You guys were peers in college. She was older than me. She treats you terribly. I get to pick my office chair? And still, after all this time, you're just a glorified assistant. Executive Assistant. She doesn't even credit you, and you write the whole dang show! She will credit me as soon as we win the Podcast Awards. We will win. Good, because I need some award-winning romance advice. Matt wants to buy a house, but I love our neighborhood, and there's no way that we could afford to buy anything in the area. You are a creature of habits. Famously. Plus my business is still growing. It's stressful. What was just a few arguments is really starting to cause a rift. You're going to be a very famous designer, and I get that part. What are the upsides? Well, more space, obviously. I could have an actual office with a real drafting table. We would have a yard and Lucy could get a dog. She can have Serena's. (laughing) Aunt Abby, look! Oh, watch out, just be careful! Come down already! With change comes a lot of fear, but you just have to visualize the best case scenario and maybe the change can bring you a new creative energy. New environment, new perspective. Just be honest with Matt. You guys are a team, and he's probably anxious, too. That's great advice, thank you. You should have your own podcast. Oh! Matt still has all of his audio equipment from when he went through that start-a-band midlife crisis, you should take it, please, I'm begging you. No, I don't even have time for my own lunch break. I want to--no, nobody cares what I have to say. My life isn't aspirational. You're authentic. Glitz isn't everything. I mean, look at Serena. She has a miserable life. But she appears to be fabulous. I appear to be a mess, a single mess. And nobody wants advice from a single mess. Abby, Brad was two years ago. You gotta get out there. Don't let one unfaithful jerk drive you to be single forever. Tonight when you get home, put all of his stuff in a box. -I don't-- -Do not pretend you don't still have some of Brad's stuff. I know you do. Put it in a box, reflect, and toss it. Fresh start. You deserve someone who deserves you. Look who's giving great advice now. I wish. It's from a podcast. You should know it. -I wrote it. -You wrote it. Abby, I need you! Is this our new merchandise? Yes, just hideous. I wish our listeners had some taste, but whatever brings in the bucks, right? What else do you know about this reporter I'm meeting tomorrow? Jack Whitman? Um, well, he's been working for The Times Daily for years, and he does his super insightful profiles. He just had this amazing story about a researcher leading an Indigenous-forward effort in the rainforests, it's so-- Rainforest? Feels like such a '90s issue. Well, it's been a problem for many, many years. Sounds like a fixer-upper! The rainforest? No, the reporter. You are so silly. He'll need to be more now if he's going to escort me to the Podcast Awards. Oh, well, we love a project. Has he sent over questions? No. But I expect him to be a bit tougher than what you're used to. Hm. Not loving that for me. Fine, write up talking points I can bring up, topical things so he can see how deep I am. I hate that I miss him. You know what, I don't miss him. I miss being with someone. Can we just skip all the hard stuff and go right into having someone to watch a movie with? You're right. We can do popcorn and rom-com on our own. And we can have each other. This is it. This is a classic. (cell phone chiming) It's too early. (cell phone continues chiming) How bad is it? (gasping) Oh, I knew it, this stupid facial! (crying) How? I booked Jasmine, like always. Did she do something different? Serena, what happened? I don't know. I added an oregano oil enhancement, no big deal! It was for fine lines! Serena, you're allergic to oregano. I can't be responsible for knowing every single little one of my own allergies! I'm busy! That's your job! We have to push the interview. No, we can't. It's in one hour and he flew all the way here. I can't go like this. Reschedule! Charm him, bribe him, whatever, just don't lose the interview! You've reached Jack Whitman with The Times Daily. Please leave a message and I'll return your call at the earliest opportunity. Hi, Mr. Whitman, this is Abby. I'm calling on behalf of Serena Shephard. Oh, good morning. Just a soda, please. Thank you. (car beeping) Hi, Mr. Whitman! This is Abby Roig. I'm calling on regard of Serena Shephard. Thank you very much. Oh, thank you. Hi, Mr. Whitman? Yes. Do I know you? No, I mean, yes. We've spoken on the phone. I'm Abby Roig, Serena Shephard's assistant. I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, but I tried to call you and-- anyway, I'm so embarrassed, but we're going to have to push the interview. Serena is dealing with some conflict that can't be avoided. Miss Roig, was it? Oh, Abby, please. Abby. You realize that I am based in New York City. Yes, of course. I'm so sorry about that. Can we reschedule for tonight? Sadly, no. Serena, she's dealing with some personal matters, and it won't be resolved by tonight. But I'll reach out as soon as we-- You'll reach out. Yeah. I don't have unlimited time here, okay? I realize that you're just an assistant, but if Serena wants this interview, please have her call me ASAP. Maybe I will still be in town. The level of unprofessionalism here. Well, if you realize that I'm just an assistant, maybe you can appreciate that I'm just a messenger. Your rudeness is uncalled for. My rudeness? I fly halfway across the country on a delayed, overbooked flight to interview your boss! Then she no-shows without notice! Then she sends you 45 minutes late. But I'm the rude one. Got it. I tried to call you, but you didn't answer. How is that professional? Well, I always silence my phone for interviews, even if it is just for silly podcast hosts. Well, I ran here. Yes, I care so much about my job that I ran all the way here so you wouldn't be waiting in this humidity. I know that you're very important, but so are we. Or so is she, she's very important. And clearly podcasts are beneath you, but it was The Times Daily that wanted this interview, not Love's Listening, so yes, have a nice flight back! Wow. (birds chirping) So, how tall is he in person? Wondering what height heels I should wear when the redness goes down. When are we rescheduled to? We're not. He was really upset that you weren't there, and he seems like he doesn't even want to be here, so I kind of played it sort of horrible. What does that mean? You know I hate sports. I told him that you didn't need the press, that he was very lucky to be doing the profile. You what? Well, he was just so rude and pompous. We do need this coverage, Abby! We need the promotion before the Awards, and I need to put this breakup gossip to rest immediately! How did you mess this up? Fix it! Well, I don't think he wants to talk to me ever again, so why don't you call him? Oh, and how would that look? No, this is on you. Take one of my gift baskets, march over to wherever he's staying, and apologize! Keep him occupied. Whatever it takes, your job depends on it. Okay, I'm really sorry. And let me remind you that you're my assistant and a direct reflection of my brand. You do not get to take these kinds of liberties with communication. And where are the scripts for the spring segments, by the way? I've just been so distracted! I'm hearing a lot of excuses, Abby! Very disappointing. You can't be serious. I get that you're frustrated, but what I'm also hearing is that you were condescending and impatient. Has it been so long since you were an assistant that you've forgotten what it's like? I took it out on the wrong person, okay? Sure sounds like it. I know you don't want to be there, but you have a job to do, so don't step foot back in the city without a story. Look, I'll fix it, okay? I gotta go. Uh, special delivery? Mr. Whitman-- Jack, please. Jack. I thought you'd be in a hotel. So did I. Unfortunately, they lost my reservation, so I had to improvise. I'm so sorry. It's okay. Vacation rental. Listen, I wanted to apologize on behalf of Love's Listening. So we thought that you'd maybe enjoy some... face masks. And bath bombs. I mean, who doesn't love bath bombs, right? Pamper yourself. And that's nice, some eyelash curler. Do you grow your lashes? Or maybe for your wife or your girlfriend? You know, uh, no girlfriend, no wife, and I think that my eyelashes are naturally curly enough, don't you? I really do appreciate the gesture. I need to apologize too, okay? I've been an assistant and it's tough, and I had a bad start to this trip and I unfairly took that out on you. I'd be happy to reschedule if there is a time this week that works better for Serena, and for you, of course. Oh. That would be great. We definitely want to rebook ASAP. Serena is dealing with some personal stuff right now, but how well do you know the show? Honestly, I've listened to a few episodes, but I lack a familiarity with the whole production process. I can definitely help you with that. So, there is surprisingly little information about Serena's background online. That feels pretty intentional. Is there a question in the statement? Sure. Where is she from? Let's start there. Well, she's from Delaware originally and she moved here for college, and she fell in love with the city. So did I, actually, I mean, it's so easy to fall in love with, obviously. Eh. What, "eh"? Oh, of course! You're one of those New Yorkers who can't see potential anywhere else. Look, I mean, New York is just so alive, so creative, so...a third thing. Writer, huh? I was born and raised in Cuba, but I've been living here for the past 10 years. The city has changed, sometimes not for the better, but it has so much history, so much creative inspiration. So how does Serena separate the podcast from her personal life? In what way? Well, I've listened to a couple episodes, as I've told you. And now what do you think so far? Well, I mean, the advice actually isn't that bad. The writing is much better than I thought it would be and there's an eloquence to it that I wasn't anticipating. Thank you for the high praise. I mean, I'm just the assistant, but it's good to hear on behalf of the show. Look, full disclosure, I don't think people can actually change with romantic advice. The idea is nice. Wow. From compliments to condescension. I like the compliment part more. Hi, Carlos! Hey! Abby! Whoa, look at you, you got a friend! I have friends. Can I grab one of these and this as well, please? Sí, Señor. How much? Ten dollars. Look, I'm not trying to be condescending, it's not Serena's fault, but at their core, people just don't change, they can't. It's a fact. Thank you. Well, I just don't agree with you. I just can't. In what sense? Well, I don't think people are set in those ways. People can change or grow or even become someone they didn't even expect to be. Wow. Did Serena force you to say that or are you actually this naive? No one forces me to say anything, and I'm not naive. Some people don't want to change, so they don't, but for those who want to, you know, I happen to believe in romance. Is that so bad? No, it's just not realistic. Realistic or cynical? I give up. Heck, I've been called a cynic before. Well, I have to go for my next meeting. Okay, well, goodbye in case we don't see each other again. What do you mean we won't see each other again? The paper is not just going to pay for me to hang out, you know. Thank you for the walk, it was lovely, but I'm going to need some more substantial info regarding Serena's creative process to justify my staying in town. How about I take you to the places where Serena gets her inspiration? The city totally shapes her point of view and, you know, we can schedule a tour visit of the studio? Just until Serena's available herself, which she will be very soon. I can do tomorrow morning. Does that work for you? Sure, that all sounds good. Just email me the details and I'll see you in the morning. I know, Audrey, but I have a non-disclosure agreement with Serena. It's not like I can tell Jack, "Hey! Her inspirational spots are actually my inspirational spots because I write everything." Plus now I'm so afraid of messing up that I can't even write the stupid scripts I'm supposed to write. Ugh. The internet says that your brown leaves might mean that you're a little bit drafty. No one likes a high maintenance diva, Audrey. We'll kick off from here. No. Mm-hm! Yes. You can stretch for a minute if you want. I'm fine, thank you. I take spin classes at my gym, so fully prepared. Don't say I didn't warn you. I've been fully warned. (chuckling) Okay, let's go. Lead the way. We're here. Oh, thank God. This is why you need subways. We have Metrorail and free trolleys, do you have trolleys? No, we don't have trolleys. Trolleys are just unfinished buses. And subways are for people who prefer to travel in the dark. Oh, I sense a metaphor there, that's pretty deep. So, on an advice show, what kind of people call in for love advice from a total stranger? Regular callers, they feel like they know Serena, so she's not a stranger to them. Okay, that makes sense, but don't you think anyone can give advice? Why trust Serena? What makes her advice so special? You have to be really observant to give romantic advice, and an excellent listener. To read between the lines, and that's one of the hallmarks of Love's Listening. Okay, well, show me what you mean. Um, okay. I'm not Serena, but I can give it a try. Um...there, that couple. They weren't friends before they started dating, so I would advise them to go on a trip together or a theme park, you know, to have some external stressors to see if they can handle it. If they can, they will be golden. Interesting. You try. Me? Yes. You--you say that anyone can give advice. That includes you, right? Using my own words against me, I see. Okay, um... All right, they're together and they have a baby together, and they don't sleep because of the kid. That's the worst reading I ever heard. Clearly romance is not my forte, surprise, surprise. I'm more of a hard facts kind of guy, and factually speaking, we'll never actually know how accurate your reading was, because we're just guessing. How about I read you? And you tell me if I'm right, factually. Okay, shoot. Let's see, um, you're very critical of this kind of stuff because you got your heart broken. We all have. Very badly. What makes you say that? Just the way--you know what? Doesn't matter. It takes one to know one, I guess. Um, we should go to the next place. Yeah, uh... Is it okay that we leave our bikes here? Oh, this is not New York. Okay. You write? I...I've written casually for years. I'm trying to make bigger strides, but I'm not in the right place right now. It's so frustrating. I feel like I'm not where I should be. What do you mean where you should be? I don't know. I feel like if I'd done everything differently, I'd be further along the way now, but I can't and I'm stuck in my head. I don't know. Sounds like an excuse. Look, can I give you some unsolicited advice? Depends. Are you going to be mean about it? Man, I really made a bad first impression, didn't I? Okay. I welcome any advice. I've been there. That feeling like you've missed opportunities, wondering about other roads, other timelines. Whether it was with writing or...relationships. Anyways, some of the best advice I ever got was to bloom where I was planted, you know? It doesn't help to linger on what's out of your control. You've just gotta trust that you're where you are right now for a reason. That's great advice. Are you becoming an optimist now? Don't push it. That's a shame. The glimmer of optimism really suited you. (chuckling) You don't really think I'm mean, do you? Not right now. (laughs) That's good. Abby, it's me. Pick up! Hi, this is Abby. Leave a message. (groans) How's it going with the nerd? You know, I was thinking, maybe you could tell him I was unavailable because I was volunteering at a hospital. Puppy shelter? Puppy hospital. I don't know, use whatever is saddest. Call me back--ooh! Ah. We are here. Wow. (laughs) A little bit more scenic than the Hudson, huh? It's like a postcard. Mm-hm. I love to come here when I feel like my work is stale. And I walk on the sand, and I like to think that if you change your environment, you can change your perspective. Well, it really is beautiful here. Yeah. Oh! Are you okay? Ah, yeah, I think I got a charley horse. Okay, okay, sorry, lean on me, come on. No, I'm fine, I'm fine. -No, you're not. -Okay, all right. I told you to stretch, but you didn't want to do it. Is it exhausting? What? Always being right? Yes, but I can manage. (groans) Well, this is the end of our tour, and I'm hoping that, you know, you get the feeling of how Serena-- our creative process. Yeah. Hm. You want me to call you a cab? No, I'm okay actually. Um, I'm actually pretty famished. Do you want to grab dinner? My treat if you can think of any place that we can hobble to. This is one of Serena's favorite spots in the city. Mm, well, from what I see on the menu, she's got good taste. Thanks! Um, I'll let her know that you say so. What are you getting? You know what, I'm gonna follow your lead. All right. ♪ Hold my hand till the courage sticks ♪ ♪ Shine the light till the darkness lifts ♪ ♪ Hold me up so I don't look weak ♪ I--I wanted to ask you something, but I don't want it to come out wrong. Well, go for it. I mean, I feel like we know each other pretty well at this point. Okay, I--I had a feeling that you didn't want to be here. Are you being punished or something? Punished, no. Um, I was just being a snob. -Mm-hm. -Yep. And Serena has a massive platform. The Times Daily is trying to expand its readership, and I'm the profile guy, so... That makes sense. And how do you feel now? Pretty full. You know what I mean. Well, truthfully, I wasn't keen on the idea. I mean, I like to be in my comfort zone. And I have a little bit of an aversion to anything touting romantic expertise. But you were spot-on earlier about relationship stuff. I don't want you to discuss this if it makes you feel uncomfortable. No, it's fine, really. Let's see, how to make it succinct. Um... The headline would read: "Woman breaks fiancé's heart two months before their wedding." Oh my God, I'm so sorry about that. Um, was she looking for herself? I thought so. But she had found someone else while we were dating. Now, honesty is the most important part of a relationship for me by far. I mean, it would hurt too much to learn, again, that someone wasn't who they said they were. I understand that. I'm so sorry. (laughs) For what? For everything that happened. Well, at this point, I just want to skip all of the complicated dating stuff and get right to the point where I get to be with someone that I can hang out and watch movies with. That's the dream. Well, maybe if I keep listening to Love's Listening, I can collect enough tips so that I can do that. Serena is very charming. Maybe, but I don't think that's what it is. You know, there's real heart to the content. I'm looking forward to seeing how Serena puts it all together. Me too. (insects chirring) No, I didn't say that though. No, I just--take-- No, it--no! No, it's--it's not the last opportunity, Matt. Oh, well, I'm sorry you feel that way. Hey, Abs just walked in. I'm gonna crash here tonight, cool? Yeah, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye. "I'm sorry you feel that way"? You know that's not an apology. Can you just be sister Abby and not romance podcast Abby for a bit? Absolutely. What's going on? Matt wanted to put in an offer for the house, and I got a little freaked out, so I told him to wait just 'cause I needed more time. Did you like the house? I thought you were ready to make that move? That's what Matt said. I mean, I love the house. I just... I needed to take a breath, you know? Anyways, while we were having that argument, the seller accepted another offer. Matt is pretty frustrated with me right now. I'm so sorry. There will be other houses, you know? I know. This place was just really great. And you know Miami real estate. I've heard. It was just happening so quickly. I don't know, I... We'll be fine, but... Lucy's staying at a friend's house tonight. Is it cool if I just crash here just for some space? Please. I'm so glad that you're gonna be here with me tonight. Hot chocolate? You know it. Okay, let's go. Thank you. So, how was your date? It was a work thing, not a date. You were out pretty long for a work thing. I thought you said you were just spending part of the day with him. He took me to dinner. For work. Don't look at me like that. Stop it! Okay, it was great. He's surprising. Different than I thought. And a little bit frustrating at times. But I don't know, I think he likes my writing. Of course he does, you're talented. But he doesn't know it's my writing. He kept quoting me to myself all day. Things that Serena said in the podcast or in articles. It was all my own talking points, and he has no idea. Wow. I know. It was so...encouraging. And disheartening. He's like a real writer. And to have made an impact on him made me feel like maybe I know what I'm talking about. Abby, just tell him. I can't. My NDA. Ah, that stupid piece of paper. It's a legal document. And I'm so close to finally getting the credit for my work. I'm gonna mess it up for what? To impress some guy? It's not even worth it. And frankly, we're too different. He's not even the romantic type. (laughs) Besides, he'd seen photos of Serena. To him, it's her face and her voice saying my words. It's not gonna be as impactful coming from me, I know that. You can't see what I see. You're so special. Jack spent the whole day with you. How could he not realize how talented and funny and beautiful-- Well, if all of that were true, he's gonna forget as soon as he meets Serena. She's gonna sweep him off his feet. But she's so awful. She's been fully co-opting your brain for years, and she treats you lesser than when you should be full partner. Just consider telling him, that's all I'm saying. Okay, I'll consider it. Sure, the situation has been a little weird, but I feel like I'm getting some good insights. I'm sure she's very charming, but you're there to profile Serena, not her assistant. Charming is not the word, but Abby is very authentic. I mean, I think she really, truly believes in the romantic mission of the show. That's not the point I'm making, Jack. I get your point, okay? But there's something weird going on. Abby's been pretty dodgy with some of her answers, but it makes sense if her boss has instructed her not to give me too much information. Why would she do that? You're sounding a little paranoid. I don't know, but I'm gonna figure it out. I'm about to take a tour of the show. I'll do a little digging. There's more to the story, I just can tell. Once you get in there, really push to spend time with Serena herself. Who's the woman behind the voice? Hey, I gotta go, uh, I'll update you. -Good morning. -Good morning. -Coffee? -Thanks. You're welcome. This is my sister, Brynn. Hi, Brynn, Abby's sister, I'm Jack Whitman. Hi, Jack. Isn't she brilliant? -Brynn. -She's been very helpful. (sighs) Brynn has to be going now. Well, it's nice to meet you. You too. Are you ready for the grand tour? I am thrilled. It's pretty bare bones, but we don't need much to record the show. And, you know, it also can be engineered remotely if needed. The most complicated part is the live calls in. Wait a minute, what is this? (Abby laughs) That's Serena's Confidence Mirror. Just words, photos of herself, and just some of her favorite features. She's pretty photogenic. Yeah. The new goal is to have my profile be good enough to make the Confidence Mirror. (laughs) I'm sure it will. Serena loves a good story about herself. (cell phone notifications) Speaking of the devil. It looks like we can rebook your meeting for tomorrow morning if that works for you. That's fantastic. Okay, fantastic. Awesome. My editor's really looking forward to the story. Gotta say, I'm looking forward to meeting Serena. She really knows how to build up the suspense. I'm sure she'll live up to expectations, she always does. New merch, last round sold really well. You should take those. You know, you can wear it when you meet Serena. I can make one little bag for you. Okay, if you say so. Thanks. You know, merchandise with advertisement on it seems a little off-brand for what I've seen so far from the podcast. In what way? Well, the insights on the show feel so down to earth. There's sort of a disconnect there between the words and the voice. Well, at the end of the day, Serena is just a small-town girl trying to mend one broken heart at a time. The merch is part of that journey. And this is the end of our tour. You okay? You seem kind of down. No, I'm fine, it's just... I'm working on a project and I'm stuck, I can't work through it. Mm. Well, work advice is the kind of advice I can give if you want. Sure. Literally do as bad as possible. Really? Why? Well, when you take out the expectation, the good version will come out. It's kind of a writing secret of mine. I call it the "bad version." It takes confidence to be willing to fail, and it almost always works. Thank you. (birds chirping) Write the bad version. Okay. ♪ Bring it on ♪ Bring it on ♪ I'm ready for somethin', somethin' new ♪ ♪ I'm ready to show the world what I can do ♪ ♪ It's gonna be rockin', that's all I can say ♪ ♪ No reason to stop 'cause I'm goin' all the way ♪ ♪ Come on, bring it on ♪ ♪ Got the wind on my back, I'm feelin' strong ♪ ♪ Got my flag unfurled ♪ I'm singin' this song ♪ I can't believe that worked, can you? (sighs) And it's actually really good. Serena's gonna be so psyched. (sighs) (typing) Spring Fling segment is in your inbox. Excited about this one. (pen scratching) (cell phone ringing) Hey, Diane. Hi. You okay? Yeah, just wrapping up a workout. I got your message. Serena's finally confirmed her interview. Tomorrow. I have a lot of questions for her. I hate to admit it, but I think the woman knows what she's talking about. You're starting to sound like a romantic. Cough twice if you need rescuing. Don't worry, I'm still a skeptic. She's still being evasive, but maybe a show with this large of a platform is actually helping people. Go get 'em. (laughs) Thanks, Diane. I thought you said he was from New York. He's originally from Boyne City, Michigan, but he's lived in New York City for a decade. Mm-hm. Did you review the list that I sent you with all the areas of interest and his journalism background? (snaps) I did, but, wow, Abby, it was so dense. You like this guy or something? No. Well, back off, he's mine! (laughs) Ah, we have fun. I'm gonna finish getting ready. This'll be perfect. First I'll do the interview and then I'll take him to lunch, someplace public, make sure people spot us together. (laughs) Uh, Abby. Could you make sure the main room is tidied up before he gets here? Sure, Serena. Hey. What do you think? No good. It's too much. -It's perfect. -Okay. Can I get you anything? Um, some water would be nice. Thank you. This hat is a bit much. (muttering) Jack, hello. I'm so sorry, I hope I didn't keep you waiting. Oh, okay. That's nice. Um, it's nice to finally meet you. Abby has done such a wonderful job familiarizing me with your work. Oh, good. I hope she didn't talk your ear off. Kidding, Abby. Jack, I just love our hat on you. -Thank you. -Abby. Shouldn't we have Jack model merchandise for our website? Sales would skyrocket. (Jack sighs) Not that we've had an issue. Those hats are selling like hotcakes. Do you mind if I record? -No, not at all. -Great. (recording device beeps) Red leather, yellow leather. Red leather, yellow-- (clears throat) Um--oh, you ready? Yeah. Well, I am so glad you've taken an interest in my humble little show. I would hardly call your listenership humble at this point. You've made quite a splash industry-wide. Well, that's kind of you to say. You know, with enough hard work, anything is possible. And my listeners are everything to me. They feel like they know me, and I have to say, after hearing from so many of them every single week, I feel like I know them too. I'm very lucky. And that's how it started. That's quite a journey to where you are now. Well, Jack, you know, at the end of the day, I am just a small-town girl trying to help mend one broken heart at a time. Everything okay? Uh, of course. (clears throat) So, Serena, I would be remiss if I didn't ask you about your last relationship ending. Oh, I didn't realize we were going to be covering that. Uh, if you're okay with it. I only ask because rumors of the breakup have become a bit invasive, and since you deal in romance, I have an obligation to the readers to inquire. (mouthing words) You know, part of my job is advising people when their relationship isn't working, and I had to be honest with myself, and with him. We each deserve our own happiness and wish each other the best. If that means we have to stand alone or with someone else, well, then that's what we need to do. Wow, well, that's great. I can see why you're the person to dole out advice. Thank you for answering. And I must say that some advice you gave on a previous episode helped me with my relationship with my ex too. Oh, really? Oh, I'm glad to hear it. Yes, it was an episode about closure. And you were talking about the need to take things slow. What was it that you were saying. Um... Uh, well, you know, uh, there have been so many-- There is no timeline for healing. Yeah, that's right. There's no timeline for healing. You were telling your listeners not to rush through the process of loss, to live in the feelings on their own schedule. Because there's... There's no timeline for healing. -Right. -Right. It made me wish that I had your podcast during that breakup, though I'm happy now people get to use that advice when they may need it the most. Well, I hope those people buy merchandise. (giggles) (clears throat) And, of course, I am glad I could have been of help and healing to you and to all of my listeners. Um, do you need a couple minutes before we proceed with a few more questions? Actually, I have an even better idea. I was thinking, what if you could really see me in my element? You want me to attend a recording of yours? Even better. You are going to escort me to the National Podcast Awards at the end of the week. Um... (Jack chuckles) I actually don't date-- Oh, platonically. Jack, really. It's gonna be a fabulous party. You'll get to see me among members of the industry. It'll be a great insider perspective for you. We'll have a great time. I won't take no for an answer. Okay, uh... I guess I'm in. Hurray! I hope you packed a suit. You know... (clears throat) I don't know about you, but I am famished. Maybe we could take this little interview to lunch? Sure, I can do that. Abby will be joining us? Oh, Abby is so busy, unfortunately. But don't worry, she'll be at the Podcast Awards as well. I like to give my employees little perks whenever I can, you know. Let me grab my things. Okay. (indistinct chatter) I think to be qualified to give advice, you really have to live, you know? Actually, that's a good segue. Mm-hm. What advice would you give this couple? Well, I don't know them, silly. Yeah, I know, but based off their body language, do you have any initial insights? I think they need to go see a stylist together. (laughs) -Serena! -Oh. Oh, my-- for goodness sakes, I'm so sorry, Jack. Who's the new guy? Oh, just smile and wave. Does this happen to you often? Oh, such a bother. Seriously, just smile. They'll take the picture and go. (camera shutters clicking) Beautiful. Mm-hm. (sighs) I just wish people would see me as a normal person, you know? Thanks, Russ. As always, I appreciate your discretion. Any time, Serena. Pleasure doing business with ya. Lucy, you need two hands for that. Aunt Abby, this is your boss, right? Yep, that's Serena. Mm. And that's the guy you like? Um, Brynn. What? We value honesty in our house. I don't like him, like him. It's professional. What did I say about valuing honesty? What? Okay, maybe I like him a little. But it doesn't even matter. He lives in New York. He hates love. And he thinks Serena's the brilliant one. But you're the brilliant one. Yeah, I mean, you're the real writer of Love's Listening. If he likes her words, he likes your words. Yeah, but if I tell him, I could get fired. I think if you like him, you should just tell him. Agreed. If you start putting yourself out there in love, maybe you'll start getting what you want at work. You've been hiding since your breakup. Yeah, it's been literally years. You're right, I know. It's just I always thought that it would be like Dad told us growing up. You have to keep your head down, work hard, and you'll get rewarded. I love Dad, but that advice doesn't really work for women. What do I always tell you? Don't be afraid to say what you want and what you deserve. That's right. The work hard is only part of it. You have to stand up for yourself too. Always remember that. Of course. Okay, let's finish this up. I'm starving. Cassie. I think you know the answer to your question deep down, but maybe you just don't want to admit it. How 'bout you? I don't know, I just feel like we could compromise? Well, compromise can be a great thing, unless you end up resenting someone for it later. Could you leave your dream job, move across the country, away from your support network, and not resent him for it six months from now? Probably not. Well, then I'm so sorry to say it, but I think you have your answer. It's better to have this hard, honest conversation with him now than bottle it up and resent him for it later. Perhaps the two of you could try long distance for a while, maybe see how it goes? You're right, I think I knew the answer, but I needed to hear it. Thank you, Serena. Of course, Cassie. Love's Listening is rooting for you no matter what you decide. Thank you so much for calling in. And thank you, everyone, for tuning in today. Give us a call if you need any advice. And, as always, darlings, I'm Serena Shephard and Love's Listening. Engineer says we're clear. Ah. Excellent. Ah. (Abby sighs) Hey. You're trending on Twitter. Oh. Oh my God. Looks like the highest live numbers ever. Nearly five million listeners. (shrieking) Oh my God. (shrieking continues) I think this calls for some bubbly. Okay, I'm gonna go get it. Oh, Abby. You wouldn't know which bottle was celebratory. I'll get it. Meet me in the main room? Sure. Five million! (excited squealing) Congratulations. Thank you. That's Serena's show. Is it? What are all these notes you keep flashing in front of her? They're just timing notes to let her know when to wrap it up or move on. Ah-ha. Well, should we join her? Yeah. You know... I don't have any good bottles of bubbly. Let's go out to celebrate. Yeah, okay. Sure. -I'll go grab my purse. -Oh, no, Abby, there's so much to do to prepare for the Podcast Awards, I need you here manning the fort while I'm out. Oh, I can move things around. -No problem. -Oh, no, Abby, you have so many more important things to tend to. Serena, I can take care about it later. It's not a big deal. I think you should sit this one out. I need a few things done while I'm out. I'll get you the list. Meet you outside, Jack? Do not ever contradict me in front of anyone ever again. -Serena... -If you have free time, we'll remedy that. Keep your phone on. I think I need to come home. Do you have everything you need for the story? It's complicated. The assistant. No. Why? What do you mean? -Jack... -Nothing happened, okay? I'm a professional. It's not like that. But this whole situation is strange. You know, I don't think Serena is who she says she is, but I can't accuse her without something solid. Then it sounds like you don't have everything you need for a story. This is not the story I was supposed to be writing. No, but this one sounds better. Stick with it. Goodbye, Jack. Bye, Diane. (sighing) (sighing, unintelligible) -Aunt Abby, you're late. -And you're a mess. Serena had me do a ton of extra errands. Prop me up against the wall and make me look fabulous. I'm gonna take a nap while you're doing it. Uh, no, you're not. Lucy, get this woman a cafecito. We have a lot of work to do. Hello, and welcome to the National Podcast Awards ceremony. Tonight, we get to see the faces behind some of the most fascinating voices in audio. Entering now is Serena Shephard, host of the immensely popular podcast, Love's Listening. Serena, you look stunning, as always. Thank you so much. You're up for Podcast of the Year. How are you feeling? Absolutely fabulous. It's such an honor. And is this your date tonight? Oh, yes. This is Jack Whitman, the renowned journalist from The Times Daily. Isn't he fabulous? Are you two together? No, uh, we just came to the... -Yes! -...event together. Will you--I'm sorry, will you excuse me for a minute? Of course. He's just a little camera shy. -You understand. -Of course. Will you excuse me for a minute? Yes, of course. Good luck tonight, Serena. Thank you. It looks like love is not only listening, it is speaking up tonight on the red carpet. Entering now... Thank you. Sorry. (indistinct lyrics) (clearing throat) Serena, I don't know what that was, -but I don't appreciate it. -I don't understand. Most men would be thrilled to be out with me. I am not most men. I feel like I have been more than patient with this whole situation, but I'm a journalist. I am doing a story on you. We are not dating each other. And you know that, so what's going on? I just... I will walk out on this event, and I will include it in my story. Wait! I'm sorry, okay? I am the voice of a romance brand, and the press since the breakup has been humiliating. I was just trying to save face. -Are you happy? -I understand that, and I appreciate your honesty, but I am not to be used like some puppet in front of the press. I am the press, okay? And I'm a professional. This is business. Well, you seemed awfully comfortable with Abby the other day. Was that professional as well? Maybe get off your high horse. Okay, what do you want me to say? You're such a catch. I can't believe you're single. What do you want me to say, Jack? Know what? You're the advice guru, you figure it out. (camera shutter clicking) (camera shutter clicking) (camera shutter clicking) (camera shutters clicking) Have a good rest of your evening, Serena. Whoa, whoa. (indistinct chatter) Everyone, calm down! She's just my assistant. Let's find out. Hello, which show are you with? Hi, I'm Abby Roig, and I work on Love's Listening. Oh, congratulations on the nomination. Thank you so much. I'm so excited to be here and nervous! Can you tell? You're doing great, but can I ask you about your dress? It is so unique. Who designed it? Thank you. It's a Brynn Roig original, and I'm so lucky to be wearing one of her garments. Look! Has pockets. That is fabulous, and I have to admit, I'm a bit jealous about the pockets. Have a fun night, Abby. Thank you so much. Have a great evening. Thank you. So many exciting things happening. (indistinct lyrics) Serena, hi, you look... Could you get me a soda water with lemon? My voice is strained from talking with the press and I need to be able to give my acceptance speech. You look... Wow. I mean, really, wow. Thank you. I wish I could say the same about your tie. It's terrible, isn't it? Serena picked it out. You know what? Better. Much better. Do you think that we could talk? I mean, not for the story, just... It might be nice to catch up. That sounded like "ketchup." I don't want ketchup. I just want to talk. Are you okay? Uh... What I'm trying to say is... I just want to be honest with you. Would that be okay? I want to be honest with you too, Jack. There's something very important that I have to... Attention, everyone! It is time to announce the winners of this year's National Podcast Awards! Yeah! Come on now. Are y'all ready? (cheering, applause) Come on! Let's give awards! Yeah! (cheering) I have to take this to Serena. -We'll catch up later? -Yeah. (applause) And now, for the most prestigious award of the night, here are the nominees for Best Podcast of the Year. (cheering) (whistling) Yeah, yeah. Running Wild with Chris McGowan and Lauri Roggenkamp. (cheering) Good Times with Erin Lann, hosted by Erin Lann. (cheering) Music and Boulders, hosted by Austin and Hunter Barnes. (cheering) And Love is Listening, hosted by Serena Shephard. (cheering) (applause fades) Love's Listening! (cheering) (unintelligible) Wow, this is amazing. Thank you to everyone who's supported the podcast, including my family and friends. And thank you to all the listeners and everyone who's ever taken a chance on love. (applause) And, of course... Always believe in yourself. Even if no one else believes in you. All you need to succeed... is yourself. (chuckling, cheering) Yes! Thank you! (cheering continues) Well, thank you, everyone, for joining tonight's event! Please, party! Party! (cheering) Abby, there you are. There is so much to do. Why don't you grab some champagne? When will you promote me, Serena? -What? -You said that you were going to write me in your speech and you didn't. You also said that you were going to announce me as a writer and producer once we win. I need to know when. Abby, we can discuss this later. No, no, no, no, now. I've been working for you for years, in good faith, with no boundaries, 24/7. I write the entire show! Shh! I need to know now. Abby, there is so much to do. We're gonna need to update all the promotion material. Will those materials have my name on it? Abby, you don't change a winning recipe, okay? My name is on the podcast. It would muddle things up to have equal credit. I quit, Serena. Okay. I see, playing hardball. I'll give you a raise. You're being ridiculous. Fine, go! I'm not gonna let this ruin my night! Jack is taking me dancing after this! Hey! There you are. Good luck on your article. Wait, you're not sticking around? No, I don't work on Love's Listening anymore. Wait a minute, what? I quit. It's been me the whole time, Jack. It's been my words, my advice, my love. Best of luck to get any substance out of Serena, and I wish you the best with the queen of fake romance. I hope you're very happy together. (crying) (cellphone buzzing) (whooshing) (beep) Brynn? I need Matt's midlife crisis audio gear. We're making a show. Abby! Abby! (cellphone buzzing) Hello? Abby, where are you?! -Serena? -I need you here twenty minutes ago! Serena, I quit. You meant that? Yes, I'm not coming in. No. I don't accept that. Well, you're going to have to. Abby... I'm sorry, okay? I should have given you credit in my acceptance speech. I got carried away in the moment. I should've promoted you sooner. I just... I felt insecure about not writing my own content. I didn't want anyone to know. I can't be dumped and have you leave me. I just can't! It's unacceptable. Please come back. I'll give you credit. A raise, even. Just come back, okay? Serena, that's all I wanted to hear for years. Thank you for your apology, but I just can't. I can't go back to work with you. I don't know what I'm gonna do next, but... ...I need to bloom where I am planted now. And I cannot wait for ideal conditions. I hope you understand that. -I respect that. -Thank you. Could you just pick up my coffee and dry cleaning first? Airport, please. Wow. This is something. It will be. I just took all the measurements. I just--I'm just clearing out. Is that the stuff? Some of it. Great, thank you. Mic! Desk stand. Matt will be by later with a lot more stuff. He's also gonna help you soundproof this place. That man is a keeper. I think so too. Thank you so much, both of you. Abby, no. Really? Brad's stuff? -What is that? -I'll take those. Yay! You did it. Good riddance. What is that little paper? Just from a fortune cookie. The dinner Jack took me to. Hm, um... Have you seen the local news today or been on social media? No. Why? I--I'm sorry, honey. Don't let this put a damper on your exciting day. It won't. No, like I just--I don't know, I just thought that he was a better judge of character than that. I hope they're happy together. -Hm. -I really do. You know, for the first time ever I feel like I'm finally focusing on myself. I can't control anyone else. Well, that's the spirit! Hey. Hey. They washing windows or something? No. Just wondering what New York would look like with palm trees. So, are you gonna reach out to Jack, let him know about your show release? No, I don't want to get distracted now. And I kind of feel embarrassed, actually. Embarrassed? Why are you embarrassed? He's the one who fell for Serena's lies. Right, but I've been lying to him since the beginning. And I'm part of the reason why he believes that she's so great, you know? And, you know, I can't be mad at that. I don't think it's the same thing. Maybe it's not, but it's still dishonest. And I know how important honesty is to him. It's wonderful, Jack. I'd say it's your best work yet. Wait. Really? It's not your usual prestige piece, but you had a lot of heart in it. You should be proud of it. We're running it Sunday. Wow, on Sunday. On the front page. My piece is going to be on the front page of the Sunday edition? It is. Well, thank you, Diane. Thank you for trusting in me. Of course. Such great work. There is one more thing. We have a senior columnist position opening up that we'd like to fill internally. Wow, I mean, that would be awesome. I don't know what to say. At the Miami office. I thought maybe you'd consider it seeing that you're considering new things these days. I don't know if I can be that open. I know, but you're looking for something bigger. Maybe a change of perspective. Someplace with more palm trees. And it also means that the whole profile is built up on lies. And that's a pretty huge deal for a journalist, if the paper finds out. Mm, I hadn't thought about that. Yeah, it's all so complicated. I need some time to process, I think. Okay. Well, I'll be here for whatever you need. Thank you, sister. -I love you. -I love you, too. Change is hard. And change can be scary. Like, really scary. But sometimes, the biggest rewards come from facing your fears and running right into the change, heart first. So that's what I'm doing now. I'm running into the change. And it's scary, but I hope you come along with me. So let's get into it. I want to hear from you. I want to know what you're changing. Why are you afraid of change? And how can I help you do it? And let's face the fear together. I'm Abby Roig, and this is A New Perspective. And we'll be right back with the calls after a short commercial break. How did it sound? -Sounds great. -Okay, great. No, it sounds great. Audio quality is spotless. No lag. I think we're ready for live calls. Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it, especially after, you know, on the weekend. No, don't worry about it. Honestly, a lot of podcasters record from home. I'm excited to be on board. Okay, let's be right back. Cool. Um, let's just test the line. All right, you hearing me okay? -Mm-hm. -All right. And ready? And we're back. Congratulations to you, Bryce. I know firsthand how scary it can be, change of career, but you should be proud of yourself for taking the leap. (gasping) Thank you for sharing your wins with me, Simon. I know that it's a beautiful thing to get a win, and it's even more special if you can share it with someone. Best of luck, and thanks for listening. (mouthing words) Shh. Okay, everyone, so I'm hearing Kieran is telling me that we have one last caller on the line. Hi, caller. Welcome to A New Perspective. What are you scared of, and how can we help? Hi, Abby. Can I get a name for you, caller? This is Jack. I was hoping you could help me out with some advice. Um... Yes, Jack. Shoot. What are you afraid of? I'm afraid that I may have lost the shot with someone really, truly special. It was a huge mistake, and I left town before I had the chance to clear the air with her. Well, that sounds like a big miscommunication. But if she's a special one, she'll come clean and she'll accept the part of the situation also. Honesty is so important. I couldn't agree more. The thing is, I'm back in town, and I really want to see her. Have I missed my chance? I'm afraid I'll never get to tell her how I feel in person. And what is that that you want to tell her? That she's managed to turn this cynic into a romantic. Well, Jack, this podcast is about... ...facing your fears. Why don't you take her to the most romantic spot in the city and tell her how you feel? Jack? I'm on my way. There's never a cab when you need one in this city. -Hello? -Hi, Abby! Yes, this is Abby Roig. Who's calling, please? Sounds like a great idea. On my way. Yes, um, thank you so much. Hello? This is Abby Roig. Who's calling? -Hello? -Hello, is this Abby Roig from A New Perspective podcast? Yes. Who's calling, please? This is Michael Joseph from the Limelight Podcast Network. Wow, yes, I love Limelight. I'm glad to hear that. I was calling to see if you'd be open to discuss hosting your podcast under the Limelight umbrella? This humidity... It's kind of our thing. That article... It was so beautiful, Jack. So honest, so real. I'm glad you liked it. I'm so sorry that I lied to you. I felt so bad about it. I never meant for it to get out of hand. But now my phone is lighting up with all these networks that they're interested in my show because of you, thanks to you. You--you inspire me to have this confidence to bloom where I was planted. You've earned every bit of success yourself, Abby. And you were only doing your job. From day one, you've only ever been your authentic self to me. I'm sorry I didn't realize that from the beginning. I was scared. And I didn't want to admit that to myself. I should've told you I had feelings for you the second that I knew. I should've told you at dinner. At dinner? It's you. The real you. It's you, too. (whirring, clicking)
Channel: Films 4 Us
Views: 88,259
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Keywords: movies, full movies, free movies, films, movies on youtube, new movies, best movies, romcom, romcom movies, comedy movies, romance movies, romcom full movies, comedy romance, romance comedy movies, best romcom movies, full films, romcom films, romantic movies, films 4 us, films 4 you, romantic drama, Love story comedy, lifetime, lifetime movies, lifetime films, Hallmark, Hallmark movies, rachel vallori, tyler harlow, The Love Advisor (2023), the love advisor full movie
Id: X7e5np_DBCc
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Length: 89min 43sec (5383 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2024
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