Lost And Found In Rome | Full Movie | Romantic Comedy Drama | Paolo Bernardini

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[Music] Emma the guests are here everyone's been asking about you come on this charity event was your idea remember go away I never want to see another man for as long as I live what did Hank do now um Hank was last month Mr Thorndike she's upset about Evan Richmond do I know Evan Richmond it's the young man Emma's been seeing for the last 3 weeks we just broke up over Twitter what why I mean you're for it and he's against it oh Dad you're so clueless I think she means on Twitter you know through text messages what kind of relationship chip is that one that doesn't exist anymore look well sweetie come on whoever this Evan guy is he's he's an idiot we all love you please join us do whatever you have to do to make her come downstairs she has got to make an appearance all right I'll try Mr thik go not enough Emma your father is gone can I come in [Music] please [Music] hey Stan you made it Samantha thanks for bringing them this is a really good cause you know I mean a healthy body leads to a healthy life that's what they tell me and look genuine yoga goats I mean who can resist them hey folks the demonstration is about to get underway but I also wanted to remind you we're raising funds tonight for the upcoming marathon running with goats yeah really I kid you not Jen why did guys stink cuz most of them don't shower enough how could he say that I'm shallow and not independent babe you're 27 and you're still living in your father's house you're taking his side no I um never really liked Evan or Hank or Gary Gary for that matter so you're were saying I've got bad taste in men great you just you choose style over substance that's my mother's fault Emma she's passed away 13 years ago now yeah and if she hadn't she could have given me advice on men I mean it's a mindfield out there and every guy I seem to meet is like a grenade you pull their pins out and they explode that sums up the opposite sex quite accurately I'm done I'm going to run away and join the convent okay but before you do can you go downstairs and greet the guests remember PR means public relations that only works if you can relate to the Public Public a bunch of overweight blimps pretending to support physical education when their belts can't even support their bellies no thanks there are some also very in shape hot personal trainers and athletes and some really adorable baby goats and thanks to you I'm going to be hoovering up goat's hair for I don't know days maybe weeks everyone was right my life is pointless he's wrong I may be your dad's PA but I'm also your best friend yeah and what does that say about me it says you need to stop feeling sorry for yourself go downstairs or I'm going to slap you in your face and it's going to hurt fine I mean fine I'm going to give it 5 minutes just give me a second to make myself fa this [Music] again Aha and here she is your co-host for this evening and uh the loveing my life my daughter Emma now let's get this party really started 5 minutes done what come on these are some wonderful people I mean this young man here I met him at the Athletic Club you haven't even seen the goats you look great enjoy yourself well of course I've been to wimbo numerous times I just finished up the tournament in Dallas one 14 are you tennis player uh that is my rocket I'm Emma verik oh your father invited me here to give tips on how to stay in shape oh please tell me more I'd be happy to here we go again so are you Italian see oh I do my name is Nick Milano please call me Nick I just finished the tour of the US how did you win I rarely lose but for me it's not about the outcome it's the playing of the game that matters therein lies the fun the challenge oh I like games I could tell that the moment I saw you I said to myself now here's a woman who could teach me a thing or two oh well I know very little about tennis oh it's not too difficult first there is your stance the way the player stands before hitting the ball you have close stance mhm neutral stance semiopen stance okay and open oh open works for me next your grip is very important there are many techniques here okay Western grip Eastern grip Continental grip let's go for Continental mhm next you need to hit the ball on The Sweet Spot that's uh the center of the racket oh I always aim for the s Sweet Spot then there is the stroke when you hit the ball hard always hard it is what makes me a particularly good server well if you're the server then what does that make me the receiver of course and how long does that go on for until love set I would like to sound of that but uh unfortunately I have to leave tomorrow back to Roma the life of a professional Sportsman what do you dma oh I keep busy too um helping my father and organizing events like this one that's wonderful oh you're wonderful coming here for such a good cause perhaps one day you and I can play a around together oh I'd love to play around with you Nick until then mhm game set oh I'm telling you Jenny this is the real thing Nick is the one you've just met him yeah haven't you ever heard of a love of First Sight yeah with your checks in the mail and I'll still respond expect you in the morning mm-m you're wrong you didn't see the way he looked at me it was a real connection and he said he'd love to see me again I'm going to surprise him and show all my stupid exes and my father that I can be my own independent woman come on jeny please I need your support on this one okay what are you going to tell your father oh nothing I do not want him to know where I am or what I'm doing Nick and I are going to be completely self-sufficient on your father's credit card no know Jenny I have my own credit cards that he gets the statements to monthly right I'll just bring cash 10 grand should be enough for a week or so right and you you don't believe in Banks oh there's plenty plenty more in the bank this is just my bank money mad is right you can't go around with that much cash on you there are muggers everywhere good call Emma just take one credit card in case of emergencies okay I really hope you know what you're doing I have never been so certain about anything in my life that's actually a scary thought your dad's really going to miss you you know I'll contact him once Nick and I are have we married my dad may be rich Jenny but he's lonely having all the money in the world world without anyone to share with it's just not for me I need love in my life I need Nick I just hope Nick needs you too you know I think he [Music] does okay I can do this it's the first day of my new life in one of the most romantic places in the world I don't mean this place I mean out there in Rome [Music] excuse me do you speak English uh my luggage is missing it never got off the plane and all my things are in it um can you please help me what lost and found we must go to Lost and Found [Music] just a minute I'm almost done I want to speak to your supervisor no you don't he's a jerk I'll be the judge of that where is he I'm the supervisor what seems to be the problem I've been waiting here for over 40 minutes I've been working here for over 4 years but you don't see me complaining my luggage is missing oh really when's the last time you saw it Oh I don't know maybe when it was loaded onto your stupid overcrowded plane that serve stale pretzels H I hate it when that happens uh what's the name Emma Thorndike sounds painful look you lost my luggage and I demand you to find it that is your job is it not uh only on the weekdays CH Russell hello M can I be off service I hope so this is uh Alex our best employee here well our only employee this is a small airport big enough to lose my luggage can you describe the missing luggage yes so it's a large pink suitcase with flowers and cats all over it real ones Customs might have an issue with that pictures and don't judge me my mother gave me that suitcase when I was 12 it has great sentimental value I understand you are American no I live in California flight 232 from LAX 232 got it we will locate your suitcase in a day or two wait are you kidding what am I supposed to do until then all my clothes and personal belongings are in that bag the airline is very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing you so we'd like to offer you this what is it well this is a little travel package we have a comb here a little toothbrush with some toothpaste for those pearly whites little uh thing you know if you want your beauty sleep and this wonderful unisex t-shirt no no that's it I want to speak to your Superior everyone's Superior to Russell don't mind him I will find your suitcase I promise fine but all my money is in that suitcase the ticket cost me $942 the bag fee was $50 I bought some water in the terminal so I'm broke I've got $3 to my name which is Emma by the way oh uh Alexandro Alex pleasing with you I'm not well I would be under different circumstances understood do you have uh got credit cards oh just the one but I can only use it in case of an [Music] emergency you know some people might think this situation is an emergency mm- not me because you're going to fix it you promised do you have uh any family members no no family it's just me now I'm relying on you my life is in your hands let let me think uh one second [Music] uh maybe I know someone who can help you temply great well then let's go I hate airports um this is why I'm not nice to customers just saying the Coliseum so first time in Rome yeah do you know a guy called Nick Milano he's a famous tennis player I can say I do because I don't he's your a friend mhm well soon to be boyfriend then my fiance and then my husband I've got it all worked out sounds like it does he leave nearby oh I hope so I I'm here to find him why don't you call him oh well I wanted to surprise him he doesn't know I'm here in town and I don't actually have his number or know where he is but that's okay as soon as I find my bearings I'll begin my mission tracking down Nick Milano so where do you live Alex in know small place in town very small but uh my parents have a nice farm near laita they grown tomatoes and uh oh Roma tomatoes I eat those no no Aroma tomatoes are actually growing small in the United States Mexico and Australia we have a different kind of tomatoes very special where are we going uh I have a friend who owns a cafe there's a room upstairs hold up I'm not checking with some random Italian guy that I don't know unless his name is Nick Milano don't worry my friend is not Italian or a guy [Music] [Music] so Emma this is my friend uh Diana Jensen and Diana this is Emma Thorn like yes exactly uh from California right was the young lady that lost her luggage oh no I didn't lose it they did oh yeah you know the same thing actually happened to me 10 years ago and you're still here waiting for it no they they found it they found it I just stayed for other reasons and I opened up this Cafe so um Alex here tells me that you're strapped for cash oh well only until they find my suitcase well I I actually have a spare bedroom above the cafe you know food and rent are not for free so are you willing to do a little bit of work work you mean it's in like work oh yeah just standard definition of work what what kind of work you want to guess oh this is like a coffee shop right yep coffee shop so cleaning and let's see serving customers you are going to get the hang of it you are yeah I mean I'm an independent woman so I can do it finally suit past yes I will let you know as soon as we have located it I got to go now gra Cafe CH Emma oh good luck what well why don't I um show you to the room and get you all set up um all my clothes or in my missing suitcase I figured as much I think I got you covered come on [Music] gone what do you mean gone where did she go I don't know Mr Thorndike she just said she needed to get away for a while she wants to become a little bit more self-sufficient I'm all for of that but to leave without saying goodbye what the heck the does she hate me that much no Emma loves you I know she does she just needs to find herself I'm sure she's fine and she's a lot more resourceful than you think and I bet wherever she is she's got everything under control mm- I can't go out like this I look like a straight urchin you look like a girl that works in my Cafe which which is exactly what you are so what part of California did you just say you were from I live in LA well why don't you try to get some rest I will see you downstairs bright and early in the morning 7: a.m. [Music] sharp [Music] so [Music] now pay attention well first there is Cafe Cafe literally does translate to Coffee a cafe is also a shut of espresso it's served in a tiny hot cup and customers drink them all day long Cafe correcto which is a shot of espresso corrected with a shot of liquor the most common additions are graa sambuka or cognac cappucino which is probably Italy's most famous coffee cafe latte well it's basically an American latte 1/3 espresso 2/3 heated milk and a little bit of foam Marino is a shot of espresso layer of foam and a Sprinkle of cocoa powder in a glass mug that's also been dusted with cocoa powder maiato sh Cafe [Music] jinen Cafe [Music] Doro it's her again how do you know that cuz the phone's ringing Pronto Emma your suitcase did get on a plane but it was the wrong plane we're thinking Japan yes once I get confirmation is there I'll immediately get it on the next plane out to Rome I promise Pronto Emma hello that connection sure I told you not to get involved Rasel this is our job we are responsible you like her don't you you're crazy I just feel sorry for her she has no family she's alone no money sounds like your type you know nothing about my type and she told me she's in love with another guy sounds like exactly your type stupid you're stupid you know that relax you're going to do just fine okay look there's a customer how can I help you un does that mean small no she just wants a cup of iced coffee remember this is not Starbucks okay okay I'm sorry it's okay [Music] s [Music] j [Music] [Music] [Music] spe um what just happened what did you make him um he ordered a cafe coretto so I made an espresso with a shot of coin NE Anda Grappa and some my's cream just like you said oh okay Emma that was or and oh yeah uh look see my customers they come in here for just a little pick me up not to become alcoholics yeah I'm Sorry Miss Jensen but you know I've never had to serve anybody before yeah um what what exactly did you do for money back in America oh I just got it and spent it what did you have like a sugar daddy or something I had a daddy but he wasn't always so sweet oh you poor girl um look why don't you go in the back and just sweep can you do that yeah yeah okay no yeah okay yeah [Music] finally I was starting to get concerned and your father's already worried oh I know he's been calling and leaving messages but I haven't responded okay but are you okay and how's Rome uh I'm surviving but they've got me working in a coffee shop what it's a long story okay so can you tell me everything well you know what I actually feel like Cinderella during the bad part of her story you know when like they make her clean and like work and stuff like that's me honestly no I'm not lying I'm cleaning right now you'll be okay oh you know you owe me big time for this favor it's not working out eh look she's she's really sweet but she doesn't have a clue I I put her in the back so she could just clean up or not I'm really sorry Diane but I didn't know where else to take her I just felt B for her I know honey listen I I I do too I think she's actually actually escaping an abusive relationship back in the States no yeah so I mean I obviously I want to help her but I want to keep my business open too come on she's she's got to know somebody else here yeah she told me she was looking for a guy okay named uh oh de Nick something Nick Milano Milano yes why that sound so familiar heis play u yes I think I never heard about him but she said she has a plan to marry him bet she might be a little you know delusional you sure do know how to pick him oh those glasses were piled up way too high they almost killed me you found it my suitcase yes Russell located in Japan and it was shipped right up great we'll be here tomorrow not quite it's just making a little detour to Iceland first Iceland yes uh there was a slight communication problem well Italy Iceland it's understandable that happens we got to get out of here yes that is a great idea actually look I'm about to close up so why don't the two of you go get a little dinner huh and I'll go reorganize what you just reorganized well as long as you don't need me anymore Mr I I don't need you so go ala where should we go out I know Place great Cafe oh no thank you I do not want to see another coffee for as long as I live what kind of coffee is that no I just asked for the check oh so I'm still a little bit confused about your Cinderella analogy right well I was starting to freak out so I called my friend Jenny from back home she's also my assistant you have an assistant oh yeah sure I've got assistants Cooks Maids drivers you name it I'm like rolling in dough but not the type gents and uses to make your pastries oh my money's in my suitcase but I'll pay you back I promise I believe you so Cinderella right okay so I realized I was like her but before she met her prince or her her fairy godmother although you could be my fairy Godmother now that I think about it nobody has ever called me that before well probably cuz you're a guy no actually maybe Miss Jensen is my fairy Godmother and you're like one of the mice that transforms into the horse oh no no no you're you're the you're the dog that becomes the footman that's you you're too kind well all I know is Nick is my prince and we're going to live happily ever after once I find him like in the fairy tale exactly but first I need to find the glass slipper which in my case is my missing luggage but if memory serves correctly doesn't the prince find a sleeper and then he goes searching for uh Cher Cinderella this is a modern version Cinderella just has to do a little bit more leg work this time around which is fine I'm up for it that's okay I got the leg see whoops yes very nice well I've got to be in shape if I want to be married Nick Milano tennis player extraordinaire Nick Milano oh you've heard of him see everybody knows Nicky I don't you're not a woman so do you know where I can find him I believe Nick is out of town for a few days he went to Spain for the weekend so like Nick another tennis match right see Nikki is always in demand yeah he's a pro I told you I can wait for him to return what are you doing for the weekend I have to go help my parents at a farm a farm like in the country yes that's where they're usually located great well I might join you no no I not I'm not sure you would have much fun we are not nearly as well off as you oh no that's fine I'm all by trying new things these days except the bread so you had dinner with her you make any moves no there were no moves made that what is so astonishing about Emma she has nothing but a sense of entitlement American yeah she's living in a fantasy world she thinks she's rich just never met anyone like her is that a good thing or a bad thing all I know is once we get back her suitcase she won't be my problem anymore Bronto that's right pink with kitties and flowers that's great it arrived on Iceland and is now on flight 1642 on his way to Istanbul Istanbul no Rome Italy it's supposed to be going to Rome Italy you know big Coliseum are you kidding me it's supposed to be going to Rome stop laughing the universe s getet me Istanbul oh Alex really why are you doing this to me do you hate me no I'm I'm not going to tell her because I'm trying my best not to kill her yeah that's all on you mhm well you're going to have to do it good luck with that okay uh I got to go CIA when you know well good morning to you too did you sleep well well you know the bed is a little harder than I'm used to and the pillows are a bit fluffy the blanket could definitely do with the good clean but I'm not complaining sure I mean it sounded like you were but I know no Miss Jensen you've been so great to me and you know what I predict that I will not break one glass today although I don't think I'm going to be here for much longer because Alex assured me my suitcase will be here today I got an idea why don't you take a few hours off and go find Nick I'm sure he'd love to see you I know likewise but I heard he's in Spain this weekend uh okay here right you know when I first came to Rome it was because of a guy as well but I wasn't chasing him I was actually I was running away from a really bad marriage oh I'm sorry I had to hear that I mean perhaps I'm getting this wrong but it kind kind of feel like maybe you're running away from something too well to be honest you know I haven't had a lot of luck with guys in the past they think I'm spoiled oh I think they're jerks 99% of them are jerks but I mean not all of them some of them are actually okay like Alex most of the time and Nick you know me and Nick are going to be so happy together like he's just not like the others you know mhm H we have such a strong connection and we've got even more in common now oh yeah what's that well get this so he's a tennis player right mhm so he serves balls for a living uh-huh hello I'm now serving coffee that's something right we're both servers that is something that is something should I go open the door for business be my guest I already [Music] Amo you wanted to see me Mr Thorn yeah Jenny I uh just printed out Emma's cell phone bill uhhuh so according to this you are the very last person she called mhm therefore I assume you can tell me what she's doing in [Music] Rome hi uh right so we've got the the machiato uh the cafe Doro Cafe ketta Cafe dopo Cappuccino um and Americano right let's start that again um the macchiato right so you get one of these um yeah just just one more um Emma Emma I think I'm going to be serving the coffees from that one oh okay should I make new ones no clean no um uh how about groceries we need more groceries want to get them oh shopping sure I'm really good at spending money in this J great okay there we go awesome in noer uh no no no touching oh but how do I buy them okay oh how much are these uh oh okay non to he means you see oh in Italy we do ourselves gra I talked with Diana she said she sent you here yeah I mean this shopping thing is so complicated over here can be that different from the states I don't know I've never never been grocery shopping then how do you eat with my mouth right oh you have servants and uh Butlers back home exactly qu say great this working thing takes work ah I have some news about your luggage it arrived no but we know exactly where it is Alex I can't live like this I'm a girl I've got needs oh my goodness finally oh J you need all this oh this is just a bare minimum besides I have to look my best for when Nick returns from this tennis tournament in Spain Nick Nick Milano oh you heard of him see Nikki is the best oh the best tennis player you mean yes he gives great lessons is he back oh I heard in a few days tell him that uh Isabella and Sophia are ready for their next session Isn't it nice that Nick is willing to share his knowledge to others see yes this Nick seems like quite the player oh that much oh well I guess the time has come so this is the emergency well obviously otherwise I can't buy what I need uh no good oh no the card's fine there's a $50,000 limit rejected what did he say rejected English rejected oh no that has to be mistake can you please try one more time Jenny no it's your father so how's your having fun any issues with your credit card no how could you Dad how could you how could I how could you chasing after a dog gone tennis player all the way to Italy I mean you might as well have run off with one of those goats from the fundraiser oh keepa hey keepa youc M you don't understand Nick and I are in love let me speak to him well he's not here at the moment moment he's in Spain Emma please come back I'll I'll handle your plane ticket I do not want your money I can take care of myself dad oh yeah Jenny tells me you're broke you lost all your money I'm fine I'm working now working doing what goodbye father she's never worked a day in her life this I got to s [Music] Emma oh Alex you shouldn't have I know but she said you needed the things you're so sweet Alex I promise I'll pay you back right once your ship comes in well my suitcase yeah who was on the phone oh just a very bad man but I don't want to talk about it did he hurt you well yeah you could say that he did he has no respect for my dreams my desires he just thinks I'm a little foolish girl SS SL you're better off without it yeah Dar right but now I'm all alone you're not alone I'm here and so is aana ah if you want to tag along I'm still leing up to my parents farm near laa oh yeah I'd love to come a peaceful weekend in the countryside that's exactly what I need great my parents will be TRS they love how SKS I so you paid for her groceries and you're taking her to see your parents tomorrow I already told you I don't like her oh no you don't like this girl at all okay okay whatever you say so did you find the luggage yeah and I'll make sure it gets on The Right Flight here it you don't worry about it all right just have a fun time at the Family Farm everything here is under control I can imagine all right seed you done oh find and dandy happy um what seems to be the problem okay so tell me about your parents I mean why do they become farmers well in Italy most don't become Farmers we are kind of uh born into it it's a family generational things going back to my grandparents and their parents before them you must have grown a lot of tomatoes throughout the centuries I suppose we have and then what led you to the lost and found Department got sick of the tomatoes no no actually I still love them was purely financial reasons yeah you know the the farm hasn't been going too well lately and I needed to get you know another job it sucks to be poor right you tell me I wouldn't recommend it but cheer up I mean you guys can't be in too bad a shape I mean you live in Italy look around most Americans can't even afford to visit Europe let alone live here I mean the plan alone [Applause] fore oh lost and found friend mama oh met the I'm Emma hi Emma Martina hi I'm Roberto welcome oh thank you oh you are thin as nail my deal do you not eat oh well you know I could do with some Tomatoes you came to the right place even so she's a bit different she still believes in fairy tales who was looking on the positive side despite the situation and Diana believes she had a hard life doesn't have a penny to her name but one let it stop her she should fit right in yeah just be nice don't believe everything she says Alex if you like her we like her mama here you are M it's the best tomato sandwich I've ever tasted gr you know I used to pick tomatoes in my garden with my mom when I was really young she loved to grow things before she got sick be careful Emma because my parents will put you to work oh I don't mind I knew I liked you from the first time I saw you so would you like to see how the best tomato paste is made like it I insist on it okay oh you can do it I look at you well tomatoes are our business we have of course sarano pomino Viano panelo Cho we have a lot feno feno it's a little bit dry that's why usually we are using it for salads oh okay yes and and in the winter when it's too cold outside we keep growing them in a greenhouse oh you can do it say but too hot M it's good m never stop never stop till tomorrow never stop never stop delicious you know you can pick some Tomatoes while they're still green it lets them continue to ripen and guarante fresh ones yeah I remember my mom always saying they should be smooth and shiny right that's right see I know a thinger to please okay oh [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] it should ever earthy sweet smell oh it's nice then you have to squeeze it to test the firmness oops you have to be a little more gentle next time you should really Market these Tomatoes we do this is our livelihood no I know but I mean really Mark of them so the whole world knows how delicious they are oh no thank you I'm not really a fan of the Brad over here try it with martinez homemade tomato spread okay if you insist you know we send our tomatoes out to all the markets and to wholesalers in jars cans boxes and as Jam this is amazing baming tomato spread my own secret recipe you know Diana's Cafe could really use some this she's got bread and pastries but it's not that good this would make a huge Improvement and that restaurant that were at the other night they could really use this stuff too that's not a bad idea mhm I could ask Diana if she's interested sure I bet my father could sell this in the states he's really successful in importing and exporting Goods that's where he made his millions he just knows what makes money you know well we both do he used to call me his little financial genius because I had great taste especially with things that taste great we could really use someone like you you know it's been a hard year for us and the weather has been very hard in July and August oh you need more green houses then to control the conditions right yeah well a good investment is a good investment that's what I always say I never heard you say that well because I only say it when I'm talking business mode this is probably not an appropriate dinner conversation but I'm telling you you're on to something here so Emma are you here are you in R for business no pleasure I'm in love with Nick Milano he's a professional tennis player and we're going to get married so any further questions uh cheers bring cheers I got well I had a great time good your parents started acting a little strange after dinner though don't you think yes I think they thought that uh we were dating you and I yes as it we oh that's that's silly right right [Music] right I'll let you know when your luggage arrives okay thank you I'm just doing my job Alex what's wrong nothing are you mad at me why should I be mad at you I don't know that's why I'm asking listen some of us have to live in the real world we cannot afford to believe in fairy tales as you do what's that supposed to mean I'm just saying sometimes things don't work out as you plan and the sleeper doesn't fit that's mean yeah well the truth can hurt FR you know what what do you know you're just a a dog say it or was it a mouse a jerk okay Cinderella and I better leave you before my car turns into a pumpkin but it already drives like one huh what's this it's balsamic tomato spread absolutely delicious put it on all your bread and pastries all right thank you so how was your weekend wonderful M and then horrible oh what's wrong with men that's a really long list why don't you ask me what's right with them I mean he was so sweet and nice the whole time and then out of nowhere it was Dr Jackal and Mr Hyde Alex that doesn't do sound like him well I never want to see him for as long as I live well I don't think you're going to have to because there is somebody waiting for you in your room he arrived today no but he found out I was here and tracked me down pretty much God I look like you slipper doesn't bit huh well I'll show him how perfect my feet are what no just wish me Lu good luck you found me oh you better believe I did daddy who were you expecting H the Fairy Godmother you uh don't look like a man that's in love how many times do you have to tell you there is nothing going on between Emma and I Zer she's in her world and I'm in mine if I could just get back her suitcase she'd be out of my life for good I mean if uh that's what you really want that exactly what I want so that is arrived almost it can't take so long to get here from Istanbul oh look it went through Uruguay now it's going up through Africa it's going to take a couple of days how is this possible we have to be dealing with every incompetent baggage handler in existence pretty much but uh hey it's probably going to get here by the time she has to head back ah my that can come soon enough so uh tell me about your parents how they go there she drives everyone crazy you think you know where you stand with her and then she's off in another Direction no sense of reality or other people's feelings n for someone who doesn't seem to care you sure seem to care a lot about her no amig bastao I'm don't caring someone else there now no well I guess it's good that her father showed up looking for her what her father but she said she has no family oh she has a father all right and a mean one at that he came in uh looking for her this morning and um I told her she was at Diana's Cafe are you sure you was a real dad and another sugar daddy oh I'm sure his name is Howard Thorndike I looked him up this morning after he left the airport he's a multi-millionaire oh dear I'm Mia then that fantasy world overs it's not a lie will you eat something other than the bread and whatever that stuff is I'm not hungry come on Emma you're acting like a kid because you're treating me like one okay when we get back to the States everything will be better mm- oh no I'm not going back with you huh don't you at least want to see Jenny I mean she misses you I never want to see that tedl tail again she didn't ratch you out okay let's be clear about that I handle your cell phone bill remember calls from Europe to America are readily apparent on the statement fine I'll pay for my own cell bill then I'm a working girl now look I appreciate that you want to stand on your own two feet it's actually about time however no daughter of mine is going to waste away at a coffee shop all right I did not send you to the best schools for you to work at a menial job yeah but when Nick and I get married then I won't have to work here anymore you know I could start my own business oh yeah mhm doing what oh whatever I want you know I discovered this tomato Farm just outside the city and with the right management it could be huge I already have ideas on how to help them expand their operations what in God's green earth do you know about tomatoes well a lot actually that is a pomar bino it's probably come from the Southeast coast of siisy and there's four varieties chilino costoluto tondalo and grappolo well you got the lingo down who's been teaching you about tomatoes oh just a guy I know his parents are farmers they've actually got this really neat place just near lafar rata it's really lovely so ni folks grow tomatoes no Alex Alex's parents Who's Alex a guy a different guy well how many guys are you seeing Dam it Jenny told me that you were in love with this tennis player oh I am and I'm not leaving until I see him okay so what's up so I get notifications online for anything concerning Nick Milano and it says here that he's back in town look he's going to be at the Sportsman's Lodge tomorrow you you know that's clear across town oh great well that's where I'll be then with Nick and you can't stop me I better go prepare for my big day okay good night I'm so sorry that I put it in no no it doesn't matter I mean once her mind's set there is no stopping her yeah I know she kind of reminds me of me at that age H I just lost my ability to communicate with her you know if you just give her a little bit of time I think she'll turn around the food's good glad you like it wish I was [Music] [Music] hungry she's already gone yeah she got up Bri and early this morning she jumped in a cab and she went to go surprise Nick at Sportsman's lunch I suspected as much okay well well let me uh let me get a pastry and I need a cup of the strongest coffee you got coming right up here you go oh thank you do you uh mind if I join you well sure please do thank you you know um when I first met Emma um I thought she was actually running away from a bad relationship I didn't realize that when she said daddy she actually meant her real father you you've been very kind to her and I owe you a debt of gratitude for taking her in Miss Chon Diana and Emma is she's really a sweet girl and she really means well I could I could see right away mhm she has a great heart she always seems to give it to the worst Man actually that would be my ex-husband he wins the worst Man Award hands down you got any kids Diana no I I managed to avoid that mistake not a fan of children oh no I I I love children it was just my male counterpart yeah it worked out for the best well I got lucky there I found the most amazing woman but I lost her too soon you know it's kind of hard raising a daughter by yourself when uh Mar Mar God's sake Emma was only 12 and then she passed I like to think I've done my best thought I've been a good dad yeah I'm really sorry to hear that Mr thik Howard Howard right come in and eat another one of these coming that up thank you [Music] my lava you have found me I missed you so much we should never be aart again Emma Thorndike will you marry me yes yes yes it's me from California oh yes of course uh Esther right no Elizabeth Emma Emma Thorndike all right yoga goats all right Emma and the goats nice to see you again I was just in the middle of giving uh some personal lessons to a few of my favorite clients yes wait your turn ladies please give me a moment I flew all the way here to see you I thought you were a professional tennis player competed at Wimbledon but you work in a country club I said I've been to wimon never said I competed there and why are all your clients women they appreciate what I have to offer you should have told me you were coming to Italia I wanted to surprise you well you have where are you staying perhaps we can get together later for drinks well I was hoping to stay with you with me I um I do not think my wife would permit that you're married oh but you didn't tell me that I also never told you I wasn't I mean you weren't wearing a wedding ring you're not what you're not wearing one now well you know it's a better business if I don't women like to create these little fantasies in their minds about the Dennis instructor and the student would you like me to give you a lesson while are you in town I've learned him one pink suitcase for uh Miss Emma Thorndike F that's it it's here it is I need you to sign here yeah finally it'd help if you didn't keep changing destinations we always wanted it here in Rome Italia well we had requests to ship this suitcase to iand turkey uruguai and then South Africa request they from who one Russell Russo thanks guys what is he talking about look it it's started like a little practical joke a joke yeah uh first the airline screwed up and sent it over to Japan and then I saw you getting involved with her and you you know finding her place to live and getting her food and I thought it'd be funny if the bag took a bigger detour you know you use the word funny I thought it was funny but then my motivations changed when I saw that you started u you know liking her you took her to your parents Farm uh you took her out to dinner and you guys you know you guys seem to like each other so you know think of me as a mischievous Cupid you know cup love you got 5 seconds and I'm going to kill you you taking my open the door I'm not doing anything look did Emma have you tried this spread last night okay you should really this came from Alex's tomato firm uh-huh yeah hey not bad m zesty mhm but sweet Emma may be on to something we could generate a demand for this back in the US yeah kind of unique you're back so soon did you find Nick I did and how'd it go Nick is not who I thought he would be things between us are over you know I'm mature enough to admit when I'm wrong and I was wrong mhm I'm moving on does that mean you're going to be leaving us and coming back with me oh no no I'm going to stay here in Rome and I'm ready to work you know I even learned how to say nice to meet you in Italian that you do say what Dad you were right I mean I've been acting like a child the whole time it's about time I Grow Up Great and you know I can't do that while living with you in California I have to stand on my own two feet starting here and now well I mean it doesn't need to be like here and it doesn't need to be right now well no yes it does and you know what I'm ready to work like everyone else and I'm determined to be the best coffee maker you've ever had Miss Jensen help yeah look Emma I really appreciate the fresh attitude and that's a fact that but you don't need to start your new life waiting on people no I do I have to build myself up from the bottom it's the only way I can be totally independent okay hey on behalf of the lost and found department at Roma airport I wish to present your missing Lage you can throw it out I don't need it anymore what I'm starting fresh no material things fine it's your bag do with it what you will my hands are clean oh wait wait here take this here take it Emma that is way too big dad just stay out of it please I told you I'd pay you back I don't need your money I don't need anything from you can you yep what okay what is your problem no more problems I did my duty you've got your suitcase your money your father and I'm sure you will connect with your tennis player and leave EP Ever After well Mr SMY I'll have you know that my plans have changed but even if they hadn't why does my happiness make you so angry I'm not angry I'm I'm just disappointed about what I thought you were Cinderella no I thought I was Cinderella you thought I was nuts not nuts I just believed you were this poor lost girl alone and in need of assistance and I just tried to help and you did I just wanted to say thank you I don't need your charity but it's not charity it's reimbursement for dinner groceries gas money I have to go you have your life and I have M what is that supposed to mean [Music] andma listen to me very carefully we come from two different worlds and I just don't fit into [Music] [Music] yours so was that Alex another jerk no he was great I blew it I think I'm ready to go home now good I can get us on a flight first thing tomorrow okay hey but before we go I want to discuss this tomato business of yours some more no forget it it was just a silly idea no no it wasn't a silly idea I has tried to spread it's got real potential you really think so you're not just saying it because it's me no you know me when it comes to Investments I put personal matters aside and this is a good one my little financial genius don't try cheer me up it's a father's [Music] Duty yes okay hey so I decided to quit my job at the airport I think I'd be more useful here with you full time I can get rid of my place in town save money there and question Emma yes where is Emma I found her suitcase and she's fending for herself now it's uh over but she liked you Alex a lot yes and you liked her don't deny it we saw you do together I don't want to talk about him anymore she was not who I thought she was how so I thought she was poor turns out she's rich and you're going to hold that against her she didn't lie to you remember she told us she was wealthy I know but I didn't believe her and you're mad because she told you the truth she she also said that she felt like Cinderella So what's wrong with that Alex most women want to be Cinderella yes but Cinderella was poor bitten down she was an wealthy upper class citizen see she was in the beginning Cinderella was just Ella the daughter of a very wealthy family then her father remarried but when he died her stepmother and her sisters took over the estate and turned Ella to a Cinderella to be their servant girl are you sure the story was like that then the Fairy Godmother comes grants the wishes she goes to the ball meets the Prince see papa I know the rest of the story but I'm no Prince you are Prince as far we are concerned and if she's smart she'll see that too I'm going to bed not and if you smart you'll make her see it what I not yep we'll get all the details worked out when I'm back in California y get contracts drawn up immediately huh yep I am looking forward to partnering with you as well Roberto ciao yeah have a nice nice day sir and make sure to try the tomatoes spread it is so delicious Emma we got like 10 minutes max if we're going to make that flight yeah yeah I I'm already packed I just need make one more Marino she has really got the hang of this talented girl yeah I've always known that I can't believe I am going to say this but I think I'm actually going to miss her oh guess what I think I'm going to miss you what yeah you're really the first woman I've been able to talk to in a long long time you know Howard I feel the same about you I mean you've actually restored my faith in men well that's good I hope we can get together again sometime soon well you know where to find me I do and believe me I'll be back for business un pleasure to well I look forward to that don't work to Lord hey time's are wasting young lady what are you both smiling about your father just got off the phone with Mr Thorn Dyke your girlfriend came through with all of her promises she talked to her father about our tomatoes and Martina's bread and he wants to partner with us you know she's willing to make a big investment we are back in business yes that's great but as I told you Emma's not my girlfriend so well I guess that's for the best since she's living Italy at 11:45 on flight 49 with her father they're going back to America and what about Nick Milano that guy she was in love with I guess he lost that much yeah her father said that she had fallen for someone but uh then he rejected her who could be so foolish she's so great she's so smart she's so young she's so pretty she I got to go yes you do go get her son run Alex run thanks man [Music] thank you and can you check if Alex mvie is working here today mvie I'd like to say goodbye sure he's not here his name is not listed in the directory either I believe he no longer works here oh okay hey uh I'm sure I can get us on a later flight no no no no let's just get on the plane you got it okay you now look with the luggage please make doubly C it gets on the right plane we had an issue coming out all right good and there's a gate on there good y we go to the lounge good nice yeah Russell I need two favors from you right now you me make it happen sure yeah go will miss Emma Thorn please make her way to the desk there is a lost item that needs immediate identification what you got to be kidding me what again a young man has misplace his heart and believes that Emma Thorndike is currently in possession of it we have know good authority that M Thor may have indeed stolen his heart come on not that he need his back he just want to make sure to go come back to the you f my heart safe and sound because if because you love her you know you could have just called me directly you've got my number yes but where's the fun in that I've behaved like an idiot so it takes an idiotic chest like this to hopefully set things right don't you know being in love means you never have to say you're an idiot she's got a point I'm really sorry it took me so long to come to my senses I'm sorry for the way I treated you and you were right I was caught up in a fairy tale and I couldn't see that Mr W was in front of me the whole time speaking of fairy tales there is one last thing you left this behind when you stay in my parent house say really no I actually had Russell grabb the suitcase from the plane and pull it out [Music] [Music] wow how [Music] fitting [Applause] I was lost until I found we found each [Applause] [Music] other [Music] I don't know how to thank you enough Howard thank you oh he's cute going to have a my best worst man here Russell wanted to meet your friend oh this is Jenny Jenny's in PR hello hello Jenny so um are all your relationships uh public or do you do some private ones as well well that depends on the clientele anyway we're practically family now and perhaps there's going to be a wedding very soon or two oh um we're just taking it one day at a time yeah but uh taking a place around the corner from the Resto eoro is a pretty big First Step no regrets oh no very sweet so what do you do Russell oh I'm like the wizard of Italy he'll make your dreams come true oh tell me Mo oh I love you Mr mes and I love you Miss Thorndike soon to be Mrs Thorn Das malesi or malesi Das Thorndike should I take your last name we'll figure it out [Music] yes Sal [Music] for [Music] [Music] fore [Music] fore [Music] for [Music] [Music] fore
Channel: Movie Central
Views: 138,515
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Action Full Movie, Free Movies, Free movies on Youtube, Full Movie, Hollywood movies, Horror Full Movie, Movie Central, Movie Central Free Movie, Movie Central Full Movie, Movies, Rom Com Full Movie, Sci-Fi Full Movie, comedy, drama, films, free full movies, full, hollywood, horror, latest free movies, movie, movies, sci-fi, watch free movies on youtube, Sophie Vavasseur, Paolo Bernardini, Jamie Luner
Id: x3ZHXaqBLbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 34sec (5134 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 26 2023
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