Love At First Lie (2008) | Full Movie | Seymour Cassel | Robyn Cohen | Greg Cromer

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foreign [Music] There She Goes [Music] just like a wild flower see her smile laughing like a happy girl like a child lost in a game for hours whoa whoa life is crazy a little hazy but somehow so amazing [Music] tell yourself cause life is crazy [Music] silly girl upside down and right side up in a world again but now and then tosses upper hands and faces [Music] somehow so amazing [Music] tell yourself you're fine but that's a fine fine cause life is crazy Sarah I love you think about the fact that we've been together now for almost a year and we still haven't really discussed our future I love you I love you too oh that'll be my date I really hate this I know I'm sorry it's just for tonight oh I've gotta finish getting dressed do you mind getting that for me I hate this a lot [Music] hi uh is Miss Sarah Goldman yeah come on in thank you oh I'm Robert Schroeder Chris Kringle I'm sorry yeah it's like Santa Claus oh you don't know whether I'm naughty or nice yes I will [Music] she's getting dressed ah thank you is this even legal what you do oh absolutely we're licensed by the state this isn't like picking up a phone book and dialing a 24-hour service no no no no no no most of our clientele are elderly women who just want to hand hold on to when they go to the Opera or the ballet or something oh in fact I went to the Opera last night Tristan un isolda it was great have you seen it no I can't say that I have uh well it's great it's long but great you do this a lot oh well let's see counting last night this would be my second job the only requirements are do you speak good English and do you want to text beats waiting tables so you're an actor yes yes I'm an actor yes okay what do you do I'm an advertising oh do you write copy no I'm an account supervisor oh well great hi sorry to keep you waiting hi I'm Sarah I'm Bob I'm out of here I'll call you later you sure you want to do this I'll call you as soon as the coast is clear are you sure you don't want me to no I love you I no I really hate this I'm sorry I'll talk to you later all right I'm going it was nice meeting you huh bye bye so hi hi yeah you have a wonderful apartment here thanks we have to go oh okay where are we going uh my parents house oh what's the occasion it's my father's birthday oh geez I wish I would have known I would have brought him a present or something oh I I got him something for both of us okay I'm just really behind schedule so let's go [Music] can I ask you a question sure what well I was just wondering why did you hire an escort service you and Christine pretty um oh we are we are basically but um well my family doesn't know about it I mean they did at first but my parents were so unhappy about it just why he seems like a nice guy he is he is but uh come on he isn't Jewish hop in would you like me to drive you seem a little oh no thank you I'm fine oh wait a second uh so what are your parents like Orthodox oh Aldrin which which you know Chris obviously is not so we've been seeing each other on the sly for the past months wow I know sure you don't want me to drive no no no no no no I'm fine [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] oh that's okay I just have to pick up a bottle of wine this whole thing is so stupid but my parents well you know they're my parents my father he was sick last year my mother's been so tense I just I can't give them any grief right now the worst of it though was after I told them that I'd stop seeing Chris they assumed that I wasn't seeing anybody so my mother kept trying to fix me up with all these sons of friends and and relatives and I don't know strangers she'd meet on the street I don't know where she found these guys but my mother is determined to make me happy whether I like it or not so anyway a few months ago just so they'd feel better I told them I said I've started seeing someone I just invented a boyfriend ah oh and that's yeah right oh wow I thought about asking a friend of mine to be my stand-in bow for the evening but frankly I'm too embarrassed for anyone I know to know about it so my call is your agency you must think this is extremely weird well I must admit I expected you to be a little old lady who needed a dinner companion but this would have been my second guess let's go I really don't mind driving [Music] oh listen uh my father's name is Abe he owns a couple of men's clothing stores my mother's name is Miriam but I think you should just call them Mr Mrs Goldman uh my brother will be there too he's a psychologist he has two children he's divorced you and I have been dating since January we met at the wedding of my best friend Marilyn didn't fast you think you can remember that yeah I guess uh only wow um what well you know I mean I think I can handle it it's just I was thinking you know with your parents and all maybe it'd be better if you hired somebody that is Jewish you're Jewish no I'm not yeah yeah yeah yeah your last name Schroeder that's a Jewish name not to me my father's polish and my mother's Italian uh no no I'm sorry I specifically asked the agency for somebody Jewish well maybe they thought Schroeder was a Jewish name too honest mistake oh no I'm gonna die oh no I'm gonna die uh maybe we could call the agency see if they can find somebody else no no no no no no there's no time we have to get in there oh no I'm gonna die look it's gonna be all right no no I'm gonna die they'll find the body you explain it Sarah Sarah listen I'm a good actor I was gonna have to do some acting anyway no they'll know no no they won't look I want a six month tour Fiddler on the Roof Theodore bikel thought I was Jewish no they'll know they won't know they'll know they can spot a Jew a mile away it's like radar Sarah take a breath deep breath in and let it out one more time cleansing breath in and let it out oh okay okay [Music] [Music] let's do it [Music] okay all right get in there oh we did [Music] Mom Dad we're here hello oh your name is David Steinberg hi Daddy hello baby this is what oh uh uh Daddy this is David this is my father Mr Goldman how do you do come in hi Joel hi hi Joel this is David David Cho let me take your coat come on in sit down it's nice to meet you oh nice to meet you too doctor thank you doctor sit down sit down hmm well well I've heard a lot about you I've heard a lot about you too doctor oh please call me on David David so how are your children they're fine thank you you know I don't get to see them as much as I'd like to it's a boy and a girl right two boys two girls two two boys two boys two boys right and their names are Daniel and Benjamin Daniel and Benjamin right Sarah talks about them all the time she does so where's Mom where's mom she's in the kitchen she's in the kitchen she's been in there for days I'll go get her did you hear about that closing the South Side store why he got held up again what happened is he all right he's fine but with the increase in insurance premiums it's just not worth it anymore did they catch the guy they did it turns out he was out on parole he's going to be serving some serious time and Dad's all right Dad is Dad I wish they would tell me these things got them a present that's high a tie you know we shopped and shopped and that's the best you could come up with was a tie what did you get him I gave it a lot of thought and you got them the tie hello I'm sorry I kept you waiting hi honey so where is he hi Mrs Goldman it's a pleasure to meet you good so handsome what are you Sephardic no no I'm Jewish oh I know what you mean so why doesn't everyone sit down let's sit down thank you sweetheart sweetheart well you know ever since we met at Madison Maryland Marilyn's wedding I have felt like the luckiest man alive sweetheart let's not go overboard Sarah tonight I made you all your favorite foods you know I even got you a challah from katzman's Deli cats what happened to katzman's you know katzman's well it's a long time ago but they had this thing with the uh salmonella oh right yeah how could I forget you you're a doctor you know about these things what causes that that salmonella oh uh well um that's very interesting actually a lot of people don't know this but salmonella is caused by a rare bacteria that gets in the um salmon Sarah your father made sure I made my special looks and Google for you oh right happy birthday Mr Goldman no oh the special occasion is meeting you David David do you like lakshin Google oh every chance I get because you've never tasted luction cover like my luxion cocoa I'm sure of that why don't we get to talk about it how are we going to eat it let's eat let's eat let's eat let's eat Joel but you couldn't bring the boys it's not my weekend ma for a special occasion you could bring the boys it's not my weekend yeah I hope you'll bring them to my funeral God willing should be on your weekend yeah if we're lucky sure you want to open the wine oh I'll do it no no no Joel will do it I don't mind Joel will do it you have to save your beautiful hands for surgery surgery I'm a surgeon aren't I well you never know when you're going to have to operate huh do you want to like the Shabbos candles yes let's like the candles thank you so David um you're at what hospital well uh uh didn't you tell them sweetheart yes I did sweetheart I told you mother David's at Northwestern Memorial oh do you know Dr Frankel yeah my friend went to him for her hypertension Dr Frankel yeah Dr Franco he's an older man yes yeah oh yeah if if you're tense especially if you're hypertensive well then there's no one better than Dr Franklin I know shall we [Music] Baruch Joel please say the hamoti [Music] thank you I mean David would you like to say the Baroque over the wine no David doesn't want to do it daddy you're not yeah I don't mind it would be my pleasure Baruch Todd and I Elohim [Music] to life to life [Music] David we'd love to hear more about your work mother that's enough already that's all right I don't mind yeah I'd like to hear more about David's Medical Practice what kind of surgery do you do David surgery oh well you know um whatever comes up Hearts brains well I hope you weren't the Doctor Who operated on my neighbor Sylvia Klein I don't believe so that's good because she died who died Sylvia Klein she didn't die of course she died I don't think she died what have you talked to her lately I never talk to her you talk to her not anymore she died she didn't die you don't know what you're talking about oh now I don't know what I'm talking about we made a condolence remember when last summer we went to her daughter's house remember the one with the mouth she lives in Buffalo Grove that was for Sylvia Klein yes what happened she died can I have some more cake stop that your your veins are all clogged up it's my birthday you're gonna kill yourself eating all that hazarai I'm not gonna kill myself you want to listen to my heart oh uh you know I I don't have my I left my black bag and stuff so I'm sorry 120 over 80. perfect every time that's wonderful yeah it's wonderful now last summer he had a TIA it wasn't so wonderful oh you had a TIA what is a TIA Tia stands for transient ischemic attack and uh what causes that it's usually caused by a blockage in the Carotid artery that supplies blood to the brain Studies have shown that an aspirin can help reduce the chance of a reoccurrence did your doctor prescribe aspirin for you one a day that should be all right what's your doctor's name Dr Haim Highland Park good man so David do you and Sarah have plans for the weekend oh you know we I hadn't really thought about it Sarah on the radio tomorrow they're playing la Traviata with Renee Fleming oh I love la Traviata you like the Opera I love the Opera I went to the Opera last night why you didn't tell me you went to the Opera last night oh no I I didn't go with Sarah I went with my my um my aunt oh well who is your Aunt oh you don't know her well what's her name her name oh her name is um Sylvia Klein another Sylvia Klein wow the lightning strikes twice it's amazing isn't it you know I love the Opera for 40 years every Saturday afternoon I listened to Opera from the Met but you never go no I thought Abe wouldn't sit through it well I'll tell you what yeah it would be my honor to escort you to the Opera sometime really I'll tell you what I have a card right here I'll get you Dave Bob Dave Bob it's a nickname my full name is David Robert Steinberg Dave I go buy either one will you look at the time it's it's late we should get going well it's not that late honey daddy you have to go to work tomorrow you need to rest well let's take a picture before you go I'll get the camera mom you always have to take pictures yes I do when my children are together it's special come on shorty now David you join oh really yes come on smush together [Music] all right smile that's it okay not one of the whole Goldman family oh I hate to have my picture taken come on Ma this is Goldman get in there you look beautiful I don't like pictures okay everybody get in there get in there all right one two three [Music] perfect now one of David and Sarah come on Mom that's enough pictures no Mom that's enough pictures come on honey just one picture oh come on sweetheart we hardly have any pictures of the two of us together okay get in close how close do you want us depends what you mean by close oh you want to pose sure why not [Music] I'd like a copy of that one please now David we want to see a lot more of you so don't be as stranger well we'll see what we can do it was very nice meeting you Mrs Goldman it was my extreme pleasure Mr Goldman nice to meet you Joel see you again I will look forward to it all right good night good night you call me tomorrow you called me good night drive safely you could have told me I was a doctor I couldn't believe it I almost lost it right there I'm so sorry I you were amazing oh I don't know I don't think y'all was buying it no he was he was he kept watching me he's a therapist he does that to everybody were just amazing you know I just thought of all the doctor stuff I could think of how the Ia is my father had a TIA it was the only thing I would have known if they would ask me how to stop a nosebleed I would have been screwed you were perfect I was the one who almost lost it no you were great the way you said the blessing over the wine I I I couldn't believe it I heard it doing Fiddler it was like an old song lyric coming back to me yeah I mean you were absolutely brilliant I'll tell you one thing this is definitely going to my diary well well quite a night huh oh let me just um oh hey Hey listen don't worry about it this one's on me oh don't be silly you earned it what a pleasure was all mine the pleasure was mine and my parents how should I make it out the Heaven Sent escort agency I don't know how I'm gonna log this one in the books can you get arrested for impersonating a Jew in this state [Music] oh hey oh no this is too much oh no I insist you earned it I just I wish I could give you an Academy Award to go with it I don't think there's a category for that you really saved my life tonight [Music] glad to be of service [Music] well well [Music] Hey listen uh if you know anyone that ever needs an escort service oh you oh and don't forget tomorrow afternoon la Traviata from the Mets got it well it was nice meeting you it was very nice meeting you okay um goodbye goodbye and thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] hi hi [Music] share with Tom [Music] what why hello Sarah he's so tall why didn't you tell me he's so tall you know he could be the Jewish Wilt Chamberlain [Music] thank you foreign ER and they said an extra place for David no oh how could you come to the bar mitzvah not bring David huh call me [Music] uh [Applause] um Bob Sarah hi how are you fine how are you fine fine what are you doing on Saturday Sarah listen I already told the escort service that I've got another commitment I'll pay you double what else you're doing I will pay you double what you'd be making that's not the point no off the off the books I'll pay you off the books you won't even have to pay your commission Sarah listen don't really have another commitment you lied yes that's terrible how could you do that I don't like to lie that's why I can't help you I don't want to be Dr David Steinberg again but you are so great I don't know we pulled it off once I just don't think we can do it again sure we can of course we can I don't know oh we can we can Sarah listen I have an audition I know I arranged it what I I didn't know how to get in touch with you I have a friend who's a casting director here she works with Chris I I asked her if she had anything coming up that you'd be right for and she did so I had her call your agent so your agent would call you and tell you to be here now this is crazy what do they say desperation is the mother of invention but I thought the plan was for your parents to meet Dr David Steinberg once and then they went ask to meet him again that was the plan what happened well I was wrong Bob I I mean you don't know what I've been through this past week my mother she talks about you like uh you're a combination of Albert Schweitzer and Alan Alda is Alan all the Jewish uh part Jewish I think I I don't know so did you really give me this audition yes for a national spot well that's good right it's great if I book it I'm sure you will you're you're a brilliant actor you have so much talent you are you are so talented all right all right you really think I'm brilliant Brando Pacino Schroeder all right what's happening this Saturday uh my nephew's bar mitzvah do we have to go to synagogue just for a couple hours and we'll be in services so you won't have to talk to anybody do you have to do anything special no no not at all the rabbi tells you when to stand up and when to sit down just when you stand up you can you can bob up and down a little bit to make it look like you're praying what time uh I'll pick you up about nine o'clock are you allowed to drive on Saturday we're Jewish we're not that Jewish this is the last time right Bob this is the last time I promise Good Shabbos Good Shabbos [Music] oh you know the service is just about to begin Good Shabbos Good Shabbos it's so good to see you good to see you too baby oh good job good job we are so happy you were able to take off from the hospital yeah I just taught him to make sure nobody was sick while I was gone good shows Sarah this is the dress you wore you bought me this dress 10 years ago it wasn't 10 years ago I thought you liked this dress for Daniel's Bar Mitzvah you could buy a new dress Mom I don't need a new dress Sarah you need a new dress I got new shoes those are new shoes yeah they're nice are you coming in he's gonna be 14 soon all right we're coming let's go [Music] to return [Music] with foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you Hi how are you so it's the doctor oh David this is my answer so nice to meet you hello ANSI it's nice to meet you too [Music] it's a good thing you're not Catholic if you were you'd be going to hell [Music] what are you talking about he can't possibly work all the time what he's the only doctor there [Music] simply make him work on pesach I never heard of such a thing call me tomorrow happy anniversary oh thank you you have to go you have a plane to catch could you at least open it first bam what is this that is a portable global positioning system covers all of North America including Alaska Hawaii plus it's an MP3 player I've already programmed all the songs so all you have to do is plug it into your car stereo system and it'll play Simon and Garfunkel's Greatest Hits and it'll display a map for how to get from here to your place to my place thank you thanks I'm sorry I didn't get you anything you know all I want for our anniversary is for us to be together Chris please I'm gonna call you every day from LA you don't have to call me every day you know what I wish what do you really want to know what I wish what I wish we could go somewhere together you know like just to like a tropical location somewhere somewhere exotic and just eat coconuts and sea anemones just like that just like that just believe work leave work give up your accounts sell your car [Music] you know what else we could do you tell your parents about us you could say parents Chris and I love each other and we want to be together forever and if you don't like it you can just lump it or don't say lump it because they're your parents you can but I can have Bruce or somebody help you with a copy you're pressuring me Chris don't don't pressure me I'm under enough pressure I have to do the Seder tonight and my whole family's coming over it's and Bob and Bob there's no reason to say aha I really hate this I know welcome Chris I'm sorry I'm sorry you have to go yeah I know I have to go I have to leave town and and work well my stand-in gets to do all the fun bits the Chris come on this is not fun go go [Music] thank you foreign [Music] I don't think we should do this what are you talking about I just don't think we can get away with it again they're going to be here in a minute I know look can't you just tell him how to medical emergency come up I just night I told them that you had heart and brain surgery to do see that's what I'm talking about Bob please I just don't think we can get away with this again oh we can't we can we can just this one more time seeing my mother last night she was so heartbroken when I told you you couldn't come to her Seder she set a place for you anyway it was so pitiful I mean there was a cup of wine for the Prophet Elijah and gefilte fish for you well I guess at least one of us should show up for dinner tonight [Music] thanks for messaging over that hagada oh you're welcome um did you have a chance to look at it I I did I'm I'm not too clear on the order of what happens when oh just watch me everything's announced before we do it anyway do you guys really drink four glasses of wine uh depending on how closely my father decides to follow the script you guys must get really wasted then well it's one of our festive holidays don't I look festive are you ready on with the show [Music] Sarah hi um right back at you I'm sorry I missed dinner last night well we missed you more Mr Goldman how do you do BD [Music] hello how are ya how'd that uh heart and brain surgery go oh oh well that was something they brought this guy in like there's blood everywhere and then they had the surgeons and then have you ever seen ER uh yeah it was just like that everybody want to sit down we'll start Sarah this is such a beautiful table oh thanks Mom Joel you couldn't bring the boys I brought them to your house last night and uh Barbara has them at her parents tonight but they make a soda Joel the boys need to be at a Seda tonight I don't know if they're doing a Seder well well call and ask I'm not gonna call them Joel you know I just remembered they're doing a Seder there tonight all right all right all right Abe why don't you start [Music] foreign [Music] first we'll do a Kiddush amen [Music] next we do the carpets parsley everybody take some parsley [Music] next the alpha Coleman would you and Sarah steal the Alfie Coleman uh maybe next oh excuse me I'm sorry that's my pager I'm on call on pesach I'm sorry I hope it's not too serious I'm gonna have to call in please go on without me no no no we'll wait but wait make your call we'll wait for the doctor excuse me we'll wait this is Dr David Steinberg did somebody page me this is when you wanted me to call you right uh-huh uh-huh oh dear just give me a sec I'm sorry it is serious you don't have to go do you David please don't have to go [Music] this is Dr Steinberg I'd really rather not come in nutty kind of guy well who's the resident that's on call that should be fine if you have any problems now look I told you that the restaurant on call is fine this is a very sacred holiday for my people and I'm going to celebrate it with my loved ones it's all right it's all right it's all right okay goodbye toodles so are we gonna take it from the top are we gonna pick up where we left off no we can we can pick up where we are daddy next the four questions who does the four questions sir can we skip the four questions skip the four questions David when Sarah was a little girl she loved to ask the four questions mother no even when she was so little she couldn't even say the words but she knew it was something important her little eyes would be wide open taking it all in she was always so helpful um and we'd say Sarah asked the four questions and she'd sing Happy Birthday instead she was so adorable that's a great story don't encourage her she'll bring out baby pictures that reminds me of a story when I was a kid growing up oh does it when I was a little boy I grew up in a neighborhood with a couple of Gentile families and I remember my little Gentile friends talking about Santa Claus bringing them presents and one Passover I asked my father if Elijah comes will he bring presents like Santa Claus and my father said if Elijah comes he'll bring the greatest present of all and I said if Santa Claus brings presents every year from my friends when will Elijah bring his present and my father said we don't know but we hope he'll come soon that's what we Jews do we hope that's beautiful that's a beautiful story that is so beautiful you know I heard a story just like that on the radio today no I did [Music] David would you do the four questions oh oh yes why is this night different from all other nights maybe we ask for on all other nights we eat either leavened or unleavened bread why on this night only on leavened bread on all other nights we eat all kinds of herbs why on this night only bitter herbs on all other nights we need not dip our herbs even once why on this night must we dip them twice on all of the nights we eat either sitting up or reclining why on this night do we all recline good questions we were slaves then we were free let's eat hey breed a little more come on next the matzah give me the matzo thank you this matzah which we eat what is the reason for it because the dough of our fathers had not yet leavened when the king over all Kings the Holy One Blessed Be he revealed himself to them and redeemed them as it is said and they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt for it was not leaven because they were Thrust out of Egypt and could not Tarry neither had they prepared for themselves in evictuals these bitter herbs we eat what is the reason for them because the Egyptians made the lives of our forefathers bitter in Egypt as it is said and they made their life bitter with hard service in mortar and in Brick and in all manner of service in the fields in all their service wherein they made them serve with rigor David in every generation Let each man look on himself as if he came forth out of Egypt as it is said and thou shalt tell thy son in that day saying is because of that which the Lord did for me when I came forth out of Egypt therefore we are bound to think praise Lord glorify exalt honor bless extol and adore him who performed all these miracles for our fathers and for us he's brought us From Slavery to Freedom from sorrow to Joy from morning to Holiday from Darkness to great light and from bondage to Redemption wow let us then recite before him a new song Hallelujah good night drive safely oh I'm exhausted you made it relax what a concept tense times huh no no no I've always been tense when I was in high school I went out for the swim team and they used me for the diving board I thought that's funny well you were brilliant again it was so funny the way your dad whipped through that I gotta my father has a very particular view of life you know he treats business matters religiously and and religious matters like business can I get you anything no I'm fine something to express my appreciation can I buy you a drink can I buy you a car actually uh when I was a kid after a school performance or something like that my mother would take me to get ice cream oh oh well I'd be delighted to buy you some ice cream are you allowed to have ice cream on Passover uh uh it's not mistaken both Ben and Jerry are Jewish perfect I have a cup of Cherry Garcia with lots of cherries please and for you I have a scoop of chocolate with chocolate syrup can I get sprinkles yes we can get sprinkles and sprinkles you got it so where'd you get that beeper that was pretty clever yeah I borrowed it from a buddy of mine that does a lot of commercial work and I had a friend call me in case I needed an excuse to leave early well thank you for not leaving I'm glad I stayed me too here you go so is there a blessing for the ice cream okay that's all I've ever wanted to do what do you do I teach kindergarten kindergarten I remember kindergarten I used to get straight A's and sandbox oh really oh I have one little boy who loves to play in the sandbox his father is an architect he hires the other children to build sand castles for him for you so kindergarten huh do you like it do I like it you sound like my mother she always says Sarah is so smart they should let a teach a higher grade you want to sit down sure great anyway but yes kindergarten is my preference I don't have to spend all my time on academics I can give the children more individual attention work on their emotional development so maybe they won't end up as screwed up as the rest of us I think we're all screwed up I don't know I look at the children in my classroom and they're they're so open they're so free I I don't remember ever being that free will make you feel free [Music] if I could do one thing it was just for me without worrying how my parents will feel about it that would be [Music] wow I think your parents are great I do too I love my parents they've sacrificed their whole life for me and they expect me to sacrifice my whole life for them remember that story I told the one that was on the radio yeah yeah I wish my father was like that we never really got along he hated the idea that I wanted to be an actor we used to have these awful drag down beat out arguments you want to hear something Wild after each one of these arguments the very next time I saw he'd have bought me a new pair of shoes just like that you go here you go here's some shoes it used to drive me crazy I could never figure it out why shoes but then it occurred to me but that was his way of saying no matter what that he loved me and everything was going to be okay but boy you should have seen my closet I had one suit and 21 pairs of winning tips both my parents are dead um I I'm so sorry that's why I envy you the only family I really have are the people I'm working with on a show at any given time my life is very transitory [Music] you know I was going to tell you a woman I went to school with is a director with the Milwaukee Rep have you ever worked there no but I'd like to I'll tell her to look out for you I appreciate it it's my pleasure I'd like to see you perform you already have you know show but I'm in between engagements right now will you let me know when you're in something definitely I'd really love to come see you very good I'm sure you are I'm sure you are well um we should probably go yeah let's sure Let's uh head back to my apartment I just have to grab my checkbook no no Sarah seriously I can't I have to pay you no you don't you allowed me to spend Passover with you and your family and it was wonderful are you sure absolutely well thank you thank you for the dinner and the ice cream I don't think I'm gonna be hungry till next Tuesday [Music] oh one thing I wanted to ask you what that first night when we were at my parents and my father took our picture and you kissed me was that a David kiss or a bob kiss that was a daily kiss oh this is a bob kiss [Music] Ed I said I escorted a nice elderly lady today theater last night may I sometimes escort you to the theater I would like that great well then um I'll call you next week okay [Music] why don't I call you tomorrow okay [Music] why don't I call you when I get home [Music] let me just talk about it right now why don't we just hang out for a while you're not Jewish oh [Music] there's a breeze that's blowing past my door and it's bringing change like I have never known before [Music] free to let it roll away [Music] take a step aside [Music] I'll see you tomorrow okay good workout thank you thank you there she is she was gracious she got a golden ticket and back on track she was just tired the other day but okay yeah it's good so okay bye what are these for I'm breaking a cardinal rule I never assume I'm gonna get a show before I get it you're gonna be in a show not for sure I have an audition for what but thanks to you I really feel like I'm gonna get this show what what's the show a little production called Fiddler on the Roof no yes they think you're Jewish yes I can't believe it my agent called and says can you be Jewish and I said it's one of the things I do best oh you're gonna get it feel really prepared for it when's the audition about an hour you have to go I've got to go but I wanted to come by and say hi first oh I want to see you later I call me come over whatever whatever [Laughter] good luck no no no you can't say good luck to an actor you gotta say break a leg break a leg I'll do my best [Music] oh I got the part oh congratulations is it okay to say congratulations to an actor yes you can say congratulations oh that is great news thank you I have some big news too oh yeah what's your news my parents are coming over they'll be here pretty soon I was just getting ready am I allowed to be here yeah yeah I'd like it to be great so uh what's your big news what's my we're engaged [Music] what sorry [Music] Sarah I take by engaged you mean that you and Dr Steinberger engaged I'm sorry it just happened and she's giving me that you're not getting any younger speech and I just blurted it out [Music] congratulations is in order it's the big date I promise you it won't go that far oh I've been trying to think ahead for a change what do you think about this next week I'll announce that you have to go to a medical convention in San Francisco while there you'll meet an old girlfriend who's now an OB GYN at the Mayo Clinic you'll come back we'll fight you'll move to Minnesota send me a Dear Jane letter and that'll be the end of David Steinberg uh-huh so Fade Out on Sarah and David but what about Sarah and Bob we can keep seeing each other I mean do you want to very much so do I but we can't tell your parents not right away okay so we're right back to the beginning only this time with the shift in casting and I'm the odd man out I don't think I like that arrangement just give me some time okay what if it's your mother then definitely let the machine answer it Sarah please leave a message Sarah are you there look uh I don't want to be a pest but I know you're going through I love you and no I'm I'm here I wish we could keep seeing each other uh so anyway [Music] I'm here [Music] I love you okay bye [Music] you didn't tell him about us no I didn't want him to think that I broke up with him because of you I don't want to hurt him Sarah by the time this whole thing ends somebody's gonna get hurt I'm sorry I got you into this I'm not look why don't we introduce me the real me to your family I wish we could but this monster I've created I don't know how to get around it all right look the problems you have with Chris is exactly the same problem I have with you Sarah in my own quiet way I've been falling in love with you you know that yes all right okay we'll look then okay I've been doing some thinking what are you thinking well your family's crazy about me you know they're crazy about Dr Steinberg what's in a name what's in a name let's not forget what happened to Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet concealed their love that was their mistake let's not do that I just need a little time okay over time I can break the whole thing to them gently how about that well I don't want this to sound like a threat or an ultimatum or any I'm not gonna do that sounds like a threat and an ultimatum all right I suppose it is what do you want me to do Sarah write this in ink chisel it in stone embroider it in a doily there's the truth and then there's everything else [Music] oh no well an actor should never give up the chance to play a role but uh I'm through with playing Dr Steinberg Bob yeah that's my name Robert Schroeder if you ever want to introduce your family to Robert Schroeder give me a call [Music] Bob [Music] Bob no no no my parents are coming over they want to take us out for a nice dinner you don't want to miss that do you need to tell them about it yes yes I eventually I will Sarah Bob I have messed up everything else in my life I don't want to mess this up you have become a part of my life you are already a part of my family I don't want to lose that tell them about us I don't want to hurt them you don't want to hurt them you don't want to hurt Chris you don't want to hurt me all you're doing is hurting yourself a man has got to stake his claim it's what he's got to do well maybe he had a medical emergency no I used that one already maybe he had to go to San Francisco no I'm gonna have to use that one later besides why didn't I tell me why did San Francisco if you already went to San Francisco maybe he had a medical emergency in San Francisco oh oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you what's going on mom called she says you're engaged yep it's official you're gaining a brother you uh want to tell me what's going on what do you mean well I called Northwestern Memorial I spoke to Dr David Steinberg yeah only he's 80 years old in an Orthopedics so what's going on [Music] do you remember Chris yeah I told everyone that I stopped seeing him but I didn't I didn't stop seeing him I invented Dr David Steinberg to tell mother about so she would quit trying to fix me up all the time Dave Bob is an actor I hired to play the part for you all so you made all of this up because you didn't like the guys that mom was trying to fix you up with she wanted to see me with the perfect boyfriend I gave her the perfect boyfriend and you're still seeing Chris well no actually not anymore so how long is this Bob thing going to go on well now it gets kind of complicated oh now it gets complicated just oh you're gonna handle it how are you gonna handle it I'm I'm working on I don't suppose honesty has occurred to you as an option has it well I can't tell them about Bob now any more than I could tell them about Chris well I don't see how he's in Jewish he's not Jewish not officially no no wonder I was confused I knew there was something phony about Dr Steinberg it just never occurred to me that everything was phony about Dr Steinberg if Mom and Dad weren't so bad out of shape about me dating someone who isn't Jewish none of this would have happened Sarah there are other issues here besides who you decide to date please don't don't do that don't be a therapist do not start psychoanalyzing I'm not psychoanalyzing I I will support you 100 just tell me what it is that you want me to support now what is it that you want the most right now I want to be with Bob Bob okay oh I have your permission now thank you very much why do you need someone's permission because that's the way I was raised okay we always have to be nice everything has to be nice God forbid somebody's feelings should be hurt what about your feelings I have no time to consider my feelings I spend my whole life worrying about their feelings I just want to live my own life so who's stopping you they are they are yes let me say one thing about that baloney I don't need this right now look Mom and Dad are Mom and Dad they're your parents they're not gonna change if you want your relationship with them to be different you have to change it but they won't let me oh well then it's all their fault you can blame them for all your problems every day clients are sitting in my office going on and on about how their parents have screwed up their whole lives well what do you say to them get over it they're here are you gonna tell them don't you tell them I'm not gonna tell them are you gonna tell them I swear Joel don't you say anything I'm not gonna say anything open the door [Music] Sarah Mazel toes oh Joel you're here apparently [Music] you coming for dinner we'll see how it goes Tara we have so much to talk about have you decided on a date where do you want the wedding wherever you want you decide oi this is gonna cause me maybe not so much we have to get a hole and we have to call a caterer I you know I want to find out who hated the Silverman wedding because him I wouldn't call just a second I liked it when you said I was part of your family [Music] welcome to the film thank you Mr Goldman David come here thank you um Dad there's something I have to tell you I know we have so much to plan no there's something else that we have to talk about first well talk have you two decided on a date no no there's something that you have to know what is it whatever you want will do no I'm not I'm not talking about the wedding what are you talking about what else is there to talk about besides the wedding will you let me talk and I'll tell you excuse me I know I know you're not going to be happy about this what is it the truth of the matter is that David has to go to a medical convention in San Francisco Sarah Sarah it's not worth it let's just do what we're gonna do what are you gonna do we're getting married you're not getting married you're not getting married we're not getting married the way you think we're getting married how many ways are there to get married we'll get married whatever way you want us to get married what are you talking about that's what I was trying to tell you before hey what are they talking about I don't know what are you talking about what I've invited somebody else no no Sarah you for a second please this is not a good time I promise I will call you no you know what I cannot put this off any longer oh forgive me for barging in perhaps it's good that you're all here anyway Sarah there comes a time when a man needs to stake his claim Mr Goldman Mrs Goldman I'm fully cognizant of the fact that you don't approve me but I think if you got to know me better you discover that in spite of the fact that I work in advertising I'm a very decent human being and I love your daughter very much and while it might be a source of conflict for her I believe she also loves me I want to dedicate my life to making her happy and to provide for her in every way that I possibly can so with your permission hopefully your blessing I would like to ask your daughter for her hand in marriage foreign who is this you remember Chris the man that I was seeing who I told you I wasn't seeing anymore oh Santa Claus it's an unfortunate sober K but I will not let it dissuade me for my purpose you didn't like him because he isn't Jewish ah Chris I no I I did not like him because he wasn't Jewish I didn't like him because he reminded me of my cousin Norman him I never liked Sarah will you marry me whoa whoa wait a minute excuse me sorry please you know we're all very moved by your efforts here but we're here to discuss wedding plans for Sarah and me I just haven't done my part Sarah when it's right you know it will you please marry me what he already asked her didn't you already ask her Abe jump in is this your boyfriend or is this your boyfriend well that is yet to be determined sir Sarah you have two offers on the table she's marrying David I'm not marrying David what he's not good enough for you no settled it's not settled nothing is settled all right look this isn't easy to explain so just bear with me on this Mom Dad this whole thing is because I care about how you two feel what are you talking about what thing this thing this whole thing here Abe what is this thing how do I know it's her thing what is this thing this is this is Bob Schroeder after I told you that I had stopped seeing Chris I kept on seeing him and made up David to be my boyfriend wait up what do you mean nada I mean he doesn't exist there is no Dr David Steinberg I made him up because I wanted you to think that I had a boyfriend that you would be happy about I I hired Bob to portray David to portray the boyfriend he thought I had Trey like an actor exactly like an actor Sarah how can you do such a thing I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you so you make up a story you lie you don't lie to your parents I did it to make you happy lying makes us happy well you didn't seem crazy about the truth you say you want me to be happy but I'm only supposed to be happy with what makes you happy I have to live my own life so whose life are you living Sarah mine yes in a way don't do me any favors Mr Goldman please I'm partially responsible for what's going on here so I'm not really a doctor and I'm not really Jewish you're not Jewish Abe it's another lie Miriam let's go Mrs Goldman please from Sarah and me you and Mr Goldman will have Jewish grandchildren not just because the mother's Jewish I'm prepared to convert oh me too I was going to say that earlier we'll talk about it later it's all right you live your own life you work out your own problems but if you listen to your mother and me you wouldn't have these problems Dad you're not helping the situation I'm helping leaving is helping Mr Goldman please I don't stay anywhere I don't want to stay will you just talk to me you don't lie to your parents I'm sorry you want to know about lying you're lie to the guy who says you can't come into this country because you don't have a sponsor You Lie To The Man Who says you can't go to his school because your name sounds funny and you're lie to the kid that comes into your store puts a gun to your head and threatens to take your life away but maybe you never never ever lie to your parents babe let's see dad hey Daddy I'm all right call 9-1-1 no don't call 9-1-1 yes sir call 911 what are we supposed to do you couldn't be a real doctor now could you you're more doctor than I am I'm a therapist you want me to ask him how he feels about being sick they're on their way don't call 9-1-1 just get him some water I'll be all right what else can we do water pop is there anything else we can do for you maybe you could all crowd in a little more so I don't get too much air [Music] [Applause] oh what did the doctor say they want Dad to take it easy I'll believe that when I see it is your father gonna be all right well all things considered it could be a lot worse they were able to rule out an MI oh what myocardial infarction what's that I gave up my medical practice it's a heart attack um they're gonna release him so I'm gonna take Mom and Dad home and I'll call you later I want to talk to him I don't think he wants to talk to you right now all the more reason I'll go see if he's ready I'm so afraid of losing them Sarah your dad's gonna be okay I look at my parents and all I see are parents I've never seen him as two individuals there's two people who I love and I care for so much Sarah it's Mom [Music] are you all right I'm all right [Music] there whatever we did to make you so unhappy we apologize to apologize I want you to treat me like an adult but I haven't been acting like one whatever you want to do you do okay you know what I'd like to do I'd like for us to get to know each other we don't know each other we talk on the phone every day we talk every day but what do we talk about we talk like a mother and a child mom I want to know about your life and Mom there are things I could tell you about my life that you would not believe [Music] how about having lunch with me tomorrow I have to go to the cemetery it's your side for Papa may I go with you yes Mom I would I would like to go [Music] Dad I need to talk to you hey she needs to talk to you what do you want to talk about Dad I love you sometimes I've been so afraid of losing your love that I've acted stupidly and thoughtlessly and I didn't treat your love with the respect that it deserves you know I sat here all night thinking thinking to myself what is the best way what is the best way to express my love for you from now on [Music] I want to be honest with you and I want you to be honest with me I'm honest not always you didn't tell me about your being held up we didn't want to worry you exactly exactly we're always so worried about having someone worry about us you can trust me all right let me decide whether or not I should worry and I promise I promise dad that I will let you know what is going on in my life [Music] what is going on in your life oh excuse me Chris you are the kindest sweetest man I have ever known you have given me more support and understanding than I deserve and I will always love you for that but I'm not going to marry you I see well I'm gonna stuff it's golden Mr Goldman Joel you'd be good to her count on it thank you Sarah Bob I'm not gonna marry you either okay not right now okay I don't know why you came into my life at this particular time you called I'm really glad I did and I would like you to be my official and very conspicuous boyfriend I can do that [Music] mom dad Joel I'd like you to meet my boyfriend is Bob Schroeder I trota it's not I checked well I feel excuse me I'll get going ape David Bob whatever from acting you make a living sometimes [Music] are you out of town a lot no if I have a reason to stay home is there anything we've heard about you that is true [Music] yes two things I really love the Opera and I really love Sarah come home with us thank you let's go home [Music] oh so Bobby what kind of acting do you do oh you know whatever comes up stage screen are you in anything right now not right now but I got a production coming up I just got casting Fiddler on the Roof I love Fiddler on the Roof that's a good show what part are you playing perfect student you're playing a Jew who'd believe that right maybe you could get us a couple of tickets mother what we'll pay for them I can get you guys some tickets last time we saw Fiddler was at the old Panda life theater it was the Drury Lane it was the old gattle like this we saw Fiddler at the Drury Lane I don't think it was the Drury Lane we saw my fair lady the candlelight we saw guys and dogs at the Garden and we saw Fiddler at the Drury Lane what you're talking foreign [Music] [Music] him and my soul to take a taste as Thunder spreads its wings into the space [Music] I'm [Music] free to let it roll away break break [Music] s that's blowing past my door and it's spring and change like I have never known before [Music] but not anymore [Music] [Music] it's falling say hello [Music] afraid to let it roll away [Music] it's teaching me [Music] okay precautions [Music] [Music]
Channel: SparkTV
Views: 575,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Movies, TV, Film, Entertainment, SunWorld, CandleLight, sparktv, full movies, free full movies, Love At First Lie 2008 movie, Love At First Lie 2008, Love At First Lie, Love At First Lie movie, Love At First Lie full movie, Seymor Casel, Robin Coen, Greg Cromur
Id: 8ahzKmK3GCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 37sec (5857 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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