Love Marks The Spot (2022) | Full Movie

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There's a reason storytelling has been around since the dawn of time. A good story can make us laugh. It can make us cry. And some even have the power to change our lives. At least that's what the Atwood stories did for me. You've probably heard of the Lovers Quest series written by the famous writing couple, Robert and Lily Atwood, a series beloved by the World. As the Atwood's grew older, their fans waited anxiously for the final book. But it never came. When the Atwood's past, it seems their legacy did, too. That is, until the legend of the last Atwood book surfaced as the tale goes. Atwood's did write one final book and buried it, hoping one day the right person would solve their last great adventure and find the long lost half of the. I would give my left toe to meet him. Right. Lee Price. He's in town promoting his new movie. And he stopped in here yesterday. I guess he had the day off. Just my luck. You know, those flight risk movies used to be books were actually a lot more serious before Hollywood got to them. Probably had a lot more clothes in them to has a little treasure on it coming. I think you're on to something. But Gladys, she ain't buying. What does she have against me? Says you get too many free refills. Well, it's not a hoax. Remember how I told you that my dad found that missing cipher in the books? Well, when you use it, it spells out. And I thought it was just talking about the kind of bird or something. Right. But then the Atwood's named their house. The Sandpiper. The Trail for the missing book begins there in Virginia. Sam So when are we going? free refills. It is. Excuse me. Excuse me. Absolutely. I mean, it really seems to me books, you know. Jeffrey, did you read that new vampire way since you got quite the bite? Becca, you remember Rita daily from Bridge Lane? Publishing is one of our most savage junior editors. You need a good book. She knows how to find it. Always a pleasure stopping by, Gretton. Such a. me feel. That's what our writers of about it. They always feel at home. Rita, thanks for stopping by. I will relay your offer to the board. Thank you. Offer? What offer? Vampires, I guess they really won't die. Jeffrey, you're stalling. Yeah. Rita stopped by because Bridge Lane made an offer to buy grand. It's a number the board can't refuse. The board wants to sell, but Graham is one of the oldest publishing houses. Bridge Lane is bigger, and they want to own all of our properties, especially the Atwood books. Rita hopes to give them an ending. But there is an ending. Just. No one's found it yet. Regina is a very patient. They're bringing in a ghostwriter to make one up. They can't do that. Why are they taking Grant and staff with him? It's hot in here. Is it going really hot in here? Are you. Jeffrey, What do we do? Pray for a miracle. Thank you. And you look me in the eyes and he said, Lee, give a man a fish. And only for a day. Teach a man to fish, and he'll sit on a boat and drink all day. Hey, thank you so much. It's always a pleasure. Thank you. So some of the same jokes, Get some every time. Please tell me that coffee is, for me the most of a whip. Double chocolate she ever said, making your best friend, your personal assistant slash manager wasn't a thirsty man. So what's the word on the Western? It's not going our way. That is the third project I know. Breaking out of the mold is a lot harder than I thought it would be. People love you in action. And the numbers for flight risk show that book. And global projections. Look at that. Is this what you've been doing when you're missing games? Like I like basketball. But I just like this more. Maybe I send my own project to the studios for change. Well, you got a script I don't know about. Doesn't have to be a script. Could be a good idea. Or a book. That's a thing, right? All right. Good book. Since I was a kid, we worked too much. Maybe it's time we work differently. Show people I can do more than jump out of airplanes. I can't jump on airplanes. Technically, neither can I. But I fake it pretty well that you do. But please tell me that was the last interview. Yes, it was. It was my least favorite part of the job. I know it is, but I'm setting up calls right now. Maybe we can get in early on a list of bestsellers, find some new IP, but not just any IP, something everyone can connect with. And if I do this, I want to do it my way. Let's get you a producer. Credit. All right, Let's go back to the hotel, and I'll manage the fence. All right. You sounds great. I'm on my way. hi. Just wait. Okay. You should really ask before you use someone as a human shield. Much more polite. Fair. Maybe next time you should look where you're walking. Keeps you from running into people. I'm pretty sure it was the other way around. Now, do you mind if you're standing on my. What's this? Hotness. Who? Who carries around a bottle of hot sauce around in their bag? People who like hot sauce. It comes in handy. Who tries a random bottle of things that falls on the ground. Because finally I'm on fire. No, no. Thanks to Becca, and I'm late to dinner. No thanks to. I know who you are. And now I can tell the world you can't handle your horses. I can handle my hot sauce just fine. Thank you. We got to go. Come on. So you met Lee Price and you gave him hot sauce. Who are you? He tried it on his own accord. Sounds a little bit juicy. Space, spicy dog. Nice something. Okay, tell me more. What did he smell like? Your parents are crazy. You know that. I hated the way not you do. Is this movie speaking of? No movies tonight, let's forget these dishes. Done. Maybe. Thank you for dinner. You got it. Wow. I spent my day listening to the new Kids movie soundtrack on repeat. So I'm jealous. Don't be. Because I also learned today that Grant and myself. And if they do, I'll be out of a job. Grant and crazy. Looks like it. So I need to look for a job elsewhere as a junior editor. Yeah. What else would I do? Write your own book. You're a writer back. That's who you are. I haven't written anything in so long. Well, maybe if you spend less time pining after other people's books, you'd have time to write the first. Like a craving, right? Jeffrey, your normal acupuncturist put a pin in that and get excited because Grant may still have a shot. Come with me. You're not going to believe this. Well, my day just got more interesting. What are you doing here? And why do you have my book? Technically, you left it behind. It's only because you knocked it out of my hands. You two have met. More like collided. And now I can assume you're following me. Welcome to my life. Jeffrey, what's going on? Mr. Price wants to adapt the Lover's Quest series into movies for him to star in and produce. Working on a pitch to send over to the studio. Just need Grant to give you the rights. First. You want to let the Atwood books be turned into movies? No offense. Of course not. But this may be enough to sway the board from selling. But it's either this or Bridge Lane gets the Atwood books. It's the lesser of two evils. no offense, but why the Lover's Quest books? Aren't you like a actually guy trying to change that? Which is why I want to make this. When you left this behind, I remembered how much I love these books growing up. And how I would love to bring them to the big screen. Well, I'm sorry to tell you this, Mr. Price, but we only have the rights to the books, the film rights that involves the Atwood estate, specifically Robert Atwood's brother, Fred. And he definitely does not. Jeffrey already filled me in. Isn't it? Connect us. That's impossible. Fred Atwood doesn't have a phone or an email backer or even a P.O. box. If you want to talk to him, you're going to have to go to Arcadia. Wait. What? You both are. We wanted a miracle backer. We just got it. We need the grant rep to travel with him. Nobody knows the books like you do. I'll stay here and man the ship. You want me to go with him to Arcadia? Yes. You're right back. If you pull this off, you could save Grant. I know it's a shot in the dark, but it's the best shot we got. What do you saying? I have to find my for you. Hey. She showed up. She was always going to show up. She just can't quite believe this is actually happening. Becca, this is calling my right hand man. He's coming with us to get the studio pitch together. And don't worry, if he gives you any trouble. I never met him. So have you been to Arcadia before? I've never been out of the country before. Well, lucky for you, you're accompanied by one well-seasoned traveler. You always describe yourself like a piece of steak. So she's funny, too. She's just full of surprises. Sometimes I surprise people, too. You what? Like I said, I'm mostly waiting for the departure. Thank you. All right. I would be in be hosts. Should be picking up right about now. Hey, you must be Colin. I'm Naomi. We spoke on the phone. Hey. I help you with that. Thanks. How was a flight? It was pretty. It was pretty good. The flight was pretty good. I'm to hear it now. Was ready to see. Can you? Kenya? Right up in the truck. Should we put these back here? Yeah, You should be good. Okay, I got it. I'm so happy to meet you, Miss Howard. Please call me Naomi. Is that what was my grade on? I can't wait to hear your stories. Get my grandpa Frodo open up. And he's the one with the funny stories. Lee, I've been meaning to ask, How are you going to approach the film with him? Don't worry. I'm going to go in this vibe and bring up the road somewhere between this time, we flew all the way out here for a bite. Hold on. I'm also gonna talk about my vision as a producer. great. I was still figuring that part out. This one here. you can leave the suitcase. I'll take care of it. I'll take my bag. He'll hosting a party, so call and make some mean deejay. It's all for the Atwood Festival. I throw a little party every year. If you're still here next week, I'll take you up on that deejay. Keep. This was Roger and the least favorite. You even got married right here. I can see why. we call that character around here. Now, if you don't mind, I'd say the best ones. Character. It's just like it is in the pictures to think that they wrote the books right here. When the family decided to convert the place to being be, we chose to leave the library untouched. It just felt right. Naomi, I hope you don't mind me asking, but what do you think of the Lost book? Isn't that just the legend? My family never discovered anything, but doesn't mean it can still be out there. My grandpa, though, he's definitely on the fence about it all. You'll see tomorrow. What should we do until then? Relax and enjoy again. You don't have to tell me twice. Okay, Dad, we're here. We made it and where's that book? Sorry, I didn't mean to disturb you. I was going to head in anyway. Actor, producer, photographer. You really do it all. I like a challenge. Are you ready to take on a world famous book series? Book fans are pretty temperamental, so are movie fans. Let's say you got there. it's say no more privacy. No one gets that more than me. It's just a long story. Well, you should tell it to me sometime. I like long stories. I'm going to thank now, Grandpa can be a little rough around the edges, but seriously, don't let that intimidate you. Looks like my kind of guy. Hey, Grandpa, I want to introduce you to a few people. This is Lee Cohen and got Mr. Atwood. It is an honor to meet you. Don't touch. Yep. Sorry. Won't happen again. I'm right. No, no, Grandpa, Just give them a chance to tell you a little more. I've heard enough. But, Mr. Atwood, this is the perfect opportunity to keep the Atwood stories going. If my brother and sister in law wanted to keep it going, they would have written an ending. There is no ending. And without one, no movies. It's not technically true. The last book, rather the Lost Last book. You mean that legend? Exactly. Don't waste your time on it. I can tell you it's nothing. But what if there is? What if that book is out there and we find it for you and we get you your ending? What happens then? Okay. You find that book? Sure. You can make your movies. We really. It's your time, not mine. Indeed it is. We? We won't let you down. No, sir. I was thinking. Got to say that was impressive and shocking. I didn't think he was going to go for it, but he totally did. Well played. Now, tell me, where is the book? I don't know where the book is, but I do have a clue that could lead us to it. A clue? What are you saying? You just wagered the race based on a clue? Well, it's a really good clue. My dad found this hidden calling. Help me out here. Don't look at me. I don't know anything about this. Do you know what your adventures are for the movies? Let's just throw in the towel and go home. I'm not saying we do that. So you do want to stay now? I want to know if I do stay. I'm not going on a wild goose chase. Not because if that book is here and I truly think that it is, I'm going to write it. Trust me. Besides, you have a plan B one word. So we don't even have a clue. People. We have one word, but that word is also the name of this house. Even better, we have a 5000 square foot home to search through. Piece of cake. Bailey, didn't you say that this room was the only one left untouched when you renovated? Yes. If the book or anything related to it is in this house, it'd be here. See, It's getting easier by the second. The book is probably right under our noses. We just have to search through this room with a fine tooth comb. Then we better get started. And Fred's having you do this. He said if we want the right, that's the only way. Well, if anyone can find that book, it's you. I guess I'm just going to have to convince the board to wait a little bit to sign. Really? Jeffrey, thank you. I won't let you down. And I know it sounds crazy. Crazy enough that it might just work. Okay, team, what do we got? I searched the desk. Nothing. I found this bird box. Two birds Ones don't like that. What sense of humor Can we focus, please? If we do, we're bound to find something that no type of Piper Sandpiper. I feel it. You think it's something that the have her. I'm fading fast. You guys go. I'll be in soon. Really? I'm fine. I'll be down soon. Okay. Two birds with one stone. That is very funny. my gosh. It's a double meaning if you guys do bird one soon and she's crack. Know what a craft is? The clue. It's two. Okay. This house is the Sandpiper, right? Those birds are also sandpipers. This picture is literally two birds, one stone. It's a double. Meaning the. I wouldn't use them in their books all the time. Okay, Just take the picture down. Okay. Careful, careful. Okay. Who would you bring over here? You guys, I think I see something. A message or a poem I got. I think you should read this to you. Who finds this poem? You're on our very trail to find our greatest treasure. Our own Holy Grail. I can't believe it. One final adventure, one that's fully ours. And much like love, it's written in the stars. And they're good. Their journey will continue on a path not for the meek venture there. When the Sun first gives a peek. This is unbelievable. Sounds like they want us to continue on a path of some sort. Look at that. They used the wrong word for Pete. His cat. Thanks. So what else reaches a peak? The moon. A mountain peak peak. Paradise Peak. It's the hiking trail. We're already really met. Yes. Brilliant. Naomi. So we have to get there before the sun first gives a peak and sunrise is. Sorry. It's just kind of hard to contain this enthusiasm. Hey, I hope you're just as enthusiastic. Tomorrow. It'll be an early start. look at that. A can of purpose Erectus, also known as a button. When I played a tree professor in Forest Fire for Quiet today, it was experts calling. You should go with Lee. You guys should get some some guy time. No way Sparky. I need my out. What extra? Besides, I got to stay back at the house for a finance meeting. Naomi, Sorry about going about my to do list is calling, but have fun. and make sure you take the North side trail on your way back. Got it? Yeah. Cool. Okay, I can do this. Do you. Can I can surf right down that way. I can't do this. Yes, you can. You just have to take the first step. But I'm on dry ground right now. This ground is my friend. And right now I'm your friend too. You just have to trust me. Didn't you say Robert and Lily first met here? Yeah, if we're being specific. They met on the trail. Robert was lost and Lily helped them. You really are a walking out. What encyclopedia? Should have met my dad. He was the real expert. He died last year. But he would have loved this. I'm really sorry, Becca. I know what it's like. I lost my mom a couple of years ago. Sorry to. Don't be. Be happy You made it. We made it. We made it. You don't see that every day. You bring them that. Okay, If that was town and this is paradise. Peek, then that must be. That's Castaway Lagoon. That's where Robert and Lily first said, I love you. Lily told the story in her biography. So if that's where they first said, I love you and this is where they first met, feels a little more than coincidence. It does, doesn't it? Let me see the poem. One final adventure, One that's fully ours. Becca, I don't think this is just any trail. This is their trail, their own lovers quest. Wait, so you're saying that each point on the trail will represent a different part of their relationship? Exactly what I'm saying. That is classic. I would say Well done. I bet the next clue is that Castaway Lagoon Do think you can make it there today. You're just living life on the edge. Call me. Be careful. Tablets don't exactly tan very well. Their connection is not working. Not really. I'm trying to set up a virtual meeting with the Arcadia Chamber of Commerce, but I can't seem to get through to him. For what? Going over the budget, for what it would be like to film on the island. Now, that would be exciting. Yeah. The only problem is I heard they don't do virtual meetings. what do they do in person? Hi. Naomi Atwood, Arcadia Chamber of Commerce Council member. You want to get started? It's a small island. Okay, We got to wear a lot of hats. All right, then. Miss Commerce. WOMAN Where do we begin? Can I interest you in hearing about our Arcadia tax incentives? you had me at incentives. we are definitely going the right way. Yeah. Lee, just say it out loud. I'm not going to say it because we are definitely not lost. Right. I can see that line now. Lee Price goes missing on Paradise Peak with female friend. Don't worry. Call them and make sure they at least get your first name. Hey. Hi. Hi. So could you guys take the south tree? An unexpected detour, but life's for them, all right. Sometimes we're staying all the way on the other side of the island, so we're definitely lost. okay. Eliza So you the two looking for the Edmund Burke luncheon? How'd you know? Small island. It's not every day someone gets in to speak with fruit and the man pretty much stays on his boat since his brother passed, you know, sort of a recluse. That's one word to describe it. So. So not every day we get a celebrity around. If you want a picture, not too. How can I help you to do some wi fi? We could connect you to make a call. Absolutely. Yeah. Come on. Go right this way. So the book is real. You're now trying to find it, and you do what is would be. is. He's charming, as he seems he's growing on me. Then get off the phone with me and go find him. You never know what could happen in paradise. Tia. I'm kidding. I keep having fun. I love you so much. I love you too. Colin is on his way. Thank goodness this is your sister. Yeah. We're really close. The only siblings know is just my mom and I grown up. Don't tell me you were one of those child actors. My mom would never let that play. I actually stumbled into acting. How does one stumble into acting? I moved out to Hollywood to direct, started booking roles to make a buck. My mom got sick, so I stuck with the We would actually read the books together when she was in the hospital. Now I want to make a film for her. That and also, who knows, Maybe I want to get you to watch one of my films. I have seen some of your films. I have a six year old nephew. really? My sister's kid. So you're a fan. Do you want to make sure that point out twice in one day, saved by the honk If you want me. My great work today is actually kind of a lot of fun and especially finding that clue. So Castaway was interesting to me. Yes. But this time you need a hand. You have impeccable timing. The party's in a few days and I'm down to the wire. Well, you're handling it masterfully. Yeah. I saw Elijah in town this morning. I take it you took the South Trail? Not intentionally. My feet are very grateful for Elijah, who is the best. My grandpa and I used to get pineapples from his farm every week. You don't anymore. Grandpa is doing a lot after Robert. In the past, I've tried to get him out more, but as you saw, it's pretty stubborn. I think in some ways he's still holding on to what he lost. I'd be lying if I didn't say. I hope if you find the book, it changes up. When we find the book, when? And then maybe we can all take a page from it for our own inspiration. You seem pretty inspired to me. You're essentially living the island's dream life. I mean, I am. But we all have our own dreams. You know, I spend a lot of time taking care of my grandpa and the estate. Seems like it's your turn to be taking care of you. What do you want that needs inspiring? Naomi, that is the question of a lifetime. All right. The gear is all packed. You guys coming with Becca? Is Collins Got a meeting with the city planner. How did you know about another hat for us? All right. This is incredible. You want your stuff? Wow. You're coming after you. After me. You're the adventure man. And now it's time for you to shine. I think it's only fair leave Price. You. You are scared to go into the water, aren't you? No. I'm afraid of bats. Bats? Yes. Stop. Funny. Have you ever seen one in real life? I played a vampire once and those little critters were terrifying. Okay, well, I can almost certainly pharmacy that we're not going to see any bats. But if we do, I will protect you. Okay? If we focus, we are on their lovers quest. So we're looking for anything that could represent their relationship. Got it. Got. Let's go. I wonder if Naomi and Cullen are having this much fun. I have a feeling they're doing just fine. Got it. You know, when you said meeting, I was thinking more of an office. When you are as many hats as I do, you get really good at multitasking. Whoa! How long you think I've been there? I think that answers your question. Okay. You're, like, actually, really good. Thank you. This was my instrument of choice. Growing up for half of the sixth grade anyways. Okay, keep playing. that's more. Okay. Walking on the beach. Trish, watch out for the waves. They're gonna crash. You keep going. You're going wondering when the sun will. But singing's always better when you're making new friends. I like it. I guess. Okay. Anything and no bats. No clue. We're missing something. This is where the old said I love you. Right out loud to Heather. do you hear that? It's echoing deeper from over here. Okay. Yell again from gone. your. What's that? Well, we just discovered buried treasure. Okay, What is this thing? Sparkly blue stuff. Sounds visual. It's the best I got. Okay. Blue limestone, blue lime stone has a way. Are you warming up for a Broadway show? I'm just trying things. You know, they love wordplay. Wait, you don't think they left another poem here? Because if they did, it would have to be pretty indestructible. No, they wouldn't repeat a clue. So what would they do? my brain is waterlogged. Hey, this just needs more research, more digging, but maybe not any more today. Is this the dead in dead end? We found all this. This is just the beginning. Bubblegum. Really, You know. Hey, this is up. I think I'll take it to be for you. Thank you. Hey, this oranges are amazing. I told you, it comes in handy. I honestly can't remember the last time I sat at a normal restaurant having a normal conversation with a normal girl. No, I don't mean. It's okay. I get it. You're like a fish in a fishbowl. You have eyes on you all the time. Exactly. Does it get old after a while? In famous, of course. But there's nothing worse than a celebrity complaining about being a celebrity. So stick to gratitude. Still, you said yourself that you wanted to be a director first. So you thought you were signing yourself up for something else. And the selfies, the fans that that almost make it hard to have relationships. It can people think they know you and they don't. But it makes it hard to do a lot of things. Enough of the Lee Price show I want to know about Becky Craven. And there's there's not much to know. I'm I'm a junior editor for Granton and I, I try to find new exciting stories because you want to be an editor. That's the goal. No, I, I write, all right? I want to be a writer. What's holding you back that much? Do you remember what it was like the first time you were on set? What that felt like? It was terrifying. Exactly. It's. It's really scary yourself out there like that. And my dad was my biggest fan. And when he passed, I don't know, it got scarier and easier finding someone else's story than writing your own. Some of my friends. So how's the hunt coming? It's. It's coming. You know, if you need help, you in the right place. Most people here knew the Edwards well. really? yeah. Now, you take Mabel over there. She was the neighbor for years, Right? And Nathaniel, he ran Mr. Edwards favorite bakery. Patty. She and Lilly would join me. Right? Was right to One day they tied, but then they decided never to sit at the school. You have quite the crew here. come on, now. Wait till you see us on the dance floor playing on a guitar. You put a little music on the thing right here, you know. Come on, come on, Come on, Patty. Mean. You mean you very all right now? Yeah, but he said, come on, come out of the. they're alive. Barely. But you guys got here. I'm thinking of adding an Atwood history section to the pitch, and Naomi brought these photos down. Yeah. Found some winners, too. Look how long they were here. What's the date on that one? July 20th, 1964. I think they were still in high school here. And Robert still had all her in for. I think it's Guy tells me. Colin, you want to finish? She smile. You got it. Same here. I'm going to hit the head. Big day tomorrow. What's going on there? Nothing. She's just helping me with the pitch. Right? Right. Or you look at me like that. Nothing. It's just nice to see you enjoying yourself. Do you think they're talking about us? they're definitely talking. The question is, do we want them to be? Right now it's time for bed. Can they come on? Have found something? The blue stone we saw. It's called calcite, formed from the weathering of limestone. Apparently blue color. Very rare. Interesting. Anything specifically related to the Arabs? I haven't found anything yet, but I think it's worth asking around. How's it coming with you? I found a lagoon mentioned in Volume four pirate hideout. But for on there Lovers trail. Don't you think the next clue would have something to do with the Atwood's own journey? I mean, yeah, that makes sense. Then the answer has to be in there. Lovers trail itself. What was next for the Atwood's? You're talking about going through a relationship that's decades long. It can be anything. The first date, the first breakup, the first haircut. I don't know. How about you follow your stone lead and we reconvene later, See who's right. I like that challenge. Nice. Yeah, I think it works. Hey, hey, hey, Becca. We don't know you're still here. You got that next clue hoping to soon lead following the lead. And I'm. I'm regrouping. Want to regroup over tiki torches? I have a call with these agents. The word's getting out about the adaptation process buzzing. Tell them thanks for the added pressure. You got it. What am I doing? Grabbing this back. I'm at the tiki torches. What is this? An engagement ring? Wait, what? no, not for me. It's belong to Willie. Roger had it made for her. It's calcite from the island of Gorgeous, Right? The engagement. Of course I'm lost. And I was right on the trail at the Robinson Alley. But that's where Roger and Lily got engaged, right? I think so. I wasn't quite alive yet. So course I was. The clue. Which means Lee was right. Where's the consent from? To the alley? Pretty sure it's down Main Street. Figure What about the tiki torches? Sends? Hi. Can I help you with anything? Just trying to learn more about this stuff. I calcite? Yeah. Used to be worth a pretty penny. It was actually our biggest export in the 18th and 19th centuries. Used primarily for glassmaking. I read it's used to make jewelry too. Sure it can be used for that. Because of the calcite boom, many merchants actually built tunnels underneath the island for trading purposes. Are any still around? No. They've all been destroyed. But there is still an alley called the Robinson Alley site used for trading purposes. Of course, it's actually more of a tradition. How so? Well, when couples fall in love on the island, many of them will walk down the alley and write their name on one of the rocks, thought being that if the alley has survived all these years, their love will survive, too. Where did you say this alley is? What if I was Robinson? No, you wouldn't be. Or in the. You were right. You were not. I was right. How did you figure out to get here? It's where the Atwood got engaged. Robert used calcite from the lagoon for the ring. Naomi still hasn't. So technically, you're right on the money, too. This is a stop along their lover's trail. Well, according to the map, it should be right around the bank. Well, what are you doing? Don't look now. But it is Rita Daley from Bridge Lane. She the one who was trying to buy Graham. What did you say? Don't worry. She didn't see me. Mr. Price. Okay. She definitely something. We have to make a record. Can I? why are we running? I don't know why I panicked. What is she doing here? Do you think she knows that we're looking for the books? She can't find out. McCluskey Okay, then. Well, supported by going this way, technically not breaking any rules here. I saw you out here. I just want to talk. that was close. If she beats us, don't worry, she won't. There's no way she can go out with my out with expert. Besides, she walked right past that little thing coming in. We've got to go before she figures it out. That's a lot of love on one small island. This one's Margaret Turner. And Philip Lewis says they were from two opposite political parties and got married in secret. A real life Romeo and Juliet. We Lily and Robert Atwood, lovers of Arcadia, lovers of writing, lovers of life. They stood right here years ago. Wait a second. The mortar looks broken in several places. It's almost if you would just do. Would you look at that? Far out. Oldest trick in the book. Wait a second. I'm not going to fall for it again. No, there's something back here. Good. Let's get out of here. We're in the clear and we have a key. We have a key that they hid looking. It has these numbers on it. What do you think those mean? Can be anything. But I'm sure whatever it is, we're going to find out soon enough. We Do you think that the outlook to be happy that it's a French book? I think the Atwood's are up there right now saying to themselves, man, that Becky Craven is something special, that there's anyone who deserves to find our book. It's her, you know, who's up there agreeing with them? Your dad. I think it's safe to say he'd be pretty happy for you. For us. It's so beautiful. It is. You should get the is. Hey, Jeffrey. What? We've Slow down. Slow down. You and the board are now coming here. Know bridge got wind of the movie rights. And naturally they want to expedite the sale. So now their offer expires the night of the festival or the night of the festival board Figured that they would show up and either sign with bridge or sign with Fred. And what better place to decide the fate of the Atwood future than their own party? There is just more thing we did daily. We had our own run in with her today. What do you think she wants? My guess is she knows the films are our last hope and I am sure she will do whatever she can to stop them. The festival's in a few days, so we find the book by then or Gran's toast back. I tried to buy you more time. I really did. Please tell me you're close. We definitely are. I just. I hope it's close enough. The festival is in T-minus three days and counting. Three days to find the book. Three days to save Granton and three days to throw Rita daily so far off our trail that she has to swim back home. And this key is key to all of that. I see what you did there. Thank you. Now, who's with me, team? Because it's showtime this time. All right, Amanda, you know I have to go to next, right? so you wouldn't say that? Never seen it before. Look, Mr. Atwood, we're getting close to finding this book. Really close. We're just. We're running out of time here. I said no book, no movie rights. But the book is out there. I don't see it. I'll believe it when I do. Until then, I'm not signing over the rights without an ending to their story. But what about their legacy? What about continuing? If my brother and sister in law wanted their legacy to continue, they would have published that last book. They didn't. Their legacy died with them. Now, if you'll excuse. Thank you for your time, Mr. Robert. Are you kidding me? I'm going to go up. Let's give him a bit. I think we all need to cool down calling. Have you heard anything from the studio? Maybe we get them involved personally. Devin got back to me about the pitch yet, and the. And I hate to add fuel to the fire but the next year producer credit they're happy to have you star they just don't want too many cooks in the kitchen direct quote are they crazy. They're lucky you're even bringing them the books in the first place. I haven't brought them anything yet. And even if I did, no producer credit, no creative control. Then we go to another studio and demand they give you a say. Still need the rights to do any of that. I can't believe this. Naomi, what do you think Fred needs to see? How do we prove to him that this book is real? It's out there. I don't think this has to do with the book. I'm realizing now it might never happen. What do you mean? Maybe my grandpa's right. Maybe their legacy did end with them. That's impossible. People discover the Atwood books every day. They share them with their families. Their legacy is alive, especially on this island. For those just forgotten. And maybe we need to remind them. Show them that the legacy never ended. It's still needed. But How? Actually, I think I have an idea. You sure you're up for this? You got another Plan B? Gang's all here. Okay. Time to let your vision shine. All right, Mabel, take a seat. You're up first. It's great. Just cut out that last bit and then film your section and it's finished. Well, I'll splice it together and see where my part clicks. Then I got to go help Naomi. Mind if I leave you to it? Get out of here. Can. You are a difficult man to track down, Mr. Price. Rita Daley, Senior Vice President, Rangeland Publishing. I love it when my reputation precedes me. I've been running around for a few days trying to talk to you. But I have to say, it feels like the whole island is trying to keep us apart. Really? I can't imagine what the word on the street is. You're trying to secure movie rights for that. What books? Word travels fast. I also know you're on the search for something more. My understanding, the acquisition of the rights from Fred might hold the sale. Brennan Nothing is set in stone, but as far as I can tell, the board members are open to it. That's good news. Not for me, it isn't. Let me cut to the chase, Mr. Price. I want you to strike a deal with us. Confirm that if we secure the rights, you will make the movies with Rich. And why would I do that? Because you know as well as I do that Grant is as good as gone. And it's in both our interests to make this deal. The faster Bridget takes over. Gratton The faster you get your movies made. They're not my movies yet. Right now they're still the outward stories, and the outlets have a deal with Grant and that I plan to respect. That deal will be ours in a few days time. What will you do then? Did you finish? Yeah. I can't wait to see it. Fingers crossed it works. So there's two of you. I know. After you. Okay. I'll go. What I'm about to show you is in the very preliminary stages. It's. Dustin has a word for it. It's green, Craven. Spit it out. I novel your novel. you can't actually see it. Why not? It's. That's bad luck. But who says someone. Somewhere. I'm sure there's not much to see now, anyway. It's just the beginning of something. But it's something. And I wanted to tell you, you can keep me accountable. Thank. I couldn't be happier for you all. You. This whole experience has inspired me for my novel. I mean, of course we are in paradise after all. Exactly. What were you going to say? Just that I'm feeling pretty wiped after filming all day. I'm probably going to get to bed the same day tomorrow. I want to take another pass to the house with the key. If you want to join, I'd love your eyes on all of us again. Are you okay now? You seem like you've seen a ghost. Yeah, I'm fine. Beige or coral? Like a like a sorry. Both. Everything okay? Yeah, it's just Lee. He seemed like you have something on his mind. Did you ask anyone to press rent? I mean, I could take a guess. All right. The party's tomorrow. Everything you both have worked for will come to a head, and then you go back home. Back to reality. I hadn't even thought about that. Yeah, and maybe he's not going to let go. Maybe he likes what he found here. Or who we found here. I don't think that guy. I know he might be an actor, but I don't think he's acting around here. I'm a sure thing. How do I know you ask? I know it's scary, but you had to put yourself out there, take a chance. I mean, they're really use your help today. You knew Dad. 3 hours and counting to the party, right? Your fan club is cheering you on of the odds is fine. Then find them cause they're. You are so talented. Hey it. And that's got quite the ring to it. He had a little help. Thank you. Forever. I'm hoping for the best. The book is still M.I.A. But Lee and I put together a little something special to hopefully sway Fred Lansing. How is Mr. Price? He's fine. I think him and Colin have been finding a new studio just in case we get the film rights. Hey, ask him how he gets his hair like that. We saw a flight risk the other night and it literally never stops flowing. I'll ask him. Okay, Fabio, show me around. It's incredible, Everything okay? Yeah, it's. It's something Dad wrote. I haven't seen it in a while. It's. It's an old journal entry. Read to me back end. Jia took turns reading out loud. They're both getting so I wonder, have I done enough? What parts of me will even impact only the good I that even more so. The wish of any parent is that their child grows up to impact others. What use is any talent or trait in this world if it can't be shared? I know he really was a writer. He was a baker. He'd be really proud of you. Thanks to you. I love you. I love you too. Bye. I thought we had all the flowers covered. These aren't for the party. They're for you. Someone just dropped them off at the door. I wonder who they're from. I'm calling once to get drinks before everyone arrives. taking a chance, are we? I might be. I mean, he deserves one, right? You do too. Don't get mad if I send me in here. He should see you before everyone else does. You are in vision. Don't you dare to like Lee Happy. We finally got to sit down and talk. Bridge Lane is excited about working together and giving your adaptations a new home. That's you to now Said you wanted to see me. Wow. You look amazing. And and upset. What's going on? You tell me. Is that true? Did you meet with Rita? You understand? Did you talk to her about making the films with Bridge Lane? You struck a deal with Bridge Lane so that you get to make your films no matter what. Are you really going to believe that after all the time we spent together, I didn't strike any deal with her? That's not what Rita thinks. I don't care what Rita thinks. I only care what you think. You're just like everybody else thinking they know me when they don't. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. But you're right. I don't know anything about that. Please. All right. Okay. How you doing? Good morning. Good to see you. All right. I'm all right. Well, okay. What's wrong? I'm fine. I'm fine. Yeah, You're acting isn't exactly convincing okay. I'm not saying is not who I thought he was. He surprised me, but in all the wrong ways. What happened? You lied to me, Naomi. He lied to us. And after everything that we worked for, it was all an act. If it was, he put on a great show, especially when it came to falling for you. Trust me, he did not. I don't know what Lee did. You know he cares about. And I think you care enough about him to give him an opportunity to say sorry right now. Yes, you can. You just have to take a chance for free. You made it. It's really good to see you to realize, Grandpa. everyone is so excited to see you. People have been asking about you all. Day. Well, if it's all right like this under the radar today, just promise me you'll try to keep an open mind. There she is. My saving grace. Jeffrey has never been so you you wear sunkissed. Well, sell. How does it feel to be the woman of the hour? I hardly call myself that. Well, everyone else is. I came in a little bit ago, got acquainted with the locals. You and Lee have left some impression on them. There wasn't enough. We didn't find the book, but we are hoping we can convince Fred. And one other one. I don't know how. He can't be convinced. It's for the party looking this good. How's the board feeling? Only Time will tell. The only thing that you can do right now. Thank you. So enjoy yourself. Hey. How'd it go with Becca? That can assume the worst. is that what this is about? Her assuming the worst. Okay, let me ask you something. Did you ever give her a chance not to? I mean, yeah, I tried to tell her about the meeting. Right? You didn't want to because I was scared how she'd react. so you assume the worst in her, too. And I was right. She blew up on me because you didn't give her a chance to do otherwise. I'm your best friend, and I do know the real you. And I know that you're scared of letting someone in and getting hurt. And if you're scared, just imagine how scared she must be. Why did you get so poignant when you're getting all the girls? Let's go. You're goodness. Seeing you all here today is amazing. What you're about to see was made by two very special people who have a deep love for the Atwood's and continuing their legacy. They wanted to show how many hearts have been affected by the Lovers Quest books and Hopes of swaying one heart here today. What do the ad words mean to me? How do you describe people shaped an island? we can tell you. But we also want to show you. Hello. Hold one more. Listen to it. I got the studio on the line. They want to talk. You got to take this right now. You got to go. How did the Atwood's impact your life? Yeah, it was impact in my life when I met one of their fans. This fan is a dreamer. Like them. Why do you believe it's this crazy? I'm with him. You like to get pictures of paradise Peek. and I'll show you where he found the safer I get secures the safer right. And no other reader had found it. And I'll show you where. See, this was a tiny picture in the book. Pretty cool. And now we're here. He's really got some vision. You both do. And I can see what he was fighting for all along. What do you. It must take something or someone very special for a man of his success to turn down a lucrative offer like the one I presented. Not the smartest move, in my opinion, but I guess it was worth it for him. But you sent the flowers, the card. A final attempt at persuading Fake to make it right separately. Price is the real deal. An adventurer, a true friend, just like they were. And it's infectious. That kind of impact can heal. People can help you let go of hard times. And in the end, opening you up to love and cohesion. Hey, what are you saying, Lee? No, no, not in the wild. Becca. But you and Lee did that video. I never knew or I did, and I just chose not to see that their legacy is still very much alive. It is. And I want it to continue with you and Lee at the helm. The rights are yours. I don't know what to say. Thank you, Fred. I know my brother would say he'd want you to have them. They were good people. The best people in the world needs to remember that you'll always. Right after this picture was taken, Robert told me he was going to ask Lily to marry him. Not that I took it. A year later, they were married on that very same spot. Look, of course they were married in the kissy room. But we have all the time, Jeffrey. What we did. Where are you going? To get our ending. Okay. It's not over till it's over. Right? Write it on the board. Signed. Saw. No, no, no, no. It's to be here somewhere. Thank you. Mind if I join? What are you doing out here? It's a long story. I love long stories. Well, this one is about a guy who meets a girl in an alley. Rather. Runs into a girl in an alley. Sounds like the perfect meet cue. It is, except she actually knocks everything out of her bag, including her favorite book. However, it was. So he spends the rest of his time with her making up for. And it is an uphill battle worth the climb, without a doubt. How does it end? He falls for her smile, her life way. She furrows her brow when she's thinking or when she's hiking. Sometimes it's hard to tell, and he knows his life wouldn't be the same without her. He doesn't want it to be. I'm so sorry, Becca. I'm sorry, too. I thought the worse things I said, the worse things. You're a good man, Lee. You are certainly not like everyone else. Far from it. And once, thank God. Stink. Stop. Wait a second. We come. Sit. Open it. Okay. I threw you back a first to our biggest fan. Congratulations. There was no greater adventure than the story of our love. And we hope this journey inspires you to find your own love. Lily and Robert. P.S. Enjoy the ride. We have to tell Geoffrey we're saving Grant. We ready? Where's Geoffrey? You just went into the library with the board numbers and made out. I'm so sorry, but looks like they're going to say. Not if. We go back. Are you telling me that? Yes, it is. What are you waiting for? Call me if we have you signed. Not yet, but there's an eight over him. What's that? The final out would book the last one. You found it? Becca did. It was a miracle. What's taking so long? They have the book. What is there to discuss? I'm sure they have to talk to lawyers. Not to mention Rita is probably putting up a huge fight. Rita is not as persuasive as she seems. well, I guess that should take care of everything then. Greta, it's always a pleasure. Well, it's over. Which, with all the sad faces, it's over. Gran's back in business. thank you, Ford. they asked who found it. I told them a new budding author Write your novel then, because you are going to be published. boy. It's going to be an honor to work alongside you to adapt these books. I look forward to your vision before you sign the dotted line. You should know that the studio called offering me to be a fully fledged producer. yes, please. Congratulations. I told them no Coming in, I realized. I don't just want to be a producer on these films. I want to direct them too. So it looks like I'm starting my own studio thinking of calling it Two Birds films. Grant will be happy to do business with you. Well, good job, team. So if you excuse me, I've got a few calls to make. Now is really the time to celebrate. Especially since you all found the book. And you're probably leaving Arcadia soon. But we'll be back. It's a film. The movies. The location. Right. The location. Or maybe you can come back before then. Just for fun. Nothing. If I'm coming back, I'm coming back for you after you. What do you say we join them? Yeah. I just have one last thing. Mr. would I think I have something that belongs to you. You're ending. This really happened. Yeah, we did it. We saved the day. I feel like an action star, an Action star? I mean, I just spent the last week traversing through the wilderness lagoon, diving and solving the famous legend, all with the charming love interest by your side. Don't forget. Well, season. how could I forget? It seems like I'm ready for my next adventure. Any idea what that could be? I think I have a new idea for my book. really? Yeah. Might even give Robert Little a run for their money. Milo, Another story. This time you already do ours.
Channel: Movie Surf | English
Views: 176,777
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel One Entertainment, #englishmovies, english thriller, thriller movies, #MovieNight, #FilmLovers, #FilmRecommendations, #MovieTime, Annika Foster, Andrew Biernat, Romance, comedy, family, hallmark, hallmark movies
Id: 0BkjkL0Sxws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 7sec (5287 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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