Love and the Radio Star (2022) | Full Movie

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Don't you want everything? There's got to. He's going to wind up in such a way. I don't know what kind of fairy godmother magic you did to make him into a mayoral contender, but going can open doors for us. I quit. Pardon me? Nothing to do with you or this place. My timing here has been a dream. Okay. So why are you quitting? I want more. like more like a race. More out of life. I don't understand a word of myself. I'd never go back to corporate PR, but look, here I am. This is crazy. You are about to become the hottest image consultant in Manhattan. You're just going to walk away from that. So on my wellness lock, become an influencer. A life coach. I already have a few thousand followers. I just need to build momentum. We can ease up on the workload. Easy, Stewart. Sarah, thank you, but no. Is there anything I can say to keep you? There isn't. So now that that's settled, I want to talk about you guys. Steve, you need to give yourself more me time. So I booked you. Take go drum lessons. I mean, you've been talking about it for years, so get after it right? Sarah, I got you. And National Parks passports. You want some mother daughter trips with Kim and collect stands together. And I realize that H.R. isn't fully utilizing their wellness budget, so I got an automated massage chair for the staff on this floor. Since they've been working overtime in my old office, which is now a Zen room. Image is important, and that's what we do here. But finding real balance in life is what's crucial to thrive. she went all the way worse when the primary colors mirror. God. hi. Hey. Take care. I mean, literally, it's like something new. Ready to show the world what I is going on. Yeah. The reason to stop coming. Why are we having ice cream on every day? Because we're celebrating. You want to guess the blenders on sale? Grandma found the silver fox. Who told you that term? Grandma. I wish. But now you're taking me to Disneyland. Nice try. I quit my job to focus on the block. You have nothing to worry about. This is a good thing. I'm helping, right? Of course. I mean, who is the best camera operator east of the Mississippi? You did what? Mom, I had money saved up. Well, I'm concerned. I'm very concerned. Thanks for the vote of confidence. That was a good job. A secure job. That was a shallow P.R. job. What if you need to find a job and you can't because you've been out of the game for so long? I'm still going to be doing image consulting on the site. I'm just going to pivot it into life, Coach. What if the economy crashes? What if you need to move? What if there's an earthquake in Manhattan? Cannot even happen. I have an image consulting gig interview tomorrow. Can you watch Ali while I'm volunteering at the clothing donations? I'll get a babysitter. I can sign. Why now? If not now than when I looked over my journals over the last couple of years. And I realized that I wasn't happy, I was pouring all of my energy into a job that I didn't care about. It was a misguided pride in work ethic. Self-care and wellness helped me to find balance in my life, and I just want to help other people, like I have to help other people and the blog will do that. Yeah, I don't know. I've been freelancing my whole life. Self-employment is stressful. I have a plan. You know me. I triple checked the risks. It's a sound strategy. Okay. I love you. I just. You don't have to worry. And it's what moms do. They do. Whoo! You ready, Director? Mom, you need to up your game. I need to up my game. Your equipment is like, old. It's fine. We can upgrade as we go. What? All the influencers have these big cameras with lenses now, not their phones. How do you know all this? I watch Fox. the phone camera can make your face look wide. Action. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to finding the me Between the beauty and the mess. I'm Savannah Joy, and in this video, I'm reviewing skin care masks. Now I have everything from cleansing masks to hydration masks. I've tried gel sheet, mud, clay, everything, so that you don't have to know this mask, which is a rosemary. And Hamas is actually my favorite. It's not too trying. My favorite. Two. Sorry. Action. Hi. Welcome back to finding the meeting between the beauty and the mess I'm enjoying in this video. I'm. Is that Ellie? Sorry I couldn't get a sitter. no worries. I'm a big fan of your vlog, so she's kind of like a celebrity to me. I'd be honored to hang out with you while your mom has her job interview. I'm Alicia. Thank you so much for the opportunity. What have you been posting about your consulting work? Nonstop. So I made a few calls and everyone has raved about you. Hey, do you have any sleep? Wellness advice? You know, actually, I have a post coming up about that. The trick is ritual and treating yourself a little. Anyway, Patrick is wrapping up, so can I get you anything? No. You guys went on tour. Come on. This is so cool. so, as you probably know, we are the number five interview talk radio show in New York. And it used to be number one until a few years ago. I mean, you are New York's hottest club right now. I mean, from the models in the glass cube, just lounging around reading books to the wall of furry bath mats. It is edgy by being nonsensical. Patrick likes to use both those to record. It's almost saying that being, I'm sorry. Why don't you wait right here? Can you hear me? Yeah. So, Eliot, can you tell me where Grandma took you the other day? Museum of teddy bears. Grandma. Like two shoes. This to take me when I heard at the club was a five gallon bucket on his head. So cool. Well, what did you think of it, Ellie? I mean, a lot of that stuff, it was kind of immature. I heard it was popular, I guess, but not for who's talking Davinson. How's it going in there? You have to wait in a long line outside on the sidewalk just to get in. When we got in, it was so high. Schools were screaming, taking selfies. I don't know what the big deal is. Who cares now? I guess it was over. I stop talking. Hello. We're voices. So, we could very. So please put that attention. You picked your new hall, so. you right. How old are you? Ten. Overrated or not? Cringes and cringes. $10 artisan cupcakes. I made cupcakes with my mom. Well, you heard in New York, straight talk from a ten year old critic. You decide on the hype and, well, what's your name, actually? And what do you do? Savannah? How do you see yourself? Patrick? What do you do? Most cultured, charming. Well, I'm a suit connoisseur. Watch enthusiast of all things. Bespoke, always hustling, always seeking the truth. Very stylish in a medium where you're invisible to your audience. you mean radio calculated content or close to as I do. Wear a suit of armor. Charming, perhaps. Thanks. I everyone push it. I'm a life coach, which includes image consulting, helping people with their public image. Usually startup CEOs, politicians. I analyze their appearance, behavior, communication, anything that might affect their professional image. And I give recommendations. I can help. Well, you hurt in New York too. I need help. Let me know. This is spreading the news with Patrick Dillon. Are we live every morning? Did all of New York just hear you flirting with me? Yeah, I wasn't flirting. Yeah, some people wouldn't qualify. That is flirting more awkward? I am very good at flirting. We're still broadcasting. Savannah, you hit the live button. I, I am so sorry. We were in here waiting for the interview, and I thought when you came in, you were just playing along? No, I was trying to turn this gaff into a skit. Are we still going to do the image consulting gig interview? No. You get the My Fault. They prep this room to record and then moved on. I. I didn't know. Thank you for the opportunity. Sorry. Come on, babe. Show Dance Floor wants an update on our co-host search. Gave them names months ago and none were approved. Do you know that you're trending on social media and in a good way for ones. Patrick, Dylan needs a makeover. Yes. For a minute, he seemed like a guy I could have a beer with. Maybe she can turn him into someone who's not such a stuck up. Okay. People like to see me stumble. It's schadenfreude. And why is that? She called you out, and New York was charmed. Charmed is a strong word. You called yourself charming. Fuck a make over by her. Could be your ticket to building up your listener numbers, maybe even get you that best of NYC award after all these years. I'm just a fan of hers. I am. But this proves that she is the perfect consultant to bring you back down to earth. And she made over Morris. Or do I look like a dive bar owner? Okay, let's be real. Your declining listenership is why they want to co-host. And the Times said, I know what the Times said. You seem more focused on the insider gossip of the rich and powerful than the concerns of the average New Yorker. Listen, I know this may sound crazy, but I think we may have found a good co-host candidate to pitch to the 10th floor who heard the. Yeah, they will absolutely get on board. Her vlog followers are literally the demographic you score poorly with, but our advertisers cut it. I'm kidding. No, she will balance and call you out just like Howard Stern and Robin Quivers or Regis and Kelly. This is a joke. I feel that she'll bring something you like, a more grounded, less pretentious perspective. You wouldn't throw a clown into a lion's den. Then give me more co-host names. Probably the 10th floor will approve, I said, from bashing to potatoes with one fork. It's not like she's some seasoned co-host at the 10th Floor of Love with an replace you with. She's a no B. Exactly. Which is why this is straight up insult you're seeking, Patrick. And from where I stand, she is your best chance at saving your show. Get her for the consulting gig and co-host or I guarantee you the 10th floor will not renew your contract at the end of the season. Hi, everyone. Savannah here and Ellie and I are having a creative day as part of our wellness routine. Hi, Savannah here. And who is this person? Should have an airplane mode. Hello, Savannah. Dr. Dylan. You just called me, like, eight times. Why didn't you leave a message? Because you picked up. Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday. Water under the bridge. Okay, great. Can I still come in for the interview? No need. You're hired. That's fantastic news. Thank you. One little request. Instead of just the consulting job, we will double your fee if you join me on the show as a co-host. That's funny. Patrick, are we on the air? Nope. So, is it a deal? No, no. Look, I appreciate the vote of confidence, but I have zero interest in becoming a radio host. Well, we wouldn't be a house per se. More of a trial run as a site act. You're really selling this here. Listen, I've got my own priorities. What priorities? Face cream. Patrick, I'd be flattered to take the consulting gig, but no thanks to the show. But we had such a connection. Savannah, I need to go. I thought you wanted this gig. I do, But we are taking a tour of a school, and work does not interfere with my daughter. Okay, let's close this deal now. I can talk tomorrow. I'm Savannah. We also have a rooftop green house historic chapel. And new this year is a resident archeologist. Of course, all this is to prepare students for the wonderful world filled inherit course. Contact me if you have any further questions. The tuition. Last page. Hope to see you in the fall. Mom, what are we doing here? Peter, my kids. This is for rich kids. What if you get a scholarship? I guess they're going to pay for you in here somehow. Why would they want me? Who wouldn't want you? You are smart. You have top percentile test scores. They give scholarships to people like you. Places like this. Open doors for the rest of your life. Did you ever get a scholarship? I went to public schools. I was not as smart as you were. Hey, if you were here and you could study anything in the world, what would it be? Zoology. Zoology? I thought you liked English. That was last week. Me, silly. You like English? Like. We got to come in here like you already know what you want to do. Driven. Okay. All right. Hey. Morning. I sat with my coffee. Whatever bodega sludge that was. This is better. You'll thank me later. Is there happiness? So, how was the school? We don't have to. Small talk. Patrick. Being friendly. I'm establishing boundaries. What did you want to discuss? Okay, so the consulting gig and the co-hosting are kind of a package deal. And then. No, I'm sorry. You said you wanted the gig, Sherman. I don't need it. What is so wrong with co-hosting? You are so off brand for me. You mean your new age, yoga and stuff Isn't the last thing I need right now is something that's going to pull me away from my vlog. Not to mention confuse my followers and muddle my brand. What if we tripled your fee? Thanks for the coffee, Patrick. Okay. What if we connected you to advertisers, promoted your vlog on the show and got you serious exposure? Why are you so desperate? they think my show needs a makeover. Yeah, it does. Listeners liked you and management for reasons that I cannot fathom, approved. You. But do you want me? I don't have a choice. I wouldn't have time for my blog. I will find you an intern. I will help you. I shoot. EDIT Find sponsors. I like free labor. You'd have to allow me adequate time for week five and the show would have to align closer to my own brand. We'd have to agree on a guest. come on. This is the worst nightmare. Really? You should meditate on that. I'm going to help you, Patrick. For the record, this is not life coaching. This is just image consultant. Thanks for the coffee. It's good. It's perfect. Was that you on the Patrick Dillon show? Please come in. Yes. What were you doing on his show? It's a side gig, but. Are you upset that I'm working? No. No. I am happy for you. But also, how did you get the account? You know, never mind. More importantly, the chemistry that was in the air. All of New York. There was no chemistry. No, no. It was tingling with electricity, like Styrofoam stuck to a cat. He was doing his fake radio charm. I was trying to get a job by flirting. Of course. That's unprofessional. Like, have you seen the man on the other side of that voice? Only on page six. But do tell. Why are you here? I am here to check in on you. And your life is obviously awesome. He may sound nice, but he is anything but. He is pretentious, He's pushy. He dresses like the landed gentry. That deep voice, they add a filter? No. Yes. And he is the opposite of wellness. He's this mental gymnastics man. If you say so. Their mother daughter journals. So cute. I rarely find time with him, but that's what the passports were for. You know, I'm actually doing a mother daughter blog episode on quality time together. My mom had me make these prototypes. They're designed to promote wellness and foster creativity. It's basically a mindfulness journal for parents and a confidence builder for kids disguised as a productivity tool. You should use it with Can I can I get your point of your feedback? I need testers. I really want to sell it for my blog one day. I wish you told me about this while you were working together. I feel like I wasn't a good friend. No. I was worried that you think I wasn't 100% about the job, which I was. Which was also the problem. Well, I'm glad that you're doing this. And I'm happy I get to be a better friend now. Yes, boss. Why is all the French a weird. This is a big question mark. you can sit on it. it's uncomfortable. Yeah, it's a statement piece. But where do you watch TV? In your pajamas. My mom's picking her up, so. look. that is a Louis bra. It's a play on Kazimir. Malevich is suprematism. I can totally pigment. She actually did paint that this morning. This is brilliant. Questions representation itself. Who cares? All right. It's been a while since I've been around kids. Maybe you could use some unfiltered honesty more often. careful. Same Anderson. About. Let's try this real. I'm a puppet. And are we going to work? it's The boss is back. Boo! Boo! So the network is giving us a couple of weeks to find the new version of the show, which will launch after the mid-season hiatus for the new the branding parameters. Just look over those now, here's your phone. I'm doing a digital detox. I'm not using my phone for the day. Right. Wellness. It's a blog episode I have coming up. You want me to print you out a hard copy? Don't hurt the trees. We'll go out there. Here, try these. they're heavy. That means they're expensive. No. Let me know when you see the United Nations building. You can't see it from here. Keep busy. So I looked over the guest list. Impressive, Am I interrupting or continue? So, for the show, I was thinking. Right. So I was thinking for this. Sorry. Your guest list doesn't work for me. Your guest. This doesn't work for me. Why not? I'm not going to undercut the sophistication of my show. I'm expanding it with random others, single mom entrepreneurs who nobody's ever heard of. I'm sorry if they don't live in penthouses or in movies. But I would like to connect with normal people. Like my blog. Normal, I can't find it. Keep looking. So the rebranding proposals that I sent you, those don't work. You're being stubborn. Look, he's talking from back office. Got a million things to do. Hi, Mom. This is Patrick. Patrick, this is my mother, Amy. I am a big fan. She isn't. Can I get a tour? My mom was just about to leave. I'm leaving. Can I ask for a favor? Be the voice on my answering machine. Hello. This is Patrick Dillon from spreading the news. You've reached Amy Joy's phone. She's out. Living life, breaking hearts. Please leave a message and she will get back to you, sir. Cheers. Thank you so much. You are the best. Anytime. Anything else? Cocktail. Just be nice to him. Bye. Bye. Bye. Thank you. Come on, Ellie. Hi. Thank you for calling me back. Hi. I'm looking for a waffle Rhodes to review for my little Miss. While now I don't have 30,000 followers yet. Minimum 30,000 followers. Well, I'm almost there. Do you work with employers? I'm a single mother doing a blog post on secrets of a good night's sleep. And I'll be on spreading news with Patrick. Okay. I understand. Thank you for your time. Yeah, I'd love to tell you more. sorry. I'm a little tired today. You didn't post today? I was. I was busy with Patrick's stuff, but I'll post tomorrow. What are we finally? We are journaling before bed. You need me to hold the camera? I'll be fine. You can help me tomorrow. Let's make some tea. Hi. Welcome back to finding the me between the beauty and the mess. I'm supposed to join in this video. I'll be reviewing essential oils. What am I doing? What do you wear in the weekend? All right. You expect me to interview the titans of business in a t shirt? You're not negotiating trade deals. Style is confidence. It says I'm on your level. Are you saying that for them or for you, Let them feel powerful over you, They'll open up more. There's a reason why politicians take off their ties and roll up their sleeves. It sets the tone. I'm not talking in a Ford factory. We are doing a reverse Cinderella on you. You can still be classy but approachable and some jeans. Trust me, you look normal instead of confident. Actually. Handsome, actually. So much better was at the time much less enticing. Okay. Show me how you set your body. Language is closed. You're not watching the game on the couch. Do you know the people that I've interviewed? You've always been invisible on the air, but not to the person you're talking to. I get it. You've never been subject to scrutiny the way you might have been if you've been on camera. But people react to this subconsciously. I'm behind the desk. I could be pantsless. I do interviews in a dark booth. I want to talk about that too. I do not have time to psychoanalyze my leg place. This interview is in 2 hours. Maybe we just pick it up, figure it out on the fly. Yeah. Okay. I've got some I have to do to. I find the Oscars more of a pageant for the masses to experience glamor rather than an award for the truly best. Anything. Hey, I mean, when I was last there with my friend Leo, I found the red carpet line so slow they don't tell you how long it's going to be. So. Zoe, I love that Falafel Hut commercial you were in. My daughter likes it every time. You know, the one where you say I'm terrible? I feel awful. You know, you feel awful. You weren't in that commercial. Are you talking about Zoe Martin? The community? I'm so sorry. they don't even look alike. Maybe she had a wig on. You know, movie magic. I'm sorry. I'm new at this. I just quit my job, and now I'm here all this sudden ghosting. You know, if I could tell you, make it right. Zoe is an Oscar winning actress, so better with two Emmys and extensive theater credits. You don't have to fake it anything. You are an amazing actress. Although I'm sure you can fake whatever you want if you had to. You know, the last time I conducted an interview was for my Science magazine when I was 14. I was a little nerdy then, but you know who wasn't? And it was really good for college credits. And my mom was super into padding your resume. And I hope my college admissions people aren't listening. You know what I'm saying? You two are looking at me in This feels awkward. Is this That's a given there. Would you like to confess to anything else? I'm sorry. I was just trying to lower the stuffiness. you mean the elevated conversation? More like name dropping. please. Waxing poetic on the Oscars. Maybe you can write a haiku about it. try to join us up here, please. of course. Patrick, I forgot. You're not a man. You're a radio God. Or maybe we can talk about holistic candles instead. Said no one ever. We have spent the last half hour pontificating about Hollywood. Rather than try to learn anything about how to do falafel commercials, I am just trying to be real tantric. And I think your audience deserves. Okay, let's. Let's be real. Okay? You didn't do the research, which is the first priority for any interviewer. I was busy and you didn't share your notes? Busy doing what? Doing what? So there I was, having an important puberty conversation with my daughter. Okay. Yeah, I'm a single mom. Self-employed. What did you do last night, Patrick? Google yourself. Okay. You know, you've done that to. Okay, commercial break. And in the meantime, please check out Savannah's wellness blog, Finding the Me Between the Beauty and the Mess. We'll be right back, guys. Hello. So you two didn't compare notes. You didn't practice. I blame you for not coaching her better. you sure you're not taking this seriously? It is obvious that this experiment isn't working. Let's just go back to the old format. There is no going back, Patrick. We're not number one anymore. Just still be on the radio. In this day and age. With so much competition, you need a broad appeal to justify the airwaves. She is your only hope and you're sabotaging and you? I expected better from you. I thought you never give up. We're going to air reruns this week, and then you two just figured this out. I listen to the show today. I've been hired by a man who refuses to be helped. I thought the point of the show was to promote the blog. I'm getting there. Or what if he does more harm than good for your brand? I know you could quit. You know, I know you take pride in your work. No, it's not that. I signed a contract. look, I'm handling it. I can catch up on blog episodes this week. I want to give back a section. I think it would be a good Mother-Daughter activity. I agree. So I see you know how to pick a spot. You're ready to go. You start working on the show. Sure. But as you can see, you have to work on my schedule now. No, you're right, Alicia. The deadline's next week. Always spend Saturdays at the park, and I have my blog work to do. We don't have time for the park play. There's always time. No, there isn't. You just have to choose to make time. Yeah, let's get on the T-shirt. But that's not true. You promised Patrick that was part of the deal. This is why I became a wellness entrepreneur. Self care and Family First. One place. Yeah, why not? You do this every Saturday? Yep. What else do you guys do? Museums, meditation, creative day, exploration days. Like walking around in new neighborhood or trying a new restaurant. There isn't always time, but it is a matter of prioritizing. I decided that this was important to me. What's important to you? I work. Yeah, but work for West End. That's just what I've always done. Are you happy? yeah. That's what I said. You know for sure, if you use one of these, you track what you're doing, your goals, and then you can look back over a long period and see state of mind, like where you spend your time. What's important to you, your mom, subject you to this torture. Yeah, but I like it. So we can do some work? Yes. You will record a record. What blog episodes. We have four to shoot this week, thanks to you. Come on, it'll be fun. I'm boring, boring, boring. More and more and more boring. Boring day. Okay. Okay. Wow. Wow. You two really laid on thick with this peer pressure from June 1st. My third state shy, maybe last job. Real. Nothing. It's like nothing. There's a boat, There's there's cashew. There's all these people think you're dead. But I'm on my own to finally get to do that jacket every month. Mom makes me pick a job to learn about this month's architect. Do you have a favorite building? I don't know. Have you looked at different building styles? Okay, well, let me show you over here. See, this church is built in the Gothic style, and you can tell the architect inspired by that. And they built these big arches why I love this style. It's just break font, all different kinds of buildings around it. Easy to find your favorite. And over there, that's called art deco. I don't know how you do it. Working for 8 hours a week for no pay on call 24 hours a day. It's thriving. Being a mother, toughest job there is No. I get paid in happiness. Seeing it isn't always easy. Start it out. And complete chaos, right? Yeah. I suddenly found myself a single mother and ill equipped. My wellness blog was a matter of self-preservation. At first it was just looking for tips on how to survive from other single mothers. But when I witnessed the support from others, it became my obsession. I would not only was I helping myself, but I was helping others. People like me juggling family and professional life just one another. How how people who have made it have figured it out, how they managed to thrive amidst the drama. I mean, that's interesting to every New Yorker. I think I built a successful show for years because I gave people a window into a world that can't access the elite. Yeah, people don't want to see movies about normal people. They want to escape. They want inspirational entertainment. Normal people can inspire. Yeah, I see where you're coming from. My parents, they came from modest backgrounds, but they don't listen to my show anymore. I funded a thank you. See? Slowing down help for a day. you should try journaling. Well, it's. It's been a nice waste of time. Well, I'm glad I could be your life coach of the day. And thank you for holding up your end of the bargain and helping. Today we have a list of advertiser contacts for you. you're leaving all sadly. this is Bart's. I think you mean Bazaar. It's beautiful. What do I put here? Your essay. It says, Who do you admire? Do you know who you're going to write about? No. Well, you seemed to like Amelia Earhart when we researched her, I guess. Who do you think I should write about? that's up to you. I can't help you with this. Parents are not allowed. I need to think about it. This is a lot. Is Patrick helping with more blog episodes? Well, somebody has got to hold the camera. If you're not, I can let him. Hi. You ready? I got you something. You know the way to a girl's heart. Talk to the station tech guy so you could up your vlog game. And all the influencers are using proper lights these days. I know. I was planning to upgrade. Well, the station was just going to get rid of this stuff. So that's yours, Patrick. that's a gift for me. You didn't have to buy me one. I didn't actually got a new one. That's my old camera. It's kind of awkward shooting on your phone yesterday. I almost accidentally chucked it into the pond. Thank you. Wow. This is really just a ruse to help you shoot faster so you can spend more time working on the show. Always an agenda. It's gone. You need to practice with normal New Yorkers, not just people concerned. The latest collaboration. What are we doing here? I'm going to give you a challenge. Make a person smile. Is it make anyone laugh? No. The goal isn't to tell a joke. It's to charm. Connect on a real level. Look, you're out of your booth. You're vulnerable, and you got to be vulnerable to collapse. And show me what you get. Excuse me, sir. Can I ask you a I'll talk to you for a minute. I just want to ask you a quick question. Excuse me. I just want to ask you a question. All of my friend here. Do you collect anything? Pincushion. I know it makes me sound like an old lady. What about when you like? I don't know my art. I love flecks them and they're so silly cuz you have a favorite French violin. I love it when people are passionate about stuff, you know, no matter how small, I even have an instagram page for them. So happy. I will give that a follow. Thank you for talking to me. Patrick. Dylan. Not waxing poetic about trendy things, but I just asked her about something I know she love. Easy smile. So you got her to talk about something genuine and you made your point. I'm just trying to get you to flex your old muscle memory. Also, don't cross your arms much. wait a second. Are you. Are you actually listening to me? You know what? You should join me. Yes, you. You could use the practice. I dare you to get someone to tell you a deeply personal story. Get them to cry. come on. She followed me everywhere. We were inseparable. We had such fun times. But. But there was another side hurtful. I understand a lot of these relationships. They have such extreme highs and lows, and the lows can be brutal. She would scratch me, torment me for the last days. So relieved. But were you happy? No. She was a good cat, real affectionate kitten. But growing up on the farm alone, the only kid for miles, she was your only friend. Yeah. Yeah. A pleasure talking to you. Thanks. Well, that was the most intense conversation about a cat you were connecting right here. wow. Thank you. Did you always want to work in radio? gosh, no. I used to be a serious print journalist. Yeah, The Times really? I did profiles. I was fascinated by people. Then one day, I'm doing a profile on a deejay DJ, and the producer invites me to do an interview on air. Well, it turns out I have a talent for disarming guests. New York loved it. Now, how did you go from that to interviewing socialites? Well, you know, I was good at asking hard questions to the rich and powerful of my profiles. They didn't scare me. So the station asked me to dive deeper into that. And I did in every which way, including my life, which was good for promoting my brand and networking with guests. Makes sense. Yeah. But eventually it became me. Started dating a stylist, started playing the role where my ex-fiance left me. The show was the only thing I had on the air and off. I'm sorry. it wasn't to be. It was for the better. Believe me. you know, I used to have real conversations with guests. I did. And then the station wanted me to have this elitist slant, which now apparently, they want me to share. Yeah. What about you? Happy with the way you see yourself now? I felt stuck the last couple of years. My blog and my journal about style. But shooting the other day, it feels like I finally have momentum and it feels amazing. We're going to promote that on the show. Thank you. I should go. You too. Yeah. He's probably tired of my mom. Yeah, I've phone emails, emails, right. Crazy stuff. Okay. Okay. Thank you for. yeah. These are amazing. Yeah. Him. I rarely do penthouse renovations under eight figures. Billionaires don't want something. Someone else says they want the impossible. But how do you work with clients who don't understand compromise? Well, first of all, we don't use that C-word. Okay, But what do you say to someone who's always used to getting their way? Look, this is the art of dreams. And if they pay, I do. Okay? But I don't. I mean, just. I'm sorry. You know, please write. Are you okay? You guys are adorable. just kidding. What was that? It was so slow. I want to pull the fire alarm. Why is it awkward? Like two teenagers? Are you two looking at death? No, no, no, definitely not. No. So then what's the angle? Let's to show Patrick We haven't figured it out, so I have no proposed branding from you two yet. No structure, no guest list. You, too, can't act like an interviewing team unless you have tone and format. And you know this. What's the issue? This is my fault. I was slowing us down, but we're on the same page now. Can you can you just give us a little bit more time, please? Nail this rebrand by next week for the start of the second half of the season, I be canceled. That's a bit harsh. It's not my call. There are plenty of up and coming podcasters with millions of followers already, but the 10th floor would love to take a chance on her. She always like that. Don't you have an episode edit post and we're going to figure this out first. Maybe we should do what I always do when I'm stuck. Take a break. Right. The opposite of work. Now mindfulness will lead to inspiration. Okay. What's the plan then? Yeah. I mean, I love the city. Me too. There's a pity of frustration from living on top of each other that covers the entire city. But scratch that off. There is a beautiful story around each corner. Is being a poet how I feel? You don't get that hiding away in a loft. No, I definitely don't. Because maybe we need to push the corny poet in you to find the angle. I want to show me your New York. Mindfulness leads to real change. You stole that from my post. Is stalking me? No, I've been journaling of. Got a surprise for you tomorrow. So as promised, I found you potential sponsor for your blog. Who is it? The world's largest online wellness retailer, boutique Thrive. I don't trust them. Sustainability or ingredient wise. You can ask them about it. Do you know they sell glitter infused face masks, microplastics pollute the water and they harm your skin. It's all just for social media photos. Glitter. What's wrong? Should have told you. But I'm a few days into a juice cleanse detox for the block. You had to pick a lunch meeting. so no, just don't eat anything. Do you know how hard that is? Just this chapter and try to be your normal, charming self? Yeah, okay. I'm just a little bit hungry. And if she wants to talk about glitter masks, we can talk about glitter. I am not discussing glitter right. We love working with influencers. Have you seen our new My glitter masks? Your followers will love them. I don't recommend anything to my followers that I don't believe in. They trust me. no, no, of course not. No, no, no, no, no. All we're asking is that you review our masks and recommend the best. It's. It's not an endorsement. Do you test on animals? No. What about your lack of sustainability and aloe production? I'm sure whatever report is watered down. All right. Thank you so much for talking with us. Right now. Thanks, Charlotte. I'm sorry. I want to promote things that people need, not push products, especially products that I know you know, you could grow your audience with, protect, thrive, and you can do whatever you want. Your own products, collaborations. No one will remember. Glitter. Max. I am not sacrificing my principles just to make it not that bad. Look, they may not be perfect, but I have a list of sponsors who will pay you well enough that you can ditch the image consulting and focus full time on your blog. I need to do this my way, Patrick. Even if that takes years. If that's what right is. So that's that's already some food. And then let me go over the analytics of the advertisers character. You the devil. Yeah. That's where the older kids played stickball all the time. I was old enough, nobody played. And there is my window. Parents moved to Denver, but still no people in the neighborhood. You don't come around much, Do you know you have a better view these days? Yeah, but that's hard. You know, I used to hang out at my dad's bookshop that him with customers talked to a lot of strangers and get, you know, my parents, they never cared about the latest fashion collaboration, a new restaurant opening, for that matter. How you dress, as long as you wear pants. it looks like you made them proud. I Yeah, Maybe I know what we should do. All right, Come on, Patty. We ain't got all day care, Rush. Perfection. I am Pat. You're out. He didn't tag me where he didn't remember the first thing I asked him. How do you see yourself? Somewhere between here in Manhattan. Yes. I didn't go far, but she went. I. Where do you see yourself? Still finding the me between the beauty and the mess. All I know is that I found my passion when I was just trying to make my everyday life work. What if that's it? What do you mean? Don't focus on how guests made it or what got them to where they are, but instead on their personal memories, their upbringing, what made them people to begin with, like us here today? And then we'll understand their passion and how they manage to make their everyday lives work amidst the chaos of what they do. Maybe a requirement is that they bring a family member or friend, someone who knows them well, and that would be a dynamic going to be. Normally we could even interview them live in their own home or a place of work. We can do that, right? Why not? Our guest list could be elite self-made people. We could have single mother. Entrepreneurs are going to I think we've got some work to do and plenty of longer pursuits to shoot. Of course. Of course, course. People will do bring her with their children. I mean, the gymnast maybe. But the other one I don't think would be on a radio quality. What he needs, what it is that you don't like minus. No, sounds harsh. I believe the terms unfiltered honesty. You know, Jake, I think you had them last time. Could you? thank you. Everybody keeps saying that Graham Campbell's available. Yeah. Yes, Yes, quite definitely something. We're doing the wine, actually, the minerality. We're really tight. I think my eyes are racing the works, clearly. I think you can sit up. So this is quite to the chefs. Cheers. Cheers. You interested in? I don't know, but thank you for letting me be part of the team. I needed someone told the camera. I imagine you're itching to get back to your routine. What do you mean? You know, gallery shows, celebrity thing. It's not really. I mean, I'm in the movies. I'm having fun here, Mom. Always. You're annoying. Of course. Do you want to join us? Yeah, I'm just finishing here. How's it going with Patrick? It's going great. The one, Eddie ADR, He's been helpful with the vlog. I've been posting on schedule. I even have some advertising contacts to pursue. But. But that all sounds great. I think we're finally nailing the shows angle. I think it'll be phenomenal. But where does that leave me? What do you mean? I have my own brand. I need to focus on. I took this job because I needed the momentum from him, but once I get it, I can't get sucked into a show that's going to pull me away from my own dream. Plus, I'm worried that Ellie is becoming too attached. I think you should follow your heart. Are you giving me mindfulness advice? I have been using the journals of Kent and it's been eye opening, to say the least, and doing some reflection. Making some changes. Like what? Dinner. Okay. I know it seems small. I'm sitting down to a good homemade meal every night with Kim not rushed. It's been wonderful. That's amazing. I think I don't want to track my emotions because I was afraid of the truth. I mean, you can't tonight on paper was my theme. Keep going. We'll do Coach. There is one other thing. The partners wanted me to make you a counteroffer to bring you back. I'm double what you made before. That's more than I ever made. I was your friend. I. I think you should stick with the vlog. That's a big number to walk away from. Think about it. You don't have to give them an answer till next week. Where are we? We are in the kitchen. So why don't we interview a michelin chef's family? I love it. Yeah, Yeah. that's great. I'm good. Hello. Hi, Miss DeLeon. The scholarship interviews are went okay. Thank you so much. This is wonderful news. What's wrong? She got in, but she still has the scholarship interview. Tuition is like the price of a new car every semester, and she'll get the scholarship. Yeah, but what if she doesn't? I mean, I have money Sue for the blog, but maybe I can't wasted on that. You have to follow your dreams. Even if she gets it this year, she has to reapply every year. But at the show gets renewed, you have additional income. It depend on that. When you figure it out. I don't have that luxury. L.A. comes first. I think you can do both. Mom, I should go tell her. Okay. I just want you to be as professional as possible and check all the boxes that the school is looking for. Okay? What's wrong? I don't know. I just want to be myself. Yeah, but you got to be more than that to. Is Patrick helping us shoot tomorrow? no, he isn't. Ellie, he's not going to be around all the time. Maybe not at all. He's got his own life. We've got to focus on us. The team. Okay. That's my girl. Okay, Set jumps back as you hit. So, Ellie, what are your interests? English. English. I like English the best. Nice. So, what are you reading right now? I just finished a book called Believe Me. And what do you like about. Believe me? I would probably say the character development was written very nicely. Yes. Girl, you're going to ace this. So what sacrifices that you had to make to get here? Well, it had to be a dream. We both wanted. It's not just me alone in the kitchen getting a michelin stars, and my parents were the same. My dad had a bookstore. It was his dream. But he was not a good businessman. So it would have died many times if my mother didn't believe in it too. When you first opened and got that scathing review, what did you do? Well, my instinct was to work harder, but I was forcing it. So how did you find your voice? Our daughter. The whole flavor of the restaurant came from my me wanting to show her our families. Harry's. Wow, I love that. Well, thank you so much for coming on today. This has been spreading the news with Patrick Dillon and Savannah. Enjoy till tomorrow. That was great, guys. And doing interviews live on location every weekday morning will be a grind, but the results are clear. These familiar spaces really bring out the intimacy and you can feel it too in the sound, the room. And you guys were absolutely in sync too. Well, we have some guests we want to run by you for approval. It's going to be a logistical nightmare, but we're ready. We should also do supplementary content for the website. I agree. I hope you two can pull this off. Talk soon. What's up? I'm just happy everything's coming together. I know there will be time for the blog, I promise. I hope. Patrick, I can't get out of this gallery opening. Would you want to come with me? A gallery opening and I'll send you. The information is going to come. Patrick. I'd be honored if you would be my plus one. What's your favorite subject? I like English the best. Do you have any other interests? Don't worry about your mom. We'll come back to that. I read your essay about who you admire. We studied Amelia Earhart recently. Wonderful. But Ellie wrote about someone else. You admire my mom because she follows her heart. She inspires other people to take care of themselves. Just like she takes care of me. My mom says that following your dreams is the scariest thing of all. But I want to be like her and follow my heart. But I'm new and she's not, so I have to out what that is for me. That's why we learn about new jobs and topics every month. So, Ellie, what does your heart want to do? I guess I do like something the most. What's that? I've always wanted to be a veterinarian. Wonderful. Why? Doctors help people. But animals need help to. They have personalities. They do. My friend Susie has two cats. They're Very different. Did you know you need to study chemistry and biology to become a veterinarian? Yes, Dear Mrs. Chemistry is like cooking, except you can't eat the ingredients. So why didn't you put veterinarian on your application? Why didn't you tell me that you wanted to be a veterinarian? I did, But you never listened. Whenever I talked about animals, you said we couldn't get a pet head. I do. You did great. He did. Sorry, I didn't listen more. It's okay, Mom. Patrick Dillon. Hey, man. Congratulations, man. You're all presold. Thanks, man. Heard right. I remember when you were struggling. I remember when you were a struggling artist. How's the show? It's changing. I think it's going to be better. That's awesome. I love that. What's your secret? What got you from Hocking Art in Times Square to this? Honestly, man, I just. I turned up the heat. I just worth every day like it was my last. Really? Yeah, man. At this point, I have no time for anything but pursuing perfection. You know, you got to be like. Like a seagull over the Arctic Ocean. Just never landing, never resting until you test that fish. Just no distractions. But I'm preaching to the choir, right? So I. So I'm happy you found some. my God. That is so unlike you. How are you gonna have time for the show now? I'm sorry. I got up. I got to go. Michael. Hey, dude, are you single? Baby, don't forget single. Hi. great seeing you, too. Yeah, well, different product. I'm glad to hear you like it. yeah? Well, of course. Thank you so much for listening. She's going to get the scholarship. I got an offer to go back to my old job for double what I made. Are you seriously considering it? We wouldn't be at the mercy of the scholarship this year or next. What about our show? Your show? But you're one of us, too. I want you to succeed. This show is going to be phenomenal. I know. Complimentary. I want more than that. I have dreamed for years of doing something meaningful like this. That's not my dream. But you're just going to walk away from this job. I can't hedge her future on my brand success. That job is a guarantee. You could work with one of the sponsors. I do. I'm not losing my principles. So you're just going to walk away from your passion because it's not exactly the way you want it. I can. Still working on the side that worked out last time I got you to a good place. Be seriously quitting. This is spiraling into too much commitment for me. My contract says Seriously, I don't care about the contract. I care about you following through on your passion. I mean, you practically kicked mindfulness into my head, and now you are completely avoiding it. That's why I'm leaving the show. I'm sorry. This is hurtful toward it. Leave me. Don't. Don't leave me for a job that you don't care about. That is hurtful. It is not now for the blog. And when Keep making promises to yourself, but you don't really change. What about you? But about me? You slow down for a second, but you don't know where you're going. You haven't made any meaningful changes in your own life. You're on the same path to burnout. Sellout. This is what I want. What do you want? I'm happy for you. You've clearly regained your mojo. But have my own life. And it's none of your business. So we've booked half the gig. Then I quit. What? Why? Follow through issues? I can maintain the new format without her, I promise. Kessler's two sets of order questions in advance. The research is done. I just. I just need to stay grounded without her. I'm committed. Fine. Go for it. It's your funeral. Where's Patrick? I quit. It was becoming too much. But you were right. I have to focus on my blog. But he was helping you. Well, are you still going to spend time together as friends? I can't have Libby coming too attached, right? I mean, what happens when he gets bored of us and goes back to his world of models and celebrity events? Know. How is he going to take that? Well, all I know is that you and Allie have been happy for the past few weeks. Read your journal if you don't believe me. You know, Clara offered me my old job back at double my salary. Ellie's tuition wouldn't be an issue. You are indeed good at this wellness thing, and you have to do it because it's who you are. Jenny's daughter came up to me the other day raving about how your blog helped her and her friends. She was talking about you like you were a saint. And I know you ain't no saint. So if you need help with Allie or if you need financial help, I'm here okay. Just factored into your business plan. I just want you to be happy. Okay? It's from the school. This is it. This is. What is it? Say we proudly confirm that Ellie Choi is the recipient of a full time scholarship. We are going to eat dessert for dinner. I'm glad you told the truth about wanting to be a veterinarian. You always talk about finding me in your vlogs, So I just did what you tell people. I'm not living up to my own advice and my. What is the team? Think about me staying on with the vlog as planned? Well, you know where I stand. I vote yes. And now that I'm home, one, maybe we can discuss getting picked. It's a big responsible party, but it's what you're interested in. Really. You inspire me. You're my hero, Kate Grace. Keep an end and thank you for meeting with me. I know that you run a fashion blog, and I was telling you a little bit about my wellness blog. And I think that this make for a really interesting article. If you wanted to come do a vlog and we can sort of do like a merge vlog, you tell me, don't you love me? I reserve many thank you for the job, but I'm going to do my thing is, I was hoping you'd say that. Plus, I wanted to connect you to some stores that are interested in carrying your journals. I hope you don't mind. I showed a few people. I don't have any stock, so that journal wasn't a prototype. Okay. I also have some investors that are interested in financing your first batch. So is that a yes? that's a yes. I can sympathize. In the neighborhood I grew up, there was a place we all wanted it. I know what you're doing. What's become absurd? We're reading books upside down. Mom, Grandma always invited you to the best of the NYC Awards. Both of you the show's been nominated for. I know I'm right. I'm not going is go here. All right. Your contract has been renewed. Isn't this what you wanted? Yeah, I'm. I am exhausted. You knew this would be a grind. I did severe RSVP. You want to invite anyone else? I just make sure two seats are safe just in case. The chance. I'm sorry. Just a minute here. Hi, Dad. I'm so sorry. I meant to call. How was your trip? Listen to the show. Yeah, Yeah, we changed the format. How do you know that? No, I did not know. I wish I had your phone number. You're right. Thank you. And that means the world to me. And Mom was into it with all your friends. Wow, That is. That was wonderful. Thank you. And the NYC award goes to Patrick Dillon. I've wanted this for the last ten years, and now for the first time in my life, I am speechless. This would not have been possible without two people who are very dear to me, Savannah and Allie Joy, whom you heard on the show. They pushed me to slow down and to rediscover myself where I'm from, values close to my heart. And I know they made me whole again, allowed me to connect to people, human to human, and find that common ground that people care about. Promise not to lose that again. Right now, you can tell the architect of this was inspired by that audience for a while to take these ideas to the South. And so I'm continuing the new show format into next season, but with more pre-taped segments so I can devote more time to quality without burning out. I'll be back same time, same place, but I'll never be the same. How could I? Savannah And now they walk into my life and we'll grow into it. And that the best thing that ever happened to me because I saw what life could be. I was prepared for a moment with them and all I want if I should be so lucky. And Savannah portion. I know I had lost my time as an interviewer because I was losing touch with my heart. She saved me and Mom, can you watch Ellie? I'm going to. And so this is spreading the news with Patrick Dillon and Hi, Patrick. Hi, Savannah. What are you doing here? I realize that I can't be a better mom for your help. Others, if I don't help myself, I'm not living up to the mindfulness advice on my own wellness blog. I told myself that I was protecting Ellie when in truth, I was protecting myself from failure. I'll never achieve my dreams that way. You and Ellie taught me that. So I was hoping that you would join our team again as a cameraman on a trial basis. Well, that is a dream I can get behind. I don't want to miss out on life. And I cannot imagine doing it without you. And beside me. I am only half of a great conversation without you on air and, well, you heard it in New York. This is spreading the news with Patrick, Dylan and Savannah Joy. So next time you see Vincent, that is a romance right there.
Channel: Movie Surf | English
Views: 120,797
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reel One Entertainment, #englishmovies, english thriller, thriller movies, #MovieNight, #FilmLovers, #FilmRecommendations, #MovieTime, romance, comedy, family, Laura Miyata, Luke Humphrey, hallmark, hallmark movies
Id: xNzeQw1E8uo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 45sec (5265 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 08 2024
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