The Attraction Test | Movie Starring Tara Wilson and Andrew Dunbar

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[Music] morning Dr [Music] car hey Dr Carver Ethan hi did you hear our big news no we're engaged you and Claire oh wow congratulations well it's all thanks to you Dr Carver if we hadn't participated in your study I probably would have never discovered Claire was the one I'm so happy for you when's the big day we haven't set a date yet but when we do we hope you can make it I would be honored I'm sorry I have to run I have media training but you and Claire are the stars you're the first couple in the study to get engaged oh anyway congratulations again and let me know when you pick a date well do okay bye bye okay Brooke it's all very simple so I will just pretend to be a TV reporter and ask you some questions that sound okay Brooke great fire waven all right so uh Dr Carver your new study is called the dating test how does it work simply put the dating test helps you find your ideal person the one couples go on a series of dates wearing these watch-like devices that record your heart rate dopamine levels pul socks and several other indicators it's called the attraction tracker but how do you know that they're your ideal match like the one your level of attraction to another person is measured on a scale of 0 to 100 meet someone who scores 95 and above you've met the one but is that all that love is just a series of chemical reactions on a score sheet yes these physical signals are far more reliable than things like emotions what about feelings feelings are like relatives at Christmas they come and go but isn't that how people have found love for well forever which explains why more than half of marriages end in divorce how sad oh sorry where was I U so Dr Carver um has this new study been tested how do you know that it works so far it's only been tested on students but just this morning a student of mine told me he's engaged to the person he took the study with they both scored above 95 wow so uh Dr Carver you've veloped quite the reputation for your studies on love is the dating test your crowning achievement oh no this is just the beginning there's so little research on the science of love so much to learn well thank you Dr Carver is there uh anything you'd like to add no you sure oh and here at pton University we conduct research with heart terrific broke how did it feel great but I'll have to check the tape can't trust feelings right now I know what you're thinking where's the romance measuring neurotransmitters isn't exactly the stuff of Jane Austin is that what you're really looking for drama heartache corsets why rely on some abstract gut feeling about someone when you can have quantifiable results that tell you if that person is the one for you the dating test takes the guessing Mark out of Rebecca hi hi Brooke practicing for tonight yes but it's fine come in how's the speech coming great I think I'll just be giving a preview of the study well you don't want to be giving away too much want to save it for the big study release in two weeks Vince is billing it as a teaser ah perfect he told me that the practice interview this morning went well mhm never thought one of my professors would get more TV time than the University's president Rebecca I am not oh broke I'm not complaining your resar Arch has put this school on the map we plan on taking full advantage of our new found notoriety have you heard the new branding slogan research with heart kind of humanizes it don't you think I mean it's not just about the data right oh Brooke we are going to ride your coattails we intend to increase enrollment funding maybe even bump up our ranking oh I don't know if my study can do all that Brook don't be modest my star Professor or should I say Dean Dean had a meeting with the board we think you'd be a perfect new Dean of psychology but let's revisit it after the launch yes of course and good luck tonight I'll uh see you at the theater thanks Rebecca oh and no pressure right [Music] she's expecting a boost in donations enrollment ranking all from your study I know oh Dr Frankenstein you've created a monster but wait there's more she's thinking of naming me Department Dean huh that'd be kind of weird having you as my boss wait will you give me tenure stop I'm happy where I am come on psychology Dean more coin Prestige Swanky reception with that smelly cheese and less time for research my first love speaking of first love how's it been since your last love I mean Logan I thought it was Landon Landon was before Logan which makes your next boyfriend Lucas which makes my next boyfriend no one I'm done with guys whose names start with L with guys period with dating swiping right oh don't be a drama queen Carly I am not having my heart stomped on again but you're the expert on love yes with the science of Love why the heart races the pupil Style at the Palm sweat I thought that was a panic attack it's why I developed the love test I want people looking for love to find it okay but what if you meet a guy who scores like a 98 on the attraction tracker George Clooney's looks with Einstein smarts unlikely anyway I don't need men to get my dopamine fixed I have chocolate for that uh no thanks I hope to get my dopamine boost tonight I have a date and you're doing the test with him not the whole thing just some questions to see if he you know measures up good luck but if the chocolate offer still stands you know for later in case my D's a dopamine [Music] dead hey Molly you in pain today how's that leg doing huh still a little tender huh how's Molly doing Dr Bennett good yeah she'll be ready for walk soon when will she be ready for adoption oh I'd say a week maybe two look at that face she'll be adopted in no time and to think when I started we only had five dogs oh I'm sorry Max six dogs Max you don't count you're not up for adoption uh you mind taking her back to the kennels make sure she's comfortable sure Dr Bennett yeah anything else uh yeah your advice my advice yeah I'm going to a talk at the University with Taylor later and uh things have been a little wild lately flowers every woman loves Flowers Old schol I like that maybe sunflowers bright cheerful they bring good luck in that case maybe I'll get a couple dozen good [Music] girl [Music] oo oh yeah perfect beautiful thanks way to a woman's heart and a brain sorry oh it's just when a person receives flowers it's actually their brain that produces a pleasureable feelings take some romance out of it well romantic feelings don't really sorry don't mean to get all science channel on you kind of a buzz kill my favorite customer how are you doing happy is a sunflower on a sunny day speaking of which oh your flowers uh oh this nice young man is holding them for you W uh actually there you go Brooke all paid for thank you Liz mhm you got the final bouquet I saved the best for last ah you're the best they're so beautiful a that they are well see you next month Brooke bye yeah bye uh hey oh excuse me uh hey um those those are my flowers oh I'm sorry but they're actually mine I you saw me I was I was holding them I know but they're still mine what do they have your name on them or something actually we do standing order oh uh what if about lavender makes a great aroma therapy very calming M don't say cures insomnia oh I sleep like a baby hair loss I'm good stressed getting worse by the moment look I'm sorry I just I uh what if we go half SE half SE split them 50/50 um if not lavender then what about you don't understand I need all the luck I can get you're right I don't understand anyway good luck it's 6040 7030 final [Music] offer flower Thief we meet again Ryan hi Taylor hey are Sophie and C here not yet what's this lavender promotes healing mean it just promotes sleepiness hey you want to say something really beautiful oh it also cures hair my new clothing lines out this is the collection I was talking about where elegant modern and comfort blend into one huh nice nice Ryan these are $1,500 outfits that people actually pay that yes people with money something you had when you worked with Kyle Taylor looks hey sorry we're late nice flowers don't get me started I'm so excited for this me too me three me uh who who is this woman again I told you Ryan it's a professor who does all the studies on love she developed this wearable biosensor and it monitors your body's attraction to another person what it gives you like an attraction score I think she calls it a uh attraction tracker after three dates you know if you met your perfect match isn't that incredible incredible and totally ridiculous well apparently her study's being published in a psychology Journal oh more like lady's Home Journal is everything a joke to you Ryan no it's just it just not how it works love is a feeling it's like a giant Fireball hitting you a fireball yeah like love at first sight exactly it just you know doesn't happen on the first dat forget about it ready to go in yeah I'm right behind you forget about it I'm to you flowers it's all your fault it's all your [Music] fault ready ready as I'll ever be FYI we're recording this we'll use clips for the Studies released great good luck Dean [Music] Carver Dean Carver does kind of have a ring to it and so the big question everyone wants to know can the dating test really help you find the one can these physical indicators really tell you if someone is your one true love all in less than a week and the answer is yes it works eight out of 10 people who scored 95 or above were identified as their partner's ideal match so now I have a question for you what are you waiting for why wait for the mythical Arrow to strike when you you can do something to find the love of your [Music] life two weeks from today I will be back on this stage to announce the official release I'd be happy to take a few questions yes you oh it's the man from The Flower Shop how my sunflowers doing my sunflowers are alive and well thank you do you have a question yeah I was wondering if you've taken this dating test yourself researchers don't usually participate in their own studies so the answer is no ran St well yes I mean no I never participated in the study well with all due respect doctor you're telling others to try something you're not willing to try yourself right sit down what people can decide for themselves Vince tell her to move on to somebody else uh Brook Rebecca wants you to take another question another question Taylor Taylor wait that was so embarrassing you're never interested in anything that I care about ever since you left your prct with Kyle all you care about is your dog rescue center I care about you face it Ryan it's just it's not working out Taylor come on what Taylor please what thank you sorry about that Brooke I didn't like where I was going I can handle that guy I know I just wanted it over we can edit the video great fantastic presentation congratulations thank you maybe we'll skip the Q&A next time do you have a question yeah uh I was wondering if you have taken the dating test yourself research don't usually participate in their own studies so the answer is no well yes I mean no I never participated in a study with all do respect don't worry we're deleting all that from the video that bad we just can't afford any hiccups right now there's too much writing on the study's release sorry to interrupt but we have an issue researchers don't usually participate in their own studies so the answer is no well yes I mean no I never participated in the study Vince we all saw that we yet so have 529,000 and6 other people I'm afraid someone recorded it on their phone oh no well it's getting a thousand hits a minute almost half a million likes they're referring to Brooke as Dr Cupid The study's credibility Brook's reputation the school's reputation the new branding campaign fundraising enrollment a ranking this is a disaster it is unless uh yes of course I'll take the study that's it I'll I'll find a single Professor on campus we'll finish in a week and still have a week to prepare for the lunch but what what if you find you know what find my perfect match Vince have you seen the eligible bachelors on this campus all right they're not all bad problem solved perfect eventually we'll bump out this back wall and make uh room for more kennels I got hand it to you buddy this place looks amazing yeah thanks oh check this out what's this this is a plan for the space next door wow you thought about everything little AR official grass room for the dogs to run around I love it I guess this means you're definitely not coming back to the practice no chance another stake through Taylor's heart tell me about it you heard from her no no no she's pretty upset she says that I'm not interested in things that interest her like the dating test that's one ah oh you're not going to believe this some PR guy from that university called me he said he wants me to take the dating test with that Professor no kidding what did you say I said no of course I mean I he hadn't even run it by the professor yet well what if she agreed to do it I would still say no although he did offer me a stipend really how much a lot I think you should do it it's like a week it's that's a week I'll never get back but maybe you'd get Taylor back what what are you talking about look Taylor wants you to take this test thing seriously right yeah okay so stay with me here you take the dating test with the professor to convince Taylor that you're taking it seriously and then I get a cut of your stiped I mean it wouldn't pay for a lot of artificial grass that too all right let's do it yes how do we tell Taylor ah H you can bet if I tell Sophie oh yeah she's going to tell Taylor exactly what about a plan B for what how to tell Taylor no what if the dating test works and you fall madly in love with her I I would have felt something on the first time that we met no giant Fireball not even a flicker then we got nothing to worry about okay uh let me see if I understand correctly you want me to date you for a week that's right Dr Matthews we'll finish in a week okay oh great great any chance you can start tomorrow I need to check with my wife you need to ask your wife yeah um never mind I thought hey honey there's a professor on the phone good news the Search is Over Vince has found you the perfect man to take the test with he's a doctor really cuz I I think I've asked almost every Professor on campus hello again uh Brooke meet Dr Ryan Bennett you're joking Dr Bennett has oh hey Ryan please uh Ryan has graciously agreed to take the test with you you're not joking Brooke we think this is exactly what's needed to get ahead of the viral video but him yes me the guy from The Flower Shop oh sorry I thought you were the guy who was asking snarky questions snarky would you prefer rude I prefer informed are you even a real doctor look who's asking snarky questions now I prefer informed if the dating test can get these two to fall in love it can get anyone to fall in love so aren't you going to ask me my astrological sign oh he's cute who the guy or the dog oh come on Brooke a cute vet who runs Jolly Rover's rescue he can't be all bad no I can grin and barar it for a week and your first dat this evening date wow who's that he didn't say he had a girlfriend probably who the flowers are for doesn't matter it's all for show Brooke you saw him in the flower shop just before your speech it's fate more like a fluke anyway a week from now I can say I did the test and move on unless it turns out to be a perfect match that guy more like dog okay born and raised in MSY Indiana Indiana University of Chicago Colombia PHD in social psychology pioneering studies in the science of love more like pseudo science H wish my college professors look like that what do we have in here okay it's ready neurological studies of interpersonal closeness my dissertation so romantic so I did a spreadsheet wait wait wait we have spreadsheets yes to plot out the times places and objectives of our dates this week our dates to have objectives yes didn't you read the background info I sent you uh yeah yeah I skimmed is why I brought you this W well I hope this is a take-home test it includes the complete study list of questions types of dates and peneses you'll need this oh Dr Carver you shouldn't have I didn't get you anything the biosensor monitors your heart rate pul socks and a bunch of other things H and who monitors the monitor me I'll record the scores after each date wow if I knew you keeping score I would have shaved we go on three different types of dates to compare our compatibility in different settings H what it's in your folder I'm sure after tonight's introductory date we go on a stress inducing date followed by a romantic date we'll finish in a week do you want to go first uh for what the list of questions it's in your folder H uh well I you know what I thought we' just get to know each other a little bit before we you were born and raised in New Hampshire youngest of three father a teacher mother a nurse undergrad Yukon Cornell Veterinary School 10 months ago you opened Jolly Rover's rescue and based on your social media posts you have a very attractive girlfriend impressive thanks not so sure about the girlfriend right now you were born in Muny Indiana younger brother in Texas mother and father both College professors University of Chicago undergraduate PhD at Columbia with a focus on social psychology known for your pioneering studies on the sence of love tou now the list of questions where's your folder on here well of course it is ah thank you all right name three things you and your partner appear to have in common uh we're both human I think that's cheating okay uh we both live in the same city one we're both Doctors Two we both Let's see we both we both are stumped on the third thing that we have in common good enough okay uh name something you consider to be a positive trait in your partner next next oh I got one here when did you last sing to yourself never you never sing yourself never so what you've never done karaoke once which also answers question 16 you SC an embarrassing moment in your life H well I sang to myself from time to time around the house had to be you it had to be you huh yeah why don't you sing to yourself that's why okay for the jugular on the first day okay why don't we just do this or that questions sure cat or dog that's a gim me TV or book book cake or pie cake roll here okay um passenger or driver passenger you get to see more things driver you're more in control winter or summer winter summer baseball or football football I don't do Sports lions or bears lions bears by six points oh you really don't do Sports oh excuse me oh no I have an emergency uh a dog has uh obstructed Airway oh you have to go I'm afraid so oh well I understand uh maybe we can reschedule maybe not you can come with me to the dog rescue dog adoption center yeah this is a quick procedure and then we can pick up afterwards okay hate to see you revise your [Music] spreadsheets how long has he been breathing like this since he came in okay all right buddy see okay okay yeah yeah it's obstructing his Airway it's really far in though should iate him for an extraction no I don't think there's time um I have an idea it's not conventional but it works uh Brooke you might want to back up a little bit okay okay buddy ready three 2 one there you go buddy good job okay good job oh [Music] boy so why a vet why not a people Doctor well other than cheaper malpractice premiums I don't know just always loved animals a vet that runs a dog adoption business right before that I was in a private practice with a business partner why'd you give it up well I still practice veterinary care but running a dog adoption center has always been a lifelong dream nice being a scientist was always my lifelong dream what do you know what that's the third thing we have in common both in our dream jobs H my stop mhm so about tomorrow State choose an activity that induces high levels of stress oh I know mine I know mine I'll text you I'll text you back so one down two to go is that the weirdest State ever absolutely who plans their days with spreadsheets I meant the choking dog yeah that [Music] too well good night Dr Carver good night Dr Bennett so how was your date it went fine until until a dog spit Rawhide at me what in the restaurant no I went with him on an emergency call he gave the heck to a dog choking on one of those Rawhide things it was pretty funny actually I don't know Brook sounds to me like you did more than grin and Barrett oh stop Carly Warrior 2 what was the score actually I think I need to recalibrate measurements 88 wow impressive for a first date sometimes multivariant data and your score 89 you two are approaching ideal match territory it's probably just an anomaly now for someone who isn't dat we trust tattooed on her stop how was your date is faster never made it past a second question what name the last book you read he said War and Peace I mean no one actually reads War and Peace he might have have you read it I started it exactly he was just trying to impress me okay well you should actually do all of the questions I'm taking the speed dating route only asking three questions name a Cheesy son you love who would be your ideal dinner guest and what's the most beautiful view you've ever seen and that's your plan to finding your perfect match yes I want a guy who reads poetry and loves sappy love songs who wants to have dinner with Plato not JLo what about Vince what about Vince you know notice the way he looks at you with that shy boyish smile bro he looks at everyone with that shy boyish smile mhm if you say so so what's your big date tonight the stress inducing date danward Doug that's your downward dog no this is my tire dog I can't do this you haven't bold yet I know but Brooke is just a game oh no this game is evil its sole purpose is torment ridicule and grade leaving people without a scrap of dignity bowling everyone watching you when you're making a fool of yourself I mean that's the fun of it do I look like I'm having fun uh okay um I won't look very chalous of you okay don't look I I'm not I'm not looking I [Music] won't that didn't sound uh great look even worse can I look now no let me go again that sounded better really are a terrible liar just go hey that wasn't easy I should get bonus points or something I mean it's not surprising when you're bowling with these on your wrists it's really not that hard can I just show you one thing sure okay all right now you want to swing your arm back your wrist straight and as you swing forward release the ball but remember keep your wrist straight okay all right I think I have it okay great okay wrist straight [Laughter] [Music] see it's all in the rest yeah thanks your [Music] turn all right [Music] yeah oh it's all in the wrist thank you help a well I survived well more than survived you B it perfectly respectable 63 so what if somebody scored a 63 on your attraction track with only a 6 3 probably not a keeper but that's why we go on 3 days I take the average curious what was my score after the first date I only reveal the scores at the end no exceptions you're above 63 oh yes I'm perfectly respectable so what is it with you in Bowling childhood trauma well left a scar on me and almost on several 8-year-old boys wow there's a story there my brother's 8th birthday I was 10 we had a bowling party I was warming up you know getting the old arm limber and holding on to my ball and Swinging my ball back and forth and back and forth and we slipped this can't end well ball flew out of my hand took out the birthday boy three of his friends and the party clown that clown probably had a come no one got hurt but the ball didn't stop rolling until it smashed into the snap bar I can still see the look on that little boy's face as you saw it coming towards him it's loaded Nach just went everywhere that's traumatic expensive too I mean insurance only covers so much right so what makes your half of tonight's day so stressful you'll see do we get through all those questions uh there's still a few more oh here's a good one describe a perfect day you've had uh I don't mind go for it well it's mostly perfect because it started off so imperfectly when I was a little girl I was at my cousin's wedding and I lost Screech Screech my stuffed Snowy out I was devastated inconsolable well I was the flower girl and I was supposed to carry white lies nice but when I got to the church bride handed me this huge bouquet of sunflowers I hear you're fond of those she said they would brighten even the darkest day and they did it was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen more beautiful than a snowy owl definitely but not as cuddly still it cheered me up and even today whenever I need to pick me up you buy sunflower standing order they're just Happy Flowers well sounds pretty perfect so what about you that's going to have to wait because it's time for my stress inducing date more stressful than bowling M yeah yes and for you definitely more [Music] painful I warned you you're not that bad a you're worst Li than [Music] me oh sorry sorry we should this is a bad idea it's no worse than bowling and that ended okay true except bowling was only stressful for one of us this isn't stressful for me painful [Music] maybe feel like I'm back in high school you into your high school dances a few well you didn't a few oh let me guess you're the shy girl at the back of the gym yep big thi glasses before you got your contacts yep hoping that that weird annoying kid in science class didn't ask you to dance Ken Fritz kid was a wizard with pet ish it's an annoying name I bet you were the guy all the girls watch Dance SM uh no no I was more like your buddy Ken just trying to work up the courage to ask that shy girl with big thick glasses to dance I always went for the strong silent [Music] type sorry I think we should just stop come on you too could drive a truck through there get closer isn't that better and a little bit less swaying you look like drunk Sailors remember it's one 123 and back 1 2 3 try it 1 2 3 oh sorry sorry okay um what if I try leading that wouldn't wound your ego no better than wounding you okay shall we take it from the top [Music] M hey I'm dancing without Ming anybody [Music] possible lately started to [Music] believe here now I think baby nothing impossible and I [Music] start so other than proving that you're as bad at bowling as I am at dancing what was the purpose of tonight relationships aren't all Wine and Roses people need to see how they react to each other during times of stress biosensor tells you that it measures Nora Perrine the stress hormone can love really be explain so scientifically I mean there's no room for mystery and Magic only in fairy tales not for me I'm a love a first s kind of guy don't think you can grow to love someone not if you don't feel that like lightning bolt the first time you meet I mean it it's such an amazing feelings like your heart's about to burst very romantic and messy Ryan there's some sorry here you go I want to be clear with you I'm only doing the test with you to say I did the test no I figured yeah I saw your video on social media Dr Cupid truthfully I'm done dating I mean actual dating my history with men is a joke and I'm always the punchline not having my heart broken again I thought you didn't believe in broken hearts I don't but sounds better than a precipitous drop in oxytocin levels well I guess you should know that I'm only doing this to win back my girlfriend how will this help you win her back well Taylor and I came and saw her talk night and uh after she wanted to take the test and I kind of made fun of her I like her already well I'm just I'm trying to do this to sure her that I'm taking it seriously taking her seriously you know impress her so let's impress her let's show her you wooing the socks off of me and only the socks uh how the university wants me to do a video to I talk about how I'm doing the study with you you know strange bed fellas and all that okay they think it'll diffuse the viral video H so why don't you be in the video too we just have to make sure Taylor's there yeah I can probably arrange that and all act all you know Charmed by your witty ref RTI well maybe you could do like a hair flick thing Oh you mean like this oh very convincing great I'll text you the details great and then tomorrow's our last date the romantic date with gifts then we're done perfect oh you know that hair flick Thing One More Time save it for [Music] tomorrow wait wait wait wait what do you mean spark when we were dancing you mean like a spark or like a love at first sight kind of thing definitely not a it was more like a flicker you know it was like a a warm tingle okay that sounds serious that's she just nothing like I expected you know she's more flexible and self-deprecating she's funny hold on time out are you talking about a spreadsheet woman yes she's got a whole other side it's a fun side you know I me you should have seen her bowling she was great she was funny she she's just fun what the look on your face like a Lovick puppy yeah well she also said that she's only doing it so that she can say that she did it you know it's a PR thing for her well that's fair you're only doing it to impress Taylor I told her that really what did she say she said that she wants to help me woo Taylor seriously how okay I need you to bring Taylor to the theater at piman 7:30 tonight what for I'm going to do a video with Brooke okay the university thinks it's going to take some error of this viral video and I think it's going to show Taylor that I'm taking her seriously ah I get it now but don't tell Taylor that I'm in the video You're surprising her okay what do you want me to say anything just make sure she's there at 7:30 okay got it thank [Music] you hey s listen I need a [Music] favor I understand we have a special guest tonight yes I invited Ryan pure genius Brook and we'll link tonight's video with the one that went viral people will see you're taking the test with him and price is averted we'll do our best and I'm sorry you're just seeing this now Brooke I I had to revise it when I heard about Ryan a script Vince I can't memorize this in time oh no worries it'll be on prompters we just want to play it safe no more surprises well break a leg oh sorry V oh Carly hi so I'll be in the back you are going to crush this thanks Carly it's like you two are falling in love oh um the scores are surprising but it's still the average that counts you remind me of myself when I was your age a rising scientist thinking I could save the world with data when it came to dating I had a checklist wanted to meet the perfect man eventually I met someone who checked off all the boxes did you marry him yes and I was miserable he had everything I thought I wanted but nothing I truly needed affection acceptance forgiveness and a heck of a lot of fun oh I'm sorry Rebecca I always thought you were happily married oh happily remarried oh I ditched the checklist followed my art good luck tonight [Music] K why are we here again I told you Dr Carver invited you to the recording of her new video but why me well she uh it's Dr Carver's way of apologizing for how Ryan acted the other night exactly but I don't even know the woman I well she knows that you she found you on Ryan's social media exactly and as a woman she knows is what it's like to be with a guy who thinks he knows absolutely everything exactly come on we're going to be late hey there hey she's here Taylor great I've been practicing perfect about the script I didn't know yeah Vince gave it to me I thought we'd just wing it you know let her natural charm flow they don't want any surprises that's surprising just how lame this is come on what happened to our witty rip te he means well I know though we should go your hacker thank [Music] you so yes it's official I am doing the test and while I've never participated in one of my own studies before I have to say it's been well interesting but what's really been interesting is who I'm doing the test with you may recognize my study participant veterinarian from Jolly Rovers rescue Dr Ryan Bennett hello Dr Carver hello Dr Bennett yes it has been interesting dating you yes indeed indeed you were a real thorn in my side that night and now every night I'm by your side I wrote that I know you certainly are we just have to survive one more date to so what's been your favorite date so far oh um H how about the time we went bowling uh yeah she's the only person I know who can turn bowling into a contact sport good one oh what about our dancing date last time I wear open toe heels with him and don't ever agree to help him treat a choking dog I told you to stand back dog he pushed on that dog's stomach and whoosh this slobbery thing shoots right past my face nearly hits me well that's a small price to pay for saving a life oh easy for him to say he wasn't covered in dog drool well we did have our romantic moments oh really where was I on the dance floor when I mean I remember seeing STS in your eyes from you stepping on me what they're going off strip adank I know isn't it great okay well I admit that I felt something yeah I always used to laugh at my friends who would tell me about this feeling this warm glow they got when they slowly get to know somebody but it's true it's it's the best feeling it's like this heavy blanket on a cold morning it's warm and safe and you just don't want to be anywhere else just feels right and easy and a little scary but not as scary as her bowling or as painful as his dancing Brooke now I'll admit some of that was actually quite funny and at times even touching but I I thought we agreed to stick to the script and I admire someone who takes chances oh well um well it it was pretty funny choking dog I'm sorry Rebecca I just got caught up and no need for apologies good on you for taking a risk it's a quality I'll be looking for in the next psychology Dean and I know this wasn't part of the plan but you two make a really great couple I'm just love that moment when you hey Sophie said that you did this for me I did surprised only that you wanted me to watch you flirt with a pretty Professor flirt no no no that that was was act what could have fooled me I was doing this to you know show you that I'm taking it seriously you know impress you you want to impress me go back to your private practice with Kyle Taylor Ryan I really think it's about time that you give up this whole dog adoption thing it this dog adoption thing is my life's dream can it be more you know a hobby have we always been this far apart in what we want in [Music] life yeah you just couldn't see it that fire of all you felt when we met it took time for the smoke to clear goodbye Ryan hey was she surprised uh yes so the plan worked yes you were you were really great you were very very convincing well mean you too I mean the look on your face when you went on about Our Moment On The Dance Floor is Oscar worthy yeah what nothing well good night then and again great acting job thank you you too oh you forgot about the oh right um well I'll save it in case you guys break up again smart well good night good night [Music] it's true it's it's the best feeling it's like this heavy blanket on a cold morning it's warm and safe and you just don't want to be anywhere else just feels feels right and [Music] easy get it together Brooke I am the prize girl you're only doing this for damage control not to find [Music] your I can't even convince myself [Music] how's that you pain girl she's been walking fine I think she's good to go can I put her on the adoption list yep she's ready oh you hear that Molly you're going to have a new home yeah probably sooner than later I'm going to miss you Molly hey Jen you mind closing up tonight sure Dr Bennett going out with Taylor nope we uh broke up actually for good this time I'm sorry thanks but uh she was never on board with this whole dog adoption thing I see what does Dr Carver think Brook yeah yeah she's on board with it actually one of the things we had in common both in our dream jobs I don't mean to pry Dr Bennett but seeing you and Dr Carver in that new video the one from last night that's up mhm you two are so so cute together maybe thingss we'll work out with her uh doubtful uh this is our last day tonight but U thank you [Music] MH so this is it our romantic date oh I can tell candl light white tablecloth overpriced wine hey all this M doesn't come cheap not for you at all not true I do believe that people feel something that they call romance and you call a rush of feel-good neurochemicals that flood the brain producing a wave of euphoria H you know what I think I'll just stick with good oldfashioned romance suit yourself did you bring the gift you you first [Music] as long as you're dancing nothing can hurt you a just what I wanted dance lessons for the man who has everything including two left feet you're not you know offended not at all no thank you I'll think about you every time I step on my part toes okay your turn oh it's very light definitely not a book no I saw your office you have more books in a school library it's not jewelry that's far too romantic I'd hate to see you hit by a rogue wave of neurochemicals uh well how about just open it okay okay [Music] scre hope it's okay it's perfect it's just like the one I had when I was growing up oh I'm just as cuddly thank you off you're very welcome [Music] um [Music] so our last date it is is there a formal way to end the study uh you know say goodbye it's been fun keep in touch you know catch you on the flip side I don't I think anybody says that anymore I say that okay hey what if uh what what if I wanted to have I don't know one more date to show Taylor that this is something you're really invested in uh I'd do another date you too I mean we could go on one of the bonus dates bonus dates it's in your folder appendix be there's a artsy date and exercise date a new experiences date yeah what's that something neither of us has done before so one more date one more [Music] date it had to be you it had to be you I wed around finally found somebody who you're singing oh sorry was I interrupting you no no it's great okay you've been really happy lately happier than I've seen you in a very long time Harley I know where you're going with us and it has nothing to do with Ryan really MH wow you're up to six so much for one more date now the study has more variables to ascertain oh Brook would you listen to yourself human I'm emotions do not compute I am equipped with a data- driven heart are you finished it's obvious you've fallen for him what no he is your screen saver uh no we saw an old photo booth at the bowling alley H cute stuff toy we had a gift giving date flowers I bought those still two out of three better than my average lately your dates what the three question thing isn't working out for you G train wreck every guy I'm sorry like I asked one guy name a Cheesy son he goes I don't know any s about cheese oh think that's bad two guys said that their ideal dinner guest would be Kim Kardashian oh gosh should have just skipped the third question what's the most beautiful view you've ever seen wait don't tell me Kim Kardashian so no PO poetry and savy love songs the last guy scored ne7 I'm so sorry Carly whatever but you two clearly have something going on your scores are in the '90s the study's goal is 95 but how did he score where it counts here the study doesn't have a protocol oh and the robot is back oh okay you're right Ryan is great and funny and charming and kind of sweet I knew it who's trying to get back with his girlfriend by going on more dates with you to show her he's invested bro okay I have seen you with Logan with Landon with Lucas there was no Lucas and now I've seen you with Ryan and I've never seen you so happy I mean you are singing okay but the thing is Carly I I was happy with Logan and Landon and pretty much every guy I've ever dated but I can't expose close my heart again and watch it crumble into a sad pile of rubble okay I'll let it go for now look we have one more date Saturday night and then I will thank him for doing the dating test and say bye and never see him again except on your screen saver oh right like that ready for a new experience [Music] okay are you sure about this yes neither of us is baked for this is going to be fun H you said the same thing about bowling so what are we making you like chocolate of of course in fact studies show that nine out of 10 women like chocolate the 10th is lime whoo butam [Music] Ching okay so chocolate what mousse oo la la you do set the bar High cake that requires layers lower brownies lower we go any lower we'll be liing batter off our fingers but that does sound weirdly appealing but no how do Triple Threat chocolate fudge cookie sound threatening what's in them uh dark chocolate chips white chocolate chips chocolate covered walnuts with a chocolate drizzle that would actually be a quadruple threat wow only you would count so where's the recipe no recipe it's going to be an adventure it'll be inedible we need a recipe okay come on let's cook from here romantic but not practical we need a recipe Brook where is your adventurous Spirit okay then let the fun begin oh okay that is a [Music] spirit [Music] okay Moment of Truth please ladies first you're either very shiverers or very cowardly let's try them at the same time okay m that's not bad not bad at all considering we didn't use a recipe well you see is this your I Told You So moment no just shows that you can use this instead of this I'd rather use this I'm just saying that you know not everything needs to be measured and Quantified definitely and I Told You So moment bottom line these are great perfect um speaking of which you never answered question 11 describe a perfect date you've had uh well lately that would be every day how so rather than tell you why don't I show you uh what now yeah yeah right now okay can we bring the cookies sure okay as long as you're willing to [Music] share [Music] my perfect day would start here at work well it's not work to me do I get the full tour this time sure better leave the cookies here though okay let's go over here these are all of our dogs I got adop them all well that can be arranged here's a cutie hello Molly this is Brooke hi Molly oh she says hi oh what a smart dog she says adop me a I wish but if I ever do uhoh oh hello someone's jealous this is Max my dog hello Max oh you're beautiful too you think we take him for a walk that's yes yes hold on so how did I uh score on the test oh uh Thursday night I I'm giving a speech to release a study and I'll reveal the scores how do I do oh you've been replaced choice [Music] hey Molly come here Molly come here that works well admit it you're in love Ryan I with Molly I mean she is definitely in love with you oh and how do you know that a minute well the way she looks at you I mean checking on you those eyes is up for adoption just saying I'll keep that in mind so what about people Dr cover how do you tell when they're in love you know the usual just dilated pupils racing heart sweaty [Music] Palms I should get these guys inside come on let's go let's go let's go let's [Music] go so that was my perfect day thank you for sharing it with me my pleasure so I was reading appendix B and it says that this was our last pronus date yes it is oh no um oh no it's uh it's big day tomorrow it's I'm polishing the script I'm rehearsing all day I can help you rehearse if you want yeah thanks thanks but it's I should go right um it's been great it's been really great thank you for everything uh give Molly a big hug for me yeah I will so I guess this is good night and goodbye yeah um oh uh this is your device thank you Dr [Music] Bennett catch on the flip side I love it great job really nice speech Brook oh this is going to be a huge Boon to the university the visibility we'll get from this why I invited local media to cover now it's important Brooke that you don't reveal the attraction tracker score until tomorrow night yeah and please don't tell anyone the real reason you did the test what do we say to people when they see they didn't fall in love well that actually can lend some credibility to the study that there simply wasn't much attraction between Brooke and Ryan we can't say I mean look at the scores well then maybe there simply wasn't enough attraction that sound good to you Brooke yes of course I mean steud participants don't reach 95 then it's time to move [Music] on okay tell me Kyle I I I I told you I signed an 18-page contract agreeing not to say anything until the study's released come on you don't need to score to tell you how you feel is Brooke the one I come on is she the one yes I knew it I knew it the way you talked about her it was never like this with tlor don't say anything okay not even to Sophie okay what about Brooke how does she feel I'm not sure not that it matters well of course it matters it's kind of how love works well not when one of us was vowed never to fall in love again Brook right no me yes Brooke she say she's done with dating oh well that's what Sophie said and 3 months later we were engaged she's just tired of dealing with heartbreak maybe this time she won't have to yeah maybe but she likes numbers you know not feelings she wants love plotted out like data points on a graph you know what I think I think you should tell her how you feel I don't know she might be a scientist but she still has [Music] feelings so at this point I'm going to reveal the scores so I'll cross to the stage and behind me will be a graphics showing Ryan I was told that I might find you here Lou can we take a quick break great thanks hey what's up I know you're busy I I won't be long oh it's okay what's wrong I've never seen your serious face four this yeah I know I only bring it up for funerals and break up speeches which is this neither although I did break up with Taylor oh I'm sorry when uh like last week last week yes I should have told you we went on all those bonus dates I know I know and I didn't go on them to impress Taylor I went on them too [Music] because well I think I'm in love with you what and so I'm here you know to see if maybe you feel the same way um what happened to love at first sight I was wrong when we danced I felt this flicker and that flame it just seems to grow brighter every time that I see you um Ryan my big speech is tomorrow and I I mean there's a lot writing on this donations enrollment ranking the president wants to make me Dean I just thought I mean yes there was some attraction as reflected in our scores scores stop with stop with the scores come on what are you what are your feelings feelings I I shut those down a while ago Brook I felt something from [Music] you I'm sorry I I never should have let it slip out slip out Brooke what are you Ryan I can't do this please just try to understand I I've had my heart broken so many times as if I lost part of it somewhere along the line I'm sorry [Music] and after the three required dates we decided to try some bonus States we visited an art museum rode a tandem bike I even learned to bake cookies without using a recipe a sweet Adventure all the while waiting to see Cupid's would strike H enough of that Cupid all the while waiting to see if a spark would ignite a flame within our hearts nope sounds like heartburn blah blah and now for the big reveal the question everyone wants to know did I fall in love find the one there you are oh my favorite flower good has there's a long trail of them leading to your [Music] [Music] office [Music] they must be from Ryan huh what a funny Charming kind of sweet guy [Music] [Music] think he still wants to get back with his [Music] girlfriend dear Brooke I want you to know how much I enjoyed my time with [Music] you I will truly miss you your smile your adventurous baking your crazy bowling skills I know you've had your heartbroken one too many times but I hope you don't give up on finding love you have a warm beautiful heart that deserves to be shared by some lucky guy anyway please accept this parting gift to help make your day a little more perfect your devoted study partner [Music] [Music] Ryan you coming what's going on ah not going uh isn't Brook giving the dating test results in like 20 minutes yeah but it doesn't matter the results they don't mean anything I tried tried to get through to her but she just she doesn't feel the same way [Music] there she is looking every bit the star thanks Rebecca you look great Brooke thanks Vince Vince can you give us a second please oh of course yeah Brooke I don't know if you've had time to think about the de of psychology position I have yes oh good I can't say this publicly but you'd be at the top of my list thank you Rebecca but I won't be applying what why not being Dean wouldn't leave enough time for my research it's why I became a scientist that's where my heart is oh I see well I can't say I'm not disappointed but I respect your decision a woman who follows her heart heart and I trust you're applying that in your love life as well it's showtime oh and uh for tonight maybe it's best of you stick to the script got it yeah and you'd think after the bowling and the dancing we call it quits but no after the three required dates we decided to try some bonus States we visited an art museum wrode a tandem bike I even learned to bake cookies without using a recipe a sweet Adventure all the while waiting for a spark to ignite a flame within our hearts and it did in mine at least her name is Molly and she is the most adorable rescue dog ever so now for the big reveal excuse me I had a question uh yes there'll be time for questions at the end uh I was just wondering if you fell in love you know found the one yes yes I did I did fall in love but I was afraid to tell the man that I fell in love with it's a story of my life really turns out there's more to learn from my research love is infinite mysterious and goes much deeper than data you see I had given up on love afraid my heart would take another beating but to be in love even just for a short time it's worth the [Music] Heartbreak oh that's so sweet cute and romantic music right good cheesy love song cheesier the better um random question but who would be your ideal dinner guest oh Frost Dickinson no Whitman I uh like poetry two out of three and um what's the most beautiful view you've ever seen the one I'm looking [Music] at sorry to interrupt folks but in case you didn't know our new marketing slogan is research with heart which is exactly what Dr Carver showed tonight heart so I have decided to postpone our study's release sounds like some revisions are in order that okay with [Music] you remember Brook follow your [Applause] heart thanks for the flowers the way to a woman's heart well like I said just trying to make your day a little more perfect well there is one thing that can make it more [Music] perfect yes that's my boy [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: UP Faith & Family
Views: 93,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: UP Faith & Family, The Attraction Test, The Attraction Test movie, romantic movie, romantic movies, full movie, full movies, movie, movies, Tara Wilson, Andrew Dunbar
Id: SMXwpg9ewlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 37sec (5197 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2024
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