Louisiana Crawfish Boil {Catch Clean Cook} Pan Fried MudBug Fritters

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[Music] [Music] yo what's up happy people i'm robert arrington this is dear meat for dinner and we're out here doing something that i used to do as a kid all the time we're hunting crawdads this is a weird little trap i don't know if it's gonna work or not but hey they sell it on amazon so someone had to have caught something in it there you go now what happens here the crawdad walks up once he gets in there maybe he's just so happy with all the sardines that he's eating he can't get out and then there's this little grate here that keeps like turtles and stuff from getting in there this is what i got i got four traps one two three four let's go set them [Music] you guys austin's taking this like as serious as the super bowl right now he's been scouting for crawdads like his life depends on it got a mess of hydrilla down there what exactly is a mess of hydrilla i mean is that something that's definable yeah it's a mess don't look organized it's strung out all over the place and that's where i'm gonna put the trap are you tying any particular knot yeah i'm trying to overhand granny that's the pencil tucking special right there you can't not tie a lot this looks like a really good spot this is the exact same trap i used when i was a little kid except i grew up in pennsylvania [Music] what we have here is we have some tussock grass growing up here in the canal i'm not a biologist but from what i hear it grows off of all this debris that rises up from the canal i don't have a whole lot of room that is an alligator slide coming along here that's his one of his feet right there that's his back foot that's his front foot same thing foot foot foot foot but you can tell he's not that big if it was a real big gator his slide would be wide but i guarantee you that gator's in here somewhere look at this this is what i love to do as a kid i'd we catch all kinds of stuff a little brim a little brim oh yeah look at this that's what i just caught right there hey i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna put these in my little bucket and see if i can feed my bass back home you guys haven't even seen my pond in so long okay so we're gonna come right along this edge here hopefully i haven't found any crawdads yet but hopefully we find some right here in this old mossy area i don't know if there's any crawfish in here or not but it seems to be everything else here why wouldn't there be one oh this nice little spot right here this spot seems to be the deepest well the traps are set and my seat belt is buckled we're gonna head to the house feed the bass some of them fish hang out with the girls we'll see you all back here tomorrow morning all right y'all just got back to the house here and you haven't seen my pond in quite some time we've been doing a tremendous amount of work on it and uh let's see if my bass is hungry today we'll just push this right out here watch this oh yeah you seem to be hungry look right up here oh he's like what is sushi night so my bass's name is crush because he crushes everything and it's like he just knows what's up he's like come on keep them coming keep them coming but anytime like i have a bunch of them i just he just is like he's so ruthless so let's talk crawdads at our ranch one of our favorite things to do is get together as friends as family and eat meals well one of the favorite things that we ever eat are crawdads now it's really tough to just go out into a ditch and catch enough crawdads to feed a whole army of people so what we do is we order them by the bushel from louisiana now when we get those crawdads we'll typically put them into a cooler of fresh water and that's gonna like purge them out we rinse that water rinse that water that gets them to spit out all the mud makes them taste a lot better then we dump them into a cooler season them up throw them into a pot of super hot water and let them boil now that boil's gonna have you know a whole mixture of really good stuff in it corn potatoes onions spices basically a bunch of loving goodness now they're gonna boil and then when we kill the heat we have this really cool little tool that goes around the outside of the pot and it squirts cool water on the pot to reduce the entire temperature and then we just let those crawl dads soak in that water in the spicy water it makes them so good well it's a lot of work and they taste really really good but more importantly when we go out to the ranch and we have crowd boils like that it's all about the camaraderie the memories the time spent with our family you know my buddy bernie he's always out there with his remote control cars the kids are having a good time my little girls ari and emma just absolutely love marshmallows what do you got there honey what is that a marshmallow a minute spend with your family is a minute well spent um to me life is all about memories it's all about good times and uh i want to thank you for coming along and hanging out with us yeah why guess what it's 24 hours later and we're about to pull our traps trap number one's coming to the hill y'all look at all the fish back here there you go oh okay so this one did not work well for us we got a big fat bunch of nothing we only have a fish in there [Music] numero dos coming at you what do we have this is the one i actually thought was gonna do really good ooh we have an eel number three let's see oh my gosh look at this dude we've got a bunch of bait from yesterday and nothing in here um this is far from successful but guess what i learn more when i'm unsuccessful than when i'm actually successful this is psycho [Music] nothing that's what i think about this hey see now it's time to go pull austin's traps all he's got to do is catch one quarter inch crawdad and he beat me not the best spot to get in the water but a little six seven foot gator right there he put the clamps on you while we're out here i want to give a a really big shout out to augie zarate he was actually killed right here on this bend here while back local jupiter boy spent a lot of his life out here in the corporate area and when we came out here to catch these crawdads i wanted to mention him it was just cool to see that gator laying there on the bank here at auggie's spot tell all you guys out there if you spend time doesn't matter if you're in the woods or wherever you are accidents happen in a blink of an eye auggie lost his life right here i pray for each and every one of y'all that y'all enjoy life and take each and every day as a gift and as a blessing all men die few ever really live so get busy living auggie this one's for you brother gotta be real careful when you're fooling around this water here even in just a little spot like this you could have a monster man-eating alligator that gator was just stirring this up creating mud because he knew if the water's clear you can see him if it's muddy he's got the advantage joker right there bite the heck out of superman okay cracker ready yeah man things ain't been looking too promising come on have something in here maybe we should be vegetarians a whole lot of nothing this is one of austin's traps but i'll pull it for him because he's wearing nice shoes hey we got fish this is the dagum trap that i expected to catch nothing in and we got some fish at least hey i'll take it caught some fish that's it y'all this is what i'm going to tell you it's either the wrong time of the year or there just ain't any crawdads around here now i have been up to south georgia on the ottawa hall river and caught absolute wild amounts of of crawdads i thought we could come out here and catch them but we didn't so you don't always learn when you succeed but when you fail you always learn this was a 100 failure when it comes to catching crawdads but it was 100 success when it comes to learning here's scoop folks not a lot of y'all know this but i hate defeat with a passion i know there's a crawdad in there somewhere and if they ain't gonna go into my trap i'm gonna cast nettle oh i got him see the fish on top there [Music] oh my god we'll get them [Music] [Music] oh my net is dirty oh good oh what is this that's some kind of carp that's a carp big old mud minnow corpse gosh dang it this is cool let's say if i can get 20 000 likes on this video and pack up all my stuff we're gonna go up to south georgia and we're gonna do a full video catching crawdads and i will not stop until we find them catch them clean them and cook them what's up happy people we are back in the kitchen right now and guess what we completely struck out on the crawdads but i don't really care because that's why they make grocery stores we're having aria's fifth birthday party right now everyone's having a blast and i'm gonna show you something really fun to make that is yellow corn meal throw it in there this is flour all-purpose flour typically it's about a four to one mixture here are a couple eggs throw them in there this is some baking powder about that much here is that's a cream corn put it in in the pot this and i'm making this up as i go i kind of know what i'm doing but it's just a mixture this is some homemade um syrup herman i know you're excited buddy of ours herman from new york he came by and gave us that and so he's probably gonna be like holy cow they're using this take a little honey that's orange blossom honey put it in there we're gonna mix this up let's start mixing just like that everything's coming together now right here see this while you're going this is just some but uh this is a whole milk those are crawdads that's just the tails that's tail meat throw them right in there just like that this is gonna be something delicious for any party that is a peanut oil and these may be a little too thin we'll find out look perfect to me they're gonna appear too thin when you start but they're actually not you know how people came up with the name hush puppy back in the day ladies be in the kitchen cooking and you know they'd be frying stuff up and dogs would be there they'd either kick the dog or take him a little piece of that fried batter flip it to him and say hush puppy that's what we're looking for right there nice golden brown love potion number nine ladies and gentlemen come here mr levi i gotta give this youngster a shout out they're our next door neighbor in about two days a week i'll walk out and i will hear deer meat for dinner so loud on their on their tv i'm like well i guess he's watching deer meat for dinner how many of my videos do you think you've watched i don't know more than ten yes way more than ten it's awesome when your neighbors love your channel now as soon as you're done while they're still hot drizzle some of that orange blossom honey right on top and the heat from the fritter will make it just like melt into happiness so this is just as spontaneous as can be our five-year-old daughter arya is covered in mud and water playing in the backyard these are all wonderful friends of ours this is chris from levitas this is my beautiful wife sarah if you didn't know that's levi this is my favorite this is my favorite dentist in the whole world mr nick he's a friend for yes and if you live in south florida and are looking for an amazing dentist that's your guy i promise thank you that's a beautiful wife lindsay this is my brother aubrey's partner if you've ever checked out fish rules this is who writes all of our code not barcode their code that's his wonderful daughter y'all try this this is something that i think you will really enjoy right now here you want now as you've been seeing throughout this video there are many ways to cook crawdads small bit of sweet in there oh that's good it's really really really good sweet listen you guys i want to tell you right there that you right there i want to tell you that i love you and i appreciate you taking time out of your day to hang out with us but that's all i got for you because we got a party to enjoy for the rest of the day take care god bless and we are say it gone hey hey you ever see a fish a fish is like creeping up on the bait i can see here [Music] you
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 437,261
Rating: 4.9425726 out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, Catch Clean Cook, catch & Cook, deer, deer meat, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner
Id: R8rtIdb4z_8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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