CAT Squirrel *Limb Rat* {Catch Clean Cook} Southern Delicacy!

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[Music] oh hey good morning happy people i'm robert arrington this is deer meat for dinner and we are up at my mom and dad's farm in blackshear georgia as a little bitty kid we would always go up to georgia we'd go squirrel hunt and deer hunting and we would just enjoy family time together on the family farm well i haven't been up here in many years and this is the first time i've ever actually brought sarah and the girls up here to mom and dad's place and we're just having a good time we don't have anything planned we're gonna run into town right now see if we can't buy aria a little 22 i mean we don't know what we're gonna find we're gonna go searching it at pawn shops and antique stores we're gonna look around we're gonna come back we might do a little hunting but more importantly i want to just introduce y'all to a part of my past i appreciate you being a part of it make sure it's on safety there you go one the pipe two in the magazine are we ready this is what i grew up doing right here y'all and heck i ain't scared if he's right here in the middle of the yard i'm shooting we'll leave this for later [Music] what's your name dylan dylan all right you guys we just this is the first place we came to it's called average joe's pawn shop this is dylan and uh and they got fishing poles right here so um you need to pick you up one honey this is mine right here awesome here's my question how much for the whole rack just like this all of it 350. 350. see you dylan we just rolled up here and they got millennium lock-ons millennium hang-ons i love these jokers so we're definitely getting one of these that's for sure 100 percent who's this dad h oh easy now all right hey cletus dad i got you this to replace that other one oh yeah that's nice i ain't seen it yet no no hold on what's that thing right here what that's a cotter pin so oh you can hang it and put that in it yeah you hang you hang this thing and then you you hang the tree stamp on it yeah there you go we'll go hang this a little bit but here you have that we're making ourselves a very high-tech [Music] okay when you're aiming i want you to aim right there okay all right that's going to be my target yes it's going to be target all right you're gonna let me load it because you don't know how okay okay it back then put it forward sorry are you excited yeah there you go you're getting get up taller now get up no not about right there now can you see through this now i can okay you can see through it can you see the x okay now the x has to be looking over there at that target okay so what i'm trying to tell you is wherever this x is that's where you're shooting okay and that where i gotta pull the trigger okay now with the cricket you have to pull this back now okay now when you pull the trigger this time it's going to go off it's going to shoot this gun can hurt you very bad so you always have to know where you're shooting okay got your ear protection on now let's go whenever you when you see it put the crosshairs put the crosshairs right on the box right where you want it to shoot you shot it that was your first time you ever shot a gun it's like on a black circle yeah you got it that's awesome can you believe that you shot the number one thing is safety you cannot play with this you're only allowed to shoot with mommy and daddy okay okay here we go what's this for this is to help you hold the gun okay there you go get it up there don't touch the trigger yet get closer oh now you're getting good now it's looking good you're only gonna get more stable man that was a great shot tip over that was a great shot i know it's because you hit it here we go whoa look at them [Music] [Applause] these are true deer feeders yeah these are deer feeders my friend lee lightsey told me about him i actually met you up at the harrisburg show and then my dad he's like why did the deer eat out of your feeder so well but they won't out of mind i said because you got the wrong feeder talk about a perfect little hidden gem right here [Music] hold on [Music] she's in place it's tall enough that the raccoons can't grab it it's got a lip here so that when the deer are eating they don't pull it out on the ground you get very little corn on the ground it all stays where it's supposed to be [Music] on my property back home this is called the castaways feeder protein plus it's a corn and soybean blend it it's made up of 18 percent soy uh 18 protein so this i'm not gonna mess around with you my deer eat this better than anything i've ever fed them it's actually hard to keep it in my feeders because they eat it so hard look at that i don't know if there's more corn or more soybean but together it's 18 protein now if you look i put it far enough away from the trees so that the squirrels can't jump into it on a rare occasion a turkey will hop up here and grab some food out of it but this is a professional deer feeder and it works year round you want to have a lot of deer take care of them year round you'll have them in hunting season we were just shooting with arya and arya wants to hunt that's why it's so important to me to have her out here doing all the work when we're hanging tree stands when we're filling feeders when we're improving the property love you bye hi [Music] i'm connected to this see now whenever daddy climbs up the tree stand i clip on down here see this there now i'm wearing a safety harness so if i fall i'm not gonna get hurt and i can make it home and give you another hug and a kiss every year people die falling out of their tree stands and i gotta be honest for many years i never wore a harness but i've made it a point any time i'm in a tree stand clip on there you go beautiful part of the day first thing in the morning here all the mist and fogs coming up off the pond birds can see arya's target out there on the side of the bank and fishing pole we've been out there fishing dad's been working in the yard and it's just a magnificent way to end the year this is one of my dad's food plots tons of deer use in it here in south georgia squirrel hunting is very very popular not just amongst youngsters everybody's scrolling it's here and it's late season these squirrels get smart a every bird of prey in the world tries to catch them from above coyotes and bobcats catch them on the bottom and then you got people running around with shotguns 22s trying to shoot them so these little rascals are smart so it just started to rain a little bit so we hightailed it over here to one of my dad's deer stands this is called jake stan and i actually i probably already slept with 22. oh yeah that'll work see what happens y'all oh there's a squirrel oh my god hold on buddy tell me when you're on them got him 75 yards with the old 22 magnum cricket ain't going nowhere [Applause] big old fat cat squirrel he never moved got him i have me one extra bullet right here just in case he's easy hold on i got squirrels coming from everywhere they need to make this gun easier to load easy we're stacking them up boys we're stacking up we got three it's starting to rain hey my goal was to get three we got three and uh i don't want to get rained on out here although i am wearing my frog dogs austin is not and my camera is not so i'm going to run go grab the polaris we'll pick up our our squirrels and we out of here three of them know y'all there's the second one he just had to come check out what his buddies were up to next thing you know he's part of lunch he's part of the menu there you go cat squirrels also known as gray squirrels huge part of the southern culture people all over the country squirrel hunt but i'm pretty convinced it's most popular down here in the southeastern united states look at this this is one of my dad's food plots look at the deer tracks you finally get out of bed yeah there you go wow three squirrels that's a lot guess what i got him with your gun mine yeah whenever i was a little boy this is what i started out hunting squirrels okay and all we're gonna do take a little pocket knife and cut it we're gonna take off his tail and we'll take off each of his little feet just like that there's really not a lot of blood involved with all of this [Music] and yeah there's some get rid of that now we have just a little a little chunk okay now all you do is right on the top right on the top you can see you just make a little cut right there on the top [Music] make one little cut just like that and we're going to come back no there's not a lot of blood there's no way no and we're just just like when we're taking off socks yeah see that see that and there's virtually no blood you just pull it off now we have nice little squirrel we'll rinse him off just like that [Music] you want the tail okay you can have a tail but hey this is this is just how we teach our kids what what meat is and when you understand what meat is you understand what life is and when you really understand what life is you respect it [Music] looks like a fried chicken huh let's go cook welcome to mom's kitchen i want to let you know we have the main food groups here we've got oreo cookies potatoes hot cocoa reese's puffs frosted flakes and oil with that you can make nearby anybody happy you want it like this so it lays flat then you can just salt it up a little bit of uh lowry's garlic and some black pepper there you go just like that that joker's seasoned up now mom you do the rest now for those of you wondering this is precisely how i grew up just southern food whatever you hunt whatever you kill you cook and you eat right it goes from the field to your belly this is just a pit stop and these little squirrels they don't have any cholesterol in them and no hormones no junk food no preservatives no the little box was always my favorite you wouldn't think so but just a handful of squirrels will actually make a nice lunch you know in a time like now when we're dealing with a worldwide pandemic eating healthy is actually a good thing and like i can assure you if it runs around outside there in the fields and in the trees and flies in the air it's better for you than something that was raised in a pin just trust me on that it's all seared now it's nice and brown it's not done through and through but it's seared so we're gonna just put it in the pressure cooker got a little bit of water probably just a couple cups and all your squirrel meat put it on a really hot there and let it start boiling okay so all of our squirrels cooking in there mom's gonna make the gravy in that cast iron skillet and she's gonna make her famous cornbread in this how long have you had this frying pan a pretty good long time i've given you kids all my big ones when you get older they get heavier okay when this gets hot you don't you don't okay now you can see the steam is building on this and when it gets coming out a little more then i'll put this barber on here so okay hey i got a question for all you i know your mom and dad cook something for you or you grew up eating something what is something that you grew up eating that instantly brings you back that you remember and it's just awesome that right there is southern pan-fried cornbread i guarantee if you've never had it it's delicioso just see if it'll it'll whoa i'm gonna kill him just when you're cooking with a pressure cooker cooker that's the most important thing in your kitchen you've got to pay attention and i don't i never let any kids be running around in my kitchen they send them out in the yard to play [Music] so we always had a we had a choice as kids either go out in the yard and play or get whacked with a switch and then go uh out in the yard and play whatever it takes and i know there's a lot of you people that are like professionals with pressure cookers but i'm not and i always have little kids around so i'm always trying to be really cautious with a pressure cooker pressure cooker's going mom's making cornbread now we're just gonna let this cook for about 30 minutes and we will see you then it's been 30 minutes she just killed the heat now we're going to show you how to relieve the pressure there you go run some water over it doesn't need to be cool cold water just run some room temperature water right over it that's going to drop the pressure and you can jiggle this around and make sure that there's no steam coming out okay there it is that's hot the pressure cooker literally loosened everything up see how that meat comes right apart but before we start eating the meat we want to use that juice to make gravy when it gets warm just start adding your flour a little bit more about that much and you want that flour to absorb all your i'm oil to just pour this juice in there and stir it up probably i made a glass of water see it just cooks it to pieces thank you and i don't have any onion but onion you can fry up an onion in here if you want but you can see as we stir it the meat just comes right off of the little bones for those of y'all thinking we grew up rich with a silver spoon in our mouth negative this is how we grew up but we were rich in family and love and you know that's we grew up understanding the meaning of family the value of a dollar what it means to work hard and go for go for it you know my dad was never scared neither was my mom we always was willing to take a risk stick our neck out and just fight for what we were what we go over wanted and sit in your seats you want to eat all right so this is just a typical meal that we would have growing up we would have a little salad it'd always have a little bit of hard-boiled egg and some tomato in it enough for everyone to share yeah of course you'd take a piece of cornbread the cornbread you got to use some real cane syrup and just put a dab of that on there you can also add butter but man i really like cane syrup then take you some rice now this is rice that we cooked last night and is left over and as kids we ate a whole bunch of leftover meals because you didn't waste anything you only had so much take that and you're gonna put that right on top of your right on top of your rice little gravy and that's dinner there you go babe it's really awesome having you come up to mom and dad's place um this is also something we did a lot as kids pray at the table lord thank you for this day thank you for this food and i pray for each and every person watching this video today lord i pray that you keep your hand upon them and guide them and lead them graciously into 2021 lord thank you for keeping us safe and allowing us this wonderful family and all these blessings lord please nurse his food to our body and forgive us of all of our sins in jesus name i pray amen amen okay y'all i'm digging right in i've been looking forward to this since i got here i don't think i've ever had school in my life well you're about to fall in love look take that bite right there no i want my white with my rice you would think it's dear me mm-hmm you would think it was really good it tastes like no cholesterol it tastes like um [Music] what does that taste like it tastes like something really healthy yeah but like a stew like a yeah crock pot meal or something see that and then it just it comes apart i am shocked right now how good this is wow i would have never expected a lot of people would have been went hungry if they didn't have squirrel and different stuff you could go out and kill mm-hmm just like 2020 this show's coming to an end so is 2020. wow yeah yeah today's it that's it for those of y'all wondering i do not like the yolk of a boiled egg sarah loves the yolk oh but this is it y'all this is this is how we grew up i wanted to end this year with a video showing you guys where i came from my mom my dad and austin we know for a fact those three had coven for those of you out there who have experienced it one way or the other i pray for you guys and i hope we all get through this together um but that's all i got for today can i say something yes [Music] in 2021 we have no idea what it's going to bring but instead of always wanting a blessing yourself try to be a blessing to others if you have a neighbor that is by themselves and you have extra cook fix them a plate and take it over and check on them god bless and happy new year that was very sweet i couldn't invented that any better love you guys is anything good yeah it's real good but uh y'all eat it all not all of it all right baby we are going under next year you
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 1,456,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TGBTG, Catch Clean Cook, catch & Cook, deer, deer meat, Robert Arrington, deermeatfordinner, deer meat for dinner
Id: ivGFo_VI1s4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 51sec (1731 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 01 2021
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