Crawfish!!! Catching, Cooking, Cleaning and EATING!!! Deer Meat For Dinner

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all right you guys welcome to deer meat for dinner I'm Robert Arrington we're out at my good friend Joey Huskies house and here while back some of you guys were like man why don't you do a recipe cooking crawdads now I don't claim to be no from Louisiana and I don't claim to be a professional at cooking them but we have a little recipe that we like to do and I'm gonna show you all about it but before we start cooking I want to show you how we caught them up there in South Georgia near Jess upon autumn AHA River with one of the craziest guys you'll ever meet you live Brad yeoman this man can run his johnboat through the nastiest swamp in the world wide open now better be hanging on this is wild ride we're catching crawl dad's in South Georgia right now when we get back we're cooking this elusive okay Jeannie I beg you that Freya right very good okay you guys this is a typical Sunday afternoon out of Joe Joe's you know her that's the crazy redhead that's Joey dad right there how many beatings did you have to give him on an average week growing out John haluska all right we got : gonna throw some shrimp in there red potatoes onions garlic sausage mushrooms Louisiana seafood boil and everglades heat let's start rocking now we're cooking like 15 pounds of crab you're gonna put in one whole bag huh okay sorry all those burny burny that what you making kalpana poppers homemade jalapeno poppers what's in that goodness right there Mexican cheese bacon scallions and then you cook them just like that or do you wrap them in bacon looks pretty awesome add more cheese are you guys so this is no joke we're out here trying to have a crawfish boil at Joey's look at him always fixing something I thought we were having a crawfish boil all right so basically that plow I can't tell you exactly what it does but I know it read something and it broke so now they're trying to fix it now what are you doing telling these onions were to boil hey you know how you feel an onion with a knife one layer at a time potatoes a toes close the garlic whole cloves just throw it around in there really five six whatever you like we you know wait garlic with the full roll visually then no vampires around here they're ready now boy yeah you get that grill lead comment guilty I think mine first of hell opinions on their let's go put it on the cool side and so you're just gonna leave it just like that yep on the cool side now y'all may think this is like a big party some special Sunday get-together this is actually a low-key every single Sunday of the entire year unless we're down to the keys get together all these boys they've been meeting out here from years and years IHOP showing they're coming out here a couple years now but this is a Sunday afternoon ritual right here in hope sound Florida what we got here what do you got them seasoned in everybody's heated some brown sugar now did you put everglades heat on there simply because i use it all the time on my channel nope why did you put every great feed on there the past 25 years that's what i'm trying to say yeah so when all you guys see and hear us using everglades all the time it's not like unique unto me everybody around here eats everybody's all the time and goes the corn and mushrooms next up in dearie sausage smells good how long are we gonna boil them for another 10 minutes 15 minutes oh there she is Ahri is here low yo everybody take very close to note what that pacifier says I love daddy cheer all right so now let's see what all we got all right we got a storm rolling in you guys now you're putting in the cold edge sorry y'all it's fun knowing you well let's do another look at them how opinions are cooking we're gonna let them boil for another three or four minutes bring it to a boil then we'll set off the fire and let them soak for 15 minutes in there gives all that spice go get in so if y'all wonder what Stacy and Sarah do when they're together all right brought it back to a boil now we're gonna sit kill the fire you know this everyone gets real quiet when we pulled this out what are y'all smoking over there ribs and helping you jello Pinos yeah re also the last step throw some everglades heat on top of hold on what do you got there that's never Glee and what does that do just helps spice it up a little bit seasons your corn and potatoes well sprinkle that in there okay so this is not by coincidence we get done cooking and 30 seconds later look who shows up what are you doing drinking a slushy Slurpee what flavor is it what that ducks name it's duck just duck duck right so like let's say this was a party and you were coming to it we're having jalapeno poppers grilled ribs crawfish boil what would you bring leave in the comments below this party sucks hurry screaming so good how is it it's awesome absolutely incredible you take a bite an onion with a bite of that potato oh my god alright see that y'all crawdad twist the tail off suck that flavor out of the head chunk it out and canal then right here in the top is one the first piece of shell twist it off and then pinch it right at the base it all comes out good to go now tell me to whole plate up it's what it's all about having good times with good friends and family eating good food what do you think bud see this boy right here is Dustin how you like it Dustin yeah you like that sausage we like more the potato or the sausage yeah what's it taste like tastes like meat y'all we're having blast good that's really good it is like we're at the tail view punches play the very base yeah that'll all come in okay you guys Stacy and I are close in the video because the guys are all well I don't know what guys do yes exactly being guys so crawfish boil was a huge hit Stacy made this killer yep what was it okay crawfish meat onions scallions geez geez lots of team at the to horseradish versus your sauce that's right that's right hot sauce it was so good we're gonna have to do a separate video just on that cuz it was so good good so now that we're gonna probably fill our faces a little more arias gonna get some dinner and we are
Channel: deermeatfordinner
Views: 2,840,699
Rating: 4.8566856 out of 5
Keywords: crawfish, mudbug, mud bug, crawdad, how to cook crawfish, crawfish boil, low country boil, seafood boil, can cooker, deer meat for dinner, deermeatfordinner, robert arrington, sarah arrington, brad yeoman, altamaha river, aria arrington
Id: Qi_zznfU58o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 44sec (884 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 06 2016
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