Louis CK On David Letterman Full Interview

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talented funny beloved comedian who just set a record listen to this three sold-out performances at Madison Square Garden wow that that's a lot of tickets ladies get up that's free is the new comedy special entitled louis c.k live at The Comedy Store and it'll be available for download tomorrow here he is louis c.k great thank you thanks for the time daddy they go crazy thank you thank you I appreciate you coming out in the in the storm house your families your family all safe and ready to go here everybody's okay yeah are they are the girls looking forward to a big New York City yeah they're very excited you know it's stayed for us it's bad news and for them it's great news because they get probably one or two school days off probably yeah and I try to keep them you know ready for the I tell them we're probably not gonna make it probably all gonna die and then yeah I don't think we're gonna make it girls dad's got to go to a talk show but I don't think we'll make it now I think we're gonna make it yeah this this thing is mind-boggling and I understand there was a fourth show at Madison Square Garden yeah which you suspended because people can't come out that's right it was tomorrow night I sold out four shows right I did three of them and then tomorrow was the next one but you know no crazy come but nobody here well the congratulations that's one of those things in your career you should be very very proud I am it was pretty great yeah now when you when you're working an enormous arena like that how do you create an intimacy that would be conducive to comedy yeah it's funny because you know if you go see a concert like like a rock band everybody's going whoo you know but that's not appropriate during comedy because you're supposed to just listen yes politely you know so it is a weird feeling that there's 15,000 people and they're just sitting there listening it's a little unnerving well that's that's a tremendous piece of power that you have over and that's a great tribute to you the great response it feels good to make them all laugh at the same time 15,000 people laughing at your jokes that's a it's kind of an amazing feeling but also having them sit there looking at you listening is really great too but I always see I've done it three times now and it was the same every time that they're all laughing the show's going great but what I see are there's at least in fifteen thousand people is like a thousand disappointed people there's like a thousand people know and they're dotted I see them all you see I see him still today but during the show I see them just guys going like those are the ones that you really see everybody and I'm just sorry buddy you're reading their disappointment accurately absolutely sure well I'm not sure that's true but I I share the feeling I know that hell I'd know it here tonight the more people you reach and the more people that see you the more people are gonna think that you suck that's just a blog mathematics yes but look at please everyone let me explain it to you this way if in fact that's true why would those people go to the trouble of ordering the tickets online and showing up this is just miserable that's not their fault no no okay doubt their fault I know they heard I was good case closed they heard I was good well you oughta is there a discount if you're a miserable they should be yeah they really ought to be in life now when I started doing stand-up comedy I went to a place called The Comedy Store yeah and I loved the Comedy Store because for one thing there is no better location for a club especially in Los Angeles than right there on Sunset Boulevard right looking out at the beautiful lights of the nighttime and the sunset the excitement and so forth and you also work there but you didn't what is the problem you didn't like it or you do like it well you have to pass audition there no matter who you are and I never really worked there because they wouldn't I didn't get a chance to audition and then when at one point I'd been on your show it was a known comedian and I called and said can I work the Comedy Store they said you still got an audition so you have to come in and and they put you up for a like they put you up for a few minutes and you do your act for Mitzi shore who was the owner she started the club and so Mitzi shore said I came in to audition and she's sitting in this table directly across from me and I go on and there's a light here that indicates they used to have a light that would flush any Eddie Cantor's portrait caricature yeah and it would go on at the end of five minutes that's right yeah so when you see Eddie Cantor get offstage that's right basically so I go on and I say hi everybody and I start I don't think I said hi everybody but are you down there I said hello and I started a joke and the light went on immediately and I thought well I can't they can't really be it yeah so I keep going and I see Mitzi and she's going like this literally she's going like pointing and doing this oh my goodness and I thought well I've been doing this like I don't have been doing her like 20 years I was like I'm gonna I gotta get off stage after 10 seconds No so I did like 5 minutes the audience liked me and then I left and my manager called her she said I hated him it's terrible so I just I wasn't allowed to work there so did you you never went back I know I after a while like you know I mean on her she's I don't think she knows who's there all the time now she's pretty old she's still there but mm-hmm I'd sneak in I go I just shot it's a comedy special there that's what I'm talking about I don't think it I think if she sees it she's gonna be like a kid doesn't belong there you know what you know what I think this I think it's a kind of a misunderstanding because I would think one Mitzi shore would love you and two even if she didn't love you she would love the fact of you you know what I'm saying it's really nice day because you've stuck up for me against the at the MSG and Mitzi shore but the fact is that people just don't life sometimes you have to just accept the fact that some folks just hate you know what and I do I made peace with that now listen when we come back I want to see a little bit of this special York film but the comedy story we'll be right back with louis c.k man you okay I'm gonna I gotta start telling people that I sold out Madison Square Garden and they're gonna say wow I say yeah but you know Z as the night of the big blizzard before we get to the tell me about the Super Bowl what do you care do you like do you want D and do you know anything well I'm from Boston so I'm a paid job man yeah yeah what why are they so coyly well cuz they want to win real bad yeah so sometimes you do stuff that's not fair so that you can win I have no problem with that I think it's hilarious well it is hilarious just deflate the balls poke a guy in the eye or whatever it's football but now I've been I put a lot of thought to this because I don't have I mean other than the fact that they meet my Indianapolis Colts and people football people tell me that that an under inflated football usually represents about 45 50 points sure but it was the Tom Brady's of the press conference after the answer or the Ravens have you heard this story yeah he's talking about his balls and stuff the holes this is after the Ravens game and and he said the Ravens are upset because they're running trick plays and they got different lineups and the formations and yeah and Brady says well they should read the rulebook now the Ravens think wait a minute dirty boy is telling us to read the rule book right so the guy Harbaugh caused Pagano in Indianapolis and he says you know what they're using under-inflated balls make us think about it yeah and that's how the whole thing started yeah Tom Brady is getting for shooting his mouth off he's getting it right back it's right it's great yes it's great it's fun it is it's fun when it's your turn to use the rules you use it against the other team and when you want to do something wrong in order to win you do that yeah and then you get caught and people yell at you and you just go I don't know I mean I'm positive that's what happened that's what happened now Belichick I think that Bill Belichick and Brady had a meeting and they said why we can can we get an edge and he said I'd really like the football to be easier to grab and he said okay I'll deflate it and afterwards just saying just keep just deny it no matter what anybody says it if they if they deflate it and put a squeaky thing in it but now are these the lessons you teach your girls at home well they never gonna play football well I think this is a confined foot it's only in the world of football I mean I don't know there's a balance with your kids cuz you want them to be honest people mm-hmm because you want to be able to say you raised an honest person sure but you want them to have a good life you want them to use every tool available to them yeah and sometimes lying is a very effective no way no Louie this is where you and I are gonna part company because I want to tell you now something that I know you know and I know you've told your kids honesty is its own reward I don't think so here's the thing about to me about lying is that I don't think you should do it but I get it mm-hmm that's how I feel but I get it right because kids lie because they're in trouble you know if you're in trouble as a kid it's too much since you can't take it yeah kids don't lie for some weird Machiavellian you know they're not like you know my teacher said about you it's interesting you know they don't they're not trying to start something it's just somebody who's like did you take that chocolate and they're terrified yeah terrifying if you're in trouble you don't care you're grown-up you just go oh sorry right well again again I I've been in trouble and that didn't work let's look at the clip now this is it the the big room in the comedy that's right the main room yeah they have a big beautiful it's a nice Club for comedy generally yeah and here's Louie doing his act and what else do we need to know about just about when you have a baby on an airplane of the babies crying okay it's from the Comedy Store last month you filmed us right that's right all right take a look louis c.k live in the comedy store number one son my baby was crying on the place she's really upset and this guy and some businessman on the place businessman always think that every flight is a private plane of theirs that we're all like piggybacking on and this guy has this newspaper and he turns around to look at me and my baby and he looks white at me he doesn't kind of like girl like this he looks at me like he like hmm good yeah oh I'm sorry is this bothering you let me just that's right that's exactly right you can download this tomorrow beginning tomorrow as Lucy Kay live at The Comedy Store always a pleasure thank you to see again thank you very much you
Channel: Late Show with David Letterman
Views: 72,717
Rating: 4.8681951 out of 5
Keywords: david letterman, david letterman show, late show with david letterman, tv series, tv seri, tv serie, cbs, cbs tv, show, imdb tv series, show magazine, jimmy fallon, america tv show, english tv show, jerry springer, funny show, david, cbs tv series, tv show, talk show, january, february, march, april, david letterman january, david letterman 2014, david letterman 2015, Louis C.K. (TV Writer), ck, louis
Id: HQc7M6lE308
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 18sec (858 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 03 2015
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