Ronnie Anne & Lincoln Go on a Date?? | "The Horror-Scope" Full Scene | The Casagrandes

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<i> Buenos Días, amigos of the universe,</i> <i> I am, Ernesto Estrella, and today I shall reveal...</i> <i> tu destino.</i> [squawking] My destiny? I'm dying to know! Ronnie Anne, ven, ven. Watch my favorite astrologer with me. I'm not really into horoscopes. Give it a chance, mija, Ernesto is very accurate. He predicted that I would have two children, a beautiful home, and a charming husband. [belching] This bobo again? He got two out of three. [chuckles] Today, I will be talking about the fire sign. Ooh, Ronalda, that's you. With a moon and a sand house, today's a very special day for fire sign people. For today, they will find love. Es, tu destino. [gasping] Oh, how exciting. I met tu Abuelo, when I was not much older than you. I hate to disappoint you Abuela, but there's no way I'm finding love today, unless you mean this guacamole. [ringing] Hey Lincoln. Guac's up? Hey Ronnie Anne, guess what, my mom has a meeting in the city, so I thought we could hang out. No way, that's awesome. Yeah, I'll be there in about an hour, unless Vanzilla breaks down. Whoa! Okay, smell you later. It's a sign! Ernesto's prediction is already coming true. You mean Lincoln? Yeah right. [squawking] Ronnie Anne and Lincoln sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S- Listen Abuela, we're just friends. Okay, okay, but Hector and I used to be 'just friends' too, before we fell in love. Oops. You can't use a plate? The chip is the plate. It's also a shovel. I'm so psyched you're here. Me too, I brought you something from Royal Woods; it's a grape Flippee, your favorite. Maybe I should've gone with turkey jerky. Aye, how thoughtful, right Ronnie Anne? Why don't we go hang out in my room? Sergio, go spy. [cats yowling, toilet flushing] [laughing] I missed this. You, me, cat videos... And I'm not the only one. Remember Rochelle from Mrs. Johnson's class? Whoa, you kept that dumb egg baby we had to take care of? Shh, she might hear you. You know, she's getting all A's this year, I guess we're pretty good parents. Destino! Hmm? Huh? Hey, you know, it's so nice out, why don't we take a walk. So, tell me all the Royal Woods gossip. Well, funny you asked, I actually need your advice; my friend really likes this girl, but they've been buds for a while, and it's a long distance thing. Think he should tell her how he feels? Uh... [laughing] A friend, sure. Destino! No! I mean, maybe he should just stuff those feelings deep down inside and not make things weird. Nah, he'd never go for that, he really likes this girl. Hey, uh, is there someplace where we can sit down and be alone together? ['Together' echoing] There's something important I wanna share with you. [screaming] Destino! Boom! You just got Estrella-ed. How about you take him to that pizza place down the street, it's the perfect spot for two young people to talk. Ay, mi ojo. Ah! Sorry, Abuela. Pizza sounds great. Eh, um, yeah, great! Pizza it is, I just forgot my thing... in the house. I'll be right back. Hmm. - Sid! - Gotcha! Oh. Sorry Ronnie Anne, ha, I thought you were someone else. Have you seen a green and orange bird around here? I wish I could help, but I'm having a crisis. My friend Lincoln's here, and I'm pretty sure he's about to tell me he loves me. I thought you guys were just buds. Me too, but he brought our weird egg baby, he keeps talking about a lovesick friend, and now he wants to get pizza, alone. [gasping] My parents had pizza on their first date. I don't want it to be a date. If Lincoln tells me he likes me, it'll be so awkward, it could even ruin our friendship. You're right, there's no going back from that. Exactly! Which is why I need you to come with us, and kill the mood so he doesn't talk about his feelings. Sure, I can be your wing-woman, but if I see the bird, I gotta run.
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 201,256
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, nickelodeon show, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, movie, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, lincoln loud, the loud house full episodes, loud house full episodes, casagrandes full epiosdes, lincoln and ronnie anne, love, valentine's day, ytao_lh
Id: 3E5wmrce2Og
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 4sec (304 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 09 2024
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