Loud Family Being Loud for 30 Minutes!! | Compilation | The Loud House

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okay Clyde allow me to introduce Lincoln loud's three seas of big brothering confidence caring and when all else fails cookies snicker doodles my favorite uh uh uh those aren't for us now time to start my rounds so you can observe the three se's in action hear that first Big Brother queue of the day first up confidence don't worry Lily your big brother's here to help let's get a look at that some of yours just what I thought a boo boo this calls for caring a I'm sorry you got such a bad ouchie but we can make it [Music] better wow you didn't even need a cookie C sometimes it's safer to spell stop it make me sounds like a twin fight this should be very educational all right CDE what do you think we need here um confidence what seems to be the problem Lana is supposed to be guarding my princess Tower not attacking it now Lana guarding is boring attacking is Cool Clyde any guesses um Caren I think I know a compromise that will make you both happy the evil trolls attacking your Tower get him nice and once again you didn't need the c o o k i e s the trolls got cookies I got another tip six-year-olds can spell elder brother I require your assistance what can I help you with Lisa lab explosion nuclear crisis no I have a hankering for a PB&J come in right up I can isolate uranium but they won't let me use a butter knife also I like the way Lincoln makes my sandwiches here you go easy on the jelly crusts cut off and sliced into four right triangles for Optimum mouth fit thank you technically they're isoceles but I'm not going to bite the hand that feeds me hey Lincoln could you help me with a poem for school I need a rhyme for Tom H Bloom Doom powder room I knew I could depend on you do I smell snicker doodles it's a real pleasure to watch a master at work H I've had a lot of practice give it no you give it you ready to get some practice too heck yes okay Clyde confidence oh um hey guys do you think you could just that was my foot what seems to be the problem here you where's Lincoln I'm temporarily filling in for him and would be happy to help you settle your differences Leisa stole my best rat B who's bitey this is subject 57a uh well you both seem attached to it and I want to be fair hey Clyde I need advice how do you know you've met your soul made oh uh wow that's some serious stuff how much time do you have L C help me c got my ribbon dance hold on a sec Lucy did Lincoln even go over ribbon dancing Just Another Minute Lucy hang on Lola whoops no no no no no wait it's all okay [Music] just take the [Music] cookies what you know what happens when you make Lola mad I don't know what she wants you to do but you better figure it out did I ever tell you about the Frog Fiasco do I want to know about the Frog Fiasco a you're a Burpy Derpy today isn't he the cutest so cute who's hungry Seymour where'd you [Music] go no I mean I can't prove she took out Seymour but I never saw him again Wana what am I going to do it's almost three you got to help me okay okay take it easy I'm know why don't you just think of everything she might want you to do and then do it everything remember SE [Music] more why does Lola care whether the gutters are clean I know it's crazy right well it does love a smooth [Music] driveway pH I did it 1 minute to three good luck Lincoln wait where are you going somewhere safe you know just in case Lincoln it's 3:00 you failed me you know what happens when you make make Lola man I'm sorry I would have done what you asked me but I didn't hear you I was wearing these all I heard was the sound of waves who was a cricket doesn't matter the thing is I know you didn't hear me huh you're not as clever as you think linoln loud Lincoln is this too much mascara be honest it's super super super important I couldn't agree more agree with what right back at you okay you're [Music] weird so Lincoln are you the biggest dork in the world you can say that again and do you love the taste of dog poop you know it so he's been tuning us out all day no wonder he didn't help me restring my guitar or come to my Seance and that's why he didn't laugh at my jokes yeah that's why I'm going to go rip out those earbuds oh no no I've got a better [Music] plan so all that stuff you guys made me do today that was all made up yep I can't believe you guys pranked me like that you had it comeing little bro you can't just ignore us we're your family and remember you're not the only one who has to live in a noisy house we all do true Lincoln Lincoln you were supposed to help me with my lab experiment okay Lisa you can give it a rest I know all about your little little joke what joke I'm going to need those now I can't hear anything Doug Michelle I've been doing some thinking what if we meet a few more tweaks what do you have in mind well how about if I actually perform the song and I do it in my regular clothes and I keep my name sweetie those are a bit more than tweaks I know but let me break it down for you you go on as Lulu or you don't go on it all are we clear our next contestant HS from Royal Woods Michigan wo it's Luna please give a warm welcome to Lulu Lulu I'm so embarrassed I've been calling her Luna all these years [Music] sorry I've made a huge mistake this isn't me I'm not Lulu I I'm Luna [Applause] [Music] loud rock and roll is running through my veins electric so like Wes to my brain I can't be wrong on the the direction I can't find my way play it Loud play it Loud I got no time for turning it down play it Loud Play it I live it I be that don't tell me I don't need it now Lay It Loud sorry I'm not sorry for being proud Lay It Loud turn it up until your speakers blow out you're disqualified first thing first I ain't no second place rules me Bend until they [Applause] break right or wrong with no exceptions right out my way play it l i got no time for turning it down play it l play it I live it I be it don't show me I don't need it now play it Loud sorry I'm not sorry for being proud lay it turn it off until your speakers blow out until your speakers blow out until your speakers do you know what you've just given up yeah but I know what I'm keeping the real Luna [Applause] loud today's April Fool's Day yes April Fool's Day AKA a living nightmare led by a rampaging lunatic named Lan okay she doesn't look like a rampaging lunatic in her school photo but trust me that changes on April 1st Lan uses the holiday as an excuse to torture our family with prank after prank there was the great mustering of 3 years ago oh no it's spicy Brown the mass hair waxing disaster I can't even show you that flashback but I can play you the audio and who can forget when she floated our house down the Kalamazoo River it'll be okay it'll be okay it'll be but this year things are going to be different we've taken the most drastic security measures [Music] ever Lisa created a highly secure container Cube complete with 25 ton blast prooof doors no one in the world is capable of escaping in the past we've tried trapping Len the night before but it's made no difference so this year we locked her in a week ago don't worry we gave her a friend to keep her company she's doing fine Lincoln it's okay Lincoln this is what you train for do not let her get in your head could you get me sorry I'm really thirsty can you get me a juice or just let me out already I told you guys I'm done with pranking I'm a mature gal I'm way too old for childish pranks you've been saying that all week and we still don't believe you someone else want to go down anybody triple dessert for a week not worth it get down there Lola no pushing hey Lan I have your breakfast sorry he just makes it so easy Lan's really done a number on the family but this year dad can kiss those worry ulcers goodbye April Fool's date has been officially neutralized lanne you hard salami me it wasn't me how could I have done that from in here dang it Lan way too old for childish pranks huh Lincoln wait it's not me honest oops watch out [Music] Charles we [Music] we I thought we locked that lunatic up we did she's still on the basement I was just down there and how is this [Music] happening do not go in the kitchen bras or anywhere near the fireplace [Music] your father's right quick everyone to Lisa's [Music] bunker can someone turn on a light hold your horses I'm looking for the switch we that compromise Retreat For the Love of Princess sa yourselves to the garage [Music] Lan stop this right now I keep telling you I'm retired there's another prankster of foot I mean I can't have fun okay this time instead of Marco Polo why don't we just use our real names okay so I'm linoln boy you really don't get this game at all do you oh hey link hey guys what's all this well little bro you had such a good idea in buying your pool we decided to pool our money to get this one that's using your noodle ow aren't you going to get in there's totes room for one more you're going to let me use your pool even though I kicked you out of mine well he was kind of a meanie not to mention selfish and bossy and stole my whistle but that doesn't mean he can't use our pool really well duh it's more fun with all of us yeah all 10 of us Lenny there are 11 of us oh that's right I forgot Marco well in that case [Music] Cannonball whoa dude looks like pulls out for some summer how are we going to keep cool now I'll go get the Frozen suckes no worries guys I got just the [Music] thing so it turns out that a pool and basically everything that's awesome in life is more fun when everyone gets to be a part of it veal incident okay admit it you're all looking for the money aren't you obviously yes we are where find your first clue Sherlock you guys didn't even believe the money existed I'm the one who should get it forget that I'm finding it for myself not if I find it first yeah dream on it's mine obviously you haven't learned your lesson back to the attic the answer must be in here somewhere I know it reflect upon what I've said here what could that [Music] mean deflect duh I'm just going to be over here cleaning the uh the dirty thing what's that nothing Lincoln found another letter okay okay calm down well well done you found the next clue but beware if you fight like my family did you'll never get to the bottom of the matter you guys maybe we should listen her and stop fighting yeah Lincoln's right as soon as we're done cleaning here we should totally work together to find the money hey Lori's going after the money wait guys the letter remember what Sharon Deon said forget Sharon Deon it's every man for himself smell the money boy now go find more hey spit it out Charles so help me I will get that dollar back even if I have to wait for to come out the other end I summon you from the great beyond Mrs Sharon de mon tell me where your fortune is speak to me oh spirit come on lady just tell me where the dough is what did Sharon say Sharon said get out of our room yes hey look I found the bread and the cheddar and the lettuce and the clams ooh no wonder someone threw this out hey what stay out this is our church hey get back here that's my dollar have you found it oh no you don't search your own room doll why didn't I think of that where are you back back you animals I found it you found the money no my missing floral pump the money's not up here maybe it's downstairs [Music] the dining room the living room Lily's room we've literally searched the whole house and nothing hello my floral pump is not nothing maybe we missed something in the [Music] letter you're the one who wi it dude how are we going to find the money now we're not why what are you talking about cuz all we did was fight over it and this is exactly what Sheron Deon warned us about how about this from now on anytime we find money whether it's a hidden fortune or even this quarter we all share it equally sounds good you I kind of I'll even share the dollar I got back from Charles let's not a we're sorry Lily did your noisy sisters and brother wake you hey what's that stuck to Lily's bottom it's a map if you're reading this it means you came together and got to the bottom of the matter congratulations you're almost there but wait how could you have known the map would be on Lily's bottom who cares let's find the money x marks the spot I love soling for ink Lincoln speak to me my my whole life just flashed before my eyes let me try I read all about this and oopsie my baby made a poopsie that was weird your life just flashed before my eyes it's practically radioactive huh radioactive you [Music] say it pays to have a sister whose hobby is nuclear physics [Music] [Music] oh man well that was disgusting true but at least I'm not buffing bunions at a Ruth let's never speak of this uh-oh I think it's somebody's nap time not now Clyde we're supposed to be babysitting oh you meant Lily and so the beautiful princess Lori and the brave sir Clyde lived happily ever after while the dimwitted sir Bobby was eaten alive by okay Clyde let's not give her nightmares yeah yeah yeah what should we do now zombie [Music] marathon it's okay Lily go back to sleep you ever read any books about getting babies to sleep of course nqu the impossible Journey it says babies like white noise it reminds them of the wound [Music] grud it's Mom I can't let her hear all this hey Mom hi sweetie how's everything going great smooth sailing do I hear Lily crying oh bad yeah uh we're just having a teeny bit of a problem getting her to nap you know what always works for me taking her to the park that'll wear her out uh thanks for the tip Mom bye Pride what happened sorry Lincoln I couldn't turn up all the faucets in time I'll go get the [Music] mobs wow your mom knows her stuff I wonder if she read Take a walk on the child's side okay Lily have fun with your little friends uh we'll be right over there watching you C Li's on the loose [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey kids wait your turn gotcha this is not polite kids Lily let's get you home Lily well that was a nightmare but it still beats eating moldy pudding at Aunt Ruth's oh it's okay don't cry hey is there something different about [Music] Lily because that's not ly we we took the wrong baby it's my Mom they're on the way home [Applause] [Music] [Music] there was probably a better way to do that can you proof this Sur is letting me create the menu this week and I need to make a good impression uh menu doesn't have a y in it are you sure remember it's a French word Mom I don't feel so good oh honey are you getting sick nope I just had one too many earthworms ah sweet you found my other skate thanks Mom no problem okay Lisa what did you do apologies turns out my flea powder is more potent than I realized we have fleas oh great mommy my hose are bunching no I literally need the hairspray look at these but my bump is going flat girls if you can't share it I get it whoops I guess that was hair do not hairspray would you tot P off okay high schoolers got everything you need great have a good day bye wait I can't find my whooping cushion I don't have time for thanks Mom to toou oh Mom I forgot it's my turn to bring the team snack for practice uh here's a halfe eaten banana just you know cut off the brown parts [Music] oh oh no I'm here officer ma'am are you aware that you're parked in the bus Zone oh I didn't even see that well apparently there's a lot you don't see this is your 50th parking violation oh it can't be that many I mean I know I've gotten a few but oh wow I'm so sorry you know I'm I'm shuttling 11 kids around and some sometimes I don't see the parking signs hey isn't this the time of year you sell those police fundraising calendars yes it is but I'm not sure you can afford one because you now owe this city $2,000 in parking tickets what I can't possibly pay that well there is another option giving me community service just see what happens next time when you call trying to sell those calendars [Music] maybe this won't be so [Music] bad well that didn't take long guess I have time to relax [Music] oh is it already over too bad I only got one day of community service you really need to watch where you're parking ma'am all right that's going to be I'll just take the community service come on guys I need to hear feed on the floor you too Lincoln oh mom that vest is a no honey I have to wear this for community service bogus you're doing that again I'm sorry kids I've got another ding ding ticket believe me I don't like this any more than you do a but I need you to wash my uniform and I can't find my blue notebook who's going to French braid my hair I need you to help me steam clean my coffin for show and tell Papa Papa guys it's just one more day I'm sure between yourselves and your father you can handle everything wait what's that now bye have a good day uh one chocolate and one [Music] Acorn oh another wonderful day well little guy this has been a nice break but I'm ready to go back home I'm not ready
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 1,329,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes podcast, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast, music video, full episode, funny scenes, cartoons for kids, song clip, netflix futures, cartoon love, loud house in real life, ytao_lh
Id: pg0szJnXJbc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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