Leni Vs. Lori: Who's The Better Big Sister? | The Loud House

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Ooh. When did we put a mirror in the living room? That's not a mirror! That's me! Now go take your dress back! What?! No! You take yours back! [growling] Leni, I need a new yearbook picture. Can you help me? At your service. Duck lips! Oh, no, I mean, uh, for me. Oh, okay. Here, you take it. No, I want you to take a photo of me. I don't think my phone does that. Uh. [music playing] Look. I'll play a barista, but I am not wearing suspenders. This has to look like a really coffee shop. Now, do you want a ride to the comic book store later or not? [sighing] Okay, so now you guys pretend to laugh at something I've just said. Ooh, was it coffee related humor? It doesn't matter, Luan. Maybe you said this; "Why'd the hipster burn his tongue?" He sipped his coffee before it was cool. [laughing] Yes! 105 likes. Lincoln, you can take the suspenders off now. Actually, they're kind of working for me. [drumroll] [clapping] [whistling, panting] Attention, shoppers, I mean, siblings! Here's the deal. We're gonna wait in line and everyone's gonna get their turn. Okay? [panting] So how can I help you today, ma'am? Well, my concoction is currently corroding the living room floor. Hmm. We have some lovely water that would do a great job of stopping that burn. Next! I can't stop thinking - about what he did. - Way too scary. Let's see if we can get you folks into something a little less terrifying. And the caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly. [sighing] That hit the spot. Next! [music playing] Five for you and five for you, makes ten. Thanks for coming in today. Um, we live here. [squeaking] Sir, do not make me call security. [whistling] At ease. Just kidding! Nobody is to be at ease in my presence! As you know, Mom and Dad left me in charge. That means you have to do as I say, whether you're tall, short, or covered in fur and can only understand the word sit. Now, here's our schedule for this evening. 6:00 to 7:00, sitting on beds with arms folded. 7:00 to 7:30, Chow. 7:30 to 8:00, Thorough cleaning of mess hall. 8:00, Staring at a wall until falling asleep. Everyone got that? [everyone] Ma'am! Yes ma'am! Sir! Yes, sir! Dismissed! [drumroll] [clapping] If he ever finds out, I'll be as dead as disco. Don't worry, you're not the only one hiding something from Dad. [everyone] Ooh. I accidentally scratched the car with my rhinestone purse. You think that's bad? Remember the blackout last week? [speakers humming] [music playing] I rather enjoyed the darkness. Speaking of which, does anyone know how to get black paint out of lace? I painted Mom's wedding dress for my dark betrothal to Edwin. [music playing] What can I say? We're not angels. Sometimes we mess up. But the great thing is, if you need to get something off your chest, you can always trust your siblings. [knocking] Well, not all of them. We've tried throwing a few surprise parties in this family, but it's always gone wrong. And we all know why. Or should I say... who. Okay, she's coming. Everyone hide. Leni, what are you doing? Shh. I'm hiding for your surprise party. [siblings groaning] Siblings, I am perplexed as to why I have just received an invitation to my own surprise birthday party. Oh, I sent that. I wanted to make sure you'd be there. [siblings groaning] Luna, should I wear the pink or blue dress to your surprise party? - Dude. - What? I think you just<i> blue</i> the surprise. [laughing] Get it? But seriously, you ruined it. [drumroll] [clapping] I'm thinking these gloves would look super chic on you Scoots. Oh, these are too tight. My fingers can't breathe. Excuse me, darling. I'm going line dancing tonight and I need to know which of these britches are best for boot scootin'. Sorry, Cheryl, but when there's a line, you have to wait your turn. Ooh, aren't I a rude goose. Y'all got a rhinestone vest section? Over behind the chaps. So how are we feeling about the gloves? They're snug in all the right places. Hmm. I don't know. Sweet ride. Sweeter gloves. Here's a tip for a job well done. Busier than a one legged cat in a sandbox. [laughing] Sorry, but, uh, I forgot your order. I knew it, I knew it, I knew it. Uh, care for a free mint? [screaming] [whimpering] <i> ♪ Order up</i> ♪ Tables five and seven. Thanks, Dad. Wait, Kotaro said to carry all the plates at once. [groaning] I can do this, it's all about balance. ...was like a possum eatin' a sweet tater. [laughing] No, no, no, shoo fly, shoo. [groaning] Never mind, hon. We can grab some fish sticks at the school, Wilber. [drumroll] [clapping] Okay. I can't risk getting another hole in one. [groaning] Keep your eye on the ball. Whoops! Oh, your hands must be sweaty from the excitement of those hole in ones. [screaming] Ah, Lori, are you feeling well? I think I suddenly have a-amnesia. I don't remember how to golf. Uh. A-Are you sure? Here, take this. Perhaps it'll jog your memory. [grunting] Oh, no, that's not food! Actually, I-I don't recognize any of this stuff. Wow. If I can't do golf, maybe I shouldn't come to golf school. Are you certain? Well, then I'll have to make the call to offer your scholarship to another student. Oh, I was really rooting for you, Lori. [shrieking] The Petoskey Open comes down to this. In the first tournament of her college career, Lori Loud has a chance to win it all for Fairway U. [grunting] And the crowd goes wild! Woo-hoo-hoo! [laughing] [drumroll] [clapping] I think my new face cream might cause hives. Can someone else try it first? Ooh, Claude, perfect. Actually, it's Clyde. This doesn't have peanuts in it, does it? [ringing] This is Clyde. Clyde, it's Lori. I have a big time problem on my hands, and I need your help. Lori, I think you have the wrong number. This is Clyde... McBride. I know and also I know you're the brains of the Clincoln McCloud Operation, which is why I called you and not Lincoln. Um, Lori. You're on speaker. Oh, sorry. I guess you can help too. [drumroll] [clapping] They're trail markers. I'll bet if we follow them, [both] they'll lead us to the treasure. Captain Kit, here we come. [grunting] LJ! What's so heavy back there?! We've got some dead weight at the end, Pops. [panting] Ooh, got service. Uh, lost it. Ooh, got service. Uh, lost it. Hmm? [shrieking] [gasping] It's locked. I got this. [gasping] What? There's more to my head than just air, ya know. [gasping] [drumroll] [clapping] What's going on? What happened to the fighting? Pssh. We're over that. We made up. But the dress. I came up with the perfect solution. Lori gets to wear it on the days that end in 'Y' and I get to wear it the rest of the time.
Channel: The Loud House
Views: 6,852,427
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lincoln loud, Ronnie Anne, the loud house, the casagrandes, casagrandes vlog, loud house vlog, Lincoln loud vlog, ronnie Anne vlog, casagrandes Spanish, nickelodeon, nickelodeon show, nickelodeon loud house, nickelodeon casagrandes, casagrandes podcast, ronnie anne casagrandes, loud house full episode, casagrandes full episode, familia sound podcast
Id: 6mfy6AteHZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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