Nail Storm and New Stuff - Afterbirth+ Custom Challenge

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Are those cuts and edits in a video? What a scrub, pandering to less mature audiences. I am better than him and his audience.

Only my galaxy brain can comprehend the unedited goodness that is NL's pot play.

👍︎︎ 168 👤︎︎ u/DrJackl3 📅︎︎ May 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Pretty self-aware guy.

He seems cool.

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/pawaalo 📅︎︎ May 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

I like Hutts. I stopped watching his videos because I grew away from watching to listening videos - and NL has better content to listen to.

But Hutts is good watch content.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

NL puts outs like.. 5-8 hours of unedited video a day, depending on NLSS upload. Shits whack. His longevity is stronk. I just hope he doesn't work himself to death one day.

Watching someone else watch NL is weird, but this brought me a hardy chuckle.

👍︎︎ 16 👤︎︎ u/TheEjoty 📅︎︎ May 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

When is the NL merch gonna come?

Like Mr. Jabba the Hutts has said, "BUY SOME MERCH"

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/iRStupid2012 📅︎︎ May 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Eh those edits are pretty bearable but I can see people getting annoyed by it. Dude seems nice though, fun demeanor!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/CrescentDong 📅︎︎ May 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

3:10 for mobile users :)

👍︎︎ 11 👤︎︎ u/TrickleJest 📅︎︎ May 17 2018 🗫︎ replies

Hutts seems like a really cool guy, this video seemed super genuine

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/wots77 📅︎︎ May 18 2018 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/karmawhorre 📅︎︎ May 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
hi I'm huts McClure you may remember me from such movies as that one youtuber that can't put all consistent content because he can't seem to keep his life together even though it seems like everybody on YouTube and Instagram should be living perfectly awesome supers amazing lives and there's no excuse for them to have a problem ever ever ever in their entire life ever and they need to put on content because I need content so I'm gonna spam them all day every single day in their Twitter because when they put out content I love them very much but when they don't they can burn in hell because they don't really have human emotions because they're probably lizard people from Mars for well I'd more challenge there's in the nail storm but that's cool 6 damage 8 fire rate quad shot nails whoo blue baby mega satan is this a challenge pack is this a challenge pack I got that I got that kazoo song from the swords of did oh I got that kazoo song stuck in my head for my wonderful we're fire fire fine [Music] what do you guys even watch my videos all they need is a way to gain soul hearts this is a good way to lose so much laughs that's better better better bad [Music] what are you divorce papers that actually looks super cool wait a second I got a bone heart is blue baby but I can't fill it you blows it's like a we're soul heart who I can't get them can't get that either all I needs a bomb oh good look there's a bomb wait a second ha ha I can't get both oh my gosh is it even necessary to like show footage from this like I think we all know how this is gonna go I think I'm gonna go back to singing that kazoo song if you guys wouldn't mind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well now what are we gonna do well no that's done geez I don't know what to do let's see what other other youtubers are doing let's check up on like the binding of issac community or something what's NL been up to what does he what does he do I'm er back in the day before I was a youtuber I used to watch northernlion I just gotta say I just gotta say Dracula fetus your thumbs are getting really good this is top quality like I really enjoy your thumbnails Dracula fetus good job I think northern lion is like he's the king of just putting out as many episodes as you could possibly put out it's all unedited - how do you guys feel about that you like the unedited stuff because I feel like I know for a fact that a lot of people that enjoy northernlion that don't enjoy my videos they think that my editing panders to a less mature audience and I know for a fact that these people think that they're better than me and you but I don't I don't really I've never really you know I know there's a lot of crossover I've never actually had a conversation with northernlion so you know I obviously so I'm obviously not speaking for him hey everybody welcome back to her online plays The Binding of Isaac afterbirth Plus episode 6 6 7 - goodness episode 6 6 6 that's got to be a big one right the comments section is gonna be like we're never losing the wins just keep coming is he eatin streaking he's eatin streaking [ __ ] copycat of my copycat of cobalt he is eating streaking so we never lose I forgot to say we never lose in the binding of issac a truth plus it's never gonna lose another game the binding of issac afterbirth Plus ever again the game personally I antenna never lose it again hey everybody welcome a dinner line please the binding of issac afterbirth plus a game sweet dude he's playing God of War so many people have told me that the God of War is the new last of us but I didn't even play lots of us so he's also played for tonight what a sellout let's tear up - what does tear up - does anybody else is anybody else bothered oh dear Lord is anybody else bothered by the fact that it doesn't just have like an upload tab that you can just see his latest videos you have to like click over to a different tab unacceptable total real content that isn't an actual farce well I got a no dreams special [Music] interesting dude dudes playing a game from like 1984 and he's still getting over 100k views here is killing it right now he's killing it he's not even really uploading Isak content okay he is a little bit I'm just saying dudes on fire right now who else plays Isaac who's my competition here like there's Cobalt but he's not really a youtuber i he just uploads his streams like my Hut's to channel dude deserves more views though on here he definitely deserves more views cobalt still in the NL SS I have like 19 deaths on this file so far and I'm almost done unlocking it the whole thing you start you started a new file yeah like two or three months ago no no no no this is a while ago just cuz I was bored and I wanted to like just unlock things smackle it your bone cobalt bone use your bone smack it like a bone smack of you bone did Numazu song [Music] [Music] business still going dude hey what check that out just so happened to me just so how many we're in the hood today you guys is super cool if you find something that you like and you enjoy watching their free content hit at their patreon or like subscribe to them on Twitch or something if you can afford it or you know if you're super selfish like me and you don't do it unless you get something in return buy some merch it's super cool and you guys do that what even is YouTube right now what's going on what do you guys watch is it nothing but fortnight is it nothing but like ninja cuz like these are subs that I've had for like the past like 10 years like this guy who the hell is that I think it's 13,000 views per video wanted just jackass there's like like literally nothing going on I feel like in my subs my sub box I don't know why I'm sub - CaptainSparklez still yeah that's an for me to unsub yeah gasps he Mexican playing with his mom mom did you ever have diarrhea as a depends on how how forthcoming and right just oh no what happened to his viewcount man this this dude used to be on the top used to get like millions of views dude shaving facial hair for charity especially you guys i sharted every fad there is to start yep oh me next thing you know you're gonna see you tuber stretching on camera I'm trying to figure out like what I'm gonna do with my channel I just think I just needed like just kind of like I don't know shake it off for a second it's like viewing everybody else in like what they're all doing it makes me feel a little bit better about like where I'm at you know cuz like I'm putting out videos that you know are not pulling in the most views but I mean like I probably would be just as successful as I was last year which was a big year for me if I just put out more stuff it's just man recently I've been feeling like poop right and I sit down to record something and I just kind of like I just like I just choked and then I think well oh my day would be better spent if I just tried to like relax and and and and be happy and gain some energy so I can go like tomorrow and it's just like this like it's a bad cycle I just gotta put out more stuff I'm just I got to shake it off because like I'm just like I feel intimidated by everybody else around me on YouTube but I maybe I shouldn't be just need to stop giving a crap but like legit like what are people actually watching on YouTube like what's big what's big in the gaming scene because you can't really like go to the trending tab in and see gaming it's other stuff maybe I should start building things with magnets there are so many games that like I want to play and I just bah I'm thinking about having some sort of way for you guys to vote on like a series or like a video like maybe like one video every week just to make sure that like I'm at least doing something I think that would probably be be good and honestly I think there's not really a good way to pull people because if you just pull like everyone you end up getting about 70% rolls and I think the only way you can really bypass that to completely sound like a complete jackass is to put a paywall up because okay no no no stop stop wait stop it stop it okay cuz they okay you guys shut up hold on then we we get people that are actually interested in my content and like actually want to see me do something real right because if I opened it up to everybody then I guarantee you I'm gonna even be making a video on some like porn game and you know what even if I put a paywall up it still might be a porn game but but this is a win-win I think I I might make a patreon that might be the thing is the only reason I haven't made a patreon yet is because I don't know what like rewards to give you guys so I might do it it's like way late in the game I probably won't get anybody on the patch that's fine you guys if you don't have money to give then just don't just don't give money then you know it's like I always say on stream like worry about yourself first don't worry about me but I think this might be a fun way to just kind of get more involvement that's what I think I need is just a little bit more involvement on my part and your guys's partying did he give you guys like a way to do that and you know what let's let's also change up my reddit let's let's not just have it only for challenges let's have it for hots shitposting how about that let's have it for huts shitposting I'm gonna get I'm gonna get you guys started okay I think that's real easy on you [Music] there it's that easy it is that simple all right you guys um I guess yet I'll leave a link to the reddit I'll leave a link to my patreon if I set it up by the time you guys see this video chances are slim but check for it anyways I guess and thank you to anybody who's gonna do that you totally don't have to in fact my goal is to raise less than one dollar so I can raise less than one dollar I'll fart in the next video it means still sounds better than everyone else's content all right you guys that's all I got for today thank you so much for watching I guess let me know what you think of all these changes let me know how much of a sellout I am on a scale from like 1 to Instagram star like how much anyways I'm gonna stop myself before I say more stupid [ __ ] so I will see you next video see you guys [Music]
Channel: Hutts
Views: 309,365
Rating: 4.9178104 out of 5
Keywords: Hutts, Gaming, Channel, Afterbirth, afterbirth+, the binding of isaac afterbirth+, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock, fogotten, booster pack
Id: lSNnLBxxYy4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed May 16 2018
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