Losing Pasture Ground

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losing this pasture for the summer we're gonna grow some corn here this has been pasture for a very long time so we're just gonna work it out [Music] maybe do more a little more rotation with it so uh this field hasn't been this field hasn't been worked in so many years it's been pasture and the clay is so hard they were gonna disc it and they tried disking it as you can see in the video i tried to disk it but kevin said it's just too hard that you have to come in and plow it under so that's what ethan's doing this morning trying to loosen up some of this clay and hopefully break it up in smaller pieces [Music] so [Music] good morning everyone welcome to acres of play i'm gonna take you to the garden first thing this morning because yesterday was a rough day um it never really made it out of the 40s i think the high i saw was 46. it was very windy and just wet rainy day and it was hard on the garden i do believe the tomatoes and the peppers especially the peppers they got beaten down pretty bad so we're gonna have a look and see how much damage was done even the chickens yesterday did not want to be outside they spent most of the day inside so and the ducks wow yes the ducks too all right here's my first bed that i'm gonna look at and this is the first pepper that i saw that looked terrible it just got beaten i don't even know if all the leaves are here but this leaf almost as if it wanted it almost looks like it got a little bit of nip of frost but peppers just do not like cold and yesterday was definitely cold here's another one maybe you can see this better yeah these leaves have been damaged quite severely so what i'm going to end up doing is i already took some of the um flowers off this one because it was starting to want to flower but um probably take off some of these wounded leaves here and then it will grow new out of the notch here i'm not sure if you can see that but yeah it's gonna take some time for them to heal but i do believe they'll be fine you can look my tomatoes too they they got beaten i had calves out this morning so it's the first time i've had anything out since i planted the garden so um yeah i haven't checked to see how much damage they've done obviously there's not a whole lot of big growth yet but you know still i didn't want them running through it and they were running through the sweet corn also so you see that it looks like they got that one they should be okay you see that right there it was just peeking so not all of them have germinated oh there's one okay i've got that hopefully i think it'll be okay because the center is still okay so hello did you need something anyways these girls are the ones that got out and they were running everywhere thankfully i had ethan and sanders to help me put them back in somebody left this green gate unlocked but we're not going to point fingers so i don't know how many of you have irises mine are almost about done some of them um there's still a lot to open up yet but these smell amazing i only have this much um i planted them two years ago i think and i'd love to have a lot more of them um i actually like to have a yellow i don't know i could i could go for a whole a whole bunch of these because they smell amazing and this is a butterfly bush that i thought was done um but then i saw new growth in here so i'm gonna probably trim this back this is all bad um trim it back and turn it back and see how it will do this year let's go see what kevin's doing they had one calf yeah i didn't know the cow that played at the time oh the cat that's in the pen right now oh okay she got in with the milk house oh okay i think it's a bulk half a little seed tonight and everything's going well yeah i want to know who sorted all my blue towels out and put them in a yellow bucket what do you mean those blue towels are for the workshop well one of our viewers gave us a 150 of those his name's jim so thank you jim they've been they've been real nice because but we watch them here in the barn and sometimes they get used for oh for milking yeah as long as there's no metal shavings yeah but they'll head there yeah because we wash them in the barn so sometimes they get mixed up but i want to know who sorted them out put them in the yellow bucket and then the girls couldn't find a yellow bucket but it was sitting in the other room full of blue towels really were they clean towels yeah they're washed oh they were probably gonna be delivered back to the workshop so who would do that maybe your youngest son you don't know i asked someone no really nobody knows yet and maybe mckenzie i don't know why would she do that she wouldn't do that somebody is did you ask ethan no i haven't jimmy but he wouldn't do it and i wouldn't do it we have a mystery we switch out work he's the one that we borrowed the tractor and corn planter from and we mow all of his hay so today this is what i'm doing i'm not sure how big of a field this is but the hay looks pretty good the back here it looks really good it's very thick it might not be real tall but it's very thick so i think that'll be a pretty good amount uh my neighbor's gonna bail this so i think there will be quite a few bales here this is a really nice piece of ground it's very secluded especially in the back there's um there's like a pond there's a river there's a place where they have a little um i don't know picnic area it's just really nice i would actually love to have a house back there i think it's just the secluded area it's just really neat there is no house back there but soil is a little bit sandy it's kind of more of a wet sand i would say so i don't know how many acres this is like i said i don't know how many eight years it is i'm thinking it's like 25 i don't really know because uh i think it's gonna take me about i think it's going to take about three hours if i remember the last time i did it i think it takes about three hours to know this piece kevin says i'll have it done in an hour but he's never mowed it so i don't think he can't remember comprehends how how much area this is so yeah alrighty i've been i've been here over an hour already so yeah i'm not gonna be done it might be done in another hour so we'll see all right here we are i'm all finished uh looks like there'll be a decent amount of hay here i think there's uh i think there's three more fields that we got to do today for the neighbor and there's one more big one and then two smaller ones so i'm gonna head to the next one and then after that ethan's gonna take over he'll do the other two fields i'll probably give this oh several days of drying and then rake it up and bail it up so there we go oh it's over there over there is where the pond is this here is some type of hole i don't know if they took sand out of here at one time or what but yeah you don't want to fall into that to the road
Channel: Acres of Clay Homestead
Views: 43,199
Rating: 4.9775534 out of 5
Keywords: pasture, planting, planting corn, mowing hay, 1st cutting hay, 1st cutting, garden damage
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 36sec (816 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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