Green Paint Melts at 92 Degrees

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[Music] hey zach i see everyone got rid of their sleeves today back a few videos you might remember the mandejko storm here has got a mainframe cylinder that's leaking there's like a i don't think it's a crack i don't know if it's a cracked weld or an unfinished weld or what it's leaking a little bit they sent us a new cylinder we're going to throw that on now that jim's here and we got a little bit of help got sam coming in uh less than an hour to work on the field cultivator all kinds of stuff and it's going to be like i don't know 80 degrees out which is absolutely insane no you can't even get up that ladder thank you for asking nicely but no [Music] must be good he's not telling me to lower or raise it that looks nice and lightweight i don't think there's any tension on it just that press yep oh yeah that was just a snug huh ready yep now we gotta wrestle this out of here or just drop it let's uh stick it on there or something yeah i think so don't deer fall try not to drop that dirt lay it right here there [Applause] [Music] probably probably try and get the oil out and ship it back yeah wrap the thing in a few garbage bags yeah probably have to just to be safe because i don't want that happening again now that the connections went to the inside like this yep okay yep is it in the right spot that looks real good right there oh yeah it's really it's like it's twisted on there yeah yeah yeah if we could get it started it would pull in wouldn't it yes there you go want me to hop in then and cycle it yeah just yeah so the cylinder is fully compressed right now and rather than pulling it out by hand it's going to be a lot easier more effective to try and get it in place using the hydraulics so i'm going to cycle those a little bit get some oil in that cylinder and get it into the proper length so that we can drive the pin in i can't see the bottom of that to have any idea how close we might be so i'm going by their motions sounds like we got it she's in you said problem solved yeah so we'll never have anymore i hope not not with this thing anyway huh you're leaving already suppose it's 10 am you've been here for you've been here for eight nine hours sounds good thanks jim that job went a lot quicker than i thought it would i'm gonna go say good morning to the girls before sam gets here they're out of school now yesterday was their last day so they'll be around for the summer and they're probably gonna want me to finish the trampoline i started for them if you didn't watch our last video i'm having a heck of a time getting these springs to hold this mat together it's really frustrating me and the girls because they want to jump on it your pool is still not completely clear i know so we're gonna try a sweet cool vacuum that somebody sent us someone sent you a pool vacuum yes isn't that nice of them i guess all i ever get in the mail are almonds that's a lie that is a lie but those are those are pretty delicious too what is it like a roomba for the water yeah it's really big though i don't think it would be that big that's what she said is it diesel power caprino atrazine and i suppose whatever else they're using just leave the roundup out okay so yeah 40 acres of that caprino and then um what did i say before but uh i got it written out in the shop but a bunch of buck trail you're getting it onyx yeah you think you figured the trick out dad this might be wrong do you um you're making sure you're counting every three three should i tighten the ratchet straps a little so it's a little easier close there you go figured out the trick we could use a trampoline guy well we thought we could use a trampoline guy but onix figured it out my uh second line of work i do at night i can see you didn't get the memo that you're supposed to wear a gray sleeveless today sleeves are for work yeah if i wasn't working if i was working on trampolines it'd be sleeveless you got the dogs all wound up i've never seen a rectangular trampoline yeah it's pretty sweet what do you think is it large enough yeah yeah 23 feet long is enough oh my pants are about to fall let's see a flip rhiannon okay dog's definitely under there yeah they love it probably nice and cool underneath there it is i can't unfold it should we take the ones off the mainframe first then we don't have to climb under the wings less crawling around yeah that's using your thinker yeah which is nice for tall guys like us yeah i mean if you call yourself paul most people call me tall and i generally feel relatively tall okay that's good people like you show up you're as tall as you feel right what did you call what marfan syndrome some of you will recall when sam came out a month ago and we put on we kind of staggered two different types of sweeps here so they have a what do they call it a a plus so this one is the plus suite so it's got like a carbide coating on the leading edge right underneath and then there's a little bit on the neck as well to help with wear there and then the whole sweep itself is hardened like this one's better because it's not all covered in mud so what what we're going to do is take off sets that are next to each other and then send them in and they're going to look at them to compare the plus sweep the hardened carbide sweep to the old i don't know maybe not old the standard yeah we'll set up the current it's the new current standard the new current standard and then the plus sweep is what we're calling the high wear suite all right and we're going to take off 10 12 of these things yeah a good representative sample so we can get measurements measurements these front two here you can actually just see the difference that's the hardened one right there and that is the normal suite that we have been running of course that's right in the wheel track so that's where you'd see the most wear but it's definitely noticeable here's the new one that's the dimension of a new one obviously so this one has roughly i would say 1800 acres on it this is which number 42 42 the 42-incher all right oh my god oh no you can't lose that oh it's gone forever the hammer doesn't squeak like it's supposed to oh the squeaky thing flew off it's a removable whistle for those who are confused as to why i'm using this snazzy hammer we broke our last squeak hammer last time sam came out and a very generous fan actually sent us this one so thank you this will come in handy today i think i'll have to use this one for the moment though thank you thank you sweep 42 is removed you got a down is 42l 42l all right now we want 42r that one right there most people probably would never guess how many movie liners come out whenever the two of us are together it's 90 of the dialogue most of our conversation yeah 42r i don't have as much room to write on this one i see what you did there clever quite a company man better put that it was in a tire track just a little t just a little just a little t look at that so there's the comparison these came off the exact same spot so yeah it is noticeable we got a couple of sets off the main frame i'm gonna unfold it now we'll take a couple more sets and then probably a couple more sets after that you know i i just swept at it like five o'clock last night there was last time we used it yes this is why we can't have nice things you know am i correct in taking the second one and the second rank over here then uh that is affirmative it is it's a hardened one so got it do you need assistance no do you think we have to take them off the outside outside well i mean that's that's your call agronomics just grab a third ranker yeah just grab one and then we'll just make note of where it is okay i will we'll go uh let's see we took that one yeah i'm gonna go fourth one in got a lot of dirt down my neck on that one that was a dirt vector that was a dirt necker agronomics there is that the last one wow that was realistic [Laughter] i'd say this looks like a fine representative sample you can see some of them some of them there's a huge difference others if i can find the matching numbers others not so huge of a difference those two [Music] is that good enough for your sample you were just about to take a video of me and i didn't even know it that's not legal i would have asked afterwards all right now i want you to place some really neat like that well the battery went down in my camera and in the meantime sam left dad came back with the sprayer we're kind of out of acres right now that need to be sprayed we have some corn that we'll need it but it's just not that weedy so we're trying to debate if we should spray it now because we're moving and things are going good or not but dad did take the four-wheeler out and look around and ultimately it looks like he decided he didn't need to spray it today so i'm gonna unhook some pieces of equipment and do some other odd job stuff like go get a few rocks that are laying on an old fence line that we tore out so right here is an invisible property line where there used to be a fence row and some trees and rock piles and it split our land in the yard there from the neighbor's land but we've been renting the neighbor's land here for 20 maybe 25 years now here so we wiped out this fence line so that we could farm straight through it instead of going around it all it was was basically a road to pile rocks in and so we're still cleaning up rocks from that every year there's a few here more that we dig up so that's why there's rocks laying out here so much more than most places you guys all right it's quite a fall i'm really sorry about that guys i'd say that's probably full enough just maybe head back and dump that at least i found a couple now at this leaf stage it's not good to be running over the corn but actually the growing point is below the ground so you can run it over and it'll start growing back right at the ground even if you break the whole stock off the corn is going to be fine so it doesn't really hurt it a whole lot running over it right now i mean we don't want to but it's not that big a deal certainly better than pulling a rock through a combine see this little area here where we need some erosion control oh boy [Applause] nope [Applause] there that'll help a little bit and rhiannon says she needs more help with her trampoline so you want to just take me up there this dog's gonna get randall yeah she didn't care when i drove it but as soon as you drive you thought i was what [Music] oh on a phone call how do you like your new trampoline can't figure anything out did you ask onyx he's the one who figured out the springs so the velcro on the side ones do they go down then it must isla isn't it weird how everyone needs my help until i come over and start helping and then they all just abandon me it's weird isn't it [Music] well the mats are on the trampoline so as far as i see it it's a lot safer than the trampoline i grew up on i'm gonna go mow a spot to unhook the digger oh forgot about that hey can it personally i prefer to mow the grass a little bit wherever i unhook anything just so it's got you know looks nicer you do the same thing too right [Applause] now i sure wish that we had a roof to put things like this under so that we didn't have a decent amount of pieces sitting out in the sunlight but we only have so much cover so it's gonna have to sit outside i hate it it's what it is [Music] it is actually supposed to be 100 degrees here for a high in two days upper 90s tomorrow but i looked at weather channel over lunch 100 degrees which does not happen here too often i mean it feels like that's hot in my part of the world right and so we're going to get as much of this green paint under a roof as we can because we all know that green paint melts at like 92 degrees so oh man look at what sam did i really need better friends you know i'm gonna unhook this contraption tomorrow maybe change oil on a truck clean up some of sam's mud that he left here on our floor do some other odds and ends around the yard but tonight it's almost five o'clock right now i've got to go in and clean up becky and i have to go uh pay our respects to a young lady who recently lost her battle uh too young too soon and that's all i'm going to say about that thank you guys for watching sincerely appreciate it and keep it between the rows
Channel: Millennial Farmer
Views: 523,852
Rating: 4.9683285 out of 5
Id: vekAJCKVy7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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