Massey 4840

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so you're gonna pop the top and then do a continuity yeah cause you got white bird blower so here's our next uh little project looks like the wires pour through here and it bro a bunch of the wiring up in the calf up in here a lot of the wires of the bride so we're going through it putting new wires on getting it working again the old massey articulated the balmy 40 more than 42 degrees or something like that but yeah we're working on another project um this wire i don't know if we got enough light to see it but the wire here rubbed on the frame and basically shorted this wire out it basically disintegrated it but that wire goes right to the key and it just every wire that that wire touched burnt through in spots so the boys are working on uh finding where this wire goes and if you look back there it goes to the silver relay in that cover so you can see me moving it what's left of it so so we're gonna put new wires in it and uh that's what we're working at right now because right now it's dead in the water it won't start won't nothing so burnt the wiring harness to the key so that's what sydney's up there looking at it's quite the tractor yeah how's my well now my reverse camera's working how many people can we fit in apparently a couple i articulate a cow yeah well this is three of us i think we can fit a couple more we can't do that yeah it's a big cap so uh that wire was running this harness that one wire on the outside yep this guy right here hold on this one corner wire are you close enough i think so it kind of pretty much took with it the whole sheath had a bunch of other wire sheathing and then it went into down into here and mangled with a bunch of other wires and oh well yeah it's kind of a wire mess yeah so you purchased some new wire and yeah we're just gonna kind of trace back one at a time and replace them someplace what needs it yep well that looks like a fun rainy day job i need some more double a batteries or we could just get a work light going get my work on look how fun it is working so close oh yes that's all my friends they gave it to you you had it in your hands thrilling stuff here is the professionals at work yes again yes all the time so i just did was put some flux on the wire help the solder grab or solder whatever part of the world you're in um sinker no not sinkers we started replacing some of them uh it looks better and it did yeah at the start um gotta do those two yet but patch these guys together you're gonna have to hold you hold that i'm gonna wet the sky wow already off to a good start let's try the other end ah yes this one's going much better there we go beautiful i'm gonna take that and just reflow these two don't move ah you move i didn't move you did no they do stop moving you move there with you there we go ta-da that's ugly that's an ugly take it apart okay yeah let's reflow this after we uh add action action okay see if we can get this right this time or show myself dropping solder on myself there we be yep no only five million already all three more to go three more to go close enough we'll slide our heat shrink over that now heat shrink that in a minute then we'll do your wire yes that's a cue what do we do next i should look at the script this is how you i wasn't on the script this is how you uh treat your tools yeah that's too small another red one here this is what it's like driving actually i don't know probably don't sound like then you look for the right room and then you look to the left then you look behind here this is this is probably gonna make another video and the tiger things are spinning ethan's dreams oh here we are using a heat gun to heat the heat [Applause] except it would start your hair on fire so [Applause] there's a lot of stuff going on here [Music] [Applause] how's it going oh slowly but surely there are more wires um destroyed than you had thought or no it's more of um some people have had some fingers into it so it's trying to figure out who did what oh so what was original and what wasn't wires have been replaced already before yeah for random things like it's got this back control panel here um i'm assuming none of this is original but pretty much these are feeding all of the um you say this is original i don't think it is oh but this is feeding all of the each set of work lights and somebody made a little control panel that they stuck over here where is that this little control panel here for controlling those and [Music] i don't even know make a process progress like i've got the uh uh headlights working so and properly so well that's good to start yeah and then have we been able to start it yet no so it looks like the starter croaked for some reason i don't know if i don't know exactly why but starters all in this whole process of burning up these wires i don't know if it the starter when the wires were all smoldering together if the starter just tried starting and because the engine was running pretty much self-destructed it i don't know work in progress last time we had the original well i can't say original but two wires or three running back this access panel back here which had a relay in it i don't know what's original on this tractor what's not but in a sense the key sends power down and turns that relay on which turns everything on up top blower radio ac et cetera anyways that wire shorted out and they didn't have a fuse on that wire so [Music] when it short it shorted out right here on this pinch point and melted everything back as well as all of the harnesses that it ran in and the nearby harnesses so we had like three melted harnesses and probably 10 different wires that were melted through but anyways we pulled a new snake back from that panel here that's this guy here um some new sheathing it's got two or three three white whatever three wires in it and then we ran that up to the connector uh yeah so we replaced this section pretty much there wasn't much damage outside of the cab most of the damage happened in the actual dash only one or two wires actually got melted out here so we just ran a new run all of that sheathing up to the plug which goes through the firewall and then we can take a peek what we got up here so this isn't our tractor this is actually a tractor uh one of our neighbors so our neighbor was al what was he doing oh is he finishing i don't know working he had out in the field for an afternoon and kept smelling plastic when he was running but didn't think anything of it he brought it home parked it and pretty much it wouldn't start again so they pulled the dash apart and found all the damage but while he was running it that one wire that shorted out sat there and yeah just melted while he was running so i don't know how it kept running but it did so that's kind of story of what happened but it also ruined the starter yeah so the starter was junk when we got it i don't know if the starter engaged like one of the wires shorted out closet started to engage we was running it and he didn't notice that or if it was just coincidence it has a new starter okay so yeah but we'll hop up in here and show you a little bit about what we did it's not perfect and that definitely not done yet but it's a start it's definitely a two-handed thing two hands to get in it's a little clumsy uh yeah okay so yeah a lot of uh what we did was it still looks like a bird's nest but pretty much went through there's three or four harnesses in here here's one of them we replaced the sheathing but uh one main harness that ran down here and under this steering console down through the firewall we had to replace in a couple other little runs but i also replaced these are all fuses reset auto resettable fuses i've never actually seen these before so that was neat but the main power feed comes in here and then jumps through these fuses to each run one goes the key one goes to the light etc so there's no possibility of this happening again if it had been wired right somebody had pretty much bypassed the fuse so oh it didn't have any protection but so this has been rewired multiple times yes um what year is this 81 or 82 i think okay but yeah correlating but sorry it works it's getting dark yeah cause it's like it's got this custom gauge set here and that's all added on yep it's got this little custom it's got a reverse camera we can turn it on here somebody got a little carried away for seeing line your hitch up and then somebody added a little control board back here which i think i showed but a control board that controlled all the field lights originally they were all just on these switches i put them on this switch here so you pull this guy out this little light pops up then you've got some control switches which turn on each set of lights so tops tops backs and the rears are all on switches here that run through relays but okay you just turn them all off on and off there handy yeah so it's ready to give it a start soon yeah well it runs yeah perfect but it runs okay we're going to let sydney start it up for you so oh [Applause] uh [Music] so you
Channel: Acres of Clay Homestead
Views: 38,235
Rating: 4.9676967 out of 5
Keywords: massey, 4840, tractor, tractor repair, wiring issues, burnt wires, replacing wires, vintage tractor, restored tractor
Id: e1jFu6sMdBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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