Engine Rebuild 1941 Ford 9N

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hi everyone welcome to acres of clay homestead my name is rhonda and i wanted to do a quick little update i know there's a lot of you waiting for uh the next video about the challenger getting it put back together and then getting it running again but that video is on hold i was hoping to have it out last week and then i was hoping to have it out this week but we're still waiting for the dealership to come out and calibrate it so that we can start it it needs to be calibrated everything needs to have oil run through it and they have the tools and the equipment to do that and we don't so we have to wait for them we also understand that the dealership is extremely busy right now so we're kind of on the waiting list um and they'll get to us when they can they said two weeks ago that they were gonna get to us probably like on a wednesday well that didn't happen and then um they then kevin talked to them last week and said maybe um monday or tuesday but that didn't happen and so hopefully you guys are probably seeing this on sunday hopefully they will come out this week and we can get this wrapped up because um you know it's starting to get warmer um we haven't planted any corn yet but time is getting close so we haven't needed it yet for tillage um that's our main thing for tillage and hauling manure but we are using another tractor for hauling manure so we're waiting patiently but once the dealership comes out then i will definitely get that video out to you guys but while you guys are waiting for that tractor video to come out i have this video today's video is going to be about another tractor repair that we did for a customer um his tractor needed some work done so let's jump right into it because i think it's going to be a lengthy video thanks everyone for watching and before we get this tractor going can you guys just hit that thumbs up button that helps my channel that's like the biggest support that you guys can give to us as a channel and i truly do appreciate that uh also leave your comments and questions down in the comment section below all right let's get going on this video that seems sloppy something is terribly wrong this is the old air filter i wonder how clean it is okay so this one's a little interesting i gotta get that up so much room to work so you said that it is actually a lot of room to work out of range oh it's about 35 that ain't great either so how many revolutions do you normally do to you know get a good reading i i've always gone about five but you just have to make sure you're doing the same thing there's a point where it kind of just bubbles out it's more just making sure you're doing about the same on each yeah cylinder yeah that's the actual spec on this engine per compression well zero 45 a 35 well you know the first pistons out of i know something's wrong we keep track of what each one does cindy's fascinated by the steering on this every time i come out here come over here so we got number four hooked up all right number four again and that one's 440. yeah the other three might be fine look at the specs so what do you what do you have right here um ultimate a leak down tester it doesn't work the way it's supposed to um online special that wasn't that great i've been using it to regulate airflow into a piston and then i will roll the engine over until both the intake and exhaust valve close and then hear where the air leaks out or try anyways so this doesn't this doesn't meet your qualification it doesn't work it doesn't work properly no but he makes it yeah it's more of just a way to shove air into the cylinder to hear where it's coming out that's not supposed to be because it has no compression so air is going somewhere they cannot intake valve intake exhaust or cracks well there or a crack in the head or block it yeah but it'll give us a little bit more of a dependent thing so we know where to look when we pull apart so that's the next step yes i put a little bit of air in it blood pressure this is my pressure gauge it sounds like all the valves are closed but something's hissing there it is you hear it yeah so the air is coming out my uh filler cap which means that yeah so either the gasket is perf can be not necessarily it could still be the head gasket if it's just the gasket broken between what candy depends how bad the gasket is if your exhaust if your exhaust is bad it'd be coming out of the butt if your exhaust valves yep intake valves coming out of here right here air felt you'd be hearing it yeah shoving about yourself becoming a crank case that's right or yeah something not necessarily it could be a crack there somewhere yeah but it's more likely but that doesn't explain the coolant in the radiator no here we go with the coal in the radiator again coolant in the oil it might be a combination of stuff but until you pull it now yeah i should remove it wait if you're blowing down into the but you'd have bubbles out of there if that was going into it yeah i you know it's head gasket first and then rings but otherwise we'll have to look at the head pretty close it could be a crack in the head that went through both the water galley and just i'm trying to think is it only the water getting through the head there he doesn't know just no air chamber in it so if you tried it on another cylinder would it do the same thing because it's very impressive yeah this cylinder doesn't have compressions the air is going somewhere apparently the air is going into the crankcase so that the whole question is just trying to figure out exactly why i'm trying to help we narrow that down without digging into it it could still be the head gasket if the gasket permeated or i don't know broke between an oil galley and the cylinder and the water jacket but but until we get into it but when you're running uh you have pressure and this is where we can discuss for hours we can keep saying butt but if we have com but the other thing is when it's running if you have compression into your you know your radiator is compressed yeah and then to push oil into the compression into something i understand that yeah but if the air is going somewhere it's not just having to push you still gotta push that oil i understand that that's broken a seal between all three is broken you wouldn't the air could be going out the bottom and still be getting compressed into the no the compression would be going out the bottom it'd still be blending or mixing the two that also leaves the question of how is the bottom end so here is the ford 9n that we are farting around with the guy who had it was getting fuel or actually he thought it was water in the oil but it's actually fuel in the oil this cylinder here has no compression and it looks like on the sleeve that on the ring is cracked which is probably why it's getting fuel in the oil and then the rest of the cylinders are only running about 35 psi which is about a third at least a third of what it's supposed to be running so we're tearing it apart gonna do a full rebuild on it on the engine we got all the front end took it off that took about an hour not much to it but so we're gonna get the gonna remove the engine from here put it on the engine block and tear it apart so we can get it rebuilt now you can't tell me that this connector doesn't look like a nine millimeter cartridge so here it is came out pretty easy we'll put it on the stand there and start tearing it down so low neutral and high i wonder how he may should do that what's wrong oh you're just looking at so they've got some sort of range like lover here that he broke the only girl yeah i don't know specifically how he broke it we were just looking at because we had to pull the engine out why it's broke it looks like some reason either the roll pin or whatever was through it either broke or i don't know where it went and what are you doing looking oh here's the rain it's not good apparently either it's been running with fuel in the oil long enough that's been diluted or there's been dirt in it or something but the uh the bearings are all scored up this is the bearing this has some pitting this is like yeah that's been you should be able to run your fingernail without catching it but that's awesome yeah this is all really rough well a really rough place just do what he wants with it just get it tore apart so it's not worth fixing well it's our full rebuild at this point oh so it's to be probably more than he's willing to put into it i don't know what a crank is probably going to be in the truck all three of you are wearing red so just please get them all apart um so that that explains why there's no compression that explains the fuel the only thing is the is getting it into the anti-freeze that's fuel so when you first took it apart you thought it was going to be an easy fix then what we never know from the symptoms i thought it could be down to this that's my thinking it's all kind of gambling until we dig into it and that's what i got talking about so then we ended up taking this apart and just noticing the rings are worn the liners are worn really bad the uh you need more of a punch though you're going to need a pin punch pin punch low compression this cylinder had no compression because the rings were worn through fully in one spot and hence actually there was a section of the cylinder wall that was not getting cleaned it had carbon on it what you working on i don't know i don't like talking you don't feel like talking well they have it kind of all apart and cleaned up yeah i just pulled the valve covers off kind of just poshing everything making sure just giving it a good once over what's the plan with it i've got to go through clean it all up do a bunch of spec checking on it make sure everything's in spec um put new sleeves in it and what's the owner want done with it because it's going to cost probably quite a bit to have the whole yeah it's going to be kind of an economy rebuild so ultimately it's going to get new sleeves new pistons new rings that's probably just a majority of it done as long as everything's in spec and we don't find cracks or anything so just kind of going over to make sure all the valves are inspect seating properly all that looks good no cracks anywhere are you getting close to putting it back together yeah i'm just removing the surface rust not scratching it just removing some of the surface rust rubbing alongside the cylinder walls and then we are going to i'm gonna i'm not gonna hone them but i'm going to uh polish them and then i will put the sleeves in and then we will throw the crank in do you have all the parts almost um we ordered a new valve kit for it because there were a couple broken springs and some of the valves had some pitting it's not perfect but it will um it'll work so good slowly get it back together so it's not every day that you see a crankshaft on the kitchen table but here at acres of koi you never know what's gonna be on the kitchen table until we get yelled at my mother now now as long as it doesn't stay here until supper time or week or link something that would be bad you're just trying to make sure that the specs are all yeah so we're kind of i'm calibrating this guy and then i've got to uh check journals all feel good and look pretty good so just gonna spec these out i think so this is a regrind and they stamp the number on um this section of the crank i'd have to flip it to show you yeah but it's 100 under uh so i have to um just spec it out make sure it is actually that and get the right bearings what it says it is yeah so yeah and then we'll throw it in plastic age it make sure everything's in spec and roll yeah tractor parts came and now we're doing an unboxing right in the house sleeves and new rings oh wow then that's gotta go a lot away from the crank i don't know definitely no slop in that and that's that gasket oh you're new yeah hey look at that all right now we gotta roll it over right before you could shove on it can you tap on it sure you got this the right way pin points that way yeah there you go there you go well these gotta be torqued too 45 let's put number two in put new sleeves in um cleaned everything out oil the cylinder wall glued the cracking rod uh what do you call it journal anything's got the ring compressor um piston there we are so [Music] there's 25 45. [Music] huh [Music] ah there's lots of things we could do all right [Music] well you're gonna have to when you do the oil pan one you're gonna have to you cut this back right seals for the crankshaft and so you put new seals in on this side and on that side and this is the oil pan and he's getting ready to kind of assemble it and put it all back together all right get these tightened up now hopefully don't blow up anybody else want to try and start okay they're gonna start i'll try let's choke it [Music] oh so close [Music] uh oh what [Music] power all right so this is my clutch this is a break yep this is a break yep what does it say i don't see anything two one three really yeah dual step what about this that's your rpm but it's good okay you ready yeah what are these for levites the there you self-destruct [Music] yeah maybe i could use both brakes but how do you use both brakes when you need to clutch well this is how i used to farm with the same time [Music] so yeah thanks for the experience
Channel: Acres of Clay Homestead
Views: 39,227
Rating: 4.9743018 out of 5
Id: EVqnjkBY0hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 26sec (1586 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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