Heaven on Earth 2019 | Matthew Stevenson

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second Samuel the 23rd chapter I have a bit of a different homiletic style and that sometimes I like to preach through the text and then give you the title because I don't like often setting you up to expect what the Lord is going to say in my prior career one of the things that I learned about teaching and preaching and introducing things is that if you can get people to come out of agreement with how they learned it first you could get them to learn it right and so sometimes I like to introduce it at the end and I want to give you this second Samuel chapter 23 verse 1 and this is in King Jimmy and my real meat is going to come out of NIV but I want to give you this initial part at King Jimmy please if it is your custom to stand at the reading of the word you can do that second Samuel 23 now these be the last words of David David the son of Jesse said and the man who raised up on high the anointed of the God of Jacob and the sweet psalmist of Israel said the Spirit of the Lord spake by me and His Word was in my tongue the God of Israel said the rock of Israel spake to me he that rule if over men must be just ruling in the fear of God and he shall be as the light of the morning when the Sun rises even a morning without clouds as the tender grass springing out of the earth by clear shining after the rain and although my house be not so with God yet he had made with me and everlasting chevon it ordered in all things and sure for this is all my salvation and all my desire although he make it not to grow but the sons of Belial shall be all of them as thorns thrust away because they cannot be taken with hands in the NIV it says you're going to need more than your hands to take them verse 7 says but the man that shall touch them must be fenced with iron and the staff of a spear and they shall be utterly burned with fire in the same place in Bertie ADA says these be the names of the mighty men whom David had the chatlin night that set him to see chief among the captains the same was a dino they as not he lifts up his spear against eight hundred whom he slew at one time we're almost there and after him was Eliezer the son of dodo what a name the aoi one of three mighty men with david when they defied the philistines that were that were there gathered there to battle and the men of Israel were gone away and the NIV says he stood when Israel ran off verse 10 is where we're getting our primary thought I'm gonna probably read this again in another version he arose the NIV says he stood his ground and smote the Philistines until his hand was weary but his hand clave unto the sward and the Lord brought a great victory that day and the people returned after him only to gain the spore real quick the NIV says he fought until his hand was weary but his hand froze to the sward help me prophesy real quick and they were gonna do some work look at somebody behind you I don't want you to talk to your neighbor they don't like you no more look at somebody behind you and say listen to me whatever you do do not drop your weapon I'll turn to somebody yourself at all costs hold your weapon you can be seated in the presence of the Lord if you've not noticed all of life all of life's affairs every sector of life every sector of our culture every sector of our reality however you define yourself husband wife sister brother mother doctor lawyer all of life is hinged upon leadership and the decisions of leadership I think we need to revisit the concept of leadership because when we're studying leadership as a field we only estimate that that belongs to leaders but whether you are a leader and not leadership is something that you have to understand leadership impacts the decisions you make and in leadership impacts your stewardship ability you're not just fathering children you're leading them you're not just a administrating paper and files and records and writings you're leading as it were a sequence of events that determine outcomes I think we've got to have a new discussion about leadership unfortunately we're in a generation at a time where it's been so cheapened by everybody's ability to magically obliterate the scene of leadership for example in order to be a leader in today's culture I don't have to be recommended the crisis is I don't even have to be trained all I've got to do is get a website and a logo and I can start a Facebook a lot and I can assume and expertise I was not granted because if people listened to me that it must mean that I'm an expert so we're in a crisis because the subject of leadership is all what history is hinged upon every era every time zone every epoch is mocked and named by the leader that led it for example in the book of Genesis it does not say I believe around the 6th chapter it does not say in the days of giants Noah was in the land but it says that in the days nowa Giants were in the land which means that if we're looking at it on a leadership metric the Giants were not Giants compared to Noah because the days were not named after the Giants the days were named after Noah and you'll know whenever God has anointed a man or anointed a movement by the days that are named by them we need some real leaders but we don't just need people that can manage momentum we need those that can cause it I'm talking about leadership I think that what we're looking at even in a political trend is that America my city they're no longer even voting for experienced politicians they're over the political game what people are looking for is reliable trustworthy consistent believable integral and reputable leaders and so it would behoove you and I to approach the Word of God on leadership profiles what that means is that one of the rich things we get from the Word of God it's not how to just live as a Christian quote/unquote or live as immoral but how to manage the very responsibilities that God gives every life it's an issue of stewardship therefore you cannot healthily separate the subject of leadership and stewardship just stay with me in other words if I'm espousing any role as a leader what I'm signing up for is a level of stewardship and this is not just any realm of stewardship as a leader I have to steward differently from those that do not steward let me put a caveat there and a part of what I've got to steward as a leader is myself I've got to have a budget pay attention not just for the buildings and not just for the cars I've got to have emotional budgets I've got to have relational budgets I've got to put parameters and boundaries about how much of myself ice and on anybody therefore my budgetary needs are not just physical they are also psychological what with me they are also conversational I got to know when I've said too much and I've got to know when I've said too little if as a leader one of the things I've been charged by God to do is spend the right amount of money in order for me to make you healthy I've got to keep myself clean I've got to keep my self-protection in the last era leaders spent themselves in deficit for the benefit of those that were around them but what we're seeing is a change in paradigm that you are only as healthy as I am and I'm not gonna let you kill me and then try to lead you I've got to take care of mom oh yeah feel mr. preached I've got to take care of my stone I am no longer going to answer the phone when I'm on a date with my wife I've got to take care of myself I'm no longer gonna be in conference and I've not had a vacation in ten years I've got to take care of myself because the quality of what I produce is predicated upon how healthy I am as a person and what the enemy wants is for you to be so self-sacrificing that you are not as quality as you should be so that the people that's relying on you to be healthy and stable and consistent no longer have a reliable foundation to follow we need some healthy leaders not just available leaders but healthy leaders not just talented leaders but sound leaders we need leaders who are not in stable leaders who are not tossed to and fro leaders who can mature us because they are healthy we've got to have this conversation and we've got to approach the different men in the Bible that are more than men you see the house of the man I stand in this is not a man you understand moves of God never happened on the earth without a body I'm getting there we talked about moves of God as if they are incorporeal now that's just a very sophisticated term to mean it just exists out of nowhere but that's actually quite horrid achill understand that when God moves he's moving through a man I said when God moves he's moving through a man well you and I refer to as the voice of healing movement or the azusa movement I know we see them as events but those were happenings and there was phenomena that were born through a man when the Bible said that the earth belongs to the sons of men if God don't move through men it makes him an Indian giver he only does what he's invited to do because when he gave mankind Oh million listen he didn't take it back this is why you and I have to pray if God's sovereignty could do on the earth whatever he wanted to without the invitation of a man then there will be no need for intercession this is why we have to say by Kingdom Come because she gave the mid man world world of mankind the earth and he reserved his place in the heavens so prayer is the invitation for God to move through men pay attention this means that if God is going to act if there is going to be a repercussion if there is going to be a rebuke or a chastisement or something that bats the powers of hell back is going to look for a body it's not going to happen through clouds and storms and earthquakes it's going to happen through people God has always moved through people and if you don't believe me his greatest move of God was his son and he had to have so if we are doing our diligent investigation of the word of God it will behoove you and I anybody that has responsibility to examine men in the Bible not just as mere men but as moves of God if we look at this Elijah was not just a prophet he was a move of God Elijah was not just the successor of a prophet he was a move of God John the Baptist was not just a forerunner of the Messiah he was a move of God not through some preaching power there won't you put your hand on your chest and just say I am a move come on just say I am come on say it again say I am a move I am a Mook what I'm doing right now is before I crack open this mystery I'm trying to appeal to your self-esteem what the enemy has been trying to do is reduce you so much that you no longer have confidence in your ability to do what God has called you to do but I want you to slap the devil with your tongue and say I am God's move I am done that means when you walk into a room a move of God has happened when you go to your family you get a move of God has happened you ain't got a weight but in revival when you shake my hand you shake it the hand move of God stop allowing the devil to reduce you you are God's next move if this is true please be seated I'm not preaching if this is true I find an theological integrity Bishop that we have to pay attention to the principle of last mention what that means is that in any body of information in any letter if you do your diligent research the salutation is at the top hi my name is or dear so-and-so so-and-so that is a target in the body of the narrative you find the summation of the information this is what I'd like to discuss this is what I'd like to write this is what I want you to know but the most important statements of life the conclusion of the whole matter the Summum bonum the thing that matters most if you don't remember nothing else I say I want you to always lean into the last paragraph of every document just stay with me if I'm writing for example a love letter what I'm writing at the top of the letter and in the body of the letter is that that's gonna convince you of the decision I want you to make that B in so I'm gonna say why I'm the candidate talk to me I'm going to say what I've notice about you I'm going to say how I light your eyes and like your complexion and all of that stuff and then when I get to the bottle I'm gonna say do you like me circle yes or soko no which means that everything that I've introduced introductory speaking it's make you make a bottom-line decision and or commitment at the bottom and by the time I've signed off on my name I wanted to be clear that what I said last was most important pay attention when somebody's dying and on their deathbed they're going to say a lot of stuff as medicine is taking its course as your chemical self is finding a balance and an adjustment but you always want to pay attention to people's last words the whole of your Bible is a legal document that is the last will and testament of the Son of God on the earth we don't have the Bible for scientific reason we don't have the Bible for numeric reason we have the Bible because it is the last standing will of Jesus Christ the Son of God god I love you that means that Genesis to Revelation gives us as it were the most important things that the Son of Man wanted us to know it's his will when somebody is on their way out of the earth who they want to have what what they believe about what what they learned about what even down to what I work for when you look at my will you so give this person my money give this person the couch give this person the lap so therefore you know what I want by reading what I say last David gives us last sayings in this particular chapter we see the last thing the shepherd King does the last thing he talks about it's interesting that the last song of David was about armies I love this it was not about Saul because at this point he had gotten over it it wasn't about Jesse and whomever his mama was because at this point he had gotten over with in other words he summarizes his life by saying and remembering who his army was are you ready for preaching point number one at some point you're going to have to change the army now I know that that feels a little weird in you because we are a culture that thrives on loyalty but very many of you in this building are missing out on what God is doing because of who you're trying to take with you and you got to realize that put the next attacker for the next panel for the next war you may not have the right army I know you don't want to clap because they might be sitting next to you but you've got to realize that one of the things every general does one of the things every captain does is before I cross over into this next battle its wisdom to look around and see who's around me I'm here to warn you prophetically for what's coming in the coming days of your life do not act like they're all going with you I'm glad we got a shout out the door now it is prudent of you to examine your team before you complete this next walk don't go to war in Assumption and in presumption that who is with you should go with you I know very many leaders that are missing out because they got the wrong team right vision right city wrong team they don't have the right support system for what they're trying to come after and it's not that they'd miss God or they missed the mandate they just didn't do their due diligence to examine if you should go now every man of God and woman of God has got to make the hard test of assessing whether or not who's in the room is in their corner and whenever you're getting ready to go into battle the team is going to change and my premise for that is this David had several battles and several opportunities which several militaries just pay attention some of them were big some of them were small some of them came from Israel and some of them came from Judah he had several different environments of war so now in your life whether you a mother father sister brother son daughter whatever you are in every sphere of your battle if there is a promise worth fighting for don't start fighting before you've had our heart talk about who your soldiers are now there's a lot of room there for you to begin to examine because some people will shittim utley be anointed for you in one season and they will not be anointed for you in the next season it doesn't mean they change it means the season change how many of us have lost momentum by trying to force somebody or somebodies into a space that they are either not competent let's go there we are either not sensitive enough let's go there or they are not dedicated and or disciplined enough to know who we're fighting now many of you in the sound of my voice can't have your future because you won't let your history go many of you under the sound of my voice are tormented about was supposed to be coming because you're wasting time trying to convince people around you that what's coming is what's coming but the right army it can guarantee the right victory if you have the wrong army I want you to hear this as a warning there is great danger in the wrong army and the wrong army can be nice people and steal the wrong army you got to have the right army and every leader is going to have the battle watch this between whether or not I choose you for competence or faithfulness let's go because sometimes are you ready for this sometimes the faithful are not always competent and sometimes the competent in always faithful so everybody's gonna have to do that dance but do I choose the competent and milk the cow or do I choose a faithful if you are afraid to be heard you're going to use the Facebook even though the papal and intelligence and you're gonna run the risk of not being able to accomplish because you were too wounded to risk with the competence and too lonely to let the faithful go what do you do I'm working in here when you got to let the faithful go and trust the competent what do you do when somebody that has perfect attendance is your greatest problem but that poke at my church then show up every Sunday and I will you please get out I know we open up the doors of the church I want to close them I want to do a reverse and say everybody that wants to leave please stand when you've got ups faithful fool what do you do when you got somebody that has perfect attendance and nag and pum played and always mama I need the right army I need the right army is you need to write on me you don't just need those that are available you see because people have to learn you to fight with you they can't think that you're like whoever they used to be there's a lot of us in the room pay attention punishing people in our future because of those that come from our past look at somebody so you need the right arm and you need the right army you don't just need those and say here in my algol this is not the day for volunteers talk to me this is a day for trained soldiers and I don't know who needs to hear this this morning but there is a people somewhere that God is built for where you going next they may not be in your zip code may not be in your area code they may not be your skin color they may not have your last name but if God is God you got an army somewhere David David has experience in the deliberate engineering of fighting teams the deliberate the methodical the purposeful engineering of fighting teams in every phase of his leadership life before he trained them in the mechanisms of war he looked at them more round how do you work together are you who I need do you know enough have you seen enough he had to do the dance between whether or not I want a vet or rookie every leader is going to have that moment when you're going to have to discern do I give this to the vet or do I trust a rookie pay attention some time when you give it to the vet you create a monster and even though they can execute it they'll burn out faster other times if you give it to the rookie depending upon how much time you got left on the clock the rookie either will get it right or get it wrong but you got to decide which risk you got to take for what moment in your life and at the end of Damon's life he sings a song and he writes a song that profiles what God says about those that have leadership he goes on in his song and he starts talking about how God made them he says that that the rock spoke to me and one of the things that a leader must do in verse three of this he said he has got to be just in other words you ought not have at your mind treating people as if they are the same can I preach this because God loves us all the same but he uses us very differently let me dig in here a part of what that means is that if you're gonna grow your company and grow your church you have got to pull the devil's right and the devil's influence listen over your difference I know that we fight real hard in church now I'm about to crack in something to appear like we don't have favorites but even God said he had favorites I know you can't say and I can't there's going to be a moment when you're gonna have to look among the 70 and pull the trail and if there's gonna be another moment when you go to the twelve and say let me get three because depending upon the ascent the army might need to be small pay attention if you want to sabotage a project have too many people in the room if you want to sabotage a goal have too many people in the room if there are too many people on the team then what's gonna happen is we're we could have got started working those of you that weren't supposed to be in the room are going to ask unnecessary questions and we're gonna waste time trying to explain the marching orders and the enemy is encroaching on us now I don't know who I'm pop assigned to but some of you need to downsize I know that's not a good word because we love words about expansion and increase I hear the Lord saying go home and fire somebody oh you don't like that I hear the Spirit of God sang out the bonus to give out some pink slips I have the bonus to promote somebody to another area of ministry because of where you're going so it says he's got to be just I'm not making my decision about who's around me based upon what you think he's got to be just in the latter part of verse 3 I'm almost there says and he's got to rule in the fear of God so a part of this leadership parable of David is that a part of what I've learned David says when I was writing the songs and riding all of this and my journal was chairman and my journey with Jesse and my journey was we saw a part of what I learned is that is important to fear God it's a dangerous thing to be under a man or a woman or a husband or wife they don't fear God because there's only one other thing to fear and that's men watch me and when you fear men you compromise for them when you fear men you are under their persuasive control now I know you're out there you know I don't for your man but if you have bitterness pay attention and or unforgiveness the greatest consequence of bitterness is the fear of man here's why if you have unforgiveness in you you can't walk in a store with somebody who you have unforgiveness with and your moods stay the same watch me if you see somebody that has hurts you and wounded you and y'all are in McDonald's together you could have gotten unhappy you could have gotten up having a good day if you see Shirley or Kishore Shalini or whatever name is all of a sudden your entire chemical makeup has been distorted because you saw somebody that you have unforgiveness toward pay attention that power forgiveness is a warfare weapon here's why it does not give permission to your behavior releases me from the impact of your soul I got to say that one more time forgiving you does not mean that I agree with what you did it just means that I refuse to allow you to walk in my environment and control my thoughts I'm working in here control my mood I'm working in here well control my behavior I belong to God not your era can I give you a hard word you are a slave to whoever you won't forgive they control you they have the ability to ruin your sleep they have the ability to determine what you'll commit to next they have the ability for you to espouse the wisdom that is not from God because you will not forgive them and so if your rule has got to be in the fear of God I rule I manage I lead I steward in the fear of God this is the last song of David and then he says he's like the light of the morning and he's consistent and he's regimented he has things that he does because listen but the greatest area of attack from the devil on a strong leader is his discipline you you can be as delivered as you want we could cash a million Devils out of you if you don't ship in your discipline which was the initial door that the devil came in to begin with you can't pray for cancer and diabetes and not pray about cheesecake and collard greens it's the discipline that opens up the door for the devil I know you in like that you can't pray for God to do a miracle in your marriage and you not change your mouth I believe that many of you never got the mouth for marriage I'm working in here you never learned the power of temperature and tongue and some of us have never got the devil knocked out of our net you know when you want to prove a point some of them sisters get that next spirit that comes there and the Bible said when a woman acts he makes a man wanna go to the top of the roof I'm looking in the face to a lot of brothers that slip off the roof we've got to have it you know like that we've got to have the discipline for the deliverance that we want if you don't get just as disciplined as you are delivered then you'll never be delivered for it I feel some moving power right there I believe God is saying to many of you don't ignore my instructions to you if God says go to bed at a certain time it's because he knows what's next in your future there is no random instruction from God so God says wake up at this time or talk to this person he's not talking to you cuz he ain't got nothin else to do he's trying to discipline you pull your destiny because if you go to your destiny without discipline then the devil has a right to do what you were destined to do how many of us know people that are dancing and not discipline how many us know people that are victory laughing and not discipline we don't know how to get off the phone don't know what to say and what to not say we got a bad case of wagging tongues and so he says he's got to be just and discipline and he says bury something really wick a strange and verse six is we're learning the military thought pattern of David he says but the wicked are not so they're so rouille and vicious in the day in the days of the Wars of Israel the Bible said that they were split up on the belly of their pregnant women and they were just bloody how many of you know in warfare all works when the enemy is after a life or a purpose or a plan of God or go everything goes I was studying in the Gospels last night what Jesus said to the twelve and that Jesus says something very strategic to them in Matthew 10 he says beware you will be scourged in their synagogues he didn't say he was gonna be beat up in the alleys he said it won't beat you a ride in the church and then the Bible says they will say all manner say all manner say all manner they're gonna say all manner of evil against you a part of what that means that won't nothing be off-limits they'll talk about your mama they'll talk about your daddy he'll talk about your kids and so for this level of war there's got to be something in you that is able to withstand the aggressive attacks of the enemy against your life now we get to real interesting stuff in verse seven in the song of David he talks about how if you're going to go combat life to life combat mandate to mandate combat you can't just do it with your hands in other words this is an allegory of why it's deadly to fight your foe in the strength of the flesh now I realize that we've been seeing a heightened amount in America a panic attack of psychological attack I mean 12 years ago we weren't having discussions about mental health and I know it was there it's just that it's gotten so dramatic in America that we're forced to come to tables and pay attention to the fact that some stuff is not character some stuff is chemical and what's happening is the enemy knows the power of a human being of trying to fight a hellish army any human strength he knows that you can't do it he is aware that until you come out of yourself every time you get on a season of combat of withdrawal of retreat of backlash if you do it in your strength and do it with your vocabulary and do it in your knowledge then you're going to lose the only way to lose against hell it should do it without God but I listen to the last song of David I was smart this is a guy who fought a lion this is a guy who wrestled a bear this is a guy who although his his pastor was after him for years he refused to retaliate he had some guts he had some fortitude so we gotta pay attention to what he thinks about war and what he says in 6 & 7 is when you have an army you got to have more than your hands a part of what I'm trying to tell you is this if the assignment before you can be achieved in your strength it ain't God if the building you want to build up can be bought with your money and anger the thing that God has called you to do if you can afford it it's a setup it is not God here's how I know the pattern of God is he never calls a man to do what they can do without him it's gonna take him to get where you're going on therefore I want to talk to a hundred of you that's got something before you that you know you can't do got a project before you that you know it's gonna have to be God he always calls men to do bigger things and them so that they need him in that assume God never wants you to not need him I don't know who I'm talking to he never wants you to be able to calculate and imagine and plan out your action without him if you can look at it and say I built this in my hand I achieve this in my strength my marriage is healed because I'm a good person then what God does is whenever you approach him in your ability he flexes to show you his therefore it is wisdom pay attention every general every soldier every husband the key to victory in your life are you ready for this you got to go to God dumb will you snap somebody say go like a dummy go like a dummy come on help me preach I know they don't feel good to you but if you go to God like I know how to be a husband you're gonna lose your marriage if you go to God like I know how to be a super apostle and a bishop deluxe he's gonna crush you what you got to do and say god I'm ignorant I don't know how to do none of this I don't know how to be great I don't even know how to be holy if you don't show me I'm gonna mess something up oh no nothing I'm working in here you got to go to God in humility I don't know you I don't know your way but if you open my heart whatever you show me I'll follow you all the way I got to be the smartest because I'm a father all I know how to do is not get ahead of you if I stay with you I'll get the victory so I love this I'm almost out listen there was a can't call Abdullah and in the cape of a deulim the Bible says that when David was running from Saul one of those times he ran into some people that didn't look like what they were going to look like part of what that is for you is you've got to pay attention to who supports you when you look like you're going to be who you are you always want to pay attention to who always knew you were going to make it when you're already showing signs of making it it is important that you pay attention to who's with you before you look like you it is important that you pay attention to who wants to spend time and who wants to invest before you show any signs of greatness can I give you a hard word yeah people in your life right now who only want you to make it so they can in other words they've attached themselves to something that's showing the symptoms of victory to give them future security I don't know about you what I appreciate is those who knew I was gonna be it before I believe I was gonna be it come on help I appreciate those who had no sign and no symptom and wasn't interested in the mandate more than they was the man that's the people you gotta pay attention to because those people have a skill depth those people have a sensitivity that can be trained those people have a willingness to whatever war is before you and so David shows us at the cave of a doula that he was not an aesthetic soldier he did not choose people for how they look we've got to pull this generation not a cosmetic Christianity somehow someway we've got to pull people out of the distraction I want to say the deception of pretty don't you understand that pretty only goes so far and we've been in a generation of pretty Church we've been in a generation of pretty preaching we've even been in a generation of pretty prayer meanwhile our cities are tying up the nation is being overthrown and we're in church praying pretty but I want somebody in here that don't care about how they look I know look new school but what's on me is real oh and I believe tonight God is gonna do a new thing with an old power I believe God is gonna do a new thing will it all work if you believe it's dream yes David shows us I don't care what you look like I came from a man who taught me that God does not look on the outward appearance but he looks at the heart and espouse that wisdom but where I'm going now therefore I'll take the broad pay attention I'll take the distress I'll take those in bankruptcy I'll take those that don't know how to be a husband take those that don't know and I'll make an army out of nobodies I'm here to encourage some pastors around you the way God prepares you to real among the Kings is he watches your behavior around the peasants if you've got poor people in your church congratulations if you got poor people on your leadership team congratulation God trained you for the princes how you handle the peasants I used to be frustrated my testimony is I have no debt personally or in my church 15 years old everything I own I own in cash I don't think it's because I was a smart astute businessman I handled the poor well and that was a season in our ministry well I'll get frustrated I will go in church and preach to the world and Nations in auditoriums and all that in my head there was only 20 people in the room and I would go home to God and be like when you gonna send me some better people I'll never forget one day I was crying out to God about better people in the Lord laughs he said what's that I'm like send me some better people he said what's that and I took that what's that into the rest of my ministry because a part of what that means is that there is no regard and there is no difference of love and honor and value for those that are wealthy and those that do not be encouraged visionary you may not have to hire a youth pastor they may be right in front of your face may not have to hire what your soil can grow look round about you and find out who can be developed to be the soldier that you need for your test these men what the Hebraic scholars called them are David Special Forces some call him the mighty men of valor what they are is a specialized group of people that can handle sophisticated war listen because every war ain't the same and don't let people around you make you think that you can employ the same wisdom that they can our wisdom cannot be parallel your battle is different assignment is different mandate is different makeup is different birthday different sensitivities are different and because God made you different you may need some things around you that the other people may not need around you and so now we're looking at a very discrete very well-trained specialized group of men most people say it was it ended up from 300 to about 37 but now in the last days of David but he's on his deathbed he talks about three which means something about these three men have to have excelled the rest of the armies he fought with he makes no recollection of the other armies at this point he is highlighting three men he names the first guy and that's not who I'm impressed with he named the third guy and I'm impressed with him I love this kid he was the number two of the three specialists at David named now I know that don't mean much to you because it's just a long sophisticated name but you got to appreciate that if God punctuates the Scriptures exactly how he wants part of what that means is that there's not a period there without his permission there's not an exclamation point without his permission if it's in the Word of God it's for us which means that we've got a look at the name Eliezer to find out why he was able to do what he was able to do now pay attention I know you feel like the activity around your life may be limited but if you don't know what God is doing are you ready to shout with me you've got to define your name pay attention the most important promise you have over your life and got nothing to do with the lottery it ain't got nothing to do with promises of health or well your first prophecy is your first name if you look at what your name means then you look at what you were born to do you look at what the Angels see when they see you you've got to stop acting like the Angels speak English they speak the language of the will of God which means is that if you will name something after God's will then the meaning of your mandate can be found in your name this is what the Bible called Jesus even Manuel I feel good he is God with us if you look at your first name you can find some rich enroll into your destiny long as you got a name you have a promise as long as you have a name you have uniqueness Eleazar means the Lord has helped the Lord has helped and David reflects on this story and he tells us about one day when they are outnumbered against an army now here is where you will know when you are in God's assignment it will never be fair until you are outnumbered you are not in the reason you were born if it's a fair fight God ain't in it God's gonna set you up against a society bigger than you army bigger than you a problem bigger than you a crisis bigger than you and even though it looks like it's them against you the big God that's behind you is going to use you as the sign and the wonder to whatever is standing up against you God uses small men to fight big Devils it's your job to stay small before him so he can back your warfare with all of his strength so Elly the name means the Lord has helped the help of the Lord one day David recalls on his deathbed I remember fighting with this guy and we were fighting an army that's much bigger than us and all of a sudden this is a beautiful story he starts fighting and he starts fighting and he starts fighting and all of a sudden his hand grew tire strategy grew tired muscularity grew tired there was an exhaustion in his hand but I loved the ancient interpretation of this which says that there was a phenomena of cohesiveness watch this that happened between the hand and the weapon now listen you are never tired at the top you're always your most exact exhausted at the end which means that if the last 90 days you felt anything tired in you it's not the sign that something bad is happening it's the sign that something in your life knows I'm about to escape this season finish leave this Lane and platform it's a sign that I'm almost done watch me and when you've been anointed of God I want you to hear this we don't stop when we're tired we stop when we're done I'm not paying attention to what's going on in my hand I'm paying attention to us in my hand remember in the latter parts of the psalm David says if you're going to come after these armies you've got to do it with more than your hand the verse shifts now and he shows us that any a czar could have made the choice to fight him in his hand or in his strength but they say the rabbinic scholar said that something happened very similar to Joshua at the end of this war which the hand froze to the swore in other words we don't know if a liaison wanted to drop the sword or not all we knew that if he kept swinging one of the things that was going to happen was at some point the relationship of the weapon with the hand was going to turn over into somebody else's wealth now I want to take this all the way to the principle Paul in the New Testament God spoke something to me last night over there that I think is a word of the Lord for everybody in here and it is this are you ready to take a deep breath you can do it I believe you okay now exhale you don't need a new word I know I know I know you don't need a new word he started revealing to me less than as I was sitting in the history and he started showing me people praying prophesies over this church and decree in prophetic words and he showed me that the phenomena that's about to happen even in this movement is he was about to do a new thing with an old word pay attention to if you are honest with yourself I'll shout by myself if you're honest with yourself some of your anxiety over a new word is your discouragement about words that have not come to pass some of your desire about God what are you saying now what are you doing now has everything to do watch me with the fact that the devil bad preachers awful theologians told you that if a prophetic word didn't make sense put it on the shelf I've been sitting here today to break the Shelf down but what you're going through you need everything God has ever said over your life over your children over your family if you are in here and you got some unfulfilled prophetic words what it means is that God is about to do a news piece with an old word the Apostle Paul prophesied that Christianity is the life of war he essentially says take on the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand the wiles of the devil put on the helmet of salvation a breastplate of righteousness the buckle of true shield of faith have your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel my favorite of them is this but take on the sword of the Spirit but take on the sword of the Spirit but take on the sword of the Spirit which ears the Word of God pay attention this was written before the Bible was canonized so what word was Paul talking about cuz he didn't have a Bible there was no King James so what word was he talking about sorry when david says in psalm 119 thy word have I hidden in my heart what happened Paul wasn't here so he didn't have a New Testament he didn't have any pistol what word was he talking about when the prophet Isaiah said my word is gonna be like snow that falls from the heaven and it does not return void but it will accomplish that with a one word as this I believe it was the word in the beginning I feel like running I'm not gonna do it in the beginning on the premise on the back up was the word and the Word was God and the Word was with God and the word became flesh you see as long as your word is immaterial you can't fight the devil with it now what you got to do is wait long enough until that word to become flesh and when it becomes flesh it becomes a sward and when it becomes a swore you ain't got to have it in your head or your heart put that thing in your head and when it goes in your hand you got to get the victory by intelligent deduction of this message it shows us that one of the enemy's goals for you is to make you a defensive defenseless people hey people that love in defense plan in defense try in defense and he wants you to do so without a weapon he want you to drop it he wants you to look at the stuff God showed you on 21-day fast and say that's for a different time if you right now we're walking in complete manifestation of everything God spoke over you from the time you were saved till now you wouldn't be believing God for anything new I believe who in the spirit what God's gonna do in the is settle this unnecessary tension between the new and the old sometime when we hear all we think bad but there is going to be a mutual joining and covenant of the new and the old the old needs the new and the new needs it oh it's not nothing wrong with a new word you just got a lot of old ones you're not fighting with anymore how many of us have unfulfilled prophetic words and I know you know just because you do the proper sign oh this is better than that I just know that the Bible says God is not a man that he should lie so if I'm living my life in a space of indifference towards the word of the Lord over me over my life somewhere I was fighting with my bare hand somehow in the middle of this I dropped my sword and the devil knows the power of a sward 'less marriage a sward --less company if you have a company with no word on it you're wasting your energy if you have an idea that's not backed up by the word of the Lord you're experimenting with your destiny you got to have a word for it and if you don't have a personal prophetic word none of you know when you were bathing the things of God the word is Rhema to you for a second before you believe in and care as many or whatever we call it when you first Saved you have a love for the Bible and you can be turning your fingers to it and something jumps out at you and becomes a weapon for where you are so all of us have a word if you don't believe me look at your most misbehaved child the one that gives you the most problems it's probably the one with the strongest word over them here's why the enemy does not design random attacks I can't get help back there I said there's no such thing as a random attack whatever is under attack is because it's also under revelation can I prove this to you it will not experience attack if it has not first experience revelation but if we are distracted by the attack we can't go back to the original premise of the attack which is Revelation Jesus comes down baptized by John - he's up here comes the bird and God makes an announcement say announcement now when God makes an announcement it is revelatory it is revelation it is his word he binds himself to it metaphor God talks more than humans hear it you've got to get this part of what we got to do a better job that is managing the mystery of God in this what we see is a profound revelation so Elohim is on the throne of God and he says this he says is this thing on he tells a sound man in the solar system turning himself I want it all to hear he raises up his voice over a man watch me who had not done anything yet Jesus had done no miracles he hadn't impressed no body he hadn't healed nobody he hadn't done anything he just was woohoo and when he came out of the water he came up in obedience and God before he affirmed his acts he affirms his identity this is my son watch me I could run around here but you're not ready and I'm well pleased with him before he does anything in other words he's not gonna work to earn my pleasure he has already got my pleasure and he's gonna run my affirmation so that he doesn't work for my affirmation I don't want him using ministry to earn good graces with me I don't want him using his works and his deeds and his philanthropy to guarantee our standing before me you know now that he's all mine I want him to know now that no matter what happens at these next three years I've allocated you signed off on you therefore you're going to move in power and you have to perform this is my son I am well pleased a couple of steps out the Spirit of God lands on him and drives him into the wilderness here we go with a familiar foe pastor Cathy because here the Bible says the tempter comes the accuser comes now if my serious correct pay attention to salutations have benedictions he does not say hi I'm the tempter because they already knew who each others were they had a battle before in the Garden of Eden I ain't got the time so this was about unfinished business Jesus showed up in the place of Israel's defeat the wilderness the place where they died he was now about to win it was a rematch that was not their first introduction this was a sequel well this was round two this was the Grand Championship battle and he shows up there and he does pay attention if you be the Son of God let's rewind what was the last thing God said this is come on man come on son what was the first thing the devil said if you be the Son of God which means every attack on your life prophesize it is directly connected to the last thing God said about you if the enemy is attacking any area in your life if you will just grab a hold of your memory and remember what God said and command amnesia to let you go Eliezer you'll pick up your swore and flight that Joker scream if you believe it the most snap three peoples have still got a sword I'll still come on open your mouth let's have still got a sword I've stupid I don't care when that word was talking to you there is no expiration date on the word of God I'm sorry some of you are only alive right now because of prayers your Grandmamma pray us can we shout right here some of you are alive because of the prayers of dead people you still kind of work here in the grave but that prayers are upholding you keeping it up SAS still got away [Music] if God said it ah I said if God said it it's still valid I don't care if he said it before you were saved you are divinely entitled after like doing a backflip to every promise ever uttered over your life I don't care if you were backs lived and he said it up if you were insane any cetera if God said it watch this forever is your word settled in heaven now we shouted last night put the things that's coming to pass I want to hear the plays of those that know it ain't happened yet and if it had happened yet it's because it's about to us I'm not gonna promise [Music] not a soul I've got a sword I've got a sword I've got a swara missing a nunchuck yes a the karate chop dos [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] listen listen what you've been through Eleazar but these last several seasons for some of you has been decades the enemy has been trying to pry your sward out of your head whatever you do fight me in your strength fight me with your genetic map and trail fight me with your skills and talents but don't you pick up that sword it is the one parameter of the forces of darkness because as long as you got the word it means that God's will is intact something's going to happen in this place gods about to deliver you from demonic amnesia let me explain let me explain one of the signs of blunt force trauma is the sudden loss of memory my wife is the health lady I'm I'm the educated a scholar but she uh she was responsible for multi-million dollar budget at one of them Chicago's largest hospitals over Alzheimer's research before I showed her who Big Daddy was and brought off her job and put in the Jews honor she worked I'm sorry she worked and she oh she overseed millions of dollars for Alzheimer's research part of what she notices people that had hard blows car accidents or falls down the stairs one of the first signs of decaying help was a loss of memory come in Mary come here Martha Jesus meets them halfway and we preach this all the time but my favorite part is here if you would have been here my brother wouldn't have died Martha comes up and says no no I I know Jesus is like show me where you laid him yeah but I want to blame you cuz you weren't here Jesus said you'll see him Mary said I heard that message before I brought the tape I was at the conference I play it in my way home I got the audio book I know I'll see him in the resurrection day I'm bout to run right through that dog look at what Jesus said this makes me shout it may not make you shot but Jesus said this and as you come up in a black house now and Bishop pitch is the blackest man I've ever met if you could sum up black Mama's my family's Ko Creole so there's something about when they fall their mouths you know in other homes other persuasions they did did I tell you where I come up from they say they fold their lips bori to God and there's a bit more intensity I believe Jesus said didn't I tell you this is the exact word didn't I tell you that if you would believe you would see the glory of God in another environment Jesus must upset some things to Mary and Martha and maybe even Lazarus that would prepare them for this day whether you know it or not you're not moving battle you're unprepared for the problem is your memory life has hit you so hard people have hit you so hard misery has hit you so hard I believe Jesus is walking in front of your face sin did not tell you that if you look me leave I tell you real quick get your memory back get your memory back remember what he told you last year remember what he told you mm not and if it happened it's conscious boy new war don't occurred say hey hey oh it hurts somebody gentlemen it happened it's caused us for a new war tell somebody else if it's not made manifest it's because something is on the way that grabbing is a guard you're ready to give you power for the Paradis on the way [Applause]
Channel: Cornerstone Church
Views: 40,936
Rating: 4.8721461 out of 5
Keywords: Cornerstone, Church, Cstone, Toledo, Michael Pitts, God, Christ, Praise, Worship, Ohio, Jesus, Faith
Id: 9YsIwQxteJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 53sec (3653 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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