Lords Of The Fallen - Review After 100%

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[Music] what's going on everybody morom here this time bringing you my review after 100% for Lords of the Fallen a reboot of sorts to a game of the same name back in 2014 Lords of the Fallen aims to be a soulslike experience that sees you fighting colossal enemies tough monsters across two versions of a world known as Axiom and umbrell but before we dive into all that to get my usual stuff out of the way I review games after 100% all the time to set me apart from other reviewers on the platform and while that does include the achievements it also includes a lot more than that if you're curious about everything that I cover there's a video Linked In the description below and my steam profile is public and linked below as well that said in the case of Lords of the Fallen it's important to note that I did get a review copy of this but it was a day before the game released which is why this is coming out later however even if I had gotten an earlier copy chances are I wouldn't have been done by embargo time as this game has a lot of obscure little details that are hard to track down which is where guides came in I was heavily using the guides and wikies that have already popped up for the game that have covered it very comprehensively and thanks to those I was able to track down and sort out what I needed to do and what I didn't need to do that said in spite of that that still took me around 100 hours but a single playthrough is likely to run you more in the 25 to 40 range depending on exactly how fast you're going but as I mentioned Lords of the Fallen is a soul like which means the core of the combat is pretty much what you would expect from those games usually slow and methodical however this game does later on have some I would say more intense fights that really ramp up the speed of move sets and attack patterns from bosses and enemies and in some cases you can be fighting practically hordes of enemies in a game that is very visually striking if nothing else and while in many ways this game has a lot of what I would consider Hallmarks of the genre at this point there are a few unique things about it like shifting between the two planes or worlds that you exist in to both solve environmental puzzles to press forward as well as learn individual things about the lore and environment itself that said I like to kick reviews of newer games off with a technical section talking about how the game is running if you've been watching reviews of this title since it's already been out for a little while you might notice that kind of the one big sticking point for most people is the bugs and performance and I thought I would mention that a little bit for me the game ran fine I really didn't have any issues but that comes down to two things for starters I have a pretty high-end PC that I review games with which is important because this game is pretty demanding from a graphical standpoint however a lot of the issues people were experiencing seem to be related to specific GPU drivers that have been being addressed with patches since the game launched however on top of that though one of the really big issues was that the connections and multiplayer systems are kind of let's say less than ideal with people often running into connection problems that make the experience far from seamless I personally avoided multiplayer as much as possible simply because it was performing very poorly so with that in mind performance for this game is a bit Hit or Miss for people frankly especially depending on how much Co-op you would like to engage with now on my end most of what I ran into was really basic stuff sometimes when I had my recording software going I would get some FPS dips here and there a little bit of stuttering and you might see that reflected in the footage to be sure but otherwise the worst thing that would happen is occasionally I would get like stuck on terrain here and there but that was a it so just to reiterate you could very well run into some serious performance problems but they are actively patching this pretty quickly so we'll see how it pans out in the near future but for now do be advised you might run into some issues now moving on a little bit let's talk about the story setup for this title this story takes place a thousand years after the original title though it is in the same universe and everything with the city of morstead having quite a few problems with a sickness going around that then leads to all of the other problems the giant demonic enemies for starters and the dark Crusaders show up to put a stop to this that is to say people who are there to make sure the demon god who was imprisoned by five beacons here stays imprisoned and much of the story revolves around you going around trying to fight enemies to make it to these beacons so from a plot standpoint it's pretty straightforward a lot of the story is told through direct conversations you can have with NPCs though so it is easy enough to follow on top of that you can find stigmas they're called out in the world which are sort of memories the umbrell world that can tell you what is going on on top of giving you a reward for finding them to give you even more context to the situation all in all however thanks to some of the choices we can make there are three different endings to the game the radiance Inferno and umbrell endings and honestly all of them are pretty bleak I would hesitate to call any of these a good ending though the radiance one is the default ending I've seen a few people refer to umbrell as the true ending which it's definitely the hardest to get but also has a really uh let's say negative outcome so if you're hoping for a good ending there kind of aren't any and I'll admit I was a little bit disappointed to see that most of the endings are basically told through some text on screen with them kind of just telling you the outcome of your decisions which was a little eh Radiance is really straightforward to get you basically just do what you're told The Inferno ending you kind of just do the opposite of what you were told to do with the only really complicated one to get being the umbrell ending as you have to follow a few less than intuitive steps to access the area at which that becomes available and then there's a bunch of other steps you have to take so it's a little convoluted you'd best be served by looking up a guide for that one there's definitely a few out there already but again none of them were particularly satisfying though I would say they kind of fit in with the theme of the world to be sure however once You' accomplished this and beaten the game you can move on to New Game Plus should you so choose though after the ending you can continue to play in the same world which can be helpful for wrapping a few things up tracking some things down at Etc and while New Game Plus unlocks here you will also depending on the ending you got unlock one of the secret classes of which there are four total three of which are tied to the endings and the fourth one being tied to a quest you have to complete in game and we'll talk about those classes in a second because first I want to tell you about New Game Plus New Game Plus makes some changes to the world that are definitely worth talking about one most of the shortcuts you unlocked previously will also be unlocked in New Game Plus however this is largely because the vestages or the teleport waypoints that are available throughout the base game do not function in New Game Plus the only place you can really teleport to in New Game Plus is the main Hub area called skyrest which means the rest of the game has to be done simply by traversing it and while that sounds rough initially and I admit honestly that I don't like it thanks to the shortcuts being open and the world itself being not exactly small but traversable if you know where you're going it's more manageable than it sounds but I honestly don't think it's very very fun either which has to do with their checkpoint system implementation which we'll talk about as well here in a little bit now on the other hand this gives the classes you unlocked by playing through the game the first time a little more weight because in some cases that means if you're after something specific starting a new game can be more helpful and those classes you unlock by playing the game are better than the base classes both in terms of their stats and their items basically they start at a higher level with better equipment which makes running back through the game with all your pre-acquired knowledge much much easier and with that in mind let's talk a little bit about character creation character creation is divided up into picking a class and picking your cosmetic character the Cosmetic character creator is pretty much what you'd expect you can alter all sorts of things about your physical appearance to make a character you actually want to play though for me I was covered up in armor pretty much the whole time so I didn't care too much about that but on the stat side of things we pick a class this is of course the starting point for your character which determines your initial gear and what you are good at either slinging magic bows two-handed weapons Etc now once you start the game you can take this in whatever Direction you want typically you want to pick the class that kind of goes in line with the play style you generally want as you'll get a bit of a head start on those things there's also the condemned class which is effectively the worst character possible if you want a little bit more of an initial Challenge and for character creation I will say I found the extra classes initially to be a little perplexing but in seeing how New Game Plus is implemented and how strong the unlocked classes are compared to the regular classes it suddenly made a little bit more sense frankly now from there let's talk about our progression systems pretty much exactly what you would expect from a Souls like as we kill and defeat enemies we will be gathering our experience points which doubles as our currency which in this game is referred to as Vigor we spend this Vigor on level ups at our checkpoints which are vestages or our vestage seeds to improve our character each level up we can improve a stat by one and this slowly increases what we are good at over time vitality and endurance are important for basically everyone as that is your health and stamina which everyone needs the other four however it kind of just depends on what you're doing as these are effectively your damage stats mostly they usually also do a couple other minor things for instance Radiance and Inferno can give you more background and low information on certain items if it's high enough but strength agility Radiance and Inferno are also what weap and spells and things can scale off of that is to say they do more damage the higher those things are the quality of that scaling is down to the weapon itself but if you want to deal Max damage possible you want to focus on the attributes you use the most that your weapon is scaling off of and then by upgrading the weapon once you get access to the blacksmith you can upgrade the quality of that scaling to deal even more damage now outside of weapons there are all sorts of armor sets and things that will affect your stats as well such as Poise that is to say how easy it is is to stagger you and open you up for a heavy attack and your general weight and encumbrance which affects how easily you can move but a lot of that is tied to the endurance stat and because kind of everyone wants that it's pretty easy to just slap whatever armor you want on a character without that part of it mattering too much even my Mage characters were able to wear heavy armor without really any hassle at all other forms of progression are your health charges and your umbrell lamp like any Souls like we have a health item that recharges when we rest at one of our checkpoints but is limited otherwise it's called like a sanguin Erics or something like that you can find items throughout the game called saintly quintessences that will upgrade this at a certain NPC and then you can also upgrade your umbrell lamp which let you socket various umbrell eyes into the thing that can then improve some of your stats while you are typically in the umbrell which we'll talk a bit more about though the lamp does not upgrade as much as the other things there's only three upgrades for it and it's mostly just about being able to put more eyes into the thing and in a similar vein weapons have a rune system in addition to upgrading their weapon scaling as you upgrade them they also open up Rune slots up to three that you can then use to customize that weapon even further doing things like reducing its weight increasing its damage or scaling off of certain things there's a few different options there but just a few more ways to customize things but again overall very standard progression for a game like this which brings us to the world and gameplay section the world of Lords of the Fallen or the city of morstead really is an interconnected world that sort of weaves in and around itself much in the vein of some of the Dark Souls games to call it open world probably wouldn't be the best description but technically speaking there aren't really much in the way of loading screens anything like that you simply Traverse one part of the explorable area to the next with things like shortcuts opening up allowing you to travel more quickly between all of these areas on top of switching between Axiom and umbrell as I mentioned there are two planes that exist that I'm sure you've seen on screen by now umbrell being a sort of Shadow world if you will that sometimes opens up New Paths to Traverse things with leading to things like environmental puzzles those are almost always in the umbral side of things Axiom almost never does anything like that however the upside to being an axiom is that if you die in Axiom your lamp which is what is allowing you to Traverse to the umbrell will revive you in the umbrell world as the lamp is kind of associated with a sort of immortality and because you're constantly sort of phase shifting in and out of it it leads to this very interesting contrast between the real World which is already kind of Bleak but admittedly beautiful in its own way to this Shadow World hidden sort of just below the surface that has a very different visual style and a few unique effects for starters when you're in the umbrell world you're being hunted all the time basically a meter is taking up that leads to a multiplier in your experience however once that hits maximum you'll start being actively hunted by things called Scarlet Shadows that can be very deadly and while you're in the umbrell enemies are basically constantly spawning in around you you and attacking you most of them are easy to kill but they can sort of overwhelm you in certain situations which is something to be mindful of but be at axium or umbrell the world itself is mostly linear you do have a few options in terms of what you explore when however so I wouldn't call it completely linear you can do some things out of order but for the most part you're going to be running through the same area each time if you play the game more than once just because of how the world is set up as I mentioned earlier our checkpoints are known as vestages or at least our main ones are and these are denoted by the large Knight with a lamp nearby at our vestage we can rest upgrade our character and teleport to other places unless of course you're on New Game Plus when this is turned off outside of teleporting only to the main Hub area now our main checkpoints are sparse they are few and far between I didn't actually count them but I think there's like a little less than 20 full-on vestages in between vestages however you're expected to sort of make your own checkpoints at set locations with an item called a vestage SE seed this allows you to make a small checkpoint but you can only have one of those active at a time which means in between main way points you often have to look for these flower beds in the umbrell where you can plant a vestage seed to make a temporary checkpoint for yourself where you'll revive if you happen to die which will almost assuredly happen now while that's an interesting system in and of itself it does lend itself to some tediousness I would say because the main way points are few and far between like I said and while that's not necessarily a big deal I think it becomes more of a problem once you figure out that larger enemies don't despawn once you kill them in this game resting at a vestage will typically reset enemies around you which in this game includes the larger more difficult ones to kill and there can be like five or six of those in between you and the next vestage point and while the vestage seeds help with this that's also a resource you have to keep track of you only have so many of those seeds and while you will get some of them from killing enemies you'll almost never have enough and while you can buy them from the main Hub area that's currency that you then aren't spending on leveling up which can cause its own problems and this can lead to Long sections of the game like 2 or three hour sections especially for the first time through where you're basically just constantly dying then Reviving way far back and then trying to get somewhere again and I think that's where the game becomes its weakest especially the first time through when you don't know like where to plant the seeds like what's the best place to do that at I often found myself just running past a lot of these enemies because it wasn't worth the effort to kill them over and over again as I tried to sort of blunder my way through to the next vestage point now this is something that kind of goes away on a second playthrough because I know where I'm going I know where the next vestage point is so I can make more effective use of those seeds and not feel like I'm constantly short on them or needing to run through the same area a bunch and also you'll just generally improve as you play more so it's a problem that goes away but on a first playthrough it was very annoying and that's probably where I was having the least fun for sure now outside of those things I do think it's worth mentioning that the world itself is gorgeous I Lov the look and atmosphere of this game there's all sorts of MPCs with quests to do that you can track down and then that'll lead you to different Rewards or outcomes for those NPCs on top of the main endings for the game as well and seeing what those NPCs are getting up to what they stand for on top of the stigmas you can find in the umbrell that tell the story of how things got like this before you arrived or were resurrected more aptly perhaps is all real really cool I do think they nailed the overall feel of the world but on a first playthrough it can be tiresome trying to SLO through certain parts of it which is mostly down to the way they implemented this checkpoint system now from there let's talk about the other big part of a Souls like which is the combat itself for the most part I enjoyed the various things around the combat system though it does absolutely has its weak points that said we have access to a variety of melee weapons we can also dual wield in certain instances you can go to sword and board there's all sorts of melee weapons that then scale off of different things many of which have their own attack patterns and use cases so there's a lot going on in terms of the melee game but we also have ranged weapons magic and you can use your lamp in some cases ranged weapons also have a variety of things going on mostly because we're not just limited to like bows and crossbows there are also Throne weapons ranged weapons can have ammunition associated with them as well like different types of projectiles you're using so in terms of ranged gameplay you have a Rising amount of options and it's definitely worth mixing in ranged or magic with every kind of build you make now for ranged in particular this uses ammo basically every time you rest you'll get a bar of ammo that you can use to throw things with each type of throwable or ranged weapon consuming a certain amount of ammo with each shot you then need to use an ammo pouch item to restore that ammo or just rest so you can't just endlessly attack things at range which also goes for magic which sees you preparing your spells with your cat Catalyst in order to cast magic you have to equip a catalyst as your ranged option and then each Catalyst has a certain number of spells that can be equipped to it that you also have to have and then when you activate your ranged option or in this case the Catalyst you can cast your magic which is then limited by the Mana you have and you need Mana stones to replenish it or there's a few items that will replenish it as well which makes it very very good such as a ring that just replenishes your Mana all the time which is helpful but overall ranged and Magic are incredibly strong in in fact there are many bosses that are trivialized by being good at those which is usually how it goes in Souls likes especially since we can equip heavy armor as these more range oriented classes which means even when an enemy does get up close to you you can usually take the hit thanks to your armor and then simply put some distance between you and them and go back to slinging spells and while you still definitely want to have a mix of melee and this it's a very effective way to play Magic is also divided into three different types radiant infernal and umbrell umbrell requires both Radiance and Inferno to be effective but Radiance and Inferno have their own sort of play Styles Inferno is often Buffs and weapon enhancements and Radiance is often just throwing spells and then dropping down auras and things like that so there's a lot of I would say overlap between all the schools as most of them have a way to buff yourself in some way and then also ranged attacks Etc but there is some differences especially in the types of damage they deal with radiant usually doing holy damage infernal using fire and then umbrell will usually do like wither or poison damage so even there you have some options for some fun builds interestingly enough though if you are in Axiom when you die that's actually not the end you'll be resurrected in the umbr world and get one more shot at it before actually dying and then being forced to resurrect at a checkpoint if this happens you will lose your currently held experience that you then either have to go pick up or kill the enemy who took it when you died which does happen sometimes and they'll have a special glowing effect when they do so when it comes to avoiding d dying you have a few different options for damage mitigation obviously just things like more Health armor Etc but you can dodge block and Parry dodging is the best option because dodging comes with eye frames which means you don't get hit at all blocking will see you stopping the regular damage but taking wither damage which I'll explain in a second and Parry is much the same though opens the enemy up for a Counterattack at the same time wither damage is caused when your health bar turns white to a certain point but doesn't actually disappear this means your health to that point is withered and if you get hit again you'll lose all that health and then whatever the attack you just took was but if you hit an enemy while your health is withered you'll actually recover some of that withered Health which incentivizes you to stay more active and focus on aggressive actions where possible but because being good at dodging really just mitigates the need for any of that it tends to be the best option especially because many bosses and enemies have very set attack patterns that once you learn can make it pretty easy to avoid being being hit now personally what I always struggle with is when the animation from my attack ends to exactly the point at which I can dodge which is usually when I take damage personally but once you get better at it you can just mostly avoid damage and pretty much trivialize most bosses by simply knowing whenn to dodge which makes subsequent playthroughs pretty easy now another way to make this game easier is engaging with the magic system because as I mentioned being at ranged in this game is just really strong because you're dealing damage to the enemy and not taking any damage for yourself and as long as you get the timing on a Dodge figured out you can pretty much avoid most damage from most enemies and the game suddenly becomes a lot lot easier now if you're struggling with a particular boss after you die usually you can then summon in help via one of the available NPCs however that doesn't apply to every boss some you just do have to fight on your own though typically the ones that they force that on are more gimmicky in nature some bosses are more mechanical than they are a straight up fight but another thing to know about combat is Poise and sort of staggered attacks so the circle when you are locking onto an enemy has a white bar around it and when that empties if you heavy attack or kick the enemy at that point you can send them into a staggered position at which point they're opened up to a big heavy attack that of course deals increased damage this does also work on you but depending on the armor you're wearing it might not actually happen very often but if enemies hit you enough it is possible for them to break your Poise but in PVE it didn't really seem to come up much overall though to conclude the things I like when it comes to combat I really enjoy the variety there's a lot of different weapons a lot of different approaches magic is fun ranged is fun throwing different kinds of ammunition or just Throne weapons is really cool and I think that adds a lot to the combat system some people say this lacks weight and then it's a little too quick but I personally loved it and while it can take a little getting used to combat is a blast once you get the hang of the exact controls and how it feels however it's not a perfect system by any means in fact I have a few pretty glaring complaints for starters is the sort of Elemental damage you get most of it isn't that impactful like causing an enemy to bleed or take poison damage set them on fire most of that just doesn't do a ton that is to say the damage it does do is underwhelming frankly so if you stack up holy damage on an enemy they'll sort of take a lightning bolt to the face which can deal a little extra damage which is usually the case for all the others as well it's not bad but it's just not enough to be really impactful and worth pursuing in most cases now some enemies are weak to certain Elements which will cause them to take increased damage if you buff your weapon with that which is of course universally helpful but the actual buildup of the effect on an enemy that then causes a status effect like poisoning them Etc just never really felt worth the effort to do because the effect from that just wasn't that grand but dealing the extra damage from an enemy who's weak to that element is of course always useful but to bring us to two bigger complaints the lock on system and the enemy spam so the lock on system in this game is just not good there's no other way to put it obviously we can lock on to enemies but the problem with this is that the game often registers things like objects that aren't yet enemies as enemies which means locking onto what you are trying to lock on to can be weirdly difficult the game also seems to struggle on locking onto things directly in front of you sometimes it just refuses to lock on or to lock on to something like way away from where you are and then sometimes while you're fighting the lock on will just randomly switch despite there being a hot key to switch targets and overall it just makes locking on to what you are trying to hit way more difficult than it should be and while this isn't a huge deal for bosses because it's typically just a 1 V one in instances where you're fighting a lot of enemies it becomes a big problem especially when you're fighting a boss or something and suddenly your lock on system decides to switch to a Target that isn't the boss or is outside of the Boss Arena causing you to mess up your flow and get hit and that happened way more times than it should have and it got very annoying but the other problem with combat is the enemy spam obviously doesn't really apply to bosses but another problem with running through certain areas especially when you're in the umbrell is that you're often fighting tons of enemies at the same time and while when you get late enough in the game with a wellb built up character this can feel more like an action RPG than a Souls likee it's weird to me in certain instances where I'm fighting like 30 little enemies that the game just decided to spawn in especially when you're in the umbrell and they can spawn behind you randomly that's where the game feels less let's say Del liberate and when put hand inand with as I mentioned earlier these long sections of the game without a checkpoint and you don't know where to use the vestage seat Etc it can lead to a lot of frustration in a way that I think doesn't feel challenging it just feels cheap like when I'm fighting a big enemy and you spawn like three or four guys behind me that then box me in and I can't move anywhere thanks to the game's Collision detection pushing you up against a wall or something it gets very annoying very quickly and again that doesn't feel like deliberate design and that's where the game started to cross the board order into not being fun in those moments for me so to bring the combat section to a close I enjoy the combat of this game at large I think a lot of the enemies are especially cool though realistically after a while only the boss enemies are very unique they also like to do this thing where they present a boss and then after you fight that boss they just become a regular enemy in like the same area which gets a little weird and there's also the occasional issue with difficulty spikes where the same type of enemy will suddenly have like way more or less Health despite being like right near an area where they were much weaker or something like that and it just feels like a little bit off not insurmountable just a little strange however in spite of those problems I had a lot of fun with the combat because of all the variety and things you can do and bring to the table there's still an enjoyable experience there it's just that occasionally that enjoyable experience flips to incredibly frustrating due to things that I'm not so sure are intentional frankly such as the lock on system being really odd suddenly finding yourself fighting like 15 enemies in the span of 2 seconds it just it gets very strange sometimes so while personally I would like to see those things changed with a patch or at least the lock on system touched up I will say that the devs have Express satisfaction with where those things are at so I'm not entirely convinced those will change but I think changes there are needed personally but regardless of how I feel about that I will say the core of the combat system is really cool and I really enjoyed it it's just coupled with a lot of more frustrating elements at the same time that brings us to our steam deck compatibility section and while this game is officially rated as unknown steam deck doesn't know what to do with it just yet I'd be surprised if this gets anything besides playable because this game is pretty Graphics intensive and the steam deck well a pretty powerful machine for what it is does have a little trouble keeping up here which means you have to do things like lock the frame rate and reduce the resolution ideally to keep up however even if you do that sometimes I found with the regular proton version that like cut scenes and things just like wouldn't display so you had to mess around exactly with what version of proton the game was using which might be a little more than most people are willing to do but the game does of course have controller support Cloud saves the things you would want in that scenario so when it comes to playing this on the steam deck yes it's possible but unless you're willing to fiddle around with the controls a little bit and deal with some potential problems like again cut scenes not loading for instance then I wouldn't recommend it and that's just in terms of like FPS and stuff it's also worth mentioning that menus in this game have a ton of information and the steam deck screen is only so big so stuff like that is going to be displayed very very small as games like this tend to be pretty UI heavy so that could also be an issue for some people but if you're dedicated and you feel like messing around with some settings you could definitely get this to work but it's certainly not going to be an experience for everyone I would imagine that though does finally bring us to our positives negatives and then we will wrap this thing up now on the positive side of things I really enjoyed the world of this game the atmosphere the lore the MPCs the visuals all of that part of the game is done incredibly well it is really cool to see all that stuff and coupled with most of combat being really enjoyable that's where the game shines but another big positive is of course the sort of plane shifting umbr World part of things that sees you going from one plane to the next and interacting with these two very different worlds and going back and forth feels fun and the Umbra World feels dangerous to be in because you're kind of actively being hunted the entire time and while I didn't talk about this too much in the review it's also possible to hold up your lamp and sort of illuminate parts of the umbral world without actually traversing into it and while I'd be lying if I said that came up a ton what I did think was really cool about that is that enemies can hit you while you have them highlighted that way as if you're kind of making a portal into that next area which I thought was awesome and if you get hit in this way that actually pulls you into the umbrell world so mechanics like that and then all the detail and the lore that went into building the world is just really really cool and most of the combat is enjoyable however all of that is really kind of juxtaposed against some I would say more glaring issues first and foremost the lock on system is in rough shape that thing really needs some work like it just doesn't work most of the time I was constantly fighting with it it got old very quickly then we have things like the enemy spam especially in the umbrell and I get that they want it to feel dangerous but again sometimes you're fighting like 20 or 30 enemies out of nowhere and it's just like not worth the effort but with that many enemies you're likely to get boxed in and die anyway which as I mentioned just kind of feels cheap but then we have the tecko system leading to these several hourong sections where you have to fight like what are essentially several mini bosses in a row to get to the next one you're always short on vestage seeds because you don't know where to use them the first time through buying more of them cost currency and then you can't level up as much which leads to its own problems and that makes these big sections of the game feel just incredibly tedious to get through and again that gets easier your second time through when you know what to expect Etc and you're likely just better at the game at that point for your first time through it's more annoying than it is fun which is because it doesn't feel like a challenge it just feels like you're spamming me to death and all of that is to say nothing of the potential performance issues for people though co-op in general is pretty rough for everyone which brings me to my conclusion for this game as of now Lords of the Fallen 2023 is available for $60 on Steam and of course whatever that amounts to regionally for people and currently the user reviews for this one have been a bit mixed which I mention because that's kind of how I feel there's times where I was playing this game where I was just having a blast I thought it was great and there were other times where I was like wow this is truly awful and that's because there are so many things I like about this game I think the world is incredible I think the lore is really cool I think most of the combat is great and that's juxtaposed against issues that it's wild to me that they just seem to be okay with the constant enemy spam the lock on system does not feel good the no teleport in New Game Plus when I mean realistically they could have just maybe like halfed the amount of available vestages and still let you teleport to the major areas of the game there were so many ways to sort of in between what they did to make that a bit of a softer blow and while it's still workable it just kind of gets in the way of General enjoyment of the title and that's to say nothing of the performance issues but to give hex work some credit they have been patching this game very quickly they've been optimizing things fixing things vram issues ETC and I can honestly say that I enjoyed the game more than I didn't but when it comes to actually recommending this game I would say buy it but wait a month or two I think once they patch some of the more substantial issues the performance being Chief among those but also making some tweaks based on player feedback you'd have a much more enjoyable experience let them get a few things fixed and sorted out and then pick it up and I think you would have a much better time that is going to do it for me though I certainly hope you enjoyed this video and this review if you did like comment subscribe but regardless of all that truly just thank you so much for watching watching I really do appreciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing [Music] day
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 192,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen review, lords of the fallen gameplay, lords of the fallen character creation, lords of the fallen classes, lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen walkthrough, lords of the fallen co op, lords of the fallen dark crusader, lords of the fallen trailer, lords of the fallen ps5, lords of the fallen boss
Id: qytl-XSmIUQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 15sec (1995 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2023
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