Lords of the Fallen - Radiance Build: The Ultimate Sunbro

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what is happening y'all Cowboy here and welcome to my holy Crusader build this is a dedicated Radiance build and it is the final form of the build we used for the walkthr this thing is super fun it can get in The Fray and be a competent brawler it's also an incredibly potent spellcaster there's a lot of flexibility in how you want to play this so either way let's jump in and talk about the build now as for our stats the main stat here is going to be Radiance we want to get that all the way up to 75 hit that that high-end soft cap on it Vitality I'd suggest getting to at least 40 if you keep going uh take that up to 60 the second soft cap there endurance once again around 20 25 giving you plenty to roll and then lastly we need 20 Inferno now the reason we need 20 Inferno is for a specific weapon we'll get into that later because you may not even want to go for that but we'll talk about that when the time comes as for our Lantern I really like increased Soul FL stun duration on this as well as damage to soul and regain Soul FL charge while an umbrell this is a very very long Soul FL stun and it's going to allow us us to just absolutely decimate the beefier enemies in the event that we want to get into melee and hit them as opposed to Casting now talking about the weapon the main state of this build is of course P sword getting up to plus five this has an A minus radiant scaling it has built in Smite which is incredibly powerful and an attack power that gets up to 399 now the 399 isn't too bad especially if you're going to use this with a shield this has very very fast one hands as you can see even when we're two-handing it we get wider sweeps that are a little bit slower but despite the fact that it's a short sword having this as your only primary weapon is incredibly potent and it's actually what I use for the majority of the walk through and was clean sweeping my way through the game now at the very very end of the game you can get the supplement to that and that is going to be Elaine the starv swword Now by combining both of these and fully finishing the quest if we do L1 and R2 we have a unique Zone attack that is going to cause Smite buildup as well as well as umal damage very very strong attack uh just you know let me go let me go run and find an enemy to hit that with I think we have a uh a big guy right around the corner here and I'm going to Soul Flay him and show you just how much damage that thing is capable of doing hey come on out let's go let's go I'm we're on the clock here get over here so you can see that Soul play duration took out the entire health bar on the spike head and we're all the way up in the ABY this is a late game zone so very very potent from a melee perspective uh besides that the exactor scripture now this is going to come from doing dunmers Quest this is going to be the best scripture in the game for radiance builds if you're only focused on Radiance this is going to absolutely have the highest spell power available it also comes with five slots even though we're only going to take advantage of four of them as for a ring we have on as for the armor I like the sacred resonance Bell along with uh Sovereign protector sacred resonance and then Sovereign this gives a very Paladin S Type look now for the tin we're using we're using the Exemplar uh there's a couple different tins you could use here but I think the Exemplar gives kind of like a it's the closest to a true gold and on top of that the fact that the the cape goes purple man something about gold gold with the purple it's a very Royal look it's very cool looking on a paladin really really like this fashion and on top of that looking across at the stats this is some pretty beefy armor you know there's not a whole lot that's going to put more defense onto our character than what we're wearing right now so we are very tanky which is nice moving on from there hysteria pendant this is going to be a 20% increase to our spell power which means our radiant spells are incredibly strong we have the Mana Stone ring on to help regenerate our Mana since we don't have infinite cast with this build and then once again the barrage boot giving us a additional 10 or 20% Dam damage at the cost of one spell slot now if you are going to go for the shield variant of this build we can slot Mana regen into our shield and then instead we could drop off the Mana ring and bring in the other route giving us a flat 50% damage increase if this is going to be the route that you're going what I would suggest doing is something like the Sanctified hunter shield this is going to get uh three Diamond slots and what you can do is basically back up the save and have a buddy dupe the the rune for you to get access to three of the Mana runes now as far as I know there is no way to to farm these runes in the game you're going to have to have somebody drop the Rune back it up drop the Rune back it up hopefully they add it in because being able to have multiple naron runes is incredibly strong uh looking at the the other Rune configuration on stuff we're just going to go for the the oryon runes pretty much across the board these are the ones that increase Radiance and reduce Inferno uh over here the same thing but here I put the shown on just to increase the elemental damage uh but having access to three of the Mana regions is very very potent just to show how fast my Mana comes back we're going to burn through a little bit of it real fast here looking over at our character you can see the Mana rate is incredibly fast going up what's nice here is just progressing that Mana is going to climb back up so between encounters you're going to have more than enough Mana to where you're able to to tackle the enemies that you're facing uh get those those hits off take them on out while it's not quite as powerful as endless casting like umbrellas it's still a very potent uh very potent build and I will say that while this doesn't have the the same uh infinite casting that umbrell does I actually think this build is capable of doing more burst damage because of the fact that we're able to stack our Lightning Spell as well as use luminous blast these two spells together are going to allow us to put out an immense amount of damage incredibly fast uh when I fought light Reaper at the very end of this game with this build I actually managed to burst him so fast that he actually didn't get to go into his second phase it still triggered anyway triggered with him at zero Health which was kind of funny to see uh but super super strong build just able to to put out you know immense amounts of damage like that definitely not something that that can be understated uh talking about our spells here piercing light this is going to be the upgrade to radiant flare it also pierces through enemies which is super nice Lucent beam this is going to be one of the first major spells that we get that really starts to ramp this build up and helps it to shine now a lot of people misuse this they they're trying to use it and they're hitting the button and they're like why isn't my beam working well it's cuz it's a channeled spell you need to hold the trigger down to use Lucent beam but when you do that Lucent beam is incredibly strong one of probably the the highest just single Target DPS spells in the game um you know anything that's like trash like this is just going to melt instantly if I I'm up against something that's a little bit bigger get a get a knight I think there's a knight up ahead uh it's also super good against dogs because holy damage has some kind of advantage against enemies that are blocking so when those dogs uh are pretending to block because of their helmet it allows you to instag give them which is super cool besides that we have bless Reflections which is from Peta this isn't bad it's rather expensive so I don't use it a lot uh but it does fulfill a slot it can be useful in some cases but feel free to swap this out for anything you like more and then lastly orus is Judgment which we actually get here in the ABY from talking to stowman and this is going to be one of the best DPS spells in the game uh just an incredibly potent spell the fact that we can multicast this and with each cast it's going to create its own instance of lightning so if we cast this up a couple times you can see it's just boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and you can see it also tracks over two additional enemies so on a boss what I would do is I'd cast that up multiple times pop a Mana Stone cluster and then immediately go into the loose and beam and whatever I was fighting would just end up kind of melting so very very strong build in that regard uh it's just you know that kind of damage is is just outrageous so just showing the the Lucent beam here and what that can do boom bo boom bo boom bo boom bo bo bo bo bo boom he's de holy rise of fire super busted super strong uh and the other thing I really really like a lot about ori's judgment is this is a fantastic spell for taking down enemies that you don't want to deal with otherwise so like this guy right here you know nobody likes fighting those things like oh it's a Bellman man I don't want to fight a Bellman right now we're just going to cast one of those and we can just chill here and like yeah he's waking up but by the time he gets over to us he's going to be dead we'll throw up a second one just to to speed things up and look at this look how insane this is we're just just chilling back here we don't even need to engage with this ass we're it's like you know what I'm going to hang out back here the lightning is going to hurt you now obviously as we're casting our bleed meter is building up but to be honest nothing's going to catch up to us so it ain't going to matter they're all going to die and we are just going to Cakewalk our way to Victory uh talking about some other stuff with this build uh it is worth having just some Mana stones on to be honest just cuz so that way if you if you're waiting for the Mana to regen you'll be fine uh with that being said the majority of time I was playing this build in the walkthr I only had the the single nron Rune as well as the Mana ring so two levels of regen versus three levels of regen such as how I have now and even then that was still pretty nice I used a Mana Stone here and there typically during heavy burst encounters when I had when I really needed a Mana uh but even then just having that one Rune alongside the the Mana regen build that's still very powerful just having one ring and one Rune it's still going to to keep your Mana up enough to where it's not going to be a really big concern and then like I said even having even having just the the one Peta sword the single Peta sword still does a lot of damage and in an instance where we need to do even more damage we can capitalize on the soul FL to yank an enemy out and just kind of take him down so very very potent build um you know this is this is a late game area I guess similar to the last video we can go and and mess up some of the stuff and near the final Zone real fast just to show how it handles the castle like I said I think the the other bill I do think is a stronger Caster only because it's infinite casts but if you're looking for for the amount of burst damage you can do I think this has the potential to outclass it uh because of the combination of lucid beam and orus is Judgment when put those two together you're able to to really really push down an enemy fast so for example I'll I'll pack the two of those on him and then and you can do that to to add anything and you're just going to melt enemies with it it's it's very quick with the amount of damage you're doing you're you're able to push out those lightning bolts you're able to push out the the beam and I actually I really like the beam for for clearing out large groups of trash like clearing out armies of withered is probably one of the the coolest uses of the build so actually instead of fighting here at the castle this this build's already busted y'all have seen that I just want to go somewhere and show you what it can do when we're uh when we're like surrounded with trash so we're going to go to uh let's see let's warp to Shrine a nice thing about petas is pias will do different actions depending on the distance if it's close to the enemy it'll do that double sword slam If instead the enemy is far away it'll do double laser blast so I really find that cool how petas is going to change up depending on the circumstance and when you're holding down your Lucent you can sweep that over to an additional enemy this build is also great to kill the red Reaper I just watch his attacks and then use Lo and beam to cook his ass it worked out very well and I know we're at at a lower Game Area these enemies aren't particularly hard um you know we're not we're not trying to Showcase like look at me blow up lowle stuff cuz I know someone's going to try and call it out but what I really want to point out here is just how awesome uh Lucent can be against like a horde of enemies so know the first time you come to the shrine you get over to this bridge and pretty much all of these open up there is just hordes and hordes and hordes and hordes and hordes and hordes and hordes so many enemies trying to hit you at the same time and this is an instance where locen beam is really going to shine just cuz we're able to just go up and be like be and just sweep through and hit everything so it is an excellent trash killer it's it's super super good in umbrell to to handle the additional um that's the word I'm looking for I guess just just the the mob ality that happens in umbrell where you're being surrounded by enemies it can very quickly melt through wither doing a ton of damage and on top of that like honestly this is unironically I think my my favorite Paladin sunbo esque build that I've played in a Souls game y'all know me I mean as much as I unle bung all the time I a very big fan of Faith builds I tend to do Faith builds a lot sunro type builds and between the the holy energy sword and the giant beam of Holy Light that I can shoot out and and summoning lightning that continually Stacks uh that that I can hit enemies with and stack it at the same time that's absolutely unreal uh and all these things together I think makes it a super satisfying build to play so if you are interested in in trying it out if you're interested and you know hey I'm thinking about may maybe I want to do faith is Radiance good hell yeah Radiance is good Radiance is super good so we're going to wrap this one up here um I know a lot of folks are probably going to ask hey what about an agility build or an inferno build I may do one eventually but you know for now at least now that I I've gotten through the walk through that's all recorded and it's ongoing those episodes will will be up uh I think by November 3rd the series wraps up and I got the build videos done I'm definitely going to take a little break from the game just cuz at this point God let me see what am I at now since launch it has been uh I clocked 100 hours so yeah after 100 hours I need a little lord of the braks um but yeah more than likely I will do an inferno build at some point um I've actually already started that character I haven't done much on it but I think that's going to be a co-op playthrough with a friend but either way Paladin super good build um definitely try it out make sure to follow exactor Dum Myers Quest sign to get that all this stuff is covered in the walkthrough if you're following the walkthrough you'll eventually end up like this and be a badass anyway so thanks for watching and I'll catch youall next time
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 43,302
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen gameplay, dark souls, lords of the fallen walkthrough, lets play, lords of the fallen part 1, lords of the fallen 2, lords of the fallen 2023, lords of the fallen dark crusader, lords of the fallen gameplay pc, lords of the fallen gameplay reveal, lords of the fallen fightincowboy, lords of the fallen lets play, new lords of the fallen, lords of the fallen review, lords of the fallen strength build, lotf 2023
Id: _PV49pWYwEg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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