Lords of the Fallen Review - A Valiant Next-Gen Souls Attempt

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Lords of the Fallen came out back in 2014 hot off the heels of Dark Souls 2 a brand new studio attempting a soulslike and unfortunately it didn't do too well receiving nicknames like heavy souls and clunky Souls unfortunately it was rather just kind of slept under the rug uh some people enjoyed it but it didn't really receive the attention that the devs were certainly hoping for here we are back in 2013 and they are back with a new Lords of the Fallen with a brief stint titling it the Lords of the Fallen which ended up getting dropped before launch this is aent a brand new game in the same universe same lore but with the monkey a that it is now a true nextg Souls like by utilizing Unreal Engine 5 or the graphical Fidelity physics effects stuff like that so today we're going to be diving on in and talking about this experience how it Stacks up obviously we are fresh off the heels of lies of P we also had W long this year so we're certainly in the the time of the souls likes if you will and let's see how this new Contender Stacks up against the competition so I will say right at the gate there is a lot of really cool mechanics going on in this game when I first started playing the idea of the umbrell mechanic was definitely something that seemed a little bit daunting and the more I played with the game and the more that I got used to these mechanics it's something that I end up enjoying quite a bit uh just for the record we are going to be going through what's essentially the first area of the game this is immediately after the tutorial so this will keep things spoiler-free for anyone that wants to preserve their own experience uh but talking more about the game in depth there is a lot really going on here that I do think sets it apart from other Souls likes the first being what you just saw which is the introduction of the umber realm now to better explain that the main way this works is anytime you die you are sent to the umber realm it's essentially a realm of undeath uh we can also do a couple different things there we can like vacuum up Souls of enemies like you see right now we are able to Soul rip enemies such as briefly tear their soul out of their body and then damage that which will then cause damage to them on top of that there are are certain puzzles that we need to go into umbrell 4S certain doorways that may be blocked off but in umbrell there's a path going through it and so we have this dual World mechanic where it's constantly ongoing you're constantly holding up your lamp and looking for alternative paths that you haven't seen there's unique memories that you can find only in umbrell these little 3D events that replay and on top of that the fact that it essentially gives you a second life well that's also nice as well now the trick with the umbral realm is that you can only exit it at certain parts aside from vest which are basically this game's version of the bonfire you need to find one of these guys and these are going to be able to allow you to emerge from the um realm so this isn't something you can just freely pop into and out of you need to use specific times to utilize that now on top of that entering the umbral realm will take away some of your health and turn it into what is known as a withered Health the idea behind withered health is it's Health that you can get back from attacking this is also how the blocking in this game works if I was to go up and and get an enemy get their attention and have them start attacking me you'll notice that my health bar will turn white that is considered withered Health now the idea is if I end up getting hit by attack that I haven't blocked that health is gone but if I follow up an attack before losing it I end up getting that withered Health back so very similar to you know kind of what we have going on with lies of P kind of like the rally mechanic in bloodborne it's essentially playing defensively will allow you to get back Health that you otherwise would have ended up losing and this is something that it took me a little bit of time to really adjust to it but once I did I actually found it really really useful another thing you could do is let's say you've lost half your health already you could go into the umbrell realm you're going to get back half a bar of just umbrell health and then you can heal that back up and then exit The Realm by finding one of those little things so there's a lot of different ways to utilize the arble mechanic to basically heal or you know get extra stuff off of enemies on top of that one of the big things if you look in the top right of the screen how it says 1.0 you can see that now we're in umbrell it went up to 1.10 this means I'm getting 10% uh more Resource as I kill enemies this actually grows with time so it'll go up to 1.2 1.3 eventually close to 2.0 uh and then eventually that eye will fill up and go completely red at which point I am you know it's basically time to get out of the umber world so right there we have like a little umbrell entity it was giving this guy a buff by killing that entity we are then able to take down the enemy and there's a lot of really interesting mechanics with the umber world that we are able to utilize such as this enemy who we did a soul tear to and we now slowed him so because of that I was able to do enough wither damage to his soul basically to then get a Wither finisher off on that enemy taking him out of the fight obviously this is late game gear and we're in an early game area it's not going to be this easy going through but right up here we have an excellent example of the Umble realm so right now we're in axium and you know doesn't look like there's any way over here but as we get on over this way if we climb on up you can see our our uh let see there's some some moths here and so by seeing those moths we're able to hold this out and see that there's a path that's only visible in umbrell so even without going into the umbrell realm we can hold this and walk across this structure that is in the Umble realm to now get over here and so that's that's the main gimmick of the game and like I said at first it definitely seemed like something that was a little bit difficult but the more I played it the more that I actually found it to be a really interesting mechanic this this dual World setup and figuring out different shortcuts and places to go and even after I finish my first playthrough of the game there were still areas that I was discovering after running around back through it staying in umra longer just zones that I had missed uh so that's something that I really found to be a positive of this game 100% just really love the the um roll and how that works uh taking a little moment to talk about the combat though combat in this game is is pretty interesting so we have our regular r one type combo which usually tend to be more wide swings we also have our heavy attack combo now heavy attacks have roughly the same exact speed as the R1 attacks but one of the big advantages of them is that you can charge them to deal even more damage uh the base attack though is really just thinking about it in the form of an alternate attack pattern you can of course weave these together so R1 R2 R1 R2 alternatively I could go with like a heavy attack and do an R1 and then go for another set of heavy attacks and then we can also tap y anytime to change our stance so I could go for one-handed into a two-handed into a one-handed back into a one-handed thrust and so the fluidity of the combat in the game is definitely something that I think sets it apart from other Soul SES being able to change whether we're doing uh one attack or two attacks on the Fly changing from one-handed to two-handed you know you're not usually able to do that fluid like I can I'm going into a two-handed now and then into a one-handed speed to take that enemy out and then a Thrust and then back into two-handed and it's definitely something that's nice to give you that flexibility on the Fly I will say most of the time I found myself just staying in two-handed form and smashing my way through the game but regardless having that flexibility is something that's really cool and something that we haven't really seen done in a Souls like up until now on top of that we have a couple unique attacks by hitting uh L1 and R2 we have a AOE attack which it's not as AOE is with the sword uh going into one hand have that a little bit little bit different I was going to do that let me put on a Hammer Hammer has a we have a proper proper AOE with the hammer if we have the hammer on and we do that same attack we have a little Spin to Win into a slam and then the other one is hitting R1 and L1 we have a nice little kick which we can use that to break the posture on enemies break the Poise uh and help line them up for a grievous strike which is this game's version of the critical now the way Poise works in the game is actually quite interesting you can see we have this little circle and that's going to indicate the posture of the enemy we can do a couple different things to break this heavy attacks paries or kicks and any weapon can get parri in this game so while we're just holding we're doing wither damage if we block at exactly the right time that's going to be the equivalent of a parry and whether we are using a shield or just our weapon we can do it with either of them though Shields are going to be a little bit easier getting that par will open the enemy on up we can get that Grievous strike uh and so I found that to be really nice whether you're using two weapons your your dual wielding for example I'm going to be super heavy doing this uh but I could have two different weapons out and I could go for a Parry by using two of them at the same time if I didn't want to use a shield so just to show how that works for the big hit there so we'll get this guy up kick him a little bit come on do it I whiffed do it again there we go um but obviously that's going to be kind of a rough rough pull off if I'm using something like a shield it's going to be a lot easier so similar to like a Souls game the light Shields are going to have Berry Parry windows compar compared to like a great Shield whereas the great Shield is going to have more stability and more defense so even on a build that is using a heavy weapon it might be worth having a light shield on if you were going for those paries and even if you don't want to go for paries we could just kick an enemy over and over again until we put them in that stance we could use charged heavy attacks unfortunately my charged heavy attacks will just kill these guys out right so there's not really any point in demonstrating that but the point being there's there's a ton of variety in the combat you know we have running R1 attacks we have separate running heavy attacks same thing if we're two-handing the weapon we're going to have different attacks there we're going to have particular attacks that are rolling I believe backstepping attacks are the same as the rolling attacks so a lot of the combat nuances that you know from Souls games are alive and well in here but with the addition of the built-in quick kick the built-in AOE then of course the ability to swap between one and two-handed on the fly so really big fan of the combat and how that works in this game I think there's a lot there to really enjoy uh talk more about some of the in-depth type stuff stats are pretty straightforward in this game we have strength agility we have endurance which is our stamina Vitality which is health and then Radiance and Inferno which could be thought of like a Faith Build or pyromancy build and one of the other things they did that's really really nice here is certain weapons we don't even need to really worry about alternative stats to use them so for the example with the pointed stick here this scales off Inferno and it only requires Inferno and that's something that I think is a Flatout upgrade from what we are used to with from soft type games where you could have a mage weapon that is you know very much obviously a weapon dedicated to a mage but you're still going to have to have a little bit in strength or a little bit in agility to use it and it always felt like those were wasted attacks or wasted stats on a Caster build whereas here if you're doing a Caster you're going to find weapons that just scale directly off of that Caster stat and you don't need to worry about wasting any extraneous stats and using them on stuff that you're not going to be concerned about and that's something that I was really fond of especially as I played later into the game seeing weapons where I was like oh I don't need to worry about anything I'm I'm going pure Radiance great this is a pure Radiance scaling weapon and there are obviously hybridized weapons uh stuff like here Justice it's going to be a sword that requires 20 in Radiance and 34 strength but I found it really nice that there's weapons that I don't need to worry about doing a split scaling I can just use them out right I think that is something that is really really nice on top of that I think it's pretty easy to level up you know we have four main damage stats to choose from we have health we have stamina very straightforward leveling system that I don't think will have players confused even those that are new to this genre of game um some other things that are interesting so as we level up our weapons we gain access to Rune slots kind of similar to how they worked in bloodborne but leveling up the weapon will unlock more Rune slots and then you're able to slot things into your weapon that are going to increase their potency for example I have I have uh two different things here that are going to increase my damage and then one that gives me a little bit of Health back when I kill an enemy over in this sword I had some stuff that was going to increase the buildup of the Smite feature as well as the Damage Done to Smite once it procs so we're able to customize our weapon a little bit we're also able to customize our Shield as we level those up my shield right now I have something that boosts my total ammunition as well as something that is going to uh increase my item discovery which is always something that's beneficial uh talking a little bit about ranged this is something that I also found to be really interesting whereas ranged was always just like a a backup option in Souls games we have dedicated rang in this game so right below the stamina you can see my ranged meter and whether I want to equip a crossbow if I do that I'll have different bolts I've selected on automatically if I don't have that I have a variety of different throwing things I can use so right now I have a hammer on that I can toss on out toss the hammer I have a little spirit that I can toss that'll do like debuffs to enemies and then I have a rock and this only cost to one and that's good for like knocking stuff out of a tree or getting the attention of enemies and we have a bunch of different throwables to choose from some dealing holy damage some dealing fire damage we have javelins we could toss we have hatchets that are going to make people bleed and I really liked how even though I'm playing a strength build I still had the option to very easily work ranged into my build because there might be an enemy that's off in the distance that's doing casting or perhaps there's an Archer that's shooting at me and this way I don't feel like I have to rush up and hit them I can actually take them out out from range and that's something that I was really thankful for even on a build that doesn't necessarily U utiliz range such as mine meanwhile if you were playing as a Caster you would put a catalyst in those hands and then you would have your spells on so spells in this game are very simple you would pull it up and then you just have four different spells on hot buttons I believe there's actually catalysts that go up to five spells I may have one yeah so if we put that on we can have five different spells on just hitting RB RT ax or Y and just freely cast those spells which is pretty nice and then obviously this will use Mana which as you can see my Mana bar unfortunately isn't very high but obviously this wasn't really a build that was specked for that which is why uh but so I really like that flexibility where you want to go for throwing stuff you actually want to use a bow you want to use a crossbow whatever the case is there are a lot of different choices that work that into the fold for you as a player um talking about upgrading pretty similar to what we would expect from a Souls type game we're able to go and we have couple different tiers we have like our one through three tier after that we're going to have our uh our four through six tier our 7 through eight tier and then a final upgrade that'll get the weapon all the way up to plus 10 with that being said I found that the final upgrade tier mats were very limited I only had enough to get three weapons all the way leveled up whereas the other stuff by the end of the game I was able to buy plenty of those so you could get any weapon in the game up to plus N9 but I only had enough of the chunks to fully level up three weapons and in a similar fashion I only found enough Respec items to Respec a total of three times now given there may be some other stuff that I didn't discover or maybe there's one as a covenant reward or something that I haven't done yet uh but that is something that that kind of threw me back a little bit because I'm always a fan of more freedom in these games I think limiting you to to three max weapons and three resps feels very old souls game kind of reminiscent of of bloodborne how you you know it launch you had like one Blood rock and it was like I hope you pick a weapon you really like cuz nothing else is getting maxed uh moving on from that though some other stuff in general the world exploration I did have a lot of fun with we have u a couple different distinct cows we have like a marshy region a fiery type region we have the Abbey which is is very holy and whatnot lots of guys we have very standard Souls type enemies here waiting to try and Ambush you and push you off Ledges and even the ambushes in this game don't feel too bad because of the umbrell capacity if I was to get pushed off a ledge and die for example it's going to rewind me back and now I'm just going to be in the umbrell round and then I'll need to find a way to exit the umbrell realm which sometimes it really works out because you know without being an umbrell see like that guy he wanted to push me off that ledge without being an umal I wouldn't have even seen this bridge here and I wouldn't know about that pathway so lots of different stuff going on with that uh but talking more about the level design and the local I think they did a really really good job here the world does a excellent job of being recursive and finding shortcuts all over the place that will Loop you back whether it be to the hub or an earlier part of the zone and this is a thing that lies of P didn't really do all that well that I really like here the recursiveness of the world and on top of that not just the recursiveness but the freedom in the world approach like this is the very first area of the game but after going through this we are kind of propelled on towards a second region after that there is a very obvious third region but things already start to open up a lot by that point you'll actually notice a couple different areas that you can go to that that will just you know really further diversify your encounter like in my let's play I actually ended up stumbling into what was a really late game earlier a lot earlier than I was supposed to and so I fought my way through that and then ended up going back and doing a much uh easier Zone a little bit later in my playthrough which obviously made it even more steamrolling but so the game definitely has that freedom of exploration that feeling of getting lost in a Souls game like I can guarantee people are going to play this and absolutely get lost we had a bunch of different content creators all in a Discord when we were playing Early Access and everyone's discussing like did you did you find blah blah blah I didn't find blah blah blah where do we go like everyone just getting lost in trying to to figure out where to go for certain stuff and that's definitely going to be absolutely the case with this game it's people getting lost in trying to to figure out where they want to go another thing that's really interesting is so while we have the visages in this game or vestages excuse me and these are basically like the the games version of a bonfire if you will we also have these areas where we can plant seeds and the seed will serve as a temporary bonfire you can only have one up at a time I don't know where this one is let's hope it's not like final boss type area but we'll go over and show that real fast where are we at oh no okay this is fine this is early but so after certain fights you'll find these little flower beds and you can go in and basically plant a umbrell Seedling and what's cool about this is it gives you a a onetime bonfire now obviously I can work back to this I can use it as many times as I want but when I plant a new seedling this disappears and I thought that's really cool at the same time one of the more tricky mechanics is once you go into new game plus there are no vestages and the only way of resting is going to be via these umbrell seed pods that you plant so essentially new game plus besides the Hub you really only have one bonfire at a time which is definitely going to be extremely challenging so uh definitely not catering to the the more casual audience with stuff like that but so we've been giving this game a lot of Praise but at the same time there is definitely a couple things that I think are worth calling out a couple things that stop it from being truly great uh while I'm a big fan of the obscurity with Souls Quest at the same time I do think a helpful part of that obscurity is keeping players informed and keeping them you know giv them an idea of where you might want to go I can't help but think back to the uh the grape lady episode of Elden ring when I was just like I don't know where this NPC is at I have no idea how to find them a lot of the the side quests in this game are incredibly obscure like that for example you pay me just be sure with cukin here this is an NPC that you can recruit she wants you to bring her along on certain boss fights but you can't even summon for a boss fight unless you've already died so you would have to purposefully die to a boss to see the summon sign to then know you can bring her in and then come back and pay her and continue her quest line and keep doing that to make sure you don't miss any of the bosses that she wants to go on U so kind of just a really really weird aspect of that system in a similar fashion as I made my way towards the end of the game after I cleared the the five Towers uh the you know path to the final boss essentially opened up but the game doesn't really give you any feedback where to go and so I ended up just kind of running around the world teleporting to different areas and looking into the sky to see am I getting closer to this beam and that's what I had to do to find it out whereas early on in the game you you get all sorts of little things that really help you as you play through the game you're going to get uh different notes you know different maps to areas and you know for example we have storman note here telling me hey you should go to the Bor and pilgrims perch but there are a lot of times where we do get that and then a lot of times that we don't get that and I really like contextual help in games like this in the sense of you know hey it's kind of obscure but here's a note you know head out west towards the fen or head to the the Bell door that was back in the Pilgrim's perch and then you're thinking like oh yeah I remember that bellor let me head on over that way and see what's over there versus just see being like you know it would be like you just seeing the hand in the distance and being like I got to go to the hand all right well there's I went through the fire zone but that wasn't part of the fire zone I guess let's just go to the fire zone and wander around and hope we can find it that's kind of what it felt like so I do think they could have improved areas like that a little bit uh additionally multiplayer is kind of a hot mess at the moment now given this is pre-release so come launch things might get a little bit better but essentially we can go right into multiplayer we can hit this to invade we can hit this to help somebody or we can go here to a vestage to to play with a friend and talking about that a little bit so the co-op we have like a a true seamless Co-op the idea is once you're into a friend's game you are playing with them as much as you want you're going through areas you're killing bosses but the downside of this is since the game fully does have a a seamless Co-op almost unfortunately it kind of falls apart a little bit when your friend is getting a ton of progress and then you go back to your world and you're just stuck you know so on one hand I love the idea of seamless co-op on the other hand I don't love the idea of me helping my buddy through four hours of content and then me going back and having none of that done on my own and while I know that's always how it's been in a Souls likee game I think an expectation of doing seamless Co-op would be the expectation of hey you're now able to progress through the game together beat it together and unfortunately you'll end up falling falling behind somebody with this approach so you'd have to regularly take breaks and then swap into the other person's world I just think it it could have been improved knowing they were going for the seamless Co-op top approach in a similar fashion and like I said this might be because we are pre-released but right now uh invasions are are very iffy um in some cases when I even when I get in I notice that I am patched up against players that are nowhere near me in fact in the strength build video that I did I was invaded by someone else from the creater Discord that was making a brand new character so here I am level 114 and I had like a level 14 invade into my world and just get slaughtered and it's like yeah that that doesn't feel good that that doesn't feel good for me that doesn't feel good for him and I'm hoping that there just might be better connectivity when more players in the game and and soulle level matchmaking but from what I can tell right now that does not exist uh also so far net code is is you know well as you saw we've tried a couple times and it's just continually fails um but Co-op and whatnot all of that is accessible uh very early in the game basically as soon as you get here you're able to start doing these things from the the multiplayer menu from a Grace on top of that there are Covenant rewards for for getting stuff you get uh these either these coins or these separate hands and you can turn them in for items but the Covenant reward numbers are insane for example getting a successful Invasion Nets me like nine hands and to get the armor from Invaders uh I would need like 750 hands so there's a couple different things there that I think definitely need to be tweaked uh another thing I found is over here we can talk to this Merchant and this is essentially where we're going to spend our boss stuff after we give him a certain key item and we buy our boss stuff with what we will uh what we'll call the death shrimp but the thing is even moving late into the game I didn't have nearly enough of the shrimp let me get over to my my key items so I I can show you one I have 13 of these right now and I have bought Maybe a tenth of the boss stuff that is available now you can Farm These by killing like the reaper enemy but there's you know it's a super hard enemy you don't really get enough of those to farm efficiently and typically I wouldn't care about something like this but given there are trophies for collecting all armor collecting all spells collecting all the umbr eyes collecting all that stuff in theory getting a platinum in this game would take hours upon hours upon hours of work because you'd have to farm up the the umbrell scourings to get the boss rewards you'd have to farm up the Covenant items to get the Covenant rewards and unless those are excluded from the trophies I mean personally I I don't think I'm going to go for a platinum at this game I'll probably still do a walkthrough but it sure as [ __ ] won't be a platinum walkthrough because the amount of time to farm that stuff up it would take forever and that's definitely something that seems like a bit of an oversight you know especially because a lot of people they get these games they they want to go for the trophies they want to go for that Platinum that feeling of completion and getting almost all the way there and then hey you need to do PVP for 500 hours to be able to buy the PVP sets that you can earn your final trophy it seems kind of iffy um so between that and then the the co-op and the PVP trophies it's obviously that they they want a big multiplayer component with this game but then that just leads me back to my my issues with the net code where the net code's just not really all that good right now uh you know people rubber banding getting you know ghost hits all sorts of stuff so really really hope to see that's cleaned up for launch but I will say based on my early experiences with the PVP right now I don't really see longevity in the PVP for this game the PVE is a lot of fun and I think a lot of players will enjoy that but like I said the PVP is it's pretty rough it's in a pretty rough State uh we obviously don't don't have the uh the matchmaking you know the the leveling there is a little bit of scaling so like if I go into a lower level world it's going to scale me down but even then it's not even really that much cuz we're talking about somebody that's going to have all of his heals leveled up and I'm still going to end up just abs absolutely bodying the world that I end up going into come on uh besides that there's there's a couple of like really minor kind of UI quirks that I think definitely could have been improved with the game with a little more time for example when we are putting our runes onto the weapon we can't actually see any change to our attack power so if we're doing like an attack power up Rune or a scaling up Rune we basically need to go into combat to actually measure that difference and test that attacks to figure it out because it just doesn't show those numbers on the sheet and that's definitely something that I found kind of weird you know as far as I'm concerned it's always better to keep the user more informed let them know of their decisions and tyring out all these different things it's like you know increase your damage uh increase the scaling and then not seeing my damage or my scaling changed my initial impression was oh this doesn't work it never occurred to me like hey this is hidden it wasn't until I put it on and then went and hit and was like I'm definitely hitting harder that I realized that's what's going on um on top of that there were also some some UI issues really early on I think a lot of the stuff has now been patched for the release version but like early on when you were changing on armors it wasn't even showing your encumbrance change thankfully that's been patched because you would change your set back out of it and then suddenly your fat rolling you're like wait a minute what and then you'd go back in and see it was up and it's it's just a lot of of little things like that that I think holds this game back from being truly great you know a lack of more notes with the obscurity the quest lines the feedback when you're using the runes uh you know it's just this little little minor things U but at the end of the day I mean I still had a blast with the game uh talking briefly about sound I know a lot of people I've seen a lot of people really upset about the sound design I don't know if I'm just you know immune to it but I I don't know I don't think the sound's particularly bad I've heard a lot of people saying they they don't like how the uh the weapons sound in combat that's been probably one of the biggest complaints I've seen and you know personally I don't I don't know I've used a couple different weapons I think they sound fine fine in combat um just to kind of showcase like this is the sound of a a grand sword hitting something I think there's like a little Shing I think that may be what people don't like um you know the hammer has a a very I think it's the kill sound that people are probably upset about cuz the actual like the sound of the hammer is great but the that like CH Ching it's it's like a confirmation ding when you kill people so I guess that's what people are probably upset about just that that audio CU that like hey the enemy's dead but aside from that I mean the actual weapons themselves they sound really good I thought sound design in general was pretty good sound of roll rolling through objects and breaking it sound of the metal clanging and whatnot uh in terms of Boss music I know that's usually a big thing in the game I don't know man it was the Boss music was fine it was very um very I don't know kind of from softes kind of had that like Latin Opera thing quite going on but it never really stood out to me as being at the same level as from soft uh it felt like they they got people but the the composer they had didn't quite have the same skill set I guess so I didn't hate the music I don't think it was bad but there definitely wasn't any one particular song in this game where I was like that's my jam that's that's really good uh talking briefly about performance obviously I am playing this on PC and on a 490 so my performance is going to be pretty much as good as it gets uh even then there was a couple times in the game where I noticed a few dips in the swamp area things got framy a little bit and then there was a later area in the game uh we'll call it the the mans where frames were were chugging and you'll definitely see that in the let's play I know a lot of the other creators I've been talking to had issues in that area so I think think that particular area is just probably poorly optimized and hopefully that ends up getting patched before launch so you have smoother experiences than we did uh but there were a couple noticeable areas where performance did take a hit obviously I'm playing this in 4K Ultra dlss on frame Generation all that stuff and the features do work on my end the game runs runs fantastic and to be honest I'm not even sure if YouTube compression is going to show this game as beautiful as it looks cuz I will say without a doubt this is the most beautiful looking Souls likeee game we have played I'm not someone I would consider a graphic snob but if we are looking at graphical Fidelity the graphical Fidelity in this game definitely is the best we've seen in a Souls likee game I think it passes even Elden ring uh passes the souls games passes bloodborne um whether you like the art style as much I do think they went for for a little bit like generic dark Gothic I don't necessarily hate it but I I will say the the visual Fidelity itself is certainly unmatched whether you think the art is comparable ultimately I think that's going to come down to to preference but so all in all I I've kind of talked about a lot of the mechanics of the game talked about my thoughts what's my final verdict honestly I put it at a four out of five uh I think there's a lot of little things that are really holding this game back from from achieving that five out of five rating from really being considered like an absolutely phenomenal Souls game but at the same time I had an absolute blast playing it I got a 52 episode let's play done I already got a build video done obviously we're getting the review done right now I'm likely going to be doing uh walkthr and doing the walkthrough so it's a good game no doubt but there is a lot of little things that I think could be improved to really boost this up to the next level and really make it true to the title of being a uh a nextg soul slake so uh the victories that it's had are big victories but unfortunately I do think there are just a lot of little tiny problems that I do think hold it back from being truly great regardless I still had an absolute blast playing it I'm sure I'll have a blast uh doing the walkthrough and the prep because I want to try out spells and there's uh different different build styles that I definitely want to try in the game so I am excited to jump back into it but either way we are going to wrap things up here for the review uh I would recommend it I certainly had a good time playing it whether you think it's for you that's something for you to decide after watching gameplay and the review so thanks for coming on by and I'll catch youall next time
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 260,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Id: FOs1Lg8QqO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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