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Lords of the Fallen is finally here we are about to begin the official beginning of this game and I've got to be honest I'm actually pretty excited I've got no idea what awaits for us but I definitely want to jump into this game check it out for an hour or two and see what the hype is all about a massive thank you to the team over at hex works and CI games for the Early Access if you guys want to check out the game for yourselves I'll have a link down in the description you can go ahead and click that this is not a sponsored video but if you guys are interested in the game feel free to check it out anyways sit back relax and let's do this after eons of tyranny the demon god AER was finally overthrown by Humanity though fear of his terrible power endured what happened and so was formed the hallowed Sentinels our duty being to stand vigil for signs of his return even exile to another realm could not silence the Fallen God forever and in time ader's malignant influence pervaded the world once more in his hunger for vengeance a deer orchestrated the return of his demonic Army light was swallowed by Shadow and with it hope dude this looks crazy a new Grim Champion arises the dark Crusader is that us and perhaps it will indeed come to pass that only they who sh the light in order to fight the darkness possess the power to defy a god oh that looks insane what in the actual oh he's getting clapped yeah he he's getting [Music] clapped dude the music my goodness [Music] oh oh he rises from the dead hey this this is hypee as hell I'm not even going to lie [Music] wow ages pass distorting self-d delusion into Faith with few obtaining the revelations they so desperately seek in a conflict between the divine are Mortals Mir ponds probably honestly whether the Flesh of gods or death itself all will be consumed for she must feed all right what is going on here seriously also he survived he survived hey these cut scenes are literally insane I like the fact that they're actual like for me cut scenes and Ste you this weapon of Deliverance to a worthier servant than I oh no that's going to be us isn't it uh what are you doing you never possessed the medal for this Crusade you fail oh oh my gosh is that going to be the final boss that dude is massive oh my god what have I gotten myself into all right so here we are in the creat a class menu we've got hollow Knights uh warwolf what is going on the partisan whoa like some sort of Barbarian yo these look so freaking cool oh my God the black feather Ranger okay that's giving me some uh bloodborne Vibes right there exiled stalker that looks sick too and of course we've got a preacher Radiance very high radiance yo what and then we've got The Condemned yo some of these classes are actually crazy I honestly might just go with the hollow of night truthfully it just just based off my play style yep that match is perfect LW the latest receiver of his grace great potential dwells within you doubtless for you to be chos verely and so does orus wisdom guide my hand in the bestowment of this subsequent [Music] Boon your flesh has been made sacren with the mark of the dark Crusaders prove yourself worthy of this gift seek me in the bowels of the bridge our work is of the greatest import so I don't know if there's any like prior lore to this game it's my first time ever playing Lords of the Fallen I think there was one prior to this like in 2014 or something honestly I've got no idea if they've got any sort of correlation to one another but we're here and we're dropping frames please don't crash it just it just that not going to lie the game has crashed on me a couple of times but I have to say this [ __ ] look pretty damn good I mean this looks really really damn good and now that it's actually running it's pretty smooth man I love like the HUD and the Aesthetics file does the poer I don't know how to pronounce that so now we got to get a hang of the controls and whatnot got beat or roll oh this is fast is that my character why I'm so fast or oh my God this this looks so [ __ ] good press RB for quick attack and uh hold RT for heavy okay all right cool cool all right all right what do we get okay bro this actually feels in place pretty damn good I'm going to break everything I see in the meantime until I kind of confirm that it's not necessary or that it is necessary I'm actually really happy with this class I love the vibe the Aesthetics I like that I kind of matted out the character too cuz he looks all like super dark Under The Helmet [ __ ] awesome the enervated Vigor skull all right how do we Sprint oh well there we whoa bro the movement is super fast can we climb up here no hya oh this is quick with it oh oh my goodness this is so sick all right I'm going to try and investigate here as much as possible while moving forward press LT to Sprint you're telling me this now it only took you 10 minutes to tell me this okay that's kind of creepy so I wonder if my weapon has durability or not oh also there's a jump you just got to be sprinting what happens if we fall under there I kind of want to find out let's do it [ __ ] it probably wasn't a good idea but you know me Hollow Knight Hollow the Explorer ah actually wasn't that bad woohoo all right so Dash and roll when you lock onto a target with RS use beat a dash SMH quickly around the enemy press Double B you can roll out of dangers so I like how sprinting doesn't really consume that much stamina and I like the distance I actually like the distance that you can use to lock onto enemies it's pretty it's it's a pretty quite a distance to be honest all right let's get this popping what do we got here a throwing rock all right so we've got our inventory here open uh your inventory select uh the slot you want to modify with a and equipped any available Gear with a okay so we go here the [ __ ] do we got here uh inventory where's that throwable rock press up on the d-pad to select range combat mode and press LT to use the equip long range weapon or sorcery Catalyst all range attack consume either ammunition or Mana ah oh [ __ ] stop it leave me alone okay so I wonder what this is for is this just like a lantern oh wow okay oh [ __ ] what the oh this gives you a different look into the world nice we' got a wooden cross all right what are we supposed to do here huh okay so moths indicate points of interest in um bra select your um bra lamp down on the had to raise it oh [ __ ] oh that's a [ __ ] eyeball all right hold up select the um braw lamp and raise it without you to peer into your bra okay so do I have to follow this maybe maybe if I do this then we can go inside hya press LT and RT simultaneously to perform a multi-hit attack hold on really nice okay okay and this will be a strong stance right yeah yeah one-handed two-handed stances each with unique full set of attacks melee stances okay awesome this is all starting to make sense now guys okay here we go let's go back to the lamp hold up hold up time up where are we G healing the Sanic is your primary healing tool and recharges automatically upon Reviving you can be accessed in the quick access items and activated using X other consumables are found in your quick access items select left or right on the d-pad and use with X you can assign any consumables to your quick access items through the inventory we haven't gotten hit so uh yeah we good select the uh sarx or any quick aess press X to use it customize select your ybr lamp put down on the d-pad raise its Rift by holding X to transition whoa what the [ __ ] why didn't you tell me that earlier it's like a different dimension or some [ __ ] all right press RT to lock onto an enemy select the light down on the dpad raise with LT and soul Fay the locked on target whoa right this is getting all sorts of gnarly and I don't like this world this is kind of disgusting kind of creepy if you ask me oh [ __ ] hello okay while an enemy SW is Expos attack to apply wither damage attack withered enemy to inflict large amounts of damage really oh [Applause] [ __ ] okay did I do that right I think so siphoning Soul fling an enemy Soul consumes a soul FL charge select your lamp raise it and siphon enemies and blister with RB to recover Soul charges siphoning also provides additional withered health and gather the Vigor left by enemies in an area okay so your health receives wither when entering the umra or performing certain actions with your lamp oh I just realized that withered Health can be recovered by damaging enemies however you will lose it all instantly if you are struck now bro okay good I'll take that yo that's crazy okay I see you h all right so can we let's see how do we do this maybe RB instead yeah it's RT yeah yeah let's go all right we're going to go up here enemy is soul flade they can be pushed into any Direction all right let's go up here prolonged periods of uh umal make your presence increasingly known the longer you spend the more dangerous the beings who hunt you no bro oh my goodness this is going to be our exit Point here uhhuh oh [ __ ] all right so we had to do all that nice how was that one dude hanging from the top so now we can open up that door okay interesting oh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa use emergence uh aigis with a to merge huh oh okay all right cool that worked got to say it's pretty complex man there's a lot to it I mean so far it's obviously all brand new to me so oh God oh my goodness I literally want to go heal like an idiot let's go ahead and open up the door whoa yo this is wild what the [ __ ] okay where are we we're probably going to die here huh yeah so V vestiges Mark places where previous uh lamp bearers fell once activated these serve as points of Revival should you die activated prestiges can be warped between and used to beckon other lamp bearers oh [ __ ] all right so we can rest here I'm assuming resting will just replenish all the other not replenish but will respawn the enemies and what not can also upgrade our character all right oh so we can go up in strength oo interesting I think agility would be nice right now nice nice nice all right sweet so vestiges what it say Mark places where previous land okay read that already and this game looks really good bro I mean graphically bruh insanity looks so good but we're back at it again baby here we go block block by holding lb but beware blocking enemies Withers your health strike enemies to restore your withered Health however you will lose it instantly you are struck Perry attacks by pressing lb just before impact to receive less wither damage and deliver High posture damage to an enemy an enemy's posture is reduced by any attack each with its own posture damage so it experiment with all weapons and attack types once the posture is depleted stagger the enemy with a Charged heavy attack or Parry with lb or kick with both lb and RB deliver a grievous strike to a staggered enemy with RB oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh what the hell man that's not fair [Music] okay come on [Applause] [Applause] Punk he's going to try and grab me huh little punk ass come on yo chill chill chill oh my [Music] God all right come on let's get this let's get this suer want a piece of this ah no you [ __ ] come here baby let's go talk at this [Music] [ __ ] that's what I'm talking about I got to learn the timing in this game obviously that's definitely going to be a thing here I don't know what's happening but oh my God you ought to be [ __ ] give me that [Applause] lamp yeah I mean my boy I've got no Health left what what what do you want from me what sort of [ __ ] is this now bro I'm pretty sure we're not supposed to beat him [Music] I swear to God if I die here wait what happened what the ass wipe yeah yeah we we all know what happens here you kill me I come back to life my journey continues is that right do not tell me I got to defeat that thing cuz I am not going to defeat that thing I'mma just be honest there's no way I can kill that thing what happened if you perish all of your current Vigor will be dropped at the spot where you died you can recover your dropped Vigor with uh the lamp by approaching it and pressing a but beware some enemies might pick it up before you going to grab this [ __ ] before it's too late thank you yeah so he's not going to be here yeah we were supposed to die right I mean maybe you could maybe we could have of kill them but the chances of that happening very slim to none is there any enemies here by the way bro this game looks so good looks so good look at this look at the Aesthetics in this game okay hold on the parasites umbr parasites have symbiotically merg with other creatures protecting them or granting enhanced power select a umbral lamp and find the parasite siphon parasites with RB yeah that's [ __ ] cute not today bruh sometimes Mo indicates the your path in Axiom is blocked there's something in the umra realm select your yra lamp using down on the d-pad and Rift by pressing LT and X once in new bra lock onto an environmental element with RS and S flate using LT and RT to pave your way all right so we're supposed to go that way but hold on a sec let me check out this other area real quick I actually don't like the other realm not a big fan of it I don't like these like sort of like dead environments just kind of creep me the [ __ ] out okay so here we go select your lamp and Rift by pressing x wait what the hell whoa oh [ __ ] all right so now we can come back here let me see if we can gather that thing that was back here we open up that door can I open it the gate does not budge who whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] here we go wasn't even supposed to jump that was the problem please don't tell me you are an enemy cuz I will kick your ass hey I always wondered if there were others you're probably thinking that map's just a tool to be used as you see fit take it lightly and you'll find it the other way around lock my all right dude thanks can we talk again I don't know who you are but since it seems a dear has you marked making you a bigger threat to R is both okay oh we can save here nice the sieg goad and rest up also when you rest you actually teleport to oh [ __ ] okay should I be doing this did I want to do that maybe all right so we've got stigmas fragments of past events often traumatic which occurred in Axiom can appear in the umbral realm as stigmas select your lamp raise it and press X Rift to umbral First and lock onto a stigma using the right stick selected lamp oh [ __ ] all right we got some traumatic events here whoa Sentinels to the tri fall back fall back no wait where are you going help us whoa all right so do I want [Music] to do I want to go back can I go back I cannot that's only with rt all right let's see what do we got here we got fire Ward oh [ __ ] nice all right they're coming this way [ __ ] got to be very careful no what the hell am I doing [ __ ] it bro I'm going in that you're just going to come here and think you can kill me you lost your damn mind oh you want some more oh wait I got to kill him oh [ __ ] oh no I've got a lamp stay away from me [Music] demons oh crap all right hold up hold up let's let's return let's return back to normal I think it's only fair what do we got here anything no all right all right hold on I'm still learning this [ __ ] all right I'm kind of lost ah combat is so aggressive so fast got to keep an eye on my stamina all right good got it got this baby I really like the Aesthetics of this game it's so nice [ __ ] looks good oh really okay a what the [ __ ] oh we've got a broken sword the hollowed condemnation what is that is that another weapon what did I just pick up must have been something right oh look at these little punks man I'm looking at my inventory you guys are trying to sneak on me huh you think this is a game ah probably probably better off going oh you [ __ ] they're so deceiving like their moves you know oh we got the little Dash little Dash slash attack I like that okay hold on here we go here we go you're next you little [ __ ] ass whitee come here ah he actually got me I give it to him he actually got me all can I throw get a [ __ ] rock and I hear footsteps I'm so nervous like I I got no Health oh God all right woo ammunition pouch and a small Mana Stone cluster we got to see what that what all that's about first and first we've got to be very careful here man I can't get over the Aesthetics like the world that they've created in this game it's it's [ __ ] nuts oh you ought to be me man a this is this is a [ __ ] joke what happens if I die here n bro let's go baby let's go baby all right so we kind of came to the other world right I think so a [ __ ] I want to go back home hold on I want to go back I I I really want to get the [ __ ] out of here I don't like the Vibes let me grab this a preacher Shield that might actually be good hold on hold on oh my goodness oh my goodness I think it's probably best if we I'm going to run past all these guys hopefully that dude's not there again cuz if he is we're we're pretty screwed is he here again oh my God this is some [ __ ] let me just see if I find a save here miss me bro Miss Me by just the hair almost got me though all right what do we got another another wooden cross so there's definitely something I can go over there and grab that's for sure we go into the other dimension ah okay okay hold on I'm trying to learn this [ __ ] calm down there we go I don't know why I didn't give it to me uh when I was right behind him from the start that would have been nice once depleted staggering enemy The Charge first RB near a staggered enemy all right so he has to be staggered oh God this is getting all sorts of weird oh man look there's a save right here oh that's perfect yes we were so close too okay so feel like that's like a boss maybe I could be wrong I mean I don't [ __ ] know ah look at that hold on hold on let's let's let's take this out really oh I love the [Music] kick that is sick now what do we got down here hello see I don't like that man that underworld [ __ ] man it's like it it it generally makes me feel weird inside I don't know oh what the hell oh you can actually drown in here my boy doesn't know how to swim [ __ ] uh we're going to have to go to we're going to have to go to the underworld let's go and grab that item at the bottom of the little lake or whatever that was munition satel sorry oh [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] stuck man away from me [ __ ] you think this is this ain't no picnic oh this some [ __ ] man I got to get out of here man I am [ __ ] my pants all right so we came here for a pilgrim hood is that what I came here for you got to be kidding me bro all right hold on there's a ladder here as well come on fam yeah let's get this I will reign Victorious oh [ __ ] the hell up me all are you done good cuz that was pretty that was pretty lame not even going to lie to you not even going to try to sugar coat it that that that was lame oh my God oh my God I want to get out of here oh God get me out of here oh my goodness all right so we're on the top now we oh this is a shortcut so look at that so you're going to need to go into oh wow we're going to have to Traverse into the the world of the undead or the world of the the world of the Dead to unlock shortcuts upgrade character what should I upgrade Vitality again I think I should go for Vitality again one more time just in case feel like we have a good amount of stamina at the moment even though it does deplete pretty quickly gate does not buch let me step back a bit feel like I'm a little bit too close to that yeah to that edge what do we got here what is the meaning of this hello uh oh what the [ __ ] okay hold on hold on time out just take out the eggs all right good all right good let's go grab that nice I of the Betrayed Ard what is that all about oh [ __ ] that one help me please oh [ __ ] the [ __ ] happened here okay well that sucks for you guys let's go up top let's go up here I think this is just going to take us back to where we came from correct kind of sort of maybe yes oh [ __ ] um okay I see that is definitely where we came from missed me oh oh oh my God damn I got to rip that stupid soul from you no was it RB or yeah I keep forgetting I keep thinking it's RT but it's not it's RB I really don't want to have to fight that thing again just because it's pretty [ __ ] terrifying oh run climb climb climb climb climb climb climb CL climb climb I cannot see you I cannot hurt you here I knew that was going to happen that's okay are we good oh my goodness minor fire assaults and inovated vigor skull and a raw Mangler axe yeah so it's definitely worth coming here clearly all right I think uh you know what I'm out why even bother why even bother here let's let's just get outle let's just get battle oh excuse me exactly whoa boys calm it down it ain't that [ __ ] deep you know I really don't want to die here just St want to make sure there's nothing back here all right we've got something else there sweet I'm just kind of trying to were we here before I do like that you can look into it prior to like being here you know what I mean I do like that so like if you you know you don't have to commit to coming here if what you see with the lamp is not worth it for you I I can appreciate that Perfection you didn't even stand the chance oh [ __ ] might need that Health back bro a [ __ ] [Music] nah you ought to be kidding me that's some [ __ ] man bro hey I I too can throw you know rocks I can throw [ __ ] too you though just just thought I'll let you know if you you didn't know well now you know all right so don't be coming here with all that nonsense all right if I go down there no that's where we came with the yeah no we don't need to go there do we do we now we came from here that's the ladder okay that was up there but hold on oh it's not there all right perfect so we continue this way interesting all right let's go up the ladder ooh oh by the way we've got some new items we haven't even looked into the holy Ward all right let's take a look here so we do have this uh I need a more physical is that what I need no that's what it has it has more physical less physical I'm sorry it's got more attack power how do I know if I can carry this why can't I use it let me see well I was equ without proper stats I don't have of course I figured okay I mean this is just overall better than what we got right now like as far as what we've picked up so I'm not going to be changing that anytime soon okay I'm just kind of going through the uh things that we've acquired just to make sure that we're good these heal you over time all skull almost empty of vigor grants 200 Vigor we got four of those tin of powder providing increased defense while withering against withering increase your Radiance to gain further Insight oh [ __ ] oh my boy oh my God hold on wait he's not a boss oh my God that's not a boss I literally [ __ ] went over there thinking this was a boss and it's that same guy that same Barbarian looking guy he's not even a bad guy he's for all I know he's probably part-time Pals you need the skyrest bridge key that's crazy you carry the lamp long enough and you'll see history repeat over and over if you don't want to keep retreading the same ground yourself should you fall make use of this what is that all right so the lamp vibrates and emits a special color when close to the uh ybra flower bed when positioned on a bed select the lamp raise it with LT and hold wire to grow a seating Vestige seating which serves as a point of Revival could that red thing be like where the boss is could very well be that whoa or it could be somewhere here just as much that's a dragon I'm almost positive what is going on here what the [ __ ] oh no no no no no what are you doing bro stay back there why is everybody fighting each other what is wrong with you freaking freaks yo chill [Music] out hey stop oh my God how annoying dude wow man some [ __ ] okay this is a trap that's got to be worth a pretty penny right hello sir ammunition pouch small amount of stone cluster does not open from this side it's probably going to be hot yeah that's not a good idea it's like the mouth of a dragon or something okay so I've got no Health actually quite [Music] terrible these are minor fire assaults yeah that's a boss fight my boy this is where we die yeah that's a boss fight going go ahead and grab the other one now that we're here I do wish that I mean I know you can but just wish we had a closer the game just [ __ ] crashed what [Music] happened rusty cutter what is happening what happened yeah I've been having some pretty terrible Lu luck with this uh with this game right now got a bad feeling about this oh holy orius by your Radiance grant me the strength to continue to endure these dark days to lay be the path to Salvation for my wayward brothers and sisters so we may walk it together and to strike down all those who would see our will defied even as our suffering continued I honored my pledge of patience to the exactor and yet you now appear before me a stranger bearing what was not yours to receive a betrayal made flesh and one I cannot Brook yeah this is not good that's a boss yep okay uh P She of blessed renewal okay oh that's a big sword you got there come on you know I might actually oh God go actually go uh strong St here okay maybe not oh my goodness oh yeah the Parry what the she's almost staggered yes a okay you ain't that [Music] bad all right what is she doing what is she doing oh God she just grew [ __ ] [Music] Wings oh my God on what is happening oh my god oh we are so dead all righty all right we're back yay let's let's get our asses kicked once again here we go one oh no I was at the tail end of that attack [ __ ] here we go charge attack the hell was [Music] that no yes all right we beat her to it oh that's some [Music] [ __ ] okay she's going for that stupid move of hers wow that heavy attack does a lot of damage close call why am I still getting hit man what the [ __ ] all right I got to keep an eye on the stamina [Music] here perfect oh my gosh that was so [Music] close where are they going where are they going wa [Music] come here come [Music] here wow close car yeah that's what you [Music] get she's almost dead bro she's almost dead where are they going she's almost dead she's dead bro she's a goner I'm sorry no she's dead she's dead she's dead she's dead no second stage please oh my God she's dead [Music] yes she's probably not dead as oh my God please I I do not have the mental fortitude right now to do a second stage for the love of God please that looks so weird like the motion of it what what is happening oh my God oh thank goodness she's dead not going to lie I thought that said [Laughter] Hershey's yes dead excellent all right so can we uh should we do it here or should we wait H we'll do it here we have one that's pretty close to this area as well it's kind of funny we could probably Farm those enemies over there I mean you probably won't get much from it but let me see what do we got here first and foremost let's rest I need a break and then we're going to go ahead and upgrade so here we have we can do strength we can do Vitality I think we should do Vitality one more time yeah endurance is also going to be important and then strength we definitely need to hit up that agility though I've been uh neglecting it for for some time right now brothers and sisters you honor us and all who came before you with your sacrifices while I wish they were unnecessary my wishes will not ease your suffering but I pray my sorcery does oh nice so let's go ahead and uh let me check this area out back here this is so creepy I don't know if we were a [ __ ] these enemies are going to get crazy probably not a good idea should I just pick up that item and then call it a day maybe right yeah it's probably best let me yeah let me just pick up the items and call it a day yeah what's back there this is a really stupid idea by the way this is only going to get more dangerous but again I just wanted to check out the area we're going to head back we are going to head back let's see what we got here let's go up top oh under what's under here it keeps going deeper let's go up top real quick ah there's a chest [Music] sanctify what is [Music] that so bless the ground with a holy sigil which heals and cleanses the status effects of any Ally Who Walks upon it so you need 18 Radiance that's pretty cool Okay so we've got some new gear as well which is uh quite interesting notice how strong these foes are right they've definitely gotten stronger all right it's probably best if we let's just get the hell out of here all right I feel a little bit safer I hate that other world like I don't like it at all what do we got down here oh okay oh we could probably save up and rest up there oh it's it's Kung Lao welcome dark crusader okay the skyus bridge this is a friendly area these are my friends we're safe can we open that up does not open from this side okay good I don't want anything to open up right now I I need to I need to cleanse my soul [Music] first hey wait it looks like the girl we just fought the hell let's talk to this guy I had no doubt in my assessment of you as one worthy of the Monumental task which lies before us cre Crusader my name is dunmire and I am an exactor of the dark Crusaders the holy order of which you are now an honored member the Church of orian Radiance has assigned to me the duty of purging morstead of its rogar blight and ensuring the ancient Tyrant a dear there was no Liberation from his enduring imprisonment while the Schism between the church and judge cleric is of long standing she and her hallowed Sentinels now perverted did at least construct mad's radiant beacons which have prevented a dear's return for centuries but now we stand corrupted and on the verge of collapse it is to these five beacons you must turn your eye use the umbr lamp to cleanse them of a deer's destructive influence and deliver salvation to a world on the brink of predition rogar and hallowed Sentinel alike will offer you no quarter so remember though orious Mercy is without limit yours should not be so notice how you got to talk to him multiple times you serve a higher purpose Crusader so not only is he an exactor but he's also a merchant heal yourself with Radiance that's pretty cool waran preacher hat a mirror which reflects malevolence energy temporarily protecting you from those seeking to perform Crimson ritual salt used to add holy damage to a weapon Raise Your Weapon and imbue with Radiance man we might need to increase up that Radiance to be honest h okay it's good to know to strive in darkness in light we walk all right so I got to take a look at my inventory first before rogar and hallowed Sentinel alike will offer you no quarter so remember the orus mercy is without limit before I decide to sell anything hold on let me see our inventory I want to upgrade this thing already hopefully we can strike D and [Music] D+ strength attack power heavy and we need to bring up some of the attributes in order to get some of these weapons going and even this one it's not that great either does he have anything hold on let me take a look at my here we go I think if we look at it under equipment it's probably better cuz it actually compares to what we have this is just better against like fire and all that stuff not against actual physical damage yeah I could probably set all this crap truthfully we haven't grabbed any other ring or anything like that other Shields yeah you know what I'm actually going to go ahead and sell you serve a higher purpose Crusader sell this not a big deal truthfully but is there any junk that we can sell to this guy none of this I don't I don't see myself using any of this but it's too soon so I don't want to sell it just in [Music] case by ori's Divine will I live again it's a miracle and to think I raised my sword to you when all along you were a Divine instrument set by hand him to deliver my death and rebirth and bring Clarity forgive me lamp Bearer I'm P of the hallowed sentinent it is and as orius sustains me so too will I sustain you whether by making manifest your potential or through my healing blood contained within the sangr aric you carry should you find any saintly quintessences bring them to me and they can bolster the power of my blood further still the beacons must be cleansed the hallowed Sentinels restored and ader's malignancy eradicated through whatever is to come fellow chosen of orus We Stand Together in service of him oh shoot so we can upgrade and we can reset the build the beacons must be cleansed the Hallow Sentinel restored and a dear fellow let me see interesting whoa yes three charges 0% HP Recovery four charges yeah that's that one item we acquired earlier on heck yeah yes yeah yes a that feels so good all right before I interact with that let me go speak to actually let's interact with that the Vestige of ethg is that what it is I'm going to go ahead and rest up very interesting some exactus found himself a new instrument as exactus are want to do and given that lamp was intended for me should his Paladin fall and yet now here you are lamp Bearer well it seems I was right to doubt the value of a dark Crusader's word oh we've got a hater here I'm stowman captain of the Fidelis a group of good men and women who've made a stand against the madness which has possessed the rest of the hallowed Sentinels we made a vow to restore our order to its former glory whatever the cost to ourselves and by judge cleric's grace we'll honor that vow that heretical umbrell lamp and the dark Crusaders are necessary evils in these dire times as are you it would seem perhaps our aims will align further or perhaps not okay in Radiance judgment so this guy also has weapons and he's got Shields and he's got I mean he's got the works pretty soon here we'll eventually come against or across someone that's going to be having better equipment and weapons and whatnot so this is a vitality and endurance attribute ring it's a 3,000 a key intended for use on certain doors in Pilgrim's perch H 9,500 it's got to be important all right so let's go to sell our imate lady will bring Redemption main socket effect Soul freight charge 15% dread resistance I'm probably not going to be using this [ __ ] just going to sell that not going to be using this either I'm kind of scared to sell some of these all right let's let's not sell too much until we have a more clear and precise idea there's somebody else down there what's in here hello oh okay there is a lot going on here hello guys have uh any goodies around here some items weapons all right you need a SC okay we need a key for that door there is a lot happening in this Cathedral of sorts let's see should I go and speak to this guy there's multiple people here let me just check out back before we do anything the hell is this o we'd have to get there very interesting okay let me go and talk to this guy this is freaking beautiful that's it isn't it the lamp of immortality and the genuine article not a useless empty vessel like the one I saw that witless fool bumbling around with I've learned a little since coming to morstead about that lamp and the awful mission to which it's attached I hope you recognize that frightful burden for what it is in truth what's been done to you is downright cruel is it now of course some people are born into roles of tremendous responsibility my my name is Andreas ofb esteemed Sion of nobility but far more than that descendant of the great ruler ananas himself as proven by my family's book of lineage for one that's right through my veins flows the blood of the legendary hero who defi a dear and the rogar and save the whole world only to be betrayed and murdered by a common criminal so you'll understand the man of my pedigree cannot simply stand Idol while an unfortunate victim such as your yourself remains Shackled to such a grim fate give me the lamp and let me shoulder your burden friend what say you oh I don't know dude no it saddens me to see you bring such Agony down upon your own head I hope you see sense and reconsider my offer stands as long as necessary after all what man of breeding would turn away from one so clearly in need let me see if there's anything on this side oh this guy's over there what the hell and then there there's this there's so much what the [Music] heck the lamp must be born until the favored child makes themselves known only then can the remaining caring of creation finally return to the void oh wow interesting two Soul play charges one secondary eye socket and 10% dredge what about the socket here okay chosen bearer of the lamp like you I serve so this grants 3,200 Vigor but it cost 6,000 see what these characters are all about look at you a dark Crusader a lamp Bearer and a Revenant to boot aren't you the multifaceted one well we Fidelis aren't as fortunate we tend to stay dead when we die and orus knows enough of us have done just that anyway like Nathaniel says you keep looking back you don't see the blade coming at your front we set ourselves a task and we have to finish it best watch to step out there morstead is a land a wash in blood both deserved and undeserved alike okay best watch your step out there morstead is a land of oh Aura of tenacity I'm going to have to uh do that every time I acquire something new just kind of go straight to it surround yourself with a Radiance Aura with with uh which decreases damage received oh nice we need eight radians for that hold on bro we'll talk right now just give me a sec here that lamp you've got there is Ary stranger but then seems it's getting harder to tell what is and what ain't nowadays ah strange times but in the end there's right and there's wrong and that never changes and I hope for both our sakes you know the difference but if in doubt you heed the captain he's never steered me wrong much as he might think otherwise but if in doubt okay you heed the captain he's never silence use uh pilfered coins to purchase items Oran vow of protection used to be online [ __ ] I mean if you guys can give us some hints and some tips that we to know about please do tell it'd be nice just to to at least know you know anyhow we're going to go to the other side and speak to what was his name d Meer Kung Lao kungla while the beacon should remain your most pressing task I would have you perform another for me concurrently seek out and return to me the items which stand as proof of the hallowed Sentinels heretical deviations and practices for only in the study of such can we hope to turn them towards the True Light Of oras This Land is overflowing with sin so I expect this undertaking to offer you little difficulty also say nothing of this to Pau or the Fidelis Captain they are already conflicted troubling them further only endangers them and our missions all right guys so I'm pretty sure we've spoken to everyone at this point and so now the only way left to go is straight down that way I hope you guys enjoyed this video this game is really really interesting and Visually very nice looking and it runs really smoothly I know we've had a couple of issues along the way but when it works it works very well and I think it's just obviously we've we have early aess and whatnot so things are bound to be fixed I hope but Ness please in the comments below let me know how you feel you digging it are you not and uh would you like to a full series I know we still got lies of P to finish hopefully if we can continue that and make that an official series um but I definitely wanted to come here and check this one out because it definitely pequ my interest thanks for watching and I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Hollow
Views: 263,534
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Keywords: assassins creed mirage, assassins creed mirage gameplay, assassins creed mirage full game, assassins creed mirage full gameplay, assassins creed mirage full walkthrough, assassins creed mirage review, assassins creed mirage ending, assassins creed mirage part 1, assassins creed mirage pc gameplay, assassins creed mirage ps5 gameplay, assassins creed, ac mirage, ac mirage gameplay, ac mirage full game, ac mirage full gameplay, ac mirage full walkthrough, ac mirage ending, basim
Id: LagoguCmz90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 15sec (5835 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 12 2023
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