Lord Commander Dante EXPLAINED By An Australian | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl Dante is a pretty interesting guy on one hand he's arguably the most willful dedicated Noble and decorated space written in the entire setting on the other hand his number one wish in life is to die via any means possible a tyrannid claw a Trader's ax to his neck hell at this point I think it'd even be down to Copper Tower railgun from 10 kilometers away anything other than popping a sui as self-necking is incredibly lame Dante is down for the contrast between hero and dude that literally begs for the sweet release of death is quite a funky one but has managed to produce one of the greatest characters in the entire setting quick side note with the arrival of the new Dante model IMD listing the major mini Lord of blood permanently as I believe the GW model is so good that there isn't even a point having a proxy available I'm literally just doing a stock clearance sale to give you guys and gal the chance to pick up the Lord of blood before he's gone forever the STL will also be taken down at this rate I expect him to be completely cleared out and sold out within 48 hours so if you want to get in now before we get started it can be tricky get to think of really thoughtful meaningful gifts for people you care about especially if you don't want to be like spending bulk cash under lucky stars is the perfect solution to this conundrum that us blokes face basically you put in a time and then a date and then under lucky stars will generate a star map based on what was above you on that day if you aren't convinced if this is a good gift or not I gave mine to my missus which was about when me and my girlfriend first met and she loved it said it was the cutest thing ever however she had just woken up when I gave it to her and she said if I put her face on YouTube in that state she wouldn't root me for a year under lucky stars has been reviewed by Neil deGrasse Tyson and is verified by a NASA engineer so you don't need to worry about authenticity if you don't have a girlfriend then no stress a custom star map can make for a great gift for a parent or even a close friend as each map is custom you can really do it for anyone so to get 10 off your order then use my link below cheers to under lucky stars for sponsoring this video today we'll go over the life of Dante detailing how he became in the studies how he ascended to become chapter Master of the blood angels and why despite for death he's still leading the imperium's armies to Glory uh let's get into it something I really like about Dante is that he had a very humble beginning he wasn't just this Beast because GW wanted to suck him off he was literally a malnourished cretan of a child not the fastest strongest smarter still the most talented I mean his name was [ __ ] Lewis you can't get much less badass than that he lived on the irradiated [ __ ] of a planet called balsakundus his mum died when he was young so he was like [ __ ] this [ __ ] I'd rather go become a blood Angel than eat cancer for breakfast every day so he attempted to cross an uncrossable patch of rad desert Lewis failed first radiation and probably hemoroids were overtaking him as he succumbed and fell however Lewis has attempted not gone unnoticed the sanguinor Avatar of the light angel and a manifestation of sanguinisa's will flew to Lewis and gave him water allowing the young man enough strength to reach his destination Lewis arrived at the place of choosing where children of Bal would go to try become blood angels Lewis completed the trials one by one with grim resolve he never excelled or stood out yet just like a universe City student who wanted to just party but also not fail he was able to pass each exam with unremarkable scores he was noted for his honor and mercy being disgusted with the trial that was literally a micro war between aspirants and even sparing his opponent's life in another trial that Mercy was actually a virtue of the blood angels which allowed Dante to pass during the Sleepy trial where aspirants must stay awake for three days he nearly fell asleep on the last day because you know fair enough but then the sanguinor appeared to him tasted his nuts and kept him awake so yeah I mean I guess Dante did have a bit of an unfair Advantage but it also goes to show that he wasn't this Mary Sue old mate would have failed or died a few times on his own after completing the final trials he drank the blood of sanguineous and entered the year-long coma in which his body would change from [ __ ] ass Lewis to the legendary Dante Dante did not have a restful coma whilst most aspirants either dream of the life of their Primark in silence or go insane and die Dante spent their entire year raging screaming out names of demons Trader primarks and even the couch Gods themselves the sanguinary priests expected him to have gone insane and were no doubt preparing to Cull him but after the year ended and he left his sarcophagus as a beautiful calm and collected blood Angel and said what's up guys what did I miss they were like [ __ ] in fair enough mate and decided to ignore the fact that despite being in a coma for a year Dante managed to bust to the inside of his sarcophagus or lap they did make a private bet though some believe Dante would rapidly fall to the Black Ranger Red thirst whilst others thought he was destined for greatness Dante was a steadfast capable and strong and strong blood Angel proving himself time and time again but he never really had the markings of a chapter Master being chosen as a line officer then a battle Captain it was only after the kallus Insurrection when the blood angels would fight some Rebels then withdraw to orbit only to get ambushed by a [ __ ] off massive traitor Legion Armada that Dante would finally become the Lord Commander not because he killed the enemy warlord or tea bag tank house Champions no he was promoted by The Virtue that he was the only cat Captain to survive the battle with over 80 percent of the blood Angel chapter perishing so congrats on the promotion I guess this Ascension to chapter masterkana encapsulates Dante's career Glory Battle and losing everyone he's ever known and cared about while he himself continues to live on despite his best efforts to get himself killed the dude [ __ ] jump packs Into the Heart of the enemy on The Daily Dante doesn't survive through luck though the man is a demigod of War a living Angel descending upon the enemies of the Imperium it was done to who banished scarbrand at the gates of pandemonium Dante who shattered awkward after awkward saving key worlds such as Armageddon in the process Dante even fought the silent king's forces to a standstill only stopping when a tyranid force arrived and the two sides joined forces against the new more unsavory foe Dante was literally ready to smuggle a bomb onto the silent King's ship and manually detonate it to wipe them all out because of [ __ ] cozy with the suicidal mad lad to be fair to the silent King this was before he retook proper control of his dynasty and became the absolute Juggernaut his today but still a great effort from Dante nonetheless for over a thousand years Dante has led his blood angels from the front visiting thousands of Imperial worlds and killing an absolute [ __ ] load of bad guys from every corner of the Galaxy because of this here's like the Imperium Santa Claus he seems too good to be true the fact that he never removes his helmet in front of others wears hectic golden armor with the death mask of sangrinius and literally descends from above all contribute to his otherworldly Vibe but the dude is like really [ __ ] tired Space Marines are functionally Immortal but they do age especially when they get past the Thousand Year Mark Dante's bones ache he's been shot stabbed him and had his [ __ ] kicked in a number of times his joints aren't what they once were his golden hair is now white and his face is deeply wrinkled he is ready to die yet he can't bring himself to perform some suicidal act like charging a cop while screaming he also refuses to drink human blood which would Revitalize his body in spirit the main thing keeping him going is a prophecy by sanguinius which more or less states that the tyranids will hit battle and consume it killing all the blood angels except for at least one warrior in Gold then they will eventually attack Terror at the same time as the chaos Gods creating an insane three-way battle a Golden Warrior a son of sanguinius will be the last line of defense between the darkness and the emperor Dante believes that he may be that Golden Warrior hence he has resisted his desire to die in the hopes that he can lay down his life saved in the Emperor of mankind now as we know prophecies in foresight and 40K are flawed and subject to change this prophecy is no longer relevant as it didn't account for the resurrection of giliman and the blood angels would go on to defeat the tyranids of battle but I'm getting ahead of myself after many years of command Dante would face his greatest challenge yet High Fleet Leviathan was coming for Bal it was angry at the blood angels for dealing numerous blows to it it wanted to destroy them despite knowing that it would likely cost them much more biomass than they would gain every single blood Angel successor chapter was called to Baal to defend it from The Invasion all came except the lamenters who were dealing dealing with their own [ __ ] even the Knights of blood who were officially listed as Renegades by the Imperium came to defend their home world it was the most epic Last Stand of all last stands against all odd the blood angels held but victory was hopeless they lost ground meter by media their world's biomass getting stripped bare which you know to be honest probably not the worst thing considering 99 of Baal wasn't in a radiated Wasteland but then two things happened first kabanda the legendary cornite greater demon and Archer Nemesis of sanguinius materialized on bowel Prime ahead of a large coronate host no one could [ __ ] with the blood angels except kabanda so the forces of corn began attacking the tyrionids wiping out millions of them and cleansing bowel Prime stacking up an insanely high mountain of tyrionid skulls in the symbol of kabunda Okay g thanks for that corn that's pretty cool the second thing that happened was the arrival of gilliamin ahead of a massive Imperial Fleet thus the breaking of sanguinese's Prophecy giliman's forces tore apart the tyranid fleet before launching thousands of drop pods and ships to the surface us where they quickly smashed and routed the tyranids to Dante's credit he fought the entire time and even faced off against the swarmlord the Apex tyranid and commander of the Ned forces now Dante is a boss and made a good account of himself but the swarmblood is a bit of a [ __ ] terrorist in melee combat it beat the [ __ ] out of Dante impaled him and left him clinging onto Life by a thread in return Dante then shot the swarmlord near point blank with a master crafted volcano gun annihilating it Dante was able to witness the Victory and salvation of his people before everything went dark and death finally claimed him but then it [ __ ] didn't sangunis himself appeared to Dante and Dante was like bro surely I can die now I've done everything I can I prevented your own [ __ ] Prophecy from happening please just let me [ __ ] die and sanguinis is like yes my son if you like you can now Embrace death but you would be a massive [ __ ] ass [ __ ] if you did so not wanting to be a [ __ ] ass [ __ ] Dante accepted saying light which gave him just enough strength to awaken from his near-death experience and go meet with giliman in person the whole Dante wants to die thing isn't a meme or a joke there are so many phrases in the law especially when he was chatting to sangi after the swarmlord fight where Dante very explicitly asked for death giliman didn't really get the memo about Dante wanting a holiday though so he made him the Lord commander of Imperial nilius literally giving him responsibility over half the Imperium you know the shitty half that has been cut off from the emperor's light by the Great Rift yay Dante took his new role like he takes everything with a clenched [ __ ] and a grim expression his first order of business has meant to cleanse the tyrannids from the local sectors using the new primaris blood angels He has received in very recent times Dante has undergone the procedure to become a primaris Marine giving himself renewed strength vitality and a dopas model Dante has never been more motivated more physically powerful and more ready to [ __ ] [ __ ] up I expect we're going to see a lot more of our boy in gold and something tells me that after literally getting sucked off by both the ghost of sangrinius and the living gillymen He Suicidal Thoughts are probably on the back burner watch out bad guys primaris Dante is here and ready to [ __ ] if you enjoyed the video and you want to support the channel then pick up a lord of blood for the clearance sale I expect him to be totally sold out and gone forever within the next 48 hours so that's your window hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more inspiringly suicidal content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music] fall to me [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 290,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: MOC6eRziaTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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