Lord Commander Dante | Warhammer 40,000

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[Music] wow of the countless trillions of souls that make up the imperium of man most will never see a space marine of the adeptus astartes in their lifetime and they might count themselves lucky to be spared the type of carnage that would compel those superhuman warriors to battle yet the presence of the astartes can still be felt in a multitude of ways and foremost in the legends that surround them to the imperium they are angels of death far removed from the trivial concerns of mortal men they are nothing less than demigods reflections of the emperor himself yet for all the myths and worship that surrounds them the astartes at their core remain human while many among their number have come to deny this they are no less vulnerable to the dangers of the universe a lucky shot may pierce their powered armor a festering wound might overcome their enhanced biology their strength can be bested and their souls can be corrupted at times throughout the centuries however opportunities present themselves in which the finest warriors of the adaptive societies might not only rise to their mythic reputation but exceed it marnius calgar logan grimnar vulcan hestan no mere tale or sermon can fully account for the feats of these champions still even atop the highest pantheon of imperial saints and heroes there is a single soul who stands apart for not since the time of heroes and the cataclysm of the horus heresy has a single man given so much of himself to the imperium and had the hopes and fate of so many rest on his actions alone he is the chapter master of the blood angels lord of the host regent and warden of the imperium nihilus hero of the red scar uniter of the sanguinary brotherhood the living embodiment of the five angelic graces and ten thousand other titles and honorifics he is lord commander dante over a millennia ago a boy was born on the second moon of baal within its great salt wastes like many he suffered a cruel childhood abandoning his father after the death of his mother he resolved to become an angel or die in the attempt none among the tribes that dwelt in the salt wastes had ever survived the trek to the distant fortress monastery of the blood angels and there was little sign this boy's journey would end any differently stunted by malnutrition and weakened even by the standards of baal it was inevitable that like so many others he collapsed from first far from his destination the entity that revealed itself to him that day is shrouded in the ancient lore of the blood angels thought perhaps to be an aspect of the fallen sanguinius himself but whatever it was it gifted the precious water necessary for the boy to complete his journey in the trials that followed the boy displayed no particular promise save his indomitable and moral fortitude his refusal to kill a fellow aspirant was in truth his final test and he was sealed inside a sarcophagus to undergo the implantation of his chapter's gene seed many die within this process such as the way of the blood angels but where most endure or suffer quietly the boys screamed endlessly drifting between consciousness and slumber yet never falling fully into either a scarred and malformed boy named louis entered that chamber but it was the angelic form of dante that left it no aspirant had ever endured such pain within the transformation process and it seemed to the sanguinary priesthood to be an omen but for what they could not be certain dante rose through the ranks but had it not been for an era of suffering and loss inflicted on the blood angels he might never have ascended to the rank of lord commander yet a number of devastating campaigns had left their brotherhood shattered and of the 200 astartes that survived this era dante was the last living captain and the only choice for chapter master some might have expected his inauspicious start to herald oblique reign as chapter master and usher the final disillusion on the blood angels but dante's fate was far different he oversaw the restoration of the chapter and led them across their most glorious and triumphant millennia since the great counter-offensive that followed the horus heresy in every manner of battle across every kind of campaign dante emerged from simply one champion of the imperium among many to perhaps the single most accomplished astartes in living memory no one it is said has ever set foot on so many of the imperium's worlds as he part of this is due to his astounding age having served the imperium for well over 1 500 standard years with 1 100 of those as chapter master he has led his chapter through ages of civil war rampant xenos expansionism and the dark incursions of the ruinous powers his vistage stands on uncounted worlds his name spoken with unabashed awe yet the greatest of his campaigns was fought to save his own home worlds of baal the advance of high fleet leviathan the greatest such force of tyranny had seen threatened to strip every molecule of biomatter and eradicate the blood angels from all existence while dante's fanatical defense of his chapter's fortress monastery equaled sanguinius's own ancient defense of the imperial palace the lord commander's most skillful triumph occurred before the battle had even started a lesser man might not have been able to mobilize such allies to his side but to dante came almost all the successor chapters of the old blood angels legion assembling again a force unseen in ten thousand years the arrival of the reborn primark robote giliman sealed the fate of highfleet leviathan who in victory bestowed an even greater responsibility to the lord commander with the galaxy split asunder by a great rift piercing through reality itself the imperium has been severed half a million worlds and baal itself have been cut off from the light of the astronomicon and the victory of the ruinous powers appears imminent in this desperate era dante has been named regent of the imperium nihilus and charged with the defense of this shadowy realm there is little doubt across the imperium that dante is the perfect choice for such an appointment he is an exemplar of the fearlessness determination and the genius at the heart of every astartes but above even that reflected in him is the character of sanguinius himself mercy empathy and grace even among the angelic blood angels he manifests the spirit of their fallen primark like no other but so long has he lived and so great his accomplishments that now even dante has been lost in his own legend did he truly banish a keeper of secrets within the pleasure gardens of fabled luxurasa did he really face down an entire black legion alone were the pilgrims aboard the toils of the faithful rescued by his hand how many did he truly save during the siege of maculos how many heretics has he laid low only dante and the emperor can say for certain and the lord commander is no more likely to speak of such things than the master of mankind in battle dante hides his face behind the death mask of sanguinius a shrieking visage of agony to strike terror into the enemies of mankind this masked figure does not bleed does not suffer and is strong enough to shoulder any burden in the time of ending the imperium needs symbols not men of flesh and blood and yet in the rare instances in which this mask is removed the figure beneath is not the man who first emerged from that sarcophagus a millennia ago his golden hair has turned long and white his skin is lined by tracks of weariness and age he is old now and his weary eyes reflect lifetime after lifetime of carnage and sacrifice only one thing prevents him from succumbing to time [Music] in life the primark sanguinius is said to have seen visions of the future 99 scrolls are interred deep within the vaults of marest in the librarium on baal and in them dante has glimpsed his destiny sanguinius for saw a battle to overshadow all others and that when all hope had faded a golden warrior would stand between the emperor of mankind and his destruction most interpret this to refer to sanguinius's own stand against horus but dante believes that golden figure to be himself and the day is drawing closer when the defense of the emperor will rest on him alone this belief is perhaps shared for the great enemy has its own prophecies they warn the followers of the dark gods of the final flight of the dead angels host of the last archangel they fear a death that soars they shriek in terror of a golden mask that forever stares and never smiles weeping tears of frozen gold in dossier the templin institute investigates the legendary figures from alternate worlds if you've enjoyed this video and would like to join the temple institute consider pledging to our patreon page along with increased security access you'll be able to vote in polls to determine future topics get custom wallpaper every week and receive some other exclusive awards [Music] you
Channel: The Templin Institute
Views: 220,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Templin, Institute, dante, dante blood angels, lord dante, lord commander dante, lord dante 40k, dante 40k, dante lore, dante lore 40k, blood angels, 40k, warhammer, warhammer 400000, warhammer 40k, dante warhammer
Id: i6wB8UPg2co
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 40sec (640 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 17 2021
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