10 Self Defense Gadgets You Must Have

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“Ideal Conceal”...really? A Smith & Wesson Body Guard .380 is smaller, weighs less, half the price and holds 6+1 rounds. Been carrying one for years and no one has realized it’s not a wallet.

The rest is equally useless. Was this video supposed to be about defense gadgets you find in the ‘As Seen On TV’ section of Target?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/MeGrendel 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

The Business of Fear

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_Punko_ 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

The best self defence anyone can have in a civilian setting is their own wits. Keep an awareness of who and what is around you and that takes you a very long way. Knives and guns are just toys for the insecure and will likely end up harming the user rather than saving the day.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Teaofthetime 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Gadgets break or are hard to use when you need them most. My trusty Beretta .40 never let's me down.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/scheckydamon 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2020 🗫︎ replies
learning martial arts can take a lot of time and energy but you can improve your self-defense capabilities without having to worry about training these 10 self-defense gadgets you must have will help you level up your self-defense game and give you ultimate peace of mind before we get started make sure you hit that like button also subscribe to our Channel and turn on notifications so you can keep up to date with all our latest and most exciting content ideal concealed ideal concealed is the perfect concealed carry gun because it's designed to be super small and still have one hell of a kick behind it perfect for discreet protection when you're going about your day ideal conceal is awesome because it allows you to head out in public without worrying about worrying anyone it's the size of a wallet and turns from an inconspicuous little device to a double-barrel 380 derringer that you can use when you or people around you are in danger you can store the ideal conceal in a pocket or purse so you can easily reach it but it'll pretty much store anywhere you feel like pudding thanks to its size when it's collapsed the gun is completely safe and won't go off accidentally adding an extra element of safety to everything else that it has to offer it's easy to use and deploy with beginners quickly picking it up without any training if you want protection that won't draw any unnecessary attention then the ideal conceal is the perfect piece for you Nym the NIMH is the stylish ring that doubles as a panic button instantly sending an alert whenever you feel like you're in danger all you have to do to activate your NIMH is depress the panic button and it immediately sends out an alert that can be acted on keeping you safe and giving you complete peace of mind the companion app adds a lot of additional features and customizations letting you manage alerts and responders along with providing critical information like GPS location it can be tied to 911 as it sends an alert and has built-in safety precautions to prevent accidental alerts when nothing is wrong the rechargeable battery lasts for two weeks of non-stop use and the device along with its panic button is incredibly discreet the button is recessed to prevent accidental pushes and also provides tactile feedback by vibrating to alert you that it's been pressed if you do accidentally trigger an alert you can cancel it within 30 seconds to prevent an alert from being sent you can choose to alert emergency services friends and family and even other NIMH users who happen to be nearby this gives you plenty of choice and offers awesome protection bola Rapp bola Rapp is a handheld remote restraint device that fires an 8 foot long bola tether towards any target the tether is made from durable Kevlar and travels at a rate of 513 feet per second until it hits its intended target effective range is around 10 to 25 feet meaning that you can stop any attacker before they even get close to you it's also superb at preventing criminals or other troublemakers from escaping stopping them dead in their tracks cartridges can be loaded in anywhere between three to eight seconds on average and the tether is fired with the aid of a 380 partial charge blank the cord wraps around the subject about one to three times using little harpoons to firmly attach itself to their clothing salt pepper spray salts pepper spray guns starter kit combines the accuracy of a handgun with the power of pepper spray allowing you to have your very own pepper spraying handgun it's great at shooting longer distances than average pepper spray canisters it's still effective at distances of over 150 feet and projectiles create a 5-foot cloud of pepper spray around the target on impact they travel at 320 feet per second so they can do some real damage improving their ability to prevent an attacker from getting too close and discouraging them from coming any closer Zac this set of stun knuckles is 5 inches long and weighs 5 ounces so it can easily be carried around in its holster without issue it has a safety switch with an LED indicator so you don't accidentally zapped yourself and has a rubber coated grip for increased economics and comfort ideal for walkers and joggers zap is perfect for anyone who's looking to carry around a little extra protection that can safely incapacitate a target without seriously injuring them this stun gun can pump a target with 950,000 volts of electricity so one blast is enough to keep them from coming back for more Tiger lady this self defense claw certainly lives up to its name providing excellent protection while also looking badass at the same time it was given its name because its mechanism was modeled after a cat's retractable claws this tool is made of high-impact plastic making it shock absorbent and durable protecting you from hurting yourself while also providing maximum impact there are even channels built into the claws that are meant to scratch your opponent collecting their DNA for easy analysis later on so you don't even need to see their face to find them and bring them to justice the claws are non-lethal and weigh less than two ounces so you can take them with you everywhere even though they can't actually kill a person these claws can still cause a lot of damage and they'll give you added peace of mind knowing that you can handle any threatening situation by grabbing your Tiger lady's self-defence claw and fighting back the tiger lady requires no maintenance and has no need for recharging so it's always ready to go at a moment's notice and will last a lifetime being small you can stow it anywhere on your person until you need it making it quite handy to be sure taser pulse Plus taser pulse Plus is a powerful taser that's kitted out with all sorts of additional features making it immensely useful in a variety of situations it's safe to own and legal to carry around with you even if it's concealed this unique taser has a tactical flashlight built-in letting you see even in low-light conditions or when there's no light at all it has an easily attachable and detachable 15 foot cartridge for easy reloading and unloading on the fly and a targeting laser allows you to hit your mark with pinpoint precision every single time angled iron sights further improve your accuracy with a sloped trigger guard adding extra levels of Paragon AMA comfort for easier and more effective use this also makes discreet holstering much easier the shave safeties are easy to use and stay in place as you go about your day in order to prevent any unfortunate misfires they also help to eliminate poking when your holstering or unholster in your taser poles plus similarly the angled iron sights are designed to prevent snagging or catching this is definitely a self-defense gadget worth picking up and it's able to put down people coming at you from a distance keeping you out of harm's way Yellowjackets the yellowjacket is sleek and discreet doubling as a phone case while also packing one hell of a punch if anyone tries to cause you any trouble that's because this phone case is also a working stun gun that can also be detached when you want to carry it around making it infinitely adaptable and functional the case itself is constructed from hard durable plastic to protect your phone this is made even better thanks to the addition of a rechargeable battery embedded in the case which doubles the battery life of your phone keeping you connected even when you're unable to charge up it's also waterproof and shockproof keeping you and your phone safe no matter what there's even a companion app that lets you connect your Yellowjackets to your device tapping into all sorts of useful info the stun gun part of the Yellow Jacket is one of the most powerful stun guns available in the commercial market and will definitely scare off anyone threatening or attacking you a set of LEDs indicates various states such as battery level and charging States if safety is a priority then the Yellow Jacket will be right up your alley offering discreet protection that's built to last insta fire this handy gadget embeds a pepper spray canister in a glove giving you extra accuracy while also ensuring that your spray can can't ever be knocked out of your hand this keeps you totally safe while you're out and about it's perfect for hikers or campers as well as people who need to walk through rough areas at night it's also great for joggers and cyclists the sleeve is designed to be non abrasive and comfortable keeping your pepper spray in place even if someone tries to grab it or otherwise knock it out of your hands they use a tension fabric polyester that aergon amelie conforms to your hand also resisting things like rain dust and snow that being said it's still extremely breathable and absorbent when it needs to be keeping your hand dry and cool the included twist top pepper spray is powerful and easy to use remaining save until it's activated so it doesn't accidentally get set off and has an effective firing range of 16 feet the best part is that if you use your pepper spray the company will replace your canister for free effectively hooking you up with pepper spray for life within reason of course fast strike the fast strike FS 14 is an impressive self-defense gadget that lets you easily and quickly strike back against an attacker it allows for a range strike and also works great in close quarters the entire tool only weighs around three ounces making it very portable with the baton also doubling as a strap that lets you securely fasten it to your belt loop or anything else you'd like to keep it off to use the tool simply unhook the strap and you can start wielding it as a weapon it's got a surprising amount of kick and is basically a mini Pathan that's capable of dealing as much damage as its larger counterparts fast strike also has an iteration that includes a window breaking tool on the handle allowing you to easily break windows or glass without having to worry about harming yourself or using other specialized tools you can take the fast strike with you wherever you happen to be giving you peace of mind knowing that you can handle even the most difficult situations and fend off any would-be attackers the fast strike is even built to be concealed underneath clothing giving you the added element of surprise if you happen to get into a rough situation and that's 10 self-defense gadgets you must pass if you enjoyed this video please give us a like and let us know in the comments what you think check out our other videos and subscribe to be part of the fun click on the notification icon so you can see our new videos as soon as they're uploaded that's it for now
Channel: TechJoint
Views: 3,797,593
Rating: 4.8325844 out of 5
Keywords: top 10, top 5, tech, inventions, gadgets, new tech, tech joint, technology, best self defense gadgets, self defence gadgets, self defense, self defense gadgets, self defense weapons, self defense gadgets on amazon, personal safety, defense weapons, self defense gun, cool self defense gadgets, self defense for women, self defence, stun gun, defense gadgets, taser pulse, best self defense weapons, self defense tools, self defence weapons, cool gadgets, 10 best, defense, weapons
Id: 0dhBLBrDsaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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