Wednesday Night Experience | Star Party 2

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[Music] [Music] [Music] well hello everybody blesses a piece on you pastor Troy here from open door Church right now guys we're about to begin the Wednesday night experience and I'm here inside the house and look man house is empty it's okay man the church has left the building sure has now look guys you guys know that that we have restarted on Sundays we haven't restarted on Wednesdays and for the foreseeable future I'm liking this model right here so tonight guys I'm bring in to you a very special open door experience that's a woodsy night version and I'm gonna be teaching part two of looking up it's about star party and it's gonna happen here tonight and guys we filmed actually four of these in tonight sparked into this so you're gonna love it cause we're gonna be talking about things like I don't know like how do you know where the story in the heaven star to where it ends all that kind of stuff how does the heavens declare the glory of God what exactly is God saying and how's that work you need to know this stuff because this is a part of your everyday life and it's a part of living a prophetic lifestyle amen please please please man please share this please like this please comment on it go yeah I'm so excited about watching this and then you know what guys we're gonna praise and worship together I encourage you man listen crank it up worship Jesus right there where you're at man worship the Lord with me man do that ask God there's no reason why you can't have your encounter and you can't have your breakthrough right there where you're at amen there's no reason why you can so the same measure that you put into this it'll also be measured back to you friends I want to welcome you here to the open door experience that is a win see not version this is going to be great okay guys let's go ahead and let's go there right now here we go [Music] hi everybody welcome guys the backyard told you told you guys I'd join you here man so welcome guys in here with my friends right in a couple of them here I don't like but I'm not gonna point them out hallelujah they put up with me so I put up with them actually we actually do love each other we are worshipping warriors and this is part of open-door worship pastor AJ how you doing man I'm doing awesome man you are out of the house I'd like to say you're in the house but you're actually out of the house I did a bad gig it's not man ready I'm excited last week was awesome and you started bawling and squalling power God started moving on so listen there's not much telling what's gonna happen here there's not but listen you got a worship God with us where you're at okay so just just get into it and just cry to the Lord so father God sir we come to you Lord and we love you and we praise you and we thank you God that you hear God we need you Lord we need your presence God we want to worship You God we are here for you tonight love you King Jesus love you Lord of your Jesus snare man [Music] were they very song we could ever seen worthy of all the praise we could ever bring worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you we live for you [Music] Jesus the name above named Jesus the only one worthy of every breath we could ever breathe we live for you [Music] we love for you very stubborn there is not a side my [Music] so with your hardened [Music] to those [Music] so [Music] whatever sorry we could evergreen funny [Music] [Music] Jesus and a [Music] Jesus [Music] well Oh be sorry [Music] Oh Oh 9b side sorry where's your heart to [Music] I will [Music] and I will put my trust [Music] [Music] I just [Music] [Music] [Music] I trust [Music] [Applause] there is no one like you nice I open up my eyes show me who you are and fill with your heart and lead me and you love to those around Oh there is no one like you there is none beside to open up my eyes and wonder show me who you are and fill with your heart and leave me and your love to those the Lord is with us and we say holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty who was and who is and who is yet to come God is with us Jesus çelebi the Lord now praise You God let there be miracles that happen while we worship you here today but people's bodies be touched but there be a peace and a rest that happens a confidence or there's total instability Jesus so good God just love you so much so good love you boy and I can smell rain I can smell just smells so good just like man I can just smell like a fragrance or a No I think that might be rain - pee - yeah either that or set last saw you know rain smell there's so much lost saw in the area right now oh yeah I can smell rain man yeah I mean let you let your season change in Jesus name that's your season shades what are we doing man this next song is called the blessing blessing [Music] Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace [Music] the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace we cry out to you we sang to you [Music] man [Music] man [Music] [Music] ah [Music] the Lord bless you and keep you make his face shine upon him and be gracious to you turn Faye's torn you and UPS come on let's say that one more time more blessing the Lord bless you make his face shine upon you [Music] to you the Lord turn they told you [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] this favor be upon you and a thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and their children may his favor be upon you and a thousand generations your family and your children and their children their children made its favor be upon you and a thousand your family and you children and their chair and the children be upon you and a thousand your child your his presence [Music] and with it yes for you in the morning and you're coming and you go [Music] and rejoicing is for you is you his boy [Music] these four [Music] man [Music] man [Music] man [Music] and [Music] come on let's make these declarations in his favor be upon you and the thousand generations and your family and your children and their children and the children may favor be a party and a thousand generations your family your children and their children the children makes presents go before you and behind you and beside you all around you and within you he is for you he is for you in the morning in the evening and you're coming and you're going [Music] and rejoice EVPs for you yes for you he is for you he is for you he is for you he is for you yes for you yes for you what's the craziest that that song has come out during this season you know what I mean and that you know it could've been released at any time but I mean that song was released during this actually pastor Jerry was at elevation Church the night that they launched it and he was like dude this is this song it's exactly what you're preaching because the key scripture for lead follow or get out of the way is the Lord has him me before behind in and his hand is upon me but at the same exact time it's just the word that God has given during this time that he's in front of you he's behind you he's with you just crazy so timely it is so timely yeah I can see even though I didn't have any idea that this was gonna happen I mean I was clueless that this whole coronavirus thing was gonna happen however when I look at all the words that God has given us I'm like oh no this is perfect it was like I I ran back when 9/11 happened I the Lord was talking to me about 9/11 and I it was 2001 we didn't even use the term 9/11 then right but I couldn't get away from 9/11 so the sermon series I was preaching on September the 11th was called 911 and her - like dude you were prophesied I was like no I wasn't I hadn't I didn't have a clue that that was gonna happen but I got a word I already know what our marching orders are you know and I already everything I was preaching was perfect for what was happening I just I didn't know what was gonna happen but God had already given the word I I find that you know I pauling do you journal are you somebody who journals oh do you really so Ron I bet I bet if you like go through your journals and you go through your stuff and see this stuff that you're riding down here think about like oh man the Lord was already speaking to me into this it just already was you know you're prophetically about to have a baby boy named Caleb right on and Caleb is the guy that outlast everybody right and he's the one dude this is no no I'm not taking it easy right now I want the biggest baddest mountain there is as full of giants that I want that and that's that's a big deal 19:41 yeah what year I was in give me a break but December 7th December 7th yeah I bet you major all right [Laughter] when they did that they were afraid that they had awoken a sleeping giant and they had and they had and they were talking about America yeah because we were in the we were on the fence are we gonna go in or we know yeah and I feel that the same thing is happening to the church not only in America but in the world man yeah and this thing the devil is trying to throw something at us but you know what I could feel him saying I just awoken a sleeping giant and everybody in that place man and I believe that's what's going on so it's big time time for us to step up and renew our availability to God and say dude I'm all the way in yes all the way here I am right like that Segway no so so the Lord the Lord gave me a son knowing that we were going to do the 20/20 thing I was like I want to write a song for that you know and know we're gonna be I've been in that Stadium so many times I've seen so many concerts what's cool is being our being Army no base man is sitting here he and I were like we were in this car search sitting right over there and I was in that concert and that we were on the stage pointing out all the places we've been in concerts in there you know Tarrant County Convention Center like yeah cool and even the green room we were in there's a there's a segment from what is it from yeah well from YouTube do what from Rattle and Hum right on from rattling hum we're there in the same green room we were in and they're in there with BB King and they're going over when when love came to town which is about Jesus you know and anyway it was just very surreal to me and I wanted to have a song I was like I want to have a song I didn't know that when I wrote this song it was a song that's perfect for right now like this is a time for no I want to see this happen and I'm stepping up I'm totally available I'm renewing my commitment to be completely 100% available to God right all right so let's do that Here I am [Music] I hear I he rides Oh [Music] guys sing that with me just say Here I am [Music] [Music] right Oh I still verse who wants to find him in the secret place [Music] to hear his word and make it real who won't see unexplainable and and describable or what you feel [Music] say they found Thor [Music] who could say that they and redeemed who is seen their chains come falling off as those who dream a dream that's me man here we go [Music] Oh as diverse who wants to rise up in the house of God [Music] who wants to give the King a mighty shout who wants to be a pillar in his presence who can never stumble out [Music] who also sees wonders and his science who wants to see his glory fill this place who wants to see the king Lord of blood see him face apiece either sing it [Music] [Music] of me singer I am [Music] Oh me okay let's do the bridge we go I wanna make myself known to the king I wanna praise him on [Music] I cry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all of me [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh paulien honey once you lead us in prayer you ready God our hearts are lifted up towards you and we are fully surrendered to you and we ask you to do what only you can do in our lives we bring full surrender god full surrender we open up our homes to you we open up our marriages to you we bring our children to you God our cities [Music] and Holy Spirit we ask you to move in a mighty way and do the things that only you can do we are here God and we ask that you would send us [Music] and we thank you for your blessing upon our lives in our homes and a thousand generations we give you praise and thanks in Jesus name Amen aqui estoy from my Spanish speaking brothers man toy all season your aquí está [Music] and today though I don't know if I'd do that last part I'm ready okey so aqui esta Oh icky is so then they go it's beautiful man so let's keep my planner man so listen we are renewing our commitment to be available to God during this season I'm not scared are you guys scared listen we're not scared in the places where I can't map out the hand of God I can still map out the heart of God right on I love this attitude of worship that's one welcome here to my backyard man a very special wincing that experience I'm so glad that you guys are here man I love you so much so proud of you bless you call you blessed we're about to cut away to video and then whenever we come back we're gonna be in our living room and we're all gonna do a Bible study together we're actually gonna have communion so be sure and grab your convenient elements as well I'm gonna do a little bit picking and we'll be right back with you this let's pick it a great [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our highest priority is not I don't want to get sick our highest priority is the life to people that is our highest priority to help me for the lot people in the blessed people where that where is the courage of the body of Jesus stand up stand up and love people and help people and bless people and encourage people for where you guys that are telling me that it's irresponsible for us to take nurseries to people's houses yes get up and be full of the Holy Ghost you wake up every day going dude this is an opportunity right here right now you can find old people in your community that they have no business getting out right now then you get out for them and you go bless them how can you step up where are their single mamas that the only income that they have is their being a waitress or something and they're not allowed to work right now and they don't have any money at all how can you step up and how can you bless them man instead of you playing it safe inside your house get out walk around your city and pray over pray over your mayor pray over your city council pray over your church school board lift up our leaders pray for your governor pray that they're protected declare Psalms 91 around their life and be the people that God Almighty has called us to be kind of Louie well welcome back to my friends guys god bless you so much and welcome back man don't you don't you appreciate our worshiping warriors and the god-given ability to be able to praise in a worship I know it's it's is it like really is stretched to do this by video no it's not what's real is you worship if you want to worship and I appreciate our teams that are making that easy to happen I so love filming these days I so love get a chance to play with the worship team I just love our worshiping warriors man these guys are doing such a great job thank you so much for joining that thank you for being a part of this here tonight friends were getting into the giving part of open door Church and I want to tell you that we are making such a tremendous difference here locally and all over the world one of the cool things that we've been able to do just since the coronavirus is not only have we been taking care of all of our friends here locally which you know that we've given away over 600,000 pounds of food 600,000 pounds of food to over 12,500 people just in the past eight weeks I've come on good job team Jesus way to go but as you also know that we have been able to send more than a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to other ministries outside of the United States that we're taking care of all over the world that's right an extra an extra one hundred and fifty thousand dollars why because you know what it's needed that as America goes so goes the world in so many different ways and friends we can't just say hey we're not gonna support orphanages for the next couple of months because you know there's not anybody in the chairs you know we just can't do that no we haven't even considered that we we haven't even entertained that what's real is y'all have been such amazing givers that together through the power of partnership we haven't missed a lick we're actually doing more ministry than we've ever done in our whole life so friends you guys know about the crisis that is taking place in India right now and how that we're scrambling to take care of our orphans how worse care how we're scrambling to take care of our rescue girls in India because of a terrible tragedy that has recently happened in Vishakapatnam they were already in a very tough very tough place before and now they're in a much tougher place but here's what I know I know that where sin does abound grace much more abound and if you if you've already given to that I just want to say thank you so much for making such a huge difference but tonight if you would like to give to that that's gonna be part of this offering sure is so I encourage you to get ready to be an awesome and to be an incredible giver we're gonna continue to make a huge difference we're gonna continue to be the hands and feet of Jesus everywhere we go and when guys were taken on hell with a water pistol and we're being very very socially incorrect about it we're jumping all over people and loving on them we sure are guys we're getting involved I don't believe that Jesus is social distancing in any way whatsoever he's with you right there where you're at so let me pray for you father God sir I want to lift up all the giving tonight and I pray father God in the name of Jesus God that you would bless the giving I pray father God sir that you bless it I just declare father God sir your goodness all over at Lord God Father God sir you see all the faithless and all the selfless giving and I love you Lord and praise you and thank you in Jesus name Amen amen amen we'll friends if you'd like to give you can call eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight or you can text a gift just simply text a gift of open door exp that's right it's open door exp and to this number seven seven nine seven seven or you can always send it snail mail P o box three seven seven five Burleson Texas seven six zero nine seven and again the text to give is you text the word open door exp to seven seven nine seven seven as always you can also just go to open door experience calm or you can call eight seven seven four one three zero eight two eight two eight aren't my friends I'm gonna give you guys about a minute or so and give you guys a chance to give we're gonna go back to some music with open door worship and I'll be right back with you right after this [Music] filmy man's empty praise treasures of faith I never you came alone put me back [Music] it's now satisfied hearing your [Music] there's nothing nothing [Music] to show [Music] you see in the mall [Music] well hello everybody welcome everybody it's weezy night and I'm so glad that you're joining us tonight guys welcome it's Wednesday night's May the 13th and I can't believe that this year is almost over with it's crazy and tomorrow night is Darrell's birthday pastor Darrell only 74th birthday girl you look good Mandy you're rocking it man we bless you Darryl and we praise God for you man we do yeah that's our that is actually your brother and it's also yeah also our missions but he's only a year older than me so I hope he's not a whole bunch of us me and Jerry are the same age and Darryl there's a whole bunch of us Kevin we're all the we're all the same age man yeah there's an open door Oh folks home now that's what it is hey guys listen you're gonna like this because we're gonna get into part two tonight of looking up and last week was good right we just actually didn't really get into the actual constellations and stuff we just started talking about the importance of understanding how it works we're gonna still going to do a little bit more of that but I'm not here by myself I'm here with you and then also we have our calling center is here yeah the open-door College Center is here yeah and for everybody who has called in during this entire mess and called in and if you've called our hotline number which is eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight these are the people that pray with you these are the people that love you these are the people who think about you who look up all the stuff that they look up and as you can see most of time they don't wear shoes but that's a Johnson County thing so not required it's not required yeah it's a shoeless job as a matter of fact it's also a thankless job you guys have made such a huge difference and I'm so grateful you guys have made a big dream come true for us we've wanted a calling center for years and last year the Lord the Lord to them if I didn't get it done last year I was going to be a trouble I don't know if you'll ever have those talks with God where he says okay I'm not playing okay and God very much does that mean it's part of my personality he know he knows that it makes sense with me because I'm I'm very pleased you don't do this I'm going to beat you but no it's just part of my is part of my personality is I'll play and play and play until I'm done and I'm like okay I'm done and there's no talking me out of it once I'm done right and so the words like I know how you are and you'll understand with this I'm done I told you to get the calling center up and going do you do buzz if you I don't know it goes like okay well if I need another later then you know I can look for another and I'm like okay I think I'll get the constant or done and I stepped up and we fought tremendous battles and then we got it up and going Diane when do we get this thing actually going June but when did we actually get it full-blown it was January so I mean like we got it we actually overcame all the technical problems and all the stuff and then Diane you came on also too in January right I mean you came on Diana Manning what a rockstar and we love you man and we bless you so then as soon as we got it up and going didn't the coronavirus hit and then we had to have all these people from all over the world calling us who need prayer and godly men the Lord listen sometimes God knows what he's doing yeah we're just trusting I was telling Karen before we started this when I was in Korea in January everywhere you go and you travel the world the Chinese always wear the masks you were in Korea but the Chinese always wear the masks and so when we were there they all had the masks on but they were the plain ones and I told all my girlfriend's I said we need to make designer masks we could make a fortune and we got back and we didn't didn't do it and we would have made a fortune I'm what do you hear that don't be slow like me is that God would not tell us to make mash that couldn't be God in January of 2020 yeah Wow his exact right and Liana and I have been talking about you know it is the time of the roaring lion it is the year the mouth and the entire world has been forced by the world let's just say cuddler your mouth yeah man i t what if that was a dream what would that mean I mean we know what that is right it was interesting to me I was telling Troy they they all wear the masks and and it's like they're all silenced and then this came out and we're seeing that they're the people the actual Chinese people have been silenced for a long time and now that's what's been trying to be imposed on us as Americans as we're trying you're trying to take us down some bad is what we're talking about looking because I'm ready for King Jesus to come okay so the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork not in the night day and a day it other speech and not under night it reveals knowledge and there is no language where their voice is not heard that's Psalms 19 right yes so whenever you see that verse whenever you see that verse in Psalms 19 whenever you see that verse let's go over it again one more time it says that that specific part were says the heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament shows his handiwork let me just stop the firmament let me go one further handiwork means details the details of God are within that right the heavens declare the glory of God in the firmament shows his handiwork if you don't know what the firmament is you'll miss a huge point of all this and I I've never in my life ever heard anybody get up and preach on some men and it is a huge revelation to me and I want to hear more people preaching then I want you guys to preach it I want everybody that's watching to preach it the word firmament is a strange word I mean I don't ever use that word in my modern day language I mean and I have such a modern language you do I do I'm so everybody knows I'm history I get so much hate mail why do you talk like us texting from the 1970s because you are what kind of question is that though your language has gotten much better out of the year this is the responded me yes no idea dude no there was word set Psalms 19 is where we're at Psalms 19 alright the heavens declare the glory God which means there's a prophetic declaration in how the stars are lined up mm-hmm right and then the firmament shows his handiwork okay so up never one time have I ever said dude I was looking up over at the firmament and there in that firmament I saw this I saw that I've never said that I have never said that if he's not tell anybody I've said so if I have a service business didn't know what it meant if you did so that's right so firmament literally means an intentional filled of you that God places things and does things for you to see it and it's just like okay if you see something in a cloud like is there anybody here that you see stuff in the clouds oh good yeah hello weirdos me too but here's the deal you're probably the only one that sees that because you're the only one that's looking at it from that angle and in and it's that's a big deal so you're like okay are you saying that God would put something in front of me that is just for me and not for anybody else yes that's permanent and there's prophetic declarations in your firmament and so so how you view things how you see things where you view things you know we know Ugandan children I promise you God puts things in the field of view of our Uganda and little boys and girls that he does not put in our view because we totally miss it that's not the language we speak it doesn't make any sense to us so he talks to us on our level he talks our language to us and he knows okay if you look at this then you will see that yeah and that's what firmament means and the the easiest way to understand that is when God created our solar system he placed Arcee place he placed our planet as the third from the Sun and he put and he put an electromagnetic field around us that comes out of both sides of the pose right a North and South Pole and in the daytime whenever light is on it you you can't see past it but the dew is when the Sun is not shining directly on the electromagnetic field it's transparent and it's meant to see out only at night now he tells us why because day and a day on her speech and not under night reveals knowledge daytime is for hearing God's speak nighttime is for intimacy with God yeah okay daytime is for living with God day to day life nighttime is for secret things with God so there's a different way that God speaks at night then how God speaks during the day and there's a scripture for it right there so he didn't make this star so that we can see it in the day and he did that on purpose because he wanted us to hear him speak through everything going on around us but then at night when he gets quiet and we look out he wanted to see things way beyond our life he wanted us to explore things secret things things that blow our minds and we just go I I I'm seeing this and I'm imagining that and I'm going into this place day and a day utters speech nine and tonight reveals knowledge so when God created if you're gonna ask me Pastore do you believe whenever you look at the whole solar system the entire universe do you think that there's any other life out there and you what do you think is out there I would say I'm not going to say that there's not any other life out there and I know that I will get hate mail on that but here's what I would say just because there's life out there doesn't mean it's part of God's camp that's a whole nother thing okay and I could go off on that but I don't have time for that I'm just saying that there is a lot of space out there like well wouldn't it be wasted space if the only life that you can find anywhere in the universe is here I want to just tell you no it would not be wasted space even though we have discovered some 3,000 exoplanets okay that means planets outside of our solar system and we're finding new exoplanets every single day that is amazing I don't know what's on those planets I I don't have a clue all that I do know that God created this earth and he positioned everything else for our point of view okay now we have always known that but we've always misinterpreted it like all the way up into the 1500s everybody said that the whole world rotate or the universe rotates around the world and we know that that's not true and I want to tell you they would kill you religious people or the church would kill you if you were Copernicus and they say Copernicus what's up with you man we will kill you right or if you said that the world was not flat because they had a scripture for it that talks about the four corners of the earth so obviously it's flat no obviously you're a knucklehead and you have an interpretation of the scripture and you think that everything hinges upon what you understand there are things that we just don't know there's a mystery to a whole lot of things so I don't know about that but here's what I do know if you're gonna ask me Troy why would Korea God create this entire monster universe I'd say so that there can be millions and millions of galaxies like well why would God won't there be millions and millions of galaxies so that we would have a galaxy well with if we are with it if within our galaxy is man's and millions of millions and millions of billions and billions of solar systems why would God create billions and billions of solar systems so that we could have a solar system so here's how it works God created the entire universe so that there could be got so so that there could be galaxies and within all the galaxies there could be a solar system and within the solar system there could be a planet and within the planet there could be continents and went the continents there could be nations and within the nations there could be states within the States or could be counties within the counties there could be cities and within the cities there could be houses so that he could visit us right here and he doesn't care how space he needs to have a relationship with us this is the weirdo stuff you will begin to contemplate if you'll start looking at the heavens from doing that many nice yes yes I have pictures of that I mean I thought about so many weird things we're talking about after I quit smoking dope it's not like thank you yeah you're welcome yes so I mean we're I just said go whoa I will get a huge revelation just in thinking about how all this stuff works and how the kingdom works and how vast and incredible God's heart is towards us that he doesn't care how big he does things as long as he can have space with us Wow like oh my gosh I guess like I think I said that ain't nothing to me ain't nothing I needed a place for you to live which means you had to have a piece of ground which means you had to have a continent which means you had to have a hemisphere which means you had to have a planet which means you had to have a solar system which means you had a galaxy which means dying gagging gagging gagging that guy and I'm like so I mean he doesn't care he's crazy he's way over the top I mean he is way crazier than you are he's way over the top Amen when he loves somebody he loves somebody so so when you look at the story in the heavens that every single month there is a different story that comes up and there's 12 parts of this story yeah now you can also within the story not only once you understand what the picture is once you begin to understand the names of the stars it tells the details of the story the firmament shows the handiwork and you're like well who named the stars God did and there's two verses within the Bible that says that God named the stars into this day all the stars have ancient Hebrew and Arabic names yeah so God is the one and the Bible says that God is the one who named the stars but here in these nameless stars yeah but Gardening the stars yeah he sure did and he he named the stars in such a way that when you find out what the names of the stars are it actually unpacks the details of the entire story of redemption I'm gonna go one more and tell you this that when you look at the size of the star and when you look at how many light-years away they are which is something unique to our generation so be able to learn that the numbers also give details to all of that like I want to show you guys Leo the line okay so this is Leo the Lion and this is number 12 right it's number 12 and guys Leo the Lion is one of my favorite it's just so awesome and whenever we talk about that whenever we actually unpack all the constellations Leo is just incredible because it's just like the book of Revelation it's meant to be a while it's meant to go whoa whoa whoa Wow okay that I'm sorry that cannot be ignored I have to pay attention to that right well Leo the Lion is exactly like that the heart that is bright that represents the I'm sorry the the star that is bright that represents the heart of Leo the Lion right is Regulus and we'll end up talking I'll end up unpacking all this and we'll go through all this but Regulus is the Lion Heart right now what's amazing is when we'll unpack the name and it will tell us something and we'll unpack the names of all the stars around it and and it'll tell us something about this amazing story it's all the book of Revelation okay but that star Regulus which represents the Heart of Jesus and remember whenever Jesus comes back the Lion of the tribe of Judah comes back we're coming back with him right the Regulus is exactly seventy seven light years away seventy seven is the number of the church so what makes the heart of the lion beat us and that's found in the scientific number that's between Earth and Regulus seventy-seven light years it's traveling at 186,000 miles per second boom and it takes 77 years for that to get here another big time this 77 is Halley's Comet has a 77 year hot cycle so all those things are church related and we'll get into that it's it's also worth noting too that when God speaks through the Sun he's speaking one thing when God speaks through the moon he's speaking something but when God speaks through the through the stars he's speaking something else so you guys want me to unpack that so so when God is speaking through the Sun he's speaking to natural nations okay has it's it's it's what God speaks to the world through is the Sun okay and it's and it's about natural things and by the way like in Revelation 12 where it says and I saw a woman who represents Israel right and she was clothed in the Sun and her foot was up on the moon and around her was twelve stars he's talking about I'm gonna show you Israel in all three different ways okay the natural way the supernatural way and the children of inheritance way okay that's that's that's language it's it's a it's a special way that God speaks so when God is speaking through the son he's speaking to the nations he's speaking about natural events when God is speaking through the moon he's speaking to his people of covenant and it's either people of Israel or it is it's it's the church right and so one of the things that's interesting of that is that the Sun has always seen as masculine and as the daddy the moon has always seen as feminine or as the mama and the stars are always seen as the kids and just exactly like that when God speaks to the Sun he is speaking to natural nations when God speaks to the moon he's speaking to his covenant to Israel and to his people his church and when God speaks when God speaks through the stars he's speaking to his children of inheritance okay his kingdom children as many as are led by the Spirit these he have given these he gives power to be called the sons of God it's the people that are led by the spirit there's a lot of people that are in the Covenant that are not led by the Spirit they might be as far as faith unto salvation but that's about it they know more about the Simpsons and about the Hobbit then they know about the Word of God right on so so so when when there is a sign in the heavens and when it has to do with the signs if the sign is in the Sun that's one thing if the sign is in the moon that's another thing like a Blood Moon one of the things that's cool about about the moon and it being feminine is the moon has a 28-day cycle just like a woman so every 28 days its new again right and also the moon has no light of its own the glory of the moon is actually the light from her husband right we just had a pink moon which was very feminine moon it's a girl okay I forgot I was talking about I was talking about sine of the Sun I was about to give it I forgot what it was it's okay your comments are appreciated yeah that's what it was yes thank you very much so when you look at the light of the Moon by the light of the silvery moon I want to spoon not a fork but a spoon you guys remember that all right come on thank you hello so when you look at the moon as bright as it is it doesn't have any like it it merely reflects the light of the Sun and we have glory but our glory is not our own glory it's the glory of our husband right we're all the broader King Jesus right we have righteousness that everybody can see but it's not our righteousness we have holiness but it's not our holiness is his right we are clothed in his righteousness and so just like that the moon indicates that it is amazing okay everybody go okay so in the story in the story of the heavens there's two things that you have to know and one is that its rotational every single month a new one comes up and it just rotates over and over and over again and that's the difference of understanding times and seasons times are linear and seasons are circular and this is all part of living and prophetic lifestyle and this is how this works now I have I have some issues I have a DD I have a deed to handle that shocks everybody and I have some issues and I attend to be very dyslexic I tend to always see the end of things first and then I have to go back but the Redeem version of that everybody's like don't say that no no no no that's it that's how God made me it just needs to be redeemed it makes me a speed reader so I have to read all the way to the inn first read back and then read back and bloom I got it right like just like that and people that have dyslexia also tend to have speech impediments and I I spent my entire childhood stuttering so bad you could not you couldn't understand a word I said and everybody made fun of me I mean I just stuttered so bad and I still would stutter but I've learned in my mind to think like this if I'm saying this I have to be thinking way over here and if I think that then I go back and then I say it so wherever I'm talking I'm tracking way behind what I'm actually thinking and it makes me a whole lot better speaker another thing too that God did whenever he redeemed me of my speech impediment is that there's a tone of voice in a way I talk where I never stutter and if I stay in that place I don't ever stutter if I get out of that I start stuttered really bad I mean where I just get so frustrated I can't get one word out of my mouth and I got to find that place well that's a peaceful place for me it's a very very peaceful and it's a very powerful place but again it also makes me a whole lot better speaker it's just so again don't try and fix me I don't need to be healed of that it just needs to be redeemed I don't need to be medicated either right but there I've learned that like whenever I would never I journal I don't know if you guys have ever seen how a journal or not but when I journal I can engage my mind by actually doing things and circles okay so I do things and circles and then I'll write things out and bullet points and as soon as I start getting frustrated with my bullet points I go back to writing the circle and I'm engaging a part of my mind it's just the Lord has taught me all this stuff right okay we have to understand the difference between linear timelines how God speaks a time or he speaks a word that is linear but God also speaks words that are circular and when you have to understand the relationship between linear and circular if you're going to live a prophetic life when it comes to linear things it has a beginning and it has to it has an end and it's always wrapped over up around an epoch vent and those are times okay times and seasons right times are always linear like there was the time Liana had twins yes okay there was a time she called me and told me we were having twins there was a time that we got married right there was the time we went to wherever we went to okay so times have to do with epic events and God uses epic events to teach us something different about him and to and to show us something different about us praise God four times but seasons is the ongoing relational process of a new layer a new layer a new layer a new layer a new layer you can never predict times but you can always predict seasons because seasons are meant to be predictable so in circular in a circular relationship with gods prophetically speaking if you're in this season you know what the next season should be because you visit it every year now whenever whenever God commanded the children of Israel to have certain holy days or we call them holidays right to have holy days he says all throughout the year you're going to stop what you're doing and I'm going to visit you about the narrative of Passover okay and then I'm gonna I'm gonna visit you about the narrative of this or that and he goes through there seven of those feasts right so the idea of that by the way those are called a mo Adam the in Hebrew that's actually called mo Adam and a mo Adeem is where we get the word seasons from okay and and it it actually means a cycle or a circular understanding of okay we're gonna see if you have this layer okay now that you have that layer let's go back and let's revisit this now now I'm going to give you a new layer and that's a completely different relationship than do during this time you need to get stuff right and you need to prove certain stuff and you need to make stuff happen during these circular patterns you need to look at it and be willing to look at it over and over and over and over and over again and God has created the message that is within the heavens to be rotational know the problem with rotational stories is that you have to know where it begins and you have to know where it ends because it's a circle and if you don't know where it ends and if you don't know where it begins you get it wrong this is why you should never consult a witch or a medium concerning your sign because they don't know where it begins and they don't know where it ends because they don't know the beginning in the end okay so anything they give you even if it's a right word it's going to be out of timing which means it's cursed okay they just like the fig tree if it's out of timing it's cursed and that's why you don't want to receive a word from a witch about the signs now when it comes to the story in the heavens we know for a fact that the story begins with Virgo which is Genesis chapter 3 and it goes from Virgo to Libra to scorpio to Sagittarius to Capricorn aquarius to posses to aries to Taurus - Gemini to cancer and then on to Leo that's not what people who follow what you say okay well like whoa whoa then that means that means no matter what council they give you it is going to be out of sync and that is a curse that is in Deuteronomy chapter 28 and Deuteronomy chapter 28 he said because you will not heed my voice in the morning you'll say I wish it was evening and in the evening you'll say I wish it was morning meaning you'll always be out of sync of the timing that is a curse and it's proof it's proof that that that they are walking in a curse even though they know the signs of the heavens they are cursed because they're out of sync and why because they don't know the beginning in the end who is the Alpha and the Omega ladies Jesus says and you have to know him he is the hero of the story right so this is where it begins it begins with Virgo and it goes on now I want to just tell you that years ago whenever I was asking the Lord this and searching it out I can tell you that that I was like I need to be able to prove this I need to be able to prove that it begins where the Bible begins and ends were that were where the Bible wins and so I begin to look at all the people who have studied like II W Bollinger and people who studied 150 years ago how the heavens declare the glory of God Albert Weiss is another guy actually slice there's a whole bunch of books that I just I can get enough up and one of the things that they all agreed on was this going all the way back to the Egyptian zodiac there has always been there was always an agreement as to where the beginning was and where the ending was and it got messed up so he got the Egyptians they got the Babylonians they got the Medes and the Persians so you got the Greeks and the Romans those major world empires it within within those order within the order of those things by the time that Daniel saw what was happening the Egyptians were already out and it was a done deal so it actually began with Babylon he was the gold head you guys remember that going back to the ancient Egyptian zodiac there is an astrological structure that Lina and I have had the great privilege of going to that is in Giza right and everybody notice what that astrological structure is it's the Great Pyramid right well here's the deal with the Great Pyramid it is meant to be an astrological structure okay if you want to know what the Tower of Babel looked like it looked like a pyramid like how do you know that because his top was as the heavens everybody thinks that they were trying to build a tower all the way into heaven that's not what it says they were building a tower whose top was not in the heavens but whose top was as the heavens looking up in Hebrew so that means it was actually an astrological structure and by the way when God gave them a different language and scattered them all throughout the world and they became different races and they had different values and they had their own culture everywhere they went throughout the world they built pyramids when they went to China they built parents when they went to Central America they built pyramids when they went all over the world they built pyramids because that's what they did alright so so this there is actually something in front of the Great Pyramid and I want to show you what a picture of it looks like I want to show you a picture of it that is the Sphynx that is the speaks and everybody knows what the Sphynx is but everybody's like nobody knows the mystery stinks nobody knows what it is I know exactly what it is it is guarding an astrological structure that tells us when the spring equinox is and when the fall equinox is it's an astrological structure correct yes there's something out garden it and what does he have he has the head of a woman in the body of the line the head is the beginning so it begins with Virgo and it ends with Leo mystery of the Spanx solved and I'm from Joshua Texas yes right on so we will continue on this next week but let's let's end on this that we have to know the beginning in the end if we don't know that it's the whole everything else is pointless whatever we learn if we don't find Jesus the rest of it is pointless it doesn't matter what you obtain you could be the richest person in the world and not know Jesus and does he know good so once you loose in a prayer that we would all have an Odyssey and that we would see the beginning and the end King Jesus thank you for the privilege and the invitation Lord God to know you God you are so faithful and you're so kind and Lord God your invitation is to all of us Lord God you haven't just chosen some of us work out but you have blanketly laid out an invitation Lord God - whosoever will Lord God and I pray God for those that have not received you Lord God who don't know you the thing Lord God would put their hearts out there Lord God and they would receive you today I encourage you in the name of Jesus that you would invite him into your heart King Jesus you are so welcome to invade our space let us know the beginning and the ends of things Lord God let us know you Lord God who is the beginning in the end and I pray God for all my brothers and sisters Lord God that you would bless them and encourage them you would show us new things Lord God that we don't know about and I thank you for it in Jesus name amen amen amen guys let's give Jesus a great big hand clap okay guys listen listen man this is our calling team and these are the guys that if you ever call us these are the people who pray with you and these are the people who love you and you might ask them whenever you call in dude I need a copy of that book and if you want a copy of this book or if you want to copy the little you guys got one of those little bottle things in there right you can actually say this is a quick reference guide and you can actually just put that in your Bible and then we also have a brand new poster a new brand new looking up poster so I'll tell you what I'm gonna let you go and I want to turn this over to mr. Botha and I'll let her tell you all about that okay guys I love you guys I call y'all the head not the tail above and not beneath and highly favored of the Lord bye-bye everybody well thank you all again for tuning in on this Wednesday night experience here at open-door Church in big-time Burleson Texas we hope that this message blessed you that it gave you some revelation knowledge that you didn't know about before you tuned in today and it's just information that you can share throughout the world do you know we are here to receive and then we give it that is how the flow goes if you want to continue to be filled up by the Holy Spirit continue to be filled up by God then you will continue to allow these revelations to go out on to the world an easy way for you to do that right now is just to share this message if you haven't already please please please share this message over to your news feed and let's reach everybody on your friends list for King Jesus guys pastor Troy spoke about a lot of amazing looking at product that will help you dive deeper into the revelation of how the Lord speaks through the heavens and you can get all of that by calling our number it's eight seven seven four one three zero eight eight eight we have operators standing by that are willing to talk with you about the products and also help you with your order or you can go online to WWE com now don't forget to join us on our New Times this Sunday it's our Sunday experiences at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and then we're doing things a little bit different different at 1:00 p.m. because we are having a huge reunion I mean come on guys finally able to gather back together we've got to be a family let's go have a nice reunion let's have a picnic out on the front porch of open-door church this is home we're welcoming you home and we're saying hey let's have a celebration and in doing that we are also inviting all of the children to come and get baptized you know we just went through a heart check with them we've asked them if they've invited Jesus into their heart a lot of them decided that they want to Jesus in their heart and we're so excited for that and now it's time for them to make the plunge it's just prophetically declare to all the world that King Jesus is in them and they are just going to go down into the water and back up but guess what they're using a slide I'm pretty sure that that is like the best idea ever so hello can you imagine how excited I have a teen and a six-year-old and I'm telling you what they've already been baptized but I'm thinking they're probably just gonna get baptized again anyways this is a celebration this is a fun time please please please be sure to join us again we have our regular welcome home services at 9:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and then you can join us for our our party our celebration our reunion whatever it is that you want to call it at 1:00 p.m. alright guys that's all I've got for you tonight thank you so much again for tuning in and until next time we call you the head and not the tail above and not beneath and highly favored to the Lord bye guys [Music]
Channel: Troy Brewer
Views: 3,155
Rating: 4.9754601 out of 5
Keywords: Troy Brewer, Prophecy, sermons, teachings, Opendoor Church, Burleson TX, Jesus, God, church, ministry, fort worth church, texas church, holy spirit teachings, holy spirit filled church, holy spirit
Id: eXaJO8sPfng
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 48sec (4668 seconds)
Published: Wed May 13 2020
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