Looking Back at Netflix’s Death Note One Year Later

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Netflix's Death Note is a movie no one asked for and no one wanted to see it stars people who think they're actors I watched this movie twice for this video sadly one of those times I was sober I also roped two of my friends into watching it with me sadly they both committed suicide after the second viewing everyone in this movie is a massive moron her character's written to be so smart they make an awfully lot of dumb decisions to be fair to this movie we're going to judge it on its own merit so I'm trying to not compare it to the original anime as much as possible even though it's pretty hard considering this is an adaptation of it so let's get those issues out of the way right up front everyone cast in this movie is awful except for Willem Dafoe NAT Wolff yes the nat wolff that played in The Naked Brothers band plays light yagami or light Turner as they like to call him in this movie they make it very apparent that he is light Turner because every time someone refers to him they referred him as light Turner or in any scene where his name is written it's light Turner in big bold letters to remind you that this isn't that weeaboo shit this is that hardcore Oscar word the American stuff this is MIA lights girlfriend she looks uncomfortable on every scene she's in she has no character traits other than being a cunt this movie is also visually hideous barring about three scenes where they had some interesting camera angles man for a place on the west coast you think the rain be really useful for all those forest fires the first 30 minutes feels like it's made by a pretentious film student everything is in Dutch angle to establish that light is a genius they show him and complete half of somebody's chapter 8 algebra quiz for five dollars how this person expects to turn it in after taking it outside of the classroom is beyond me just like any other poorly made movie that takes place in high school teachers are only around when competing for the plot like the fact that there's no gym teachers or coaches around during a football practice so the main Loven just is free to smoke as much as she wants on the field light is a bona fide white night so the fact that the kids getting bullied is it important to him but as soon as a girl gets shoved by an asshole he immediately runs over and starts screaming at the top of his lungs now sure make him what he then acts like a pretentious know-it-all calling out all of the bully's insecurities and flaws like the true white knight that he is and proceeds to get punched in the face like I said earlier now that it's convenient for the plot the teacher shows up but instead of actually carrying that a kid is unconscious on the ground they only care about the papers that fell out of his bag hey wait a second if all of them were drawn on with pen and they're all ruined like this in the rain wouldn't all the ink be smeared to show that light lives in an unfair society he is reprimanded for cheating on the tests and they completely gloss over the fact that he was beaten up and you could really tell if this is a work of fiction by the fact that these teachers don't care that a white boy's been punched in the face don't worry though he only got two weeks of detention you know instead of being possibly suspended or expelled or what have you this movie also has no idea how to do transitions so every time he needs to get from one scene to another something will walk in front of a camera and wipe to the next one they also don't really seem to care that he sleeps during his detention they briefly mentioned that I'll add a day if he falls asleep even though he already was so why didn't they just say you get another day after this the teacher magically disappears because she's no longer needed for the plot also for convenience to set up the fact that you clicks apples light has went on his desk because instead of writing react with any discernable character traits and this other than being an asshole who laughs a lot and is barely in the movie actually they're just going to use something that was in the anime he then proceeds to read out rules that are only important right now for the plot because the movie expects the people who are watching us to be complete morons apparently in lights high school the history room and the science room double over and they wanted to have all this shit fly around for reduce introduction why not just have it as a science room instead of having presidential pictures and stuff on the wall maybe this is because they hired really bad set designers I don't see how the movies supposed to have us take this character seriously as our main character and be cool and badass because that's how they frame him after this since the CG Farooq is so awful reek is actually almost never in focus even when he's the subject of a shot it's really sad you have to ignore basic filming techniques to mask how terrible your character looks at this point you might as well just put willem dafoe and makeup he almost looks like Ryu cos it is to further solidify that this is a work of fiction a white girl is getting bullied outside of school and no one is doing anything about it getting the Death Note has spellcheck what happened if light spelled decapitation wrong now I'm going to play the death scene of the bully alongside a clip from final destination and you have to choose which one is which if you pick the scene on the right then you're wrong is that some final destination some points in the movie I started speculating that maybe this was originally a final destination film and they were like well no one's gonna see these anymore so let's slap Death Note on and give it to Netflix the kids'll love it everyone must be so busy with the bully's decapitation that light was able to just leave this room a fucking mess and no repercussions happen to him I guess I got to give the movie some props and the blood looked okay and the effect of the kids head rolling looked fine it's really unfortunate I used this one scene to mass market the movie every trailer was this specific scene that's it it's almost like this is the only interesting thing to happen in it you further exemplify that light comes from a broken home and has a shitty life he lives right next to a train track also his mother's dead somehow they have uk-based barbecue sauce for dinner next they're gonna show light eating a kinder egg hopefully fucking chokes onto little shit for no conceivable notion light decides to share what his book does in all the powers it has with this random girl they decide to change the fact that if you touch to the book you'd be able to see where York this will come into play later so just keep this in mind in fact that light is the kind of guy who used a wire just kind of you know makes him entirely unfuckable already not only is light a white knight he's also a keyboard Crusader and he demonstrates this to her by whipping out his Alienware laptop [Music] forelli don't like thing consistent lighting in the scene it just doesn't feel right it feels like there's like a binary between them or like it's green screen it's not though but the color intensities just light are too variable it actually means light in Russian and Celtic well wouldn't you be worried that they could just race back to you then good then it also sort of means killer and Japanese did you know in Irish one of the last Celtic languages Kira spelled like this actually translates to dark and also doesn't translate to light at all in Russia it's a good job with that one guys you really did it there this comes off to me if they're really embarrassed to claim this is of Japanese origin so they claim this translates into other things as well to mask the fact that is god forbid we look like we a boos how come no one's wearing gloves here the only person wearing gloves in this scene is the cameraman he's the one who needs to be wearing gloves the least without being a genius and all you think he'd know proper procedure from crime scenes to show the audience that L is an eccentric weirdo he eats nothing but candy he also says he's been awake for over 41 hours wait a second I've seen those glasses before enhanced [Music] apparently also in light school people still pass notes you know instead of using their cell phones like everyone else does maybe this is such an old tactic the teacher won't even notice like the fact that she looks directly at the paper and does nothing about it right here L states that lights alcoholic father is the best person to be working on the case with him for the first and only time Max Payne uses his brain and goes why would you choose me over anybody else but L quickly sweeps this under the rug because he has no reason to base this opinion on was drug-related but lost in the ensuing crush of ketta activities was the fact that produce toxicology come back clean so you're going to base your theory that Kira is in Seattle and the fact that his tox screen came back negative he held his family up with a machine gun and then saluted in the middle of the street you don't think huh maybe he could have just been crazy I don't know he could have just had a mental illness nope this was the work of Kira I think these scenes are here to build tension but all I'm getting out of this is that wolf can't make a single different face because every single scene he looks the same luckily light has the wind on his side which informs him that he's being followed so his disguise is putting on sunglasses light would actually like if she fucked someone else he looks like a fucking cock if you go back and look at the face that he made when she asked that he got really excited why would they suddenly be looking at these people they're just walking into a building there's nothing special about them this doesn't sound incriminating or suspicious at all you're just running through the hallways like this it actually makes sense for people to turn and look at them while they're running through the halls yelling unlike when the kid and her mother decided to turn and look at the people who were just walking into a building in lights infinite wisdom he discerns that Ryoka is the one behind killing the cops even though in every scene we've seen of him for the few times he's actually in the movie he seemed completely ambivalent and doesn't actually care about using the book at all he just wants to see how the humans use it he even tells him earlier if he doesn't want to have anything to do with the book just leave it somewhere let someone find it and in seven days later you will no longer be the owner apparently there's no relates going on a lights head by the fact that Misa wants to kill his father and then tries to guilt-trip him by bringing up his mother and a completely unrelated conversation you might want to be careful if you say it for multiple days nothing but candy you're gonna end up looking like this after light has his argument with me so he decides to go to a local cafe where he reads a book he found with art of react from the endow period why he has this book and how he found it isn't important to us though just to show us that Ryo has been around forever I don't even carry a gun it's distracting I keep this line in mind for later he states that he doesn't carry a gun and doesn't want to kill anybody he thinks guns are distracting they seem to not care anymore that they're also in a crowded cafe they even had a wide shot showing there's other people there yes let me just spout that I am L the famous detective and you're Kira that's definitely not gonna rouse panic or anything the line doesn't even make any sense what does her being a cheerleader mean nothing she's ever done mattered is this supposed to be some sort of commentary on the fact that cheerleaders are all about their appearances and nothing else and only people care about is that even though she hasn't shown any sort of personality up until now other than why just kill people and being a massive cunt maybe if you set her up to have any sort of personality or character traits or motivation up until now these scenes wouldn't have been just out of complete left-field remember ladies if you want to manipulate your limp dick spineless boy-toy just tell him you love him they fall for that shit every time he only wrote Watari in the book doesn't he have to have his full name at that point you've already seen Elle's face just right L if that's for some reason not enough why not just write what re shoots L and then shoots himself Luke becomes completely flabbergasted because light actually reads a rule in the book the one name can be removed from the Death Note by burning it get this one wrong you won't get another chance but you tells him Li you could only burn one name this implies that this is part of the rule isn't in the book well why wouldn't it be this seems like important information why bother to even have rules to begin with if you're not gonna tell them the full effects ace detective Max Payne along with Bonnie and Clyde somehow didn't notice that L came into their house until he reached their table it's good to know the Turner residence is probably the easiest house to rob in all of Seattle the almighty omnipotent L somehow missed the fact that Misa was sitting in on that whole conversation just in the stairway after he told her to leave also the police lights only shining through after the fact that L mentions that they're outside this is so boring this was like a seems like a terrible horror film I'm just waiting for the black monster stretch face you know the ones I'm talking about right don't you think Oh to enjoy it sober all the candy jelly beans that have survived for kind this year yeah don't worry guys those definitely want to ride it it doesn't like what the true identity of yes it's here [Music] sorry [Music] he was just obsessed about revealing Elle's name two seconds ago now why is he just suddenly oh I don't care anymore because plot convenience so I can get shot and not reveal it to light only now does light put it all together and somehow didn't notice that she already ripped out one page even though you can clearly see that they've already written on the page previously what did you notice going huh there seems to be a tear right here that's odd now she's put light in the book Oh No and unless she becomes the official keeper of it she's not gonna burn his page even though it takes seven days were you set or about that what happened to that plot point just put the note somewhere leave it alone for seven days and follow hope because his heart's gonna stop at midnight so he's just gonna hand in the book and she's not technically the official keeper you get his easily take it back since Elle's actor is terrible they decided to mute the screaming scene to save him some sort of embarrassment they can't take the embarrassment of being in this movie away though what happened to not using guns l also isn't that Decker's gun from Blade Runner light frantically runs to the computer lab where he goes to Reddit to look up pedophiles to write his super convoluted scheme in the notebook that will later reveal to make no sense at all even though Elle has done nothing but eat candy and not sleep all the time he suddenly becomes an action hero jumping over cars and doing flips and shit like this knocking a random man's face into his soup bowl because Ella is a fucking asshole we're all so mighty convenient this construction site was still open that light was able to run through it while the conveniences are running rampant the Delhi man that comes out in the back to throw out the garbage just happens to be a Cairo worshipper and hits L over the head with a 2x4 going Lord Kira why is light just running around with the gun in his fucking hand holster it put it in your pocket put it in your ass are you trying to incite more panic what would have happened if you shooting the box just stop the ferris wheel altogether then your plan is completely ruined she fell from the top of the ferris wheel but the worst thing that happened to her it was getting a nosebleed good thing she wasn't like the guy who jumped off the building who exploded into a million giblets but don't worry he didn't matter because he was a B character and we didn't have to pan a close-up of it wasn't the first victim it was Anthony skooma except Anthony skomal wasn't the first victim it was the bully Kenny whatever his dad is such a shit detective fucking hell okay now that light has completely explained his stupid plan you're going to break it down why this is awful so first off he writes down in the notebook that Mia is going to take the book away from him but then he told her if he could convince her to not take the book and just burn her page well that doesn't solve anything because you can only burn one name so at the end he would still die even ignoring the fact that the book has magical powers that are absolute so if he wrote to tell her to take the book there's no way he's going to be able to convince her not to unless it's gonna be another one of those things where they tell the book to do one thing and they start doing it and then they stop doing in then the book doesn't matter anymore kind of like when Watari couldn't stop caring about finding Elle's name and then suddenly stopped caring so he gets shot without revealing it to light and then he has reuse his magic force powers to break the ferris wheel where then she falls on to a bed of flowers and magically the page that has his name written in it she accidentally rips out and then it falls conveniently into a barrel fire that just happens to be out of fare then he's going to have a registered sex offender pick up the book on the shore and then use it for the next two days and then return it to him after killing himself but it shows in this scene that he's a sex offender and he's got a playground you know if you're a registered sex offender you're not allowed to be legally near a fucking playground or a school or a park or you could go to jail no one thought of that one did they while light he's revealing all this to his idiot father who found out he was Kira because he saw a newspaper clipping of his mother's killer in his room Elle breaks into Mia's house finds her calculus book which still has the page of The Death Note and then it cuts off right as he's about to write lights name leaving it open for a second movie or being a cliffhanger because they decided well no one's gonna fucking like this piece of shit and there's no no we're gonna ever make another one of this by the end of the movie I definitely figured out why I disliked Rios look in this movie it is because his face moves too much it's too articulated it kind of reminds me of US release Kirby games or Kirby is made to look more mean in aggressive but in the original Japanese versions he's happy redic in the anime and the manga his face doesn't really move a lot the only thing that really does articulate is his mouth the rest is pretty much frozen and I feel like that would have been a lot more effective and making him creepier if they did it like this for the movie but instead they tried to make him seem more villainous and like an asshole say we live in a magical world where Death Note just happens to not exist and this is the first-ever piece of Death Note media ever this movie fails on its own merits it is nonsensical all the characters are stupid and unlikable even though they're built up to be geniuses the dialogue is awful and cringe inducing where lines just come out of nowhere making no sense characters change motivations of the drop of a hat along with seeming to be on the same page with each other even though having no reference up to know what's going on but at the end of the day if I had to choose between getting a sequel to this or not I definitely would say I wanted one just to see the train wreck that comes hopefully if they do decide to make a second one it doesn't just drag on for the middle half of the movie until the last 30 minutes where it completely falls apart [Music]
Channel: Cvit
Views: 960,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fuzWIaBswm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 24sec (1104 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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