The Importance of the Kira Task Force in Death Note

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Kirra is a mysterious being the public doesn't know if the entity smiting criminals is indeed godly or simply human all they know is that he possesses supernatural power and kills as he chooses this is also all that's known about Kira to the various governments that make up the world if such a criminal was turned in what do you think would happen would he be quietly and summarily executed for the danger he represents would he receive a fair trial to be a sensationalized and turned into a celebrity for the rest of his presumably natural life how many breakout attempts would be staged in Kira's name how many people would die in those attempts with care potentially be able to bargain for the favor of those in charge of the decision of what to do with a caged God the power to kill whoever you wish with the right information is alluring and would appeal to plenty of shady powerful figures if you were part of the team who found Kira would you give him that chance before anyone gets to say a captured Kira's fate rests in the hands of the investigators who found him what matters more than proof is the opinions of each individual on that team if they're all convinced that their suspect is Kira a quiet execution is justifiable Death Note is often seen as a battle between L and Kira if he zoom out far enough he can definitely make the argument for that interpretation however the consequences of the side characters at this anime should not be understated as their influence often sides the outcomes of the skirmishes between these opposing forces Mozza does acting stupid again specialty I can hear you you know Mozza de genuinely wants to catch Kira say completely sides with L in his battle however he's also lights friends so he defends him vehemently he's naive enough to readily accept everything light tells him so he wholeheartedly believes that light isn't Kira when he was finally convinced that light was Kira it was clear that he was beaten matzah to both helps and hurts the investigation matzo does acting skills were good enough to turn his blunder into the opportunity for a plan that allowed why Kira's capture but matzah dough was the first one to eagerly point out that 13 day rule exonerated late Misa matzah to suggest that light should act is L matzo dough in a way opposes both L and light through supporting them both matzah dough is always a character to share procure thoughts with a group because everyone else's resolve is too strong to let those doubts creep in or they're unwilling to admit them aloud but Matsuda shares his thoughts with his peers bravely but tentatively and correctly expecting their backlash and every time we get to have light philosophical discourse sometimes light even joins in to defend himself the snake matzo table viously disliked near it was mostly because he considered light a good friend and always stuck by his side and after lights name was finally cleared near blatantly started trying to incriminate him again Matsuda was annoyed by nears attitude and once all of his suspicions pointed towards light matzah too began to dislike me as a person this was all to boast at the moment when matzah definely forsakes light siding with near along with the rest of the task force as they collectively cornered kira matzah - gives his friend a chance to explain himself matzah has always entertained the possibility that Kira could be good but if Kira was good how can he lead his own father a good man to his death when light gives the wrong answer matzah die only gets angrier but he suppresses his wrath to give light a chance to surrender despite their differences Matsuda saves the nears life not once but twice matzah de honestly wanted to believe in light more than anyone else in the task force part of it was probably that he couldn't picture care of being so likable however when he saw how twisted Kira's face truly was he realized that light wasn't the good guy every member of the task force is against Kira masa de didn't really contribute much to the Kira case specifically but as a character he contributed to hell of a lot to the show I found myself thinking before that some people would be better off dead but still that doesn't mean we're gonna go out and kill people muttered his ability as a crack shot was introduced in this scene where he defends chief Yagami his life from a mafia goon trying to steal the Death Note foreshadowing the final scene where he defends chief Yagami zhannar from his evil seed okay this is just self-indulgence at this point but I'd like to discuss my sadhus theories at the end of the Death Note manga for those unaware matza too came up with two theories after light died about the Kira case that EDA basically completely dismisses the first of these is that near actually used the Death Note to control mica me on the day of his encounter with Kira in the warehouse the reasoning is that making me died shortly after the Kira case was closed and making these actions were unlike him specifically it was the fact that he didn't test the notebook before arriving at the warehouse and his unusual lack of composure at the meeting that people call it's a question after all making me was supposed to be an intelligent functioning member of society like Light Yagami but here he is making dumb mistakes and acting like a maniac people explained this by saying that NIR wrote that mica me would go insane and kill himself after Kira lost firstly I've never liked this theory or any theory about NIR cheating by using the Death Note to win near explicitly stated that he wouldn't just take the easy route and kill Kira NIR wanted to win fairly EA also makes a good point about how much near admonished the Death Note I don't think he'd be willing to use it if he didn't have to do so I believe me kameez actions weren't necessarily difficult to explain after all it was clear he had a difficult childhood as a teenager he judged that his mother should be eliminated because she opposed justice this guy is clearly been unhinged for a long time when you factor in that the Death Note drives its users mad with power his breakdown makes even more sense consider how early into his career light showed this kind of unbalanced behavior all it took was L saying hi and he was thrown completely off his rocker not to mention how excited he got on his final day alive like light mica me just couldn't hold it in anymore as far as his death presumably through suicide I think that's explained by the fact that he had his lifespan to receive the Shinigami eyes and became depressed after seeing light fall from grace react himself said that users of the Death Note will experience unique despair you know the kind of despair that NIR never experiences I don't think this series of events is unlikely enough to convict NIR in the court of public opinion just yet the second theory is that near was using lidner as a triple-a because she was giving information to melih considering that the information she leaked cosmalite to act and that Melos actions revealed a crucial detail in the case Mozza D'Souza near planned all of this and manipulated Melo into acting in a way that would benefit his investigation honestly I think this one is partially true but I think near just wanted to cooperate with Mela matzot have suggested this because he thought Nia wanted to use him to gain some more information before deciding to meet Kira and that if he didn't learn anything he would have just waited a little longer he suggested near was being reckless with life just like Kira to make EJ just like Nia but light himself suggested that near wouldn't change the date of their meeting because Mika me would realize that the notebook was fake when he reached the 28th and none of his victims were punished me kami will be able to tell they were alive just from seeing their picture I do think there's one thing casting doubt upon both these theories they're coming from Matsuda let's face it the guy isn't known for seeing through masterful plots EDA even points out that Matsuda is just upset because he liked light in near beat him that's why I think it's so funny when these particular theories are adopted by near haters like those are moths of the theories idiot outside of ellen light chief sweet really alchemy is the most competent investigator of the group he rarely x alone but was capable of recognizing an unprecedented cure power and coming up with a countermeasure to avoid it even if he had to leave his hospital bed to do so and even in a rage he was cool-headed enough to prioritize obtaining evidence against Kiera and bringing it back to L all by himself because of his familial connection to light and his leadership position in the group most of lights' relationships with other characters are refracted through his relationship with his father all of the task force's interactions hinge on their respect for chief Yagami whose actions are determined by his desire to bring cure to justice and his desire to see light as a good son that he raised properly the other members of the task force nose to each row to be a good man and want to believe that he raised a good son this is even true of Al to some extent like knowingly takes advantage of this good faith and manipulates his father to make himself look better in front of the rest of the group he knows that his father will instinctively defend him first no matter what that said his devotion to the Kira case is unwavering in part because of not despite his willingness to believe that light is not Kira he wants to find Kira to prove that it isn't light unfortunately this means he's looking in all the wrong places even before light joins a task force he uses his father as a weapon against hell he gets information on the Kira case through his father and uses that information to manipulate the investigation team and build distrust between l and the NPA it all goes according to keikaku of course and a team of pure investigators drops from a room full of veteran detectives down to like six however by inviting the remaining task force members to meet with him L solves all of his problems at once they feel as though they've earned else trust and begin to trust in him because they've seen his face information can't be leaked any more because taking notes of any kind is prohibited this move would also allow L to draw Kira in since you knew that revealing his identity as L for the first time would attract the same brazen kira that left notes directly for the investigators and killed a dozen FBI agents to send a message but L and his new team don't see eye to eye this idea is first alluded to when certain members of the task force balk it merely being told to use fake IDs to hide their real names despite knowing that Kira needs a name to kill then again in episode 8 as away yells at L for suggesting that they use hidden cameras and wiretaps to surveil their prime suspects in both of these cases chief Yagami the authority figure of the Cobb collection defends L understanding that the Kira case was an unusual one which called for drastic measures even after the chief gives permission though eyes away and matza Doe continued to push back against Al's plan the thinking of their duty as police off to obey and uphold the law and Soweto as duty as a father to protect his family from perverts before their duty to stop Kira the chief starts off as Al's best ally and only begins to turn against him when L begins to suspect light as L grows closer and closer to the correct answer the wedge between him and so Ichiro grows and refused to believe that my son could turn out to be Kira the opinion of every last member of the task force counts if L doesn't win the task force's loyalty Kira will use them to kill him when light surrenders himself to imprisonment for the investigation he uses his connection to his father to reframe it as an unfortunate act of martyrdom none of the task force members really want to go through with it he knows that they'll be anxious to clear his name once the third Kira whom L dub yotsuba Kira or black hair for short starts killing again and that L will still be suspicious of him while L is trying to discern whether or not light actually is Kira light counts on his tension becoming his get-out-of-jail-free card unexpectedly chief Yagami offers to be detained as well because he's so strongly desires to protect light that he fears that he may interfere with the investigation as worry and stress causes health to deteriorate where the rest of the task force can monitor him tension Rises eventually the emergence of why Kira forces L to release light as planned as always actually the member that most vehemently advocates for lights release eager to allow the Chiefs returned as it would twist sails arm and ledges released but Kira lies dormant within him obviously unintentionally the task force members actions do facilitate Kira's plans to have L killed earlier in the series chief so Ichiro is willing to accept investigating by any means necessary even if it meant breaking the rules given the importance of the Kira case in the other bark he reveals that he draws the line at sacrificing human lives he refuses to sit by and allow Y Akira to kill innocent businessmen insisting on arresting the entire group because he correctly believes that Kira is one of those seven individuals and that it would stop Kira's massacre I'll explain many things discovering how Kira's power works and Kira's true identity of the most important things in this investigation but Zoe to a stalwart sense of duty wouldn't allow him to stand idly by and allow more deaths if he could prevent it nonpareil Light has his father's moral compass so even he ends up arguing against reuse Aki's insistence that arresting the group would be fruitless and only hurt the investigation l is actually so aggravated by this mindset that he decides to abandon the task force because it's just easier to work without them I mean I get it but part of this could be him saying let's see how far they get on their own and the more they need me so they stop getting so argumentative it seems like he just knows that they'll end up getting in disagreements like this often so he attempts to avoid them completely which is reasonable can we just take a moment to imagine if the SPK told near they had to arrest Mika me immediately when they found out he was going to kill one page of people every day because they just couldn't let people die they would have ruined Nia's ultimately successful plan to defeat Kira you can clearly tell how frustrating Elle finds this this moment demonstrates the growing rift between L and the rest of the task force as a man who used to translate the moral argument for Elle's investigative tactics eventually ends up forcing Elle to work alone again because the strategies are too morally dubious am I the only one who thinks heartbreaking the scene on Kara Light Yagami practically genuinely being the perfect son that sweet ro wants him to be and then seeing Kira the true face of Light Yagami being seviche was literal worst nightmare like this is the last thing he wanted for his kid even if you agree with Kira you have to admit he's an unfortunate son after Elle's death there's no talk of light being Kira in the task force with lighten souichirou themselves heading the investigation and being possible especially after seeing the stress that the chief endured when light was a suspect after souichirou gets the Shinigami eyes he only lives for a few hours before his lifespan ends when you combine this information with him admitting to having suicidal thoughts after handing over the most dangerous weapon ever observed by humans to the criminals that kidnapped his daughter you have to conclude that he was likely going to end his own life with no matter what instead he died smiling you really aren't Kara in soweto s absence the suspicion that light could be Kira makes a comeback azza was a character that L butts heads with the most he's passionate about catching Kira of course but he doesn't always see eye to eye with ryuzaki and acts as his most vocal critic in the group while Matsuda opposed al through his friendship with light and sympathy through Kira and chief Yagami opposed l through his fatherly devotion to lay eyes away just doesn't like the guy as I was skeptical but lacks insight on the level of L so it's easy for light to avoid his suspicions and for him to mistakenly put it in L most of the time when why Kira dismantles police resistance against Kira the task force is made to choose between their careers and the Kira case chief Yagami doesn't hesitate in his dedication to the task force and neither does Matsuda or Moki however erisa well has his reservations he's been skeptical about L from the beginning and his best friend left the task force because he didn't want to work with L either he also has a family to provide for L picks up on his hesitation and decides to test his resolve by pressuring him to choose insisting that he must give one up as I as well agonizes over the decision whatta me reveals the fun that L was choosing to keep secret simply the fact that L would test him like this and rages Aizawa and he decides to return to his job as a police officer as clearly he regrets not being able to pursue care with everyone else as he you know Christ about it in front of his wife and daughter fortunately his best friend Uday hasn't been doing nothing and the two of them continue going after Kira off screen and provide police support for Elle's operation to catch black Kira after diverging from the task force's path he rejoins a team with his resolve reinforced and as usual he gets right back to interfering with our investigation by insisting that L and all surveillance of enlighten me so when the 13 day rule is discovered I didn't quite get along with tho but it's not as always particularly close to light either as well wanted to believe in him because we're chief Yagami son but he was also willing to entertain the possibility that light could be Kira however because of their antagonistic relationship one could argue that he hurt Elle's investigation more than he helped it the opposite can certainly be said for near as well realizes that if light really is Kira he could have helped prevent l's and the Chiefs deaths by helping L investigate light instead he stood in Elle's way in Kira killed him but no one's standing in lights way he even led his father to his death if light really is Kira as well has a responsibility to stop him and if he isn't that investigating he really doesn't have any repercussions he makes the choice he should have made back then Aizawa going back to old style decide to has to meet near in person before he could trust him and once he does he agree used to completely cooperate with him in the past Iowa's put his pride before his drive to catch Kira he chose not to work alongside of man he disliked but now his conviction is strong enough that even being scolded by this sassy child isn't enough to deter him from doing what's right to stop Kira mr. Aizawa I'm going to be bored with you you and the rest of the task force are already out of the picture I've always hated sake way of doing things all I want you to do is keep an eye on I was you been doing eventually after accepting news requests for assistance in his investigation of the second L Iowa actually swings chops in the task force he just decides to put light and Misa under surveillance again he's clearly become an authority figure in the task force in the Chiefs absence while I had been lamenting about how easy it was to fool his peers in the task force after Al's death as aware revives the 10 suspicion in the group as he and Mogi agreed to investigate light while matza Donita a mostly sit on the sidelines as it would have been regrets them for this of course but he does get frustrated when he feels like he's in the lion's den and they're discussing the gossip to which light has been drawing their attention of course that might have nothing to do with stress cut it out with all this dating kissing and meats that makes it talked already late of course being Kira does pretty easily evade most of their investigation tactics by anticipating their actions but as always making up for losing conviction in the Kira case in the past and he won't let up his suspicions for the sake of wolf ignorant at this point in the series latest fighting against three different forces nears threatening incite Melos dangerous unpredictability and aizawa's uncomfortable scrutiny light knows that near already fully suspects he's Kira so he isn't concerned about izalith surveillance but when Iowa discovers proof that light was sneaking messages to Takata he confirms that light is Kira light was more concerned with his plan to bait the SPK but he underestimated the task force's value is what is a threat that near and Mello represent when the time comes and lights proven to be Kira Azza WA is the first member of the task force to try to arrest him all it took was a task force going along with near and Mello throwing him off and Kira fell right into their trap like the rest of the task force as well didn't want light to be Kira but he realizes that he can't let his emotions rule this investigation the other members of the task force certainly contributed to the case as well who could his death revealed the second Kira's ability to kill with just a face which became instrumental in catching why Kira eda a strong sense of professional camaraderie allowed him to build an anti Kira movement within a flightless NPA which made it easy for Elle to mobilize a Japanese police against Kira when necessary emojis loyalty and willingness to discreetly investigate by any means necessary quickly made him Elle's favorite Task Force member and he allowed Elle to learn the identity of the second Kira through his surveillance but a single one of them slouched in this fight but there's unfortunately only so much screen time to go around Kira made the taskforce the primary target of his manipulation from the beginning and it consistently worked they alienated Elle and often got in his way without them working side by side with Elle who knows how much more he would have tried to get away with Kira wouldn't have won without them what they learned from their mistake and they didn't make it twice while the task force may be partially responsible for Ellis death they also did their part to avenge him they didn't escape on skiing but in the end they held on to their principles and did their job as policemen they got Kira even without Elle you [Music] hey guys it's your boy zero this video was supposed to go up and July first and if it does that's entirely because that he's a god I didn't finish the script until like the 29th because I'm a piece of [ __ ] so if it is up on the 1st it's because Hadees been burning that midnight oil working his butt off to get this video out on time if you'd like to show your appreciation or just like the video consider heading over to YT and joining the ranks of what's on a Mifune Hunter hunter 2011 dick writing association calliope douji page Mulder aka dr. Silesia gage Lambert and Danny G donkey one dollar equals one nice job hoodie
Channel: Kato
Views: 324,276
Rating: 4.9356632 out of 5
Keywords: Kato, Analysis, Zero, and, Hoodie, Death Note, Anime, Light Death, Death Note OP, Soichiro Death, L Death, L vs Light, Light vs Near, Kira Death, Kira Task Force, The Importance of Near, The Importance of, Death Note Episode 1, Misa Misa, Misa Amane
Id: mhJiTm9YtkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 01 2018
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