Why The Death Note Would FAIL!

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👍︎︎ 9 👤︎︎ u/Arkal 📅︎︎ Nov 16 2019 🗫︎ replies

I fuck'n love the imaginary axis. He s not the most sound logicly but, he has good ideas.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/conmancool 📅︎︎ Nov 29 2019 🗫︎ replies
it was a warm summer's day in my office I couldn't do the right accent in the latest case had my head spinning it Kirra I took a potato chip and ate it it was clear I'd have to call in help for this one but there just weren't many options el smart guy but I'd never seen his face couldn't trust him the ultimate detective still in high school couldn't bear to put the Dame in harm's way the Batman this guy literally might be insane but there was one last resort yeah [Music] hello I'm Tyler this is the imaginary axis and guys Death Note might be my favorite manga and anime of all time so this day it is the best depiction of a battle of wits that I've ever seen a fantastic story about clashing ideologies and indomitable wills filled with so many clever twists and turns that seriously if you haven't seen or read it yet pause the video and go do that now the series follows Light Yagami a high school senior at the top of his class who comes across a notebook that belongs to a god of death or Shinigami he quickly discovers that writing somebody's name in the notebook while visualizing their face will cause them to die by heart attack to be exact unless the method of death is specified in the notebook itself anyway over the course of just a couple days this newfound power transforms life from an average high school student into the self-proclaimed god of the new world a force that strikes down criminals and evildoers at every turn in an attempt to purge the world of filth and teach humanity that sins do not go unpunished there will be justice and his name is Kira of course this eventually attracts the attention of law enforcement world governments and one brilliant detective in particular who manages to deduce the rules - Kira's game and actually poses a threat to his reign so the battle begins to determine whose job it really is to dictate right and wrong there's a lot I could get into with this series from its commentary on modern day society and philosophy to its exploration of nihilism and its deconstruction of commonly accepted tropes but one of the things that really caught my interest with the recent release of the American adaptation was the setting of the original Death Note story don't worry this isn't going to be yet another video complaining about how L is black and lights last name is Turner I'm talking about the time period you see the original Death Note was set in 2003 the conflict between Kira and his adversaries carrying on for seven years into 2010 conversely this new adaptation is set in what appears to be present-day America a nearly 14-year difference so what's the big deal I can hear are you all asking well in this fort year interim I think we mere humans might have grown beyond the death note at least as its used in the anime I know hard to believe right an artefact created by the gods but keep an open mind here and let me see if I can convince you by the way what I'm about to go over involves a lot of day counting and critical Death Note events which the manga and anime sometimes conflict on so just for the record the mangas timeline takes precedence since it's the source material the anime will only be used to provide supplementary noncontradictory details let's begin our story opens up on November 28th 2017 and the events kick off almost identically to the original telling I'm not gonna do something cheap like suggestive video camera would catch light picking up the notebook let's just say the first day and a half play out exactly how they would have in 2003 the real change starts here the moment light decides to start killing off society's criminals in the original story it took six days for hero's actions to warrant an international police meeting and grab the attention of Elle but in this modern day adaptation I kid you not it would be one day before light accidentally got the attention of an even more dangerous opponent want to know who that opponent is a detective even more brilliant than this guy well hold on to your seats everybody because it's you I'm talking about the Internet yes that existed in 2003 but it was a baby back then today it's a behemoth and it would act as the world's first line of defense against Akira attack I'm not joking this is a hurdle light has to master if he wants world domination the internet used to be a place for select businesses and nerds that was it back in 2003 roughly 11% of the world used the Internet today over 51% of the world uses the Internet and it's basically necessary for functioning in modern society if you were posting something online in death notes original timeline you might have been using a wordpress blog or a MySpace page but most likely you were on a random PHP bv form there was no organization no coordination and most things were impossible to find also Europe email was probably provided by your ISP or none of this stuff today information moves fast opinions are shared everywhere and they're easy to find communication is simpler and more widespread than ever before and that would be a problem for light imagine a thousand theories about Hiro's identity being circulated around the world the moment people started noticing a trend you might be inclined to think this would make it even harder to find light like a worldwide detective version of twitchplayspokemon but no studies have shown time and time again that when properly organized large quantities of people excel at analyzing a problem tossing out the poor solutions and working their way toward the answer and when you combine the notoriety of the curie case the availability of information to the public the speed at which that information can now travel and the massive quantity of organised online communities Pepe may ruin lights plans before even L can need proof how about these guys a Syrian rebel training video from YouTube was posted to 4chan on may 30th 2016 and the internet was so outraged at this that they used the video to find other videos of the same camp took note of five Circuit suspension towers in the background and were able to use the various angles of those towers to triangulate the exact latitude and longitude of the camp on Google Maps they tweeted it out to a journalist with ties to Russia and had the location bombed less than a month later they did the same thing to Isis those were to secret training camps that multiple government agencies were looking for casually tracked down by a group of random people online there was also this time when the internet managed to track down the exact Burger King this picture was taken at in the employee that was stepping in the food these times when the internet tracked down the addresses for two animal abusers and had them charged and this time when the internet very well may have uncovered the identity of a masked criminal who attacked this poor guy with a bike lock disclaimer the suspect 4chan pointed out has not yet been properly tried who is this 4chan the internet is actually so much better at solving problems than a single person that in order to speed up research on protein folding the university of washington released an online video game that reimagined modern biological research as a puzzle thousands of players working together managed outperform the best current research software eight out of ten times they then redesigned a synthetic enzyme developed by real scientists to make it 18 times more efficient and deciphered the crystal structure of a virus that had been unsolved for 15 years in only 10 days should light be scared yeah I think so like L the only thing stopping the internet from solving most crimes is a general lack of interest or a lack of public information neither of those things are factors in the Kira case lights killings are purposefully designed to get people's attention and to get them talking the information will always be public and the internet will start discussing it from day one in fact if events play out like they did in the original story in under a week there's already a clear path narrowing in on lights the only difficult part is picking out the clues and putting them together something that would either take a very dedicated genius or thousands of people digging up information around the clock and sharing it with each other and the police instantly does that sound like too much of a stretch to you where's the proof that the internet could scour all these tiny details even faster than L could shia labeouf do it you may not know this but shia labeouf has been quite the political activist recently he's set up a few live streams protesting Donald Trump only for trolls from the internet to find his location every time and ruin the project in early March he eventually got tired of all the interruptions and turned the stream into this just a simple flag blowing in the wind at an unknown location 24/7 sounds foolproof right wrong because the internet communities dedicated to trolling Shia literally tracked this thing down in a day by mapping the stars in the background timing the sunrise listening to animal noises in the area and triangulating the exact location based on flight patterns observed by occasional airplanes in the sky they sent a user out to the region they had narrowed it down to and in a day and the worst part about this detective is that the internet is filled with people who will gladly mug light and probably even steal his stuff as evidence the moment they start suspecting he's Kira none of that fair law and order stuff else ticks by if 4chan thinks they can overthrow a god by ambushing a 17 year old honor student they'll do it they wrote up detailed schematics about scaling a public museum in England to steal Shia LaBeouf's flag again after he made a new one okay but light would see them coming right I mean he's a smart guy maybe if Death Note happened in modern day he wouldn't leave as many clues or he'd even read the internet forums trying to track him down well maybe but remember how L was able to deduce that Kira needed a name and face to kill by day seven at maximum the internet would probably deduce this quicker and the moment that happens open discussion will probably die down among any group seriously tracking him that's one of the beauties of the Internet these kinds of discussions can start by openly taking place everywhere and then slowly move to silently taking place everywhere when 4chan was trying to steal shia labeouf second flag from the museum rooftop shia actually logged on to 4chan to eavesdrop on any plans they might have attacked if we can probably bet Lightwood used to but they were expecting this so they retreated into private discord servers to discuss their real plans while posting fake leads on the open net that Shia was reading once these conversations are closed off that's it from lights perspective it'll look like Ellen the police department are just way better than you is expecting when in actuality they have an army of citizens feeding them information about Kiera with these numbers and the events of the story I estimate that within one week segmented internet communities will know that Kiera is an intelligent Japanese high school student with ties to the police force investigating him who can kill you as long as he knows your name and face this is terrible for light as the police chief's son he'll appear at the top of their suspect list just like he did in the original story in the manga it took him two weeks before he built a false bottom drawer to hide his death note in before that he carried it around with him Misa managed to find meit's address and personal information online with nothing but his name so how long do you think it'll take the internet to track light down jump him and find out he has a notebook with every victim's name in it just for the record it took them one day to send people out to illegally scale a public building in Liverpool England modern technology is amazing it can bring normal people together to do some really incredible things but it's also terrifying because this is not the greatest threat to Kira's reign these guys are you know there are ways to figure out who Kira is besides tracking down his freely-available mo by keeping tabs on lights activities interests habits behaviors and the changes they're in you can find things that begin to suggest he might be up to no good but who would have that kind of information everybody 80% of all Internet users have a social media account 1/6 of the world uses Facebook and if light is anywhere among those numbers he just becomes even easier to find modern social media logs everything you do people you interact with pages you like friends shows even the exact words and your status updates they then use that information to find out more about you it's not hard in 2012 researchers from the University of Cambridge and Microsoft managed to predict a person's gender sexuality age race relationship status drug usage religion and political affiliation with 78 percent accuracy based solely on their Facebook Likes they were then able to repeat the test with a slightly lower accuracy percentage to determine the same users intelligence agreeableness openness emotional stability satisfaction with life and conscientiousness again only facebook likes the actual company can do a lot more than that a lot more effectively because no matter how private your settings are these guys have been watching everything private accounts have been caught accidentally outing closeted homosexuals and deducing that women were pregnant before even their families knew they know your habits your thought patterns what kinds of things appeal to you and what kinds of things you hate they can tell if you're a sore loser or easily swayed by emotions how likely you are to take risks how you feel about society and if you meet the kind of profile a serial killer is displaying we don't even know where their reach stops or what they're doing with all of our information but we do know that they monitor you offline - they make ads based on what they know about you they know when you've seen them and they know when you've purchased things in the real world this not only tells them what kind of marketing techniques you're susceptible to but it helps them slowly build a more and more accurate profile about who you are in short the longer you've been online the more somebody out there knows about you and if you don't think the police will demand that kind of information to help track down an international serial killer you're living in a world just as real as the virtual one in fact the police are known to cooperate with big companies for especially important cases and if facebook was willing to let L send a couple custom ads in lights direction he could find out more and more information about him in no time no need to sit down at a diner and play mind games no need to stalk him across school or challenge him to a tennis match l could develop a thorough profile on Light Yagami without ever having a single conversation with him and light would never know so fine maybe light would just quit Facebook in preparation for all this along with Twitter LinkedIn Tumblr Google+ Netflix all of his online shopping accounts fine fine fine fine but if like quitting all of his social media at once doesn't raise a red flag to the police Google will just raise that flag themselves this is one of the most powerful companies in the world and we all know they're tracking our searches but even if light stops using them to circumvent this Google has over an 80% share in the analytics market their analytics software is installed in over 10 million websites including political sites news websites probably Kira fan websites so those criminals light thinks he's searching for in private Google knows exactly when he looked them up how long he was on the page and what links he clicked on while he was there every time he watches a YouTube video writes a gmail clicks on an ad or uses any of the other Google services Google learns more about who he is and hands that data out to the people who ask for it in modern society it's pretty inevitable that light takes DL when I started the research for this video I honestly didn't know how it was going to turn out I thought Death Note versus the Internet was a pretty me mobile topic and would be fun to talk about but really guys the things we've managed to do with this little 14 year interim are both inspiring and worrying we might have created a tool even more powerful than the Death Note and like the Death Note that's all it is a tool not good or bad but controlling the lives of billions keep an eye on those trying to steal it and let's do our best to share this power together barely it's a big responsibility hey everybody I hope you liked this video if you did then please subscribe to support the channel and share it around with your friends I've got a ton of new projects I'm working on and they're all going to be coming out very soon so have a great day and go do your thing
Channel: The Imaginary Axis
Views: 1,847,955
Rating: 4.7121468 out of 5
Keywords: death note, light yagami, light turner, light, l lawliet, ryuk, shinigami, anime, manga, netflix, misa, 4chan, facebook, good, internet, meme, light vs 4chan, he will not divide us, shia labeouf, capture the flag, algorythm, movie, who wins, intelligence, pepe, near, mellow
Id: r8OfANX2hEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 58sec (1078 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 01 2017
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