Was L Actually Evil All Along? - Death Note

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hello everyone it's your host Seth the programmer and today we're going to be talking about owl from deathnote and many misconceptions and mysteries surrounding his characters throughout the series decided to do this as thanks for the massive support for the Batman vs Kira video and maybe it's just something different you guys will enjoy once again now if you haven't already checked it out I do heavily recommend you see the good Batman solve the cure case video it goes over a lot of stuff concerning Light Yagami 's weaknesses how I stands up against society maybe as IQ and is overall just a highly praised video that both sides of the fandom seem to enjoy now Death Note is a series that's almost purposely constructed to avoid answering many serious moral questions and dilemmas and probably for good reason the author of Death Note Tsugumi OVA has stated that these types of things would detract from the intensity and flow of what is happening in states that his entire take on the matter is virtually what mere set to light in the yellow box warehouse in Chapter 105 impossible in this scene light is exposed for being Kira and eventually decides to break his light yagami persona and somewhat the barrier the story had around the justification of his motives and starts discussing about how the world has greatly benefited from lights existence and work and this is not even remotely an exaggeration to say that he truly did change the world in a drastic way reducing war crime and all sorts of degeneracy of that kind but near finally pops the bubble here and replies with oboes own almost self insert quote nobody can tell what is right and what is wrong what is righteous and what is evil even if there was a god and I had his teachings before me I would think it through and decide if that was right or wrong myself I'm not different from you I believe in what I think is right and believe that to be righteous this while one of my favorite quotes of the series is also extremely vacuous in a very subtle way as I'll describe in a minute it's essentially near just saying people believe what they want and while it's a response to likes declaration of a moral high-ground it's not really debunking any of his arguments near constantly just goes back to your job they murderer quote-unquote almost as if he's just begging the question and that is why is like committing these murders bad it's a very consequentialist versus deontological situation where total well-being and stats has been compared to an arbitrary set of rules everyone in this warehouse abides by of course strict the ontological belief systems can often be reduced to absurdity examples being what if there is a rule against peanut butter sandwiches and you are never allowed to make one now what if making peanut butter sandwiches would end world hunger but the rule said you were still not allowed would that be just to follow your answers probably and hopefully no even if that's your own personal belief system and that's the problem with everyone in this situation the law and utility of Kirra isn't the issue for them anymore even if at first it was the problem everyone in this room has their own set of motivations and all their moral systems are almost treated equally Death Note never goes out of its way to say any of these are bad and the SPK mainly acts out of duty to their task the Japanese task force has been so dead-set and has invested so much in the kira that they can't simply stop due to moral questions and near absolutely does not care about anything but winning the game his battle of pride with Light Yagami and honestly that's just the epitome of Death Note a game between two people with many victims getting caught in the crossfire now you probably see where I'm going with this this is a quality that L and NIR share and many people do not really understand that or at least the actual scope of what that means when most people read or watch a Death Note L is usually the first thing that gets them hooked into the series he's just a quirky and goofy guy that does really smart and interesting things throughout the series like Interpol the international police he simply wants to solve the Kira case a strange occurrence of heart attacks that could belong to a mass murderer trying to stand above the law and in this way L is perfect because he is extremely unsuspecting of a character you wouldn't read the whole series thinking that L is just as ego driven and desensitized as Light Yagami is but I want you to imagine everything l has ever done and now label it as this has malicious or manipulative intent behind it and it completely just changes how you'll see Al's character also fitting him a scary amount and actually makes them kind of creepy and antagonistic now in every scene where everyone around him is in utter aw or in their feelings l never genuinely shows any such thing even it seems where he's acting like he feels like everyone around him you'll notice this throughout many clues Oba and Obata placed throughout his scenes primarily the fact that L is never once drawn with a drip of sweat on his face even in scenes where everyone else has won Oba makes a big deal about these sweat marks as well when concerning the Yotes of a group and how to read page 71 and how it can make certain people look cold-blooded and or more collected than others so Ibaka seems to place some value with this simple detail let alone never giving one to L throughout the entire series a single time obviously in real life this might not mean anything but an anime and manga these sweat marks are usually indicative of feelings the person has for a situation nervousness anxiety shock etc yet he still just never has one while L first sees solid proof for a Shinigami he falls out of his chair in shock quote-unquote but this isn't because he's actually scared or surprised by the Shinigami it's because it confirms all his theories were true as well as completely solving the BB murder cases in which a character named beyond birthday was born with Shinigami eyes L is also willing to sacrifice people to simply gain tips on cases and his even stated to break the law and lie if he so needs to finish things it really makes you wonder what does L say that's actually ever true at this point and the truth is anything that's not a genuine discovery about the case is probably a lie and even then he withholds massive amounts of information it's weird to think that one of the only things we can trust about him are his own inner monologues that Oba has allowed us to see from time to time and this is backed up by the story of self of course such as when L pulled a gotcha during lights deductive reasoning test by lying that there was an extra note that he didn't write how he pretended to be an ultra fan of Misa Amane so that nobody noticed him stealing her phone how he was telling everyone light only had a single-digit percentage of suspicion to ease everyone's mind when every single percentage was actually him saying over 90% in the words of Oba and most importantly L saying that Light Yagami was his only friend this is the most common misconception I find when people talk about L and after hearing that first introduction perhaps some of you who believed L now find him a bit more suspicious how old doesn't really consider Light Yagami his friend he was moreso saying that to make him seem less threatening and antagonistic on how to read page 63 it's described that L probably as a deep distaste for light and these scenes L also has a breakdown where he's talking to mindwiped light and he tells him he genuinely wants him to be Kira this is more than likely true as L doesn't want to make a friend he wants a genuinely interesting set of competition this is similar to near in the Death Note bonus chapter when a new hero appears and you're basically just tells them they're a boring copycat murderer and to do whatever they want causing the wannabe Kira to actually offed themselves I've also seen some say that L was beginning to yield to light hence the rain foot scene and the anime only however this is once again confirmed my how to read to just be L trying to buy more of lights trust and if anything Ellen even near were convinced that Shinigami would never interfere with L specifically being close to figuring light out in fact an L changed the world L does beat light if he wasn't killed by REM with light then killing himself with the Death Note scrapping his watch while he's in jail and now while changed the world as an alternative timeline and L has way different character evolutions not present in the main continuity it is still something interesting to note here many people want these weaknesses of L to be true because they want L to be the goofy lovable character that got them into the show but I find it way more interesting to see the series as the two of them standing on even footing in terms of what L calls a divine mindset someone who will do what needs to be done without hesitation in fact it might be even more debatable that L could be more cynical than light is I'm saying this and despite the fact that Oba thinks L is slightly evil and light is very evil but I honestly have to disagree and now I know what disagreeing with the author this is obviously Boba's opinion on evil that he had already explained through near is something he finds utterly objective not some objective fact or law about the deathnote world so at least hear me out a little bit this is also somewhat backed up and death know how to read once again we're on page eleven it reads L will commit crimes to solve a case he's working on and will do anything until he's satisfied with the answer of the case as such he's often misunderstood this could either mean people don't like how he operates like the police or see him as more virtuous than he really is now just as nears name of Nate River has meaning and that he's supposed to be a naturally flowing talent from L LS name to has a meaning and L changed the world on page seventeen is described that his name L stands for last one as he stood alone without successor and it could also mean lost one as if he were a drop from the heavens by some omnipotent being and this would then create a vast chain of what would then be known as L successors in wammy's house with each being given a letter after graduation with many generations of orphans being taken entrained by lottery for nothing more than his own amusement in the generations watry would be so abusive and hardcore and these methods to train a successor the very first child of wammy's house to be selected as a possible successor a offed himself with B the second being named as backup and being so manipulated and tormented that he tried everything in his power to mimic L and surpass him to the point that he used the Shinigami eyes he was born with to commit murders just to create a case that L couldn't solve and to finally get closure for his abused childhood now whether or not these methods ever changed is somewhat unknown however the fact that Watson T and L would go this far just for the fun of it is extremely telling and they never ever show any amount of remorse for it at most all L ever does to remember beyond birthday or B is write down the case for Mello to read later and take up the alias ryuzaki that be used to fool Naomi miss aura as he thought he was clever in death note there's a series of specials written by Oba and drama Obata as as bonus for L changed the world and then we see a bit of L's lore and backstory from anything to him as a child to his normal life such as how he actually washes himself in a specialized washing machine and actually like idols and so on and one of these specials file number 15 wammy's house we could see Elle's introduction to wammy's house as a child in which on his first day all the other orphans tried to cuddle him to make him feel more welcomed in at home and he beats them all down and exclaims they tried to use violence on me I am justice this once again just perfectly outlines who he really is as he grows up someone who believes that might makes right a lot of the time so when both L and light vault explained I am righteous in Chapter two take a moment to think what do these guys actually mean by that l a character who is unremorseful even with sacrificing others for the sake of solving just a puzzle and will gladly beat other people down and torture children for no reason or light yagami someone who's actually created a system to benefit the world in which he thinks he is righteous in helping people Light Yagami the same person who actually regretted killing takayoshi BIMARU versus L whose only regret was not finding the way to solve the Kira case on his own and in a way maybe that is just the goofy lovable L we all know anyways guys that's the video I hope you enjoyed and if you did please leave a like and subscribe it really helped lets me know just how much you want to see stuff like this now i still do recommend watching Batman vs Kyra if you want to learn more about Kyra and Al's more intellect scaling per se and I'm open to new ideas if you guys want me to do anything like that in the future or want more videos on death no other than that though hope you have a great rest of your day and I hope this got you thinking perhaps so to end it off what is your justice monsters who will not show themselves trouble monsters who abduct children monsters who devoured dreams monsters who suck blood and monsters [Music] lying monsters are a real nuisance they are much more cunning than other monsters they pose as humans even though they have no understanding of the human heart they eat even though they've never experienced hunger they study even though they have no interest in academics they seek friendship even though they do not know how to love if I were to encounter such a monster I would likely be eaten by it because in truth I am that monster
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 1,082,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Was L More Sinister Than We Thought? - Death Note, l death note, l lawliet death note, death note, did l consider light a friend, was l evil, l scene, l and light, l what are you scared of, could batman solve the kira case, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, death note ost, how smart is l, l vs light, was l smarter than light, analysis, anime, manga, seththeprogrammer death note, death note seththeprogrammer, death note episode
Id: 6q1rAYJxYaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 20 2019
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