Could Batman Solve The Kira Case? - Death Note

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I'll everyone it is your hosts at the programmer and today we're going to be going over something a little different today we're going to be going over Batman and the world of Death Note and whether or not he could solve the Kira case I figured this would be interesting due to the fact that most people really don't talk about Batman as a detective or seductive reasoning they really only talk about how you can create weird plans to beat up supernatural beings and what you can do in a fight and what better way to see how he stacks up as a detective than to throw them in one of the most popular cat-and-mouse mangas out there Death Note also if you do like this video or want more content like this be sure to show that by hitting the like button and subscribing it really helps gauge how much you guys really want these kind of videos and like I said if you want something unique hit the button you know it really does show that this is something you want to see the premise that the video will go a little something like this will be taking Gotham City and Batman from DC Comics and putting them into the world of Death Note Gotham being placed arbitrarily in America it doesn't really matter and Batman utterly replacing L so that means the super detective L does not exist at the moment in this hypothetical and will instead be replaced by Bruce Wayne taking on Elle's role per se Batman will not get outside help and will have to use his rod adduction and skill to beat the case the wind conditions are as follows convict light and prove that he is Kira and the losing conditions are as follows a resting light without legal evidence which is the ability to keep him in jail because Batman does have the problem of arresting criminals and not being able to keep them in jail because of the evidence he obtained killing light without proving he is Kira first or light kills himself before Batman can prove he is Kira it may sound strange as if light kills himself or Batman kills him then it would seem that the world would be rid of Kira right however L and many others from wammy's house like Mello and B consider this a loss this was shown in the BB murders case novel by Nene Co Eason where be the backup / copy of L has Niomi me Sora go on a hunt for a killer and by the end of it be planned on killing himself and pretending to be one of the victims be did this because it be were to kill himself that L would never be able to prove who the killer actually was outside of speculation and then B would have defeated L since L couldn't solve the case for good the BB murder case is his proof worse quality of L's back story by OVA himself however there is another novel called L changed the world and while this is an alternate continuity and if someone takes a lot of character as a similar theme going for it in this continuity L actually ends up almost securing the victory over light and light can't find out Elle's name or convince REM to kill him and so light kills himself in prison with the death no scrap in his watch in which L considers this and utter defeat remember that this is can Batman solve the case not light versus Batman death battle and since this video is Batman taking Al's place will give him that similar rule even if Batman considers it a loss or not the world of Death Note and his detectives do consider it a loss if those conditions are reached another rule is that Light Yagami must find out Batman's secret identity Bruce Wayne and write that in the Death Note I've seen some question the idea that Batman wants to grip the lasso of truth and he said that his name was Batman however this doesn't inherently have to mean Batman is his first identity or the identity that Death Note would want written inside of it one it could simply mean that Batman saying Batman is his name isn't a lie and could mean he considers Batman an actual name of his as well as Bruce - it could mean that he has resistance to things that try to force him to reveal his identity and convince even the lasso of truth that he's telling the truth even if he really isn't this wouldn't be too far-fetched as Batman has convinced people many times like Deathstroke that Bruce isn't his real identity 3 it could mean that he himself believes that Batman is his true name or identity meaning he wouldn't be lying by saying this could be done in a multitude of ways by hypnotizing himself psychological tricks etc believe me when I say that none of this would be crazy for Batman however the Death Note doesn't care about detective codes or the mental state of the person and what's the original identity of the person meaning it would want Bruce Wayne in this case this is also shown in I'll change the world where it's unsure what would constitute Al's real identity due to how many he appropriates himself with yeah L right L lolly it is original name inside of the Death Note long story short we're going to make Bruce Wayne the goal to avoid confusion and unnecessary contention the version of Batman will be Batman rebirth as choosing a particular Batman could come off as cherry-picking and I don't want people screaming you chose that Batman only because he had that weakness you biased we've out of the way let's begin obviously our story would begin the way Death Note normally did light notices a notebook on the ground from his classroom window decides to go pick it up after school these sizes try it out and kills the shinjuku killer Odawara da Kudo as normal and from here he ends up regretfully killing tocqueville Shibley morrow for being too aggressive with the girl and this causes like to snap and acknowledge that the world as a disgusting place that needs to change light would then go on to start writing names and his Death Note making sure not to kill anybody to major so the police wouldn't cover up the killings or keep anything a secret after killing many people is starting to gain a few conspiracy theories around the world on the Internet light himself declares I'm going to make the whole world know I'm here that somebody is passing righteous judgment on them of course light was written this way so that for one the world would begin to change from his actions and acknowledge Kira and too so that people could catch his trail after this Interpol aka the international police starts to notice something is fishy however they have no leads and can't prove anything is happening outside of coincidence this is normally where L would step in to organize the police around the world however in this timeline a vigil Lotte takes the scene to take it up by himself Batman from here a matter of perspective comes into play how would Batman go about convicting Kira and I think the best way to do this is to actually compare how L operates to Batman L is rather manipulative maybe a sociopath if you will and is willing to drop bodies and ruin lives to win a case all throughout the series he's shown faking his emotions even it scenes where everyone is freaking out you'll notice Elle is never drawn with a genuine sweat mark on his face showing that he's not actually surprised or concerned and this was done deliberately by Obata to show Elle's actual mental state and Oba even goes as far as to say Elle is slightly evil and how to read which is showcased by Elle trying to man even manipulate light by calling him his friend when he actually despises him or how he use of lyndale Taylor's body as a Death Note sponge to dry out Kira and then laugh at him publicly to challenge him for the spa of top mind in the world or as near calls it the Battle of pride the question that becomes would Batman do anything like this and the answer is yes he could but he'd do it in a way more dominant format more mature as well although you probably wanted sacrifice criminal since it's not necessary he's seeking evidence for himself to convict light and then looking to prove that Kira exists to the police later to keep him in jail not the other way around like L did Batman would more than likely travel to Japan immediately as even L figured Kira was in Japan even before Lind L tailor died he may then be asking what to say Batman would figure this out just because L did and the answer is quite a simple gauge of raw intelligence L is an insane prodigy considered one of the greatest minds on earth and Death Note how to read and the greatest detective on the planet by just eight years old he was smart enough to stop world war three and by the time he was a young adult and be was challenging him Mello states his ability is that of five ordinary investigative bureaus and seven intelligence agencies has a reminder Ainan Celeste Cawley who has an estimated IQ of 263 gave his first public lecture at the age of six and at seven years and one month of age he had passed the GCSE chemistry and studied chemistry at the tertiary level in Singapore Polytechnic a year later 9 he was able to recite PI to 518 decimal places and can remember the periodic table in this case however at 8 years old L had more ability than more than likely any detective on the planet and he was the one who actually figured out and stopped the bombings that would have caused world war 3 which would then inspire watt sorry to create wammy's house this means ELLs IQ as an 8 year old child as easily in the 250 through 300 IQ range bar our real-life standards and as an adult it could be even more astronomical as mello states that L gets more intelligent as he gets older Batman is a bit more ludicrous in out there in comparison for example Batman was more accurately able to predict when Horus pecks wood fire and even when a time-traveling robot would turn up and appear when at both instances Brainiac couldn't for those that don't know Brainiac is a 12th level intellect with a 6th level intellect rivaling that of all of humanity combined meaning Batman had better deduction than at being who was outside of human comprehension whereas L is rivaling numerous bureaus put together in his debatably peak human intelligence give or take although even though L doesn't have a max intelligence that and death know how to read but a Shinigami by the name of new Shinigami having intelligence similar to scale as humans has maxed out intelligence so in all actuality yes Batman is far more qualified to make the deduction that light is in Japan than L or even all of humanity put together even is but of course the hunt isn't totally one-sided out of all of Batman's perky as his fair set of weaknesses here the main one being that it's not actually all that hard to truly figure out who he is especially if you don't actually care about who dies for you to find out now while many characters have have tried exposing Bruce's identity and Batman has squirmed his way out of it most times light would not worry about exposing or confirming Bruce's identity he pressed the switch the second he figured that Bruce had the qualifications of Batman for Batman you mainly just have to figure out a he does most of his work in Gotham and therefore more than likely lives in Gotham is in great shape it is peak human if not greater therefore he's likely younger see he can afford and create insane levels of tech therefore he must be richer and more intelligent these basic thoughts that even most people in the comment section would come up with just scream Bruce Wayne a conveniently young wealthy American playboy philanthropist and owner of Wayne Enterprises of course you could say that maybe he's hired by the government or something however he wouldn't be hard to track even then and you could still come on to Bruce Wayne and then just investigate him from there although like I said light would probably just kill Bruce anyway just like he did Lind L tailor the grim Knight who is basically Batman who instead of doing what he did normally when his parents died shot the muggers that killed them is considered the most intelligent of the Dark Knight's even including the Batman who laughs whom the grim knight tricks into not destroying everything by saying his plan to make things too easy and uninteresting blah blah blah and the Batman who laughs is a being who despite being a normal human with prep is so insane that he can kill powerful beings that could easily solo the human race however in this world the grim Knight variant is basically Batman on steroids and will even kill criminals the Commissioner Gordon of that reality doesn't like this though and he dedicates himself to figuring out Batman's identity and he does Gordon then hunts him down beats the [ __ ] out of him strips Wayne industries in all of its assets then throws him in jail so as you can see imagine Batman has god-tier level deduction and stats but it's not terribly hard to figure out who he is yourself and many people have actually done so even with his most intelligent versions from here it's clear that light could more than likely deduce Batman's identity but now the question is would he try to now will question the skills an initiative of Batman and take his skills to the fullest for one Batman's approach would be much different than else whereas L sees light as a challenge in his battle of pride in his detective code Batman would simply see light as a criminal this is important because L tries his best to goad light into acting and challenged him directly on air announcing himself as an enemy immediately but Batman doesn't necessarily have to announce himself as an enemy if announced himself at all and Batman is probably extremely popular in Gotham and his name would definitely reach the Internet it's not as if light would view him as an enemy you'd've um as someone who loved true justice a vigilante who wasn't scared to break the law to protect the world similar to him also light didn't even know about el until el rubbed his name in his face on air even though his father was the chief of police and all of Interpol pretty much knows who el is casting a lot of doubt on light immediately knowing of Batman anyway although even if he did since Batman has wild superhuman feats it doesn't mean light would target him this may seem like a disadvantage for Batman actually because this is how el originally proved light was in the Kanto region of Japan however like I said before this would not be needed to actually deduce he was there it's only really needed to challenge and make light angry as well as prove it to the public off the bat which Batman doesn't need to do since Bruce doesn't need Interpol or local police to help him this is because the Shinjuku killer was only broadcasted in Japanese media which L calls out later and then simply attempts to scan Japan starting out with Kanto it's the most populous region Batman would easily make a similar if not greater deduction light unfortunately has a few weaknesses as well that panned themselves out through the series that Oba left into let L catch on to Kira the first big one is the fact that light originally killed people during his off hours from school which immediately gave away the fact that he was a student as well as the shinjuku mistake he made earlier which he did not knowing that the Death Note would even work to begin with this would easily have Batman on the hunt through Japan and you'd more than likely be scouring the schools of Kanto Japan first similar to L L also calls out that the suspect is more than likely highly intelligent due to his methodical and coordinated killings of others if the police ever caught on that Kira was killing criminals and decided to censor information which is likely and in fact the Japanese task force suggested it to L numerous times then light would have to start killing the innocent or use the Japanese police database to find out criminals names which light pretty much already did this gives Batman even more clue on who light is an intelligent school student from Japan with access to private police records there would only be a few suspects from here carry Yoshi ku tomorrow's dog siyou Yagami and Light Yagami mainly however even if police records were never accessed Batman could still find light even only using the schools as a reference because Batman would only have to meet or see light to actually know it was him for the most part examples of this being held with Batman met Thunderbolt and knew he was a fifth dimensional imp right off the bat where I can read your pulse and tell what you think of others simply by looking at you so a Batman ever did get in contact with Light Yagami it's pretty much game over Light Yagami would have one of his stereotypical dramatic internal Death Note monologues and Batman would read it all like a book as well as being able to tell when he's feigning ignorance it'd be similar to how L gave the police department in the suspects all his deductive reasoning tests and only light fit the bill except on steroids it might be even worse if you consider the fact that Batman might be able to see Veruca as well as he was able to tell Martian Manhunter was present simply by his breathing and can register these insanely complex beings no problem he was also able to see dead man who was literally a dead man who could possess living people kind of like a ghost in post-crisis he can even tell when magic or supernatural things have been used in a proximity making light even more likely and if that isn't convincing realize that the League of Shadows has erased Batman's memories up to three times and the League of Shadows is a group of secret wizards that have remained undiscovered for thousands of years that even give Batman fake memories once he finds them so he'll stop coming back and then he finds them again anyway with fake memories in comparison an egotistical and clumsily starting out Light Yagami is child's play defined for me here Bruce has two options either a introduced himself as Batman or B acts like light wasn't a big deal and then stalked him to learn more later an option a Bruce would introduce himself as Batman and called light out for being Kira however his strategy here would be to convince light that he works for justice and supports Kira with light unable to do anything to Batman Batman can then sway light's opinion towards him and possibly get him to admit everything Batman did this before with Lex Luthor before when he convinces him to show him his secret lab saying he'll help him in exchange even if light doesn't agree to the alliance Batman will be able to tell if light is lying or wishes him harm by simply looking at him as I said before which will simply have Batman goes to plan B in plan B Batman would stock light similar to rape ember however they differ between Rey and Bruce is that if light starts whispering to Ryu clinking Bruce is too far away for him to hear he actually hear everything he was saying as Batman is often credited no sounds escaped him and no movement is hidden he'd realized that there was something with him even if he couldn't see the Shinigami if Batman realized light was hostile he may even subdue him there and put him immediately into questioning which from there he would actually hypnotize light to tell him the truth like he did to penguin before from here all Batman would have to do is convince souichirou to let Batman search his son's room or go in there on his own merit after overhearing light speak or maybe convincing him that he was a good guy on his side he'd only asked so Ichiro if he wanted to arrest light legally but he could probably do it either way and yes so each row and more than likely listen to Batman so Ichiro cares more about the law than his own son in the end and this is displayed in all novels and the main series if Batman ever did enter light's room he'd be able to immediately tell if anything was a trap or rigged as there has been instances where he's look at a completely ordinary looking doorknob and could tell it was a trap this means the chances of him discovering like secret notebook stash and it's trap is very high as well as the fact that he's probably overheard like talking about it and shopping for its components anyway this alongside the fact that Batman has insane forensic skills that could even catch criminals by a simple printer streak on a printed map or the exact actions a car took in its content / color based off of a collision it had means Batman probably has over a 99 percent chance of getting lights notebook or figuring out what he's doing with it and where it is he's simply too powerful for a pretty much normal smart guy like light to get around and it makes sense DC characters a lot of the time are written to be admirable rather than fully relatable whereas in this case light and Death Note are kind of written to allow the characters to catch to each other they are very exposed weaknesses and whereas it doesn't have to be so inherent with Batman after that he explains all the evidence he got and how his sons prints were all over the notebook and could even show the trap he had in his room and explained how the Death Note works and how light operated and it would be good game even if you had Batman come for light after the death of L and he had Misa helping him the results would not be much different I say Misa helping because Oba stated that light would never trade for the Shinigami eyes and rather kill himself in prison than get them in this case the only threat to Batman is Misa however he has many condemned C's against her for one Batman wears a mask under his normal mask a lot of the time meaning even if Misa took off Batman's mask she wouldn't see his name and even if she did somehow see his name using the if they see your eyes they can see your name rule and Batman noticed hostile intent and that she was up to trying to kill him he had more than likely subdue her similar to before it also be way easier for Batman to follow Elle's footsteps in the light's direction than before just like with near and Mello making this a much faster GG this is of course giving Batman a somewhat more realistic approach based on death notes established lore however on all honesty due to his feats versus Lex Luthor Darkseid Brainiac and so on this may be a far greater stomp than I'm letting on it but this is just an easy way to explain it and if I were to give him death no stats like the how to read did it probably be a little something like this yeah but pretty broken a little too strong to be here so in the end Batman would more than likely slap light like he was a filler villain other than that I know some people will have some comments so I'll dress them here real quick doesn't Batman not believe in magic and new 52 he doesn't and in fact he gets Superman Wonder Woman and cyborg killed because of it although in post crisis in rebirth he does and could even tell when Magic has been used in an area question 2 why not just have Batman use the Mobius chair I'd rather not bring this up ever for one not only is this outside help but it makes me develop a disease just thinking about how dumb Batman was in this thing as an example he asked the chair who the Joker is and the chair responds there are three Joker's so Batman just goes oh and gets out of the chair to figure out who they are instead of you know just asking the chair who the three were imagine if you gotten the chair and said who is Kira and the chair responded there are two Kira's and Batman discussed super anxious and went out to look for them instead of asking the chair a kid question three why do you think Batman wouldn't used the police I say this because he doesn't actually need them however if it kind of isn't his character for you were to use them I suppose it's just when he kept sending chrono voice after Superman to teach him about teamwork and epically failing but he doesn't really need them like I said if you really needed police record he could obtain them without Interpol or the Japanese police anyways I hope you guys all enjoyed if you want more Death Note or even Batman related content show me that by hitting this video with a like or a sub like I said before it really gives a number to how much you actually like it and other than that till next time [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 1,908,532
Rating: 4.9093924 out of 5
Keywords: death note, batman, could batman solve the kira case, batman death note, death note batman, light vs l, batman vs light yagami, batman vs l, batman vs kira, how smart is batman, how smart is light yagami, how smart is l, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, seththeprogrammer death note, analysis, manga, anime
Id: bitxB5vp8a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 8sec (1388 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 15 2019
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