The Trainwreck of Berserk 2017

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It's still hot garbage

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ArchViles 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dankmeme3 📅︎︎ Jan 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
attention all berserk gamers guts berserk is a great danger and needs your help trapped in a poorly made anime while Griffith is off making a fake nuke band of the hawk now he's gonna need your credit card number expiration date and the three numbers on the back along with red Barrett so remember resid did everything wrong who doesn't love beating a dead horse you know after berserk 2016 and that I thought maybe they'll be able to improve on for 2017 they could have possibly been under budgeted and understaffed and this could have been rushed out the door maybe they didn't know the technology too well and now they have some experience they'll be able to make it better because in experience with the tools you're used to make your series isn't something mutually exclusive to anime production maybe 2017 would come out and we'll just remember 2016 as that bad mistake that unfortunately had to happen to get the good stuff I was fucking stupid for thinking this not only is it bad it's actually even worse back in the 2016 video I talked about the interviews with the producer during the 2016 animes production you mentioned how there was a 2d studio in a 3d studio and I raised the idea that they could have been working against each other creating more issues due to them not being on the same page and being completely separate Studios now we're going to have a look at this article that came out after the production of the 2017 anime which brings to light how much of a colossal clusterfuck this production was gained by the CGI team had never been in charge of a full-length anime production before they'd only worked previously as production assistants for CGI and background creation along with the VFX production there's nothing inherently wrong with having an inexperienced new team to work on something it's awfully great to allow new people into the scene try to do new things and prove themselves it's really unfortunate that they just had so many issues pile up and they were so inexperienced with what they were doing that it became such a fucking mess berserks production started in spring of 2015 but it wasn't till late December did they even decide how they wanted the show to look a hybridization between 2d and 3d was what Sheen and Agassi strove for trying to replicate Mira's art style with highly detailed models and backgrounds but in doing this cause calm ganba despite opposition from the staff worrying that the style wouldn't be financially and technically feasible in Agha he still pursued this idea and in doing so wasted a lot of the team's time the premiere day for the first season was July 1st 2016 and due to so much time wasting during pre-production they wasted over half a year of production time then having nbc/universal requiring them to produce a trailer they hadn't even decided how the show was going to look yet this is why the first trailer we ever saw looks vastly different from what the show we got eventually the staff would reach a compromise within a gawky and how they wanted the show to end up looking but in doing so meant they had to scrap everything they made for the trailer because the trailer was made in August but they didn't reach this compromise until December this meant that they had to create a hundred and fifty new character models including battle-damaged versions of them you know the ones they kept forgetting to include when they would change scenes the studio began making the new models in January only starting to animate them in March four months before the release of the anime sadly the production issues only got worse from here on out not only were the highly detailed models causing too much strain on the viewport and their 3ds Max software they were having trouble even rendering the models at all and since they only had four months until the release date they had no time to work on the new solution so they were forced to simplify these models that were originally intended to replicate as much detail from the manga as possible they intended to use a system called global illumination a system that calculates the reflections of light and how they interact with objects around them to create more of a realistic lighting setting for example let's say there's a character in a suit of armor standing near a light source and there's another character standing right next to them the light that's shining on the armor would then reflect onto the character standing next to them so the second character is being illuminated by both the light source and the reflection off the body of armor and having the computer do this all on its own this saves time for the animators so they don't have to go in and program the lighting for each individual scene at least that's my understanding of how this works based on the Unity design Docs explanation so for all I know this could be completely different from what they're trying to do with the deadline approaching fast they needed to render out these backgrounds in less than 10 minutes which was not nearly enough time for the utilities so that meant they had to remove global illumination and with its exclusion backgrounds would never stand out like they were originally intended to coming off way more flatter and a lot duller it akaki wanted to implement what the staff referred to as touch up lines this is the hatch mark shading that you could see on all the characters in the anime these effects along with all of the 2d sections of the anime are done by the second studio Milla pens originally these hatch marks were supposed to be applied using Adobe After Effects but this didn't always work specifically on swords armor and other detailed metallic objects requiring the staff to go and manually apply these textures oh my god those poor overworked animators it's no wonder this industry's fucked the biggest problem with its production wasn't the fact that they were understaffed they had a decent size it's the fact that they were split between so many groups and companies that they had to start making unique tools so they could all work between each other with different rigging software outside of ganba with all these issues and all the time they wasted leading up to them this left them without the ability to search for other options like possibly using different software that would allow them to make what they originally envisioned now before we start pointing fingers and putting all the blame on shin in a gawky I do want to give him some props I deeply respect any director that is willing to fight for their artistic vision instead of being a yes-man to the higher-ups like a lot of Hollywood directors are but a great director knows when they need to make the compromises in order for their project to be a success and aren't too married to the images in their head now I want to discuss something I haven't seen anyone else ever really touch on and that's the dub I don't usually have issues with tubs I occasionally check them out towards series that I've really liked just to see what they did like I usually check out each part of the Jojo dubs just to see who they got to play the characters one of the biggest critiques that English dubs get besides the fact that they occasionally cast people that aren't a good fit for the character is how artificial they sound you can't separate the idea that this is just someone speaking in a booth rather than the character actually being there and this dub really suffers from that and I wouldn't really put this at fault to the audio technicians at Funimation they probably did the best they could with what they had the fact of the sound design for this anime is so fucking atrocious that no matter what they would have done it would have sent it in organic no matter what the Japanese dub even suffers from this issue the thing that surprises me the most is the fact that Funimation even wanted to dub this I can't imagine people are actually going out to buy the blu-rays of this I highly doubt they expect this to make any money at all and are probably just doing this for a tax write-off I brought this up in the 2016 video and as everyone else has mentioned in any discussion surrounding this anime ever holy shit does this camera not stop moving the 2017 season actually had some really nice shots that I liked but the team either didn't have the restraint or didn't understand what they were doing and just kept the camera moving ruining the impact that any of these scenes could have ever possibly had so to remove some of the redundancy of an already redundant video I'm just going to show the biggest offenders in my eyes a little montage for the sake of brevity and removing as much repetition as possible [Music] the middle of this season is just so boring it's not even like 2016 where is a non-stop fucking train wreck of awfulness the middle episodes are just flat dull and all around lifeless of course they look like shit because the whole show does but there isn't anything extremely bad to the point you're like what the fuck is going on or you're just laughing at it because it's so fucking bad you can't believe that this shit was actually aired on TV the first two minutes of episode 13 actually look pretty good until you see Zod where he's just a tweening PNG it looks like a killa kill gag except this wasn't done of the intention of comedy go toes the lucky one here he gets to be spared from this fucking nightmare one of the largest turning points for guts his character is after the tower of conviction where he sees Griffith being resurrected in his new body for a second he does not feel the urge to kill him anymore later this is driving guts insane because up until now his whole point of existence is to get his revenge on Griffith for what he did to the band of the hawk so can you guess what music may accompany the scene in the anime with jazz ministership set cos Atta Tita his guts having an existential crisis contemplating his purpose and what's keeping him going or is he trying to be fucking serenaded hey post-production sevit here after going back and listening to the soundtrack a song isn't really jazz it's more like a new or pulpy sound it just sounded more like jazz to me from the little snippet we actually hear because the mix is so terrible in the episode just thought I'd clarify that for anyone who goes back and like what the fuck there isn't a jazz song here but my point still stands that it's an awful inclusion for the scene anyway I hope you're enjoying the video so far let's get back to that anytime there's even a moderately tense scene they use this same violin track over and over and over again it's like one stands that they record and they're like well this is all we got so we got to make the scene tense by a time or 13 episodes in I'm so sick of hearing this but they used it for all 24 episodes that I just wish I was fucking deaf by the end this episode also has hands-down the worst fight scene I've ever seen in any Anna ever you live in a good thing that could rival it is this from soul eat or not hey people know a fight scene that they think could top this please let me know I want to see something that'll make me think this is a Donnie Yen film compared to what you showed me [Music] this episode also has terrible compression issues where there is artifacting everywhere and it's not just the rips of the episodes that I obtain through very legal channels it's all the versions I've seen except for the blu-rays which I will never fucking buy knowing what I mentioned earlier from the article mentioning how they had to render out each scene in under 10 minutes we can infer that probably one of these few things happened number one they lower the quality of the overall episode so they could render this out faster because none of the other episodes have this noticeable artifacting in hyper compression and this is probably due to these snow effects because specifically in a lot of the fight scenes in the snow is where a lot of the artifacting is number two this is just how the snow is supposed to look but it's so awful it just looks like the episode is blurry this could just be these subtitles from the Rif i got and this makes more sense in Japanese but I think how they have guts saying that you don't loathe Griffith to Richert instead of you can never hate Griffith like it does in the manga completely changes the scene and the dynamic going forward for these two characters this is one of the changes though that I think is more arguable between people how they could interpret this line in different ways compared to a lot of the other mistakes and changes where it's just cut content I do think this line is up for some debate whether it is a change for the better or worse I'm still leaning towards they should have had it how it originally was cuz that sounded a lot better and makes a lot more sense going forward for a rickards character arc none which we get to see in the anime man nothing I love more than having all the action happen outside of the frame did they cut away fast because this was too complex for them to animate and they started and then gave up halfway through because that's what it really looks like again with weird pacing issues in episode structure they sequence break the story which had a more cohesive flow of time and events in the manga and then made it completely jumbled up in the anime and I don't understand why they would do this chapter 182 is Griffiths showing up and appearing as the hawk of light 183 he kills the cushioned leader and meets locus 184 is him meeting the rest of the apostles that will join the neo band of the hawk or the neo band of the Falcon or whatever the official translation is now then cuts to sheer talking about the age of darkness that will soon come 185 and 186 is all about far nice growing up in the backstory with her and Serpico chapters 1 87 through 191 our guts and Costco's journey through Midland having guts realize how difficult it is to fight every night and try to take care of Casca like this alone and he's slowly losing his mind and being possessed by the inner demon and being possessed by other demons at night which then creates a rift between him and Casca now requiring him to drag Cosco around with a rope tied around her arms we don't really have a good estimate how long this period is between these chapters but at least it is a few days so I'm going to range this at three to four days to at most the whole season of winter since 187 and 188 are called winters journey you can see snow on the trees and then in 190 191 you do not see snow and you see leaves starting to grow on trees little details like that that make me believe maybe this is starting to be the end of winter or possibly spring now in the anime they have Griffiths show up then they immediately cut away before he attacks a cushy ins to guts and Casca during the first night of them camping where he is attacked by the Incubus then jumping too far nice and serpico having their entire backstory then jump back to guts and Casca assumingly the next day because they did cut a few pages from the manga where it shows guts fighting in different locations then jump back to griffith fighting the cushy ins which is ranging from one or two days to an entire season earlier and it finally ends with guts running into Forney since Serpico and them asking if they can join him on his journey which is even later than the last time we saw guts and Casca traveling alone now did that explanation sound convoluted and stupid because watching those events happen in real time is just as dumb I just don't understand what they achieved from rearranging the story like this you don't even really have to storyboard out this anime you have the entire framework in picture form in a manga how do you fuck that up I guess they didn't want to make Farnese out to be too much of a psychopath and have people find her completely unsympathetic so they removed the scene of her sacrificing little animals to the statue in the tree which led her to becoming a religious zealot who Yukio he yes Kino to shoot Hideko Bondi myeongguk kita Christine she's not even moving forward there for once they took the manga panels a little too literal having most of far nice and Serpico's flashbacks just being empty voids of white or black even in scenes they keep in there is huge dialogue cuts like Serpico's mother in the flashbacks in the manga she's actually talking to him as he sets her on fire at the stake to prove his innocence but in the anime all she does is make incoherent noises I guess they took a page out of David cages book of depicting the mentally ill oh come on they removed the best scene where Farnese sees puck for the first time Wow Griffith it's really amazing you stabbed that guy through the head and the fact that there's no blood on your blade I don't like how there's almost never blood in this anime except when it explodes on people like a jelly bomb since we last saw Zod fighting guts he somehow managed to contract jaundice so in half the shots and these scenes he's green fractious actually looks really good surprisingly I was fully expecting him to look like the goo from last season one of the little details they did that I actually really like is how Griffith looks like he's illuminated by his own light source when he's in the camp with the spirits of the dead soldiers showing them to their families for the last time I always interpreted the manga panels like yeah he's got this otherworldly glow around him which is what is bringing more people in to think that he is actually the savior normally it would look weird to have a character that looks like they have their own light source compared to everybody else but this I think is really good one of the few times I feel like either this was a happy accident or they fully understood that they were doing or character building that they removed from far nice and the anime is how she felt useless trying to take care of Casca and how hard it was for her to lower her guard and rely on others which was supposed to mirror how guts felt with allowing Farnese serpico in his sid row to join them on his journey there were quite a few people defending how the Dragon Slayer sounds and thinking the clang is actually really good and makes sense so if this is the sound that the Dragon Slayer makes a giant hunk of metal against the body of a young girl [Music] then why would run bells hammer make the same exact sound hitting against a metal shield which doubles over as a cannon the clanging sound makes the most sense is when grun bells hammer slams into the Dragonslayer when it's held against his guts his chest I just can't take these ogre seriously due to the fact that they for some reason made their eyes glow in white they just draw so much attention to them and stand out because everything else on the ogre itself along with the color choices they use for the scenes they show up in are very dark muted Gray's grounds and in some cases purples so the bright white will draw the attention of the viewer towards them they're like big red circles and YouTube thumbnails in the manga their eyes are bloodshot almost completely black because that's not the focal point of what the viewer is supposed to be looking at on these pages they weren't colored with the intention of having the readers eyes drawn to them all I could think of when I see these ogres is they have googly eyes on them oh hey look it's the gray bailiff if only they included the artwork guts got it from I guess now that we're 19 episodes in they finally realized hey maybe we should hold the frame for a little bit but all I do is just freeze frame it while leaving all the sounds going in the background and it just looks so awkward I don't even think that it's an issue with freeze framing because plenty of anime have done in the past most notably Dragon Ball did this all the time it's just that these shots that they froze at are so bland and dull there's no been getting or interesting angles or speed lines anything to make it pop more they could have made the frames really pop more by having like water vignette income tides there look like it's crashing against the camera or they could just done close-up shots of the characters faces but left things moving in the background since in the final product we can actually still hear the water running which really makes me think that they had these seeds that were like oh let's just freeze frame it just to add some spice to these scenes because it's just so dull and it comes off we're just going through the motions for these last few episodes all the really cool monsters and spirit designs that the gang runs into one clip off have been removed but at least jaws made it in episode 21 is where shit starts to really hit the fan and the quality of the show just absolutely plummets through the fucking floor this is where 90% of the gifts from this season come from is from episode 21 on I'm assuming this is because no one was buying the blu-rays and then the budget for the rest of the episodes just dried up and they were stuck with nothing for those who are unaware for the industry to recoup its costs for making a name they usually release DVDs or blu-rays containing two to four episodes for about seven thousand yen this is roughly 63 US dollars at the time of recording and with how the last few episodes have been going I doubt any of the whales or otaku were actually going to be willing to spend 7,000 yen for these piece-of-shit blu-rays the quality of these episodes have gone down so much that you even hear walking sound effects when no one is moving like did someone just miss a line on the time line or just leave it there and forget to remove it that's some simple shit you see in fucking post-production [Music] oh god I'm so sorry berserk armor he didn't deserve this what did they do to you seriously the Berserker armor is probably one of the coolest pieces of armor ever and this was a pretty necessary upgrade for guts to get if he actually wanted to continue on his journey and try to take on the God Hand one of my biggest issues with a lot of anime and manga specifically shown in is they just throw new power-ups at characters all the time at the time they don't feel justified and then they just completely invalidate earlier ones hey Jimmy the ratings are down let's give Goku a new fall on Naruto close to the end really had this issue where he just kept gaining new forms every fucking minute it felt like to the point where he was so strong and overpowered that once they begin doing filler episodes because it's a fucking shounen jump anime of course they're gonna do filler they had to flash back to pre-recession learned Naruto because there's nowhere else in the story for them to go what are you gonna have him fucking do the tea race when he's in Sage Mode oh no these four little bandits have got these kids hostage it's a good thing that I could just turn into a big fucking kaiju this is honestly a topic for another video that I've wanted to do for a while so maybe eventually I'll get to it but back to bitch you about this anime whoever they got to voice the beast of darkness just sounds so fucking uninterested every line he delivers is so flat you think he'd have any sort of emotional impact in his voice considering he's the manifestation of guts his fury and rage the one thing that's been consistently good though from 2016 and 2017 is the still images at the end they always look so nice and detailed my favorite is definitely episode 21 with guts being possessed by the beast of darkness in the armor which I'm a little hesitant to give praise for at the same time because it is just a colored rendition of the manga panel and it shows that they were really proud of it by the fact that they used it again in the next episode which they didn't do before and never do again and the fact that they reused it was really awkward like they didn't even implement it well if they want to make this work what they really need to do is have guts his head move up for a few more frames and then have it fade or some sort of other transition into the still because as it is right now it's just an awkward jump from where guts his head is facing down and then directly up for the still with how the helm of the berserk armor is shaped the snout gives the viewers a point of reference which makes the jump even more noticeable and awkward to even the most untrained of eyes it's so hot to me that they didn't think to add any sort of transition having to go from regular animation to then these still images with greater detail was something that the 1997 anime did a lot it was the prime technique that the show used to its advantage to try to replicate the art style as much as they possibly could with little budget that they had you think Kendall would have looked back and be like hmm maybe we should just add anything here but I could just put an adaptive transition or a cross-dissolve here in premiere and this doesn't take any effort I'm not a trained professional I'm someone who's self-taught how to edit and I can clearly tell this is an issue and see a simple solution to it this scene has almost made bearable thanks to the music used in it ash crow is an excellent song and going back and listening to the OST in a vacuum looking for background music for the video I realize most of these songs are actually pretty good it's more and part of they were just poorly incorporated into scenes hell the intro is even pretty catchy I'd probably go back and put this into a rock playlist and listen to it occasionally but again it's just a poor fit for the show and the tone it's trying to go for then after episode 21 we have a fucking recap episode there's literally nothing to fucking talk about here it's just they waste your fucking time not enough is even fucking happened to warrant a recap if I didn't already know this was supposed to be the beast of darkness made out of flames I would just be like what the fuck am I even looking at here the flame manifestation of guts his spirit is also completely fuck it's so frantic in its movement that you can't even make out what it is and the colors are too similar that you can't make out the eye motif either that the Beast of darkness and the Berserker armor have on them there's so many times throughout this entire anime both 2016 and 2017 where they have characters either running in the foreground of the background and I put running in very big quotation marks because they have a walk cycle but the characters don't actually ever gain any distance worst instance of this in my mind is when the bond and the Arkham Knights are running away from the alligator men in the sewers of the demon controlled Windham after Lebon and the Knights are saved by locusts and Irvine the rest of the fighting in the city Griffith rescuing Princess Charlotte and the introduction of Ganesha and dhaka are all removed all coming from six removed chapters of chapter 230 through 236 it makes sense they removed all of Ganesha as presence in the rest of the anime because there's no fucking way this is getting a third season no point in setting up things that are never gonna happen okay let's just say that everything I've mentioned up until now that's been cut is negligible the dumbest removal from this anime in my mind is definitely the fact they removed the fucking moon child why what does this achieve gee I hope this doesn't have any more relevancy in the plot later hmm the Kraken is also super bizarre to me it looks like it's not even from this anime it's like they took this asset from some website that just generates monster models and dumped it into the anime see it looks so out of place like it has so light source and no shadows I look at all I could think of is just the rejected Barney design Serpico and the sid rowse conversation about The Legend of the band of the hawk has been removed the one where Isidro talks about how he looks up to the raid leader who slayed over a thousand men as it cuts to guts looking embarrassed and muttering to himself by the stories embellished over the years sometimes it really feels like as the cameras panning down and is seen the landscape is moving along with it it makes me think of a pop up picture book with two different flat that move the foreground in the background but every time they do it in this the cameras usually panning horizontally or vertically having the foreground move along with it but then having the background move opposite to the cameras movement so it creates this weird overlap feeling where it doesn't create distance it feels like there's two things just smooshed right on top of each other I find that this issue to be most predominant during the fight with the trolls and ogres in the village especially when the gang is running away from the trolls bone beard I know you're supposed to be a grimy ass motherfucker what scurvy well what the fuck did they do to your face dude snake from mgs1 is a more detailed face than you when a CID ro and Mueller fighting bone beer in the docks instead of as on waking up on the boat and saving them puck uses solar flare allowing them to run away for the last two minutes of the 24th episode it's all in 2d and it doesn't look all that bad these last two minutes really show the potential that this series has it's just that gave it to the wrong studio and conveniently the anime cuts off right before we get to the boat arc [Music] [Applause] [Music] fuck it's cold [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Cvit
Views: 1,320,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cvit, Berserk, Berserk 2017, Anime, Anime Review, Anime Analysis, Bad CGI, Bad Anime, Guts, Griffith, Band of the Hawk, Analysis, Review, trainwreck
Id: SmRW4q6HR1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 03 2019
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