Berserk | So You Want to Get Into

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so you want to get into berserk well good news you picked the right series to get into there's quite the backlog for you to enjoy it's also not as confusing or convoluted as other series you may want to try to get into I'm looking into you Kingdom Hearts there's definitely a lot to it and it might seem intimidating at first but here's a comprehensive guide of everything you need to know about berserk berserk is a manga that started in 1989 written by Kintaro Miura it is currently ongoing unfortunately we are in the season of hiatus now before you get into berserk I do have to warn you at the risks and dangers of getting into it we die before berserk ends berserk is notorious for having long hiatus is when Kintaro Miura goes up into the mountains and disappears for months and years on end to find spiritual meaning also he has an idol master addiction but if that doesn't scare you off and you're a very patient person then good for you welcome aboard the three main players of berserk art guts Casca and griffith the reason why i'm introducing them in saying their names is because there is plenty of mistranslations in some translations guts his name is GATS got sue goats and other weird variations Griffith is sometimes called Griffith sue grief eath Griffith it's Griffith puck is also called pack poke peek and other weird spellings of puck but it's P uck I want to clear this up so when you read certain translations you won't be completely confused when it goes from one thing to another depending on what website you're using I haven't really run into any weird mistranslations of Costco's name maybe just a slight misspelling and from chapter to chapter but nothing too drastic if you want the most pure and best way to experience berserk then I'm going to tell you to read the manga cantar are mirrors art is gorgeous I cannot emphasize how beautiful it really is there are such painstaking detail on every panel something that just can't be translated to other mediums as well now depending on what website you're using it's going to be a little confusing it starts on 0-0 a do not start on chapter one because that's already half way through the Golden Age I don't know why they format it like this but most websites seem to be like that if you're going to be reading it physically then just start on Volume one there's also the prototype chapters that you can read to see what berserk was originally gonna be guts had an eyepatch it's really interesting to see how much was changed during the planning periods of berserk there is also the quote-unquote lost chapter chapter 83 which cantar Mira asked to have stopped printing and wanted moved from Canon because it introduced ideas that he thought would determine the range of where he could tell a story he didn't want to feel like he was putting himself in a box he wanted to be completely free with how he wanted to tell his story you can read it online but just remember as of right now it's considered not canon even though this story hasn't exactly pointed towards it not being canon otherwise so maybe later on it could be reintroduced just keep that in the back your mind if you're someone who has trouble sitting down and reading for hours on end good news for you there are some alternatives not very good alternatives but alternatives nonetheless the 1997 anime is pretty passable it's probably the best way to adapt berserk even if there are some plots cut out puck isn't in the anime and they cut out a lot of subplots but I guess it's bound to happen when you have so much material to cover and in such a short time like an anime you're being warned now that the intro song is fucking trash I'm playing it in the background right now and you can definitely tell for sure that this doesn't fit the tone of berserk at all then there are the three Golden Age movies which are again passable I definitely say that 1997 is the best option to go for if you want to watch something because again lots of cut plot points the animation is really shoddy in certain parts of these movies because there's just no budget the third one probably looks the best even if there are things cut out from it honestly if you don't have the ability to go back and appreciate something that looks kind of like the 1997 anime then I guess this is the option for you and then there's berserk 2016 2017 I've already made a video on 2016 and why it's fucking atrocious and should never be viewed by the human eye and I'm currently working on the 2017 video so instead of watching the anime just watch those videos instead now for the games surprisingly yes berserk does have games multiple probably haven't heard of them because they're not really that popular one of them hasn't even been released in the West the first game is sort of berserk guts is rage for the Dreamcast if you're wondering is this the one with the ball sack yes this game takes place between volumes 22 and 23 it's also written by Mira so I guess it's canon this takes place like right before for Aneesa and Serpico run back into Gus as they join his group and start their journey together with him I'm pretty sure all the characters that are new for this game were exclusively for I don't think anyone else has ever mentioned our reference to and I could be completely wrong the game is really short you could probably finish it in one sitting it's only about three hours long depending on how much you get stuck because the combat is a little janky I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna fool you it's on the Dreamcast so it had one of the worst controllers ever made it's biggest issue is when you're in tight corridors which happens quite a bit the sword keeps hitting the wall causing it to spark and you just end up keep getting hit because you can't actually fucking swing your weapon at the enemies but the boss designs really make up for it and I definitely recommend checking out just for them alone the game is full of old-school voice actors and a lot of Konami regulars puck is voiced by cam Clark who voiced liquid Zod is played by Peter Lorre who was also the voice actor for Vulcan Raven and Metal Gear Solid 1 guts his voice by Michael Bell who was the fear in Metal Gear Solid 3 he's also like half the fucking cast and Rugrats ballsack is played by Earl bone who was sergey golovkin bitch and mgs2 rita was voiced by paula t so who voiced Lulu and Final Fantasy 10 Casca's played by BJ Ward who was Velma and all the scooby-doo show's over although it is a fun little game to play if you for some reason still owned a Dreamcast or forgot that you had one in your closet and want to own a physical version of this game to play it you could probably get one used for about $30 on Amazon if you want a sealed copy that's brand new and still in the wrapping it's about a hundred twenty up next is the ps2 game berserk Millennium Empire our chapter of the holy demon war now you may be going oh I didn't know berserk had a ps2 game yeah that's because it was never released outside of Japan but don't worry that won't stop any of us because some dedicated fans made an English patch you just have to emulate it and there you go it actually plays really well and it's really fuckin fun to play there's a lot of cool unique original bosses for the game it's made by Yuke's who's unfortunately now tied to making annual wrestling games against their will it's really unfortunate this game was never at least here because it is really fucking cool and I would like to own a physical English copy but having an English patch for it is better than nothing I don't wanna show off too much for this game I really want people to just go play it themselves it's really fucking good it also somehow manages to have better animations in the berserk 2016 anime this is released in 2004 yikes you get yourself a physical copy of the game off Amazon for about 30 bucks now for our final game is the most recent one it came out last year that is berserk and the band of the hawk and that title is fucking awful so everyone just refers to it as berserk mu so if you've ever played a Dynasty Warriors game then you definitely know what you're getting yourself into but for those who don't dynasty Warriors is a long-running series by Tecmo Koei's based on the historic novel Romance of the Three Kingdoms it's a very simplistic hack and slash you go from point A to point B enter an area fight off all the enemies they retreat and then you move on to the next one so if that doesn't seem really appealing to you and it might come off repetitive because some what is then maybe you shouldn't get into this game the way I see it is somewhat similar to the JoJo's all-star battle game which is a fan game first a fighting game second and had terrible balance tons of infinite loops crouching kick is still the most broken move in the game but you just played and you go oh my god he does the thing and how every single movement is just frame by frame panel related things it's just so good and so cool to be able to just play them as a fan of the series I plan to do a full fledged review of this game eventually but for now I'm gonna go a little bit more in depth compared to the previous two games because it's the one I've had the most experience with a lot of the characters are pretty pointless they don't really bring anything new to the table honestly it could have just been guts as the main character and the only playable character because he plays the most unique and then have Griffith and maybe skull Knight or Zod or grundle but like Costco really doesn't bring anything new our gameplay isn't too different and varied to warrant our having a character other than going oh that's cool I can play as Kostka there is definitely a little bit too much of grinding that you have to do to get to the cool stuff and do a lot of fluff and waste your time kind of missions but once you get to unlock the Berserker armor and just just fucking let loose it feels so good if you're a huge fan of the series I definitely recommend picking this up I say wait and get it on sale or if you get it like twenty dollars maybe thirty tops I would not pay full price or anything more than twenty five max I'd say thirty or more if you're a really hardcore fan or you just want to support the series in my era and showed there is an interest in berserk in the West and they should translate games that they ever make more but honestly it really is not worth the $60 price tag if none of those games do sound appealing to you then just go play the souls games because they're basically berserk inspired games through and through there's so many references and callbacks the icon in the top left corner of blood-borne is basically the brand of the sacrifice there are tons of videos out there you can just watch all of the berserk references and inspirations that are in the Dark Souls series please from self let me make an official if you've made it this far in the video I hope I have piqued your interest in berserk and you are interested enough to check it out berserk is my favorite series ever so I really love to talk about and share with other people and if I could even just get one person to have the same experience I did and have the same love and affinity for this series honestly that is the best feel you could possibly have I still remember coming home and seeing all the threads on a about guts finally getting off the boat and how exciting everybody was and that was just a momentous occasion that was so much fun and I just hope other people to get the same amount of mileage I do out of this series we may be back in hiatus season now or at least approaching it because every chapter doesn't have a set date now for one the next ones coming out but I am very excited to see where Miura takes it next and I will patiently wait for the next one and I hope to see you guys there too
Channel: Cvit
Views: 1,105,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cvit, Review, Recomendation, How To, How To Get Into, Berserk, Guts, Casca, Griffith, Puck, Golden Age, Anime, Berserk 1997, Berserk Dreamcast Game, Berserk PS2, Berserk Musou, Berserk and the Band of the Hawk, Movie, Anime Movie, Anime Review, Manga, Kentarou Mirua, Chapter 83, Techmo Koei, Yukes
Id: BkguMSRZau0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 24sec (624 seconds)
Published: Thu May 10 2018
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