Long Term Food Storage Secret - PET bottles

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bushcraft 4:12 and today I want to give you guys a little bit of a secret when it comes to long-term food storage now I get a lot of guff from the troll saying you know I don't do anything as a proper I never do anything with food storage and actually doing the excess most important thing and yeah yeah and you know what guys I've been prepping for like ten years now food storage is kind of like old news for me I have my food stores or SAP so I never really covered it in videos because I kind of felt like there's just thousands of videos out there on the internet on long-term food storage and I kind of noticed that now is this you know prepping is getting to be kind of a popular and mainstream thing it's all over TV you know with Doomsday Preppers and all those shows that people are kind of losing sight of the budget-minded stuff and I want to go over a couple by the biggest secret when it comes to long-term food storage because you know I get this all the time where people are like well you know I can't afford to go out and spend $10 on a food-grade bucket and the mylar bags and the oxygen absorbers and all that and it seems like I'm always writing this to people and personal messages and comments and so you know it's just time to make the video and I can just kind of point people to this video you don't need food-grade buckets you do not need mylar bags the only thing you need to store dry foods you know your dry rice beans oatmeal things like that dry foods the only thing you need to store them are your used soda bottles and oxygen absorbers now let me explain something is when I was younger I used to home brew beer and of course when you're home bro beer you you brew it in food-grade plastic buckets and I would go to these home brew stores and I would spend a fortune on these uh you know the amber you know bottles that you could bottle the beer in and it just got too expensive and the more and more I did it just cut the point we're so expensive I started doing research and what did I learn but these things right here are full grade plastics and you can tell we're going to find this here and show you hopefully that shows up on camera as you can see there's a little triangle there on the bottom right next to my thumb and in that triangle is a one and under it says PE te is very light usually on bottles that's at the very bottom it's a triangle the one that says PE te or PE T that means it's food grade plastic food grade plastic means that number one it's not going to leach chemicals or anything into what's inside it and number two it's an oxygen barrier which makes it say you know it makes it a good barrier for oxygen so when I was home brewing beer I stopped spending a fortune on these you know these specialty Bibles that I was getting from the homebrew stores and started packing my beer in soda bottles and it actually found that you know it worked just as good and they stood up to the pressures of the carbonation just as good as as the expensive store-bought ones now fast forward now to prepping you know everyone says you should be putting food in my lower backs you know mylar bags have a food grade plastic lining covered with the mylar outside that gives at the top nests and all that do you need those no are they nice yeah they're really cool I mean they are they're a lot of fun and just really make storing food a breeze but you can put your dry food in this soda bottle get a funnel of course you know this one here is dirty but pull that out of the recycling if you were to clean this sanitize it with bleach water or whatever let this thing air dry fill this up with rice squeeze an oxygen absorber and they're in close this thing up tight this will stay just as good as the food in the mylar bag and just to show you this here also food grade plastics this here also food grade plastics but I don't recommend using these cheap water bottles with the small caps because they don't seal very good you can see the how small the cap is versus how big the cap is on that if you're going to use bottles use the ones with the bigger caps they have better threads and they seal a lot better now you don't just need to use soda bottles you can also use 2-liter soda bottles three liter soda bottles arm juice bottles you know just make sure they have the most important thing is make sure they have a very good lid something that seals down very tight and the best way to test it is ratchet this thing down real tight submerge it water and squeeze it if any air bubbles come out it's no good but if you put it under our no air bubbles come out you have a good oxygen barrier I mean from what I learned from home brewing is that this food grade plastic soda bottles are a lot stronger than glass they are a lot better at holding pressure than any other alternative so you know I think if you're putting it in the bags the bags are very strong but you could over carbonate the beer and it wouldn't explode in these bottles you could tell you can feel them and you know you're not going to destroy them by putting too big of an oxygen absorber in there so I highly recommend if you know if you're going to be doing this and doing it on a budget recycle your soda bottles clean them dry them out put your dry food in there whether it's you know rice beans you know pancake mix or whatever and then you're gonna have to put in that oxygen absorber and guys I can't spend the time to do the math I know I make a lot of questions about the oxygen absorbers and how big they should use rule of thumb for one of these like soda bottles you know like a 20 ounce you know probably a 100 CC would be fine but if you put a 300 in there you know you the bottle might collapse a little bit but the integrity should be should still be there you're gonna have to sit down and do the math and figure out how much air spaces in there how much you need to remove it's going to be different based on the different kind of food do you use you know whether it's a powder or something with a lot of air or like a noodle so you sorry you guys you're going to say do the math but I'd say you know depending on what you have anywhere from 100 to 300 CCS and a soda bottle now if you're doing like a 2 liter or a 3 liter you're probably going to want between 300 and 500 CCS but like I said it depends on what you're putting in how much headspace er is a lot of variables to that so your numbers could be different depending on what you pack you know so guys when you're out there start in your long-term food storage you don't need to spend a fortune you don't need to spend a lot of you know you don't need to buy these $10 buckets you can store food in any food grade plastic and as you look at things around the house you'll notice there's a lot more food grade plastic then you would think a lot of products you buy are in it it's very common and you can get it literally out of your recycling bin you don't need to spend 10 bucks on the bucket 10 bucks on mylar bags and then 10 bucks on oxygen absorbers you can save yourself and just by the absorbers and put it in two liter bottles three liter bottles whatever you can get your hands on I know there's a lot of juice bottles out there that have wide mouths that are really good for this so you know your limit is your own imagination of course the only big thing I got to tell you is you've got to make sure you use dry food if you're using foods that aren't dried you have the potential to get botulism because the moisture and that will make the foot rot not a good idea for me like for example you don't want to do this with brown rice brown rice has a lot of fats and oils in it and they can make it go rancid and risk of disease you know you want to do it with good dry dry food something that doesn't need to be refrigerated that has a good shelf-life from the studies I've read one home brewing using soda bottles they will maintain integrity for at least a year I haven't seen any advanced studies as for beyond a year but they are 100% efficient at a year beyond that who knows I can't tell you I've never seen studies down a year but you know given that rice has a good shelf life just on the shelf you put rice on the shelf in your pantry it's going to last for years you put it in a soda bottle with an oxygen absorber you know you're extending the life of that dramatically as long as you keep it in a cool dry place it's not subjected to light or moisture or anything like that that may affect it you can save yourself a bundle and don't get caught up in the hype and go out and buy stuff you really don't need unfortunately you know YouTube videos are a business and a lot of people are just out there to try and capitalize and they really don't care about your budget they just want views and to make money off their channel and you know it's not necessary you know I get you know what showing you a soda bottle and saying hey you even store food in this you know it really doesn't you know it's not very flashy it's not going to draw a lot of views but it's true and guys if you are doubting me and you don't believe what I'm saying it's true feel free to go onto the LDS Church website the Mormon Church their website has a lot of information about food storage and they have on there information about storing food in PE tea containers because there are um oh I forgot to mention if you go to places like Walmart or k-mart and you go into the canning section um usually as a canning section near the kitchen area well they'll have like canning jars and and you know the things you would need for canning or preserving food lots of times that will have big PE T jars meant for food storage larger you know they hold maybe a gallon or something half gallon you can buy those as well the church has quite a lengthy amount of information about the safety of storing food in PE T containers so if you are doubting what I'm saying is true feel free to do your own research it's on their website there's also a lot of research on home brewing websites about using soda bottles as a food grade container so there is a lot of research behind what I'm it's not just something I'm pulling out of thin air so I hope this you guys enjoyed this and I hope it's helped a couple of you guys out who are on tight budgets because you know you don't need to go crazy and overspend
Channel: Bushcraft412
Views: 307,004
Rating: 4.6145525 out of 5
Keywords: shtf, wrol, long, term, food, storage, secret, pet, bottles, pete, grade, plastic, bucket, mylar, bag, oxygen, absorbers, recycled, doomsday, 2012, prepper, prepping, prep, dried, beans, rice, lds, ca
Id: ZKZi27H4MSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 23 2012
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