Food Storage: Rice, Sugar and Cereral in 2 Liter and Gallon Bottles

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technician 775 here after a few requests hello everyone after a few requests on packaging different items and the 2-liter soda bottles we decided to give it a shot here you'll see the 2-liter bottles there we've done some rice and I've put some sugar in there and I've also got a hay but here's miss OH here's just take a second here here's Miss Abbie that's one of the key to Kitty so you know say hi Abby does this cute little girl and the other ones are running around here as well I got a big whoop ego fight white fluffy one right here but getting back to this here we've done rice in this two liter and I'm going to put a oxygen absorber I've got my oxygen absorbers right here excuse me and then we're going to put oxygens over here we do not put oxygen absorbers in the sugar this is just a dollar store sugar I just wanted to try it it looks like about a four pound bag will fit in here and as soon as you get to sugar and if you have these I would take and do it this one a quick note there if you don't drink that many sodas ask your neighbors to save you the soda bottles I'm sure they'll be more than glad to don't tell them what you're doing with them but just say it's a project you've got going on around house and need a few soda bottles we're going to do the same thing here in our area of south Louisiana we have our Louisiana we have iced tea and it's just happened to be the community brand but what is interesting about this container right here it is a liquid container and it does have a big as a wide mouth right here and what I'm going to do I'm actually going to put the cornflakes another video I packed the cornflakes and as my luck would have it the FoodSaver bag did not hold that's why I don't like FoodSaver bags because they don't like me so what I'm going to do I'm going to take this zero right here and repackage it in this one gallon container oxygen absorber and put the lid on one of the things about if you're going to be using different containers look at the lid and make sure that you have a little rubber gasket soda bottles are designed to keep pressure from coming out of the bottles and keep oxygen you know out as well and so we should be able to do the same thing with a vacuum inside of the bottle so whatever container you use make sure it's got a good a good plastic or rubber rubber seal on the inside like this this right here has one as well you can actually feel if you put your finger down here and feel it so this should work pretty good we're going to put an oxygen absorber in here and the cornflakes you can probably put Cheerios just look for this right here I don't recommend using a milk jug because I don't think it has a rubber gasket but you can take a look at it do not use the snap Liz maybe if it's twisted you live you could take a look at it this right here is a Oh spaghetti sauce jar and make sure please that you do run this through the dishwasher and clean this up because you don't want any if you use all mayonnaise jars make sure all this is cleaned up hey mom see all this is cleaned up real well before you use it runs your dishwasher sanitize it because you don't want any any traces of old food and give you botulism and rainy foods come on baby let's get down come on Monty alrighty oh mama cat she's just as cute as a bug's ear - okay in potato flakes you can also put the potato flakes in a large area a large mouth container as well you're going to have a hard time getting some of the bigger items down in here funnel just take an empty soda bottle with you two Walmart's save all the caps even if it's a smaller bottle save the caps because as you can see here wherever the green one is my dog decided to chew on it some have to get another cap so but for for sugar for rice the bigger right here for mashed potatoes corn flakes just about anything and it divides anything you can do we're going to take look I need to put a oxygen absorber in here what we'll do is take a minute take the oxygen absorber and I'll go ahead and reseal the reseal this here in a little bit take the oxygen absorber one 300cc I get these from the LDS cannery you can get these online as held yes online store I think it is and you just take and just kind of fold it over put it in there just like that and we're going to go back and actually test this and I think it got these at Walmart's Harbor Freight wherever you get them from just look to see if they fit in there kind of snug like this if it excuse me finish putting you're putting your product in here just like that fill it to the top alrighty and voila you're just about done and shake you down a little bit like we normally do everything make sure you cap and all your bottles are clean rinse them out real well and it's a good snug not to where it's going to strip the plastic out but it's just a good snug turn okay all righty so that one's done and we'll take and finish up just for showing you this is a four pound bag of sugar and as soon as you get to sugar go ahead and actually have your bottles ready because once the sugar starts clumping up it's going to be hard to get down into the holes in SMS this a be hard this oh hey let's this is perfect alright so we do know a four pound bag of sugar if it's in a two-liter bottle just about perfect now what I'll have to do is get another cap since my puppy dog here choose the cap up to heck and back but I'll just put it on just to keep the moisture out for right now so that's done and it looks like this takes this is a five-pound bag of rice and it looks like it took probably all of about maybe maybe one pound so you look at about 4 pounds of product and I'm going to go ahead and have to shut the video off put the cornflakes in this type of joke so if you have any jugs like this save them or if you drink in a certain brand of ethene this is a nice tea if you drink in certain brands of teas if you can find this type of jug go ahead and buy it maybe cost you a buck more but at least you can reuse the jug and you can actually put some stuff in if anything just have the jugs and you can put water in it just case of emergency so with that done this feels technician 7 7 5 7 thank you very much for all the kind words please subscribe and if you have any questions don't hesitate to put them in the comment section thank you technician 775 back we're going to tack and tack this video into the entity of the other one the previous video make it a continuous run what I did I took the one gallon container here and there just to save some time we package that bag of cereal that was in the food saver that didn't work in to this one gallon container I took a just a regular water bottle like this okay - can cut it and took a knife and cut the top of it made the funnel okay as you can see not much of a funnel you can probably find a real funnel that's about this size right here Walmart's auto parts store Harbor eight somewheres like that and what I did I just took my trusty scoop and actually just winning it's a slow process so and that's what we did it in this shake you can shake this down and actually just get just a little more in to where it's pretty much just about all of the the cereal will fit in there okay when we're we're done with that make sure that the lip was clean okay that was good it will clean on the inside took the oxygen absorber like this folded it over set it inside okay and you can actually shake it down if you want to and probably put the rest of the cereal that's in the bag right here into this with that we just take and put the lid on good stuck not strip it but good and snug you know good good firm tight tightness on there okay and we're done okay just another note the rice that we put in this earlier the oxygen absorber is actually starting to suck the sides of the the bottle down we did put a 300cc oxygen hose or bonier which I use that for all of them because we get those from LDS at about 10 cents apiece if you pick it up at the cannery but you can order them online I think it's the LDS online store calm or something like that this type in they in a search engine LDS online store you can get these delivered to your door for about twelve dollars almost anywhere override which is a heck of a deal so okay so this is actually working we'll check on us later on during a week we'll monitor this pretty close that away so we don't if we if it doesn't work we can find out and we know we can avert disaster catastrophe okay you can also put the mashed potatoes in in here as well so and I will keep you posted on all of these different projects that we're doing in the other ways we don't have a disaster when we need these bonitas items here later on okay with that CICS technician 775 Sam thank you very much and please subscribe
Channel: Reliable Prepper - Technician775
Views: 129,031
Rating: 4.8049998 out of 5
Keywords: rice, long term food storage, food storage, sugar, emergency food storage, wshtf, storing food for emergencies, emergency preps, prepping for emergencies, dooms day preppers, easy food storage, food storage cheap, cheap way to store food, technician775, technician775 food storage, easy emergency preps, 2 liter bottle, 2 liter food storage, cereal storage, cereal long term food storage
Id: FQNqkc2SxgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 22 2012
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