Long Beach City College Viking Productions - Sports 2019-10-19

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[Music] welcome to the 2019 pink game here at Long Beach City College and tonight we're playing the East LA college Huskies and I'm Noah Russell your commentator with me play-by-play guy JB Greenwood great to be here tonight oh yes it is definitely going to be a good game tonight so the last home game the Vikings took down the number 10 Cerritos College in a 36 24 win for the crosstown cup in the 2019 Vikings homecoming victory with the when the Vikings advanced to 3-2 overall yes if they are the third seed there if they're dividual right now they are in this is a divisional game tonight and they're 2 in East Los Angeles is 2 & 3 and they're 3 & 2 so tonight is crucial very crucial and this is a in a way it is kind of an all-or-nothing game but it's going to be a good one and right now Long Beach is receiving take it away Jay man this this putter receiver right here is getting ready to run the ball man the Caddy gets it so now here comes the player of the week in our quarterback mr. West yes indeed Derek West right yes sir Derek West quarterback freshman 6-1 190 from Highland in Long Beach California a local boy yes he's local home homeboy tonight and and tonight you got a play you gotta come in play tough no see no interceptions tonight no tonight's gonna be a good night and the reason why it's called the pink game it's for a breast cancer where yes cancer awareness yes for our breast cancer survivors out there man and as you can see out there are players are wearing pink socks and shoes yes and that's a good thing here he comes he throws the ball incomplete pass his attendant pass with his intended person was his receiver [Music] he missed the beat thing overthrew the boss and now we are second and 10 so let's see what he's gonna do next okay here we go he's going okay they blitz he's taking a run there you go out of bounds which is good on third down I believe so right now mr. right now mr. West's rent got four yards which is pretty good right now for the start three done in ten bonus two or three down at six I beg your pardon ball in the dirt two yard line so right now he even got a go he even got her don't give it to his running back or he got to go for a pass right now let's see what he's getting ready to do right now as you go okay oh and there's a flag on the flat two flags on the play yes oh boy what's going on here fellas yes let's hope must be an off start false start yep and that one's on the Vikings you know the first foul of the game and it just started it just started they don't need to do no more files or anything they got this is a rivalry disses and a divisional game okay throws it okay gets it okay there you go Oh until there's fourth down player number 32 tell on patent running back sophomore 6-2 from st. Anthony high school yes [Music] getting ready but offside yeah it's outside are you excited about this defense Kevin tonight no definitely definitely and this this defense gave us hope his defense was really good last game absolutely and the key in the key the key person for the defense on the week on homecoming game was D Anthony Jones so we hope Daphne Jones have another we hope Danny Jones have another player of a week game game tonight all right so we're lining up now in shotgun formation yes sir okay takes him down by the tail that player that's the eight by number eight Isiah Hobson it was a freshman 511 from Lake Elsinore California okay they gets it there you go this defense is playing real tough right now absolutely man this defense is giving us hope we don't mess around when it comes to defense home dome that's defenses one dead which damage right got some players coming in 42 43 look like they're either gonna go for a niche or say okay let's see does D okay he gets it number seven number seven defense defense number seven for the Huskies is Cleo session junior a wide receiver from Garfield High School no that's not far from here four to one so they go for a running play yeah definitely most definitely it's gonna be a running play the rim plate is deep okay Oh something different he gets the frozen there's a passing play first down and ten ball on the 41 yard line [Music] they Eve are gonna they ever gonna go for a running play a run running play orever going for a pass yes pass and play that was caught by 21 yep it's the tackle that was caught by number one Daniel one Weah a wide receiver from Donegal high school right now this defense is still giving us hope as as his games going his first quarter right now his defense is giving a steal a little hope second down on eight with the ball smack-dab in the 40-yard line to opposing traffic yeah got tackled by number 21 our number 21 yes all right number 21 that would be Bryson part of a freshman linebacker from poly high school oh he's oh boy yes he is poly always have successful successful football football definitely paulie's always had a good football team throughout the years always so they got a great so a great guy here that's the defense going to motion there you go set by it number 21 Oh 22 actually 22 yeah cam Kleinschmidt I see a freshman from Lincoln Nebraska that's defense this defense keeps us in games because they go and run they throw in sack quarterbacks I'm really excited about this defense oh absolutely but you punch it they're here mr. West's coming back in so we looked at first we looked first um when he first got the ball he had it was not it was pretty good that was number 19 Philip Reeves a wide receiver from Hickory Ridge no Carolina okay yes so mr. West is coming in now he's he's real close to the UM Wow 5-yard line yes he's at the 5-yard line so he either either go for pass or either he's he's gonna for a touch yeah he got to go for a touchdown right now oh he gives it to number and that's a pass all the way to Oh on the way to number 17 number 17 Zack Leeds wide receiver from Torrance that was a really good catch great pass by mr. woods now this is why he was Player of the Week that's why he showed he was Player of the Week right now absolutely Derek West is the Batman on the field yes he is must be he's going to our running back number 11 oh he's going he's going he's already tuning it up like he did at home Kevin gay running back Jonathan Watson freshman five nine from Inglewood California from Lawndale high school for the past three passenger games this running back is amazing you bet man if this team in this offense is hope this running back is to God so he definitely knows what he's doing yes he's a bad brother all right first down in first down and ten the ball in the 45 yard line with just seven minutes to go in the first quarter throws the pass incomplete ouch incomplete pass but it's okay yeah number one offense Sian Bowen wide receiver from Long Beach Poly Oh another guy from Long Beach Poly which which is another guy which we just told you poly has one of the best football football teams out there and lately the Jackrabbits yes they can't be beat lining up now in the 45 yard line and shotgun formation okay glad for the play oh boy a star or a penalty what do you got first ruff I think he's still trying to figure it out Oh Levin's not looking so good Watson he's limping off the field oh this is not good that's not a good note for us it's really not a good note because he has been he is one of the running back power five-yard penalty which is good for us and Wesley whis probably is 5 yards right back and run $5 juice 5 yards getting all the yards we can get yes especially when these five yards and we think thank the Huskies for giving us that uh penalty yeah thanks fellas pushy 8 yes ok oh boy 32s got it Oh telling Patton he's going for a bow so close we're looking at where first ago Patton's got some 2nd gear on a mess for sure he's our second unit right back rip yes yep definitely running back alright let's repeat that all over again let's see we can actually do a good this time patents lining up he's going for it throws a ride over to four gets it he's going for it okay we've ordered one for oh this defense can't really stop him kaboom speed bulldozer number four Julian wide receiver there bone high school from Carson California Carson's not bad playback that's pretty cool you look that's where our Chargers play absolutely subho yeah let's not call that anymore but but we get what you mean yes yeah the charge play first down at ten ball at the 22 yard line oh wow that was definitely a Three Stooges moment right there yes Patton is playing really good being the second being the second unit running back definitely he's giving it back to Patton second and go correct yeah second to go so right now we're looking at right now we're looking at we need a touchdown we were close we are second and goal we do not want to blow this opportunity not want to blow the opportunity like this no I just say not want to blow this opportunity you want to go for either you don't want to go for a punt but you want to you don't want to go for a field goal you want to go for a touchdown absolutely well well either ones fine but the touchdown we'll do it yeah touchdown do you get six points from there in the field goal which said all right so right now the Huskies just called a timeout we're gonna take a few minutes here and let you guys know that this is that this production is coming to you live and coming to you possible by the LBCC Viking radio and television department and whoever wants to join please do we can use all the people we can get to keep the radio TV division alive and we have a lot of fun doing it [Music] all right so now we're back in the field to see what we can do we're two down in six ball on the 7 yard line we're that close and if we actually get our act together and if we do something right then we'll get a touchdown let's hope so fingers crossed everybody English cross right now I think wasn't dumb pass pass it to um Wes Copaxone number 32 arm West's line of work there you go okay it's good it's going okay touchdown touchdown Vikings absolutely a five-yard touchdown yes he is showing why he was Player of the Week oh yeah definitely like I said this guy's the Batman on the field mr. wes is showing just mr. Wessex get this this offense going that's all which is good after so a gift so I and right now we want is they're gonna get they put a field goal absolutely for the extra kick yeah yeah coming up for the extra kick and the guy doing the extra kick is number 46 Alfredo Flores from Bellflower California let's see if he's got anything in them and it's good and the score now is 7-nothing vikings and here comes a slo-mo replay up that touchdown Jay take it away you look at this quarterback West he gets them he gets the ball he run he runs it in for our touchdown [Music] all right back here on the field [Music] now the five-yard touchdown I mean you know five a five yard touchdown is you know it's modest but hey it is what it is we still scored and we got a good kick and we're up yeah it's just always good when you when you could be the first team to get the touchdown first so it's exciting definitely okay so now the the Vikings are getting ready to kick and the Huskies are getting ready to receive man I tell you this defense this defense is really good they don't mess around they don't mess around they get to your quarterback and you gonna have a tough night absolutely come to this off to this all right here he is getting ready to kick kick is up 39 number 39 Josh Collins defensive line from sandlewood Florida hometown Florida from the opposite end of the country east bounded down well J I'd say we're off to a pretty pretty strong start here oh we're off to a good start defense came out defense came out first first possession and came out really tough absolutely and they given it in there and this defense give their quarterback in and their offense some rest that was number four carry the ball mr. mitchell williams a defensive back from compton centennial oh and we copped it straight out of Compton Straight Outta Compton that's right man that's where all our good rappers come from absolute optic that's it Oh Cameron Johnson throws the ball and it's it's an incomplete pass complete pass [Music] third down and one with the ball on the 34 yard line I I just know we said lay it's going for around everywhere most likely so it's most likely a running play here and if they're not going for a ride played at going for short pants but this defense this defense don't really allow a really allow them to go for it for that the Vikings know that we're kind of hanging on by a loose thread and so it they're kind of they're kind of waking up now and realizing that you know time to shine yes Cameron Johnson a running bag 5-8 175 a sophomore from Cathedral High School California market correct I believe so what this defense allowed to run back to get some yards so you can learn a lot from a Catholic school that's for sure that you just see how this you just see how how our defense come out this defense come out on ya this this defense is really is really tough and long beach city knows totally Long Beach City knows that they have to win absolutely they have to win this game cuz this is a division of game alright second down in ten ball in the 35 yard line let's see we got lining up in shotgun formation foster Oh three flags [Music] five yard penalty on the Huskies brings us down to second down and 15 with the ball on the 30 yard line and thank you fellas yes thank you for that because I keep keep on giving us and motivation and keep on absolutely get us even closer all right back in business now on the 30-yard line interception oh boy interceptions running for it he's right there and touchdown Vikings hallelujah oh yeah this is why I tell you this defense is really good absolutely look at this defense this defense is tough nobody is gonna get against nobody is going you gonna have a tough night against this defense absolutely oh wait a minute I I don't think there was an official touchdown interception will not stay Oh we needed then that was that was good though yeah we had that interception and took it to the house okay all right so misunderstanding no big deal yeah it's all right maybe I was a yard I was given by the runt and running back almost caught my number 15 James done a wide receiver from near a high school short pass to yard gain on the play which is pretty good which is pretty good second and eight with the ball in the 47 yard line they can make his defense got to get it going you got to crank it up absolutely come on fellas show us what you got come on man bulletproof here going there you go this is why I tell you you can't beat this defense defensive back Mitchell Eames takes the ball gets tackled by one of our Vikings [Music] and that get out bad news is that an interception touchdown didn't kappa good news is we are still ahead seven absolutely better than nothing yes we're happy with that another timeout by the Huskies they have one more to go [Music] right now they need a took a timeout definitely definitely this this some this offense is not going right now so it's not giving them hope right now seem to be in a little bit of a slump here and yes that's because this is this cycads defenses this Vikings defenses just keep our goal that's it they've just tough to beat on defense and they're still giving us motivation from the last game we had this kind of fuels the fire early yes it's since we were successful last game that definitely fuels the the fire of confidence - I'll bring a son yes you can give them something they and its really sure right now they want to go up into individual right now you have third individual you don't wanna fall again into defeat if you are if you don't you can make the playoffs yeah we're a little more half past the season here yes make the play Mitchell Williams has the ball and he goes for it but no dice fourth down and six ball on the 49 yard line they're gonna put it off - oh definitely no BC man again what can you tell me about this defense just keep man what else is there to say right yeah man this defense is just good oh good catch fair catch so fair catch by number one at the 20-yard line and the one who caught was Zion Bowens wide receiver [Music] okay Wes has come back we hope he brings some more that magic he's been bringing absolutely his magic has been going so far so good for us no one going down was number number 32 tell on patent and patent has been playing really good very second unit we hate that as injury from number 11 we hate that injury happen but number 32 is coming in he is showing he is showing us why he is showing us why he deserved to get playing time right now oh yeah it's always good to have a have a backup in your arsenal yes it's always good to have them have a backup in every position because you don't know what's going to happen second down in four with a ball on the 28 yard line give me back to the batter's and a flag on the play man as a dog pile right there all right let's see we've got offside offside by the Huskies five-yard penalty first down Vikings and they keep on they keep on giving us they keep on giving us hope absolute right now giving us filming yourself we can give it as a potential let's see what West has I did sleeve right now Oh number 20 for grabs it Sayyed galloway running back from the north Torrance I sleep fast he just overthrew little tomorrow though saying that was say Galloway a running back freshman from North Torrance high school in Carson California not far now for from Long Beach's home right now I'm second into it let's see what West half what kind of magic he's getting ready to break oh that that's got to hurt Derek West first down and ten ball on the 43 yard line which is good to keep on giving us first down which is good first downs are always important yeah it's always important and they get an a gift though the defense of rest and which is good because the deep they're giving the defense is given the defense get rest which is good and that means they go out and give us give us what we want yeah say Galloway grab the ball yet again but no success runs into opposing traffic just 35 seconds left in the first quarter 35 seconds left and we're up seven oh that's what I love to hear and I'm happy I am excited mr. whistles doing a great job definitely most of the props look like ever since the first game he had that bad game and looked like and looked like these coaches got on him and now he is now he is showing us why he is a star seven seconds left Sade Galloway tries it yet again but again no dice poor guy this he's the defense is target right now and as you can see on your timer clock double oh seven and now six alright that just about wraps up the first corner now we are going into the second quarter let's see what we've got players are going back in see if we can do any switch arenas right here so what do we see in the first quarter J right now we see a 7o lead right now which is good and right now we look at the first look at the first quarter our defense gave us real hope so we are excited about that and we're excited about this offense is gone which we wanted to offense is going like it like a well-oiled machine yes this this division opponent is we want to keep we want to keep our division ranked to keep on going up yeah and judging by the score defense seem to be pretty well I mean one better than the other but we're still doing pretty well right now we look pretty good and they keep on giving us left and they keep on giving us the luxury because they keep on getting penalties right now right now he said late need to stop give abilities yep right now and play their game and so begins the the second quarter right now we are taking the field and I believe that we are about to kick and the husband's are going to receive that being in DC this defense go up cut back on the field if the fire is fuel let it burn yes like I was telling telling Noah man this defensive coach he turns them up before the game and that's what make this that's what make this defense so exciting to watch absolutely coming in he give them you give them hope and it's exciting to watch his defense right now right now he said late need to play their game there right now they're playing they're playing the game that Long Beach City want them to play right now yeah right now they need to play their game and get back to it and stop giving up penalties and everything but I'd say their defense is playing pretty good right now yeah totally yeah their defense is play good good thing one thing about we we hate we couldn't get that uh we hate we couldn't get that interception which we did caught and make got it to the house we hate that it was reverse but but if that would have happened would have been up 14 nothing definitely alright so lining up now in the 44 yard line Oh a pass Oh and took him down mr. Wes is showing his magic right now yeah West pest down to a Tariq colpepper wide receiver from Inglewood California [Music] Eagle West right now is showing us why he was Player of the Week right now and make it even better it is first down at ten man another flag on the play even though there was a flag that was a really good catch right right over there you're a great catch and that was a very great throw about West there was a flag at the 41 yard line [Music] let's check it out oh that was on yeah Huff side by the Huskies wire up t that is not cool and they're first to go right now so right now they got to take it to the house in a way it kind of got to feel sorry for another I mean we're all human here we all make mistakes yeah but they're showing water two and three absolutely yeah that's harsh but it's the truth yes they are first and goal right now they got to go for a touchdown definitely make us problem touchdown no dice hook him up with the ball number 32 good old talent Pat oh man that second unit running back as short as white desert plant I'm absolutely oh man we hate we hate that number 11 is hurt yeah I had an injury but number Patterson is really showing up right now yeah I'll put it this way Patterson and Bowens those guys are like Batman and Robin on the field Batman and Robin absolute hide about that they are our go-to guys he's going for it oh and a helmet fell off too and there's a flag and I'm pretty sure I know what that flag is for since a helmet fell off somebody probably grabbed a helmet probably in a facemask yeah that's most likely a facemask Wow and that's on the defense but we're getting closer and closer to that touch absolutely it's it's almost becoming uh Tom's becoming a anticipation facemask facemask fell on the Huskies I guess I called it look at me doing something right this is first down oh we are too close not to get a touchdown we are and if we don't get a touchdown now there's something going on it is something all right bring it runs into opposing traffic that's the one thing I didn't get why do they always run into opposing traffic they can't just you know turn around yeah rules of the game I guess it's the rule you second end-goal ladies and gentlemen oh oh he's going he's going now his second touchdown touchdown Vikings lays it down okay that is that's an official touchdown we'll just put it out there that's definitely an official touchdown West in West goes it again yep before touchdown it was a yard touchdown what yard touchdown fired inside man West is Wes's just showing us why he was Player of the Week yep man it looked like he might be player of the week again alright lining up now for the for the extra point kick that was a little tricky to see number 46 yeah Alfredo Flores the kicker all right line it up now here's the kick oh wow no good keeps on popping out [Applause] what the heck just happened there just happened all right coming up now is a slo-mo of that touchdown Jay take it away oh this run this wire this up quarterback right here number three Wes kids it he fakes it to the walk to the running back and he gets a touchdown and then BAM just like that it was why he was Player of the Week absolutely and the fact that it was a yard easy-peasy let's go back to what we just saw they they got the field goal and they blocked it yeah kidding man I tell you this is defense right now they're not happy about what's going on yeah definitely tell you II saw a coaches muscled I don't know about y'all better not yield up another field another another another feel like I know you don't yes I know he's upset cuz of all all of the UM the flags they gave up absolutely all in a Pillman East right now he is not a happy camper all right kicking and the Huskies received let's see what they've got oh yeah you go here just here this bad defense whoo not good at all oh man hey now because of that extra kick going kaput the the current score is 13 zilch Vikings with 12 minutes in the second quarter which is good very good which is good right now we're up 13 nothing right now it's just showing miss mr. West has got this offense going so disappointing that we didn't get the first kick but it's okay no big dish okay we got a touchdown yeah definitely which is a good thing but that just let you know that ISA la coaches are on them about giving up some points okay this defense tell you this defense is showing us hope and they just keep on [Music] dance man what's going on right now he's in LA coaches got them after giving up that after giving up that um touchdown definitely they are tired of West tiring him up and they're tired of his defense tearing them up - yeah most definitely they must earn me just talk about the record yeah I believe so they must have did they're like hey don't get personal yeah don't get personal with us no way I said don't forget we're in the same division and we want to go up to I tell you they turn this thing around just real quick because they're not happy about being beating down 13 on second down and five on the 39 yard line oh and no good good and get you pass to number three first quarter he looked a little little ragged yeah little up and down yeah a little up and down but he came back to start the second quarter I'm liking this game I'm having fun here yeah me too man especially I get to work with the voice yeah all right third down and five on the 39 yard line yeah you could be right oh okay now this is why this defense is tough oh oh all right all right he's good he's shaking it off this defense thinking just got the wind knocked out of him that was a sack yeah this is why you cannot count out you cannot count this defense out on anything yeah this defense I tell you last game we had a big win and it's just scaring it out to another divisional game so totally man I am just excited to see this defense Oh [Applause] ouch ouch that's gotta hurt yeah it hurts but no biggie first down a nine first down which is good which is good because mr. West has been his magic is when the show so which is good I tell you West is playing really good oh he's fantastic he's definitely he's he's going all cylinders already got two touchdowns and it's just a good corner that guy needs a medal right now man look like look like look like these coaches got on him after they lost it that whole first home opener yeah it looked like the coaches got on him and he's showing he's showing us why he deserved to be the starter definitely MVP yes Wes was really playing tonight absolutely mr. Wes is really playing tonight now I'm just happy to watch him tonight all right second down and ten on their own 43 yard line a second at 16 a big 16 come out play tough cuz this right now they are not happy being down like the whole way no way this is embarrassing but it's called the home field advantage Phil advantage there you go there it is brilliant and number 11 is back oh he is Jonathon Watson yeah I guess you just had to shake it off a little shake it off man yeah man I'm happy to see him back on the field first down in ten that's what I like to hear he is a bad brother oh yeah I tell you he is very good he's a bad man magenta yes yes he got the ball back he didn't get give us any yards man it's ok what happened to see him back on the field correct oh absolutely totally happy Batman's back yeah it was bad yeah now Robin can relax yes but I will say number I will say Patterson really play good second second unit of running back he is showing why he deserved polenta absolutely so second down and nine on the 39 yard line just nine minutes to go till halftime admit it 24 site Galloway running back he's pretty good he's pretty good to freshmen correct you said absolutely that eats freshmen so he got he got some time to grow done that for a newbie which is good which is good that he's getting some playing time so it's a flag now all right we got a flag on the play let's see we've got going on here false start on the Vikings five-year oh three yard penalty third down I beg your pardon five yard penalty I was right which is not good yeah now we're down third down and 12 you hate to give up penalties man really hate that it happens though but it happens is all in the game that's it that's it just got to take your looks and keep on truckin yes [Music] oh good pass and uh but an incomplete pass good throw though good throw but nobody was looking yeah it's it's it's all it's also all adrenaline to your Adrenaline's rushing you gotta make split-second decisions right that's the way it is that coach ECL they got on them and they are showing what what he told them now they showing they're showing us that we did we we want to be we want to touchdown also badly yeah that mr. West well not too badly but we wanted that but we want to win also absolutely good kick get and a fair catch that coach said don't go for no fair catch don't wait first out of bounds on about well we get to see this bad defense again absolutely not 80 good totally you know even that's a commentator I get excited Oh totally we all do we all get excited watching this defense especially ESPN commentator Matt first Gershon he always yells somebody whenever a ball ball team hits a home run yeah they play a little bit like my 49ers defense Niners are five and nothing that's awesome oh oh yeah because of how how John Lynch and couch and hand has put their hands all right so this penalty is on the is on the Huskies five-yard penalty can you imagine the bus ride home oh boy it's gonna be a match they usually get it out of their system on the field itself yes with another flag on the play you always got to watch the referee the referee runs the whole show yes that one was on the Huskies Agia again yikes [Music] second down and 15 this defense is given this defense is giving him no no age in this game right there just like that just like that this defense is giving them no edge it's like that huh yeah man this defense is giving this defense it's really good his defenses just keeps on going absolutely man one you think we're not eating games don't count us out no way this defense is is the team to beat right now yeah at least we have good sportsmanship - yes Cameron Johnson had the ball passes it Oh bleep pass like I said at one point or another you just got to feel bad for him man makes you own a record Yanks seven and a half minutes left till halftime with the score of 13-0 Vikings that's what I like to see ya happy about that but right now there's they're not playing good they're not showing they're not showing us why they deserve to win right now yeah sure and this is a Division II a divisional game yeah so you when you play against a division you want to show them why we deserve to be it's a serious right here and didn't blow me didn't we lose by then watch popped up at one point or another yeah and yet another incomplete oh but but caught by the Vikings Zion bowed out out I beg your pardon Dallas Burke he ran out of Bounce here we go with what my what my god no I say Batman and Robin is Pam right yeah better watch out the dynamic duo is on the way man just riding back I'll tell you this running back in West man need something to work with oh definitely I'm excited about watching him right now Vikings now in for a huddle - uh yeah uh no I think no we have three timeouts left on the on the board so all right here we go back on back at the field of battle Wow check out 67 that guy's been eating his Wheaties yes that guy's built like the Hulk number 67 Jon theory a offensive line from Jordan high school that's it and Jordan from Long Beach is he's on wait don't forget his one in Los Angeles bad - yeah yeah so he's a hole boy so is it's always amazing when he'd get to play at home absolutely it's always good the fact he goes - oh yeah and so yeah Long Beach High School Long Beach College that's the best that that's home right there oh he's going he's got some second gear oh but push that up oh wow he gave lots of good yards I know this coach ain't happy whoo yeah no kidding man if he ain't getting right now don't man don't bother don't bother halftime he is gonna get on you oh yeah man halftime he is gonna get on them because they're not sure they're not sure why they deserve me right now yeah oh there's a flag on the play that one was on the Vikings we hate to give up those counterplay hate to give them wait to give up that calls on the Vikings so five yards it was a great play well it'll definitely Betty stuff happens things happen first down Vikings let's see what kind of magic west can bring down is he gonna give it to his rap who knows no but Batman always likes the glory yes but if I know my DC trivia number 12 Jacob Shaw quarterback from Wilson my alma mater that's me god bless Matt our our our PA announcer he said take it down by a pack of Huskies I love it but other than that first down yeah he's liven it up a bit there another flag the player we good I think we're good fishing Conrad going down in shotgun formation and another Wilson little alumni how nice man don't it feel good you see some love I'm loving it dude I love it it goes to show you how well they play they show you dae-ho absolutely all right third down and two ball in the 41 yard line five more minutes five minutes that's it Oh Julian Woodard slight receiver tripped over his own feet that happens it's all good it's all good I think sometimes the cleats get stuck in the dirt you know but we're happy that we were able to get that pass it's all good no big deal just show us how how good Patterson is yeah all right switch up switch up some players here fourth down port down at lore yeah four down two with four down at seven ball on the 44 yard line that scoreboard is rather fickle that bad defense is getting ready to come back man that's a man Oh long beach's first time out of the game which is good yeah what's good so so what are we seeing in the second quarter so far dude so far right now we're seeing how bad this defense is it Ian this defense keep on showing us Old West keep on showing us what he got and the dead man's kids yeah you don't miss your words that's for sure yeah this is really good and he's showing us why he was what they want so that I can get those right down to we keep on with it when I tell you right now you said lay coaches there not happen now they're not having it I promise you I promise you after they don't get a fool they're gonna get it yeah they're full of it oh yeah they're gonna get an earful oh oh oh kicks the ball but then blamo just plops down now now they're shown how how their coach has been off their man kicks the ball and gets Wham but like a sack of potatoes this is the second time second time second time Phil and Phil go getting the extra point they blocked it and then they block it and which is coming to them hey if field goal will be rather appreciated here I feel real good about this defense oh my god no you don't they hyped up his defenses hi there and they're showing us why they stay in games this defenses reason but have you ever heard no of that defense win championships of course yeah that's what I hear all the time an NBA NFL in college a defensive super report yeah defense is super important and you always have that defense of income right now this is what right now they're showing what their coach a toe toe till the timeout and right now they feel it right now they feel a certain way right now all right now it's first down for the Huskies first down to ten with the ball in the 39 yard line well that must feel good from the upper half our first down right now being down just three minutes to go till halftime that's right it's defense coming out playing okay defense right now is allowing some orange ago which they normally don't right now they are you must be they must be feeling it must be feeling that halftime it's coming totally but you don't want to give up a little touch no no never never never want to get up not want to give up a touchdown especially with three minutes 30 minutes almost 30 yeah minutes going three minutes may not seem like much but it's plenty of time for a touchdown yes plenty time cuz right now they're showing hope and if they don't get a touchdown they'll be happy to get a field goal right now a little bit of butterfingers action right there you gotta catch the ball definitely second down right now do not give up do not give it okay Oh rocket it looks like we intercepted there you go we intercepted the ball finally who bout time it's about time first down for our Vikings ladies I don't bet you're Batman and Robin is coming back it's coming it's coming can't wait to see it I'm excited this is why you don't mess with defense no way I tell you that let you know that this defense has been working Oh every single day every step of the way every step of the way because they are and the players very important very important with three and two right now two and three and it could go either way for both teams yeah and they're showing us why they're the better team usually if you have if you have a two teams that are like oh and something if they're all if you're both on five I call those games tickle fight games that's what they look like tickle fights yes why they are there Shawn is why they are three to tell on Patton caught the ball second you read back correct that's it oh man he is just showing he keeps on showing us he keeps on showing don't beat City coaches and showing us as the commentators in that's the fans absolutely why he deserves to play offside again Oh like you said coach ain't too happy yeah I just know I just know he is not happy no he's not having it so now first down intent ball on the 18 yard line got under escape up two flags that's what we want somebody's somebody's younger boy here yeah that's on my offensive line second down and 10 I'm just happy right now to be both to see how we're playing right now totally I'm excited right now which is two minutes left till halftime let's see we've got a nurse leave let's see what wess al then I like I say again Patterson keeps on showing us why he deserved to play absolutely totally man I bet you'll see him more now in games mm-hmm coach made a right decision yeah he made a right great job by coach and the outfits of coordinator Oh flag Patterson threw that all the way to a Dominic Wingfield a wide receiver from Anaheim California oh that's not too far 30 minutes away yeah that's up there angels Disneyland at the Ducks yeah we're talking about Ana huh congratulations to Joe mad yeah joe yeah joe men have becoming the new angels coach yeah which is amazing he's a homeboy and you know his daddy used to culture and and I'm also in one championships and I know he is he is excited to get to get going with the state it's an honor and a privilege ancient ancient Dutch win games awesome yeah they're doing pretty well there they're off to a pretty pretty cool start which is good yeah good fan huh all right so second down and six with ball in the six yard line he's gonna give it to Patterson Oh incomplete incomplete pass he was heading all the way to Zack leads but no dice yeah he was hold number 30 Luis Torres a defensive back from skirt [Music] I'm stayed are in California I think it's California I'll tell you right now I'm telling you right now this defense just keeps on getting getting after West House Kerr high school is high school but a bell oh look at get out of that off get out of there there you go oh yeah first down this just keeps on showing this death keeps getting better and better keep on getting better there both of these running backs Oh excellent and you call it a Batman and Robin Batman throated to his rabbit right there absolutely so first down at 10 with the ball on the 28 yard line one more minute for halftime yeah one minute let's see what we've got [Music] West got it throws it to Watson yep again which is good he's showing us white deserve to be the starter 40 seconds left 40 seconds left one thing I will say Wes Watson desert lettuce doesn't let us down no way in every game he shows up and West is - oh good catch catch grabbed him by the tail and tripped him number 17 Zach leads Zach leads is from torts torn that fall Oh another timeout by the Vikings which is good right now yeah 26 seconds left yeah a big deal no big deal that's almost half time he's just he's probably refreshing their minds yeah get ready I think I'm probably gonna go out and talk about what they need to get better at because as always strips and weaknesses so they're probably going to talk a little bit about their weakness and what they need to do in the second half but I dunno East LA they're half-time it's gonna get none you're full of it yeah man I tell you they're a doubt right now it's all right fellas back to work so each team has one timeout left so we got to use those like wisely yes let's see what this offensive coordinator and this head coach happened in their sleeve right now if I see from West in my fact is freshman fresh oh he's not going he's going for it it's out of bounds which is good because you don't want to get sacked or you don't want to get hurt hmm right to be super careful right now I got to get super care for you right because right now they're showing right now this defense on from SLA is showing what their coaches been telling you no need to panic it's all good you don't need to panic because it's 19 seconds you get to go into halftime feeling good about yourself you're down yup 30 nothing which is a good thing to feel good about yourselves man I tell you has been playing good throws it good catch Casanova first down low jumps right over him like excuse me coming through okay that was pretty sweet he's a yeah he's showing these college scouts why he deserved to be in a universe that was a roadrunner action right there which is good it's always good to see that I mean if we if we add video highlights just like the pros did that would definitely be a highlight oh yeah of course that would be a highlight because he jumped first down then it's 11 seconds left you want to go parley for another touchdown you that would be useful okay quarterback D so more seconds oh boy there's a nail-biter yeah I buyed it up 13 nothing they feel good about yourself right now totally you make us feel good too cuz we're up it's 13 nothing first down in 10 Oh a timeout with 4 seconds left that's it I will say though once again that that little jump that he did the one that that Zack Leeds did that jump that was pretty awesome he's just going out like the road on that excuse me coming through man that is a highlight and a big highlight it's like a Mario movement right there yeah right now you should feel good about itself and I know it for some college scouts out there tonight they're looking at number 7 they're looking at this wire receiver because he came out tonight he can do it he can do it and any quarterback would be proud to have him on their side all right let's see we've got with four seconds left even going right now I believe you either going for a quarterback knee or you're going are you going for a pass are you going for a run least it's four seconds left you don't need to do anything that you don't need to do no you need to just go you just meet play the right way going all the way go ahead and play the right way that's it okay before we go to halftime Wes has been playing really good he is showing us why he was playing the game that's it oh they're going for pass it's okay it's halftime and that's it alright ladies and gentlemen it is now halftime but say stay with us for the second half we'll be right back don't go away all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the second half of the Vikings football game I'm Noah rustling with me JB Greenwood and I gotta say the the first half of the football game was fantastic thirteen and OH especially for Vikings right now they look good but I will say on East LA side right now it doesn't look good for them but I will say that field goal that field goal team they have has been playing really good definitely but I tell you our guarantee in halftime he gave them a full of it so I guarantee you we should see a better game and it looks like that we're gonna kick and they're gonna receive yeah which is what sound bout good for them right now man I hope they play with some hope all right here's the kick it's up and it's gonna be outside all right here a bad defense comeback stuff defense definitely oh man let's see what this defense have up their sleeves right now because we look in the first half they were really good on defense defensively so I hope that you still come up for the second half Oh most of these defense I cannot wait to see it yeah you can't count this defense out first down at ten okay good job on deep good job by our defense right there definitely it's always a good thing you get to see the defense moving and keep on going and and making sure nothing nothing come out of their territory which is a good thing which that's what this defense remind me of so much right now they're playing like they were it shouldn't be three into it should be should be something else but hey you win some you lose some I say that's the name of the game that's the name but it's all in the game sells it it's an amazing there you go they play okay this defense is still not giving up no matter what no matter where we are this defense is not giving up so that's what making us that's what making excited about our team about this defense because they don't give up on anything alright so third down and nine with a ball in the 26 yard line I know this coach is not happy again exactly I just know he's not happy because they're not coming out and I'm coming out with the wood with the pedal to the metal yeah we're going pedal to the Bell right yeah we're playing with the pedal to the metal we're going atomic batteries to power and turbines to speed in but what I can say my heart goes out to this differential court near to Steve Steve read a flower Florida's man's got this defense going Darrell lacy Darnell lacy got this got this defense going also man they turned it up and when when he say go they go so that's what make it amazing on this defense all I gave a red light green light yes now they playing like Big Ben now they plant right now easily playing like they got something that the coach got old he'll have to like after a little whiplash and they're not messing around now yeah I'm missing around man because they in their mind they still believe they can win this game yeah because it's real it's not that far away I think off the ball just a bit ago was Cleo session junior wide receiver from Garfield I feel not to be confused with the cat yeah or the president just Garfield High School that's it that's right it's defense whoa we sexy Oh like an angry bulldozer sack this this is why I tell you this defense there's no nowhere to be record with because they're gonna go out and play the the right way yeah that's what we like about this defense so you guys are a force to be reckoned with yes oh man I tell you this team is something to be reckoned with like you just said they are tough to beat so third down and 13 with the ball in the 43 yard line let's see what this defense have under their sleeve again I've already got a sack I know this quarterback is not gonna go for that again on the flag get a flag on the play there the Huskies keep on giving you know Long Beach City a reason why they're up because they keep on giving flags all these it's all in but that's all in the game but right now they just keep on sure what their record is third down in twenty four ball the 33 yard line let's see what this defense can do and got hit again adrenaline rushing sugar check this defenses I'll tell you again this defense is some force to be reckoned with absolutely man they remind me of a NFL defense better than NFL yeah right now you heard about that you know sometimes these games are a lot more fun to watch than NFL yeah you're right about that because you get to see who could be potentially BR can potentially be the the new people the new guys in the NFL Draft ease yes potentially may be surprised that many guys here get drafted yeah and it's amazing but they get to come home one day when it's a time to get something and they come home and and show no meat city made me to a player I am today it's always great to come home and play also because good think about it we not we don't have just what too deep in in Los Angeles excited Rams and Chargers yeah alright so its fourth down and twenty-nine with the ball on the 39 yard line yes okay mr. West is bet man his Batman and Robin is back would you say that we're on it's on yeah I keep on telling you these t these running back to shore why did they deserve to play definitely and they play the right way I tell you and West keeps on showing us why he's the player he is the player of the week I'll tell you I'm just excited to watch him watch these guys play first down intent with the ball in the 47 yard line Oh old fake pass right there yay fake to to was a running back right there and then he goes for the battles it yeah he throws it a little bit too high but it's okay we can take that right now I think we should go right now I think we should try to get to a touchdown to get this to get this game over to get this game out of sight they got it in them yes dad momentum they had it first out Avenue in the second out they got the juice HAP's [Music] good old patent man he just keeps on showing why he deserves to play every game every game had we ate we hate injuries happen but man he should play every game he's getting he's getting to touch it he's getting the spotlight to shine right now in which a lot of people take advantage of that when they get a chance to shine first down intent with a ball on the 30 60 yard line yes so Oh flag holy what happened false alarm I guess Oh so on are Vikings five yards oh man what it happens it does you hate that it happened but it happened yeah it's a fact of life yes like you said it's all in the game it's all in the game mr. Wes is magic happen Patterson another flag yeah another flag somewhere it's better be good but that was Patterson that deed run it right there Patterson just keeps on showing wide chop block call on the Vikings Vikings missing he must be doing some cheap shots of live too cocky here yeah you better play like you lose it right now don't come in playing like you're the best team right now because it's still a little hope you might get the best of you yeah you're up 13 nothing but that I've seen it happen so many times to teams that it could happen but ours down in 30 moves down and 30 okay he's running but oh ouch she's down that's Rob that's right he that Batman at Robert magic is working right now definitely Robin got taken down but you know what that have that that happens even in the comics so it happens but it's all good because he's showing Rock man I tell you watch it just keeps on playing right and he plays the right way which is what like first tier that's flag somewhere two flags two flags now they're just picking on us yeah they know we up 13 nothing on the Vikings second down ouch first or second down and 23 my here at penalty yeah I know he's not happy no right now I know coaches not happen definitely given all these and he'll get over it but he'll get over it though and his and it's looking like it's working in eSATA legs favor right now you didn't giving up all these flags I think the fate has been switched yeah but they gotta come with the parents on the meadow right now yeah they're not playing with the bell to the metal third down in twenty three ball on the 49 yard line man that's okay doesn't yeah it's okay they gotta go for a pass at play though oh he's going there you go you gotta go desire to get the first uh another fly hey you gotta be kidding me like okay fellas break it up break it up man I I don't like it when when coaches argue with referees or umpires I don't like that either but you know what that's why in the game there are technical fouls and that goes to a coach or that could go to a player yeah you argue with the real technical so this one was on the technical foul this one was on the on the Huskies on the good news first down Viking a first down which is good they call the tech we'll take it we'll take it but he got one more chair he got one more time to say something to the ref and he's out of this game is ejected yeah in which and pretty much I believe in probably defensive coordinator on offensive Cortney would probably get promoted she's a head coach temporary temporarily for them for a minute in all my years of announcing baseball I've seen coaches and players get ejected yeah many times as many times I've watched two Flags once again now it's getting a little annoying yes we're tired of looking at these things yeah come on Ref give us a break I mean unless this is on the Huskies but we got some angry audience members down there we could hear play was wanting to him before the snap first and five for the Vikings yeah but it's good for us cuz we getting closer and closer to that to that to where we want to go and that's to get a touchdown absolutely the whole past all the way to the bones oh so close that's okay that's good that's okay we're close enough yeah that's fine first down by a fiber again that's fine that's fine yeah that's right we're close really close to the gold range where we want to be but Wes has been 100% at the goal at the promised land here oh he's been on it yeah he's been on it oh catch he's out of Bounce ah good catch though good kid oh he's mad he's totally mad we could see that yeah Zach leets made the catch he was that close he was super close but it's okay we could try it again yeah it's okay we're close second down second it go you can imagine how these athletes could be really hard on themselves and you either going for a running play here are our West can't do his magic like he's been doing and run into the house that's it let's see what hit up his sleeves can he do it and he do it oh yeah I just turned into a dogpile yes now are they trying to see it wasn't and uh what the heck's he doing yeah now they try as he did he fumbled what that what was that guy just taking the 19 what that just made no sense that just made no sense he think it was he think that the quarterback got fumble but then 99 takes the takes the ball all the way over there he just kicks tit yeah that was a little weird so that should be a technical foul or ejection yeah that that was I have no idea what that was but that wasn't cool there was not cool dad's not sportsmanship no and they got a dude the referees got to get him for that hey maybe maybe he thought to himself hey I'm gonna get out anyway but that defensive coordinator right there it's getting on him right there as we look that defensive coordinator ain't happy no no way Sydney moat in the bench yeah he got benched yes sit yourself down buddy boy yeah and by the way that was that was Nathan Tabata defensive line from desert desert Pines LV wherever LV is Las Vegas yeah it's all right though everybody make mistake yeah worry about that all right here we go and another flag oh that would have been a touchdown but we got a mine I did probably pass interference yeah problem always something right now trying to make the game go slower offside by the Huskies they keep on giving the Vikings hope every time for all these flags who's complaining right yeah nobody is complaining but Husky fans our husky players right now they're not happy no that coaches going that defensive coordinator gonna give them an earful too huh he's going in for oh did he get that close that close he was inch an inch just shy of the gold line whoa man it looked like they got bigger like dude just score already yeah man look like he got a joke over oh that wasn't smart that was no come on come on no they're not gonna give it to us now now come on that was tail on Patton yeah Pat just keeps on showing why he deserve to be in the game though but yeah but still I mean that wasn't smart I mean that's uncalled for yeah that is uncalled for now they gotta work their magic it's one yard somebody he could go he can he could do a quarter he could do it a quarterback sneak also here and also he go for the running back where he fakes it to him going this way and move and go that other side because the defense is on man oh here we go here we go here we go no no no touchdown touchdown or maybe not yes yes all right who scared me a minute there oh we got it alright nineteen nothing Vikings yeah I was a little unsure there but it was it was a touchdown but he is showing why he deserved to play in this game as we always say man I like this sick you know I like this second unit running back because he keeps on showing us hope all right now let now let's see if we can actually do a successful kick without without anyone getting in the way here yes we don't need nobody to be blocked or anything and we can get this game out and coming up it's Alfredo Flores the kicker as usual let's see what he's got up it goes and it's good with the score of 20 nothing Vikings thank I've ministered quarter and here's a slo-mo of the touchdown let's take a look right here we'll see the second unit run it back right here he gets it he throws it he gets it he runs he runs it in runs right into the pile their eyes into the pile like Carly just said yep and it's a touchdown they're dit and he rolls right over him and then BAM there he goes touchdown we're happy for any touchdown we can get tall on cotton man he is showing why he deserved a play that's it but I tell you right now we got this game where we want it we're up 20 nothing but I am going to tell you East LA I just know that defensive coordinator gave that defensive earful of it yeah no kidding because they keep on they keep on giving the Vikings hope every time on offense no it's 200 they don't know all right here we go you will go yeah oh oh now they're getting the picture yeah look like that coat and look like that coach got older on a half-time that now they sure what why their coach got on yeah they're finally getting the picture now yes but that bad defense come they're bad brothers is coming back on the field now now because of we're ahead 20 nothing if it dusky score so be it I mean you know give him a little glory right even if they score it's okay yeah so be it cuz we're up 20 nothing right now yeah but you don't want to give them a little glory either no and you don't want to give them glory because it's still one more quarter to go yeah that's true and possibly they could they could come back maybe cuz I've seen some things happen all right no jinxing for me yeah I'm not jinkies anything either if you watch any other sport have you seen 20 people that come back from 28 point leads if you watch the NBA game haven't you seen that before I've seen the Clippers do it when they were down 31 points the Lakers even did okay yeah and they came back man and that gave us hope they did it actually last year against the Golden State Warriors but let's get back to football all right so second down and eight with a ball on the 45 yard line it is bad defense I tell you they tough oh I passed right oh yeah yes incomplete pass but this defense just keeps on showing us why they're tough to beat and just keeps on going and it keeps on going this defense all right so third down and eight with the ball on the 47 yard line now we just gonna keep on looking at what this defense got up their sleeve and what does the defensive coordinator have under in sleep oh no good no good but we were close to a touchdown will not touch down the interception right oh look at that yeah Burke did a little flip oh right there yeah I know this coaches not happy with the way that wasn't Burke that was uh that was Dan theny Jones he'll flip right there yeah yeah the Anthony Jones is a is a linebacker from from LA is it your high school from Los Angeles yes and you know what he was a player he was the Player of the Week for the defense last week oh man he's a top dog went for that d ain't going nowhere Dylan Collins from from the Huskies a defensive back from Long Beach Poly oh ho Long Beach native going to East LA college oh man talking about betrayal right there yeah but he decided to go to not come home and what that mean is he was ready to go he was ready not to he was ready to to press his waters to to test the waters elsewhere but you know III have no room to talk in there cuz I'm moving to organs yeah but it's okay it's all good you came home that's it all right first down in ten with a ball on the 30 yard line right now it looked like this defense is playing a little cocky right yeah false alarm delay game by the Huskies five-yard penalty they are just not giving their self a chance they keep on doing things that they don't need to do now incomplete incomplete pass but I do know this coach when they practice properly Monday or Tuesday whatever day they practice they don't get an earful of it in the bus ride home they don't get a year full of it because they do not look good right now in you're playing a Division a divisional game right now yeah people are gonna ask who are the top dogs well take a wild guess look at the score yes but it's not looking good right now for East LA now the big dogs are here now yeah and this defenses this defense just keep on eating them alive look at him okay that was just sloppy yeah I'm sorry that was just sloppy yeah that's just uncalled for right now pardon my criticism but that's just not cool right now it's just not right right now they do not look good well I think they're getting tired getting tired and they getting and it's just showing their frustration right now why it's showing frustration from the coaching staff to the players on the field so now they've got to get something going even if that is to switch a quarterback or something they got to do something he got it [Music] this is their first time close to the promised land there yeah this is their first time in this game I think they might have I think they might have a lace up their sleeve yeah they might I could go one way or the other way that's right all right first down in ten with a ball in the nine it looked like you said something he shouldn't have said oh shut my mouth let's see if they can do it Oh interception oh ho oh he's going for it one to the house he's gone oh okay flag grabbed him by the tail man another Wow for defense that's Malik Welch a cornerback from Torrance I tell you I tell you right now this defense is legit super legit they are legit they play defense the right way that interception was amazing and then and then the fact that he that he gained so many yards so I think he gained about like what 60 some-odd yards yes that's pretty good so he's helping so right there he's helping he's helping West and he's helping the offense right there to get closer and closer to a touchdown right there personal foul against the Vikings interception will stand yeah the interception by Malik Welch and is now a first down in ten which is good we needed that interception definitely and now that just keeps on right now easily right now they probably know that they're on the verge yeah of going home with a nil but come to terms with that right yeah but right now I will say they got to come right now I'm just saying now they're just playing hoping that they can they can't make enough to touch up first down in ten ball in the 30 yard line Oh give it to you Rob right there it is no need for a Batmobile he's got plenty of second gear yes they just play football the right way and that's what and that's and don't you wouldn't you come to football games don't you want to see football played the right way I always do whether I come to see it or watch it on TV I always want to see it the right way and I love to see how the coaches coach them and how the coaches motivate them right now it's just looking like our coach is motivating them the right way man yeah I'm so happy I think our players got some brains in their head tonight yeah but you look at that hope that was keep on when that was going man okay that that's just no no no whoa okay twenty four he's got it say Galloway Oh went down at the 15-yard line holy smokes Batman Wow Wow say Galloway and now it's first down that's pretty good right there that is really good first down and ten with the ball in the 14 yard line yeah they just keep on naughty just trying to get this game out of reach yeah they're up 20 to nothing they keep on playing football right way I'm gonna tell you something I'm gonna sleep well tonight that's for sure yes Ennis a touchdown touchdown Vikings yeah 20 yeah copy number eight and that's a tie on Harvey a quarterback or a wide receiver freshman from Morningside high school in Inglewood California up to no good in Inglewood two parks in California love that's it Eagle wood up to no good oh wait it oh wait a minute that it wasn't official but I will say about England his football was going England how do you feel about that poof we don't know what happened there but it wasn't official must have been a fumble okay let's try that again Oh overthrow overthrow oh man that's gotta hurt he landed right on his knees yeah hurt incomplete but that's alright okay okay yeah one more try yeah he's just gonna have to put some icy hot on needs when you get alright I know a good buddy who has a bad knees because of college football but luckily ironically he's now a physical therapist that's amazing there you go Oh fingers man third down in 15 ball in the 19 yard line yes yikes gotta get a touchdown I get two halves to go even though that wasn't officially touchdown I was a good catch yeah very good catch and a good throw yeah I feel like they should have gave that to us though we did get it like I said though I'm gonna sleep well tonight because of this this is like a perfect way oh he's going for it three up flag but it's not a you know subject it's a flag not official [Applause] goodnight took them right down grabbed him by the tail I think they just got a little carried away there that's the first time we get to see them have some high blue tonight yeah seriously they're excited which which this should be give them a little hope [Music] [Music] well looks like the interception was official well I will say that defense have been trying to get that I will say that defense have been trying to to get to get West off its game and he they did a little something right there but right now is this is not a great yep you're up 20 or nothing and you don't want to start playing cocky now no way because first of all first of all they were close to getting touchdown he threw an interception this defense it bounced it right off of his head this defense keeps on playing the way we want to see them play every game it's ideal they coming sacking the quarterback man second down and 10 ball in the 41 and they're showing why defence win championships aren't they Oh way overthrown yeah he overshot it these coaches not happy but coaches probably we're happy for that yeah glory which is good third down and ten ball in the 41 with 48 seconds left East Los Angeles or as we are for short ELAC yeah he lack see what he got up yesterday oh we almost had another interception right there it was that close that close [Music] incomplete pass Huskies are now fourth down and ten right now let's see what is this defense got up to Ashley he's overthrowing keep tall overthrown think he doesn't know his own strength right first down Vikings ladies and gentlemen first down and ten yes with the ball remaining on the 41 yard line we're excited we'll take that yeah why not right excited right now I will say Wes do not need to throw another interception right now probably learned his lesson right there right right there but that Batman into him got to come back out number five goes right in now no dice number five Mason Mason Bowen Oh Bowen I got that's a singular Mason Bowen are running back from Sara High School in LA California maybe as a right now when you're up to nothing you can you can try to fill out to see potentially what they are and how they play now third quarters is drawn to a close with three seconds left and the third quarter is officially done what did we see that in the third quarter a we saw how hard our defenses steal the defense still showed up and we had a great touchdown by second unit quarter second unit running back he played good he just keeps on showing why he deserved to play every game definitely and in West and you know what I will say on East LA side not gonna be here's the long beach city college cheerleaders putting on a show for our audience anyway yeah we we saw some good defense good offense I mean in a touchdown no less yes and you know what for East LA they got a little hope too cuz they got a interception and that gave them hope definitely one more quarter to go right now 50 minutes left in the game ladies and gentlemen 15 minutes left and it's looking like your Vikings is gonna get this down yeah you never know you never know things happen I've seen it happen alright so second down and six on the 45 yard line 45 yard line there you go let's see what West have up it sleeve up flag shoot what's going on here false start Vikings second down yeah that was a full star in the Vikings five-yard penalty now I will say coach is gonna talk to them about that false starts and everything like I was still in the first half yeah freak you have week you have strip strictness and weakness yeah and that's a part of weakness right now is giving false start but the trick behind this is to learn from your mistakes Wow oh that was a good catch but a flag on the play as per usual Hank caught buys a cleats though he had a great actually he had a great great night tonight also sorry I jumped over somebody huh yeah like I said a little little Road Runner Mario action right there yeah and that's what I call a a play that would be a play of the game first down in ten yes end up going they decline that flag which is good hallelujah yes part of the game pass catch oh he's going touchdown Vikings ladies and gentlemen awesome 26 zilch and that is by exactly ladies and gentlemen now that is glory right there happily come from from Torrance okay a Torrence native yeah street smarts right there he is a good receiver any Scouts out there that's watch it won't get Zach man he's your guy that's right 26 nothing so Alfredo flora is coming up for the extra kick and I will say they have got this game out of reach definitely kick is up oh and it happened again he's looking like they gonna get their first touchdown of the game Oh big fella number whoa whoa got their first touchdown of the game not see that coming whoa [Music] maybe not no I don't think that was a touchdown maybe oh oh no that was like extra two extra points for them all right two points mm-hmm no that breaks our perfect game but hey or a shutout yeah but you know what it's good for them and give them hope all right all right get him hope his fourth quarter and they put some points up huh now what's pretty cool though I will admit but it was a great it was good for Shawn Brown their defensive back 511 190 man he is from he is from Georgia Georgia Georgia Georgia all right well then so in just a little bit we kick and they receive I was like to say ask and you shall receive yes no Georgia is a nice place to visit I heard kick is up going for it and fair catch no sad he's gone I tell you what if they watch highlights right now they are gonna be happy that shot brown put some points up for them right there they they have to point to 26 they lose it but it's still a little hope for them first down in 10 with a ball in the 29 yard line here this defense come back let's see what they have up their sleeve that firepower on that defense man yeah that's the Stooges once said we shall see yes big dog pile look like he gained a little bit but number 50 Devine up a cheer let's say that's quite a moniker defensive line from Westchester High School in LA Los Angeles I love LA yes is nice see if this defense haven't obviously oh ouch right now this defense is letting them get a little bit get a little bit of momentum but but we don't want that no matter what the score is our bad it looks we don't want that on defensive side but you know they give it a little bit in this defense to come back so this defense never this defense never lets you down does it let you down not at all I think we're good we're good oh yeah like I said I think they're getting a little tired because they're like oh what happened oh okay I let it go incomplete pass this offense from ECL a did not get going tonight and it's far from saying that this quarterback did not get going either no I don't know what happened but it just show how good his defense is fourth down and seven the ball in the 32 yard line up flying the play offside by the Vikings five-yard penalty for down fourth down and two and you know what and if they won't really want to switch the the punt they could put the offense back in also it is foreign to they said if they wanted to and they could if they wanted to but they're probably gonna end up on yeah most likely so but I will say Vikings do not go back outside cuz you're playing really good right now this defense came and gave us hope again it was usual it's 12 minutes left in this game and can we just Ference were say we're gonna win this game I I think we're safe to say that yeah I think we're safe I think we can't Cheeks anything it's still 12 minutes anything can happen first down in 10 with the ball on the 43 yard line right now is just Oh Pass throw it to Culpepper yep yes so right now it's just a little pepper yeah right now is just gonna be to play the right way for the next 12 minutes and that's what it's going to be for the rest of this game as they got this game all under their sleeve they any and they could potentially move up in the division how do you feel about that no hey why not right why not man I'll tell you Wes played well again and he's still playing Oh big throw oh no good no good I think he just blew a potential touchdown he just did and that just would've made it even more out of out of sight but as we've been watching this game this game has been nothing but vicodin and by the way that was a number eight offensive player Dominic Wingfield wide receiver from Servite high school in Anaheim California man not far from us no no no in fact Disneyland is like it literally ahead of us don't forget Angels either huh big throw catch card but it's not about now that's okay that's alright what's so cool here we're uh right now you're just third down and ten but as a coach and as a fan you're happy that West is throwing the ball to his receivers definitely and they're catching even though they're going out of Bounce he got to try to get him in bounce but you're excited oh he's going west threw it to Jacob Shaw quarterback a Wilson alumni that's you that's your old school yeah that's it yeah how you feel about your rule some people well I've I still have I have a cousin that goes to Wilson she told me that uh Wilson football's been pretty bulletproof this year that's what I like to hear yeah first down in ten with a ball on the 20-yard line dogpile a dark pal but the dark man is getting him closer and closer and we'll take that won't sure it's excited he's just a bad brother bad mamma jamma yes just ten minutes left to go in the game two down second down in one another dog I think they're just having fun now you know hey let's see what we could do here right now they're playing what you call to see who who can get some playing time now for the next game this game has been then but over since since the second half yes that's right second third quarter yeah yeah good thing the Hucky Huskies did get two points they got a little hope put some momentum in oh right now let's see what they could do another flag false started the Vikings five-yard penalty now that's plain little cocky yeah yeah yeah yeah these fellas at ease yeah you're playing right you're playing good but you do not want to give up anything it's an amazing thing to to be up and it's exciting to me up but you don't want to play cocky but he got a touchdown yeah well look at that ah another one by by Saeed with a score of 32 to - nice game this game now this games a little bit over well nine minutes left they can enjoy right now if you're a Vikings fan keep back and relax sleep good tonight oh yeah cuz your boys are gonna go I'm gonna go up for two I could speak for all these guys when I say a shower would feel good after this one yes now we can go ahead and change and the kick is up and good school three three two - yeah now we can show we got another home here's a slo-mo here's the slo-mo of that play let's check it out gifted to was running back just running back lunge it here and this guy is a third unit running back he's just running like it's nothing he's like Galloway that way is play good and then Kapow right in there touchdown that's right and here are long beach city college cheerleaders nice that was a great touchdown I mean it was it was easy but it was good it was good they get this game now really out of sight so they already had it outside but they've really got it outside definitely that did not come back as well all right we're gonna kick and they receive gig is up how fair catch oh it runs right into opposing traffic and just gets the bulldozers now we get to see what just bad defense to do you want to know what I would do if I was to pitch right now does that put the second unity in now and to see my second unit my second unit of defense see if they could do that these guys are the SWAT team now yeah so right now can we talk about now that they have another division game next week yes they did is what Baker field in Baker field is 2 & 3 also just like East Los Angeles so if they won this right now they're going forward to but if they can beat Baker field and go 5 into they got a chance with they got a chance with Aeons in the vent in the Ventura who are form on both of those teams a form one and now they getting the counter Gloria for Lynn's with them yeah definitely man and they would feel good to go potentially go up to they're gonna stay at the 3rd seat but they could potentially go up to second or first seat but they gotta just play keep on playing the right way let's get back to this yeah second down and six ball in the 33 yard line see if this defense have force oh right now the defense is just letting them have a little momentum and just let it flow right just let it flow you up thirty thirty three to two and you want to just keep on playing the right way like I've been saying all game De'Anthony Joan Daphne Jones once again the Player of the Week last game they played man he is still showing up she looked like he that top dog on defense man oh definitely oh definitely he is really good [Music] okay okay getting a little rough out there yeah a little rough do you write about that second down and 11 that's right let's see what this defense could do ok this quarterback runs you can see it more likely to say if they're going down to 2 & 4 and as a fan of if you're a fan of East Los Angeles and and you're the coach of Esau's Los Angeles how would you feel tonight me oh not happy not happy at all I'm happy like you say that bus ride is gonna be tough yeah seriously just six six and a half minutes to go in the game but you had a great game analyst a great game for your Long Beach City Vikings they came out with the pedal to the metal and they are showing why they're getting ready to be forward to because this defense showed up and often showed up tonight alright first down in ten with the ball on the 30 yard line Safa let's see what this offense could do again enjoy it while you can right enjoy it so once in a lifetime you get just once-in-a-lifetime you get games like this of course but I will say it was a quarterback's what you knew they put Jacob Shaw in first down in 10 they put Jacob Shaw in freshman that's 510 185 pounds from Wilson Long Beach California your aunt said y'all modern y'all modern man they put the second unit in so now they just don't see how this second unit how the silken unit looks now yeah and now Long Beach City College is another one of my alma mater yes five and a half minutes to go the second unit look good to where what you think about this second unit so far not bad they they definitely bring in some potential they definitely bring in some some good some good offense and defense but you know yeah what can I say yeah Jacob Shaw as a freshman too so he could potentially be what you say the potential to be new quarterback for years to come gay their defense a little help here and you know what when you're up like this 33 the - you could put second unit third unit players in to see what they're all about also what you feel good for the players what you feel good for the team to see what their what they have definitely other quarterbacks and things are about yep third down in seven ball in the 48 it's okay now they throw them on or anything right now is Isis four minutes almost left in this game they enjoy it now they're just having fun wouldn't your car that's a little scrimmage for them now sure there's having fun just having fun there they played the right way tonight and it's showing why they're on they're on the verge and on the edge of becoming foreign to and gonna stay at the third seat in their division fair catch now we'll get to see what their first unit or second unit is about - Velma swear but I do know this coat I do know a few I do know them going home tonight it's not gonna be a good night tonight you're lost you're lost and you're trailing in your division man I'm gonna tell you like this trailing in the division is hard hard because now you're gonna be you're gonna be what's called women reflux in the play wrong players on the field the big guys wrong players on the field they're just having a bad night well that was for the Vikings so oh okay all right simple mistake simple mistake things happen no biggie we'll begin with just three and a half minutes left and a half minutes left we had a big game we won tonight which is a good thing and now East Los Angeles is going to be trailing their division 2 & 4 man and they're gonna stay at the 5th seed in their division in this ballpark did less mobile or less Moorpark going to fail to the mantle and do something definitely most definitely we're excited as a Viking fan we're excited we got a big win and also we're excited because we're going to state a 3rd seed in our division but we're happy right now but we're not happy because we want to go up if you want to win games you got to win games like this all the time yeah and you got to go into Baker field to Baker field next week and beat them to get to get some momentum going yeah you don't want to come back home 4 & 3 there's nowhere to go but up but up like the song say we were saying we're moving on up yeah to these side yes finally got a piece of the pie oh he's gone all out of bounds he was he was pretty close for a touchdown to your close yeah number 36 Chris Jolie a linebacker from st. Paul high school okay yeah not Minnesota but just st. Paul high school in California oh that's good it's exciting right now for them as they get close they make a touchdown to make it and it gives them a little hope as they go as they go on with the lose and they try to make it not a big a big lose complete pass of Justin Hawkins oh oh okay almost close to a touchdown didn't happen no dice no died just a minute and 25 left in the game uh and there was a flag on the play - flag on the play pass pass interference on the Vikings Oh first and goal for the Huskies first time in this game how about it I think you if they give touchdown is good for them hey why not right why not you're going to go down in the division in the fifth seat and your division go two and five so you got here you go touchdown Huskies goodness first touchdown in this game if I'm a coach or anything I'm not I'm not upset hey and they get to go home with a little bit of Laurie what a little bit of glory in a division game but you know what still as a coach I'm not happy huh I mean we're ba they're behind three three and eight right head yeah we're ahead and they're traveling to division all right so here comes the the extra point kick up and it's good Wow not bad not bad all right so here comes the slo-mo of that of that touchdown take it away J okay quarterback he gets it look yeah clock he's gonna run it and he he gets past that defensive man right there and he Pat he's gonna do a pass right there he runs keeps on running and he passes it to his receiver and it's touchdown for East loss and 33 and 933 with just a minute and 20 left in the game man submitted in 20 20 seconds left your Vikings have won they are moving to four and two and like I've been said they're gonna stay at the third seat in their division and it looks good for them I'm happy for and you know I can't say now is they go to Baker field definitely next week and there are two and three so and it anything can happen there - you don't want to come back home on November 2nd playing though one of the worst teams in the division yeah fair catch ditch oh he's gone for it that was a good pivot Oh down he goes out he goes number 81 yes Patrick Hayes wide receiver from West LA that is amazing I'm sure they put in the third quarter the second unit quarterback back in and like I was saying they gotta come with momentum and it should be exciting and they can potentially get the second of first seat and I'm excited man first team first down in ten ball in the 27 yard line running right into opposing traffic right in opposing tracking but you know what one more it's 59 seconds left I will say this game is over we're going we're going to win and I will say it's been around on the plate to be play call with you man him and I enjoy it I enjoy I enjoy play calling with you and our voice of Long Beach City as we're saying he's on his way on his way back yep on his way not commentating here anymore and I wanted and I want to thank him for forgiving me a chance to be up here with him off and he's one of the guys that paved the way for guys like myself to come in broadcast here with you man it's always nice to have to have new blood in the hobby yes and I'm excited for you and you know here at Long Beach City you know Hirsch and the crew they love you here and you know they'll walk on your back with open arms huh I hope so yeah you come back and broadcast all right so third down in six with the ball in the 31 yard line okay see if these these second unit catches about man twenty-nine seconds left you know this game has been nothing but over yeah from the third quarter but you know it's it's been a great game and you know it's been an exciting time that I was able to climb a team and I think that'll just about wrap it up with a final score of 33 nine Vikings the next game is going to be November seconds more against Moorpark at 6 p.m. ladies and gentlemen thanks again for listening I'm Noah Russell I'm JB green with him we'll see it November 2nd against Moorpark see you next time
Channel: LBCC Viking Productions
Views: 1,454
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: ZHB8sNjMl4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 23sec (9083 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 21 2019
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