In-Studio: Bobby Godinez, Head Football Coach, ELAC

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and welcome to another edition of East LA sports in in studio pro rendition right here today from the Boyle Heights technology news Center also called the works or center here for all of East LA but primarily here in Boyle Heights and again we thank the management we thank Joe Diaz who is our coordinator for allowing easterly sports scene and the directorship here also giving in the opportunity here for us to come and bring news sports news from our community and we're starting off 2017 with a very very big story huge and we have none other than the head coach from East LA the football program Bobby Godinez and he's brought a couple of his players who you'll meet in a few minutes after we get into our program but first of all we extend a very warm welcome to coach Bobby Godinez it's good to be here thank you thank you guys for coming and we followed you all year but that's a story in itself but we want to go back a little bit into not the Wayback Machine but just a little bit to know some history about you your family your sports passion the roots and how you were brought up to to love football until the teaching and instruction into all sports so coach I put that first question out there to you a little bit about your background how you raised up by your folks and where you come from I was born and raised in Southern California Idina Heights about 20 minutes east of here okay I went to ou saltos high school played football baseball and basketball there my family have a long lineage of earthly - football players in particular my dad also played on the 1972 championship team at Los Altos high school ma ended up playing college football himself and have lots of uncles and cousins that have done the same so I followed that lineage and picked up on the sports and really you know took ownership over my career you know going to playing a year two years at Mount San Antonio College myself doing the junior college thing and and then eventually played for San Jose State and got a stint with the Washington Redskins and um you know I've just been blessed with with the opportunities that I've been given along the way but you know just like I try to tell our guys is you know utilizing your ability to play the sport as a vessel to you know get your education you know and hopefully paid for in some capacity and sure I was able to do that it's been awesome and there's a one other highlight in your academic career having read your bio one-year offer at the US Air Force Academy yeah so out of out of high school I went to the to the Air Force Academy I did one year there I ended up going back to you know go to school and play football at mount sac okay just took a different route from from there yeah and we're talking to a young Bobby Godinez at the time and the prime of his life playing football sports excelling in basketball and football of course baseball even right and we're going to get into the coaching as well a little bit besides football but coach you're on as they say in your career the trajectory is just starting to rise and an offer from Lisa the Washington Redskins is a NFL yes an offer there to play and yes on that one yep yeah I am in 2006 I was signed by the Redskins was able to to camp with them and you know the the career didn't last a whole long is in the quite an adventure once you get to that level and the competition is vast and the players are amazing but you know I had the opportunity to play under Joe Gibbs and um you know Greg Williams was the defensive coordinator and you know got my opportunity but in the end it was more about you know my career really taking a turn for coaching you know that's that was my calling and where it's gone from there and just stepping back one inch further back was your San Jose State as a Spartan defensive back cornerback with a great coach at the time tell us how that went played under a Hall of Fame coach dick Tomey um you know got the opportunity to really learn from some great staff that he had put together you know I was a academic all-american two years there was a team captain and you know just had the opportunity to play at that level was was great and you know lived a lifestyle and really just learned from you know my surroundings learn from those those coaches there and it was great great opportunity great experience and then one other I would have call it um maybe was a career builder but it was a business build for you as a person to get into your own business with the was optimal for sports and conditioning yeah about that so you know when I was done playing I did a graduate internship at at San Jose State under the strength and performance department and you know I finished my master's at school once I was done I moved back down to Hacienda Heights okay and you know I was trying to decide with what to do basically with my career and while I was doing so I started you know training high school junior high kids and what I knew best when he was you know improving talent in different various sports and helping you know kids develop their athletic ability and from there I started at a small park down the street and you know after a few months I had well over fifty kids at this park and at some point I had to decide you know okay I probably need to get a facility because I didn't know how long the the park would would allow me to run half of their venue so really just built from there I was able to to open up two facilities one and Honda heights one and Upland in the Inland Empire and ran that for for four years and um you know that also taught me a whole boatload as to you know what a career was all about but you know after a few years of that I had some offers to go and coach decided that that was ultimately what I wanted to do okay and now listen for the interest in an interest of time because we could continue on those but we have a good program here we want to bring in the players as well and we're going to come back I think on another pass with you towards the end of the program but the the coaching now career is on full lock on blast you're in it to excel to be successful to go to programs and build them up you had the privilege and the recognition in your career to go to programs that really helped resurrect them build them up and move in a very quick pace and a successful pay so prior to East LA was a Victor Valley correct let's talk about how that went so actually before that I had the opportunity to go back to North Carolina as a okay as a division 1 football coach and you know I bounced around a couple of junior colleges prior to that but it led me to the Division one level from there came back home after about three years in North Carolina and took a an assistant job at Victor Valley College okay um you know Coach Hoover gave me the opportunity there and I took full advantage of it and you know helped change that program into a real winner I mean we did some good things there and the players that we had were phenomenal um I actually had dual responsibilities I took over the basketball program as i was there so i actually did both football and basketball 19 the two years and led the basketball program to the playoffs and you know one of their only trips maybe in its school history I take that back they actually had one other one other trip to the playoffs and then the same thing for football we went from I think they were two and eight prior to the years and that was laughs and I had got there with Coach Hoover and went six and four and then ten and oh the my second year so it was a you know great learning experience there and it led to some some good things okay and then again pushing right forward to the victor Valley a very good opportunity to prepare you for other opportunities and to have to be in the mix you have to be seen and to be heard and then to be offered as you were from East Los Santos college and before we get to that coast because that's a crowning moment in your career we're going to take a quick break and and advising all of our viewers or you're watching East LA sports scene in studio program head coach first year head coach this completed is an amazing amazing one first year as a head coach bobby Godinez and we're coming back with the program at East LA colleges to be very very interested so don't go away we'll be right back in a moment and as we all know football never stops it's 24/7 at all levels and we gotta say unfortunately even for the Mighty Mite Army heat those who are out there learn Pop Warner and the very young age but again it's 24/7 here this imagine from high school on up and it never stops coach it never stops players never stop training and getting in shape and looking for their best opportunities and speaking of that opportunity we come back to head coach Bobby godinez where we left off and the offer comes or the opening comes at East early college um I'd say late in 2015 and you think about it they start interviewing and coach let's pick it up from there yeah you know I kind of kind of came out of nowhere um you know I had known alcone or athletic director for for you know a little over a year at this time and you know the opening came about and I pursued it and you know I mean it was really a good experience getting the interview in the first place but meeting with with him and you know the the the rest of the committee really gave me the opportunity to show them what I was about and you know I think it was a good fit for all parties and so yes you know I'll you know gave me the opportunity to be the head coach of this program and I took it and ran with it as best I could and it's just about been a little over a year quanta logically speaking that you've been in the controls as they say at the in the pilot seat of the flagship East LA college football Huskies and coach it was a tremendous season but it just didn't happen overnight there was a lot of hard work in preparing and now let's kind of move forward to when you first called spring practice last year right it was about a year ago this time that I had the opportunity to meet with with our players and you know I just basically hired a wonderful staff that is one of the keys and being a successful program and you know we started we hit the floor running we you know set basically our standards what we expected and those expectations that the kids they really took it and ran with it really wasn't hard that was a good foundation of players guys that you'll meet today yes and you know we just basically late as good of a Foundation as we could and allow them to be the the student-athletes that they already were and all we could do was show them the guidance to help them get better every day and you know install a you know a good athletic performance weightlifting and you know speed training you know type of conditioning program and you know for those few months in the spring we really you know did it well and you know they took that and all the way through the summer and it you know it showed once we started playing football and then you had of course the the freshmen that were coming in as well yeah at certain point so you had your sophomores already there from last year and then freshmen coming in and your coaching staffs hand-picked - yes to support you and all your efforts and yeah it was that a very smooth hiring process way the of relatively I mean there's a group of guys that I've known that I've coached with along the way and it was a matter of convincing you know guys that were at other programs that this was a place that was had the potential to be great and you know some were easier than others you know if you took some convincing but once they were able to see what we were working with and you know the beautiful campus the stadium and you know they all bought in and then once they were here it's just a phenomenal group of men that just know how to you know really relate to these kids and these student-athletes and it was it was a great fit and coach again in the interest of time we can't go from each game game by game by game but we know that the Huskies and you I said it in my headline shock the JUCO world right just as easy as that saying that because coming in as a new coach maybe the expectations around the conference around the community we're not but you know what they may have may have been right has they known you a little bit more depth but you went out and again lifted a program from not being very good or not being well established to something that overnight over one season now waiting into that heads but turn people know that Bobby Godinez and staff and the players that he lacked mean business right on a nap right so coach if you would just be kind enough to describe in so many words the season itself okay okay well I mean it started with you know kind of setting the expectation as to where we wanted to go as a team as a staff and as a program in general and once we got there we worked with the kids in the in the spring we knew that we had the makings of something special and you know one of the things that this level is helping these individuals understand what they're capable of we knew we had the makings of a good team of a winning team we knew that we could win nine games like we did but it was a matter of showing these kids their own potential and helping them believe in themselves giving them that confidence and really showing a structured system from a football standpoint that allowed them to you know put them in the right places and allow them to then play football and you know we did a good job of that my staff like I said you know just does a phenomenal job of putting their their time and effort in to prepare these kids mentally physically and let them do the rest um yeah and throughout 11 games so many of your players where week to week heroes or the unsung heroes or just the person who stepped up right when it was time and you asked them to do that and it was a very successful gesture that you made to them and they all responded with nine wins two losses but enough to be considered and win the conference and in that as well shocking again they're the JUCO world and then a gracious bid to play in a bowl game right and the patriotic ball and we have a the trophy here correct and talk let's let our fans see this a little up close and personal because this is a huge huge merit to your credit a huge triumph for the school the players and a community if we so many times don't include our community right because you know that there are people that know yeah the school and have always followed the program and now good times are right back right and very proudly talking about the program which of course ends up good good for recruitment right as well and we're going to talk about that later culture that when we come back but let's get back to the patriotic Bulova and the significance of the trophy yeah well I mean when you set out to you know start a football season you always have to set your goals it's not just about the foundation alone it's about where you want to see yourself as a team and we we set out for one to win every single game that we played we look forward to that next game but then your next goal is to win your conference when your conference to show that that is what you're playing for as a program we were able to do that and in doing so we were able to get the invite to playing the patriotic Bowl and lastly our last goal was to win that bowl game and you know like I said these kids all the way through week 11 were excited to practice every single day and excited to play every single game and you know really showed through every single game you because like you mentioned it every game somebody else stepped up didn't have to do with these kids preparing themselves every day knowing that at any point their number might be called okay and you know with guys like JP and Tony here made things easy and they really responded to the call and led us to something beautiful well that's going to look very good in the trophy case because we all know public is encouraged to go through the campus it's open to the public during regular school hours and gaze into the trophy case and you're going to see a very very current trophy a significant marker here for the program it's only coaches first year so you set the bar very high even for yourself coach yeah and of course your new recruits are coming in along with your your sophomores who will be sophomores right have the nucleus for a ward and a winning program again for the next season coach we're going to talk about some of the other individuals or it could make it to the program that we're very key to your program both on offense and defense and we're talk also about the recruiting that brought some of those the players there but we're going to take a quick break it's now it's going to be time to introduce two of our two players that coach just mentioned by name and I have their profiles here it's going to be on Tonio Salcedo and John Paul Flores affectionately known as JP Florida so we're going to take a quick break break and come right back with more of East LA sports scene highlighting the East LA college Huskies the football teams the state patriotic Bowl winners and we'll be right back in just a moment the CSD still exports scene here we are back now with the second half of our program here now it's time to meet two of the players as coach of Godinez mentioned we have now antonio Saucedo antonio i got to give you the particulars on this young athlete 65 300 pounds and he will be a sophomore next season and I'm telling you welcome to East LA Sports Inc thank you okay uh football football football where did it start where is that passion bug how did it bite you for me mostly started when I was a sophomore year okay I'm back in sure high school Montebello tells mostly when I started to be they start to see my talent more okay and is there a family sport Jean in there somewhere brothers I have tools above but none of them play sports only I've beyond to play sports because of my thighs and to see what was capable of okay and as you grew into the size you are a very very I would say size it is catches the coach's eye yes especially if you have the skills and how did you adapt with that as a as you kept growing and you kept getting bigger as I kept doing bigger like I feel like I see more expectations to my coaches in everything and I had to get faster as way skinnier but it was a great it was a great moment for me in my life because I was to see like what was capable of what we're doing in life and to see how can I apply that to my life okay and a successful choice you made of going to East Los Angeles College tell us about the recruitment factor there um whatever after high school I was just want to be so such as college because it was closest to my home in there and first year I didn't play football just want to take one year off okay and I think I wasn't planning to go back to play sports anymore because I thought was incapable oh but then okay I told myself like after after taking time off it felt weird not being not being part of the team even heard of something great in life yeah so I started to go join the football team I talked to the coaches and they liked me so I started I so I give it a chance and there was no pre well I like the program it was great okay and as I mentioned that where success and being at the top of your game for your efforts this year on a very very winning program winning school like as I mentioned a coach to shock the world so to speak and others were now wondering where are these players and who are these players and your name surface and so much so that you're awarded is with second team all-conference yes offensive line yes and talk about how you you were told that and how you felt when you had to share that with your family um at first I was also surprised because it was my I was a freshman I was in expected to do this and when I told my family it was like it was a prom moment because I was the first one I found to receive an award such like this one oh wow yes okay and then your oh you say your former teammates it sure and and then your current team a city like very happy for you yes and the coaches of course oh yeah okay now let's talk about the academics a tilak because that you have to have the mixture of both yes student-athlete they have to merge together correct to one can carry the other talk about your pursuits there d lack for academics academic wise I decided I want to be a firefighter because since I'm big and I want to use my talent to sub her I'm sorry to serve the community something I was wanted to do help the people okay and I decided to do that career the firefighter because very interesting is how is how is managing their teens and it's pretty tough first taking the courses because you have to learn how to save a life and it's going it's going pretty well yeah and I've been like me so much love it there's not only saving a life but at some point being very courageous oh yes even for yourself and considering your family because as you know police officers firefighters anyone in that hazardous type of work their life could be on the line at some point you know and you're willing to sacrifice that salt right now yeah well you're you're a very very good person a good soul and out of the goodness of your heart you you produce good so Antonio let me go down our profile sheet here because people and I'm telling our viewers informative yours that we do things a little different here in East LA sports and there are no commercials no nose and nobody telling us we can't do this or that we bring you our players our community members whatever walk of life they are if they're connected to sport we attempt to bring out their best year so our viewers can know them so when they see him next time even a person or on a football field they know Thank You mr. Saab said they know who he is so one of my questions the biggest highlight of your playing career so uh the biggest highlight was part of the ball game because it was a moment where everybody was together everybody was for one more time we get to play together the family and to see what we're capable okay and again writing that winning wave victorious in that is a very very big game okay um and academic or athletic awards you've received uh Kadima can some award they receive with the all team conference that receives from the football team okay and academics are going pretty good for you me and all your class so Legion are you all set to go okay and you mentioned a little bit about your career but I have it here that you mentioned becoming a firefighter and I want to say just for being a little selfish about sports might you go to Division one when you feel we lack the offer you just another opportunity to see something else I really take that that I want to go pretty far I see what I'm capable of and as choosing a school I was raised not to pick I was just like okay I'll just rates like we're paid for your college tuition you guys education education come first before athletic wise no okay but it's not out of the possibility you could someone may recruit you oh yes there's possibility here in any resolution yeah recruiting Oh take it okay persons who have had the biggest impact on your life that would be my parents because my as I've explained my dad's from Mexico and my mom's from Colombia oh okay and they raised me to to appreciate what I have and to take advantage of what would give - me too - aside to make improvements in my life okay and I learned a lot from them they tell me to push harder to achieve a lot yes and you take the advice oh yes and follow it as the golden rule okay all right favourite now we're going to get a little more personal side favorite football teams college or pro I would like to my favorite football team of us see ah okay USC Trojans good good choice favorite players I like Reggie Bush ah okay yeah during his highlight as USC in the proceeds he seemed to have been a little hurt yeah really still a name oh yeah I mean my my brother he seems he likes watching his fair play Reggie Bush I was like Tommy all this team that you know you did I like if he's a good player yeah I can okay favorite movie John wick all John all of them so far the two now the second would come out of the first one I like - okay all right favorite type of music I like rock and they have game music you guys also into your the ants and Hitler gets of motivated and everything okay and favorite music artists or movie actor my firm music are this Lil Wayne okay that's good his words are very fresh okay and for John Wick's is it Keanu Reeves is he is he the star for long wicks I think yet so he's a good actor yeah yeah he's a good actor okay I like Jason Bourne or well yeah never good okay so many good Denzel Washington J but there's going to be some some great movies out this year and Antonio to see anything else you'd like to add here remember we're watched by a lot of viewers a lot of people that are very ELAC sensitized they know to school they'd like to see athletes and personalities from the school so maybe some of your classmates yes general I'd love that like no never give up on your dreams no matter what you are who you are small big it doesn't matter to never give up on your dreams anything anything is possible si se puede sure your parents told you that a bit okay I told you when have you come back thank you for spending a little time here we get to chance to get to know you up close and personal and it's not the last time we're going to see you so we're going to take a quick break here easterly sports we're coming back with JP Flores our second player and we're going to tell your story as well we'll be right back don't go away and here we are back with our second student athlete from East LA Community College and a very very big season for John Paul Flores as his teammates call him his family members friends with JEP and here is John good to meet you mid meeting I want to call you one as well does that happen in the family always okay one as he's John Paul one Paul Flores John one I'm too cautious to go on welcome to so and as we mentioned and talking to coach and talking to your teammate Antonio where did you feel and when did you feel football was was where you wanted to go and participate in a sport probably around I want to say middle school in sixth grade my dad played football here at a Garfield High School oh and my mom was a cheerleader there and you know just uh he's always had that football and just when I got around sixth grade I don't know I just I thought the fire and me to go out and try it out and then from there I found love with it I'm just uh Wow particularly a long way and I'm glad I made that system and in making that decision you knew you were going to have to put the body out there and develop it and have to get hard so to speak because it's a tough game tough game and you sell that your position yes talk about that I was a second team all-conference this year at East Los Angeles College I started all four years at a Rancho high school in Pico Rivera okay and just always played center you know I was always real undersized compared to everybody and you know had to bring in my all every game and real you know mm-hmm again sighs sometimes it matters sometimes it doesn't depends on the skill and the position you're playing but Center is a very very complex position when you think about it because of the formation the different types of calls the coaches are always throwing in or coming in players come in with different calls talk about the adjustment at the college junior college level from high school to there we got to the junior college level I would say everything just got a little more a little more faster a little more you know a little more harder you got the memorize a lot more stuff you have to really get in touch with football you have to understand the defense you know more than you really understand your offense and mm-hmm just you know that was really the transition just everything's a little more faster a little more you got a really really focus on it at the college level okay and off you go you're at East LA college and lo and behold Coach godinez new coach talk about that transition how the players and how did you see the coaching and coaches and coaching staff acclimate to to the situation yes it was a it was a it was a big transition because it was real like Thursday we found out we weren't going to have our our head coach anymore then Monday we come and there's a new head coach already fall so it was just a matter of just you know buying into the program buying into everything had to say I knew of Bobby godinez had great accurate behind him so I you know stick with the program I knew he would you know bring a good environment good coaching staff good you know good energy program yes and you knew it was a good fit yes so to speak good fit and a chance to get better and I forgot to give your specs your 6-foot 235 pounds and you're going to be going out of you lack leaving ELAC heading into your junior year hopefully at a Division one school with Division two if you have thoughts and plans for that yes I think I think as of right now I'm kind of done with football has a playing ring uh okay like I said you know I'm a little undersized I have got a couple of d3 but something really promising and right now I really want to look into coaching oh no you know that that's gonna be my next step football slowly then - not to belabor the issue but you think you know of enrolling as a school anyone in particular yes I want to apply to Cal State a no-knock house Cal State LA and Dominguez Hills in the spring okay and they're majoring in kinesiology ah okay I'm going to say that seems to be one of a major of choice for a lot of athletes yes geology and then making that transition hopefully into coaching yes to coaching and the in my family there's a long line of teachers hopefully become a PE teacher yeah you know oh okay that's the that's one goal but you don't mind since you're a Garfield Oh a family person yeah talk about duh if you can give us an instance so when your dad talked about playing Roosevelt in the classic uh how many glasses did you go to any one didn't he talk about that oh god no just he said he just said that that was those were the biggest games he played in and just being a Tilak playing in those games and I always said is the biggest game you know out of the rest of the Mississippi he was a but of Cour and he just always told me and I remember him taking me to a couple of them growing up and you know he was just he was a big part of my life and a real big reason why I could you know started playing football for him okay and your father's don't use name your father's name so yes it's John so okay Joe okay also okay good okay after look at the record books here maybe we'll see if we're seeing a lineman as well or yes he actually played sit tight Center ah like father like son perfect example then okay wonderful okay um and now at Eddie Lac let's talk about your academic interests you mentioned kinesiology and you have the a a bi what made hopefully by the head by the spring and I think I might need a couple more classes so maybe summer so hopefully a spring okay and looking back now at two years of me lack and the participation and of course culminating in your sophomore year with a huge season yes highly recognized and also for your efforts again second team in the all-conference as often special center and then coupled with the patriotic Bowl yes tell us in your own words the the feeling the emotion that you felt from the beginning of the season right to the very last second of the patriotic ball when they you guys want and engage the trophy from the start we knew it was going to be something special everything just looked like it was clicking all the all the guys got along you know how the coaches got along with the players and just you know going through the season just going through the games we lost our first game and it was kind of like okay like we're not going do this we're not going to be that team again so you went on lost our third game and we were done after that when I went to the made it to our conference in every game it was like this is going to be the biggest game this is going to be the biggest game the coach is always you know reach that to it so just after winning the conference and then finally getting to the patriotic ball and having such a tremendous win as we did it was it was kind of like oh no we did it you know like every but you know like that's all I felt at least personally it was just every week was you know okay biggest game of our lives and this is the question here that I know you'll answer from your heart and I want to pose it because I feel it's important because now you're a sophomore you played under coach Godinez for this first year and there's a lot of local kids now that are looking at ELAC to come and enroll your thoughts on talking to them giving them a word of advice and telling them about coach Godinez what would you recommend to them I would definitely tell them to come to San Jose college if they're trying to you know get better as a football player get better as a person you know become a young man just the coaching stuff there will really help you out and just I will East Los Angeles College is the school to be right now is the school to be i right now as I say now trending the East LA college Huskies and who knows how high it'll be a state ranking of course I believe in the preseason polls which should be accorded to the Huskies and we'll wait and see it should be coming out I'd say by June hopefully during the summer now JP let's talk about some of the academic athletic awards you received other other than maybe on second second team conference anything else or maybe academics no no not academically wives um but really just athletically wives was the second team all-conference was the only really award and I've gotten that all right I just cause okay and we have biggest highlight of your playing career at either high school or college biggest highlight of my playing career has to be at just East Los Angeles College being able to you know turn the team around from two and eight the year before into nine and two and just being able to bring back a conference championship and a bowl game win so like not only like the school but to the city yes I felt it's who might like you know to like my family singing do like my band I was the greatest wonderful very uplifting we talked about your educational career goals now persons who have had the biggest impact I know you mentioned your father yes what about mom or uncle Piazza's yes brothers somebody in the family my mom always she pushes pushing me dad was dad with sports mom was always academic no she's a third grade teacher at a elementary school local to me and just uh she always just pushed me you know be the best you can academically you gotta hit the books first mm-hmm and then I have an uncle her brother he he went to the same high school as me and he always you know pushed me just as much as my dad oh when I think I'm very good very very good now on the personal side when you're not playing football your favorite stuff football teams college or pro I gotta say for college it's USC for pro the New York Jets ah okay favorite players college your problem uh Mike bouncy of the Miami Dolphins well I feel like he's another undersized Center in the league very know so that just you know okay and let's see favorite movies when you're not playing football you relax me favorite movies gotta be Friday Night Lights always and then uh the departed okay that's a good one depart okay yeah it was a Matt Damon Matt Matt Matt Damon Bo DiCaprio yeah yeah there you go to cover yeah yeah ok State Police favorite type of music I listen to it all and rap R&B hip hop rock you know anything that just gets me gets me motivated gets me you know in the game day music with that oh yeah for all the okay all those genres game day music okay alright and favorite music artists or actors I gotta say favorite music artist top Jake right now huh you know he does some real inspirational words that he does speak and you know okay and favorite actor has to be a Steve Carell ah I loved him from the office and just all the funny shows and movies that he's done is he making up here one paul florida JP florida's he's been with us here past five minutes or so i can't keep track at the time but it's always flying by but JP always offer you the same offer there to speak to the community because the community is very vibrant for us here in East LA it's always I want to say it's always in play always in fire people in our community always doing things looking to get better in all walks of life if we speak about sports when academics in school your message going out to young the young ones that are watching I would just say you know don't let anybody tell you you can't do something don't let anybody say like a lot of people told me going into e like oh it's elac it's just you know it's East LA it's ghetto you know now that never stopped me that was just you know just always believe in yourself and always you know believe in what you want to do and just set a goal for yourself and you can achieve it and you okay what John Paul JP thank you talking with you okay thank you for coming in and spending some time with us and opening up a maybe a new chapter in life people going to know who you are now okay you'll follow you possibly okay we're going to be right back and wrap things up with head coach Bobby godinez they're going to just talk about the future for 2017 and then we'll wrap things up this is East LA sport scene yeah thanks for watching these early sports in common we're coming into the final as they say the last part of our show here we're going to talk to head coach Bobby Godinez about 2017 as we all know you cannot rest on your laurels because everyone out there is trying to knock you down and walk right over you and say hey it's my turn but we have a very very good program here it's just on the rise after one year and as we mentioned earlier with Coach Medina's the standard is already high so coach your work if you cut out for your own work so to speak and that could mean really nothing but applause encouragement and just support from all of those in your inner circle and the community circle so we again thank you for your efforts and compliment you to the maximum for for leading our student-athletes players into the path of success and they're going to go further in life because of this very sport and very year that they were coached by you a coach as you know as I mentioned the past is the past yeah and they're going to come and look in so 2017 coach give us a little snapshot Oh operations for this coming season okay well we've already gotten started we started about a week ago and we're working three or four days a week you know the staff and I we're very big in quality work we don't like to overwork the guys we start with about an hour and a half hour forty-five minutes about three days a week and then we'll progress into you know maybe some football stuff and a little bit of spring ball but I'm very big into keeping it simple and really wanting those kids to stay hungry to play football so that when summer comes and the season comes and the end of the season comes that they're continuously fresh you know mentally and physically yes and coach we have your roster and one of the more amazing notes that I take from it as a correspondent as a reporter that likes to look into the programs not just the games but the entire program is very very pleased to see the diversity of the players and what schools they came from allow me go just to mention a few and I'm going to be very rapid here Dorsey Hamilton manual arts southeast there's Pasadena there's South delante there's Crenshaw Whittier Fairfax Frederick Douglas Dominguez John Muir animal south Silesian verbum Dei Long Beach Poly mentioned Crenshaw and let's see here's a couple of more Roosevelt Franklin Mark Keppel the Rancho of course from JP South OMA Huntington Park Bellflower on and on is Desert Pines out of Las Vegas and a couple of other locations is a one-player from overseas yes as well and London England Francis is born Willunga yeah okay and there's Linwood sure of course mention Antonio Wilson High School as well coach wow what a United Nations of the school right and that has to be a very very key factor yeah well one of the special parts about this year was was that diversity you know it's a special feeling when you get to see kids from from the same areas from around East Los Angeles College being able to join in on something special like a season like this and I hope it really you know shows the community that that's what we want we want kids from the programs from Garfield from the programs in the surrounding area yes that you know really brings pride to our school and we're going to continue to recruit these areas and continue to live off the foundation of the schools in our immediate you know 10 mile radius and you know one of the things that we said when we we came here as a staff was we don't need to look very far you know there's plenty of talent all over our town it's just a matter of getting out and finding them yeah and you know we were we were blessed to find a good group of kids that were already at the school yes and we just had to go find the pieces just to finish the deal and we were able to do that and it looks even you know more promising looking forward yes and again the ambassadors of good we want to characterize these players that have played under you now that it all automatically become excellent recruiting assets for you in the community you're well connected of course to roosevelt garfield torres has got some players coming up as well and i haven't even met even then Dez is right down the street has started their a varsity program right so right there there's a cluster of schools within East LA and it goes again the the ripple effect he goes beyond as you said and that's where players are very very attracted yeah to come to you still a college and now what it would prevent this opportunity to actually come and have them sign in yeah okay yeah I mean our numbers have skyrocketed already and you know just because of you know the surrounding areas the kids the players you know seeing that something good is happening at our school and you know we're fielding you know 20 kids a day trying to come in and say hey I want to come play for the program and so you know on our first day of practice last week we had about 130 kids yes and just recently for those that are moving on from the program signing day afters happened and can you give us an idea of yeah we had a mate 8 kids sign with Division one two or nai universities and we anticipate another 10 aligning you know probably five finding Division one and so we'll have a total of about eighteen maybe even twenty that will sign and go on and get their school paid for at the next level in law you know when you look at the broad scheme of things at this level that's that's the goal is to be able to give our student athletes the opportunity to continue their education hopefully get it paid for at least a chunk of it paid for and that's probably at the end of the day our biggest accomplishment is really you know getting those kids the you know notoriety that they deserve getting them the visibility that they need to have to get these opportunities and so we're going to have a good handful of kids sign and you know it's probably going to be a lot more even in the following year which is great and you continue to resonate coach not only for the school and the coaches your fellow coaches I'm going to coaching staff and the school in the community but for these players my goodness of looking again at the all-conference teams and just to give our viewers an idea here out of so many players on on each of the squad's first team offense and defense on offense six players from East LA college and then on first team defense to and on on second team offense three and on second team defense another three yeah the grand total right there we have six twelve fourteen players right coach that's that's incredible it's unheard of it's pretty phenomenal they had a great group and you know that that group could have been larger um you know but unfortunately you can't vote your whole team in true but I think the you know the way we played and the record and it all kind of showed you know what we had even aside from those 14 and and out of this group here coach I know we can't mention everybody but I do know your team leader Jonathan Santos and we had a tremendous season and I no we can't spend a lot of time talking about him but if you'd like to mention some of your key players okay and I mean that in the sense that they were always there to go to very sturdy very durable stamina wives they were always there anyone in particularly because you can list the laundry list of guys but you know JP and Antonio we were two phenomenal ones I mean we had you know Jonathan Santos Chris Blanton San Juan whitehead semaj Douglas Kyrie Wallace you know I mean CJ French love I mean the list goes on and on with guys that that were all-conference guys and you know a good handful that we'll be back next year you know that we'll be able to take the torch from from these guys and continue that momentum in the right direction coach Bobby Godinez head coach Bobby Kadena is wow what a tremendous year number one it was it's going to be very interesting to see your topic torch and hopefully with a high state ranking and as they say the bowls get a little more in prestige as you go up yeah - if you have them one or two ranking in the state to LA for the state championship that that's the goal I believe you know we ended up number 25 in the state at the end of this year number two in our division and you know I believe we'll have a top you know two or three ranking in our division and probably top 25 rankings to start okay this year so it's only good things from here to try to find yeah coach two quick things here real quick I know that these are young men who are dedicated to the community and I know that East LA college always does community outreach work any projects you've adopted or you personally want to bring your players and students into to help the community well I mean we're really active in the community we're really trying to you know one of my coaches coach Carter's really taken ownership over the male leadership academy at East LA college and we're really trying to to push some of our athletes into that direction to get them extra resources that they need to to be able to succeed in school and give them avenues that they might not have otherwise and you know I mean from a football academic standpoint we're always there trying to help our student-athletes succeed and we're going to have a new academic basically success venue actually right next to our stadium where we will have the ability to hold larger study halls with numerous amounts of computers and tutors and everything like that so those things getting off the ground are huge for us because it allows us to you know really sell ourselves on things other than football that allow us to to show them physically that you know they're going to be able to succeed here because all the resources are going to be right in front of them to be able to do so and coach quickly now sort our viewers especially parents who are in that zone now suit Bobby or you know maybe Johnny or Juan somebody's going to be graduating yeah from school here locally or whoever sees us on the internet and may want to try to reach you can they reach out to you at school yeah you know you just go on the East Los Angeles College Sports website the athletic website and you just click on football and my picture will be right there you know my email and a phone number to contact me at and I'm always available and I always call back so we want everybody that wants to be a part of our program we want them here and possibly if enough parents are generated interest a tour of the facility absolutely yeah we're like I said we're given multiple two three four tours a day for about twenty kids per day dude right now that's really good okay coach and finally your turn with the microphone digress back to you and say whatever you'd like to mention to the community to your family to friends coaches yeah you know I first wanted to just you know think you know I'll come for the opportunity to be a part of this program first part my family my wife Jennifer you know she's been the most supportive part of my life and I probably don't tell her enough but she really is she's moved all the way to North Carolina and back with me you know and so you know it all led us to this this point and you know I'm in a place that I feel that I'm at home at and for the East Los Angeles you know community I'm here and you know that's not going to change and things are going to get better and we want everybody that wants to be a part of this process we want them to be a part of this process and so I invite all comers to come and you know introduce themselves and you know I'm sure everybody that does will like what they see just one of the aspect of the school the president the president day is very very supportive of sports I know you have a lot to say thank you to him for absolutely Marvin Martinez has been a huge advocate of our program in a you know just a great individual and I've met him from the beginning and we had a great connection from that point and you know I continuously and go up there and say hi to them and you know I get the big smile and Easy's he seems to be enjoying the direction our programs going at and hopefully more important than that Easy's happy with the success from our student-athletes and moving forward because that is the most important part coach Bobby Godinez success breeding success always upwards yes never backwards always forward okay we're going to have the JP and Antonio just come come right up behind us guys and bit of farewell to to all of your supporters and yeah if you have oh we have some hardware yeah we sure we we show that your conference championship a black come on JP a little closer and we try to get a tight shot of that so it's all about right here okay all right very very good and Antonio same view we want to wish both of you the best of everything in life and yond yeah wherever you go I may the good Lord follow you and protect you and keep you in stead and make good things happen for you but they will keep praying they pray well as well thank you good man keep it up Yvette always and we'll see you always you now you have a marker here yeah on the website this program should stay on offer for quite a while yeah okay so on behalf of our staff here you still a sports scene is there X on e producing and directing and one of our associates a dear friend of ours Mario Diego's representing many many facets of East LA colleges athletic program we thank him for all of his kind efforts and reaching out to us and staying staying complete with us about getting athletes and coaches from East LA college to come join us here on UCLA sports scene so again thanks for watching football's not too far away but it's going to be here before you know so enjoy the time off but also get a chance watch East LA college on our website you'll see the pretty much the patriotic Bowl shot here by Eric sarni and it's on our website we encourage you to watch that it's a fantastic game and it's also you'll see a photo gallery there many many sights and sounds from that particular highlight of highlight game of the season for 2016 so for Bobby Joe Dean is JP Florida's Antonio Sauceda yours truly Rico Cabrera thanks for watching and we'll see you on the next edition of East LA sport's ENCOM take care you
Channel: East L.A. Sports Scene
Views: 193
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: East L.A. College Football, East L.A. College, ELAC, East L.A. Sports Scene
Id: bK1CRFTx6lA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 34sec (3334 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2017
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